Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012, All Rights Reserved.
 * Generation Challenge Programme (GCP)
 * This software is licensed for use under the terms of the GNU General Public License ( and the provisions of Part F
 * of the Generation Challenge Programme Amended Consortium Agreement (

package org.generationcp.middleware.dao.dms;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.generationcp.middleware.dao.GenericDAO;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.dms.DatasetDTO;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.dms.DatasetReference;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.dms.FolderReference;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.dms.PhenotypicType;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.dms.Reference;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.dms.StudyReference;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.dms.ValueReference;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.etl.MeasurementVariable;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.etl.StudyDetails;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.oms.TermId;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.ontology.DataType;
import org.generationcp.middleware.domain.ontology.VariableType;
import org.generationcp.middleware.enumeration.DatasetTypeEnum;
import org.generationcp.middleware.exceptions.MiddlewareQueryException;
import org.generationcp.middleware.pojos.SampleList;
import org.generationcp.middleware.pojos.derived_variables.Formula;
import org.generationcp.middleware.pojos.dms.DmsProject;
import org.generationcp.middleware.pojos.dms.ExperimentModel;
import org.generationcp.middleware.util.FormulaUtils;
import org.generationcp.middleware.util.Util;
import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaSpecification;
import org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
import org.hibernate.criterion.ProjectionList;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Property;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.hibernate.transform.AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer;
import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers;
import org.hibernate.type.DoubleType;
import org.hibernate.type.IntegerType;
import org.hibernate.type.StringType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;

 * DAO class for {@link DmsProject}.
 * @author Darla Ani, Joyce Avestro
public class DmsProjectDao extends GenericDAO<DmsProject, Integer> {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DmsProjectDao.class);

    private static final Integer LOCATION_ID = TermId.LOCATION_ID.getId();

    private static final String PROGRAM_UUID = "program_uuid";
    private static final String PROJECT_ID = "projectId";
    public static final String DELETED = "deleted";
    private static final int DELETED_STUDY = 1;

    // getObservationSetVariables scalars
    private static final String OBS_SET_VARIABLE_ID = "variableId";
    private static final String OBS_SET_VARIABLE_NAME = "variableName";
    private static final String OBS_SET_DESCRIPTION = "description";
    private static final String OBS_SET_ALIAS = "alias";
    private static final String OBS_SET_VALUE = "value";
    private static final String OBS_SET_VARIABLE_TYPE_ID = "variableTypeId";
    private static final String OBS_SET_SCALE = "scale";
    private static final String OBS_SET_METHOD = "method";
    private static final String OBS_SET_PROPERTY = "property";
    private static final String OBS_SET_DATA_TYPE_ID = "dataTypeId";
    private static final String OBS_SET_CATEGORY_ID = "categoryId";
    private static final String OBS_SET_CATEGORY_NAME = "categoryName";
    private static final String OBS_SET_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION = "categoryDescription";
    private static final String OBS_SET_FORMULA_ID = "formulaId";
    private static final String OBS_SET_SCALE_MIN_RANGE = "scaleMinRange";
    private static final String OBS_SET_SCALE_MAX_RANGE = "scaleMaxRange";
    private static final String OBS_SET_EXPECTED_MIN = "expectedMin";
    private static final String OBS_SET_EXPECTED_MAX = "expectedMax";
    private static final String OBS_SET_CROP_ONTOLOGY_ID = "cropOntologyId";
    private static final String OBS_SET_VARIABLE_VALUE = "variableValue";

     * Type of study is stored in project.study_type_id
     * Which folder the study is in is defined in project.parent_project_id
    static final String GET_CHILDREN_OF_FOLDER = "SELECT subject.project_id AS project_id, "
            + " AS name,  subject.description AS description, "
            + "   (CASE WHEN subject.study_type_id IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS is_study, "
            + "    subject.program_uuid AS program_uuid, "
            + "    st.study_type_id AS studyType, st.label as label, as studyTypeName, "
            + "st.visible as visible, st.cvterm_id as cvtermId, subject.locked as isLocked, "
            + "subject.created_by " + "  FROM project subject "
            + "  LEFT JOIN study_type st ON subject.study_type_id = st.study_type_id "
            + " LEFT JOIN project parent ON subject.parent_project_id = parent.project_id "
            + " WHERE subject.parent_project_id = :folderId " + "   AND parent.study_type_id IS NULL "
            + "   AND subject.deleted != " + DELETED_STUDY
            + "   AND (subject.program_uuid = :program_uuid OR subject.program_uuid IS NULL) "
            + "   AND (:studyTypeId is null or subject.study_type_id = :studyTypeId or subject.study_type_id is null)"
            // the OR here for value = null is required for folders.
            + "   ORDER BY name";

    private static final String STUDY_REFERENCE_SQL = "SELECT pr.project_id AS project_id, "
            + " AS name,  pr.description AS description, pr.program_uuid AS program_uuid, "
            + "st.study_type_id AS studyType, st.label as label, as studyTypeName, "
            + "st.visible as visible, st.cvterm_id as cvtermId, pr.locked as isLocked, " + "pr.created_by "
            + "  FROM project pr " + "  LEFT JOIN study_type st ON pr.study_type_id = st.study_type_id "
            + " WHERE pr.project_id = :studyId and pr.deleted != " + DELETED_STUDY;

    private static final String GET_ALL_FOLDERS = " SELECT p.parent_project_id, p.project_id,, p.description FROM project p "
            + " WHERE study_type_id IS NULL " + " AND study_id IS NULL AND p.project_id != "
            + DmsProject.SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID + " AND p.deleted != " + DELETED_STUDY;

    private static final String GET_ALL_PROGRAM_STUDIES_AND_FOLDERS = " SELECT p.project_id FROM project p "
            + " WHERE study_id IS NULL AND p.project_id != " + DmsProject.SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID + " AND p.deleted != "
            + DELETED_STUDY + " AND p.program_uuid = :program_uuid ";

