Java tutorial
/* * GWT Portlets Framework ( * Copyright 2009 Business Systems Group (Africa) * * This file is part of GWT Portlets. * * GWT Portlets is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GWT Portlets is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with GWT Portlets. If not, see <>. */ package org.gwtportlets.portlet.client.ui; import; import*; import; import; import org.gwtportlets.portlet.client.WidgetFactory; import org.gwtportlets.portlet.client.event.*; import org.gwtportlets.portlet.client.layout.*; import org.gwtportlets.portlet.client.util.Rectangle; import org.gwtportlets.portlet.client.util.FormBuilder; /** * Displays the current page by listening for {@link PageChangeEvent}'s * and swapping out a new tree of widgets in a content area on page changes. * If the page is editable then an edit button is displayed that launches * the online layout editor on click. */ public class PagePortlet extends ContainerPortlet implements BroadcastListener { private String appTitle = "App Title"; private String prefix = appTitle + ": "; private RefreshPanel panel = new RefreshPanel(); private ToolButton edit; private PageChangeEvent pageChange; private Portlet titlePortlet; private String currentTitle; public PagePortlet() { initWidget(panel); panel.setLimitMaximize(true); setStyleName("portlet-page"); } protected Container getDelegate() { return panel; } private void restore(Factory f) { this.appTitle = f.appTitle; this.prefix = f.prefix; updateTitle(); } public void onBroadcast(Object ev) { if (ev instanceof PageChangeEvent) { onPageChange((PageChangeEvent) ev); } else if (ev instanceof WidgetChangeEvent && ((WidgetChangeEvent) ev).getSource() == titlePortlet) { updateTitle(); } } protected void onPageChange(PageChangeEvent pageChange) { if (pageChange.isHandled()) { return; } pageChange.setHandled(true); this.pageChange = pageChange; // replace the contents of our panel with a tree of widgets created // from the factory in the page panel.clear(); WidgetFactory wf = pageChange.getWidgetFactory(); if (wf != null) { panel.add(LayoutUtil.createWidget(wf)); } panel.layout(); // use the first portlet we find on panel to supply our title titlePortlet = LayoutUtil.findPortletChild(panel); updateTitle(); // if the page is editable then make sure the edit button is visible if (pageChange.isEditable()) { if (edit == null) { edit = new ToolButton(ToolButton.CONFIGURE, "Edit page", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { onEditPage(); } }); } edit.setTitle("Edit page '" + pageChange.getPageName() + "'"); if (!edit.isAttached()) { RootPanel.get().add(edit); updateEditButtonPosition(); } } else if (edit != null && edit.isAttached()) { RootPanel.get().remove(edit); } } private void onEditPage() { pageChange.editPage((Container) panel.getWidget(0)); } private void updateTitle() { String title = null, windowTitle; if (titlePortlet != null) { title = titlePortlet.getWidgetTitle(); } if (title != null && !title.equals(appTitle)) { windowTitle = prefix + title; } else { title = windowTitle = appTitle; } if (!title.equals(currentTitle)) { Window.setTitle(windowTitle); currentTitle = title; } BroadcastManager.get().broadcast(new PageTitleChangeEvent(this, title)); } public void boundsUpdated() { super.boundsUpdated(); updateEditButtonPosition(); } protected void updateEditButtonPosition() { if (edit != null && edit.isAttached()) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); r.width = edit.getMaxWidth(); r.height = edit.getMaxHeight(); r.x = Window.getClientWidth() - r.width; r.y = Window.getClientHeight() - r.height; LDOM.setBounds(edit, r); } } public boolean isConfigureSupported() { return true; } public void configure() { final TextBox appTitle = new TextBox(); appTitle.setVisibleLength(30); appTitle.setTitle("Title used when no other title is available"); appTitle.setText(this.appTitle); final TextBox prefix = new TextBox(); prefix.setVisibleLength(30); prefix.setTitle("Prefix for title from first portlet on page for " + "browser window"); prefix.setText(this.prefix); FormBuilder b = new FormBuilder(); b.label("Application title").field(appTitle).endRow(); b.label("Browser window title prefix").field(prefix).endRow(); final Dialog dlg = new Dialog(); dlg.setText("Configure " + getWidgetName()); dlg.setWidget(b.getForm()); dlg.addButton(new CssButton("OK", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { dlg.hide(); PagePortlet.this.appTitle = appTitle.getText(); PagePortlet.this.prefix = prefix.getText(); updateTitle(); } })); dlg.addCloseButton("Cancel"); dlg.showNextTo(this); } @Override public boolean isStillListeningForBroadcasts() { return isAttached(); } public WidgetFactory createWidgetFactory() { return new Factory(this); } public static class Factory extends PortletFactory<PagePortlet> { public String appTitle; public String prefix; public Factory() { } public Factory(PagePortlet p) { super(p); appTitle = p.appTitle; prefix = p.prefix; } public void refresh(PagePortlet p) { super.refresh(p); p.restore(this); } public PagePortlet createWidget() { return new PagePortlet(); } } }