Java tutorial
package org.flite.mock.amazonaws.sqs; import com.amazonaws.*; import*; import*; import com.amazonaws.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; /** * Copyright (c) 2012 Flite, Inc * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * * Currently, there is <em>NO</em> plan to implement any time-based features in this mock: * - scheduling * - delays * - retrieved messages returning to the queue */ public class AmazonSQSMock implements AmazonSQS { public static final String NYI_EXCEPTION = "Not Yet Implemented!\n" + "If you'd like to contribute your code, please send a pull request to our repo:\n" + ""; public static final String QUEUE_URL_PREFIX = ""; public static final String MARKER_CLIENT_EXCEPTION = "mock-aws-client-exception"; public static final String QUEUE_URL_CLIENT_EXCEPTION = QUEUE_URL_PREFIX + MARKER_CLIENT_EXCEPTION; public static final String MARKER_SERVICE_EXCEPTION = "mock-aws-service-exception"; public static final String QUEUE_URL_SERVICE_EXCEPTION = QUEUE_URL_PREFIX + MARKER_SERVICE_EXCEPTION; public static final String MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX = "mock-aws-message-id-"; public static final String RECEIPT_ID_PREFIX = "mock-aws-receipt-id-"; private AtomicLong incrementer = new AtomicLong(System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000); private Map<String, List<Message>> allQueues = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<Message>>(); private Map<String, Map<String, Message>> retrievedMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<String, Message>>(); //@Override public GetQueueUrlResult getQueueUrl(final GetQueueUrlRequest request) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { if (request == null) { throw new AmazonClientException("Null GetQueueUrlRequest"); } final String queueName = request.getQueueName(); final String queueUrl = QUEUE_URL_PREFIX + queueName; checkURLForException(queueUrl); // Per documentation, supposedly throws QueueDoesNotExistException, // but in my tests, they actually just throw AmazonServiceException if (!allQueues.containsKey(queueUrl)) { throw new AmazonServiceException("Queue Not Found: " + queueUrl); } return new GetQueueUrlResult().withQueueUrl(queueUrl); } //@Override public CreateQueueResult createQueue(final CreateQueueRequest request) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { if (request == null) { throw new AmazonClientException("Null CreateQueueRequest"); } final String queueName = request.getQueueName(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(queueName) || queueName.length() > 80) { throw new AmazonServiceException("Invalid queue name: " + queueName); } final String queueUrl = QUEUE_URL_PREFIX + queueName; checkURLForException(queueUrl); // Per documentation, throws QueueNameExistsException, but in my testing, they actually // just quietly return the CreateQueueResult // (Also note: we are ignoring the documented exception: QueueDeletedRecentlyException) if (!allQueues.containsKey(queueUrl)) { allQueues.put(queueUrl, Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Message>())); retrievedMessages.put(queueUrl, new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Message>()); } return new CreateQueueResult().withQueueUrl(queueUrl); } //@Override public SendMessageResult sendMessage(final SendMessageRequest request) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { if (request == null) { throw new AmazonClientException("Null SendMessageRequest"); } final String queueUrl = request.getQueueUrl(); checkURLForException(queueUrl); checkStringForExceptionMarker(request.getMessageBody()); // Ignoring the following exception: InvalidMessageContentsException (thrown for character set conditions?) if (!allQueues.containsKey(queueUrl)) { throw new AmazonServiceException("Queue Not Found: " + queueUrl); } final Long seq = incrementer.getAndIncrement(); final Message msg = new Message().withBody(StringUtils.defaultString(request.getMessageBody())) .withMD5OfBody(makeMD5(request.getMessageBody())).withMessageId(MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX + seq); allQueues.get(queueUrl).add(msg); return new SendMessageResult().withMD5OfMessageBody(msg.getMD5OfBody()).withMessageId(msg.getMessageId()); } //@Override public void deleteMessage(final DeleteMessageRequest request) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { if (request == null) { throw new AmazonClientException("Null DeleteMessageRequest"); } final String queueUrl = request.getQueueUrl(); checkURLForException(queueUrl); checkStringForExceptionMarker(request.getReceiptHandle()); // Ignoring the documented exception: InvalidIdFormatException if (!allQueues.containsKey(queueUrl)) { throw new AmazonServiceException("Queue Not Found: " + queueUrl); } if (!retrievedMessages.containsKey(queueUrl)) { throw new AmazonServiceException("Queue Not Found: " + queueUrl); } if (!retrievedMessages.get(queueUrl).containsKey(request.getReceiptHandle())) { throw new ReceiptHandleIsInvalidException("Reciept Handle Not Found: " + request.getReceiptHandle()); } retrievedMessages.get(queueUrl).remove(request.getReceiptHandle()); } //@Override public ReceiveMessageResult receiveMessage(final ReceiveMessageRequest request) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { if (request == null) { throw new AmazonClientException("Null ReceiveMessageRequest"); } final String queueUrl = request.getQueueUrl(); checkURLForException(queueUrl); // Per documentation throws OverLimitException, but in my testing, // they actually only throw AmazonServiceException final Integer max = request.getMaxNumberOfMessages(); if (max == null || max < 1 || max > 10) { throw new AmazonServiceException("MaxNumberOfMessages must be a value between [1,10]"); } final ReceiveMessageResult result = new ReceiveMessageResult(); int received = 0; boolean avail = true; while (received < request.getMaxNumberOfMessages() && avail) { try { final Message msg = allQueues.get(queueUrl).remove(0); received++; msg.setReceiptHandle(RECEIPT_ID_PREFIX + incrementer.getAndIncrement()); retrievedMessages.get(queueUrl).put(msg.getReceiptHandle(), msg); result.withMessages(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { avail = false; } } return result; } //@Override public ListQueuesResult listQueues(final