Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) FuseSource, Inc. * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.fusesource.bai.backend.mongo; import com.mongodb.*; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; import com.mongodb.util.JSONParseException; import org.apache.camel.*; import org.apache.camel.dataformat.xmljson.XmlJsonDataFormat; import*; import org.apache.camel.util.ServiceHelper; import org.fusesource.bai.AuditConstants; import org.fusesource.bai.AuditEvent; import org.fusesource.bai.backend.BAIAuditBackend; import org.fusesource.bai.backend.BAIAuditBackendSupport; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Properties; /** * MongoDB Business Activity Insight backend * Manages three types of collections: per-route collection, x-ray collection and debug * The per-route collection is the heart of BAI, and contains records following this structure: * { breadcrumbId: , * input: { }, * exchanges: { }, * endpointFailures: { }, * processorFailures: { }, * endpointRedeliveries: { }, * processorRedeliveries: { } * } * @author Raul Kripalani * */ public class MongoDBBackend extends BAIAuditBackendSupport implements BAIAuditBackend { private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoDBBackend.class); private Mongo mongo; private String dbname; private DB db; private CamelContext context; private TypeConverter typeConverter; private Properties typeHints; private XmlJsonDataFormat xmlJson = new XmlJsonDataFormat(); private boolean debug = true; @Override public void audit(AuditEvent ev) { String endpointId = ev.getEndpointURI(); String srcContextId = ev.getExchange().getContext().getName(); String srcRouteId = ev.getExchange().getFromRouteId(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Received AuditEvent: " + ev + " breadCrumbID: " + ev.getBreadCrumbId() + " | Extracted data: " + endpointId + ", " + srcContextId + ", " + srcRouteId); } boolean handled = false; // a message is being sent if (ev.getEvent() instanceof ExchangeSendingEvent || ev.getEvent() instanceof ExchangeSentEvent || ev.getEvent() instanceof ExchangeCreatedEvent || ev.getEvent() instanceof ExchangeCompletedEvent) { digestExchangeEvent(ev); handled = true; } // a message has failed else if (ev.getEvent() instanceof ExchangeFailedEvent) { digestEndpointFailureEvent(ev); handled = true; } // a message is being redelivered else if (ev.getEvent() instanceof ExchangeRedeliveryEvent) { if (ev.getEndpointURI() != null) { digestEndpointRedeliveryEvent(ev); } else { digestProcessorRedeliveryEvent(ev); } handled = true; } // add the entry to the meta collection - which tells us which routes a breadcrumbId has passed through if (handled) { addToMetaCollection(ev); } // if debug is enabled, insert a record in the debug collection if (debug) { createDebugRecord(ev); } } private void createDebugRecord(AuditEvent ev) { BasicDBObject object = new BasicDBObject(); object.append("breadCrumbId", ev.getBreadCrumbId()); object.append("eventtype", (ev.getEvent()).getClass().getName()); object.append("endpointURI", ev.getEndpointURI()); object.append("exchangeId", ev.getExchange().getExchangeId()); object.append("exception", ev.getException() == null ? null : ev.getException().toString()); object.append("redelivered", ev.getRedelivered()); object.append("timestamp", ev.getTimestamp()); object.append("sourceContextId", ev.getSourceContextId()); object.append("sourceRouteId", ev.getSourceRouteId()); object.append("inBody", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getIn().getBody(String.class)); object.append("outBody", ev.getEvent().getExchange().hasOut() ? ev.getEvent().getExchange().getOut().getBody(String.class) : null); db.getCollection("baievents").insert(object); } /* * Assumes that events are processed in order, i.e. the first ExchangeCreatedEvent received is the one from the route's consumer, ExchangeSending events are not received before * the ExchangeCreated, etc. */ private void digestExchangeEvent(AuditEvent ev) { AbstractExchangeEvent event = ev.getEvent(); if (event instanceof ExchangeCreatedEvent) { digestExchangeCreatedEvent(ev); } // if the Exchange that has just completed is the same that started the route (i.e. the one from the ExchangeCreated event we accepted) if (event instanceof ExchangeCompletedEvent) { digestExchangeCompletedEvent(ev); } if (event instanceof ExchangeSendingEvent) { digestExchangeSendingEvent(ev); } if (event instanceof ExchangeSentEvent) { digestExchangeSentEvent(ev); } } private void digestExchangeCreatedEvent(AuditEvent ev) { // filter: { _id : <breadcrumbId> } // updateObj: { $push : { exchanges: { in: <inmessage>, inTimestamp: <inTimestamp> } } } // an exchange has been created (by a consumer or by an EIP - we probably don't want to track the latter, so we need to find a way) // perhaps: if an exchange already exists with the same unit of work, of if an exchange with created='yes' already exists for that route, discard this message // ExchangeCreated will create a record in the per-route collection, *ONLY IF* a record doesn't already exist // if a record exists, it means that an EIP or processor has created a new Exchange, which will be sent later on, so we'll intercept it at that event Object inMessage = null; try { inMessage = convertPayload(ev.getExchange().getIn().getBody(), ev.getExchange()); } catch (Exception e) { // nothing } DBObject exchObj = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().append("endpointUri", ev.getEndpointURI()) .append("startTimestamp", ev.getTimestamp()).append("status", "in_progress") .append("exchangeId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getExchangeId()) .append("exchangePattern", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getPattern().toString()) .append("in", inMessage).append("dispatchId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getProperty(AuditConstants.DISPATCH_ID, String.class)) .get(); DBObject toInsert = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().append("_id", ev.getBreadCrumbId()) .append("input", Arrays.asList(exchObj)).get(); addCurrentRouteIdIfNeeded(ev, exchObj); // insert the record => if it already exists, Mongo will ignore the insert collectionFor(ev).insert(toInsert); } private void digestExchangeCompletedEvent(AuditEvent ev) { DBObject filter = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().append("_id", ev.getBreadCrumbId()) .append("input.endpointUri", ev.getEndpointURI()) .append("input.exchangeId", ev.getExchange().getExchangeId()).append("exchanges.dispatchId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getProperty(AuditConstants.DISPATCH_ID, String.class)) .get(); DBObject toApply = new BasicDBObject(); toApply.put("$set", new BasicDBObject()); DBObject toSet = (BasicDBObject) toApply.get("$set"); toSet.put("input.$.endTimestamp", ev.getTimestamp()); toSet.put("input.$.status", "finished"); // TODO: what if the exchange pattern changed while routing? // if the exchange pattern is InOut, first check if there's an out message, if not, dump the in message as the out (since this is what Camel's PipelineProcessor // will do internally anyway) if (ev.getEvent().getExchange().getPattern() == ExchangePattern.InOut) { Object outBody = null; try { outBody = ev.getExchange().hasOut() ? ev.getExchange().getOut().getBody() : ev.getExchange().getIn().getBody(); // it's okay to insert a null value if the he pattern was InOut toSet.put("input.$.out", convertPayload(outBody, ev.getExchange())); toSet.put("input.$.originalOut", typeConverter.convertTo(String.class, outBody)); } catch (Exception e) { // nothing } } // update the record, only if the filter criteria is met collectionFor(ev).update(filter, toApply); } private void digestExchangeSendingEvent(AuditEvent ev) { DBObject filter = new BasicDBObject(); filter.put("_id", ev.getBreadCrumbId()); DBObject toApply = new BasicDBObject(); toApply.put("$push", new BasicDBObject("exchanges", new BasicDBObject())); DBObject exchangeToPush = (BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBObject) toApply.get("$push")).get("exchanges"); exchangeToPush.put("endpointUri", ev.getEndpointURI()); exchangeToPush.put("startTimestamp", ev.getTimestamp()); exchangeToPush.put("status", "in_progress"); exchangeToPush.put("exchangeId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getExchangeId()); exchangeToPush.put("exchangePattern", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getPattern().toString()); exchangeToPush.put("dispatchId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getProperty(AuditConstants.DISPATCH_ID, String.class)); addCurrentRouteIdIfNeeded(ev, exchangeToPush); try { exchangeToPush.put("in", convertPayload(ev.getExchange().getIn().getBody(), ev.getExchange())); } catch (Exception e) { // nothing } // update the record collectionFor(ev).update(filter, toApply); } private void digestExchangeSentEvent(AuditEvent ev) { DBObject filter = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().append("_id", ev.getBreadCrumbId()) .append("exchanges.endpointUri", ev.getEndpointURI()) .append("exchanges.exchangeId", ev.getExchange().getExchangeId()).append("exchanges.dispatchId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getProperty(AuditConstants.DISPATCH_ID, String.class)) .get(); DBObject toApply = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("$set") .append("exchanges.$.endTimestamp", ev.getTimestamp()).append("exchanges.$.status", "finished") .get(); // if the exchange pattern is InOut, first check if there's an out message, if not, dump the in message as the out (since this is what Camel's PipelineProcessor // will do internally anyway) if (ev.getEvent().getExchange().getPattern() == ExchangePattern.InOut) { Object outBody = null; try { outBody = ev.getExchange().hasOut() ? ev.getExchange().getOut().getBody() : ev.getExchange().getIn().getBody(); // it's okay to insert a null value if the he pattern was InOut ((BasicDBObject) toApply.get("$set")).put("exchanges.$.out", convertPayload(outBody, ev.getExchange())); } catch (Exception e) { // nothing } } // update the record, only if the filter criteria is met collectionFor(ev).update(filter, toApply); } private void digestEndpointFailureEvent(AuditEvent ev) { DBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("_id", ev.getBreadCrumbId()); // 1. push the failure into endpointFailures DBObject toUpdate = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("$push").push("endpointFailures") .append("endpointUri", ev.getEndpointURI()).append("exception", ev.getException().toString()) .append("timestamp", ev.getTimestamp()).get(); collectionFor(ev).update(filter, toUpdate); addCurrentRouteIdIfNeeded(ev, (DBObject) ((DBObject) toUpdate.get("$push")).get("endpointFailures")); // 2. Then set the status of the exchange to failed - if it was an exchange sent from this route filter.put("exchanges.endpointUri", ev.getEndpointURI()); filter.put("exchanges.exchangeId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getExchangeId()); filter.put("exchanges.dispatchId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getProperty(AuditConstants.DISPATCH_ID, String.class)); toUpdate = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("$set").append("exchanges.