Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 Future Invent Informationsmanagement GmbH. All rights * reserved. <> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see <>. */ package org.fuin.kickstart4j; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import org.fuin.utils4j.Cancelable; import org.fuin.utils4j.Utils4J; import org.fuin.utils4swing.common.ScreenCenterPositioner; import org.fuin.utils4swing.common.Utils4Swing; import org.fuin.utils4swing.dialogs.CanceledException; import org.fuin.utils4swing.dialogs.DirectorySelector; import org.fuin.utils4swing.progress.FileCopyProgressListener; import org.fuin.utils4swing.progress.FileCopyProgressMonitor; import org.fuin.utils4swing.threadsafe.ThreadSafeJOptionPane; /** * Main application. */ public final class Kickstart4J { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Kickstart4J.class); private static final String PROGRAM_TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR = "Program terminated with error!"; private static final String INCOMPLETE_FILE = ".incomplete"; private static final String PROGRAM_DIRECTORY_KEY = "program-directory"; /** Configuration used for the application. */ private final Config config; /** Listens to life cycle events. */ private Kickstart4JListener listener; /** * Constructor with configuration. * * @param config * Configuration to use. */ public Kickstart4J(final Config config) { super(); if (config == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument 'config' cannot be null!"); } this.config = config; this.listener = new DefaultListener(); } /** * Returns the life cycle listener. * * @return Listener - Always non-<code>null</code>. */ public final Kickstart4JListener getListener() { return listener; } /** * Sets the life cycle listener. * * @param listener * Listener - Will be set to a default listener if * <code>null</code>. */ public final void setListener(final Kickstart4JListener listener) { if (listener == null) { this.listener = new DefaultListener(); } else { this.listener = listener; } } /** * Initialize file logging with configuration values. */ private void initLogging() { try { final File logFile = new File(config.getLogFilename()).getCanonicalFile(); boolean ok = true; if (!logFile.getParentFile().exists()) { ok = logFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } if (ok) { final Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("log4j.rootLogger", "INFO, FILE"); props.put("log4j.appender.FILE", "org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender"); props.put("log4j.appender.FILE.File", logFile.toString()); props.put("log4j.appender.FILE.MaxFileSize", "1MB"); props.put("log4j.appender.FILE.MaxBackupIndex", "1"); props.put("log4j.appender.FILE.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"); props.put("log4j.appender.FILE.layout.ConversionPattern", "%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n"); PropertyConfigurator.configure(props); } else { LOG.error("Cannot create log directory: " + logFile.getParentFile()); } } catch (final IOException ex) { LOG.error("Cannot create log!", ex); } } /** * Executes the installer/updater. * * @throws CanceledException * The user canceled the installation. * @throws InvalidConfigException * The configuration is invalid. */ public final void execute() throws CanceledException, InvalidConfigException { Locale.setDefault(config.getLocale()); final File destDir = getDestDir(); config.getCmdLineOptions().put("destDir", destDir.toString()); // Check configuration AFTER destination directory is set // and logging is initialized config.check(); initLogging(); listener.initComplete(); // Start the update final UpdateSet updateSet = new UpdateSet(config.getSrcFiles(), config.getMkDirs(), destDir, config.isLazyLoading()); if (updateSet.isUpdateNecessary()) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"An update is available: New=" + updateSet.getNewFiles().size() + ", Changed=" + updateSet.getChangedFiles().size() + ", Deleted=" + updateSet.getDeletedFiles().size() + ", SilentInstall=" + config.isSilentInstall() + ", SilentUpdate=" + config.isSilentUpdate() + ", FirstInstallation=" + config.isFirstInstallation()); } if (config.isSilentUpdate() || config.isFirstInstallation() || isAnswerYes(config.getMessages().getUpdateAvailable())) { execute(updateSet); final File installationIncompleteFile = new File(destDir, INCOMPLETE_FILE); if (installationIncompleteFile.exists()) { installationIncompleteFile.delete(); } } } else {"Files are up to date"); } final JFrame startFrame = showStartFrame(); config.getCmdLineOptions().put("classpath", updateSet.createClasspath()); // Write the config to the target directory saveConfigToTargetDir(destDir); // Run the target application final CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(config.getJavaExe()); commandLine.addArguments(config.getJavaArgs(), false); logStart(destDir, commandLine.toString()); new ApplicationStarter(destDir, commandLine, startFrame, listener, config).execute(); } private JFrame showStartFrame() { if (config.isShowStartFrame()) { final JFrame startFrame = Utils4Swing.createShowAndPosition(config.getMessages().getStartDialogTitle(), new StartPanel(), false, new ScreenCenterPositioner()); startFrame.setResizable(false); return startFrame; } else { return null; } } private void saveConfigToTargetDir(final File destDir) { final File appXmlFile = new