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 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.
package org.hibernate.engine.spi;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.collection.spi.PersistentCollection;
import org.hibernate.engine.loading.internal.LoadContexts;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.MarkerObject;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;

 * Represents the state of "stuff" Hibernate is tracking, including (not exhaustive):
 * <ul>
 *     <li>entities</li>
 *     <li>collections</li>
 *     <li>snapshots</li>
 *     <li>proxies</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p/>
 * Often referred to as the "first level cache".
 * @author Gavin King
 * @author Steve Ebersole
@SuppressWarnings({ "JavaDoc" })
public interface PersistenceContext {
     * Marker object used to indicate (via reference checking) that no row was returned.
    Object NO_ROW = new MarkerObject("NO_ROW");

    @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" })
    boolean isStateless();

     * Get the session to which this persistence context is bound.
     * @return The session.
    SharedSessionContractImplementor getSession();

     * Retrieve this persistence context's managed load context.
     * @return The load context
    LoadContexts getLoadContexts();

     * Add a collection which has no owner loaded
     * @param key The collection key under which to add the collection
     * @param collection The collection to add
    void addUnownedCollection(CollectionKey key, PersistentCollection collection);

     * Take ownership of a previously unowned collection, if one.  This method returns {@code null} if no such
     * collection was previous added () or was previously removed.
     * <p/>
     * This should indicate the owner is being loaded and we are ready to "link" them.
     * @param key The collection key for which to locate a collection collection
     * @return The unowned collection, or {@code null}
    PersistentCollection useUnownedCollection(CollectionKey key);

     * Get the {@link BatchFetchQueue}, instantiating one if necessary.
     * @return The batch fetch queue in effect for this persistence context
    BatchFetchQueue getBatchFetchQueue();

     * Clear the state of the persistence context
    void clear();

     * @return false if we know for certain that all the entities are read-only
    @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" })
    boolean hasNonReadOnlyEntities();

     * Set the status of an entry
     * @param entry The entry for which to set the status
     * @param status The new status
    void setEntryStatus(EntityEntry entry, Status status);

     * Called after transactions end
    void afterTransactionCompletion();

     * Get the current state of the entity as known to the underlying database, or null if there is no
     * corresponding row
     * @param id The identifier of the entity for which to grab a snapshot
     * @param persister The persister of the entity.
     * @return The entity's (non-cached) snapshot
     * @see #getCachedDatabaseSnapshot
    Object[] getDatabaseSnapshot(Serializable id, EntityPersister persister);

     * Retrieve the cached database snapshot for the requested entity key.
     * <p/>
     * This differs from {@link #getDatabaseSnapshot} is two important respects:<ol>
     * <li>no snapshot is obtained from the database if not already cached</li>
     * <li>an entry of {@link #NO_ROW} here is interpretet as an exception</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param key The entity key for which to retrieve the cached snapshot
     * @return The cached snapshot
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cached snapshot was == {@link #NO_ROW}.
    Object[] getCachedDatabaseSnapshot(EntityKey key);

     * Get the values of the natural id fields as known to the underlying database, or null if the entity has no
     * natural id or there is no corresponding row.
     * @param id The identifier of the entity for which to grab a snapshot
     * @param persister The persister of the entity.
     * @return The current (non-cached) snapshot of the entity's natural id state.
    Object[] getNaturalIdSnapshot(Serializable id, EntityPersister persister);

     * Add a canonical mapping from entity key to entity instance
     * @param key The key under which to add an entity
     * @param entity The entity instance to add
    void addEntity(EntityKey key, Object entity);

     * Get the entity instance associated with the given key
     * @param key The key under which to look for an entity
     * @return The matching entity, or {@code null}
    Object getEntity(EntityKey key);

     * Is there an entity with the given key in the persistence context
     * @param key The key under which to look for an entity
     * @return {@code true} indicates an entity was found; otherwise {@code false}
    boolean containsEntity(EntityKey key);

     * Remove an entity.  Also clears up all other state associated with the entity aside from the {@link EntityEntry}
     * @param key The key whose matching entity should be removed
     * @return The matching entity
    Object removeEntity(EntityKey key);

     * Add an entity to the cache by unique key
     * @param euk The unique (non-primary) key under which to add an entity
     * @param entity The entity instance
    void addEntity(EntityUniqueKey euk, Object entity);

     * Get an entity cached by unique key
     * @param euk The unique (non-primary) key under which to look for an entity
     * @return The located entity
    Object getEntity(EntityUniqueKey euk);

