Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2005 I Serv Consultoria Empresarial Ltda. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.helianto.task.domain; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType; import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorValue; import javax.persistence.Inheritance; import javax.persistence.InheritanceType; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Transient; import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint; import org.helianto.core.def.Resolution; import org.helianto.core.def.Uploadable; import org.helianto.core.domain.Category; import org.helianto.core.domain.Entity; import org.helianto.core.domain.Identity; import org.helianto.core.internal.InterpretableCategory; import org.helianto.core.number.Sequenceable; import org.helianto.core.utils.StringListUtils; import org.helianto.document.internal.AbstractPlan; import org.helianto.partner.domain.Partner; import org.helianto.task.def.ActionType; import org.helianto.task.def.FollowUpOrder; import org.helianto.task.def.RequestType; import org.helianto.task.def.WorkflowTarget; import org.helianto.user.domain.User; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; /** * Report. * * @author Mauricio Fernandes de Castro */ @javax.persistence.Entity @Table(name = "task_report", uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "entityId", "reportCode" }) }) @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "type", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.CHAR) @DiscriminatorValue("R") public class Report extends AbstractPlan implements Sequenceable, Uploadable, InterpretableCategory, Comparator<FollowUp>, WorkflowTarget { /** * <<Transient>> Usado para expor o valor dado ao discriminador da classe. */ public char getDiscriminator() { return 'R'; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Column(length = 12) private String reportCode = ""; private int runState; @JsonIgnore @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "reporterId", nullable = true) private Identity reporter; @Transient private Integer reporterId = 0; @JsonIgnore @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "assesseeId", nullable = true) private Identity assessee; @Transient private Integer assesseeId = 0; @Column(length = 32) private String prefix = ""; @Column(length = 64) private String summary = ""; @Column(length = 512) private String taskDesc = ""; @JsonIgnore @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "reportFolderId") private ReportFolder series; @Transient private int reportFolderId = 0; @Column(length = 20) private String nature = ""; private UploadableContent reportContent; @Column(length = 128) private String reportFile = ""; @Column(length = 32) private String reportFileContentType = ""; @Transient private transient MultipartFile file; private BigDecimal forecastWork; private BigDecimal actualWork; private int relativeSize = 0; private char followUpOrder = FollowUpOrder.FIRST_DATE_ON_TOP.getValue(); @Column(length = 16) private String presentationOrder = ""; @Column(length = 64) private String traceability = ""; private char requestType = RequestType.INTERNAL.getValue(); private char actionType = ActionType.EXECUTION.getValue(); private char phase = '0'; @Column(length = 512) private String parsedContent = ""; @JsonIgnore @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "partnerId", nullable = true) private Partner partner; @Transient private Integer partnerId = 0; @JsonIgnore @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "categoryId", nullable = true) private Category category; @Transient private Integer categoryId; private int workflowPhase = 0; private int mainRequirementSequence = -1; @JsonIgnore @OneToMany(mappedBy = "report") private Set<Participant> participants = new HashSet<Participant>(0); @JsonIgnore @OneToMany(mappedBy = "report") private Set<FollowUp> followUps = new HashSet<FollowUp>(0); @JsonIgnore @OneToMany(mappedBy = "report") private Set<ReportJournal> reportJournals; @Transient private