Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.
package org.hibernate.collection.spi;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor;
import org.hibernate.loader.CollectionAliases;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

 * Persistent collections are treated as value objects by Hibernate.
 * ie. they have no independent existence beyond the object holding
 * a reference to them. Unlike instances of entity classes, they are
 * automatically deleted when unreferenced and automatically become
 * persistent when held by a persistent object. Collections can be
 * passed between different objects (change "roles") and this might
 * cause their elements to move from one database table to another.<br>
 * <br>
 * Hibernate "wraps" a java collection in an instance of
 * PersistentCollection. This mechanism is designed to support
 * tracking of changes to the collection's persistent state and
 * lazy instantiation of collection elements. The downside is that
 * only certain abstract collection types are supported and any
 * extra semantics are lost<br>
 * <br>
 * Applications should <em>never</em> use classes in this package
 * directly, unless extending the "framework" here.<br>
 * <br>
 * Changes to <em>structure</em> of the collection are recorded by the
 * collection calling back to the session. Changes to mutable
 * elements (ie. composite elements) are discovered by cloning their
 * state when the collection is initialized and comparing at flush
 * time.
 * @author Gavin King
public interface PersistentCollection {
     * Get the owning entity. Note that the owner is only
     * set during the flush cycle, and when a new collection
     * wrapper is created while loading an entity.
     * @return The owner
    Object getOwner();

     * Set the reference to the owning entity
     * @param entity The owner
    void setOwner(Object entity);

     * Is the collection empty? (don't try to initialize the collection)
     * @return {@code false} if the collection is non-empty; {@code true} otherwise.
    boolean empty();

     * After flushing, re-init snapshot state.
     * @param key The collection instance key (fk value).
     * @param role The collection role
     * @param snapshot The snapshot state
    void setSnapshot(Serializable key, String role, Serializable snapshot);

     * After flushing, clear any "queued" additions, since the
     * database state is now synchronized with the memory state.
    void postAction();

     * Return the user-visible collection (or array) instance
     * @return The underlying collection/array
    Object getValue();

     * Called just before reading any rows from the JDBC result set
    void beginRead();

     * Called after reading all rows from the JDBC result set
     * @return Whether to end the read.
    boolean endRead();

     * Called after initializing from cache
     * @return ??
    boolean afterInitialize();

     * Could the application possibly have a direct reference to
     * the underlying collection implementation?
     * @return {@code true} indicates that the application might have access to the underlying collection/array.
    boolean isDirectlyAccessible();

     * Disassociate this collection from the given session.
     * @param currentSession The session we are disassociating from.  Used for validations.
     * @return true if this was currently associated with the given session
    boolean unsetSession(SharedSessionContractImplementor currentSession);

     * Associate the collection with the given session.
     * @param session The session to associate with
     * @return false if the collection was already associated with the session
     * @throws HibernateException if the collection was already associated
     * with another open session
    boolean setCurrentSession(SharedSessionContractImplementor session) throws HibernateException;

     * Read the state of the collection from a disassembled cached value
     * @param persister The collection persister
     * @param disassembled The disassembled cached state
     * @param owner The collection owner
    void initializeFromCache(CollectionPersister persister, Serializable disassembled, Object owner);

     * Iterate all collection entries, during update of the database
     * @param persister The collection persister.
     * @return The iterator
    Iterator entries(CollectionPersister persister);

     * Read a row from the JDBC result set
     * @param rs The JDBC ResultSet
     * @param role The collection role
     * @param descriptor The aliases used for the columns making up the collection
     * @param owner The collection owner
     * @return The read object
     * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates a problem resolving data read from the ResultSet
     * @throws SQLException Indicates a problem accessing the ResultSet
    Object readFrom(ResultSet rs, CollectionPersister role, CollectionAliases descriptor, Object owner)
            throws HibernateException, SQLException;

     * Get the identifier of the given collection entry.  This refers to the collection identifier, not the
     * identifier of the (possibly) entity elements.  This is only valid for invocation on the
     * {@code idbag} collection.
     * @param entry The collection entry/element
     * @param i The assumed identifier (?)
     * @return The identifier value
    Object getIdentifier(Object entry, int i);

     * Get the index of the given collection entry
     * @param entry The collection entry/element
     * @param i The assumed index
     * @param persister it was more elegant before we added this...
     * @return The index value
    Object getIndex(Object entry, int i, CollectionPersister persister);

     * Get the value of the given collection entry.  Generally the given entry parameter value will just be returned.
     * Might get a different value for a duplicate entries in a Set.
     * @param entry The object instance for which to get the collection element instance.
     * @return The corresponding object that is part of the collection elements.
    Object getElement(Object entry);

     * Get the snapshot value of the given collection entry
     * @param entry The entry
     * @param i The index
     * @return The snapshot state for that element
    Object getSnapshotElement(Object entry, int i);