     * Retrieve the {@link EntityEntry} representation of the given entity.
     * @param entity The entity instance for which to locate the corresponding entry
     * @return The entry
    EntityEntry getEntry(Object entity);

     * Remove an entity entry from the session cache
     * @param entity The entity instance for which to remove the corresponding entry
     * @return The matching entry
    EntityEntry removeEntry(Object entity);

     * Is there an {@link EntityEntry} registration for this entity instance?
     * @param entity The entity instance for which to check for an entry
     * @return {@code true} indicates a matching entry was found.
    boolean isEntryFor(Object entity);

     * Get the collection entry for a persistent collection
     * @param coll The persistent collection instance for which to locate the collection entry
     * @return The matching collection entry
    CollectionEntry getCollectionEntry(PersistentCollection coll);

     * Adds an entity to the internal caches.
    EntityEntry addEntity(final Object entity, final Status status, final Object[] loadedState,
            final EntityKey entityKey, final Object version, final LockMode lockMode,
            final boolean existsInDatabase, final EntityPersister persister, final boolean disableVersionIncrement);

     * Generates an appropriate EntityEntry instance and adds it 
     * to the event source's internal caches.
    EntityEntry addEntry(final Object entity, final Status status, final Object[] loadedState, final Object rowId,
            final Serializable id, final Object version, final LockMode lockMode, final boolean existsInDatabase,
            final EntityPersister persister, final boolean disableVersionIncrement);

     * Is the given collection associated with this persistence context?
    boolean containsCollection(PersistentCollection collection);

     * Is the given proxy associated with this persistence context?
    boolean containsProxy(Object proxy);

     * Takes the given object and, if it represents a proxy, reassociates it with this event source.
     * @param value The possible proxy to be reassociated.
     * @return Whether the passed value represented an actual proxy which got initialized.
     * @throws MappingException
    boolean reassociateIfUninitializedProxy(Object value) throws MappingException;

     * If a deleted entity instance is re-saved, and it has a proxy, we need to
     * reset the identifier of the proxy 
    void reassociateProxy(Object value, Serializable id) throws MappingException;

     * Get the entity instance underlying the given proxy, throwing
     * an exception if the proxy is uninitialized. If the given object
     * is not a proxy, simply return the argument.
    Object unproxy(Object maybeProxy) throws HibernateException;

     * Possibly unproxy the given reference and reassociate it with the current session.
     * @param maybeProxy The reference to be unproxied if it currently represents a proxy.
     * @return The unproxied instance.
     * @throws HibernateException
    Object unproxyAndReassociate(Object maybeProxy) throws HibernateException;

     * Attempts to check whether the given key represents an entity already loaded within the
     * current session.
     * @param object The entity reference against which to perform the uniqueness check.
     * @throws HibernateException
    void checkUniqueness(EntityKey key, Object object) throws HibernateException;

     * If the existing proxy is insufficiently "narrow" (derived), instantiate a new proxy
     * and overwrite the registration of the old one. This breaks == and occurs only for
     * "class" proxies rather than "interface" proxies. Also init the proxy to point to
     * the given target implementation if necessary.
     * @param proxy The proxy instance to be narrowed.
     * @param persister The persister for the proxied entity.
     * @param key The internal cache key for the proxied entity.
     * @param object (optional) the actual proxied entity instance.
     * @return An appropriately narrowed instance.
     * @throws HibernateException
    Object narrowProxy(Object proxy, EntityPersister persister, EntityKey key, Object object)
            throws HibernateException;

     * Return the existing proxy associated with the given <tt>EntityKey</tt>, or the
     * third argument (the entity associated with the key) if no proxy exists. Init
     * the proxy to the target implementation, if necessary.
    Object proxyFor(EntityPersister persister, EntityKey key, Object impl) throws HibernateException;

     * Return the existing proxy associated with the given <tt>EntityKey</tt>, or the
     * argument (the entity associated with the key) if no proxy exists.
     * (slower than the form above)
    Object proxyFor(Object impl) throws HibernateException;

     * Cross between {@link #addEntity(EntityKey, Object)} and {@link #addProxy(EntityKey, Object)}
     * for use with enhancement-as-proxy
    void addEnhancedProxy(EntityKey key, PersistentAttributeInterceptable entity);

     * Get the entity that owns this persistent collection
    Object getCollectionOwner(Serializable key, CollectionPersister collectionPersister) throws MappingException;