List<FollowUp> followUpList; @Transient private List<Report> children; @Transient private int countItems; @Transient private int countAlerts; @Transient private int countWarnings; @Transient private int countLikes; @Transient private char favourite = 'U'; /** * Default constructor. */ public Report() { super(); setMultipartFileContentType("text/html"); setReportContent(new UploadableContent()); } /** * Entity constructor. * * @param entity */ public Report(Entity entity) { this(); setEntity(entity); } /** * Key constructor. * * @param entity * @param reportCode */ public Report(Entity entity, String reportCode) { this(entity); setReportCode(reportCode); } /** * Folder constructor. * * @param reportFolder * @param reportCode */ public Report(ReportFolder reportFolder, String reportCode) { this(reportFolder.getEntity(), reportCode); setReportFolder(reportFolder); } /** * Form constructor. * * @param owner */ public Report(User owner) { this(owner.getEntity()); setOwner(owner.getIdentity()); } /** * Form constructor. * * @param id * @param internalNumber * @param reportCode * @param summary * @param resolution * @param nextCheckDate * @param taskDesc * @param categoryId * @param content * @param relativeSize * @param priority * @param frequency * @param reportFolderId * @param phase */ public Report(Integer id, Long internalNumber, String reportCode, String summary, Character resolution, Date nextCheckDate, String taskDesc, Integer categoryId, byte[] content, Integer relativeSize, Character priority, Integer frequency, Integer reportFolderId, Character phase) { setId(id); setInternalNumber(internalNumber); setReportCode(reportCode); setSummary(summary); setResolution(resolution); setNextCheckDate(nextCheckDate); setTaskDesc(taskDesc); setCategoryId(categoryId); setContent(content); setRelativeSize(relativeSize); setPriority(priority); setFrequency(frequency); setReportFolderId(reportFolderId); setPhase(phase); } /** * Anexa padro de numerao chave para gerao de nmeros. */ public String getInternalNumberKey() { return new StringBuilder("REPORT").append(getNumberPatternPrefix()).toString(); } public int getStartNumber() { return 1; } /** * Anexa padro de numerao chave para gerao de nmeros. */ public String getSequenceGenerator() { // if (getReportFolder()!=null) { // return new StringBuilder(getReportFolder().get) // .append(getNumberPatternPrefix()).toString(); // } return ""; } /* * Mtodos recomendados para alterar o andamento do relatrio. */ /** * <<Transient>> Mtodo recomendado para encerrar o relatrio. * * <p> * Atualiza a resoluo para Resolution.DONE, coloca o progresso em 100% e * o fluxo de aprovao na ltima fase. * </p> * * @param actualEndDate */ public void close(Date actualEndDate) { if (actualEndDate == null) { actualEndDate = new Date(); } setResolution(Resolution.DONE.getValue()); setComplete(100); setWorkflowPhase(getWorkflowSize() + 1); setRunState(0); setActualEndDate(actualEndDate); setNextCheckDate(getActualEndDate()); } /** * <<Transient>> Mtodo recomendado para avaar o relatrio. * * <p> * Atualiza o fluxo de aprovao para a prxima fase, atualiza o * progresso de acordo com o avano. * </p> */ public boolean forward() { return forward(getWorkflowPhase() + 1); } /** * <<Transient>> Mtodo recomendado para avanar o relatrio. * * <p> * Atualiza o fluxo de aprovao para a fase indicada, atualiza o * progresso de acordo com o avano. * </p> * <p> * No caso especial em que o relatrio ainda no havia sido iniciado, inicia. * </p> * * @param nextWorkflowPhase */ public boolean forward(int nextWorkflowPhase) { if (nextWorkflowPhase <= getWorkflowSize()) { if (getResolution() == Resolution.PRELIMINARY.getValue()) { setResolution(Resolution.TODO.getValue()); } setWorkflowPhase(nextWorkflowPhase); setComplete((getWorkflowPhase() * 100) / (getWorkflowSize() + 1)); return true; } return false; } /** * <<Transient>> Mtodo recomendado para cancelar o relatrio. * * <p> * Atualiza a resoluo para Resolution.DONE, coloca o progresso em 0%, * o fluxo de aprovao na ltima fase e indica cancelamento atravs do * estado de execuo. * </p> * * @param actualCancelDate */ public void cancel(Date actualCancelDate) { if (actualCancelDate == null) { actualCancelDate = new Date(); } setResolution(Resolution.DONE.getValue()); setComplete(0); setWorkflowPhase(getWorkflowSize() + 1); setRunState(-1); setActualEndDate(actualCancelDate); setNextCheckDate(getActualEndDate()); } /* * Outros mtodos. */ /** * Caso ainda no iniciado, data de incio a data programada. */ @Override protected Date internalActualStartDate() { if (getResolution() == Resolution.PRELIMINARY.getValue()) { return getScheduledStartDate(); } if (super.internalActualStartDate() == null) { return new Date(); } return super.internalActualStartDate(); } /** * A data mais cedo entre incio programado e verdadeiro. */ public Date getEarliestDate() { if (getScheduledStartDate() != null && getScheduledStartDate().before(getActualStartDate())) { return getScheduledStartDate(); } return getActualStartDate(); } /** * Caso ainda no terminado, data de fim a data programada. */ @Override protected Date internalActualEndDate() { if (getResolution() != Resolution.DONE.getValue()) { return getScheduledEndDate(); } if (super.internalActualEndDate() == null) { return new Date(); } return super.internalActualEndDate(); } /** * A data mais tarde entre fim programado e verdadeiro. */ public Date getLatestDate() { if (getScheduledEndDate() != null && !getScheduledEndDate().before(getActualEndDate())) { return getScheduledEndDate(); } return getActualEndDate(); } /** * Cdigo do relatrio. */ public String getReportCode() { return internalReportCode(reportCode); } public void setReportCode(String reportCode) { this.reportCode = reportCode; } /** * Permite que sublcasses alterem o cdigo do relatrio. * * @param reportCode */ protected String internalReportCode(String reportCode) { // if (reportCode!=null && reportCode.length()>0) { // return reportCode; // } if (getNumberPattern() != null && getNumberPattern().length() > 0) { return new DecimalFormat(getNumberPattern()).format(getInternalNumber()); } return reportCode; } /** * Padro para formatao de cdigos de relatrio. */ public String getNumberPattern() { if (getReportFolder() != null && getReportFolder().getReportNumberPattern() != null) { return getReportFolder().getReportNumberPattern(); } return "#"; } /** * Extrai o prefixo do padro para formatao de cdigos de relatrio. */ public String getNumberPatternPrefix() { String[] prefixSegments = getNumberPattern().split("'"); if (prefixSegments.length > 1) { return prefixSegments[1]; } return String.valueOf(getContentType()); } /** * Reporter. * @see {@link Identity} */ public Identity getReporter() { return reporter; } public void setReporter(Identity reporter) { this.reporter = reporter; } /** * <<Transient>> reporter id. */ public Integer getReporterId() { return reporterId; } public Report setReporterId(Integer reporterId) { this.reporterId = reporterId; return this; } /** * Verdadeiro se no h relator. */ public boolean isReporterNull() { return getReporter() == null ? true : false; } /** * Nome a exibir do relator, ou do solcitante, na falta do primeiro. */ public String getReporterDisplayName() { if (getReporter() != null) { return getReporter().getDisplayName(); } if (getOwner() != null) { return getOwnerDisplayName(); } return ""; } /** * Apelido do relator, ou do solcitante, na falta do primeiro. * @deprecated */ public String getReporterOptionalAlias() { return isReporterNull() ? getOwnerDisplayName() : reporter.getDisplayName(); } /** * Nome do relator, ou do solcitante, na falta do primeiro. */ public String getReporterName() { if (getReporter() != null) { return getReporter().getIdentityName(); } if (getOwner() != null) { return getOwnerName(); } return ""; } /** * Avaliado. * @see {@link Identity} */ public Identity getAssessee() { return assessee; } public void setAssessee(Identity assessee) { this.assessee = assessee; } /** * <<Transient>> assessee id. */ public Integer getAssesseeId() { return assesseeId; } public Report setAssesseeId(Integer