Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Members of the EGEE Collaboration. 2004. * See for details on the copyright * holders. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.glite.ce.monitor.holder; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.naming.NamingException; import org.apache.axis2.databinding.types.URI; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.glite.ce.monitor.configuration.CEMonServiceConfig; import org.glite.ce.monitor.registry.SubscriptionRegistry; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.queryprocessor.QueryProcessor; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.queryprocessor.QueryResult; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.resource.types.Action; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.resource.types.Dialect; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.resource.types.Parameter; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.resource.types.Policy; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.resource.types.Query; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.resource.types.SubscriptionPersistent; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.resource.types.Topic; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.sensor.SensorEvent; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.sensor.SensorOutputDataFormat; import org.glite.ce.monitorapij.types.Event; import; import; /** * This classed is used to take care of all aspects relating notifications. It * uses a set of classes to process a query request for sensor events, apply * predefined dialects and actions to these events, and hold a list of listeners * subscribed for notifications. Finally it submits the opportunely formatted * notifications. */ public final class NotificationHolder implements Runnable { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(NotificationHolder.class.getName()); private final static int EVN_PAGE_SIZE = 100; private final static String CREDENTIALS_PROXY_FILE = "proxy"; private final static String CREDENTIALS_CERT_FILE = "cert"; private final static String CREDENTIALS_KEY_FILE = "key"; private final static String CREDENTIALS_KEY_PASSWD = "password"; private final static String CA_LOCATION = "truststore"; private final static String CRL_MODE = "crlcheckingmode"; private final static String CACRL_REFRESH = "updateinterval"; private String name; private TopicHolder topicHolder; private int rate = 0; private QueryProcessorHolder queryProcessorHolder; private SubscriptionRegistry subscriptionRegistry; private boolean exit = false; private Thread notificationThread; private HashMap<String, SubscriptionPersistent> subscrMap; private NotificationPool notificationPool; /** * Creates a new NotificationHolder object specifying the rate and the * <code>TopicHolder</code>. * * @param name * The name of this holder * @param rate * The subscription rate. * @param topicHolder * The <code>TopicHolder</code>. */ public NotificationHolder(String name, int rate, TopicHolder topicHolder, QueryProcessorHolder queryProcessorHolder, SubscriptionRegistry subscriptionRegistry, NotificationPool pool) throws IllegalArgumentException { super(); if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("name not specified!"); } = name; if (rate <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rate must be > 0!"); } if (topicHolder == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("topicHolder not specified!"); } if (queryProcessorHolder == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("queryProcessorHolder not specified!"); } if (subscriptionRegistry == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("subscriptionRegistry not specified!"); } this.rate = rate; this.topicHolder = topicHolder; this.queryProcessorHolder = queryProcessorHolder; this.subscriptionRegistry = subscriptionRegistry; this.notificationPool = pool; subscrMap = new HashMap<String, SubscriptionPersistent>(); Protocol.registerProtocol("https", new Protocol("https", new CANLAXIS2SocketFactory(), 8443)); notificationThread = new Thread(this); notificationThread.setName(name); notificationThread.start(); } public String getName() { return name; } /** * Get the number of registered subscriptions. * * @return The size of the subscription map. */ public synchronized int getSubscriptionListSize() { return subscrMap.size(); } /** * Add a <code>SubscriptionPersistent</code> to the list of the registered * subscriptions. * * @param subscription * The <code>SubscriptionPersistent</code> to add. */ public synchronized void addSubscription(SubscriptionPersistent subscription) { if (subscription != null) { /* * TODO missing clone */ subscrMap.put(subscription.getId(), subscription); } } /** * Remove a <code>SubscriptionPersistent</code> from the list of the * registered subscriptions. * * @param subscription * The <code>SubscriptionPersistent</code> to remove. */ public synchronized void removeSubscription(SubscriptionPersistent subscription) { if (subscription != null) { subscrMap.remove(subscription.getId()); } } public synchronized List<SubscriptionPersistent> getSubscriptions() { return new ArrayList<SubscriptionPersistent>(subscrMap.values()); } private void processPolicy(SensorEventArrayList eventList, Policy policy, CEMonitorConsumerStub.Notification notification, SubscriptionPersistent subscription) throws Exception { Query query = policy.getQuery(); QueryProcessor qp = null; Action[] actions = policy.getAction(); if (actions == null) { throw (new Exception("policy.actions not found!")); } if (query != null) { qp = queryProcessorHolder.getQueryProcessor(query.getQueryLanguage()); if (qp == null) { logger.error("QueryProcessor \"" + query.getQueryLanguage() + "\" not found!"); throw (new Exception("QueryProcessor \"" + query.getQueryLanguage() + "\" not found!")); } } Dialect[] dialectArray = subscription.getTopic().getDialect(); String dataFormat = "default"; if ((dialectArray != null) && dialectArray.length > 0 && dialectArray[0].getName() != null) { dataFormat = dialectArray[0].getName(); } ArrayList<Event> notificationEventList = new ArrayList<Event>(0); ArrayList<QueryResult> queryResultList = new ArrayList<QueryResult>(0); for (int i = 0; i < eventList.size(); i++) { SensorEvent event = eventList.get(i); if (event == null) { continue; } if (event.isExpired()) { try { logger.debug("removing expired event [id=" + event.getID() + "] [name=" + event.getName() + "] [expirationTime=" + event.getExpirationTime() + "]"); topicHolder.removeEvent(event); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error( "cannot remove the event [id=" + event.getID() + "] [name=" + event.getName() + "]!", t); } eventList.remove(i); continue; } SensorOutputDataFormat format = event.getSensorOutputDataFormatApplied(); if (format == null || !format.getName().equals(dataFormat)) { event.applyFormat(dataFormat); } if (qp != null) { queryResultList.add(qp.evaluate(query, event)); } else { QueryResult queryRes = new QueryResult(event.getMessage().length); for (int x = 0; x < queryRes.size(); x++) { queryRes.setResult(x, true); } queryResultList.add(queryRes); } if (event.getMessage() != null && event.getMessage().length > 0) { Event tmpEvent = new Event(); tmpEvent.setID(event.getID()); tmpEvent.setTimestamp(event.getTimestamp()); tmpEvent.setMessage(event.getMessage()); tmpEvent.setProducer(event.getProducer()); notificationEventList.add(tmpEvent); } } notificationEventList.trimToSize(); CEMonitorConsumerStub.Event[] eventArray = new CEMonitorConsumerStub.Event[notificationEventList.size()]; for (int k = 0; k < eventArray.length; k++) { Event srcEvn = notificationEventList.get(k); CEMonitorConsumerStub.Event dstEvn = new CEMonitorConsumerStub.Event(); dstEvn.setID(srcEvn.getID()); dstEvn.setMessage(srcEvn.getMessage()); dstEvn.setProducer(srcEvn.getProducer()); dstEvn.setTimestamp(srcEvn.getTimestamp()); eventArray[k] = dstEvn; } notificationEventList.clear(); notification.setEvent(eventArray); QueryResult[] queryResult = new QueryResult[notificationEventList.size()]; queryResult = (QueryResult[]) queryResultList.toArray(queryResult); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { try { Action action = new Action(); action.setCreationTime(actions[i].getCreationTime()); action.setDoActionWhenQueryIs(actions[i].isDoActionWhenQueryIs()); action.setId(actions[i].getId()); action.setJarPath(actions[i].getJarPath()); action.setName(actions[i].getName()); action.setType(actions[i].getType()); action.setParameter(actions[i].getParameter()); action.setProperty(actions[i].getProperty()); action.addParameter(new Parameter("notification", notification)); action.addParameter(new Parameter("queryResult", queryResult)); action.addParameter(new Parameter("subscriptionId", subscription.getId())); action.execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } /** * This method is used by a scheduled execution of this class.The operations * performed are:<br> * 1) For each registered subscription a control is made to verify if this * is expired. If this is the case the subscription is unregistered.