Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.model.internal.registry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.jcip.annotations.NotThreadSafe; import org.gradle.api.Nullable; import org.gradle.internal.Cast; import org.gradle.model.ConfigurationCycleException; import org.gradle.model.InvalidModelRuleDeclarationException; import org.gradle.model.RuleSource; import org.gradle.model.internal.core.*; import org.gradle.model.internal.core.rule.describe.ModelRuleDescriptor; import org.gradle.model.internal.inspect.ModelRuleExtractor; import; import org.gradle.model.internal.type.ModelType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; import static org.gradle.model.internal.core.ModelNode.State.*; @NotThreadSafe public class DefaultModelRegistry implements ModelRegistry { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultModelRegistry.class); private final ModelGraph modelGraph; private final RuleBindings ruleBindings; private final ModelRuleExtractor ruleExtractor; private final Set<RuleBinder> unboundRules = Sets.newIdentityHashSet(); private boolean reset; private boolean replace; public DefaultModelRegistry(ModelRuleExtractor ruleExtractor) { this.ruleExtractor = ruleExtractor; ModelCreator rootCreator = ModelCreators.of(ModelPath.ROOT).descriptor("<root>") .withProjection(EmptyModelProjection.INSTANCE).build(); modelGraph = new ModelGraph(new ModelElementNode(toCreatorBinder(rootCreator), null)); modelGraph.getRoot().setState(Created); ruleBindings = new RuleBindings(modelGraph); } private static String describe(ModelRuleDescriptor descriptor) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); descriptor.describeTo(stringBuilder); return stringBuilder.toString(); } public DefaultModelRegistry create(ModelCreator creator) { ModelPath path = creator.getPath(); if (!ModelPath.ROOT.isDirectChild(path)) { throw new InvalidModelRuleDeclarationException(creator.getDescriptor(), "Cannot create element at '" + path + "', only top level is allowed (e.g. '" + path.getRootParent() + "')"); } ModelNodeInternal root = modelGraph.getRoot(); root.addLink(creator); return this; } private CreatorRuleBinder toCreatorBinder(ModelCreator creator) { BindingPredicate subject = new BindingPredicate( ModelReference.of(creator.getPath(), ModelType.untyped(), ModelNode.State.Created)); return new CreatorRuleBinder(creator, subject, Collections.<BindingPredicate>emptyList(), unboundRules); } private ModelNodeInternal registerNode(ModelNodeInternal node) { if (reset) { unboundRules.remove(node.getCreatorBinder()); unboundRules.removeAll(node.getInitializerRuleBinders()); return node; } // Disabled before 2.3 release due to not wanting to validate task names (which may contain invalid chars), at least not yet // ModelPath.validateName(name); addRuleBindings(node); modelGraph.add(node); ruleBindings.nodeCreated(node); if (node.getCreatorBinder().getCreator().isService()) { node.ensureAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined); } return node; } private void addRuleBindings(ModelNodeInternal node) { ruleBindings.add(node.getCreatorBinder()); for (Map.Entry<ModelActionRole, ? extends ModelAction> entry : node.getCreatorBinder().getCreator() .getActions().entries()) { ModelActionRole role = entry.getKey(); ModelAction action = entry.getValue(); checkNodePath(node, action); // We need to re-bind early actions like projections and creators even when reusing boolean earlyAction = role.compareTo(ModelActionRole.Create) <= 0; if (!reset || earlyAction) { ModelActionBinder binder = forceBind(action.getSubject(), role, action, ModelPath.ROOT); if (earlyAction) { node.addInitializerRuleBinder(binder); } } } } @Override public DefaultModelRegistry configure(ModelActionRole role, ModelAction action) { bind(action.getSubject(), role, action, ModelPath.ROOT); return this; } @Override public ModelRegistry configure(ModelActionRole role, ModelAction action, ModelPath scope) { bind(action.getSubject(), role, action, scope); return this; } @Override public ModelRegistry apply(Class<? extends RuleSource> rules) { modelGraph.getRoot().applyToSelf(rules); return this; } private static void checkNodePath(ModelNodeInternal node, ModelAction action) { if (!node.getPath().equals(action.getSubject().getPath())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Element action reference has path (%s) which does not reference this node (%s).", action.getSubject().getPath(), node.getPath())); } } private <T> void bind(ModelReference<T> subject, ModelActionRole role, ModelAction mutator, ModelPath scope) { if (reset) { return; } forceBind(subject, role, mutator, scope); } private <T> ModelActionBinder forceBind(ModelReference<T> subject, ModelActionRole role, ModelAction mutator, ModelPath scope) { BindingPredicate mappedSubject = mapSubject(subject, role, scope); List<BindingPredicate> mappedInputs = mapInputs(mutator.getInputs(), scope); ModelActionBinder binder = new ModelActionBinder(mappedSubject, mappedInputs, mutator, unboundRules); ruleBindings.add(binder); return binder; } public <T> T realize(ModelPath path, ModelType<T> type) { return toType(type, require(path), "get(ModelPath, ModelType)"); } @Override public ModelNode atState(ModelPath path, ModelNode.State state) { return atStateOrMaybeLater(path, state, false); } @Override