assesseeId) { this.assesseeId = assesseeId; return this; } /** * <<Transient>> Verdadeiro se no h avaliado. */ public boolean isAssesseeNull() { return getAssessee() == null ? true : false; } /** * <<Transient>> Apelido do avaliado. */ public String getAssesseeDisplayName() { return isAssesseeNull() ? "" : getAssessee().getDisplayName(); } /** * <<Transient>> Apelido do avaliado. * @deprecated */ public String getAssesseeOptionalAlias() { return isAssesseeNull() ? "" : getAssessee().getDisplayName(); } /** * <<Transient>> Nome do avaliado. */ public String getAssesseeName() { return isAssesseeNull() ? "" : getAssessee().getIdentityName(); } /** * O estado de espera completa a informao em {@link #getResolution()}. * * <p> * Caso seja 0, no h alterao na resoluo, podendo significar planejado, * em andamento ou encerrado de acordo com ela. Valor negativo (-1) significam negao * da resoluo: noo iniciar (improcedente), no continuar (suspenso) e no concluir * (cancelado). Valor positivo significa execuo contnua (repetio). * </p> */ public int getRunState() { return runState; } public void setRunState(int runState) { this.runState = runState; } /** * Um prefixo para o sumrio da tarefa. */ public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } protected StringBuilder getPrefixAsBuilder() { if (getPrefix() != null && !getPrefix().equals("")) { return new StringBuilder(getPrefix()).append(" "); } return new StringBuilder(); } public void setPrefix(String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; } /** * <<Transient>> Permite subordinar o prefixo do relatrio a uma condio externa. */ protected String getInternalPrefix() { if (getSeries() != null) { this.prefix = getSeries().getFolderCode(); } return this.prefix; } /** * Descrio sumria. */ public String getSummary() { return getInternalSummary(); } public void setSummary(String summary) { this.summary = summary; } /** * <<Transient>> Permite subordinar o resumo do relatrio a uma condio externa. */ protected String getInternalSummary() { if (getAssessee() != null) { this.summary = getAssesseeName(); } return this.summary; } /** * <<Transient>> Verifica se pode alterar o resumo. */ public boolean isSummaryEditable() { if (getAssessee() == null) { // se no existe uma pessoa em avaliao, permite edio return true; } return false; } /** * <<Transient>> Descrio sumria com no mximo 20 caracteres. */ public String getTaskShortSummary() { if (summary == null) { return ""; } if (summary.length() < 20) { return summary; } return new StringBuilder(summary.substring(0, 17)).append(" ...").toString(); } public String getLabel() { return getSummary(); } /** * Descrio completa. */ public String getTaskDesc() { return this.taskDesc; } public void setTaskDesc(String taskDesc) { this.taskDesc = taskDesc; } @JsonIgnore public String getReportDesc() { return this.taskDesc; } public void setReportDesc(String taskDesc) { this.taskDesc = taskDesc; } /** * Pasta que guarda este documento. */ public ReportFolder getSeries() { return this.series; } public void setSeries(ReportFolder series) { if (getEntity() == null && series.getEntity() != null) { setEntity(series.getEntity()); } this.series = series; } public int getReportFolderId() { return reportFolderId; } public Report setReportFolderId(int reportFolderId) { this.reportFolderId = reportFolderId; return this; } /** * <<Transient>> Conveniente para exibir a pasta que guarda este documento. */ @JsonIgnore public ReportFolder getReportFolder() { return this.series; } public void setReportFolder(ReportFolder series) { if (getEntity() == null && series.getEntity() != null) { setEntity(series.getEntity()); } this.series = series; } /** * <<Transient>> Conveniente para recuperar tipo de contedo. */ public char getContentType() { if (getReportFolder() != null) { return getReportFolder().getContentType(); } return '_'; } /** * <<Transient>> Conveniente recuperar os membros da equipe. */ @JsonIgnore public Set<StaffMember> getStaffMembers() { if (getReportFolder() != null) { return getReportFolder().getStaff(); } return new