<br> * 2) If the subscription is not expired or paused then the query is * processed on the event, then actions on notification are performed based * on the query processing results, and finally the consumer or purchaser * registered for that notification is notified. <br> */ public void run() { while (!exit) { List<SubscriptionPersistent> subscriptionList = this.getSubscriptions(); long tmpTS = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (SubscriptionPersistent subscription : subscriptionList) { URI consumerURI = null; try { tmpURI = subscription.getMonitorConsumerURL(); consumerURI = new URI(tmpURI.toString()); } catch (URI.MalformedURIException mEx) { logger.error(mEx.getMessage(), mEx); } if (consumerURI == null) { eraseSubscription(subscription, "consumer URL not found!"); continue; } if (subscription.isExpired()) { eraseSubscription(subscription, "the subscription is expired!"); continue; } if (subscription.isPaused()) { continue; } try { logger.debug("[name=" + + "] - processing subscription id " + subscription.getId()); Topic topic = subscription.getTopic(); Policy policy = subscription.getPolicy(); if (policy == null) { continue; } SensorEventArrayList event = topicHolder.getEvents(topic.getName(), subscription.getSubscriberId(), subscription.getSubscriberGroup()); logger.debug("[name=" + + "] - found " + event.size() + " events"); CEMonitorConsumerStub.Notification notification = new CEMonitorConsumerStub.Notification(); notification.setExpirationTime(subscription.getExpirationTime()); CEMonitorConsumerStub.Topic newTopic = new CEMonitorConsumerStub.Topic(); newTopic.setName(topic.getName()); if (topic.getDialect() != null && topic.getDialect().length > 0) { Dialect[] dialect = topic.getDialect(); CEMonitorConsumerStub.Dialect[] newDialect = new CEMonitorConsumerStub.Dialect[dialect.length]; for (int x = 0; x < dialect.length; x++) { newDialect[x] = new CEMonitorConsumerStub.Dialect(); newDialect[x].setName(dialect[x].getName()); newDialect[x].setQueryLanguage(dialect[x].getQueryLanguage()); } newTopic.setDialect(newDialect); } notification.setTopic(newTopic); notification.setEvent(null); notification.setConsumerURL(consumerURI); while (event.size() > 0) { SensorEventArrayList subEventList = event.drain(EVN_PAGE_SIZE); processPolicy(subEventList, policy, notification, subscription); if (notification.getEvent().length > 0) {"[name=" + + "] - sending notification (containing " + notification.getEvent().length + " events) to " + consumerURI.toString()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { printNotification(subscription, subEventList); } Properties sslConfig = this.getSSLParameters(subscription.getCredentialFile(), subscription.getPassphrase()); CANLAXIS2SocketFactory.setCurrentProperties(sslConfig); CEMonitorConsumerStub consumer = new CEMonitorConsumerStub(consumerURI.toString()); CEMonitorConsumerStub.Notify msg = new CEMonitorConsumerStub.Notify(); msg.setNotification(notification); consumer.notify(msg);"[name=" + + "] - [done]"); } else {"[name=" + + "] - the notification doesn't contains messages to be notified! [aborted]"); } if (subscription.getMaxRetryCount() != -1) { subscription.resetRetryCount(); try { this.removeSubscription(subscription); this.subscriptionRegistry.update(subscription); this.addSubscription(subscription); } catch (Throwable th) { logger.error(th.getMessage(), th); } } } } catch (NamingException e) { logger.error("[name=" + + "] - NamingException occurred: subscription id = " + subscription.getId() + " consumer URL = " + subscription.getMonitorConsumerURL() + " message error = " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("[name=" + + "] - IOException occurred: subscription id = " + subscription.getId() + " consumer URL = " + subscription.getMonitorConsumerURL() + " message error = " + e.getMessage()); if (subscription.getMaxRetryCount() != -1) { int retries = subscription.decrRetryCount();"[name=" + + "] - decrementing the retry count to " + retries + " for the subscription id = " + subscription.getId() + "; consumer URL = " + subscription.getMonitorConsumerURL() + "; message