Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2018, Andrew Lindesay * Distributed under the terms of the MIT License. */ package org.haiku.haikudepotserver.job.controller; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.cayenne.ObjectContext; import org.apache.cayenne.configuration.server.ServerRuntime; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.haiku.haikudepotserver.dataobjects.User; import org.haiku.haikudepotserver.job.model.*; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder; import javax.servlet.AsyncContext; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * <p>The job controller allows for upload and download of binary data related to jobs; for example, there are * various "spreadsheet" jobs that produce reports. In such a case, the user may want to obtain the data for * such a report later; this controller will be able to provide that data.</p> */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/" + AuthenticationFilter.SEGMENT_SECURED) public class JobController extends AbstractController { protected static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JobController.class); private final static Pattern PATTERN_GUID = Pattern.compile("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$"); private final static String SEGMENT_JOBDATA = "jobdata"; private final static String SEGMENT_DOWNLOAD = "download"; private final static long MAX_SUPPLY_DATA_LENGTH = 1 * 1024 * 1024; // 1MB private final static long TIMEOUT_DOWNLOAD_MILLIS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(2); private final static String HEADER_DATAGUID = "X-HaikuDepotServer-DataGuid"; private final static String KEY_GUID = "guid"; private final static String KEY_USECODE = "usecode"; private final JobService jobService; private final ServerRuntime serverRuntime; private final AuthorizationService authorizationService; public JobController(ServerRuntime serverRuntime, JobService jobService, AuthorizationService authorizationService) { this.jobService = Preconditions.checkNotNull(jobService); this.serverRuntime = Preconditions.checkNotNull(serverRuntime); this.authorizationService = Preconditions.checkNotNull(authorizationService); } /** * <p>This is helper-code that can be used to check to see if the data is stale and * will then enqueue the job, run it and then redirect the user to the data * download.</p> * @param response is the HTTP response to send the redirect to. * @param ifModifiedSinceHeader is the inbound header from the client. * @param lastModifyTimestamp is the actual last modified date for the data. * @param jobSpecification is the job that would be run if the data is newer than in the * inbound header. */ public static void handleRedirectToJobData(HttpServletResponse response, JobService jobService, String ifModifiedSinceHeader, Date lastModifyTimestamp, JobSpecification jobSpecification) throws IOException { if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ifModifiedSinceHeader)) { try { Date requestModifyTimestamp = new Date(Instant .from(DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME.parse(ifModifiedSinceHeader)).toEpochMilli()); if (requestModifyTimestamp.getTime() >= lastModifyTimestamp.getTime()) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED.value()); return; } } catch (DateTimeParseException dtpe) { LOGGER.warn("bad [{}] header on request; [{}] -- will ignore", HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, StringUtils.abbreviate(ifModifiedSinceHeader, 128)); } } // what happens here is that we get the report and if it is too old, delete it and try again. JobSnapshot jobSnapshot = getJobSnapshotStartedAfter(jobService, lastModifyTimestamp, jobSpecification); Set<String> jobDataGuids = jobSnapshot.getDataGuids(); if (1 != jobDataGuids.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException("found [" + jobDataGuids.size() + "] job data guids related to the job [" + jobSnapshot.getGuid() + "] - was expecting 1"); } String lastModifiedValue = DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME .format(ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(lastModifyTimestamp.toInstant(), ZoneOffset.UTC)); String destinationLocationUrl = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance() .pathSegment(AuthenticationFilter.SEGMENT_SECURED).pathSegment(JobController.SEGMENT_JOBDATA) .pathSegment(jobDataGuids.iterator().next()).pathSegment(JobController.SEGMENT_DOWNLOAD) .toUriString(); response.addHeader(HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED, lastModifiedValue); response.sendRedirect(destinationLocationUrl); } private static JobSnapshot getJobSnapshotStartedAfter(JobService jobService, Date lastModifyTimestamp, JobSpecification jobSpecification) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { String jobGuid = jobService.immediate(jobSpecification, true); JobSnapshot jobSnapshot = jobService.tryGetJob(jobGuid).