    private static final String GET_STUDY_METADATA_BY_GEOLOCATION_ID = " SELECT  "
            + "     geoloc.nd_geolocation_id AS studyDbId, " + "     pmain.project_id AS trialOrNurseryId, "
            + "      CONCAT(, ' Environment Number ', geoloc.description) AS studyName, "
            + "     pmain.study_type_id AS studyType, " + "     MAX(IF(geoprop.type_id = "
            + TermId.SEASON_VAR.getId() + ", " + "                 geoprop.value, "
            + "                 NULL)) AS seasonId, " + "     pmain.project_id AS trialDbId, "
            + " AS trialName, " + "     MAX(pmain.start_date) AS startDate, "
            + "     MAX(pmain.end_date) AS endDate, " + "     pmain.deleted, " + "     MAX(IF(geoprop.type_id = "
            + TermId.LOCATION_ID.getId() + ", " + "                 geoprop.value, " + "                 NULL)) "
            + "     AS locationId " + " FROM " + "     nd_geolocation geoloc " + "         INNER JOIN "
            + "     nd_experiment nde ON nde.nd_geolocation_id = geoloc.nd_geolocation_id " + "         INNER JOIN "
            + "     project proj ON proj.project_id = nde.project_id " + "         INNER JOIN "
            + "     project pmain ON pmain.project_id = proj.study_id " + "         LEFT OUTER JOIN "
            + "     nd_geolocationprop geoprop ON geoprop.nd_geolocation_id = geoloc.nd_geolocation_id "
            + "         LEFT OUTER JOIN " + "     projectprop pProp ON pmain.project_id = pProp.project_id "
            + " WHERE " + "     nde.type_id = " + TermId.TRIAL_ENVIRONMENT_EXPERIMENT.getId()
            + "         AND geoloc.nd_geolocation_id = :geolocationId " + " GROUP BY geoloc.nd_geolocation_id ";

    private static final String GET_PROJECTID_BY_STUDYDBID = "SELECT DISTINCT p.study_id" + " FROM project p "
            + " INNER JOIN nd_experiment nde ON nde.project_id = p.project_id"
            + " WHERE nde.nd_geolocation_id = :studyDbId" + " AND p.dataset_type_id = "
            + DatasetTypeEnum.SUMMARY_DATA.getId();

    private static final String STUDY_DETAILS_SQL = " SELECT DISTINCT \n"
            + "                     AS name, \n" + "   p.description              AS title, \n"
            + "   p.objective                AS objective, \n" + "   p.start_date             AS startDate, \n"
            + "   p.end_date               AS endDate, \n" + "   stype.study_type_id        AS studyTypeId, \n"
            + "   stype.label                AS studyTypeLabel, \n"
            + "                 AS studyTypeName, \n" + "   ppPI.value                 AS piName, \n"
            + "   gpSiteName.value           AS siteName, \n" + "   p.project_id               AS id, \n"
            + "   ppPIid.value               AS piId, \n" + "   gpSiteId.value             AS siteId, \n"
            + "   p.parent_project_id        AS folderId, \n" + "   p.program_uuid             AS programUUID, \n"
            + "     p.study_update           AS studyUpdate, \n"
            + "     p.created_by               AS createdBy, \n" + "   p.locked                   AS isLocked "
            + " FROM \n" + "   project p \n"
            + "   INNER JOIN study_type stype on stype.study_type_id = p.study_type_id"
            + "   LEFT JOIN projectprop ppPI ON p.project_id = ppPI.project_id AND ppPI.variable_id = "
            + TermId.PI_NAME.getId() + " \n"
            + "   LEFT JOIN projectprop ppPIid ON p.project_id = ppPIid.project_id AND ppPIid.variable_id = "
            + TermId.PI_ID.getId() + " \n" + "   LEFT JOIN nd_experiment e ON e.project_id = p.project_id \n"
            + "   LEFT JOIN nd_geolocationprop gpSiteName ON e.nd_geolocation_id = gpSiteName.nd_geolocation_id AND gpSiteName.type_id = "
            + TermId.TRIAL_LOCATION.getId() + " \n"
            + "   LEFT JOIN nd_geolocationprop gpSiteId ON e.nd_geolocation_id = gpSiteId.nd_geolocation_id AND gpSiteId.type_id = "
            + TermId.LOCATION_ID.getId() + " \n" + " WHERE p.project_id = :studyId \n";

    private static final String COUNT_PROJECTS_WITH_VARIABLE = "SELECT count(pp.project_id)  FROM projectprop pp inner join project p on (p.project_id = pp.project_id)\n"
            + "WHERE pp.variable_id = :variableId and p.deleted = 0";
    static final String COUNT_CALCULATED_VARIABLES_IN_DATASETS = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM projectprop pp\n"
            + "INNER JOIN formula f ON pp.variable_id = f.target_variable_id\n"
            + "where project_id in (:projectIds) and type_id = " + VariableType.TRAIT.getId();

    private List<Reference> getChildrenNodesList(final List<Object[]> list) {
        final List<Reference> childrenNodes = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Object[] row : list) {
            final Integer id = (Integer) row[0];
            final String name = (String) row[1];
            // project.description
            final String description = (String) row[2];
            // non-zero if a study, else a folder
            final Integer isStudy = (Integer) row[3];
            // project.program_uuid
            final String projectUUID = (String) row[4];

            if (isStudy.equals(1)) {
                final Integer studyTypeId = (Integer) row[5];
                final String label = (String) row[6];
                final String studyTypeName = (String) row[7];
                final boolean visible = ((Byte) row[8]) == 1;
                final Integer cvtermId = (Integer) row[9];
                final Boolean isLocked = (Boolean) row[10];
                final StudyTypeDto studyTypeDto = new StudyTypeDto(studyTypeId, label, studyTypeName, cvtermId,
                final Integer ownerId = (Integer) row[11];
                        new StudyReference(id, name, description, projectUUID, studyTypeDto, isLocked, ownerId));
            } else {
                childrenNodes.add(new FolderReference(id, name, description, projectUUID));

        return childrenNodes;

    public List<DatasetReference> getDirectChildDatasetsOfStudy(final Integer studyId) {

        final List<DatasetReference> datasetReferences = new ArrayList<>();

        try {

            final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(this.getPersistentClass());
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("study.projectId", studyId));
            // Exclude sub-observation datasets of study
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("parent.projectId", studyId));

            final ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList();


            final List<Object[]> list = criteria.list();

            for (final Object[] row : list) {
                final Integer id = (Integer) row[0]; //
                final String name = (String) row[1]; //
                final String description = (String) row[2]; // project.description
                datasetReferences.add(new DatasetReference(id, name, description));

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error with getDirectChildDatasetsOfStudy query from Project: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        return datasetReferences;


    public List<DmsProject> getDatasetsByParent(final Integer parentId) {
        try {
            final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(this.getPersistentClass());
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("parent.projectId", parentId));
            return criteria.list();