File(destDir, "application.xml"); try { final String localConfigFileUrl = appXmlFile.toURI().toURL().toString(); config.setConfigFileUrl(localConfigFileUrl); config.getCmdLineOptions().put("configFileUrl", localConfigFileUrl); config.writeToStaticXML(appXmlFile, true); } catch (final IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error writing " + appXmlFile + "!", ex); } } private File getIdFile(final Config config) { return new File(Utils4J.getUserHomeDir(), config.getIdFilename()); } private void execute(final UpdateSet updateSet) throws CanceledException { executeMkdirs(updateSet.getDestDir(), updateSet.getMkDirs()); final List orderList = updateSet.getOrderList(); for (int i = 0; i < orderList.size(); i++) { final int order = ((Integer) orderList.get(i)).intValue(); final List newFiles = updateSet.getNewFiles(order); final List changedFiles = updateSet.getChangedFiles(order); final List deletedFiles = updateSet.getDeletedFiles(order); executeCopy(updateSet.getDestDir(), newFiles, changedFiles, deletedFiles); final List decompressFiles = updateSet.getDecompressFiles(order); executeDecompress(updateSet.getDestDir(), decompressFiles); } } private void executeMkdirs(final File destDir, final List mkdirs) { for (int i = 0; i < mkdirs.size(); i++) { final MkDir mkDir = (MkDir) mkdirs.get(i); final File dirToCreate = mkDir.getDestDir(destDir); if (dirToCreate.exists()) {"MKDIR: " + dirToCreate + " (Already exists)"); } else { final boolean ok = dirToCreate.mkdirs(); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { if (ok) {"MKDIR: " + dirToCreate); } else {"MKDIR FAILED: " + dirToCreate); } } } } } private void executeCopy(final File destDir, final List newFiles, final List changedFiles, final List deletedFiles) throws CanceledException { final int max = newFiles.size() + changedFiles.size(); if (max > 0) { final Cancelable cancelable = new Cancelable() { private volatile boolean canceled = false; public void cancel() { canceled = true; } public boolean isCanceled() { return canceled; } }; final FileCopyProgressMonitor monitor = new FileCopyProgressMonitor(cancelable, config.getTitle(), config.getMessages().getProgressMonitorTransferText(), config.getMessages().getProgressMonitorSrcLabelText(), config.getMessages().getProgressMonitorDestLabelText(), max); int count = 0;; try { // New files if (cancelable.isCanceled()) { throw new CanceledException(); } count = copyFiles(destDir, cancelable, monitor, newFiles, count, "NEW"); // Changed files if (cancelable.isCanceled()) { throw new CanceledException(); } count = copyFiles(destDir, cancelable, monitor, changedFiles, count, "CHANGED"); // No longer existent (deleted) files if (cancelable.isCanceled()) { throw new CanceledException(); } for (int i = 0; i < deletedFiles.size(); i++) { if (cancelable.isCanceled()) { break; } count = count + 1; final String file = (String) deletedFiles.get(i); final File destFile = new File(destDir, file); final boolean ok = destFile.delete(); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { if (ok) {"DELETED: " + destFile); } else {"DELETE FAILED: " + destFile); } } monitor.updateFile("", destFile.toString(), count, 0); } } finally { monitor.close(); } } } private void executeDecompress(final File destDir, final List compressedFiles) throws CanceledException { final int max = compressedFiles.size(); if (max > 0) { final Cancelable cancelable = new Cancelable() { private volatile boolean canceled = false; public void cancel() { canceled = true; } public boolean isCanceled() { return canceled; } }; final FileCopyProgressMonitor monitor = new FileCopyProgressMonitor(cancelable, config.getTitle(), config.getMessages().getProgressMonitorDecompressText(), config.getMessages().getProgressMonitorSrcLabelText(), config.getMessages().getProgressMonitorDestLabelText(), max);; try { for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { final SrcFile file = (SrcFile) compressedFiles.get(i); final File compressedFile = file.getDestFile(destDir); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Decompressing: " + compressedFile); } Utils.unzip(monitor, compressedFile, (i + 1), destDir, cancelable); } } finally { monitor.close(); } } } private int copyFiles(final File destDir, final Cancelable cancelable, final FileCopyProgressListener listener, final List files, final int total, final String type) { int count = total; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { if (cancelable.isCanceled()) { break; } count = count + 1; final SrcFile file = (SrcFile) files.get(i); final URL srcFileUrl = file.getSrcFileURL(); final File destFile = file.getDestFile(destDir); try { Utils.copyURLToFile(listener, srcFileUrl, destFile, count, file.getSizeAsInt()); } catch (final FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Source file not found!", ex); } final String hash = Utils4J.createHashMD5(destFile); if (!hash.equals(file.getMd5Hash())) { LOG.error("Hash local file (" + hash + ") is different from configuration hash (" + file.getMd5Hash() + ")! [" + srcFileUrl + "]"); } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { + ": " + srcFileUrl + " => " + destFile); } } return count; } private void logStart(final File dir, final String commandLine) { try { final File file = new File(dir, "start.log"); final FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); try { writer.write(commandLine); } finally { writer.close(); } } catch (final IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private File getDestDir() throws CanceledException { final File installationIncompleteFile; final File dir; final File idFile = getIdFile(config); if (idFile.exists()) { // Update final Properties props = Utils4J.loadProperties(idFile); final String dirStr = props.getProperty(PROGRAM_DIRECTORY_KEY); if (dirStr == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The property '" + PROGRAM_DIRECTORY_KEY + "' was not found inside '" + idFile + "'!"); } dir = new File(dirStr); Utils4J.checkValidDir(dir); installationIncompleteFile = new File(dir, INCOMPLETE_FILE); } else { // First installation or file removed final String dirStr; final Properties props = new Properties(); if (config.isSilentInstall()) { dirStr = config.getDestDir().toString(); } else { // Ask User for destination directory dirStr = DirectorySelector.selectDirectory(config.getMessages().getSelectDestinationDirectory(), config.getDestDir().toString()).getDirectory(); } props.setProperty(PROGRAM_DIRECTORY_KEY, dirStr); Utils4J.saveProperties(idFile, props, "# --- DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE --- Generated by Kickstart4J ---"); dir = new File(dirStr); installationIncompleteFile = new File(dir, INCOMPLETE_FILE); if (!dir.exists()) { try { dir.mkdirs(); installationIncompleteFile.createNewFile(); } catch (final IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create file '" + installationIncompleteFile + "'!"); } } } config.setFirstInstallation(installationIncompleteFile.exists()); return dir; } private static boolean isAnswerYes(final String message) { final int result = ThreadSafeJOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message, "TITLE", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); return result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION; } /** * Shows a message and exits the program with <code>System.exit(..)</code>. * * @param message * Message to display. * @param exitCode * System exit code. */ public static void showMessageAndExit(final String message, final int exitCode) { ThreadSafeJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, "Hint", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); System.exit(exitCode); } /** * Shows an error message and exits the program with * <code>System.exit(..)</code>. * * @param parser * Parser for usage display. * @param ex * Exception to display. * @param exitCode * System exit code. */ public static void displayCmdLineExceptionAndExit(final CmdLineParser parser, final CmdLineException ex, final int exitCode) { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(ex.getMessage()); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("java Kickstart4J [options]"); sb.append("\n"); final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); parser.printUsage(out); sb.append(out.toString()); sb.append("\n"); System.out.println(sb); ErrorDialog.showAndExit(sb.toString(), exitCode); } /** * Shows an error message and exits the program with * <code>System.exit(..)</code>. * * @param ex * Exception to display. * @param exitCode * System exit code. */ public static void displayExceptionAndExit(final Exception ex, final int exitCode) { final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ex.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(out)); final String msg = out.toString(); System.err.println(msg); ErrorDialog.showAndExit(msg, exitCode); } /** * Empty implementation. */ private static final class DefaultListener implements Kickstart4JListener { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public final void initComplete() { // Do nothing } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void startupComplete() { // Do nothing } } /** * Main method used to start the installer/updater. If you want to start it * from another Java application you can simply use * <code>new Kickstart4J(kickstart4JConfig).execute()</code> instead of * calling this method. * * @param args * Command line arguments. */ public static void main(final String[] args) { final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Kickstart4J.class); final Config config = new Config(); try { // Parse command line final CmdLineParser cmdLineParser = new CmdLineParser(Locale.getDefault()); try { cmdLineParser.parse(args); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {"Command line arguments: " + cmdLineParser); } // Set user defined options from command line cmdLineParser.copyToConfig(config); // Load the configuration and start update try { ConfigParser.parse(config, config.getConfigFileURL()); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Configuration: " + config); } Utils4Swing.initLookAndFeel(config.getLookAndFeelClassName()); (new Kickstart4J(config)).execute(); } catch (final CanceledException ex) {"Operation canceled by user!"); showMessageAndExit(config.getMessages().getOperationCanceled(), 1); } catch (final InvalidConfigException ex) { log.error(PROGRAM_TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR, ex); displayExceptionAndExit(ex, 1); } } catch (final CmdLineException ex) { log.error(PROGRAM_TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR, ex); displayCmdLineExceptionAndExit(cmdLineParser, ex, 1); } } catch (final RuntimeException ex) { log.error(PROGRAM_TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR, ex); displayExceptionAndExit(ex, 1); } } }