     * Get the entity that owned this persistent collection when it was loaded
     * @param collection The persistent collection
     * @return the owner if its entity ID is available from the collection's loaded key
     * and the owner entity is in the persistence context; otherwise, returns null
    Object getLoadedCollectionOwnerOrNull(PersistentCollection collection);

     * Get the ID for the entity that owned this persistent collection when it was loaded
     * @param collection The persistent collection
     * @return the owner ID if available from the collection's loaded key; otherwise, returns null
    Serializable getLoadedCollectionOwnerIdOrNull(PersistentCollection collection);

     * add a collection we just loaded up (still needs initializing)
    void addUninitializedCollection(CollectionPersister persister, PersistentCollection collection,
            Serializable id);

     * add a detached uninitialized collection
    void addUninitializedDetachedCollection(CollectionPersister persister, PersistentCollection collection);

     * Add a new collection (ie. a newly created one, just instantiated by the
     * application, with no database state or snapshot)
     * @param collection The collection to be associated with the persistence context
    void addNewCollection(CollectionPersister persister, PersistentCollection collection) throws HibernateException;

     * add an (initialized) collection that was created by another session and passed
     * into update() (ie. one with a snapshot and existing state on the database)
    void addInitializedDetachedCollection(CollectionPersister collectionPersister, PersistentCollection collection)
            throws HibernateException;

     * add a collection we just pulled out of the cache (does not need initializing)
    CollectionEntry addInitializedCollection(CollectionPersister persister, PersistentCollection collection,
            Serializable id) throws HibernateException;

     * Get the collection instance associated with the <tt>CollectionKey</tt>
    PersistentCollection getCollection(CollectionKey collectionKey);

     * Register a collection for non-lazy loading at the end of the
     * two-phase load
    void addNonLazyCollection(PersistentCollection collection);

     * Force initialization of all non-lazy collections encountered during
     * the current two-phase load (actually, this is a no-op, unless this
     * is the "outermost" load)
    void initializeNonLazyCollections() throws HibernateException;

     * Get the <tt>PersistentCollection</tt> object for an array
    PersistentCollection getCollectionHolder(Object array);

     * Register a <tt>PersistentCollection</tt> object for an array.
     * Associates a holder with an array - MUST be called after loading
     * array, since the array instance is not created until endLoad().
    void addCollectionHolder(PersistentCollection holder);

     * Remove the mapping of collection to holder during eviction
     * of the owning entity
    PersistentCollection removeCollectionHolder(Object array);

     * Get the snapshot of the pre-flush collection state
    Serializable getSnapshot(PersistentCollection coll);

     * Get the collection entry for a collection passed to filter,
     * which might be a collection wrapper, an array, or an unwrapped
     * collection. Return null if there is no entry.
    CollectionEntry getCollectionEntryOrNull(Object collection);

     * Get an existing proxy by key
    Object getProxy(EntityKey key);

     * Add a proxy to the session cache
    void addProxy(EntityKey key, Object proxy);

     * Remove a proxy from the session cache.
     * <p/>
     * Additionally, ensure that any load optimization references
     * such as batch or subselect loading get cleaned up as well.
     * @param key The key of the entity proxy to be removed
     * @return The proxy reference.
    Object removeProxy(EntityKey key);

     * Retrieve the set of EntityKeys representing nullifiable references
     * @deprecated Use {@link #containsNullifiableEntityKey(Supplier)} or {@link #registerNullifiableEntityKey(EntityKey)} or {@link #isNullifiableEntityKeysEmpty()}
    HashSet getNullifiableEntityKeys();

     * Get the mapping from key value to entity instance
     * @deprecated this will be removed: it provides too wide access, making it hard to optimise the internals
     * for specific access needs. Consider using #iterateEntities instead.
    Map getEntitiesByKey();

     * Provides access to the entity/EntityEntry combos associated with the persistence context in a manner that
     * is safe from reentrant access.  Specifically, it is safe from additions/removals while iterating.
     * @return
    Map.Entry<Object, EntityEntry>[] reentrantSafeEntityEntries();

     * Get the mapping from entity instance to entity entry
     * @deprecated Due to the introduction of EntityEntryContext and bytecode enhancement; only valid really for
     * sizing, see {@link #getNumberOfManagedEntities}.  For iterating the entity/EntityEntry combos, see
     * {@link #reentrantSafeEntityEntries}
    Map getEntityEntries();

    int getNumberOfManagedEntities();