public ModelNode atStateOrLater(ModelPath path, ModelNode.State state) { return atStateOrMaybeLater(path, state, true); } private ModelNode atStateOrMaybeLater(ModelPath path, ModelNode.State state, boolean laterOk) { ModelNodeInternal node = modelGraph.find(path); if (node == null) { return null; } transition(node, state, laterOk); return node; } public <T> T find(ModelPath path, ModelType<T> type) { return toType(type, get(path), "find(ModelPath, ModelType)"); } private <T> T toType(ModelType<T> type, ModelNodeInternal node, String msg) { if (node == null) { return null; } else { return assertView(node, type, null, msg).getInstance(); } } @Override public ModelNode realizeNode(ModelPath path) { return require(path); } private void registerListener(ModelCreationListener listener) { modelGraph.addListener(listener); } public void remove(ModelPath path) { ModelNodeInternal node = modelGraph.find(path); if (node == null) { return; } Iterable<? extends ModelNode> dependents = node.getDependents(); if (Iterables.isEmpty(dependents)) { modelGraph.remove(node); ruleBindings.remove(node); unboundRules.remove(node.getCreatorBinder()); unboundRules.removeAll(node.getInitializerRuleBinders()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Tried to remove model " + path + " but it is depended on by: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(dependents)); } } @Override public ModelRegistry createOrReplace(ModelCreator newCreator) { ModelPath path = newCreator.getPath(); ModelNodeInternal node = modelGraph.find(path); if (node == null) { ModelNodeInternal parent = modelGraph.find(path.getParent()); if (parent == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create '" + path + "' as its parent node does not exist"); } parent.addLink(newCreator); } else { replace(newCreator); } return this; } @Override public ModelRegistry replace(ModelCreator newCreator) { ModelNodeInternal node = modelGraph.find(newCreator.getPath()); if (node == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "can not replace node " + newCreator.getPath() + " as it does not exist"); } replace = true; try { boolean wasProjectionsDefined = node.isAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined); ruleBindings.remove(node, node.getCreatorBinder()); for (RuleBinder ruleBinder : node.getInitializerRuleBinders()) { ruleBindings.remove(node, ruleBinder); } node.getInitializerRuleBinders().clear(); // Will internally verify that this is valid node.replaceCreatorRuleBinder(toCreatorBinder(newCreator)); node.setState(Known); addRuleBindings(node); if (wasProjectionsDefined) { transition(node, ProjectionsDefined, false); } } finally { replace = false; } return this; } public void bindAllReferences() throws UnboundModelRulesException { GoalGraph graph = new GoalGraph(); for (ModelNodeInternal node : modelGraph.getFlattened().values()) { if (!node.isAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined)) { transitionTo(graph, new DefineProjections(node.getPath())); } } if (unboundRules.isEmpty()) { return; } boolean newInputsBound = true; while (!unboundRules.isEmpty() && newInputsBound) { newInputsBound = false; RuleBinder[] unboundBinders = unboundRules.toArray(new RuleBinder[unboundRules.size()]); for (RuleBinder binder : unboundBinders) { transitionTo(graph, new TryBindInputs(binder)); newInputsBound = newInputsBound || binder.isBound(); } } if (!unboundRules.isEmpty()) { SortedSet<RuleBinder> sortedBinders = new TreeSet<RuleBinder>(new Comparator<RuleBinder>() { @Override public int compare(RuleBinder o1, RuleBinder o2) { return o1.getDescriptor().toString().compareTo(o2.getDescriptor().toString()); } }); sortedBinders.addAll(unboundRules); throw unbound(sortedBinders); } } private UnboundModelRulesException unbound(Iterable<? extends RuleBinder> binders) { ModelPathSuggestionProvider suggestionsProvider = new ModelPathSuggestionProvider( modelGraph.getFlattened().keySet()); List<? extends UnboundRule> unboundRules = new UnboundRulesProcessor(binders, suggestionsProvider) .process(); return new UnboundModelRulesException(unboundRules); } private ModelNodeInternal require(ModelPath path) { ModelNodeInternal node = get(path); if (node == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No model node at '" + path + "'"); } return node; } @Override public ModelNode.State state(ModelPath path) { ModelNodeInternal modelNode = modelGraph.find(path); return modelNode == null ? null : modelNode.getState(); } private ModelNodeInternal get(ModelPath path) { GoalGraph graph = new GoalGraph(); transitionTo(graph, graph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(path, Known))); ModelNodeInternal node = modelGraph.find(path); if (node == null) { return null; } transitionTo(graph, graph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(path, GraphClosed))); return node; } /** * Attempts to achieve the given goal. */ // TODO - reuse graph, discard state once not required private void transitionTo(GoalGraph goalGraph, ModelGoal targetGoal) { LinkedList<ModelGoal> queue = new LinkedList<ModelGoal>(); queue.add(targetGoal); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { ModelGoal goal = queue.getFirst(); if (goal.state == ModelGoal.State.Achieved) { // Already reached this goal queue.removeFirst(); continue; } if (goal.state == ModelGoal.State.NotSeen) { if (goal.isAchieved()) { // Goal has previously been achieved or is no longer required goal.state = ModelGoal.State.Achieved; queue.removeFirst(); continue; } } if (goal.state == ModelGoal.State.VisitingDependencies) { // All dependencies visited goal.apply(); goal.state = ModelGoal.State.Achieved; queue.removeFirst(); continue; } // Add dependencies for this goal List<ModelGoal> newDependencies = new ArrayList<ModelGoal>(); goal.attachNode(); boolean done = goal.calculateDependencies(goalGraph, newDependencies); goal.state = done || newDependencies.isEmpty() ? ModelGoal.State.VisitingDependencies : ModelGoal.State.DiscoveringDependencies; // Add dependencies to the start of the queue for (int i = newDependencies.