Java tutorial
package org.granitemc.granite.utils; /* * License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014. Granite Team * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the * Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import com.github.kevinsawicki.http.HttpRequest; import; import; import com.typesafe.config.*; import javassist.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.granitemc.granite.GraniteServerConfig; import org.granitemc.granite.api.Granite; import org.granitemc.granite.reflect.ReflectionUtils; import; import; import; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; public class Mappings { static Config file; // Human -> Obfuscated Class static BiMap<String, Class<?>> classes; static BiMap<String, CtClass> ctClasses; // Class -> <Signature -> Obfuscated Signature> //static Map<Class<?>, BiMap<SignatureParser.MethodSignature, String>> methodNames; // Class -> <Name -> Method> static Map<CtClass, BiMap<String, MethodHandle>> methods; static Map<CtClass, BiMap<String, CtMethod>> ctMethods; // TODO: this BiMap may cause an issue with method overloads // Class -> <Human Name -> Method> static Map<CtClass, BiMap<String, Field>> fields; static Map<CtClass, BiMap<String, CtField>> ctFields; static ClassPool pool; public static void load() { try { File mappingsFile = new File(Granite.getServerConfig().getMappingsFile().getAbsolutePath()); String url = ""; if (Granite.getServerConfig().getAutomaticMappingsUpdating()) { Granite.getLogger().info("Querying " + url + " for updates"); HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.get(url); if (!mappingsFile.exists() || !Objects.equals(req.eTag(), Granite.getServerConfig().getLatestMappingsEtag())) { Granite.getLogger().info("Could not find mappings.json (or etag didn't match)"); Granite.getLogger().info("Downloading from " + url); if (req.code() == 404) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot find mappings file on either the local system or on GitHub. Try placing a mappings.json file in the root server directory."); } else if (req.code() == 200) { req.receive(mappingsFile); ((GraniteServerConfig) Granite.getServerConfig()).file.put("latest-mappings-etag", req.eTag()); ((GraniteServerConfig) Granite.getServerConfig()); } } } file = ConfigFactory.parseReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(mappingsFile)), ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setSyntax(ConfigSyntax.JSON)); } catch ( e) { e.printStackTrace(); } classes = HashBiMap.create(); ctClasses = HashBiMap.create(); methods = new HashMap<>(); ctMethods = new HashMap<>(); fields = new HashMap<>(); ctFields = new HashMap<>(); pool = new ClassPool(true); try { for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigValue> classObject : file.getObject("classes").entrySet()) { String className = (String) ((ConfigObject) classObject.getValue()).get("name").unwrapped(); ctClasses.put(classObject.getKey(), pool.get(className)); ctClasses.put(classObject.getKey() + "[]", pool.get(className + "[]")); } for (Map.Entry<String, CtClass> entry : ctClasses.entrySet()) { CtClass ctClass = entry.getValue(); if (!entry.getKey().endsWith("[]")) { ConfigObject classObject = file .getObject("classes." + entry.getKey().replaceAll("\\$", "\"\\$\"")); methods.put(ctClass, HashBiMap.<String, MethodHandle>create()); ctMethods.put(ctClass, HashBiMap.<String, CtMethod>create()); if (classObject.containsKey("methods")) { for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigValue> methodEntry : ((ConfigObject) classObject .get("methods")).entrySet()) { String methodSignature = methodEntry.getKey(); String methodName = (String) methodEntry.getValue().unwrapped(); SignatureParser.MethodSignature obfSig = SignatureParser.parseJvm(methodSignature); /*MethodHandle mh = null; try { mh = MethodHandles.lookup().findVirtual(clazz.getValue(), methodSignature.split("\\(")[0], MethodType.methodType(obfSig.getReturnType(), obfSig.getParamTypes())); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) { if (e.getMessage().startsWith("no such method")) { try { Method m = clazz.getValue().getDeclaredMethod(methodSignature.split("\\(")[0], obfSig.getParamTypes()); m.setAccessible(true); mh = MethodHandles.lookup().unreflect(m); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } if (mh == null) { mh = mh; }*/ CtMethod method = ctClass.getMethod(methodSignature.split("\\(")[0], "(" + methodSignature.split("\\(")[1]); ctMethods.get(method.getDeclaringClass()).put(methodName, method); } } fields.put(ctClass, HashBiMap.<String, Field>create()); ctFields.put(ctClass, HashBiMap.<String, CtField>create()); if (classObject.containsKey("fields")) { for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigValue> fieldEntry : ((ConfigObject) classObject.get("fields")) .entrySet()) { String obfuscatedFieldName = fieldEntry.getKey(); String fieldName = (String) fieldEntry.getValue().unwrapped(); ctFields.get(ctClass).put(fieldName, ctClass.getDeclaredField(obfuscatedFieldName)); } } } } } catch (NotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static CtClass getCtClass(String humanClassName) { return ctClasses.get(humanClassName); } public static CtClass getCtClass(Class<?