     * Called before any elements are read into the collection,
     * allowing appropriate initializations to occur.
     * @param persister The underlying collection persister.
     * @param anticipatedSize The anticipated size of the collection after initialization is complete.
    void beforeInitialize(CollectionPersister persister, int anticipatedSize);

     * Does the current state exactly match the snapshot?
     * @param persister The collection persister
     * @return {@code true} if the current state and the snapshot state match.
    boolean equalsSnapshot(CollectionPersister persister);

     * Is the snapshot empty?
     * @param snapshot The snapshot to check
     * @return {@code true} if the given snapshot is empty
    boolean isSnapshotEmpty(Serializable snapshot);

     * Disassemble the collection to get it ready for the cache
     * @param persister The collection persister
     * @return The disassembled state
    Serializable disassemble(CollectionPersister persister);

     * Do we need to completely recreate this collection when it changes?
     * @param persister The collection persister
     * @return {@code true} if a change requires a recreate.
    boolean needsRecreate(CollectionPersister persister);

     * Return a new snapshot of the current state of the collection
     * @param persister The collection persister
     * @return The snapshot
    Serializable getSnapshot(CollectionPersister persister);

     * To be called internally by the session, forcing immediate initialization.
    void forceInitialization();

     * Does the given element/entry exist in the collection?
     * @param entry The object to check if it exists as a collection element
     * @param i Unused
     * @return {@code true} if the given entry is a collection element
    boolean entryExists(Object entry, int i);

     * Do we need to insert this element?
     * @param entry The collection element to check
     * @param i The index (for indexed collections)
     * @param elemType The type for the element
     * @return {@code true} if the element needs inserting
    boolean needsInserting(Object entry, int i, Type elemType);

     * Do we need to update this element?
     * @param entry The collection element to check
     * @param i The index (for indexed collections)
     * @param elemType The type for the element
     * @return {@code true} if the element needs updating
    boolean needsUpdating(Object entry, int i, Type elemType);

     * Can each element in the collection be mapped unequivocally to a single row in the database?  Generally
     * bags and sets are the only collections that cannot be.
     * @return {@code true} if the row for each element is known
    boolean isRowUpdatePossible();

     * Get all the elements that need deleting
     * @param persister The collection persister
     * @param indexIsFormula For indexed collections, tells whether the index is a formula (calculated value) mapping
     * @return An iterator over the elements to delete
    Iterator getDeletes(CollectionPersister persister, boolean indexIsFormula);

     * Is this the wrapper for the given collection instance?
     * @param collection The collection to check whether this is wrapping it
     * @return  {@code true} if this is a wrapper around that given collection instance.
    boolean isWrapper(Object collection);

     * Is this instance initialized?
     * @return Was this collection initialized?  Or is its data still not (fully) loaded?
    boolean wasInitialized();

     * Does this instance have any "queued" operations?
     * @return {@code true} indicates there are pending, queued, delayed operations
    boolean hasQueuedOperations();

     * Iterator over the "queued" additions
     * @return The iterator
    Iterator queuedAdditionIterator();

     * Get the "queued" orphans
     * @param entityName The name of the entity that makes up the elements
     * @return The orphaned elements
    Collection getQueuedOrphans(String entityName);

     * Get the current collection key value
     * @return the current collection key value
    Serializable getKey();

     * Get the current role name
     * @return the collection role name
    String getRole();

     * Is the collection unreferenced?
     * @return {@code true} if the collection is no longer referenced by an owner
    boolean isUnreferenced();

     * Is the collection dirty? Note that this is only
     * reliable during the flush cycle, after the
     * collection elements are dirty checked against
     * the snapshot.
     * @return {@code true} if the collection is dirty
    boolean isDirty();

    default boolean isElementRemoved() {
        return false;

     * Was {@code collection} provided directly to this PersistentCollection
     * (i.e., provided as an argument to a constructor)?
     * <p/>
     * Implementors that can copy elements out of a directly provided
     * collection into the wrapped collection should override this method.
     * <p/>
     * @param collection The collection
     * @return true, if {@code collection} was provided directly to this
     * PersistentCollection; false, otherwise.
    default boolean isDirectlyProvidedCollection(Object collection) {
        return isDirectlyAccessible() && isWrapper(collection);

     * Clear the dirty flag, after flushing changes
     * to the database.
    void clearDirty();

     * Get the snapshot cached by the collection instance
     * @return The internally stored snapshot state
    Serializable getStoredSnapshot();

     * Mark the collection as dirty
    void dirty();

     * Called before inserting rows, to ensure that any surrogate keys
     * are fully generated
     * @param persister The collection persister
    void preInsert(CollectionPersister persister);

     * Called after inserting a row, to fetch the natively generated id
     * @param persister The collection persister
     * @param entry The collection element just inserted
     * @param i The element position/index
    void afterRowInsert(CollectionPersister persister, Object entry, int i);

     * get all "orphaned" elements
     * @param snapshot The snapshot state
     * @param entityName The name of the entity that are the elements of the collection
     * @return The orphans
    Collection getOrphans(Serializable snapshot, String entityName);