     * Get the mapping from collection instance to collection entry
     * @deprecated use {@link #removeCollectionEntry(PersistentCollection)} or {@link #getCollectionEntriesSize()}, {@link #forEachCollectionEntry(BiConsumer,boolean)}.
    Map getCollectionEntries();

     * Execute some action on each entry of the collectionEntries map, optionally iterating on a defensive copy.
     * @param action the lambda to apply on each PersistentCollection,CollectionEntry map entry of the PersistenceContext.
     * @param concurrent set this to false for improved efficiency, but that would make it illegal to make changes to the underlying collectionEntries map.
    void forEachCollectionEntry(BiConsumer<PersistentCollection, CollectionEntry> action, boolean concurrent);

     * Get the mapping from collection key to collection instance
     * @deprecated this method should be removed; alternative methods are available that better express the intent, allowing
     * for better optimisations. Not aggressively removing this as it's an SPI, but also useful for testing and other
     * contexts which are not performance sensitive.
     * N.B. This might return an immutable map: do not use for mutations!
    Map getCollectionsByKey();

     * How deep are we cascaded?
    int getCascadeLevel();

     * Called before cascading
    int incrementCascadeLevel();

     * Called after cascading
    int decrementCascadeLevel();

     * Is a flush cycle currently in process?
    @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" })
    boolean isFlushing();

     * Called before and after the flushcycle
    void setFlushing(boolean flushing);

     * Call this before begining a two-phase load
    void beforeLoad();

     * Call this after finishing a two-phase load
    void afterLoad();

     * Is in a two-phase load? 
    boolean isLoadFinished();

     * Returns a string representation of the object.
     * @return a string representation of the object.
    String toString();

     * Search <tt>this</tt> persistence context for an associated entity instance which is considered the "owner" of
     * the given <tt>childEntity</tt>, and return that owner's id value.  This is performed in the scenario of a
     * uni-directional, non-inverse one-to-many collection (which means that the collection elements do not maintain
     * a direct reference to the owner).
     * <p/>
     * As such, the processing here is basically to loop over every entity currently associated with this persistence
     * context and for those of the correct entity (sub) type to extract its collection role property value and see
     * if the child is contained within that collection.  If so, we have found the owner; if not, we go on.
     * <p/>
     * Also need to account for <tt>mergeMap</tt> which acts as a local copy cache managed for the duration of a merge
     * operation.  It represents a map of the detached entity instances pointing to the corresponding managed instance.
     * @param entityName The entity name for the entity type which would own the child
     * @param propertyName The name of the property on the owning entity type which would name this child association.
     * @param childEntity The child entity instance for which to locate the owner instance id.
     * @param mergeMap A map of non-persistent instances from an on-going merge operation (possibly null).
     * @return The id of the entityName instance which is said to own the child; null if an appropriate owner not
     * located.
    Serializable getOwnerId(String entityName, String propertyName, Object childEntity, Map mergeMap);

     * Search the persistence context for an index of the child object,
     * given a collection role
    Object getIndexInOwner(String entity, String property, Object childObject, Map mergeMap);

     * Record the fact that the association belonging to the keyed
     * entity is null.
    void addNullProperty(EntityKey ownerKey, String propertyName);

     * Is the association property belonging to the keyed entity null?
    boolean isPropertyNull(EntityKey ownerKey, String propertyName);

     * Will entities and proxies that are loaded into this persistence
     * context be made read-only by default?
     * To determine the read-only/modifiable setting for a particular entity
     * or proxy:
     * @see PersistenceContext#isReadOnly(Object)
     * @see org.hibernate.Session#isReadOnly(Object) 
     * @return true, loaded entities/proxies will be made read-only by default;
     *         false, loaded entities/proxies will be made modifiable by default.
     * @see org.hibernate.Session#isDefaultReadOnly() 
    boolean isDefaultReadOnly();

     * Change the default for entities and proxies loaded into this persistence
     * context from modifiable to read-only mode, or from modifiable to read-only
     * mode.
     * Read-only entities are not dirty-checked and snapshots of persistent
     * state are not maintained. Read-only entities can be modified, but
     * changes are not persisted.
     * When a proxy is initialized, the loaded entity will have the same
     * read-only/modifiable setting as the uninitialized
     * proxy has, regardless of the persistence context's current setting.
     * To change the read-only/modifiable setting for a particular entity
     * or proxy that is already in this session:
    +    * @see PersistenceContext#setReadOnly(Object,boolean)
     * @see org.hibernate.Session#setReadOnly(Object, boolean)
     * To override this session's read-only/modifiable setting for entities
     * and proxies loaded by a Query:
     * @see org.hibernate.Query#setReadOnly(boolean)
     * @param readOnly true, the default for loaded entities/proxies is read-only;
     *                 false, the default for loaded entities/proxies is modifiable
     * @see org.hibernate.Session#setDefaultReadOnly(boolean)
    void setDefaultReadOnly(boolean readOnly);