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error in getDatasetsByParent= " + parentId + " query in DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    public List<DmsProject> getByIds(final Collection<Integer> projectIds) {
        final List<DmsProject> studyNodes = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            if (projectIds != null && !projectIds.isEmpty()) {
                final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(this.getPersistentClass());
                criteria.add(, projectIds));

                return criteria.list();
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error in getByIds= " + projectIds + " query in DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return studyNodes;

    public List<StudyDetails> getAllStudyDetails(final StudyTypeDto studyType, final String programUUID) {
        return this.getAllStudyDetails(studyType, programUUID, -1, -1);

    public List<StudyDetails> getAllStudyDetails(final StudyTypeDto studyType, final String programUUID,
            final int start, final int numOfRows) {
        final List<StudyDetails> studyDetails = new ArrayList<>();

        final StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder().append(
                "SELECT DISTINCT AS name, p.description AS title, p.objective AS objective, p.start_date AS startDate, ")
                .append("p.end_date AS endDate, ppPI.value AS piName, gpSiteName.value AS siteName, p.project_id AS id ")
                .append(", ppPIid.value AS piId, gpSiteId.value AS siteId, p.created_by as createdBy, p.locked as isLocked ")
                .append("FROM project p ")
                .append("   LEFT JOIN projectprop ppPI ON p.project_id = ppPI.project_id ")
                .append("                   AND ppPI.variable_id =  ").append(TermId.PI_NAME.getId()).append(" ")
                .append("   LEFT JOIN projectprop ppPIid ON p.project_id = ppPIid.project_id ")
                .append("                   AND ppPIid.variable_id =  ").append(TermId.PI_ID.getId()).append(" ")
                .append("       LEFT JOIN nd_experiment e ON p.project_id = e.project_id ")
                .append("       LEFT JOIN nd_geolocationprop gpSiteName ON e.nd_geolocation_id = gpSiteName.nd_geolocation_id ")
                .append("           AND gpSiteName.type_id =  ").append(TermId.TRIAL_LOCATION.getId()).append(" ")
                .append("       LEFT JOIN nd_geolocationprop gpSiteId ON e.nd_geolocation_id = gpSiteId.nd_geolocation_id ")
                .append("           AND gpSiteId.type_id =  ").append(TermId.LOCATION_ID.getId()).append(" ")
                .append(" WHERE p.deleted != " + DELETED_STUDY + " ")
                .append(" AND p.study_type_id = '" + studyType.getId() + "'")
                .append(" AND (p.program_uuid = :" + DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID + " ")
                .append("OR p.program_uuid IS NULL) ").append(" ORDER BY ");
        if (start > 0 && numOfRows > 0) {
            sqlString.append(" LIMIT " + start + "," + numOfRows);

        final List<Object[]> list;

        try {
            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sqlString.toString()).addScalar("name")
                    .setParameter(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID, programUUID);
            list = query.list();
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error in getAllStudyDetails() query in DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {
            return studyDetails;

        for (final Object[] row : list) {
            final String name = (String) row[0];
            final String title = (String) row[1];
            final String objective = (String) row[2];
            final String startDate = (String) row[3];
            final String endDate = (String) row[4];
            final String piName = (String) row[5];
            final String siteName = (String) row[6];
            final Integer id = (Integer) row[7];
            final String piId = (String) row[8];
            final String siteId = (String) row[9];
            final String createdBy = (String) row[10];
            final Boolean isLocked = (Boolean) row[11];

            final StudyDetails study = new StudyDetails(id, name, title, objective, startDate, endDate, studyType,
                    piName, siteName, piId, siteId, Util.getCurrentDateAsStringValue(), createdBy, isLocked);
        return studyDetails;

    public StudyDetails getStudyDetails(final int studyId) {
        StudyDetails studyDetails = null;
        try {

            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(STUDY_DETAILS_SQL).addScalar("name")

            query.setParameter("studyId", studyId);

            final List<Object[]> list = query.list();

            if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                for (final Object[] row : list) {
                    final String name = (String) row[0];
                    final String title = (String) row[1];
                    final String objective = (String) row[2];
                    final String startDate = (String) row[3];
                    final String endDate = (String) row[4];
                    final Integer studyTypeId = (Integer) row[5];
                    final String studyTypeLabel = (String) row[6];
                    final String studyTypeName = (String) row[7];
                    final String piName = (String) row[8];
                    final String siteName = (String) row[9];
                    final Integer id = (Integer) row[10];
                    final String piId = (String) row[11];
                    final String siteId = (String) row[12];
                    final Integer folderId = (Integer) row[13];
                    final String programUUID = (String) row[14];
                    final String studyUpdate = (String) row[15];
                    final String createdBy = (String) row[16];
                    final Boolean isLocked = (Boolean) row[17];

                    final StudyTypeDto studyTypeDto = new StudyTypeDto(studyTypeId, studyTypeLabel, studyTypeName);

                    studyDetails = new StudyDetails(id, name, title, objective, startDate, endDate, studyTypeDto,
                            piName, siteName, piId, siteId, studyUpdate, createdBy, isLocked);

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error in getTrialObservationTable() query in DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return studyDetails;

    public long countAllStudyDetails(final StudyTypeDto studyType, final String programUUID) {
        try {
            final StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder().append("SELECT COUNT(1) ").append("FROM project p ")
                    .append("   LEFT JOIN projectprop ppPI ON p.project_id = ppPI.project_id ")
                    .append("                   AND ppPI.variable_id =  ").append(TermId.PI_NAME.getId())
                    .append(" ").append("       LEFT JOIN nd_experiment e ON p.project_id = e.project_id ")
                    .append("       LEFT JOIN nd_geolocationprop gpSiteName ON e.nd_geolocation_id = gpSiteName.nd_geolocation_id ")
                    .append("           AND gpSiteName.type_id =  ").append(TermId.TRIAL_LOCATION.getId())
                    .append(" ").append("WHERE p.deleted != " + DELETED_STUDY + " ")
                    .append(" AND p.study_type_id = '" + studyType.getId()).append("'   AND (p.")
                    .append(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID).append(" = :").append(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID)
                    .append(" ").append("   OR p.").append(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID).append(" IS NULL) ");

            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sqlString.toString())
                    .setParameter(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID, programUUID);

            return ((BigInteger) query.uniqueResult()).longValue();

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error in countAllStudyDetails() query in DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);


    public List<StudyDetails> getAllStudyDetails(final String programUUID, final int start, final int numOfRows) {
        final List<StudyDetails> studyDetails = new ArrayList<>();
        try {