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ModelGoal dependency = newDependencies.get(i); if (dependency.state == ModelGoal.State.Achieved) { continue; } if (dependency.state == ModelGoal.State.NotSeen) { queue.addFirst(dependency); continue; } throw ruleCycle(dependency, queue); } } } private ConfigurationCycleException ruleCycle(ModelGoal brokenGoal, LinkedList<ModelGoal> queue) { List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>(); int pos = queue.indexOf(brokenGoal); ListIterator<ModelGoal> iterator = queue.listIterator(pos + 1); while (iterator.hasPrevious()) { ModelGoal goal = iterator.previous(); goal.attachToCycle(path); } brokenGoal.attachToCycle(path); Formatter out = new Formatter(); out.format("A cycle has been detected in model rule dependencies. References forming the cycle:"); String last = null; StringBuilder indent = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { String node = path.get(i); // Remove duplicates if (node.equals(last)) { continue; } last = node; if (i == 0) { out.format("%n%s%s", indent, node); } else { out.format("%n%s\\- %s", indent, node); indent.append(" "); } } return new ConfigurationCycleException(out.toString()); } private void transition(ModelNodeInternal node, ModelNode.State desired, boolean laterOk) { ModelPath path = node.getPath(); ModelNode.State state = node.getState(); LOGGER.debug("Transitioning model element '{}' from state {} to {}", path,,; if (desired.ordinal() < state.ordinal()) { if (laterOk) { return; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot lifecycle model node '" + path + "' to state " + + " as it is already at " +; } } if (state == desired) { return; } GoalGraph goalGraph = new GoalGraph(); transitionTo(goalGraph, goalGraph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(node.getPath(), desired))); } private <T> ModelView<? extends T> assertView(ModelNodeInternal node, ModelType<T> targetType, @Nullable ModelRuleDescriptor descriptor, String msg, Object... msgArgs) { ModelView<? extends T> view = node.asImmutable(targetType, descriptor); if (view == null) { // TODO better error reporting here throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Model node '" + node.getPath().toString() + "' is not compatible with requested " + targetType + " (operation: " + String.format(msg, msgArgs) + ")"); } else { return view; } } private void fireAction(ModelActionBinder boundMutator) { final List<ModelView<?>> inputs = toViews(boundMutator.getInputBindings(), boundMutator.getAction().getDescriptor()); ModelBinding subjectBinding = boundMutator.getSubjectBinding(); if (subjectBinding == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Subject binding must not be null"); } final ModelNodeInternal node = subjectBinding.getNode(); final ModelAction mutator = boundMutator.getAction(); ModelRuleDescriptor descriptor = mutator.getDescriptor(); LOGGER.debug("Mutating {} using {}", node.getPath(), descriptor); try {, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mutator.execute(node, inputs); } }); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO some representation of state of the inputs throw new ModelRuleExecutionException(descriptor, e); } } private List<ModelView<?>> toViews(List<ModelBinding> bindings, ModelRuleDescriptor descriptor) { // hot path; create as little as possible @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ModelView<?>[] array = new ModelView<?>[bindings.size()]; int i = 0; for (ModelBinding binding : bindings) { ModelNodeInternal element = binding.getNode(); ModelView<?> view = assertView(element, binding.getPredicate().getType(), descriptor, "toViews"); array[i++] = view; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<ModelView<?>> views = Arrays.asList(array); return views; } @Override public MutableModelNode getRoot() { return modelGraph.getRoot(); } @Override public MutableModelNode node(ModelPath path) { return modelGraph.find(path); } @Override public void prepareForReuse() { reset = true; List<ModelNodeInternal> ephemerals = Lists.newLinkedList(); collectEphemeralChildren(modelGraph.getRoot(), ephemerals); if (ephemerals.isEmpty()) {"No ephemeral model nodes found to reset"); } else { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"Resetting ephemeral model nodes: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(ephemerals)); } for (ModelNodeInternal ephemeral : ephemerals) { ephemeral.reset(); } } } private void collectEphemeralChildren(ModelNodeInternal node, Collection<ModelNodeInternal> ephemerals) { for (ModelNodeInternal child : node.getLinks()) { if (child.isEphemeral()) { ephemerals.add(child); } else { collectEphemeralChildren(child, ephemerals); } } } private BindingPredicate mapSubject(ModelReference<?