HashSet<StaffMember>(0); } /** * Conveniente para exibir o cdigo da pasta que guarda este documento. * * <p> * Caso no haja pasta, retorna o nome especial "JOURNAL". * </p> */ public String getReportFolderCode() { if (getReportFolder() != null) { return getReportFolder().getFolderCode(); } return "JOURNAL"; } /** * Conveniente para exibir o nome da pasta que guarda este documento. */ public String getReportFolderName() { if (getReportFolder() != null) { return getReportFolder().getFolderName(); } return ""; } /** * Conveniente para determinar se pode ser planejado pela fase. */ @JsonIgnore public boolean isScheduleByPhaseEnabled() { if (getSeries() != null && getSeries().getPhases() != null && getSeries().getPhases().size() > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Conveniente para listar as fases em ordem. */ @JsonIgnore public List<ReportPhase> getPhases() { List<ReportPhase> phases = new ArrayList<ReportPhase>(); if (isScheduleByPhaseEnabled()) { phases.addAll(getSeries().getPhases()); } return phases; } /** * Natureza do relatrio, como lista csv de palavras-chave. */ public String getNature() { return nature; } public void setNature(String nature) { this.nature = nature; } public String[] getNatureAsArray() { return StringListUtils.stringToArray(getNature()); } public void setNatureAsArray(String[] natureArray) { setNature(StringListUtils.arrayToString(natureArray)); } public byte[] getContent() { if (getReportContent() != null) { return getReportContent().getContent(); } return new byte[0]; } public void setContent(byte[] content) { if (getReportContent() != null) { getReportContent().setContent(content); } } @JsonIgnore public void setContent(String content) { if (getReportContent() != null) { getReportContent().setContent(content); } } /** * Helper method to get text content as String. */ public String getContentAsString() { if (getContent() != null && isText()) { return new String(getContent()); } return ""; } public void setContentAsString(String contentAsString) { setContent(contentAsString); } public int getContentSize() { if (getReportContent() != null) { return getReportContent().getContentSize(); } return 0; } public String getEncoding() { if (getReportContent() != null) { return getReportContent().getEncoding(); } return "iso_88591"; } public void setEncoding(String encoding) { if (getReportContent() != null) { getReportContent().setEncoding(encoding); } } public String getMultipartFileContentType() { if (getReportContent() != null) { return getReportContent().getMultipartFileContentType(); } return "text/plain"; } public void setMultipartFileContentType(String multipartFileContentType) { if (getReportContent() != null) { getReportContent().setMultipartFileContentType(multipartFileContentType); } } /** * True if {@link #afterInternalNumberSet(long)} starts with "text". */ public boolean isText() { if (getMultipartFileContentType().startsWith("text")) { return true; } return false; } /** * True if {@link #afterInternalNumberSet(long)} starts with "text/html". */ public boolean isHtml() { if (getMultipartFileContentType().startsWith("text/html")) { return true; } return false; } /** * True if {@link #afterInternalNumberSet(long)} starts with "image". */ public boolean isImage() { if (getMultipartFileContentType().startsWith("image")) { return true; } return false; } /** * By default, a document can be changed. */ public boolean isLocked() { return false; } /** * Report result getter. */ public UploadableContent getReportContent() { return reportContent; } public void setReportContent(UploadableContent reportContent) { this.reportContent = reportContent; } /** * External folder name. */ public String getReportFile() { return reportFile; } public void setReportFile(String reportFile) { this.reportFile = reportFile; } /** * Type of external folder. */ public String getReportFileContentType() { return reportFileContentType; } public void setReportFileContentType(String reportFileContentType) { this.reportFileContentType = reportFileContentType; } /** * <<Transient>> Convenience