Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 DuraSpace, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.fcrepo.kernel.utils.iterators; import static; import static; import static; import static com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory.createDefaultModel; import static java.util.Objects.hash; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import javax.jcr.Session; import; import; import; import; import; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; /** * A stream of RDF triples along with some useful context. * * @author ajs6f * @date Oct 9, 2013 */ public class RdfStream extends ForwardingIterator<Triple> implements Iterable<Triple> { private Map<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<>(); protected Iterator<Triple> triples; protected Session context; protected Node topic; private static final Triple[] NONE = new Triple[] {}; /** * Constructor that begins the stream with proffered triples. * * @param triples */ public <Tr extends Triple, T extends Iterator<Tr>> RdfStream(final T triples) { super(); this.triples = Iterators.transform(triples, cast()); } /** * Constructor that begins the stream with proffered triples. * * @param triples */ public <Tr extends Triple, T extends Iterable<Tr>> RdfStream(final T triples) { this(triples.iterator()); } /** * Constructor that begins the stream with proffered triples. * * @param triples */ public <Tr extends Triple, T extends Collection<Tr>> RdfStream(final T triples) { this(triples.iterator()); } /** * Constructor that begins the stream with proffered triples. * * @param triples */ @SafeVarargs public <T extends Triple> RdfStream(final T... triples) { this(Iterators.forArray(triples)); } /** * Constructor that begins the stream with proffered statements. * * @param statements */ @SafeVarargs public <T extends Statement> RdfStream(final T... statements) { this(Iterators.transform(Iterators.forArray(statements), statement2triple)); } /** * Constructor that begins the stream with proffered triple. * * @param triple */ public <T extends Triple> RdfStream(final T triple) { this(Iterators.forArray(new Triple[] { triple })); } /** * Constructor that begins the stream without any triples. */ public RdfStream() { this(NONE); } /** * Returns the proffered {@link Triple}s with the context of this RdfStream. * * @param stream * @return */ public <Tr extends Triple, T extends Iterator<Tr>> RdfStream withThisContext(final T stream) { return new RdfStream(stream).namespaces(namespaces()).topic(topic()); } /** * Returns the proffered {@link Triple}s with the context of this RdfStream. * * @param stream * @return */ public <Tr extends Triple, T extends Iterable<Tr>> RdfStream withThisContext(final T stream) { return new RdfStream(stream).namespaces(namespaces()).topic(topic()); } /** * @param newTriples Triples to add. * @return This object for continued use. */ public RdfStream concat(final Iterator<? extends Triple> newTriples) { triples = Iterators.concat(newTriples, triples); return this; } /** * @param newTriple Triples to add. * @return This object for continued use. */ public <T extends Triple> RdfStream concat(final T newTriple) { triples = Iterators.concat(singletonIterator(newTriple), triples); return this; } /** * @param newTriples Triples to add. * @return This object for continued use. */ public <T extends Triple> RdfStream concat(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final T... newTriples) { triples = Iterators.concat(Iterators.forArray(newTriples), triples); return this; } /** * @param newTriples Triples to add. * @return This object for continued use. */ public RdfStream concat(final Collection<? extends Triple> newTriples) { triples = Iterators.concat(newTriples.iterator(), triples); return this; } /** * As {@link Iterables#limit(Iterable, int)} while maintaining context. * * @param limit * @return */ public RdfStream limit(final Integer limit) { if (limit < 0) { return this; } return withThisContext(Iterables.limit(this, limit)); } /** * As {@link Iterables#skip(Iterable, int)} while maintaining context. * * @param skipNum * @return */ public RdfStream skip(final Integer skipNum) { if (skipNum < 0) { return this; } return withThisContext(Iterables.skip(this, skipNum)); } /** * As {@link Iterables#filter(Iterable, Predicate)} while maintaining context. * * @param predicate * @return */ public RdfStream filter(final Predicate<? super Triple> predicate) { return withThisContext(Iterables.filter(this, predicate)); } /** * As {@link Iterators#transform(Iterator, Function)}. * * @param f * @return */ public <ToType> Iterator<ToType> transform(final Function<? super Triple, ToType> f) { return Iterators.transform(this, f); } /** * @param prefix * @param uri * @return This object for continued use. */ public RdfStream namespace(final String prefix, final String uri) { namespaces.put(prefix, uri); return this; } /** * @param nses * @return This object for continued use. */ public RdfStream namespaces(final Map<String, String> nses) { namespaces.putAll(nses); return this; } /** * @return The {@link Session} in context */ public Session session() { return this.context; } /** * Sets the JCR context of this stream * * @param session The {@link Session} in context */ public RdfStream session(final Session session) { this.context = session; return this; } /** * @return The {@link Node} topic in context */ public Node topic() { return this.topic; } /** * Sets the topic of this stream * * @param topic The {@link Node} topic in context */ public RdfStream topic(final Node topic) { this.topic = topic; return this; } /** * WARNING! * * This method exhausts the RdfStream on which it is called! * * @return A {@link Model} containing the prefix mappings and triples in * this stream of RDF */ public Model asModel() { final Model model = createDefaultModel(); model.setNsPrefixes(namespaces()); for (final Triple t : this) { model.add(model.asStatement(t)); } return model; } /** * @param model A {@link Model} containing the prefix mappings and triples to be put into * this stream of RDF * @return */ public static RdfStream fromModel(final Model model) { final Iterator<Triple> triples = Iterators.transform(model.listStatements(), statement2triple); return new RdfStream(triples).namespaces(model.getNsPrefixMap()); } private static Function<Statement, Triple> statement2triple = new Function<Statement, Triple>() { @Override public Triple apply(final Statement s) { return s.asTriple(); } }; @Override protected Iterator<Triple> delegate() { return triples; } @Override public Iterator<Triple> iterator() { return this; } /** * @return Namespaces in scope for this stream. */ public Map<String, String> namespaces() { return namespaces; } private static <T extends Triple> Function<T, Triple> cast() { return new Function<T, Triple>() { @Override public Triple apply(final T prototriple) { return prototriple; } }; } /* * We ignore duplicated triples for equality. * * (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o == null) { return false; } if (o == this) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof RdfStream)) { return false; } final RdfStream rdfo = (RdfStream) o; final boolean triplesEqual = equal(copyOf(rdfo.triples), copyOf(this.triples)); final boolean namespaceMappingsEqual = equal(rdfo.namespaces(), this.namespaces()); final boolean topicEqual = equal(rdfo.topic(), this.topic()); return triplesEqual && namespaceMappingsEqual && topicEqual; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hash(namespaces(), triples, topic()); } }