> subjectReference, ModelActionRole role, ModelPath scope) { if (!role.isSubjectViewAvailable() && !subjectReference.isUntyped()) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Cannot bind subject '%s' to role '%s' because it is targeting a type and subject types are not yet available in that role", subjectReference, role)); } ModelReference<?> mappedReference; if (subjectReference.getPath() == null) { mappedReference = subjectReference.inScope(scope); } else { mappedReference = subjectReference.withPath(scope.descendant(subjectReference.getPath())); } return new BindingPredicate(mappedReference.atState(role.getTargetState())); } private List<BindingPredicate> mapInputs(List<? extends ModelReference<?>> inputs, ModelPath scope) { if (inputs.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } ArrayList<BindingPredicate> result = new ArrayList<BindingPredicate>(inputs.size()); for (ModelReference<?> input : inputs) { if (input.getPath() != null) { result.add(new BindingPredicate(input.withPath(scope.descendant(input.getPath())))); } else { result.add(new BindingPredicate(input.inScope(ModelPath.ROOT))); } } return result; } private class ModelElementNode extends ModelNodeInternal { private final Map<String, ModelNodeInternal> links = Maps.newTreeMap(); private final MutableModelNode parent; private Object privateData; private ModelType<?> privateDataType; public ModelElementNode(CreatorRuleBinder creatorRuleBinder, MutableModelNode parent) { super(creatorRuleBinder); this.parent = parent; } @Override public MutableModelNode getParent() { return parent; } @Override public <T> ModelView<? extends T> asImmutable(ModelType<T> type, @Nullable ModelRuleDescriptor ruleDescriptor) { ModelView<? extends T> modelView = getAdapter().asImmutable(type, this, ruleDescriptor); if (modelView == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Model node " + getPath() + " cannot be expressed as a read-only view of type " + type); } return modelView; } @Override public <T> ModelView<? extends T> asMutable(ModelType<T> type, ModelRuleDescriptor ruleDescriptor, List<ModelView<?>> inputs) { ModelView<? extends T> modelView = getAdapter().asMutable(type, this, ruleDescriptor, inputs); if (modelView == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Model node " + getPath() + " cannot be expressed as a mutable view of type " + type); } return modelView; } @Override public <T> T getPrivateData(Class<T> type) { return getPrivateData(ModelType.of(type)); } public <T> T getPrivateData(ModelType<T> type) { if (privateData == null) { return null; } if (!type.isAssignableFrom(privateDataType)) { throw new ClassCastException("Cannot get private data '" + privateData + "' of type '" + privateDataType + "' as type '" + type); } return Cast.uncheckedCast(privateData); } @Override public Object getPrivateData() { return privateData; } @Override public <T> void setPrivateData(Class<? super T> type, T object) { setPrivateData(ModelType.of(type), object); } public <T> void setPrivateData(ModelType<? super T> type, T object) { if (!isMutable()) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Cannot set value for model element '%s' as this element is not mutable.", getPath())); } this.privateDataType = type; this.privateData = object; } @Override protected void resetPrivateData() { this.privateDataType = null; this.privateData = null; } public boolean hasLink(String name) { return links.containsKey(name); } @Nullable public ModelNodeInternal getLink(String name) { return links.get(name); } public Iterable<? extends ModelNodeInternal> getLinks() { return links.values(); } @Override public int getLinkCount(ModelType<?> type) { int count = 0; for (ModelNodeInternal linked : links.values()) { linked.ensureAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined); if (linked.getPromise().canBeViewedAsMutable(type)) { count++; } } return count; } @Override public Set<String> getLinkNames(ModelType<?> type) { Set<String> names = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (Map.Entry<String, ModelNodeInternal> entry : links.entrySet()) { ModelNodeInternal link = entry.getValue(); link.ensureAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined); if (link.getPromise().canBeViewedAsMutable(type)) { names.add(entry.getKey()); } } return names; } @Override public Iterable<? extends MutableModelNode> getLinks(final ModelType<?> type) { return Iterables.filter(links.values(), new Predicate<ModelNodeInternal>() { @Override public boolean apply(ModelNodeInternal link) { link.ensureAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined); return link.getPromise().canBeViewedAsMutable(type); } }); } @Override public int getLinkCount() { return links.size(); } @Override public boolean hasLink(String name, ModelType<?