Java tutorial
package org.gems.ajax.client.util; /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2007 Jules White. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Jules White - initial API and implementation ****************************************************************************/ import org.gems.ajax.client.GEMS; import org.gems.ajax.client.GEMSAsync; import org.gems.ajax.client.edit.EditPart; import org.gems.ajax.client.geometry.Point; import org.gems.ajax.client.geometry.Rectangle; import org.gems.ajax.client.util.dojo.DojoUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Util implements GraphicsConstants { private static GEMSAsync GEMS_SVC; private Util() { } public static boolean isAncestor(Element anc, Element child) { if (anc.equals(child)) return true; Element parent = child.getParentElement();// DOM.getParent(child); while (parent != null) { if (parent.equals(anc)) return true; parent = parent.getParentElement();// DOM.getParent(parent); } return false; } public static int bringToFront(Widget w) { int origz = getZIndex(w); setZIndex(w, FRONT_MODEL_LAYER); return origz; } public static int moveBehind(Widget w, Widget behindthiswidget) { int origz = getZIndex(w); setZIndex(w, getZIndex(behindthiswidget) - 1); return origz; } public static int moveInFrontOf(Widget w, Widget behindthiswidget) { int origz = getZIndex(w); setZIndex(w, getZIndex(behindthiswidget) + 1); return origz; } public static void setZIndex(Widget w, int z) { setZIndex(w.getElement(), z); } public static int getZIndex(Widget w) { return getZIndex(w.getElement()); } public static native int getZIndex(Element e)/*-{ return; }-*/; public static native void setZIndex(Element e, int z)/*-{ = z; }-*/; public static int getOffsetWidth(Widget w) { if (w.getParent() == null) { RootPanel.get().add(w); int width = w.getOffsetWidth(); RootPanel.get().remove(w); return width; } else { return w.getOffsetWidth(); } } public static int getOffsetHeight(Widget w) { if (w.getParent() == null) { RootPanel.get().add(w); int h = w.getOffsetHeight(); RootPanel.get().remove(w); return h; } else { return w.getOffsetHeight(); } } public static native Object eval(String javascript) /*-{ try{ return $wnd.eval(javascript); }catch(ex){ alert('Error:'+ex+' evaluating javascript javascript:'+javascript); } return null; }-*/; public static native boolean evalBoolean(String javascript) /*-{ try{ return $wnd.eval(javascript); }catch(ex){ alert('Error:'+ex+' evaluating javascript javascript:'+javascript); } return false; }-*/; public static native boolean functionExists(String funcname) /*-{ try{ return $wnd.eval('window.'+funcname+' != null'); }catch(ex){} return false; }-*/; public static int getLeftBorderWidth(Element el) { int v = getPixelSize(el, "border-left-width"); if (v == 0) v = getPixelSize(el, "border-width"); if (v == 0) { String b = el.getStyle().getProperty("border");// DOM.getStyleAttribute(el, // "border"); System.out.println(b); } return v; } public static native void cancelAllDocumentSelections() /*-{ try { $wnd.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } catch(ex) {} }-*/; public static int getPixelSize(Element el, String attr) { String v = el.getStyle().getProperty(attr);// DOM.getStyleAttribute(el, // attr); if (v == null) return 0; v = v.trim(); if (v.endsWith("px")) { v = v.substring(0, v.length() - 2); } return Integer.parseInt(v); } public static Element getDescendantById(Element parent, String id) { for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) { Element el = parent.getChildNodes().getItem(i).cast();// DOM.getChild(parent, // i); String cid = el.getId();// DOM.getElementAttribute(el, ID_ATTR); if (id.equals(cid)) return el; else { el = getDescendantById(el, id); if (el != null) return el; } } return null; } public static int half(int size) { if (size % 2 != 0) size++; return size / 2; } public static boolean horizontalLine(Point a, Point b) { return a.y == b.y; } public static boolean verticlLine(Point a, Point b) { return a.x == b.x; } public static Element findRelativeParent(Widget w) { Element rparent = w.getElement().getParentElement();// DOM.getParent(w.getElement()); while (rparent != null) { if (RELATIVE.equals(rparent.getStyle().getProperty(POSITION_ATTR))) { return rparent; } rparent = rparent.getParentElement();// DOM.getParent(rparent); } return null; } public static Element findParentDiagram(Widget w) { Element rparent = w.getElement();// DOM.getParent(w.getElement()); Element dig2 = null; while (rparent != null) { if (RELATIVE.equals(rparent.getStyle().getProperty(POSITION_ATTR))) { dig2 = rparent; } rparent = rparent.getParentElement();// DOM.getParent(rparent); } return dig2; } public static int getContainerX(Element e) { if (e == null) return 0; else return e.getAbsoluteLeft();// DOM.getAbsoluteLeft(e); } public static int getContainerY(Element e) { if (e == null) return 0; else return e.getAbsoluteTop();// DOM.getAbsoluteTop(e); } public static int getDiagramX(Widget w) { return w.getAbsoluteLeft() - getContainerX(findParentDiagram(w)); } public static int getDiagramY(Widget w) { return w.getAbsoluteTop() - getContainerY(findParentDiagram(w)); } public