property to hold uploaded data. */ public MultipartFile getFile() { return file; } public void setFile(MultipartFile file) { this.file = file; } /** * <<Transient>> Convenience method to read uploaded data. */ public void processFile() throws IOException { setContent(file.getBytes()); setMultipartFileContentType(file.getContentType()); } /* * Monitoring reports. */ /** * Size or effort planned. */ public BigDecimal getForecastWork() { return forecastWork; } public void setForecastWork(BigDecimal forecastWork) { this.forecastWork = forecastWork; } /** * Size or effort realized. */ public BigDecimal getActualWork() { return actualWork; } public void setActualWork(BigDecimal actualWork) { this.actualWork = actualWork; } public char getWorkingUnit() { return 'H'; } /** * Relative Size. */ public int getRelativeSize() { return relativeSize; } public void setRelativeSize(int relativeSize) { this.relativeSize = relativeSize; } /** * Remaining progress, additional to progress already occured. * * <p> * Formula: (1 - (${complete}/100)). * </p> */ public BigDecimal getRemainingProgress() { return BigDecimal.ONE.add(new BigDecimal(getComplete()).divide(new BigDecimal(-100))); } /** * Remaining size, calculated in function of remaining progress. * <p> * Formula: (${relativeSize} * ${remainingProgress}). * </p> */ public BigDecimal getRemainingSize() { return new BigDecimal(getRelativeSize()).multiply(getRemainingProgress()); } /* * Implementation of interface programmable, to use scripts. */ public String[] getScriptItemsAsArray() { if (isCategoryEnabled()) { return getCategory().getScriptItemsAsArray(); } return null; } public List<String> getScriptList() { if (isCategoryEnabled()) { return getCategory().getScriptList(); } return new ArrayList<String>(); } public String getScriptItems() { if (isCategoryEnabled()) { return getCategory().getScriptItems(); } return ""; } /** * Participants */ public Set<Participant> getParticipants() { return this.participants; } public void setParticipants(Set<Participant> participants) { this.participants = participants; } /** * Follow Up Order. */ public char getFollowUpOrder() { return this.followUpOrder; } public void setFollowUpOrder(char followUpOrder) { this.followUpOrder = followUpOrder; } public void setFollowUpOrderAsEnum(FollowUpOrder followUpOrder) { this.followUpOrder = followUpOrder.getValue(); } /** * List of items separate by comma to controlling visualization. */ public String getPresentationOrder() { return presentationOrder; } public void setPresentationOrder(String presentationOrder) { this.presentationOrder = presentationOrder; } /** * <<Transient>> Matrix of order of presentation. * */ public String[] getPresentationOrderAsArray() { return StringListUtils.stringToArray(getPresentationOrder()); } public void setPresentationOrderAsArray(String[] presentationOrderArray) { setPresentationOrder(StringListUtils.arrayToString(presentationOrderArray)); } /** * List of items separate by comma to keep traceability. */ public String getTraceability() { return traceability; } public void setTraceability(String traceability) { this.traceability = traceability; } /** * <<Transient>> List of traceability. */ public String[] getTraceabilityAsArray() { return StringListUtils.stringToArray(getTraceability()); } public void setTraceabilityAsArray(String[] traceabilityArray) { setTraceability(StringListUtils.arrayToString(traceabilityArray)); } /** * Type Request. */ public char getRequestType() { return this.requestType; } public void setRequestType(char requestType) { this.requestType = requestType; } public void setRequestTypeAsEnum(RequestType requestType) { this.requestType = requestType.getValue(); } /** * Action Type */ public char getActionType() { return this.actionType; } public void setActionType(char actionType) { this.actionType = actionType; } public void setActionTypeAsEnum(ActionType actionType) { this.actionType = actionType.getValue(); } /** * Phase. */ public char getPhase() { return phase; } public void setPhase(char phase) { this.phase = phase; } /** * Phase