> type) { ModelNodeInternal linked = getLink(name); if (linked == null) { return false; } linked.ensureAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined); return linked.getPromise().canBeViewedAsMutable(type); } @Override public void applyToSelf(ModelActionRole role, ModelAction action) { checkNodePath(this, action); bind(action.getSubject(), role, action, ModelPath.ROOT); } @Override public void applyToLink(ModelActionRole type, ModelAction action) { if (!getPath().isDirectChild(action.getSubject().getPath())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Linked element action reference has a path (%s) which is not a child of this node (%s).", action.getSubject().getPath(), getPath())); } bind(action.getSubject(), type, action, ModelPath.ROOT); } @Override public void applyToLink(String name, Class<? extends RuleSource> rules) { apply(rules, getPath().child(name)); } @Override public void applyToSelf(Class<? extends RuleSource> rules) { apply(rules, getPath()); } @Override public void applyToLinks(final ModelType<?> type, final Class<? extends RuleSource> rules) { registerListener(new ModelCreationListener() { @Nullable @Override public ModelPath getParent() { return getPath(); } @Nullable @Override public ModelType<?> getType() { return type; } @Override public boolean onCreate(ModelNodeInternal node) { node.applyToSelf(rules); return false; } }); } @Override public void applyToAllLinksTransitive(final ModelType<?> type, final Class<? extends RuleSource> rules) { registerListener(new ModelCreationListener() { @Override public ModelPath getAncestor() { return ModelElementNode.this.getPath(); } @Nullable @Override public ModelType<?> getType() { return type; } @Override public boolean onCreate(ModelNodeInternal node) { node.applyToSelf(rules); return false; } }); } private void apply(Class<? extends RuleSource> rules, ModelPath scope) { Iterable<ExtractedModelRule> extractedRules = ruleExtractor.extract(rules); for (ExtractedModelRule extractedRule : extractedRules) { if (!extractedRule.getRuleDependencies().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Rule source " + rules + " cannot have plugin dependencies (introduced by rule " + extractedRule + ")"); } extractedRule.apply(DefaultModelRegistry.this, scope); } } @Override public void applyToAllLinks(final ModelActionRole type, final ModelAction action) { if (action.getSubject().getPath() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Linked element action reference must have null path."); } registerListener(new ModelCreationListener() { @Override public ModelPath getParent() { return ModelElementNode.this.getPath(); } @Override public ModelType<?> getType() { return action.getSubject().getType(); } @Override public boolean onCreate(ModelNodeInternal node) { bind(ModelReference.of(node.getPath(), action.getSubject().getType()), type, action, ModelPath.ROOT); return false; } }); } @Override public void applyToAllLinksTransitive(final ModelActionRole type, final ModelAction action) { if (action.getSubject().getPath() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Linked element action reference must have null path."); } registerListener(new ModelCreationListener() { @Override public ModelPath getAncestor() { return ModelElementNode.this.getPath(); } @Override public ModelType<?> getType() { return action.getSubject().getType(); } @Override public boolean onCreate(ModelNodeInternal node) { bind(ModelReference.of(node.getPath(), action.getSubject().getType()), type, action, ModelPath.ROOT); return false; } }); } @Override public void addReference(ModelCreator creator) { addNode(new ModelReferenceNode(toCreatorBinder(creator), this), creator); } @Override public void addLink(ModelCreator creator) { addNode(new ModelElementNode(toCreatorBinder(creator), this), creator); } private void addNode(ModelNodeInternal child, ModelCreator creator) { ModelPath childPath = child.getPath(); if (!getPath().isDirectChild(childPath)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Element creator has a path (%s) which is not a child of this node (%s).", childPath, getPath())); } if (reset) { // Reuse child node registerNode(child); return; } ModelNodeInternal currentChild = links.get(childPath.getName()); if (currentChild != null) { if (!currentChild.isAtLeast(Created)) { throw new DuplicateModelException(String.format( "Cannot create '%s' using creation rule '%s' as the rule '%s' is already registered to create this model element.", childPath, describe(creator.getDescriptor()), describe(currentChild.getDescriptor()))); } throw new DuplicateModelException(String.format( "Cannot create '%s' using creation rule '%s' as the rule '%s' has already been used to create this model element.", childPath, describe(creator.getDescriptor()), describe(currentChild.getDescriptor()))); } if (!isMutable()) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Cannot create '%s' using creation rule '%s' as model element '%s' is no longer mutable.", childPath, describe(creator.getDescriptor()), getPath())); } links.put(child.getPath().getName(), child); registerNode(child); } @Override public void removeLink(String name) { if (links.remove(name) != null) { remove(getPath().child(name)); } } @Override public void setTarget(ModelNode target) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( String.format("This node (%s) is not a reference to another node.", getPath())); } @Override public void ensureUsable() { ensureAtLeast(Initialized); } @Override public void ensureAtLeast(State state) { transition(this, state, true); } @Override public