            final StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder().append(
                    "SELECT DISTINCT AS name, p.description AS title, p.objective AS objective, p.start_date AS startDate, ")
                    .append("p.end_date AS endDate, ppPI.value AS piName, gpSiteName.value AS siteName, p.project_id AS id, st"
                            + ".study_type_id AS "
                            + "studyType , st.label as label, as studyTypeName, st.visible as visible, st.cvterm_id as cvtermId ")
                    .append(", ppPIid.value AS piId, gpSiteId.value AS siteId, p.created_by as createdBy, p.locked as isLocked ")
                    .append("FROM project p ")
                    .append(" LEFT JOIN projectprop  ppPI ON p.project_id = ppPI.project_id ")
                    .append(" AND ppPI.variable_id =  ").append(TermId.PI_NAME.getId()).append(" ")
                    // 8100
                    .append(" LEFT JOIN projectprop ppPIid ON p.project_id = ppPIid.project_id ")
                    .append(" AND ppPIid.variable_id =  ").append(TermId.PI_ID.getId()).append(" ")
                    .append(" INNER JOIN nd_experiment e ON e.project_id = p.project_id ")
                    .append(" LEFT JOIN nd_geolocationprop gpSiteName ON e.nd_geolocation_id = gpSiteName.nd_geolocation_id ")
                    .append(" AND gpSiteName.type_id =  ").append(TermId.TRIAL_LOCATION.getId()).append(" ")
                    // 8180
                    .append(" LEFT JOIN nd_geolocationprop gpSiteId ON e.nd_geolocation_id = gpSiteId.nd_geolocation_id ")
                    .append(" AND gpSiteId.type_id =  ").append(TermId.LOCATION_ID.getId()).append(" ")
                    .append(" LEFT JOIN study_type st ON p.study_type_id = st.study_type_id ")
                    .append(" WHERE p.deleted != " + DELETED_STUDY + " ")
                    .append(" AND p.study_type_id IS NOT NULL ")
                    .append(" AND (p.program_uuid = :" + DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID + " ")
                    .append("OR p.program_uuid IS NULL) ").append(" ORDER BY ");
            if (start > 0 && numOfRows > 0) {
                sqlString.append(" LIMIT " + start + "," + numOfRows);

            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sqlString.toString()).addScalar("name")
                    .setParameter(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID, programUUID);

            final List<Object[]> list = query.list();

            if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                for (final Object[] row : list) {
                    final String name = (String) row[0];
                    final String title = (String) row[1];
                    final String objective = (String) row[2];
                    final String startDate = (String) row[3];
                    final String endDate = (String) row[4];
                    final String piName = (String) row[5];
                    final String siteName = (String) row[6];
                    final Integer id = (Integer) row[7];
                    final Integer studyTypeId = (Integer) row[8];
                    final String label = (String) row[9];
                    final String studyTypeName = (String) row[10];
                    final boolean visible = ((Byte) row[11]) == 1;
                    final Integer cvTermId = (Integer) row[12];
                    final String piId = (String) row[13];
                    final String siteId = (String) row[14];
                    final String createdBy = (String) row[15];
                    final Boolean isLocked = (Boolean) row[16];

                    final StudyTypeDto studyTypeDto = new StudyTypeDto(studyTypeId, label, studyTypeName, cvTermId,
                    studyDetails.add(new StudyDetails(id, name, title, objective, startDate, endDate, studyTypeDto,
                            piName, siteName, piId, siteId, Util.getCurrentDateAsStringValue(), createdBy,

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error in getAllStudyDetails() query in DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return studyDetails;


    public long countAllStudyDetails(final String programUUID) {
        try {

            final StringBuilder sqlString = new StringBuilder().append("SELECT COUNT(1) ").append("FROM project p ")
                    .append(" ").append("   LEFT JOIN projectprop ppPI ON p.project_id = ppPI.project_id ")
                    .append("                   AND ppPI.variable_id =  ").append(TermId.PI_NAME.getId())
                    .append(" ")
                    // 8100
                    .append("       INNER JOIN nd_experiment e ON e.project_id = p.project_id ")
                    .append("       LEFT JOIN nd_geolocationprop gpSiteName ON e.nd_geolocation_id = gpSiteName.nd_geolocation_id ")
                    .append("           AND gpSiteName.type_id =  ").append(TermId.TRIAL_LOCATION.getId())
                    .append(" ")
                    // 8180
                    .append("WHERE p.deleted != " + DELETED_STUDY + " ").append(" AND p.study_type_id IS NOT NULL ")
                    .append("   AND (p.").append(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID).append(" = :")
                    .append(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID).append(" ").append("   OR p.")
                    .append(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID).append(" IS NULL) ");

            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sqlString.toString())
                    .setParameter(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID, programUUID);

            return ((BigInteger) query.uniqueResult()).longValue();

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error in countAllStudyDetails() query in DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);


    public boolean checkIfProjectNameIsExistingInProgram(final String name, final String programUUID) {
        try {
            final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(this.getPersistentClass());
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", name));
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("programUUID", programUUID));

            final List list = criteria.list();
            if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                return true;

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error in checkIfProjectNameIsExisting=" + name + " query on DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(),

        return false;

    public List<FolderReference> getAllFolders() {
        final List<FolderReference> folders = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(DmsProjectDao.GET_ALL_FOLDERS);
            final List<Object[]> result = query.list();
            if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) {
                for (final Object[] row : result) {
                    folders.add(new FolderReference((Integer) row[0], (Integer) row[1], (String) row[2],
                            (String) row[3]));

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException("Error at getAllFolders, query at DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(),
        return folders;

    public List<Integer> getAllProgramStudiesAndFolders(final String programUUID) {
        final List<Integer> projectIds;
        try {
            final SQLQuery query = this.getSession()
            query.setParameter(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID, programUUID);
            projectIds = query.list();
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error at getAllProgramStudiesAndFolders, query at DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return projectIds;

    public Integer getProjectIdByStudyDbId(final int studyDbId) {
        try {
            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(GET_PROJECTID_BY_STUDYDBID);
            query.setParameter("studyDbId", studyDbId);
            return (Integer) query.uniqueResult();
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(e.getMessage(), e);

    public Integer getProjectIdByNameAndProgramUUID(final String name, final String programUUID) {
        try {
            final String sql = "SELECT project_id FROM project WHERE name = :name AND program_uuid = :program_uuid and study_type_id is not null";
            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
            query.setParameter("name", name);
            query.setParameter(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID, programUUID);
            final List<Integer> list = query.list();
            if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                return list.get(0);
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error with getDistinctProjectDescription() query from Project " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

    public List<String> getAllSharedProjectNames() {
        try {
            final String sql = "SELECT name FROM project WHERE program_uuid is null";
            final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
            return query.list();
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException("Error with getAllSharedProjectNames()" + e.getMessage(), e);

    public List<DmsProject> findPagedProjects(final Map<StudyFilters, String> filters, final Integer pageSize,
            final Integer pageNumber) {

        final Criteria criteria = this.buildCoreCriteria(filters, this.getOrderBy(filters));
        if (pageNumber != null && pageSize != null) {
            criteria.setFirstResult(pageSize * (pageNumber - 1));
        return criteria.list();

    private Order getOrderBy(final Map<StudyFilters, String> filters) {
        if (filters.containsKey(StudyFilters.SORT_BY_FIELD)) {
            if ("asc".equals(filters.get(StudyFilters.ORDER))) {
                return Order.asc(filters.get(StudyFilters.SORT_BY_FIELD));
            } else {
                return Order.desc(filters.get(StudyFilters.SORT_BY_FIELD));
        return Order.asc(DmsProjectDao.PROJECT_ID);