static int toDiagramX(Widget w, int x) { return x - getContainerX(findParentDiagram(w)); } public static int toDiagramY(Widget w, int y) { return y - getContainerY(findParentDiagram(w)); } public static Point getDiagramLocation(Widget w) { return new Point(getDiagramX(w), getDiagramY(w)); } public static Point getRelativeLocationToAncestor(Widget w, Widget ancestor) { return new Point(getDiagramX(w), getDiagramY(w)); } public static Rectangle getBoundingBox(Point a, Point b) { int x = Math.min(a.x, b.x); int y = Math.min(a.y, b.y); int width = Math.max(a.x, b.x) - x; int height = Math.max(a.y, b.y) - y; return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); } public static Rectangle getBoundingBox(Point[] points) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(points[0], points[0]); for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { bounds.union(points[i]); } return bounds; } public static Point makeRelativeTo(Point ref, Point abs) { return new Point(abs.x - ref.x, abs.y - ref.y); } public static Point[] makeRelativeTo(Point ref, Point[] abs) { Point[] rel = new Point[abs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < abs.length; i++) { rel[i] = makeRelativeTo(ref, abs[i]); } return rel; } public static void showInvalidCursor() { RootPanel.get().setStyleName(INVALID_CURSOR_STYLE); } public static void showValidCursor() { RootPanel.get().setStyleName(VALID_CURSOR_STYLE); } public static void showWaitCursor() { RootPanel.get().setStyleName(WAIT_CURSOR_STYLE); } public static void showNormalCursor() { RootPanel.get().setStyleName(NORMAL_CURSOR_STYLE); } public static void showErrorMessage(String error) { DecoratedPopupPanel simplePopup = new DecoratedPopupPanel(true); simplePopup.ensureDebugId("cwBasicPopup-simplePopup"); simplePopup.setWidth("150px"); simplePopup.setWidget(new HTML(error)); simplePopup.setPopupPosition(Util.half(Window.getClientWidth()), Util.half(Window.getClientHeight()));; } public static native void scrollElementRight(Element container, int amount)/*-{ container.scrollLeft += amount; }-*/; public static native void scrollElementLeft(Element container, int amount)/*-{ container.scrollLeft -= amount; }-*/; public static native void scrollElementDown(Element container, int amount)/*-{ container.scrollTop += amount; }-*/; public static native void scrollElementUp(Element container, int amount)/*-{ container.scrollTop -= amount; }-*/; public static native int getScrollTop(Element container)/*-{ return container.scrollTop; }-*/; public static native int getScrollLeft(Element container)/*-{ return container.scrollLeft; }-*/; public static void attachMovementListener(Widget w, MovementListener l) { MovementDetector d = new MovementDetector(w, l); DojoUtil.connect(w.getElement(), d); } public static boolean isAncestor(EditPart anc, EditPart child) { if (anc == child) return true; EditPart parent = child.getParent(); while (parent != null) { if (parent == anc) return true; parent = parent.getParent(); } return false; } public static void addCSS(String cssUrl) { Element head = getElementByTagName("head"); Element cssLink = DOM.createElement("link"); setAttribute(cssLink, "type", "text/css"); setAttribute(cssLink, "rel", "stylesheet"); setAttribute(cssLink, "href", cssUrl); head.appendChild(cssLink); } public static void addScript(String scripturl) { Element head = getElementByTagName("head"); Element cssLink = DOM.createElement("script"); setAttribute(cssLink, "type", "text/javascript"); setAttribute(cssLink, "src", scripturl); head.appendChild(cssLink); } public native static void setAttribute(Element el, String key, String val) /*-{ el.setAttribute(key, val); }-*/; public static String getScriptLoader(String spath) { String script = " " + " var old = document.getElementById('" + spath + "');\r\n" + " if (old == null) {\n" + " var head = document.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0];\r\n" + " var script = document.createElement('script');\r\n" + " = '" + spath + "';\r\n" + " script.type = 'text/javascript';\r\n" + " script.src = \"" + spath + "\";\r\n" + " head.appendChild(script);" + " }"; return script; } public static void loadScriptOnce(String spath) { eval(getScriptLoader(spath)); } public native static Element getElementByTagName(String tagName) /*-{ var elem = $doc.getElementsByTagName(tagName); return elem ? elem[0] : null; }-*/; public static void makeDraggable() { // public boolean onEventPreview(Event event) { // if (DOM.eventGetType(event) == Event.ONMOUSEDOWN && // DOM.isOrHasChild(getElement(), DOM.eventGetTarget(event))) { // DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); // } // // Always returning true as we dont want to cancel // // the event, just to prevent the default behaviour. // return true; // } // } } public static GEMSAsync getGEMS() { if (GEMS_SVC == null) { GEMS_SVC = (GEMSAsync) GWT.create(GEMS.class); ServiceDefTarget endpoint = (ServiceDefTarget) GEMS_SVC; String moduleRelativeURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + GEMS.SERVICE_NAME; endpoint.setServiceEntryPoint(moduleRelativeURL); } return GEMS_SVC; } }