void addProjection(ModelProjection projection) { transition(this, State.Known, false); getCreatorBinder().getCreator().addProjection(projection); } } private class GoalGraph { private final Map<NodeAtState, ModelGoal> nodeStates = new HashMap<NodeAtState, ModelGoal>(); public ModelGoal nodeAtState(NodeAtState goal) { ModelGoal node = nodeStates.get(goal); if (node == null) { switch (goal.state) { case Known: node = new MakeKnown(goal.path); break; case ProjectionsDefined: node = new DefineProjections(goal.path); break; case GraphClosed: node = new CloseGraph(goal); break; default: node = new ApplyActions(goal); } nodeStates.put(goal, node); } return node; } } /** * Some abstract goal that must be achieved in the model graph. */ private abstract static class ModelGoal { enum State { NotSeen, DiscoveringDependencies, VisitingDependencies, Achieved, } public State state = State.NotSeen; /** * Determines whether the goal has already been achieved. Invoked prior to traversing any dependencies of this goal, and if true is returned the dependencies of this goal are not traversed and * the action not applied. */ public boolean isAchieved() { return false; } /** * Invoked prior to calculating dependencies. */ public void attachNode() { } /** * Calculates any dependencies for this goal. May be invoked multiple times, should only add newly dependencies discovered dependencies on each invocation. * * <p>The dependencies returned by this method are all traversed before this method is called another time.</p> * * @return true if this goal will be ready to apply once the returned dependencies have been achieved. False if additional dependencies for this goal may be discovered during the execution of * the known dependencies. */ public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { return true; } /** * Applies the action of this goal. */ void apply() { } void attachToCycle(List<String> displayValue) { } @Override public abstract String toString(); } /** * Some abstract goal to be achieve for a particular node in the model graph. */ private abstract class ModelNodeGoal extends ModelGoal { public final ModelPath target; public ModelNodeInternal node; protected ModelNodeGoal(ModelPath target) { = target; } public ModelPath getPath() { return target; } @Override public final boolean isAchieved() { node = modelGraph.find(target); return node != null && doIsAchieved(); } /** * Invoked only if node is known prior to traversing dependencies of this goal */ protected boolean doIsAchieved() { return false; } @Override public void attachNode() { if (node != null) { return; } node = modelGraph.find(getPath()); } } private class MakeKnown extends ModelNodeGoal { public MakeKnown(ModelPath path) { super(path); } @Override public String toString() { return "make known " + getPath() + ", state: " + state; } @Override public boolean doIsAchieved() { // Only called when node exists, therefore node is known return true; } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { // Not already known, attempt to self-close the parent ModelPath parent = getPath().getParent(); if (parent != null) { // TODO - should be >= self closed dependencies.add(graph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(parent, SelfClosed))); } return true; } } private abstract class TransitionNodeToState extends ModelNodeGoal { final NodeAtState target; private boolean seenPredecessor; public TransitionNodeToState(NodeAtState target) { super(target.path); = target; } @Override public String toString() { return "transition " + getPath() + ", target: " + target.state + ", state: " + state; } public ModelNode.State getTargetState() { return target.state; } @Override public boolean doIsAchieved() { return node.getState().compareTo(getTargetState()) >= 0; } @Override public final boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { if (!seenPredecessor) { // Node must be at the predecessor state before calculating dependencies NodeAtState predecessor = new NodeAtState(getPath(), getTargetState().previous()); dependencies.add(graph.nodeAtState(predecessor)); // Transition any other nodes that depend on the predecessor state dependencies.add(new TransitionDependents(predecessor)); seenPredecessor = true; return false; } if (node == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("Cannot transition model element '%s' to state %s as it does not exist.", getPath(), getTargetState().name())); } return doCalculateDependencies(graph, dependencies); } boolean doCalculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { return true; } @Override public final void apply() { if (!node.getState().equals(getTargetState().previous())) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Cannot transition model element '%s' to state %s as it is already at state %s.", node.getPath(), getTargetState(), node.getState())); } LOGGER.debug("Transitioning model element '{}' to state {}.", node.getPath(), getTargetState().name()); node.setState(getTargetState()); } @Override void attachToCycle(List<String> displayValue) { displayValue.add(getPath().toString()); } } private class DefineProjections extends ModelNodeGoal { public DefineProjections(ModelPath path) { super(path); } @Override public boolean doIsAchieved() { return