    public long countStudies(final Map<StudyFilters, String> filters) {
        final Criteria criteria = this.buildCoreCriteria(filters, this.getOrderBy(filters));
        return (long) criteria.uniqueResult();

    private Criteria buildCoreCriteria(final Map<StudyFilters, String> parameters, final Order orderBy) {
        final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(this.getPersistentClass());

        criteria.add(, true));

        if (parameters.containsKey(StudyFilters.PROGRAM_ID)) {
        } else {

        if (parameters.containsKey(StudyFilters.LOCATION_ID)) {
            // Find environments with specified location (saved in GeolocationProperty)
            final DetachedCriteria locationCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(ExperimentModel.class);
            locationCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("typeId", TermId.TRIAL_ENVIRONMENT_EXPERIMENT.getId()));
            locationCriteria.createAlias("geoLocation", "g");
            locationCriteria.createAlias("", "gp");
            locationCriteria.createAlias("project", "p");
            locationCriteria.createAlias("", "st");
            locationCriteria.add(Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq("gp.typeId", DmsProjectDao.LOCATION_ID),
                    Restrictions.eq("gp.value", parameters.get(StudyFilters.LOCATION_ID))));

        return criteria;

    public StudyMetadata getStudyMetadataForGeolocationId(final Integer geolocationId) {
        try {
            final SQLQuery query = this.getSession()
            query.setParameter("geolocationId", geolocationId);
            final Object result = query.uniqueResult();
            if (result != null) {
                final Object[] row = (Object[]) result;
                final StudyMetadata studyMetadata = new StudyMetadata();
                studyMetadata.setNurseryOrTrialId((row[1] instanceof Integer) ? (Integer) row[1] : null);
                studyMetadata.setStudyName((row[2] instanceof String) ? (String) row[2] : null);
                studyMetadata.setStudyType((row[3] instanceof Integer) ? ((Integer) row[3]).toString() : null);
                if (row[4] instanceof String && !StringUtils.isBlank((String) row[4])) {
                    studyMetadata.addSeason(TermId.getById(Integer.parseInt((String) row[4])).toString());
                studyMetadata.setTrialDbId((row[5] instanceof Integer) ? (Integer) row[5] : null);
                studyMetadata.setTrialName((row[6] instanceof String) ? (String) row[6] : null);
                studyMetadata.setStartDate((row[7] instanceof String) ? (String) row[7] : null);
                studyMetadata.setEndDate((row[8] instanceof String) ? (String) row[8] : null);
                        .setLocationId((row[10] instanceof String) ? Integer.parseInt((String) row[10]) : null);
                return studyMetadata;
            } else {
                return null;
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            final String message = "Error with getStudyMetadataForGeolocationId() query from study with geoloCationId: "
                    + geolocationId;
            DmsProjectDao.LOG.error(message, e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(message, e);

     * Detect the usage of the specified variable in any programs except for the specified programUUID.
     * @param variableId    - The term id of the variable (e.g. 8190 to look for variable LOCATION_NAME_ID)
     * @param variableValue - The value of the variable (e.g. 101 which is the location name id of the location "India")
     * @param programUUID
     * @return
    public boolean isVariableUsedInOtherPrograms(final String variableId, final String variableValue,
            final String programUUID) {

        // Check if the variable is used in trial level and/or environment level of studies except for the specified programUUID.
        final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery("SELECT CASE WHEN\n"
                + "            (EXISTS( SELECT project.* FROM\n" + "                    projectprop INNER JOIN\n"
                + "                    project ON project.project_id = projectprop.project_id WHERE\n"
                + "                    projectprop.variable_id = :variableId AND projectprop.value = :variableValue\n"
                + "                        AND project.program_uuid <> :programUUID AND project.deleted = 0)) = 1 "
                + "                  OR " + "            (EXISTS( SELECT \n"
                + "                    project.* FROM project\n" + "                        INNER JOIN\n"
                + "                    nd_experiment ON nd_experiment.project_id = project.project_id\n"
                + "                        INNER JOIN\n"
                + "                    nd_geolocationprop ON nd_experiment.nd_geolocation_id = nd_geolocationprop.nd_geolocation_id"
                + "                WHERE nd_geolocationprop.type_id = :variableId\n"
                + "                        AND nd_geolocationprop.value = :variableValue\n"
                + "                        AND project.program_uuid <> :programUUID AND project.deleted = 0)) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0\n"
                + "    END;");
        query.setParameter("variableId", variableId);
        query.setParameter("variableValue", variableValue);
        query.setParameter("programUUID", programUUID);

        return ((BigInteger) query.uniqueResult()).intValue() != 0;


     * Count calculated traits in the speficified datasets.
     * @param projectIds
     * @return
    public int countCalculatedVariablesInDatasets(final Set<Integer> projectIds) {
        // Check if the variable is used in trial level and/or environment level of studies except for the specified programUUID.
        final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(COUNT_CALCULATED_VARIABLES_IN_DATASETS);
        query.setParameterList("projectIds", projectIds);
        return ((BigInteger) query.uniqueResult()).intValue();


    public String getProjectStartDateByProjectId(final int projectId) {
        try {
            final String sql = "SELECT start_date FROM project WHERE project_id = :projectId";
            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
            query.setParameter("projectId", projectId);
            final List<String> list = query.list();
            if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                return list.get(0);
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error with getProjectStartDateByProjectId() query from Project " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

    public List<Reference> getRootFolders(final String programUUID, final Integer studyType) {
        return this.getChildrenOfFolder(DmsProject.SYSTEM_FOLDER_ID, programUUID, studyType);

    public List<Reference> getChildrenOfFolder(final Integer folderId, final String programUUID,
            final Integer studyType) {

        final List<Reference> childrenNodes;

        try {
            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(DmsProjectDao.GET_CHILDREN_OF_FOLDER)
                    .addScalar("is_study", new IntegerType()).addScalar("program_uuid").addScalar("studyType")
                    .addScalar("isLocked").addScalar("created_by", new IntegerType());
            query.setParameter("folderId", folderId);
            query.setParameter("studyTypeId", studyType);
            query.setParameter(DmsProjectDao.PROGRAM_UUID, programUUID);

            final List<Object[]> list = query.list();
            childrenNodes = this.getChildrenNodesList(list);

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException("Error retrieving study folder tree, folderId=" + folderId
                    + " programUUID=" + programUUID + ":" + e.getMessage(), e);

        return childrenNodes;

    public StudyReference getStudyReference(final Integer studyId) {
        StudyReference studyReference = null;

        try {
            final Query query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(DmsProjectDao.STUDY_REFERENCE_SQL)
            query.setParameter("studyId", studyId);

            final List<Object[]> list = query.list();
            if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                for (final Object[] row : list) {
                    final Integer id = (Integer) row[0];
                    final String name = (String) row[1];
                    final String description = (String) row[2];
                    final String projectUUID = (String) row[3];
                    final Integer studyTypeId = (Integer) row[4];
                    final String label = (String) row[5];
                    final String studyTypeName = (String) row[6];
                    final boolean visible = ((Byte) row[7]) == 1;
                    final Integer cvtermId = (Integer) row[8];
                    final Boolean isLocked = (Boolean) row[9];
                    final StudyTypeDto studyTypeDto = new StudyTypeDto(studyTypeId, label, studyTypeName, cvtermId,
                    final String ownerId = (String) row[10];
                    studyReference = new StudyReference(id, name, description, projectUUID, studyTypeDto, isLocked,

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error getting StudyReference for studyId=" + studyId + ":" + e.getMessage(), e);

        return studyReference;

    public List<MeasurementVariable> getObservationSetVariables(final Integer observationSetId,
            final List<Integer> variableTypes) {
        return this.getObservationSetVariables(Collections.singletonList(observationSetId), variableTypes);

    public List<MeasurementVariable> getObservationSetVariables(final List<Integer> observationSetIds,
            final List<Integer> variableTypes) {

        try {
            final String query = " SELECT distinct " //
                    + "   pp.variable_id AS " + OBS_SET_VARIABLE_ID + ", " //
                    + " AS " + OBS_SET_VARIABLE_NAME + ", " //
                    + "   variable.definition AS " + OBS_SET_DESCRIPTION + ", " //
                    + "   pp.alias AS " + OBS_SET_ALIAS + ", " //
                    + "   pp.value as " + OBS_SET_VALUE + ", " + "   variableType.cvterm_id AS "
                    + OBS_SET_VARIABLE_TYPE_ID + ", " //
                    + " AS " + OBS_SET_SCALE + ", " //
                    + " AS " + OBS_SET_METHOD + ", " //
                    + " AS " + OBS_SET_PROPERTY + ", " //
                    + "   dataType.cvterm_id AS " + OBS_SET_DATA_TYPE_ID + ", " //
                    + "   category.cvterm_id AS " + OBS_SET_CATEGORY_ID + ", " //
                    + " AS " + OBS_SET_CATEGORY_NAME + ", " //
                    + "   category.definition AS " + OBS_SET_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION + ", " //
                    + "   (SELECT formula_id FROM formula WHERE target_variable_id = pp.variable_id and active = 1 LIMIT 1) AS "
                    + OBS_SET_FORMULA_ID + ", " + "   scaleMinRange.value AS " + OBS_SET_SCALE_MIN_RANGE + ", " //
                    + "   scaleMaxRange.value AS " + OBS_SET_SCALE_MAX_RANGE + ", " //
                    + "   vo.expected_min AS " + OBS_SET_EXPECTED_MIN + ", " //
                    + "   vo.expected_max AS " + OBS_SET_EXPECTED_MAX + ", " //
                    + "   cropOntology.value AS " + OBS_SET_CROP_ONTOLOGY_ID + "," + "   pp.value as "
                    + OBS_SET_VARIABLE_VALUE + " FROM project dataset " //
                    + "   INNER JOIN projectprop pp ON dataset.project_id = pp.project_id " //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm variable ON pp.variable_id = variable.cvterm_id " //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm variableType ON pp.type_id = variableType.cvterm_id " //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm_relationship cvtrscale ON variable.cvterm_id = cvtrscale.subject_id " //
                    + "                                            AND cvtrscale.type_id = "
                    + TermId.HAS_SCALE.getId() //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm scale ON cvtrscale.object_id = scale.cvterm_id " //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm_relationship cvtrmethod ON variable.cvterm_id = cvtrmethod.subject_id " //
                    + "                                             AND cvtrmethod.type_id = "
                    + TermId.HAS_METHOD.getId() //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm method ON cvtrmethod.object_id = method.cvterm_id " //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm_relationship cvtrproperty ON variable.cvterm_id = cvtrproperty.subject_id " //
                    + "                                               AND cvtrproperty.type_id = "
                    + TermId.HAS_PROPERTY.getId() //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm property ON cvtrproperty.object_id = property.cvterm_id " //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm_relationship cvtrdataType ON scale.cvterm_id = cvtrdataType.subject_id " //
                    + "                                               AND cvtrdataType.type_id = "
                    + TermId.HAS_TYPE.getId() //
                    + "   INNER JOIN cvterm dataType ON cvtrdataType.object_id = dataType.cvterm_id " //
                    + "   LEFT JOIN cvterm_relationship cvtrcategory ON scale.cvterm_id = cvtrcategory.subject_id "
                    + "                                              AND cvtrcategory.type_id = "
                    + TermId.HAS_VALUE.getId() //
                    + "   LEFT JOIN cvterm category ON cvtrcategory.object_id = category.cvterm_id " //
                    + "   LEFT JOIN cvtermprop scaleMaxRange on scale.cvterm_id = scaleMaxRange.cvterm_id " //
                    + "                                         AND scaleMaxRange.type_id = "
                    + TermId.MAX_VALUE.getId() //
                    + "   LEFT JOIN cvtermprop scaleMinRange on scale.cvterm_id = scaleMinRange.cvterm_id " //
                    + "                                         AND scaleMinRange.type_id = "
                    + TermId.MIN_VALUE.getId() //
                    + "   LEFT JOIN variable_overrides vo ON variable.cvterm_id = vo.cvterm_id " //
                    + "                                      AND dataset.program_uuid = vo.program_uuid " //
                    + "   LEFT JOIN cvtermprop cropOntology ON cropOntology.cvterm_id = variable.cvterm_id" //
                    + "        AND cropOntology.type_id = " + TermId.CROP_ONTOLOGY_ID.getId() + " WHERE " //
                    + "   dataset.project_id in (:observationSetIds) " //
                    + "   AND pp.type_id in (:variableTypes) " + " ORDER BY pp.rank ";

            final SQLQuery sqlQuery = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(query);
            sqlQuery.setParameterList("observationSetIds", observationSetIds);
            sqlQuery.setParameterList("variableTypes", variableTypes);
                    .addScalar(OBS_SET_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION).addScalar(OBS_SET_SCALE_MIN_RANGE, new DoubleType())
                    .addScalar(OBS_SET_SCALE_MAX_RANGE, new DoubleType())
                    .addScalar(OBS_SET_EXPECTED_MIN, new DoubleType())
                    .addScalar(OBS_SET_EXPECTED_MAX, new DoubleType())
                    .addScalar(OBS_SET_FORMULA_ID, new IntegerType()).addScalar(OBS_SET_CROP_ONTOLOGY_ID)

            final List<Map<String, Object>> results = sqlQuery.list();