     * Is the entity or proxy read-only?
     * <p/>
     * To determine the default read-only/modifiable setting used for entities and proxies that are loaded into the
     * session use {@link org.hibernate.Session#isDefaultReadOnly}
     * @param entityOrProxy an entity or proxy
     * @return {@code true} if the object is read-only; otherwise {@code false} to indicate that the object is
     * modifiable.
    boolean isReadOnly(Object entityOrProxy);

     * Set an unmodified persistent object to read-only mode, or a read-only
     * object to modifiable mode.
     * Read-only entities are not dirty-checked and snapshots of persistent
     * state are not maintained. Read-only entities can be modified, but
     * changes are not persisted.
     * When a proxy is initialized, the loaded entity will have the same
     * read-only/modifiable setting as the uninitialized
     * proxy has, regardless of the session's current setting.
     * If the entity or proxy already has the specified read-only/modifiable
     * setting, then this method does nothing.
     * @param entityOrProxy an entity or proxy
     * @param readOnly if {@code true}, the entity or proxy is made read-only; otherwise, the entity or proxy is made
     * modifiable.
     * @see org.hibernate.Session#setDefaultReadOnly
     * @see org.hibernate.Session#setReadOnly
     * @see org.hibernate.Query#setReadOnly
    void setReadOnly(Object entityOrProxy, boolean readOnly);

    void replaceDelayedEntityIdentityInsertKeys(EntityKey oldKey, Serializable generatedId);

     * Add a child/parent relation to cache for cascading op
     * @param child The child of the relationship
     * @param parent The parent of the relationship
    void addChildParent(Object child, Object parent);

     * Remove child/parent relation from cache
     * @param child The child to be removed.
    void removeChildParent(Object child);

     * Register keys inserted during the current transaction
     * @param persister The entity persister
     * @param id The id
    void registerInsertedKey(EntityPersister persister, Serializable id);

     * Allows callers to check to see if the identified entity was inserted during the current transaction.
     * @param persister The entity persister
     * @param id The id
     * @return True if inserted during this transaction, false otherwise.
    boolean wasInsertedDuringTransaction(EntityPersister persister, Serializable id);

     * Checks if a certain {@link EntityKey} was registered as nullifiable on this {@link PersistenceContext}.
     * @param sek a supplier for the EntityKey; this allows to not always needing to create the key;
     * for example is the map is known to be empty there is no need to create one to check.
     * @return true if the EntityKey had been registered before using {@link #registerNullifiableEntityKey(EntityKey)}
     * @see #registerNullifiableEntityKey(EntityKey)
    boolean containsNullifiableEntityKey(Supplier<EntityKey> sek);

     * Registers an {@link EntityKey} as nullifiable on this {@link PersistenceContext}.
     * @param key
    void registerNullifiableEntityKey(EntityKey key);

     * @return true if no {@link EntityKey} was registered as nullifiable on this {@link PersistenceContext}.
     * @see #registerNullifiableEntityKey(EntityKey)
    boolean isNullifiableEntityKeysEmpty();

     * The size of the internal map storing all collection entries.
     * (The map is not exposed directly, but the size is often useful)
     * @return the size
    int getCollectionEntriesSize();

     * Remove a {@link PersistentCollection} from the {@link PersistenceContext}.
     * @param collection the collection to remove
     * @return the matching {@link CollectionEntry}, if any was removed.
    CollectionEntry removeCollectionEntry(PersistentCollection collection);

     * Remove all state of the collections-by-key map.
    void clearCollectionsByKey();

     * Adds a collection in the collections-by-key map.
     * @param collectionKey
     * @param persistentCollection
     * @return the previous collection, it the key was already mapped.
    PersistentCollection addCollectionByKey(CollectionKey collectionKey, PersistentCollection persistentCollection);

     * Remove a collection-by-key mapping.
     * @param collectionKey the key to clear
    void removeCollectionByKey(CollectionKey collectionKey);

     * A read-only iterator on all entities managed by this persistence context
     * @return
    Iterator managedEntitiesIterator();

     * Provides centralized access to natural-id-related functionality.
    interface NaturalIdHelper {
        Serializable INVALID_NATURAL_ID_REFERENCE = new Serializable() {