node.isAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined); } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { dependencies.add(new ApplyActions(new NodeAtState(getPath(), ProjectionsDefined))); dependencies.add(new NotifyProjectionsDefined(getPath())); return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "define projections for " + getPath() + ", state: " + state; } } private class TransitionDependents extends ModelGoal { private final NodeAtState input; public TransitionDependents(NodeAtState input) { this.input = input; } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { for (RuleBinder rule : ruleBindings.getRulesWithInput(input)) { if (rule.getSubjectBinding() == null || !rule.getSubjectBinding().isBound() || rule.getSubjectReference().getState() == null) { // TODO - implement these cases continue; } if (rule.getSubjectBinding().getNode().getPath().equals(input.path)) { // Ignore future states of the input node continue; } dependencies.add(graph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(rule.getSubjectBinding().getNode().getPath(), rule.getSubjectReference().getState()))); } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "transition dependents " + input.path + ", target: " + input.state + ", state: " + state; } } private class TransitionChildrenOrReference extends ModelNodeGoal { private final ModelNode.State targetState; protected TransitionChildrenOrReference(ModelPath target, ModelNode.State targetState) { super(target); this.targetState = targetState; } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { if (node instanceof ModelReferenceNode) { ModelReferenceNode referenceNode = (ModelReferenceNode) node; ModelNodeInternal target = referenceNode.getTarget(); if (target == null || target.getPath().isDescendant(node.getPath())) { // No target, or target is an ancestor of this node, so is already being handled return true; } dependencies.add(graph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(target.getPath(), targetState))); } else { for (ModelNodeInternal child : node.getLinks()) { dependencies.add(graph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(child.getPath(), targetState))); } } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "transition children of " + getPath() + " to " + targetState + ", state: " + state; } } private class ApplyActions extends TransitionNodeToState { private final Set<RuleBinder> seenRules = new HashSet<RuleBinder>(); public ApplyActions(NodeAtState target) { super(target); } @Override boolean doCalculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { boolean noActionsAdded = true; // Must run each action for (RuleBinder binder : ruleBindings.getRulesWithSubject(target)) { if (seenRules.add(binder)) { noActionsAdded = false; if (binder instanceof ModelActionBinder) { dependencies.add(new RunModelAction(getPath(), (ModelActionBinder) binder)); } } } return noActionsAdded; } } private class CloseGraph extends TransitionNodeToState { public CloseGraph(NodeAtState target) { super(target); } @Override boolean doCalculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { dependencies.add(new TransitionChildrenOrReference(getPath(), GraphClosed)); return true; } } /** * Attempts to make known the given path. When the path references a link, also makes the target of the link known. * * Does not fail if not possible to do. */ private class TryResolvePath extends ModelNodeGoal { private boolean attemptedParent; public TryResolvePath(ModelPath path) { super(path); } @Override protected boolean doIsAchieved() { // Only called when node exists return true; } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { // Not already known, attempt to resolve the parent if (!attemptedParent) { dependencies.add(new TryResolvePath(getPath().getParent())); attemptedParent = true; return false; } ModelNodeInternal parent = modelGraph.find(getPath().getParent()); if (parent == null) { // No parent, we're done return true; } if (parent instanceof ModelReferenceNode) { // Parent is a reference, need to resolve the target ModelReferenceNode parentReference = (ModelReferenceNode) parent; if (parentReference.getTarget() != null) { dependencies.add(new TryResolveReference(parentReference, getPath())); } } else { // Self close parent in order to discover its children, or its target in the case of a reference dependencies.add(graph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(getPath().getParent(), SelfClosed))); } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "try resolve path " + getPath() + ", state: " + state; } } private class TryResolveAndDefineProjectionsForPath extends TryResolvePath { private boolean attemptedPath; public TryResolveAndDefineProjectionsForPath(ModelPath path) { super(path); } @Override protected boolean doIsAchieved() { return node.isAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined); } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { if (modelGraph.find(getPath()) == null) { if (!attemptedPath) { attemptedPath = super.calculateDependencies(graph, dependencies); return false; } else { // Didn't find node at path return true; } } dependencies.add(graph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(getPath(), ProjectionsDefined))); return true; } } private class TryResolveReference extends ModelGoal { private final ModelReferenceNode