> clazz) { try { return pool.get((clazz.getName().contains("$$") ? clazz.getSuperclass() : clazz).getName()); } catch (NotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static String getClassName(CtClass ctClass) { return ctClasses.inverse().get(ctClass); } public static String getClassName(Class<?> clazz) { if (classes.inverse().containsKey(clazz)) { return classes.inverse().get(clazz); } else { try { return getClassName(pool.get(clazz.getName())); } catch (NotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } public static Class<?> getClass(String humanClassName) { if (classes.containsKey(humanClassName)) { return classes.get(humanClassName); } else { try { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(ctClasses.get(humanClassName).getName()); classes.put(humanClassName, clazz); return clazz; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } public static Field getField(CtClass clazz, String humanFieldName) { if (fields.containsKey(clazz)) { if (fields.get(clazz).containsKey(humanFieldName)) { return fields.get(clazz).get(humanFieldName); } else { try { CtField ctField = ctFields.get(clazz).get(humanFieldName); if (ctField == null && !clazz.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) { return getField(clazz.getSuperclass(), humanFieldName); } Field field = getClass(getClassName(ctField.getDeclaringClass())) .getDeclaredField(ctField.getName()); fields.get(clazz).put(humanFieldName, field); field.setAccessible(true); return field; } catch (NoSuchFieldException | NotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (!clazz.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) { try { return getField(clazz.getSuperclass(), humanFieldName); } catch (NotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } public static Field getField(String clazz, String humanFieldName) { return getField(getCtClass(clazz), humanFieldName); } public static Field getField(Class<?> clazz, String humanFieldName) { return getField(getCtClass(clazz), humanFieldName); } public static MethodHandle getMethod(CtClass clazz, String methodName) { if (methods.containsKey(clazz)) { if (methods.get(clazz).containsKey(methodName)) { return methods.get(clazz).get(methodName); } else { CtMethod ctMethod = ctMethods.get(clazz).get(methodName); if (ctMethod != null) { try { Class<?>[] paramTypes = new Class<?>[ctMethod.getParameterTypes().length]; for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { paramTypes[i] = ReflectionUtils .getClassByName(ctMethod.getParameterTypes()[i].getName()); } Method m = Class.forName(ctMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()) .getDeclaredMethod(ctMethod.getName(), paramTypes); m.setAccessible(true); MethodHandle handle = MethodHandles.lookup().unreflect(m); methods.get(clazz).put(methodName, handle); return handle; } catch (NotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } try { CtClass superClass = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (superClass == null || superClass.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) { for (CtClass interfac : clazz.getInterfaces()) { MethodHandle m = getMethod(interfac, methodName); return m; } } else { return getMethod(superClass, methodName); } } catch (NotFoundException ignored) { } return null; } public static MethodHandle getMethod(String clazz, String methodName) { return getMethod(getCtClass(clazz), methodName); } public static MethodHandle getMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName) { return getMethod(getCtClass(clazz), methodName); } /*public static String getMethodName(Class<?> clazz, MethodHandle methodHandle) { return methods.get(getCtClass(clazz)).inverse().get(methodHandle); } public static String getMethodName(Class<?> clazz, Method method) { try { return getMethodName(clazz, MethodHandles.lookup().unreflect(method)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }*/ public static Object invoke(Object object, String methodName, Object... args) { return invoke(object, getMethod(getCtClass(object.getClass()), methodName), args); } public static Object invoke(Object object, MethodHandle handle, Object... args) { try { return handle.invokeWithArguments(ArrayUtils.add(args, 0, object)); } catch (Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static Object invokeStatic(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Object... args) { try { return getMethod(getCtClass(clazz), methodName).invokeWithArguments(args); } catch (Throwable throwable) { throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } } public static Object invokeStatic(String className, String methodName, Object... args) { return invokeStatic(getClass(className), methodName, args); } }