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException( "unable to obtain the job snapshot having run it immediate prior.")); if (jobSnapshot.getStartTimestamp().getTime() >= lastModifyTimestamp.getTime()) { return jobSnapshot; } jobService.removeJob(jobGuid); // remove the stale one. } throw new IllegalStateException( "unable to find a job snapshot started after [" + lastModifyTimestamp + "]"); } /** * <p>This URL can be used to supply data that can be used with a job to be run as an input to the * job. A GUID is returned in the header {@link #HEADER_DATAGUID} that can be later used to refer * to this uploaded data.</p> */ @RequestMapping(value = "/" + SEGMENT_JOBDATA, method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void supplyData(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response, @RequestHeader(value = HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, required = false) String contentType, @RequestParam(value = KEY_USECODE, required = false) String useCode) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(null != request, "the request must be provided"); int length = request.getContentLength(); if (-1 != length && length > MAX_SUPPLY_DATA_LENGTH) { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } ObjectContext context = serverRuntime.newContext(); tryObtainAuthenticatedUser(context).orElseThrow(() -> { LOGGER.warn("attempt to supply job data with no authenticated user"); return new JobDataAuthorizationFailure(); }); JobData data = jobService.storeSuppliedData(useCode, !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(contentType) ? contentType : MediaType.OCTET_STREAM.toString(), new ByteSource() { @Override public InputStream openStream() throws IOException { return request.getInputStream(); } }); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.setHeader(HEADER_DATAGUID, data.getGuid()); } /** * <p>This URL can be used to download job data that has resulted from a job being run.</p> */ @RequestMapping(value = "/" + SEGMENT_JOBDATA + "/{" + KEY_GUID + "}/" + SEGMENT_DOWNLOAD, method = RequestMethod.GET) public void downloadGeneratedData(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @PathVariable(value = KEY_GUID) String guid) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkArgument(PATTERN_GUID.matcher(guid).matches(), "the supplied guid does not match the required pattern"); ObjectContext context = serverRuntime.newContext(); JobSnapshot job = jobService.tryGetJobForData(guid).orElseThrow(() -> { LOGGER.warn("attempt to access job data {} for which no job exists", guid); return new JobDataAuthorizationFailure(); }); // If there is no user who is assigned to the job then the job is for nobody in particular and is thereby // secured by the GUID of the job's data; if you know the GUID then you can have the data. if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(job.getOwnerUserNickname())) { User user = tryObtainAuthenticatedUser(context).orElseThrow(() -> { LOGGER.warn("attempt to obtain job data {} with no authenticated user", guid); return new JobDataAuthorizationFailure(); }); User ownerUser = User.tryGetByNickname(context, job.getOwnerUserNickname()).orElseThrow(() -> { LOGGER.warn("owner of job does not seem to exist; {}", job.getOwnerUserNickname()); return new JobDataAuthorizationFailure(); }); if (!authorizationService.check(context, user, ownerUser, Permission.USER_VIEWJOBS)) { LOGGER.warn("attempt to access jobs view for; {}", job.toString()); throw new JobDataAuthorizationFailure(); } } else { LOGGER.debug("access to job [{}] allowed for unauthenticated access", job.toString()); } JobDataWithByteSource jobDataWithByteSink = jobService.tryObtainData(guid).orElseThrow(() -> { LOGGER.warn("requested job data {} not found", guid); return new JobDataAuthorizationFailure(); }); // finally access has been checked and the logic can move onto actual // delivery of the material. JobData jobData = jobDataWithByteSink.getJobData(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(jobData.getMediaTypeCode())) { response.setContentType(jobData.getMediaTypeCode()); } else { response.setContentType(MediaType.OCTET_STREAM.toString()); } response.setContentType(MediaType.CSV_UTF_8.toString()); response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=" + jobService.deriveDataFilename(guid)); response.setDateHeader(HttpHeaders.EXPIRES, 0); response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-cache"); // now switch to async for the delivery of the data. AsyncContext async = request.startAsync(); async.setTimeout(TIMEOUT_DOWNLOAD_MILLIS); ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream(); outputStream.setWriteListener(new JobDataWriteListener(guid, jobService, async, outputStream));"did start async stream job data; {}", guid); } @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, reason = "access to job data denied") private class JobDataAuthorizationFailure extends RuntimeException { } }