parent; private final ModelPath path; public TryResolveReference(ModelReferenceNode parent, ModelPath path) { this.parent = parent; this.path = path; } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { dependencies.add( new TryResolveAndDefineProjectionsForPath(parent.getTarget().getPath().child(path.getName()))); return true; } @Override void apply() { // Rough implementation to get something to work ModelNodeInternal parentTarget = parent.getTarget(); ModelNodeInternal childTarget = parentTarget.getLink(path.getName()); if (childTarget == null) { throw new NullPointerException("child is null"); } ModelCreator creator = ModelCreators.of(path).descriptor(parent.getDescriptor()) .withProjection(childTarget.getCreatorBinder().getCreator().getProjection()).build(); ModelReferenceNode childNode = new ModelReferenceNode(toCreatorBinder(creator), parent); childNode.setTarget(childTarget); registerNode(childNode); ruleBindings.nodeProjectionsDefined(childNode); } @Override public String toString() { return "try resolve reference " + path + ", state: " + state; } } /** * Attempts to define the contents of the requested scope. Does not fail if not possible. */ private class TryDefineScopeForType extends ModelGoal { private final ModelPath scope; private final ModelType<?> typeToBind; private boolean attemptedPath; private boolean attemptedCloseScope; public TryDefineScopeForType(ModelPath scope, ModelType<?> typeToBind) { this.scope = scope; this.typeToBind = typeToBind; } @Override public boolean isAchieved() { ModelNodeInternal node = modelGraph.find(scope); if (node == null) { return false; } for (ModelNodeInternal child : node.getLinks()) { if (child.isAtLeast(ProjectionsDefined) && (child.getPromise().canBeViewedAsImmutable(typeToBind) || child.getPromise().canBeViewedAsMutable(typeToBind))) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { if (!attemptedPath) { dependencies.add(new TryResolvePath(scope)); attemptedPath = true; return false; } if (modelGraph.find(scope) != null) { if (!attemptedCloseScope) { dependencies.add(graph.nodeAtState(new NodeAtState(scope, SelfClosed))); attemptedCloseScope = true; return false; } else { dependencies.add(new TransitionChildrenOrReference(scope, ProjectionsDefined)); } } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "try define scope " + scope + " to bind type " + typeToBind + ", state: " + state; } } /** * Attempts to bind the inputs of a rule. Does not fail if not possible to bind all inputs. */ private class TryBindInputs extends ModelGoal { private final RuleBinder binder; public TryBindInputs(RuleBinder binder) { this.binder = binder; } @Override public String toString() { return "bind inputs for " + binder.getDescriptor() + ", state: " + state; } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { if (binder.getSubjectBinding() != null) { // Shouldn't really be here. Currently this goal is used by {@link #bindAllReferences} which also expects the subject to be bound maybeBind(binder.getSubjectBinding(), dependencies); } for (ModelBinding binding : binder.getInputBindings()) { maybeBind(binding, dependencies); } return true; } private void maybeBind(ModelBinding binding, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { if (!binding.isBound()) { if (binding.getPredicate().getPath() != null) { dependencies.add(new TryResolveAndDefineProjectionsForPath(binding.getPredicate().getPath())); } else { dependencies.add(new TryDefineScopeForType(binding.getPredicate().getScope(), binding.getPredicate().getType())); } } } } private abstract class RunAction extends ModelNodeGoal { private final RuleBinder binder; private boolean bindInputs; public RunAction(ModelPath path, RuleBinder binder) { super(path); this.binder = binder; } @Override public String toString() { return "run action for " + getPath() + ", rule: " + binder.getDescriptor() + ", state: " + state; } @Override public boolean calculateDependencies(GoalGraph graph, Collection<ModelGoal> dependencies) { if (!bindInputs) { // Must prepare to bind inputs first dependencies.add(new TryBindInputs(binder)); bindInputs = true; return false; } // Must close each input first if (!binder.isBound()) { throw unbound(Collections.singleton(binder)); } for (ModelBinding binding : binder.getInputBindings()) { dependencies.add(graph.nodeAtState( new NodeAtState(binding.getNode().getPath(), binding.getPredicate().getState()))); } return true; } @Override void attachToCycle(List<String> displayValue) { displayValue.add(binder.getDescriptor().toString()); } } private class RunModelAction extends RunAction { private final ModelActionBinder binder; public RunModelAction(ModelPath path, ModelActionBinder binder) { super(path, binder); this.binder = binder; } @Override void apply() { LOGGER.debug("Running model element '{}' rule action {}", getPath(), binder.getDescriptor()); fireAction(binder); node.notifyFired(binder); } } private class NotifyProjectionsDefined extends ModelNodeGoal { protected NotifyProjectionsDefined(ModelPath target) { super(target); } @Override void apply() { if (replace) { return; } ruleBindings.nodeProjectionsDefined(node); modelGraph.nodeProjectionsDefined(node); } @Override public String toString() { return "notify projections defined for " + getPath() + ", state: " + state; } } }