like instance of class Phase. */ @JsonIgnore public ReportPhase getPhaseAsObject() { if (isScheduleByPhaseEnabled()) { for (ReportPhase phase : getSeries().getPhases()) { if (getPhase() == phase.getLiteral()) { return phase; } } } return null; } /** * Category. * @see {@link Partner} */ @JsonIgnore public Category getCategory() { return getInternalCategory(); } public void setCategory(Category category) { this.category = category; } /** * <<Transient>> category id. */ public Integer getCategoryId() { if (category != null) { return category.getId(); } return categoryId; } public Report setCategoryId(Integer categoryId) { this.categoryId = categoryId; return this; } /** * <<Transient>> True if category it's the folder. */ @JsonIgnore public boolean isFolderCategoryEnabled() { return getReportFolder() != null && getReportFolder().isCategoryEnabled(); } /** * <<Transient>> Allow subclass update category in function of state of report. * * <p> * Default implementation inherits category of folder. * </p> */ @JsonIgnore protected Category getInternalCategory() { if (isCategoryOverrideAllowed()) { return category; } if (isFolderCategoryEnabled()) { return getReportFolder().getCategory(); } return category; } /** * <<Transient>> True if category exists. */ @JsonIgnore public boolean isCategoryEnabled() { return getCategory() != null; } /** * <<Transient>> True if is allowed override folder. */ @JsonIgnore public boolean isCategoryOverrideAllowed() { return isFolderCategoryEnabled() && getReportFolder().isCategoryOverrideAllowed(); } /** * Parsed Content. */ public String getParsedContent() { return parsedContent; } public void setParsedContent(String parsedContent) { this.parsedContent = parsedContent; } /** * Partner. * @see {@link Partner} */ @JsonIgnore public Partner getPartner() { return partner; } public void setPartner(Partner partner) { this.partner = partner; } /** * <<Transient>> partner id. */ public Integer getPartnerId() { return partnerId; } public Report setPartnerId(Integer partnerId) { this.partnerId = partnerId; return this; } /** * <<Transient>> Properties from category. */ @JsonIgnore public Map<String, Object> getCustomPropertiesAsMap() { if (isCategoryEnabled()) { return getCategory().getCustomPropertiesAsMap(); } return new HashMap<String, Object>(); } /** * <<Transient>> List of responsibilities converted on matrix. */ @JsonIgnore public String[] getCustomWorkflowRolesAsArray() { if (isCategoryEnabled() && getCategory().isWorkflowEnabled()) { return getCategory().getCustomWorkflowRolesAsArray(); } return new String[0]; } /** * <<Transient>> List of responsibilities converted on map. * */ @JsonIgnore public Map<String, String> getCustomWorkflowRolesAsMap() { if (isCategoryEnabled() && getCategory().isWorkflowEnabled()) { return getCategory().getCustomWorkflowRolesAsMap(); } return new HashMap<String, String>(); } /** * <<Transient>> Conveniente para recuperar a prxima responsabilidade * na lista de aprovao, ou nulo, se no houver. */ @JsonIgnore public String getNextWorkflowRole() { if (isCategoryEnabled() && getCategory().isWorkflowEnabled()) { if (!isWorkflowClosable()) { return getCustomWorkflowRolesAsArray()[getWorkflowPhase()]; } } return null; } /** * Phase of workflow. */ public int getWorkflowPhase() { return workflowPhase; } public void setWorkflowPhase(int workflowPhase) { this.workflowPhase = workflowPhase; } /** * <<Transient>> Determine through list of responsibilities, size list of approval workflow. */ public int getWorkflowSize() { return getCustomWorkflowRolesAsArray().length; } /** * <<Transient>> Determine, through list of responsibilities if workflow * is required to this report. */ public boolean isWorkflowRequired() { return getWorkflowSize() > 0; } /** * <<Transient>> When workflow is require, just can be closed if the report are in your last phase. */ public boolean isWorkflowClosable() { if (isWorkflowRequired() && getWorkflowPhase() != getWorkflowSize()) { return false; } return true; } /** * <<Transient>> Determines obtained advance in every