ListQueuesRequest request) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { if (request == null) { throw new AmazonClientException("Null ListQueuesRequest"); } checkStringForExceptionMarker(request.getQueueNamePrefix()); final String effectivePrefix = QUEUE_URL_PREFIX + (request.getQueueNamePrefix() == null ? "" : request.getQueueNamePrefix()); final ListQueuesResult result = new ListQueuesResult(); for (final String url : allQueues.keySet()) { if (StringUtils.startsWith(url, effectivePrefix)) { result.withQueueUrls(url); } } return result; } //@Override public ListQueuesResult listQueues() throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { return listQueues(new ListQueuesRequest("")); } //@Override public void deleteQueue(final DeleteQueueRequest request) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { if (request == null) { throw new AmazonClientException("Null DeleteQueueRequest"); } final String queueUrl = request.getQueueUrl(); checkURLForException(queueUrl); if (!allQueues.containsKey(queueUrl)) { throw new AmazonServiceException("Queue Not Found: " + queueUrl); } allQueues.remove(queueUrl); if (retrievedMessages.containsKey(queueUrl)) { retrievedMessages.remove(queueUrl); } } public static final String ALL = "All"; public static final String NUM_MSGS = "ApproximateNumberOfMessages"; public static final String NUM_NOT_VISIBLE = "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible"; public static final String VIS_TIMEOUT = "VisibilityTimeout"; public static final String CREATED_TIMESTAMP = "CreatedTimestamp"; public static final String MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP = "LastModifiedTimestamp"; public static final String POLICY = "Policy"; public static final String MAX_SIZE = "MaximumMessageSize"; public static final String RETENTION = "MessageRetentionPeriod"; public static final String ARN = "QueueArn"; public static final String MSGS_DELAYED = "ApproximateNumberOfMessagesDelayed"; public static final String DELAY_SEC = "DelaySeconds"; private static final List<String> attbs = Arrays.asList(ALL, NUM_MSGS, NUM_NOT_VISIBLE, VIS_TIMEOUT, CREATED_TIMESTAMP, MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP, POLICY, MAX_SIZE, RETENTION, ARN, MSGS_DELAYED, DELAY_SEC); //@Override public GetQueueAttributesResult getQueueAttributes(final GetQueueAttributesRequest request) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { if (request == null) { throw new AmazonClientException("Null GetQueueAttributesRequest"); } final String queueUrl = request.getQueueUrl(); checkURLForException(queueUrl); for (final String attb : request.getAttributeNames()) { checkStringForExceptionMarker(attb); if (!attbs.contains(attb)) { throw new InvalidAttributeNameException("Invalid Attribute Name: " + attb); } } final Map<String, String> results = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); final boolean hasAll = request.getAttributeNames().contains(ALL); if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(NUM_MSGS)) { results.put(NUM_MSGS, allQueues.get(queueUrl) == null ? "0" : allQueues.get(queueUrl).size() + ""); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(NUM_NOT_VISIBLE)) { results.put(NUM_NOT_VISIBLE, retrievedMessages.get(queueUrl) == null ? "0" : retrievedMessages.get(queueUrl).size() + ""); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(VIS_TIMEOUT)) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(CREATED_TIMESTAMP)) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP)) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(POLICY)) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(MAX_SIZE)) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(RETENTION)) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(ARN)) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(MSGS_DELAYED)) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } if (hasAll || request.getAttributeNames().contains(DELAY_SEC)) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } return new GetQueueAttributesResult().withAttributes(results); } //@Override public void setEndpoint(String endpoint) throws IllegalArgumentException { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } //@Override public void setQueueAttributes(SetQueueAttributesRequest setQueueAttributesRequest) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } //@Override public ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchResult changeMessageVisibilityBatch( ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest changeMessageVisibilityBatchRequest) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } //@Override public void changeMessageVisibility(ChangeMessageVisibilityRequest changeMessageVisibilityRequest) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } //@Override public void removePermission(RemovePermissionRequest removePermissionRequest) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } //@Override public SendMessageBatchResult sendMessageBatch(SendMessageBatchRequest sendMessageBatchRequest) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } //@Override public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessageBatch(DeleteMessageBatchRequest deleteMessageBatchRequest) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } //@Override public void addPermission(AddPermissionRequest addPermissionRequest) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } //@Override public void shutdown() { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } //@Override public ResponseMetadata getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest request) { throw new RuntimeException(NYI_EXCEPTION); } private static void checkURLForException(final String queueUrl) { checkStringForExceptionMarker(queueUrl); } private static void checkStringForExceptionMarker(final String str) { final String src = StringUtils.isBlank(str) ? "" : str.toLowerCase(); if (src.contains(MARKER_CLIENT_EXCEPTION)) { throw new AmazonClientException("Forced AmazonClientException"); } if (src.contains(MARKER_SERVICE_EXCEPTION)) { throw new AmazonServiceException("Forced AmazonServiceException"); } } private static String makeMD5(final String input) { try { return new String(Md5Utils.computeMD5Hash(StringUtils.defaultString(input).getBytes())); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } }