Java tutorial
/* * #%L * cwf-fhir-core * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2016 Healthcare Services Platform Consortium * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package org.hspconsortium.cwf.fhir.common; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.MethodUtils; import org.carewebframework.common.DateUtil; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Address; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Address.AddressUse; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Annotation; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Bundle; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Bundle.BundleEntryComponent; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.CodeableConcept; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Coding; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.ContactPoint; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.DateTimeType; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.DateType; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.HumanName; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.HumanName.NameUse; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Identifier; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome.IssueSeverity; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome.OperationOutcomeIssueComponent; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Patient; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Period; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Quantity; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Reference; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.SimpleQuantity; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Timing; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Timing.TimingRepeatComponent; import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Timing.UnitsOfTime; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseCoding; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseDatatype; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType; import; /** * Domain object utility methods. */ public class FhirUtil { public static class OperationOutcomeException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final OperationOutcome operationOutcome; private final IssueSeverity severity; private OperationOutcomeException(String message, IssueSeverity severity, OperationOutcome operationOutcome) { super(message); this.severity = severity; this.operationOutcome = operationOutcome; } public OperationOutcome getOperationOutcome() { return operationOutcome; } public IssueSeverity getSeverity() { return severity; } } public static IHumanNameParser defaultHumanNameParser = new HumanNameParser(); /** * Adds a tag to a resource if not already present. * * @param tag Tag to add. * @param resource Resource to receive tag. * @return True if the tag was added. */ public static boolean addTag(IBaseCoding tag, IBaseResource resource) { boolean exists = resource.getMeta().getTag(tag.getSystem(), tag.getCode()) != null; if (!exists) { IBaseCoding newTag = resource.getMeta().addTag(); newTag.setCode(tag.getCode()); newTag.setSystem(tag.getSystem()); newTag.setDisplay(tag.getDisplay()); } return !exists; } /** * Returns the first resource tag matching the specified system. * * @param resource The resource. * @param system The system. * @return The first matching tag or null if none found. */ public static IBaseCoding getTagBySystem(IBaseResource resource, String system) { for (IBaseCoding coding : resource.getMeta().getTag()) { if (system.equals(coding.getSystem())) { return coding; } } return null; } /** * Returns all resource tags belonging to the specified system. * * @param resource The resource. * @param system The system. * @return A list of matching tags; never null; */ public static List<IBaseCoding> getTagsBySystem(IBaseResource resource, String system) { List<IBaseCoding> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (IBaseCoding coding : resource.getMeta().getTag()) { if (system.equals(coding.getSystem())) { result.add(coding); } } return result; } /** * Performs an equality check on two resources using their id's. * * @param res1 The first resource. * @param res2 The second resource. * @return True if the two resources have equal id's. */ public static <T extends IBaseResource> boolean areEqual(T res1, T res2) { return areEqual(res1, res2, false); } /** * Performs an equality check on two resources using their id's. * * @param res1 The first resource. * @param res2 The second resource. * @param ignoreVersion If true, ignore any version qualifiers in the comparison. * @return True if the two resources have equal id's. */ public static <T extends IBaseResource> boolean areEqual(T res1, T res2, boolean ignoreVersion) { if (res1 == null || res2 == null) { return false; } return res1 == res2 || getIdAsString(res1, ignoreVersion).equals(getIdAsString(res2, ignoreVersion)); } /** * Performs an equality check on two references using their id's. * * @param ref1 The first resource. * @param ref2 The second resource. * @return True if the two references have equal id's. */ public static <T extends Reference> boolean areEqual(T ref1, T ref2) { return areEqual(ref1, ref2, false); } /** * Performs an equality check on two resources using their id's. * * @param ref1 The first resource. * @param ref2 The second resource. * @param ignoreVersion If true, ignore any version qualifiers in the comparison. * @return True if the two resources have equal id's. */ public static <T extends Reference> boolean areEqual(T ref1, T ref2, boolean ignoreVersion) { if (ref1 == null || ref2 == null) { return false; } return ref1 == ref2 || getIdAsString(ref1, ignoreVersion).equals(getIdAsString(ref2, ignoreVersion)); } /** * Performs an equality check between a resource and a reference using their id's. * * @param res The resource. * @param ref The reference. * @return True if the two inputs have equal id's. */ public static <T extends IBaseResource, R extends Reference> boolean areEqual(T res, R ref) { return areEqual(res, ref, false); } /** * Performs an equality check between a resource and a reference using their id's. * * @param res The resource. * @param ref The reference. * @param ignoreVersion If true, ignore any version qualifiers in the comparison. * @return True if the two inputs have equal id's. */ public static <T extends IBaseResource, R extends Reference> boolean areEqual(T res, R ref, boolean ignoreVersion) { if (res == null || ref == null) { return false; } IBaseResource res2 = ref.getResource(); if (res2 != null) { return areEqual(res, res2, ignoreVersion); } return getIdAsString(ref, ignoreVersion).equals(getIdAsString(res, ignoreVersion)); } /** * Checks the response from a server request to determine if it is an OperationOutcome with a * severity of ERROR or FATAL. If so, it will throw a runtime exception with the diagnostics of * the issue(s). * * @param resource The resource returned by a server request. * @return Returns true if the resource was an OperationOutcome with no critical issues. * @throws OperationOutcomeException Exception if severity was ERROR or FATAL. */ public static boolean checkOutcome(IBaseResource resource) { if (resource instanceof OperationOutcome) { OperationOutcome outcome = (OperationOutcome) resource; IssueSeverity severity = IssueSeverity.NULL; if (outcome.hasIssue()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (OperationOutcomeIssueComponent issue : outcome.getIssue()) { IssueSeverity theSeverity = issue.getSeverity(); if (theSeverity == IssueSeverity.ERROR || theSeverity == IssueSeverity.FATAL) { sb.append(issue.getDiagnostics()).append(" (").append(theSeverity.getDisplay()) .append(")\n"); severity = theSeverity.ordinal() < severity.ordinal() ? theSeverity : severity; } } if (sb.length() != 0) { throw new OperationOutcomeException(sb.toString(), severity, outcome); } } return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if the resource is assignment-compatible with one of the classes list. * * @param classes List of classes to check. * @param resource The resource to test. * @return True if the resource is assignment-compatible with one of the classes in the list. */ private static <T extends IBaseResource> boolean classMatches(List<Class<T>> classes, IBaseResource resource) { for (Class<T> clazz : classes) { if (clazz.isInstance(resource)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Concatenates a path fragment to a root path. Ensures that a single "/" character separates * the two parts. * * @param root The root path. * @param fragment The path fragment. * @return The concatenated result. */ public static String concatPath(String root, String fragment) { while (root.endsWith("/")) { root = root.substring(0, root.length() - 1); } while (fragment.startsWith("/")) { fragment = fragment.substring(1); } return root + "/" + fragment; } /** * Convert a string-based time unit to the corresponding enum. * * @param timeUnit The time unit. * @return The corresponding enumeration value. */ public static UnitsOfTime convertTimeUnitToEnum(String timeUnit) { try { return UnitsOfTime.valueOf(timeUnit.toUpperCase()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown time unit " + timeUnit); } } /** * Convenience method that creates a CodeableConcept with a single coding. * * @param system The coding system. * @param code The code. * @param displayName The concept's display name. * @return A CodeableConcept instance. */ public static CodeableConcept createCodeableConcept(String system, String code, String displayName) { CodeableConcept codeableConcept = new CodeableConcept(); Coding coding = new Coding(system, code, displayName); codeableConcept.addCoding(coding); return codeableConcept; } public static Identifier createIdentifier(String system, String value) { Identifier identifier = new Identifier(); identifier.setSystem(system); identifier.setValue(value); return identifier; } /** * Creates a period object from a start and end date. * * @param startDate The starting date. * @param endDate The ending date. * @return A period object, or null if both dates are null. */ public static Period createPeriod(Date startDate, Date endDate) { Period period = null; if (startDate != null) { period = new Period(); period.setStart(startDate); } if (endDate != null) { (period == null ? period = new Period() : period).setEnd(endDate); } return period; } /** * Method returns true if two quantities are equal. Compares two quantities by comparing their * values and their units. TODO Do a comparator instead * * @param qty1 The first quantity * @param qty2 The second quantity * @return True if the two quantities are equal. */ public static boolean equalQuantities(Quantity qty1, Quantity qty2) { if (qty1 == null || qty2 == null || qty1.getUnit() == null || qty2.getUnit() == null || qty1.getValue() == null || qty2.getValue() == null) { return false; } else if (qty1 == qty2) { return true; } else if ((qty1.getValue().compareTo(qty2.getValue()) == 0) && qty1.getUnit().equals(qty2.getUnit())) { // TODO: Fix floating compares within some margin. return true; } else { // TODO Flawed because no unit conversion done here. I am leaving this for a good utility. return false; } } /** * Formats a name using the active parser. * * @param name HumanName instance. * @return Formatted name. */ public static String formatName(HumanName name) { return name == null ? "" : defaultHumanNameParser.toString(name); } /** * Format the "usual" name. * * @param names List of names * @return A formatted name. */ public static String formatName(List<HumanName> names) { return formatName(names, NameUse.USUAL, null); } /** * Format a name of the specified use category. * * @param names List of names * @param uses Use categories (use categories to search). * @return A formatted name. */ public static String formatName(List<HumanName> names, NameUse... uses) { return formatName(getName(names, uses)); } /** * Returns an address of the desired use category from a list. * * @param list List of addresses to consider. * @param uses One or more use categories. These are searched in order until one is found. A * null value matches any use category. * @return An address with a matching use category, or null if none found. */ public static Address getAddress(List<Address> list, AddressUse... uses) { for (AddressUse use : uses) { for (Address address : list) { if (use == null || use.equals(address.getUse())) { return address; } } } return null; } /** * Returns a list of addresses from a resource if one exists. * * @param resource Resource of interest. * @return List of addresses associated with resource or null if none. */ public static List<Address> getAddresses(IBaseResource resource) { return getListProperty(resource, "address", Address.class); } /** * Returns a coding of the desired system from a list. * * @param list List of codings to consider. * @param systems One or more systems to consider. These are searched in order until one is * found. A null value matches any system. * @return An coding with a matching system, or null if none found. */ public static Coding getCoding(List<Coding> list, String... systems) { for (String system : systems) { for (Coding coding : list) { if (system == null || system.equals(coding.getSystem())) { return coding; } } } return null; } /** * Returns an contact of the desired type category from a list. * * @param list List of contacts to consider. * @param type Contact type to find (e.g., "home:phone"). * @return A contact with a matching type, or null if none found. */ public static ContactPoint getContact(List<ContactPoint> list, String type) { String[] pcs = type.split(":", 2); for (ContactPoint contact : list) { if (pcs[0].equals(contact.getUse()) && pcs[1].equals(contact.getSystem())) { return contact; } } return null; } public static String getDisplayValue(Annotation value) { return value.getText(); } /** * Returns a displayable value for a codeable concept. * * @param value Codeable concept. * @return Displayable value. */ public static String getDisplayValue(CodeableConcept value) { Coding coding = FhirUtil.getFirst(value.getCoding()); String result = coding == null ? "" : coding.getDisplay(); return result == null ? coding.getCode() : result; } public static String getDisplayValue(DateTimeType value) { return DateUtil.formatDate(value.getValue()); } public static String getDisplayValue(DateType value) { return DateUtil.formatDate(value.getValue()); } public static String getDisplayValue(Period value) { Date start = value.getStart(); Date end = value.getEnd(); String result = ""; if (start != null) { result = DateUtil.formatDate(start); if (start.equals(end)) { end = null; } } if (end != null) { result += (result.isEmpty() ? "" : " - ") + DateUtil.formatDate(end); } return result; } public static String getDisplayValue(Quantity value) { String units = value.getUnit(); return value.getValue().toString() + (units == null ? "" : " " + units); } public static String getDisplayValue(Reference value) { return value.getDisplay(); } public static String getDisplayValue(SimpleQuantity value) { String unit = value.hasUnit() ? " " + value.getUnit() : ""; return value.getValue().toPlainString() + unit; } public static String getDisplayValue(Timing value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getDisplayValueForType(value.getCode())).append(" "); TimingRepeatComponent repeat = value.getRepeat(); if (!repeat.isEmpty()) { // TODO: finish } if (!value.getEvent().isEmpty()) { sb.append(" at ").append(getDisplayValueForTypes(value.getEvent(), ", ")); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Delegates to the getDisplayValue function for the runtime type of value, if available. * Otherwise, calls toString() on the value. * * @param value Value to format for display. * @return The formatted value. */ public static String getDisplayValueForType(IBaseDatatype value) { if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) { return ""; } try { Method method = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(FhirUtil.class, "getDisplayValue", value.getClass()); return method == null ? value.toString() : (String) method.invoke(null, value); } catch (Exception e) { return value.toString(); } } /** * Invokes getDisplayValueForType on each list element, using the specified delimiter to * separate results. * * @param values Values to format for display. * @param delimiter Delimiter to separate multiple values. * @return The formatted values. */ public static String getDisplayValueForTypes(List<? extends IBaseDatatype> values, String delimiter) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (IBaseDatatype value : values) { String result = getDisplayValueForType(value); if (!result.isEmpty()) { sb.append(sb.length() == 0 ? "" : delimiter).append(result); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Extracts resources of the specified class from a bundle. * * @param bundle The bundle. * @param clazz Class of resource to extract. * @return The list of extracted resources. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends IBaseResource> List<T> getEntries(Bundle bundle, Class<T> clazz) { return (List<T>) getEntries(bundle, Collections.singletonList(clazz), null); } /** * Extracts resources from a bundle according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. * * @param bundle The bundle. * @param inclusions List of resource classes to extract. May be null to indicate all classes * should be extracted. * @param exclusions List of resource classes to be excluded. May be null to indicate no classes * should be excluded. Exclusions take precedence over inclusions. * @return The list of extracted resources. */ public static <T extends IBaseResource> List<IBaseResource> getEntries(Bundle bundle, List<Class<T>> inclusions, List<Class<T>> exclusions) { List<IBaseResource> entries = new ArrayList<>(); if (bundle != null) { for (BundleEntryComponent entry : bundle.getEntry()) { IBaseResource resource = entry.getResource(); boolean exclude = exclusions != null && classMatches(exclusions, resource); boolean include = !exclude && (inclusions == null || classMatches(inclusions, resource)); if (include) { entries.add(resource); } } } return entries; } /** * Returns the first element in a list, or null if there is none. * * @param list A list. * @return The first list element, or null if none. */ public static <T> T getFirst(List<T> list) { return list == null || list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0); } /** * Attempts to find the frequency code for the proposed timing. For instance Frequency = 1 in * Duration of 24h is 'QD' TODO Handle hard coding used for initial wiring * * @param repeat The timing. * @return Frequency code corresponding to timing. */ public static Coding getFrequencyFromRepeat(TimingRepeatComponent repeat) { Coding frequency = new Coding(); if (repeat != null && repeat.getPeriod() != null) { frequency.setSystem(FhirTerminology.SYS_COGMED); if (repeat.getFrequency() == 1 && repeat.getPeriod().intValue() == 24) { frequency.setCode("1"); frequency.setDisplay("QD"); } else if ((repeat.getFrequency() == 1 && repeat.getPeriod().intValue() == 8) || (repeat.getFrequency() == 3 && repeat.getPeriod().intValue() == 24)) { frequency.setCode("2"); frequency.setDisplay("Q8H"); } } return frequency; } /** * Returns the string representation of the id. * * @param id The id. * @param stripVersion If true and the id has a version qualifier, remove it. * @return The string representation of the id. */ public static String getIdAsString(IIdType id, boolean stripVersion) { String result = id == null ? null : id.getValueAsString(); return result == null ? "" : stripVersion && id.hasVersionIdPart() ? stripVersion(result) : result; } /** * Returns the string representation of the resource's id. * * @param resource The resource. * @param stripVersion If true and the id has a version qualifier, remove it. * @return The string representation of the resource's id. */ public static <T extends IBaseResource> String getIdAsString(T resource, boolean stripVersion) { return getIdAsString(resource.getIdElement(), stripVersion); } /** * Returns the string representation of the reference's resource id. * * @param reference The reference. * @param stripVersion If true and the id has a version qualifier, remove it. * @return The string representation of the id. */ public static String getIdAsString(Reference reference, boolean stripVersion) { IBaseResource res = reference == null ? null : reference.getResource(); if (res != null) { return getIdAsString(res, stripVersion); } String result = reference == null ? null : reference.getReference(); return result == null ? "" : stripVersion ? stripVersion(result) : result; } /** * Returns the first identifier from the list that matches one of the specified types. A search * is performed for each specified type, returning when a match is found. * * @param list List of identifiers to consider. * @param types Coding types to be matched. * @return A matching identifier, or null if not found. */ public static Identifier getIdentifier(List<Identifier> list, Coding... types) { for (Coding type : types) { for (Identifier id : list) { for (Coding coding : id.getType().getCoding()) { if (coding.getSystem().equals(type.getSystem()) && coding.getCode().equals(type.getCode())) { return id; } } } } return null; } /** * Returns identifiers for the given resource, if any. * * @param resource Resource whose identifiers are sought. * @return List of associated identifier, or null if the resource doesn't support identifiers. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Identifier> getIdentifiers(IBaseResource resource) { return getProperty(resource, "getIdentifier", List.class); } /** * Returns the last element in a list, or null if there is none. * * @param list A list. * @return The last list element, or null if none. */ public static <T> T getLast(List<T> list) { return list == null || list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(list.size() - 1); } /** * Returns a patient's MRN. (What types should be explicitly considered?) * * @param patient Patient * @return MRN identifier */ public static Identifier getMRN(Patient patient) { return patient == null ? null : getIdentifier(patient.getIdentifier(), FhirTerminology.CODING_MRN); } /** * Returns a patient's MRN. (What labels should be explicitly considered?) * * @param patient Patient * @return MRN as a string. */ public static String getMRNString(Patient patient) { Identifier identifier = getMRN(patient); return identifier == null ? "" : identifier.getValue(); } /** * Returns a name of the desired use category from a list. * * @param list List of names to consider. * @param uses One or more use categories. These are searched in order until one is found. A * null value matches any use category. * @return A name with a matching use category, or null if none found. */ public static HumanName getName(List<HumanName> list, NameUse... uses) { for (NameUse use : uses) { for (HumanName name : list) { if (use == null || use.equals(name.getUse())) { return name; } } } return null; } /** * Returns a list of names from a resource if one exists. * * @param resource Resource of interest. * @return List of names associated with resource or null if none. */ public static List<HumanName> getNames(IBaseResource resource) { return getListProperty(resource, "name", HumanName.class); } /** * Returns the patient associated with a resource. * * @param resource Resource whose associated patient is sought. * @return A patient resource. */ public static Reference getPatient(IBaseResource resource) { Reference ref = getProperty(resource, "getPatient", Reference.class); ref = ref != null ? ref : getProperty(resource, "getSubject", Reference.class); return ref == null || !ref.hasReference() ? null : "Patient".equals(getResourceType(ref.getReferenceElement())) ? ref : null; } /** * Returns the value of a property from a resource base. * * @param resource The resource containing the property. * @param getter The name of the getter method for the property. * @param expectedClass The expected class of the property value (null for any). * @return The value of the property. A null return value may mean the property does not exist * or the property getter returned null. Will never throw an exception. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T> T getProperty(IBaseResource resource, String getter, Class<T> expectedClass) { Object result = null; try { result = MethodUtils.invokeMethod(resource, getter, (Object[]) null); result = result == null || expectedClass == null ? result : expectedClass.isInstance(result) ? result : null; } catch (Exception e) { } return (T) result; } /** * Returns the value of a property that returns a list from a resource base. * * @param resource The resource containing the property. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param itemClass The expected class of the list elements. * @return The value of the property. A null return value may mean the property does not exist * or the property getter returned null. Will never throw an exception. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> List<T> getListProperty(IBaseResource resource, String propertyName, Class<T> itemClass) { try { return (List<T>) PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(resource, propertyName); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Method sets the FHIR repeat for the given frequency code * * @param frequencyCode The frequency code. * @return The corresponding timing. */ public static TimingRepeatComponent getRepeatFromFrequencyCode(String frequencyCode) { TimingRepeatComponent repeat = new TimingRepeatComponent(); if (frequencyCode != null && frequencyCode.equals("QD")) { repeat.setFrequency(1); repeat.setPeriod(24); } if (frequencyCode != null && frequencyCode.equals("Q8H")) { repeat.setFrequency(1); repeat.setPeriod(8); } return repeat; } /** * Returns the base 64-encoded equivalent of a resource. * * @param resourceName The resource name. * @return The base 64-encoded resource. */ public static byte[] getResourceAndConvertToBase64(String resourceName) { return Base64.encodeBase64(getResourceAsByteArray(resourceName)); } /** * Returns the resource as a byte array. * * @param resourceName The resource name. * @return The resource as a byte array. */ public static byte[] getResourceAsByteArray(String resourceName) { try (InputStream is = FhirUtil.class.getClassLoader().getResource(resourceName).openStream()) { return IOUtils.toByteArray(is); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error deserializing file " + resourceName, e); } } /** * Returns the resource ID relative path. * * @param resource The resource. * @return The resource's relative path. */ public static String getResourceIdPath(IBaseResource resource) { return getResourceIdPath(resource, true); } /** * Returns the resource ID relative path. * * @param resource The resource. * @param stripVersion If true and the id has a version qualifier, remove it. * @return The resource's relative path. */ public static String getResourceIdPath(IBaseResource resource, boolean stripVersion) { String id = resource.getIdElement().getResourceType() + "/" + resource.getIdElement().getIdPart(); return stripVersion ? stripVersion(id) : id; } /** * Returns the resource type from a resource. * * @param resource The resource. * @return The type of resource. */ public static String getResourceType(IBaseResource resource) { return resource == null ? null : getResourceType(resource.getIdElement()); } /** * Extracts a resource type from an id. * * @param id Identifier. * @return The resource type. */ public static String getResourceType(IIdType id) { return id == null || id.isEmpty() ? null : id.getResourceType(); } /** * Casts an unspecified data type to a specific data type if possible. * * @param value The value to cast. * @param clazz The type to cast to. * @return The value cast to the specified type, or null if not possible. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <V, T extends V> T getTyped(V value, Class<T> clazz) { return clazz.isInstance(value) ? (T) value : null; } /** * Parses a name using the active parser. * * @param name String form of name. * @return Parsed name. */ public static HumanName parseName(String name) { return name == null ? null : defaultHumanNameParser.fromString(null, name); } /** * Processes a MethodOutcome from a create or update request. If the request returns an updated * version of the resource, that resource is returned. If the request returns a logical id, that * id is set in the original resource. If the request resulted in an error, a runtime exception * is thrown. * * @param outcome The method outcome. * @param resource The resource upon which the method was performed. * @return If the method returned a new resource, that resource is returned. Otherwise, the * original resource is returned, possibly with an updated logical id. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends IBaseResource> T processMethodOutcome(MethodOutcome outcome, T resource) { checkOutcome(outcome.getOperationOutcome()); IIdType id = outcome.getId(); IBaseResource newResource = outcome.getResource(); if (id != null) { resource.setId(id); } else if (newResource != null && newResource.getClass() == resource.getClass()) { resource = (T) newResource; } return resource; } /** * Removes a tag from a resource if present. * * @param tag Tag to remove. * @param resource Resource to containing tag. * @return True if the tag was removed. */ public static boolean removeTag(IBaseCoding tag, IBaseResource resource) { IBaseCoding theTag = resource.getMeta().getTag(tag.getSystem(), tag.getCode()); if (theTag != null) { resource.getMeta().getTag().remove(theTag); return true; } return false; } /** * Strips the version qualifier from an id, if present. * * @param id The id. * @return The id without a version qualifier. */ public static String stripVersion(String id) { int i = id.lastIndexOf("/_history"); return i == -1 ? id : id.substring(0, i); } /** * Strips the version qualifier from a resource, if present. * * @param resource The resource. * @return The input resource, possibly modified. */ public static <T extends IBaseResource> T stripVersion(T resource) { IIdType id = resource.getIdElement(); if (id.hasVersionIdPart()) { id.setValue(stripVersion(id.getValue())); resource.setId(id); } return resource; } /** * Converts a list of objects to a list of their string equivalents. * * @param source The source list. * @return A list of string equivalents. */ public static List<String> toStringList(List<?> source) { List<String> dest = new ArrayList<>(source.size()); for (Object value : source) { dest.add(value.toString()); } return dest; } /** * Enforce static class. */ private FhirUtil() { } }