Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012, All Rights Reserved. * * Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) * * * This software is licensed for use under the terms of the GNU General Public License ( and the provisions of Part F * of the Generation Challenge Programme Amended Consortium Agreement ( * *******************************************************************************/ package org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms; import; import org.generationcp.middleware.dao.GenericDAO; import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.oms.TermId; import org.generationcp.middleware.exceptions.MiddlewareQueryException; import org.generationcp.middleware.pojos.dms.GeolocationProperty; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.transform.AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * DAO class for {@link GeolocationProperty}. */ public class GeolocationPropertyDao extends GenericDAO<GeolocationProperty, Integer> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeolocationPropertyDao.class); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Integer> getGeolocationIdsByPropertyTypeAndValue(final Integer typeId, final String value) { try { final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(this.getPersistentClass()); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("typeId", typeId)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("value", value)); criteria.setProjection("geolocation.locationId")); return criteria.list(); } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new MiddlewareQueryException("Error at getIdsByPropertyTypeAndValue=" + typeId + ", " + value + " query on GeolocationDao: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public String getGeolocationPropValue(final int stdVarId, final int studyId) { try { final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder().append("SELECT value ").append("FROM nd_experiment e ") .append("INNER JOIN nd_geolocationprop gp ON gp.nd_geolocation_id = e.nd_geolocation_id ") .append("WHERE e.project_id = :projectId AND gp.type_id = :stdVarId ORDER BY e.nd_geolocation_id "); final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString()); query.setParameter("projectId", studyId); query.setParameter("stdVarId", stdVarId); return (String) query.uniqueResult(); } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new MiddlewareQueryException("Error at getGeolocationPropValue=" + stdVarId + " query on GeolocationPropertyDao: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getValueOfTrialInstance(final int datasetId, final int typeId, final String trialInstance) { try { final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder().append("SELECT gp.value FROM nd_geolocationprop gp ") .append(" INNER JOIN nd_geolocation g ON g.nd_geolocation_id = gp.nd_geolocation_id ") .append(" AND g.description = ").append(trialInstance) .append(" INNER JOIN nd_experiment e ON e.nd_geolocation_id = g.nd_geolocation_id ") .append(" WHERE gp.type_id = ").append(typeId).append(" AND e.project_id = ") .append(datasetId); final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString()); return (String) query.uniqueResult(); } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new MiddlewareQueryException("Error at getValueOfTrialInstance=" + datasetId + " query on GeolocationPropertyDao: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public void deleteGeolocationPropertyValueInProject(final int studyId, final int termId) { try { // Please note we are manually flushing because non hibernate based deletes and updates causes the Hibernate session to get out of synch with // underlying database. Thus flushing to force Hibernate to synchronize with the underlying database before the delete // statement this.getSession().flush(); this.deleteValues(studyId, termId); } catch (final HibernateException e) { throw new MiddlewareQueryException("Error at deleteGeolocationPropertyValueInProject=" + studyId + ", " + termId + " query on GeolocationPropertyDao: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void deleteValues(final int studyId, final int termId) { final StringBuilder sql1 = new StringBuilder().append("Delete ngp.* FROM nd_geolocationprop ngp " + "INNER JOIN nd_experiment e ON ngp.nd_geolocation_id = e.nd_geolocation_id AND ngp.type_id = :termId " + "INNER JOIN project p ON p.project_id = e.project_id " + "WHERE (p.study_id = :studyId OR p.project_id = :studyId)"); final SQLQuery sqlQuery1 = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql1.toString()); sqlQuery1.setParameter("studyId", studyId); sqlQuery1.setParameter("termId", termId); sqlQuery1.executeUpdate(); } public Map<String, String> getGeolocationPropsAndValuesByGeolocation(final Integer geolocationId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(geolocationId); final Map<String, String> geoProperties = new HashMap<>(); final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder().append("SELECT ") .append(" cv.definition as name, geo.value as value ").append("FROM ") .append(" nd_geolocationprop geo ").append(" INNER JOIN ") .append(" cvterm cv ON (cv.cvterm_id = geo.type_id) ").append("WHERE ") .append(" geo.nd_geolocation_id = :geolocationId ") .append(" AND geo.type_id NOT IN (8371, 8190, 8070, 8180) "); try { final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString()).addScalar("name") .addScalar("value").setParameter("geolocationId", geolocationId); final List<Object> results = query.list(); for (final Object obj : results) { final Object[] row = (Object[]) obj; geoProperties.put((String) row[0], (String) row[1]); } return geoProperties; } catch (final MiddlewareQueryException e) { final String message = "Error with getGeolocationPropsAndValuesByGeolocation() query from geolocationId: " + geolocationId; GeolocationPropertyDao.LOG.error(message, e); throw new MiddlewareQueryException(message, e); } } public Map<Integer, String> getInstanceIdLocationIdMap(final List<Integer> instanceIds) { Map<Integer, String> instanceIdLocationIdMap = new HashMap<>(); final StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder().append("SELECT ") .append(" geo.nd_geolocation_id as instanceId, geo.value as value ").append("FROM ") .append(" nd_geolocationprop geo ").append("WHERE ") .append(" geo.nd_geolocation_id in (:geolocationIds) ") .append(" AND geo.type_id = :locationVariableId"); try { final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql.toString()).addScalar("instanceId") .addScalar("value").setParameterList("geolocationIds", instanceIds) .setParameter("locationVariableId", TermId.LOCATION_ID.getId()); final List<Object> results = query.list(); for (final Object obj : results) { final Object[] row = (Object[]) obj; instanceIdLocationIdMap.put((Integer) row[0], (String) row[1]); } return instanceIdLocationIdMap; } catch (final MiddlewareQueryException e) { final String message = "Error with getInstanceIdLocationIdMap() query from instanceIds: " + instanceIds; GeolocationPropertyDao.LOG.error(message, e); throw new MiddlewareQueryException(message, e); } } public Map<Integer, String> getGeoLocationPropertyByVariableId(final Integer datasetId, final Integer instanceDbId) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(datasetId); final String sql = "SELECT " + " gp.type_id as variableId, " + " gp.value as value " + "FROM " + " nd_experiment e " + " INNER JOIN " + " nd_geolocationprop gp ON gp.nd_geolocation_id = e.nd_geolocation_id " + "WHERE " + " e.project_id = :datasetId " + " and e.nd_geolocation_id = :instanceDbId"; final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.addScalar("variableId").addScalar("value").setParameter("datasetId", datasetId) .setParameter("instanceDbId", instanceDbId); query.setResultTransformer(AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer.INSTANCE); final List<Map<String, Object>> results = query.list(); final Map<Integer, String> geoProperties = new HashMap<>(); for (final Map<String, Object> result : results) { final Integer variableId = (Integer) result.get("variableId"); final String value = (String) result.get("value"); geoProperties.put(variableId, value); } return geoProperties; } }