stage of workflow. */ public int getWorkflowProgressIncrement() { return 0; } /** * Refer to a sequence chosen to principal document. */ public int getMainRequirementSequence() { return mainRequirementSequence; } public void setMainRequirementSequence(int mainRequirementSequence) { this.mainRequirementSequence = mainRequirementSequence; } /** * Set of accompaniment. */ @JsonIgnore public Set<FollowUp> getFollowUps() { return this.followUps; } public void setFollowUps(Set<FollowUp> followUps) { this.followUps = followUps; } /** * <<Transient>> List order by accompaniment. */ @JsonIgnore public List<FollowUp> getFollowUpOrderedList() { return this.followUpList; } public void setFollowUpOrderedList(List<FollowUp> followUpList) { this.followUpList = followUpList; } /** * <<Transient>> List children. * */ @JsonIgnore public List<Report> getChildren() { return this.children; } public void setChildren(List<Report> children) { this.children = children; } /** * Report journals. */ public Set<ReportJournal> getReportJournals() { return reportJournals; } public void setReportJournals(Set<ReportJournal> reportJournals) { this.reportJournals = reportJournals; } /** * <<Transient>> Count items. */ public int getCountItems() { return countItems; } public void setCountItems(int countItems) { this.countItems = countItems; } /** * <<Transient>> Count Alerts. */ public int getCountAlerts() { return countAlerts; } public void setCountAlerts(int countAlerts) { this.countAlerts = countAlerts; } /** * <<Transient>> Count Warnings. */ public int getCountWarnings() { return countWarnings; } public void setCountWarnings(int countWarnings) { this.countWarnings = countWarnings; } /** * <<Transient>> Count likes. */ public int getCountLikes() { return countLikes; } public void setCountLikes(int countLikes) { this.countLikes = countLikes; } /** * <<Transient>> Indicates favourite. */ public char getFavourite() { return favourite; } public void setFavourite(char favourite) { this.favourite = favourite; } /** * Comparator to accompaniment. */ public int compare(FollowUp followUp, FollowUp other) { if (getFollowUpOrder() == FollowUpOrder.FIRST_DATE_ON_TOP.getValue()) { return (int) (followUp.getIssueDate().getTime() - other.getIssueDate().getTime()); } return (int) (other.getIssueDate().getTime() - followUp.getIssueDate().getTime()); } /** * Merger. * * @param command **/ public Report merge(Report command) { super.merge(command); setPrefix(command.getPrefix()); setSummary(command.getSummary()); setNature(command.getNature()); setReportContent(command.getReportContent()); setReportFileContentType(command.getReportFileContentType()); setTaskDesc(command.getTaskDesc()); setForecastWork(command.getForecastWork()); setActualWork(command.getActualWork()); setRelativeSize(command.getRelativeSize()); setFollowUpOrder(command.getFollowUpOrder()); setPresentationOrder(command.getPresentationOrder()); setTraceability(command.getTraceability()); setRequestType(command.getRequestType()); setActionType(command.getActionType()); setPhase(command.getPhase()); setParsedContent(command.getParsedContent()); setWorkflowPhase(command.getWorkflowPhase()); setMainRequirementSequence(command.getMainRequirementSequence()); setContentAsString(command.getContentAsString()); setPriority(command.getPriority()); return this; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((getEntity() == null) ? 0 : getEntity().hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((getReportCode() == null) ? 0 : getReportCode().hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if ((this == other)) return true; if ((other == null)) return false; if (!(other instanceof Report)) return false; Report castOther = (Report) other; if (getEntity() == null) { if (castOther.getEntity() != null) { return false; } } else if (!getEntity().equals(castOther.getEntity())) { return false; } if (getReportCode() == null) { if (castOther.getReportCode() != null) { return false; } } else if (!getReportCode().equals(castOther.getReportCode())) { return false; } return true; } }