error = " + e.getMessage()); if (retries == 0) { eraseSubscription(subscription, "retry count = 0"); } else { try { this.removeSubscription(subscription); this.subscriptionRegistry.update(subscription); this.addSubscription(subscription); } catch (Throwable th) { logger.error(th.getMessage(), th); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("[name=" + + "] - Exception catched: subscriptionId = " + subscription.getId() + " consumer URL = " + subscription.getMonitorConsumerURL() + " message error = " + e.getMessage() + ". Follow the Stack trace:", e); } } try { long waitTime = rate - System.currentTimeMillis() + tmpTS; if (waitTime > 0) { logger.debug("[name=" + + "] - sleeping " + waitTime); Thread.sleep(waitTime); } else { logger.warn("Notifications overlapping"); } } catch (InterruptedException intEx) {"[name=" + + "] - destroyed"); } } } private void eraseSubscription(SubscriptionPersistent subscription, String msg) {"[name=" + + "] - unregistering subscription " + subscription.getId() + " [reason: " + msg + "]"); this.removeSubscription(subscription); try { this.subscriptionRegistry.unregister(subscription); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } notificationPool.check(); } private void printNotification(SubscriptionPersistent subscription, SensorEventArrayList eventList) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("\n******* NOTIFICATION *******"); sb.append("\nsubscriptionId: " + subscription.getId()); sb.append("\nuser: " + subscription.getSubscriberId()); sb.append("\nconsumer url: " + subscription.getMonitorConsumerURL()); if (subscription.getTopic() != null && subscription.getTopic().getName() != null) { sb.append("\topic name: " + subscription.getTopic().getName()); } if (eventList == null) { sb.append("\nNONE EVENT FOUND!"); } else { SensorEvent event = null; for (int i = 0; i < eventList.size(); i++) { event = (SensorEvent) eventList.get(i); sb.append("\n").append(i).append(") event_name: ").append(event.getName()); if (event.getTimestamp() != null) { sb.append(" - timestamp: ").append(event.getTimestamp().getTime()); } if (event.getExpirationTime() != null) { sb.append(" - expirationTime: ").append(event.getExpirationTime().getTime()); } sb.append(" - messages: "); String[] msg = event.getMessage(); if (msg == null) { sb.append("0"); } else { sb.append(msg.length); } } } sb.append("\n******* END NOTIFICATION *******\n"); logger.debug(sb.toString()); } private Properties getSSLParameters(String credFile, String passphrase) { Properties sslConfig = new Properties(); CEMonServiceConfig sConfiguration = CEMonServiceConfig.getConfiguration(); if (sConfiguration == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Service is not configured"); } if (credFile != null) { sslConfig.put(CREDENTIALS_PROXY_FILE, credFile); } else { String tmps = sConfiguration.getGlobalAttributeAsString("gridproxyfile"); if (tmps != "") { sslConfig.put(CREDENTIALS_PROXY_FILE, tmps); } else { String certFilename = sConfiguration.getGlobalAttributeAsString("sslcertfile"); String keyFilename = sConfiguration.getGlobalAttributeAsString("sslkeyfile"); String passwd = sConfiguration.getGlobalAttributeAsString("sslkeypasswd"); if (passwd == null) passwd = ""; if (certFilename == "" || keyFilename == "") { throw new RuntimeException("Missing user credentials"); } else { sslConfig.put(CREDENTIALS_CERT_FILE, certFilename); sslConfig.put(CREDENTIALS_KEY_FILE, keyFilename); } sslConfig.put(CREDENTIALS_KEY_PASSWD, passwd); } } if (passphrase != "") { sslConfig.put(CREDENTIALS_KEY_PASSWD, passphrase); } /* * TODO changes in configurations: removed protocol from subscriptions * (no SSLv3 available); replaced sslCAfiles with sslCALocation; removed * sslCRLfiles; add disableCRL and sslRefreshTime */ String CALocation = sConfiguration.getGlobalAttributeAsString("sslCALocation"); if (CALocation != "") { sslConfig.put(CA_LOCATION, CALocation); } String disableCRL = sConfiguration.getGlobalAttributeAsString("disableCRL"); if (disableCRL.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { sslConfig.put(CRL_MODE, "ignore"); } else { sslConfig.put(CRL_MODE, "ifvalid"); } String updateinterval = sConfiguration.getGlobalAttributeAsString("sslRefreshTime", "3600000"); sslConfig.put(CACRL_REFRESH, updateinterval); return sslConfig; } public void destroy() { exit = true; notificationThread.interrupt(); } }