         * Given an array of "full entity state", extract the portions that represent the natural id
         * @param state The attribute state array
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @return The extracted natural id values
        Object[] extractNaturalIdValues(Object[] state, EntityPersister persister);

         * Given an entity instance, extract the values that represent the natural id
         * @param entity The entity instance
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @return The extracted natural id values
        Object[] extractNaturalIdValues(Object entity, EntityPersister persister);

         * Performs processing related to creating natural-id cross-reference entries on load.
         * Handles both the local (transactional) and shared (second-level) caches.
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @param id The primary key value
         * @param naturalIdValues The natural id values
        void cacheNaturalIdCrossReferenceFromLoad(EntityPersister persister, Serializable id,
                Object[] naturalIdValues);

         * Creates necessary local cross-reference entries.
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @param id The primary key value
         * @param state Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array
         * @param previousState Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array.  
         *       Specifically represents the previous values on update, and so is only used with {@link CachedNaturalIdValueSource#UPDATE}
         * @param source Enumeration representing how these values are coming into cache.
        void manageLocalNaturalIdCrossReference(EntityPersister persister, Serializable id, Object[] state,
                Object[] previousState, CachedNaturalIdValueSource source);

         * Cleans up local cross-reference entries.
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @param id The primary key value
         * @param state Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array
         * @return The local cached natural id values (could be different from given values).
        Object[] removeLocalNaturalIdCrossReference(EntityPersister persister, Serializable id, Object[] state);

         * Creates necessary shared (second level cache) cross-reference entries.
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @param id The primary key value
         * @param state Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array
         * @param previousState Generally the "full entity state array", though could also be the natural id values array.  
         *       Specifically represents the previous values on update, and so is only used with {@link CachedNaturalIdValueSource#UPDATE}
         * @param source Enumeration representing how these values are coming into cache.
        void manageSharedNaturalIdCrossReference(EntityPersister persister, Serializable id, Object[] state,
                Object[] previousState, CachedNaturalIdValueSource source);

         * Cleans up local cross-reference entries.
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @param id The primary key value
         * @param naturalIdValues The natural id values array
        void removeSharedNaturalIdCrossReference(EntityPersister persister, Serializable id,
                Object[] naturalIdValues);

         * Given a persister and primary key, find the corresponding cross-referenced natural id values.
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @param pk The primary key value
         * @return The cross-referenced natural-id values, or {@code null}
        Object[] findCachedNaturalId(EntityPersister persister, Serializable pk);

         * Given a persister and natural-id values, find the corresponding cross-referenced primary key. Will return
         * {@link PersistenceContext.NaturalIdHelper#INVALID_NATURAL_ID_REFERENCE} if the given natural ids are known to
         * be invalid.
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @param naturalIdValues The natural id value(s)
         * @return The corresponding cross-referenced primary key, 
         *       {@link PersistenceContext.NaturalIdHelper#INVALID_NATURAL_ID_REFERENCE},
         *       or {@code null}. 
        Serializable findCachedNaturalIdResolution(EntityPersister persister, Object[] naturalIdValues);

         * Find all the locally cached primary key cross-reference entries for the given persister.
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @return The primary keys
        Collection<Serializable> getCachedPkResolutions(EntityPersister persister);

         * Part of the "load synchronization process".  Responsible for maintaining cross-reference entries
         * when natural-id values were found to have changed.  Also responsible for tracking the old values 
         * as no longer valid until the next flush because otherwise going to the database would just re-pull
         * the old values as valid.  In this last responsibility, {@link #cleanupFromSynchronizations} is
         * the inverse process called after flush to clean up those entries.
         * @param persister The persister representing the entity type.
         * @param pk The primary key
         * @param entity The entity instance
         * @see #cleanupFromSynchronizations
        void handleSynchronization(EntityPersister persister, Serializable pk, Object entity);

         * The clean up process of {@link #handleSynchronization}.  Responsible for cleaning up the tracking
         * of old values as no longer valid.
        void cleanupFromSynchronizations();

         * Called on {@link org.hibernate.Session#evict} to give a chance to clean up natural-id cross refs.
         * @param object The entity instance.
         * @param persister The entity persister
         * @param identifier The entity identifier
        void handleEviction(Object object, EntityPersister persister, Serializable identifier);

     * Access to the natural-id helper for this persistence context
     * @return This persistence context's natural-id helper
    NaturalIdHelper getNaturalIdHelper();