$.status", "failed") .append("exchanges.$.failTimestamp", ev.getTimestamp()).get(); // if an exception is informed, we add it too if (ev.getException() != null) { ((BasicDBObject) toUpdate.get("$set")).put("exchanges.$.exception", ev.getException().toString()); } collectionFor(ev).update(filter, toUpdate); // 3. Then set the status of the exchange to failed - if it was the incoming exchange into the route filter.put("in.endpointUri", ev.getEndpointURI()); filter.put("in.exchangeId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getExchangeId()); filter.put("in.dispatchId", ev.getEvent().getExchange().getProperty(AuditConstants.DISPATCH_ID, String.class)); toUpdate = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("$set").append("in.$.status", "failed") .append("in.$.failTimestamp", ev.getTimestamp()).get(); // if an exception is informed, we add it too if (ev.getException() != null) { ((BasicDBObject) toUpdate.get("$set")).put("in.$.exception", ev.getException().toString()); } collectionFor(ev).update(filter, toUpdate); } private void digestEndpointRedeliveryEvent(AuditEvent ev) { DBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("_id", ev.getBreadCrumbId()); // we don't know what processor caused it, because this info is not on the event, so just push an element into the processorRedeliveries array for the time being DBObject toPush = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("$push").push("endpointRedeliveries") .append("exchangeId", ev.getExchange().getExchangeId()).append("endpointURI", ev.getEndpointURI()) .append("timestamp", ev.getTimestamp()).append("exception", ev.getException().toString()) .append("attempt", ev.getExchange().getProperty(Exchange.REDELIVERY_COUNTER)).get(); collectionFor(ev).update(filter, toPush); } private void digestProcessorRedeliveryEvent(AuditEvent ev) { DBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("_id", ev.getBreadCrumbId()); // we don't know what processor caused it, because this info is not on the event, so just push an element into the processorRedeliveries array for the time being DBObject toPush = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("$push").push("processorRedeliveries") .append("exchangeId", ev.getExchange().getExchangeId()).append("timestamp", ev.getTimestamp()) .append("exception", ev.getException().toString()) .append("attempt", ev.getExchange().getProperty(Exchange.REDELIVERY_COUNTER)).get(); collectionFor(ev).update(filter, toPush); } private void addCurrentRouteIdIfNeeded(AuditEvent ev, DBObject dbo) { if (ev.getCurrentRouteId() != null && !ev.getCurrentRouteId().equals(ev.getSourceRouteId())) { dbo.put("currentRouteId", ev.getCurrentRouteId()); } } private void addToMetaCollection(AuditEvent ev) { DBObject filter = new BasicDBObject("_id", ev.getBreadCrumbId()); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", new BasicDBObject("routes", ev.getSourceContextId() + "." + ev.getSourceRouteId())); // possible collection names: eagleView, hawkView DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("exchangeXray"); collection.update(filter, dbo, true, false); } private DBCollection collectionFor(AuditEvent ev) { return db.getCollection(ev.getSourceContextId() + "." + ev.getSourceRouteId()); } /** * Converts the payload into something that we know for sure can go into Mongo (DBObject), primitive value, etc. * @param payload * @param exchange * @return * @throws Exception */ private Object convertPayload(Object payload, Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Expression expression = getStoreBodyExpression(); if (expression != null) { payload = expression.evaluate(exchange, Object.class); } if (payload == null) { return null; } // TODO should we try convert to a DBObject first? // have a String representation handy String s = typeConverter.convertTo(String.class, payload); // 1. JSON if it starts with { if (s.startsWith("{")) { Object answer = null; try { answer = JSON.parse(s); } catch (JSONParseException ex) { LOG.warn("Attempt to convert " + payload + " to JSON failed: " + ex, ex); } if (answer != null) { return answer; } } // 2. XML if it starts with < if (s.startsWith("<")) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { xmlJson.marshal(exchange, payload, baos); if (baos != null && baos.size() > 0) { // first convert to String, then to DBObject String json = typeConverter.convertTo(String.class, baos); return JSON.parse(json); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } // 3. String, if it was originally a String if (payload instanceof String) { return payload; } // 4. Object // MongoDbBasicConverters has a converter that uses Jackson to convert any object to JSON, by first turning it into a Map return typeConverter.convertTo(DBObject.class, payload); } public void init() throws Exception { db = mongo.getDB(dbname); typeConverter = context.getTypeConverter(); // load the type hints typeHints = new Properties(); try { typeHints.load(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } xmlJson.setForceTopLevelObject(true); ServiceHelper.startService(xmlJson); } public Mongo getMongo() { return mongo; } public void setMongo(Mongo mongo) { this.mongo = mongo; } public String getDbname() { return dbname; } public void setDbname(String dbname) { this.dbname = dbname; } public CamelContext getContext() { return context; } public void setContext(CamelContext context) { this.context = context; } }