            final Map<Integer, MeasurementVariable> variables = new LinkedHashMap<>();

            for (final Map<String, Object> result : results) {
                final Integer variableId = (Integer) result.get("variableId");

                if (!variables.containsKey(variableId)) {
                    variables.put(variableId, new MeasurementVariable());

                    final MeasurementVariable measurementVariable = variables.get(variableId);

                    measurementVariable.setName((String) result.get(OBS_SET_VARIABLE_NAME));
                    measurementVariable.setAlias((String) result.get(OBS_SET_ALIAS));
                    measurementVariable.setValue((String) result.get(OBS_SET_VALUE));
                    measurementVariable.setDescription((String) result.get(OBS_SET_DESCRIPTION));
                    measurementVariable.setScale((String) result.get(OBS_SET_SCALE));
                    measurementVariable.setMethod((String) result.get(OBS_SET_METHOD));
                    measurementVariable.setProperty((String) result.get(OBS_SET_PROPERTY));
                    final VariableType variableType = VariableType
                            .getById((Integer) result.get(OBS_SET_VARIABLE_TYPE_ID));
                    //TODO: fix the saving of Treatment Factor Variables in the projectprop table.
                    // Right now, the saved typeid is 1100. It should be 1809(VariableType.TREATMENT_FACTOR.getid())
                    if (variableType != null) {
                    final DataType dataType = DataType.getById((Integer) result.get(OBS_SET_DATA_TYPE_ID));

                    final Integer formulaId = (Integer) result.get(OBS_SET_FORMULA_ID);
                    if (formulaId != null) {
                        final Formula formula = (Formula) this.getSession().createCriteria(Formula.class)
                                .add(Restrictions.eq("formulaId", formulaId)).add(Restrictions.eq("active", true))
                        if (formula != null) {

                    final Double scaleMinRange = (Double) result.get(OBS_SET_SCALE_MIN_RANGE);
                    final Double scaleMaxRange = (Double) result.get(OBS_SET_SCALE_MAX_RANGE);
                    final Double expectedMin = (Double) result.get(OBS_SET_EXPECTED_MIN);
                    final Double expectedMax = (Double) result.get(OBS_SET_EXPECTED_MAX);

                    measurementVariable.setMinRange(expectedMin != null ? expectedMin : scaleMinRange);
                    measurementVariable.setMaxRange(expectedMax != null ? expectedMax : scaleMaxRange);
                    measurementVariable.setCropOntology((String) result.get(OBS_SET_CROP_ONTOLOGY_ID));

                final MeasurementVariable measurementVariable = variables.get(variableId);

                if (measurementVariable.getValue() == null || measurementVariable.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                    measurementVariable.setValue((String) result.get(OBS_SET_VARIABLE_VALUE));

                final Object categoryId = result.get(OBS_SET_CATEGORY_ID);
                if (categoryId != null) {
                    if (measurementVariable.getPossibleValues() == null
                            || measurementVariable.getPossibleValues().isEmpty()) {
                        measurementVariable.setPossibleValues(new ArrayList<ValueReference>());
                    final ValueReference valueReference = //
                            new ValueReference((Integer) categoryId, //
                                    Objects.toString(result.get(OBS_SET_CATEGORY_NAME)), //
                    if (!measurementVariable.getPossibleValues().contains(valueReference)) {

            return new ArrayList<>(variables.values());
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error getting datasets variables for dataset=" + observationSetIds + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);

    public void lockUnlockStudy(final Integer studyId, final Boolean isLocked) {

        final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(this.getPersistentClass());
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(PROJECT_ID, studyId));
        final DmsProject study = (DmsProject) criteria.uniqueResult();
        if (study != null) {

    public List<DatasetDTO> getDatasets(final Integer studyId) {
        final List<DatasetDTO> datasetDTOS;
        try {

            final ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList();
            projectionList.add("project.projectId"), "datasetId");
            projectionList.add("dt.datasetTypeId"), "datasetTypeId");
            projectionList.add(""), "name");
            projectionList.add("parent.projectId"), "parentDatasetId");

            final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(DmsProject.class, "project");
            criteria.createAlias("project.datasetType", "dt");
            criteria.createAlias("", "study");
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("study.projectId", studyId));
            datasetDTOS = criteria.list();

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(
                    "Error getting getDatasets for studyId=" + studyId + ":" + e.getMessage(), e);
        return datasetDTOS;


    public List<StudyInstance> getDatasetInstances(final int datasetId) {

        try {
            final String sql = "select \n" + "   geoloc.nd_geolocation_id as INSTANCE_DBID, \n"
                    + "   max(if(geoprop.type_id = 8190, loc.locid, null)) as LOCATION_ID, \n" // 8190 = cvterm for LOCATION_ID
                    + "   max(if(geoprop.type_id = 8190, loc.lname, null)) as LOCATION_NAME, \n"
                    + "   max(if(geoprop.type_id = 8190, loc.labbr, null)) as LOCATION_ABBR, \n" + // 8189 = cvterm for LOCATION_ABBR
                    "   max(if(geoprop.type_id = 8189, geoprop.value, null)) as CUSTOM_LOCATION_ABBR, \n" +
                    // 8189 = cvterm for CUSTOM_LOCATION_ABBR
                    "   max(if(geoprop.type_id = 8583, geoprop.value, null)) as FIELDMAP_BLOCK, \n" +
                    // 8583 = cvterm for BLOCK_ID (meaning instance has fieldmap)
                    "   geoloc.description as INSTANCE_NUMBER \n" + " from \n" + "   nd_geolocation geoloc \n"
                    + "    inner join nd_experiment nde on nde.nd_geolocation_id = geoloc.nd_geolocation_id \n"
                    + "    inner join project proj on proj.project_id = nde.project_id \n"
                    + "    left outer join nd_geolocationprop geoprop on geoprop.nd_geolocation_id = geoloc.nd_geolocation_id \n"
                    + "      left outer join location loc on geoprop.value = loc.locid and geoprop.type_id = 8190 \n"
                    + " where proj.project_id = :datasetId \n" + "    group by geoloc.nd_geolocation_id \n"
                    + "    order by (1 * geoloc.description) asc ";

            final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
            query.setParameter("datasetId", datasetId);
            query.addScalar("INSTANCE_DBID", new IntegerType());
            query.addScalar("LOCATION_ID", new IntegerType());
            query.addScalar("LOCATION_NAME", new StringType());
            query.addScalar("LOCATION_ABBR", new StringType());
            query.addScalar("CUSTOM_LOCATION_ABBR", new StringType());
            query.addScalar("FIELDMAP_BLOCK", new StringType());
            query.addScalar("INSTANCE_NUMBER", new IntegerType());

            final List queryResults = query.list();
            final List<StudyInstance> instances = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final Object result : queryResults) {
                final Object[] row = (Object[]) result;
                final boolean hasFieldmap = !StringUtils.isEmpty((String) row[5]);
                final StudyInstance instance = new StudyInstance((Integer) row[0], (Integer) row[1],
                        (String) row[2], (String) row[3], (Integer) row[6], (String) row[4], hasFieldmap);
            return instances;
        } catch (final HibernateException he) {
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException("Unexpected error in executing getDatasetInstances(datasetId = "
                    + datasetId + ") query: " + he.getMessage(), he);

    public void deleteDataset(final int datasetId) {
        try {
            // Please note we are manually flushing because non hibernate based deletes and updates causes the Hibernate session to get out of synch with
            // underlying database. Thus flushing to force Hibernate to synchronize with the underlying database before the delete
            // statement

            // Delete experiments
            SQLQuery statement = this.getSession()
                    .createSQLQuery("delete e, pheno, eprop " + "from nd_experiment e, "
                            + "phenotype pheno, nd_experimentprop eprop " + "where e.project_id = " + datasetId
                            + "  and e.nd_experiment_id = pheno.nd_experiment_id "
                            + "  and e.nd_experiment_id = eprop.nd_experiment_id");

            // Delete project stuff
            statement = this.getSession().createSQLQuery("delete p, pp " + "from project p, projectprop pp "
                    + "where p.project_id = " + datasetId + "  and p.project_id = pp.project_id");

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            final String errorMessage = "Error in delete=" + datasetId + " in DmsProjectDao: " + e.getMessage();
            DmsProjectDao.LOG.error(errorMessage, e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(errorMessage, e);

    public long countByVariable(final int variableId) {
        try {
            final SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(DmsProjectDao.COUNT_PROJECTS_WITH_VARIABLE);
            query.setParameter("variableId", variableId);

            return ((BigInteger) query.uniqueResult()).longValue();

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            final String errorMessage = "Error at countByVariable=" + variableId + " in DmsProjectDao: "
                    + e.getMessage();
            DmsProjectDao.LOG.error(errorMessage, e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(errorMessage, e);

    public DatasetDTO getDataset(final Integer datasetId) {
        final DatasetDTO datasetDTO;
        try {

            final ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList();
            projectionList.add("project.projectId"), "datasetId");
            projectionList.add("dt.datasetTypeId"), "datasetTypeId");
            projectionList.add(""), "name");
            projectionList.add("parent.projectId"), "parentDatasetId");
            final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(DmsProject.class, "project");
            criteria.createAlias("project.parent", "parent");
            criteria.createAlias("project.datasetType", "dt");
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("project.projectId", datasetId));
            datasetDTO = (DatasetDTO) criteria.uniqueResult();

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            final String errorMessage = "Error getting getDataset for datasetId =" + datasetId + ":"
                    + e.getMessage();
            DmsProjectDao.LOG.error(errorMessage, e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(errorMessage, e);
        return datasetDTO;


    public DatasetDTO getDatasetOfSampleList(final Integer sampleListId) {

        final DatasetDTO datasetDTO;
        try {

            final ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList();
            projectionList.add("project.projectId"), "datasetId");
            projectionList.add("dt.datasetTypeId"), "datasetTypeId");
            projectionList.add(""), "name");
            projectionList.add("parent.projectId"), "parentDatasetId");

            final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(SampleList.class);
            criteria.createAlias("samples", "sample").createAlias("samples.experiment", "experiment")
                    .createAlias("experiment.project", "project").createAlias("project.parent", "parent")
                    .createAlias("project.datasetType", "dt").add(Restrictions.eq("id", sampleListId));
            datasetDTO = (DatasetDTO) criteria.uniqueResult();

        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            final String errorMessage = "Error getting getDatasetOfSampleList for sampleListId =" + sampleListId
                    + ":" + e.getMessage();
            DmsProjectDao.LOG.error(errorMessage, e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(errorMessage, e);

        return datasetDTO;


    public List<DmsProject> getDatasetsByTypeForStudy(final int studyId, final int datasetTypeId) {
        try {
            final Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(DmsProject.class, "project");
            criteria.createAlias("", "study");
            criteria.createAlias("project.datasetType", "dt");
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("study.projectId", studyId));
            criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("dt.datasetTypeId", datasetTypeId));
            return criteria.list();
        } catch (final HibernateException e) {
            final String errorMessage = "Error getting getDatasetsByTypeForStudy for datasetTypeId ="
                    + datasetTypeId + ":" + e.getMessage();
            DmsProjectDao.LOG.error(errorMessage, e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(errorMessage, e);

    public List<Integer> getPersonIdsAssociatedToStudy(final Integer studyId) {
        try {
            final Query query = this.getSession()
                    .createSQLQuery("SELECT DISTINCT pp.value AS personId \n" + "FROM   cvterm scale \n"
                            + "       INNER JOIN cvterm_relationship r \n"
                            + "               ON ( r.object_id = scale.cvterm_id ) \n"
                            + "       INNER JOIN cvterm variable \n"
                            + "               ON ( r.subject_id = variable.cvterm_id ) \n"
                            + "       INNER JOIN projectprop pp \n"
                            + "               ON ( pp.variable_id = variable.cvterm_id ) \n"
                            + "WHERE  pp.project_id = :studyId \n" + "       AND r.object_id = 1901; ")
                    .addScalar("personId", new IntegerType());
            query.setParameter("studyId", studyId);
            return query.list();
        } catch (final MiddlewareQueryException e) {
            final String message = "Error with getPersonsAssociatedToStudy() query from studyId: " + studyId;
            DmsProjectDao.LOG.error(message, e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(message, e);

    public List<Integer> getPersonIdsAssociatedToEnvironment(final Integer instanceId) {
        try {
            final Query query = this.getSession()
                    .createSQLQuery("SELECT DISTINCT pp.value AS personId \n" + "FROM   cvterm scale \n"
                            + "       INNER JOIN cvterm_relationship r \n"
                            + "               ON ( r.object_id = scale.cvterm_id ) \n"
                            + "       INNER JOIN cvterm variable \n"
                            + "               ON ( r.subject_id = variable.cvterm_id ) \n"
                            + "       INNER JOIN nd_geolocationprop pp \n"
                            + "               ON ( pp.type_id = variable.cvterm_id ) \n"
                            + "WHERE  pp.nd_geolocation_id = :instanceId \n" + "       AND r.object_id = 1901; ")
                    .addScalar("personId", new IntegerType());
            query.setParameter("instanceId", instanceId);
            return query.list();
        } catch (final MiddlewareQueryException e) {
            final String message = "Error with getPersonIdsAssociatedToEnvironment() query from instanceId: "
                    + instanceId;
            DmsProjectDao.LOG.error(message, e);
            throw new MiddlewareQueryException(message, e);
