Java tutorial
//============================================================================== //=== Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Food and Agriculture Organization of the //=== United Nations (FAO-UN), United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) //=== and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) //=== //=== This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //=== it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //=== the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at //=== your option) any later version. //=== //=== This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but //=== WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //=== MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU //=== General Public License for more details. //=== //=== You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //=== along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //=== Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA //=== //=== Contact: Jeroen Ticheler - FAO - Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 2, //=== Rome - Italy. email: //============================================================================== package; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.text.CharacterIterator; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import jeeves.constants.Jeeves; import jeeves.resources.dbms.Dbms; import jeeves.server.ServiceConfig; import jeeves.server.UserSession; import jeeves.server.context.ServiceContext; import jeeves.utils.Log; import jeeves.utils.Util; import jeeves.utils.Xml; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous.PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.DocumentStoredFieldVisitor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.CategoryPath; import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.TaxonomyReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.queries.ChainedFilter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.fao.geonet.GeonetContext; import org.fao.geonet.constants.Edit; import org.fao.geonet.constants.Geonet; import org.fao.geonet.exceptions.UnAuthorizedException; import org.fao.geonet.kernel.MdInfo; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.fao.geonet.kernel.setting.SettingInfo; import org.fao.geonet.languages.LanguageDetector; import; import; import org.fao.geonet.util.JODAISODate; import org.jdom.Element; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import; /** * search metadata locally using lucene. */ public class LuceneSearcher extends MetaSearcher { private static SearchManager _sm; private String _styleSheetName; private Query _query; private Filter _filter; private Sort _sort; private Element _elSummary; private int _maxHitsInSummary; private int _numHits; private String _resultType; private String _language; private Set<String> _tokenizedFieldSet; private LuceneConfig _luceneConfig; private String _boostQueryClass; private String[] okStatus = { "2" }; // for filtering to show only approved records /** * Filter geometry object WKT, used in the logger ugly way to store this object, as ChainedFilter API is a little bit cryptic to me... */ private String _geomWKT = null; private long _versionToken = -1; /** * constructor * TODO javadoc. * * @param sm * @param styleSheetName * @param luceneConfig */ public LuceneSearcher(SearchManager sm, String styleSheetName, LuceneConfig luceneConfig) { _sm = sm; _styleSheetName = styleSheetName; // build _tokenizedFieldSet _luceneConfig = luceneConfig; _boostQueryClass = _luceneConfig.getBoostQueryClass(); _tokenizedFieldSet = luceneConfig.getTokenizedField(); } // // MetaSearcher API // /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param srvContext * @param request * @param config * @throws Exception */ public void search(ServiceContext srvContext, Element request, ServiceConfig config) throws Exception { // Open the IndexReader first, and then the TaxonomyReader. if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "LuceneSearcher search()"); String sBuildSummary = request.getChildText(Geonet.SearchResult.BUILD_SUMMARY); boolean buildSummary = sBuildSummary == null || sBuildSummary.equals("true"); _language = determineLanguage(srvContext, request, _sm.get_settingInfo()); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "LuceneSearcher initializing search range"); initSearchRange(srvContext); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "LuceneSearcher computing query"); computeQuery(srvContext, getTo() - 1, request, config); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "LuceneSearcher performing query"); performQuery(getFrom() - 1, getTo(), buildSummary); updateSearchRange(request); SettingInfo si = new SettingInfo(srvContext); if (si.isSearchStatsEnabled()) { if (_sm.getLogAsynch()) { // Run asynch if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Log search in asynch mode - start."); GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) srvContext.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME); gc.getThreadPool() .runTask(new SearchLoggerTask(srvContext, _sm.getLogSpatialObject(), _sm.getLuceneTermsToExclude(), _query, _numHits, _sort, _geomWKT, config.getValue(Jeeves.Text.GUI_SERVICE, "n"))); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Log search in asynch mode - end."); } else { // Run synch - alter search performance if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Log search in synch mode - start."); SearcherLogger searchLogger = new SearcherLogger(srvContext, _sm.getLogSpatialObject(), _sm.getLuceneTermsToExclude()); searchLogger.logSearch(_query, _numHits, _sort, _geomWKT, config.getValue(Jeeves.Text.GUI_SERVICE, "n")); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Log search in synch mode - end."); } } } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param srvContext * @param request * @param config * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<org.jdom.Document> presentDocuments(ServiceContext srvContext, Element request, ServiceConfig config) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported by Lucene searcher"); } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param srvContext * @param request * @param config * @return An empty response if no result or a list of results. Return only geonet:info element in fast mode. * @throws Exception */ public Element present(ServiceContext srvContext, Element request, ServiceConfig config) throws Exception { updateSearchRange(request); GeonetContext gc = null; if (srvContext != null) gc = (GeonetContext) srvContext.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME); String sFast = request.getChildText(Geonet.SearchResult.FAST); boolean fast = sFast != null && sFast.equals("true"); boolean inFastMode = fast || "index".equals(sFast); // build response Element response = new Element("response"); response.setAttribute("from", getFrom() + ""); response.setAttribute("to", getTo() + ""); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, Xml.getString(response)); // Add summary if required and exists String sBuildSummary = request.getChildText(Geonet.SearchResult.BUILD_SUMMARY); boolean buildSummary = sBuildSummary == null || sBuildSummary.equals("true"); if (buildSummary && _elSummary != null) response.addContent((Element) _elSummary.clone()); if (getTo() > 0) { TopDocs tdocs = performQuery(getFrom() - 1, getTo(), false); // get enough hits to show a page int nrHits = getTo() - (getFrom() - 1); if (tdocs.scoreDocs.length >= nrHits) { for (int i = 0; i < nrHits; i++) { Document doc; IndexAndTaxonomy indexAndTaxonomy = _sm.getIndexReader(_language, _versionToken); _versionToken = indexAndTaxonomy.version; try { if (inFastMode) { // no selector doc = indexAndTaxonomy.indexReader.document(tdocs.scoreDocs[i].doc); } else { DocumentStoredFieldVisitor docVisitor = new DocumentStoredFieldVisitor("_id"); indexAndTaxonomy.indexReader.document(tdocs.scoreDocs[i].doc, docVisitor); doc = docVisitor.getDocument(); } } finally { _sm.releaseIndexReader(indexAndTaxonomy); } String id = doc.get("_id"); Element md = null; if (fast) { md = LuceneSearcher.getMetadataFromIndex(doc, id, false, null, null, null); } else if ("index".equals(sFast)) { // Retrieve information from the index for the record md = LuceneSearcher.getMetadataFromIndex(doc, id, true, _language == null ? srvContext.getLanguage() : _language, _luceneConfig.getMultilingualSortFields(), _luceneConfig.getDumpFields()); // Retrieve dynamic properties according to context (eg. editable) gc.getDataManager().buildExtraMetadataInfo(srvContext, id, md.getChild(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE)); } else if (srvContext != null) { boolean forEditing = false, withValidationErrors = false, keepXlinkAttributes = false; md = gc.getDataManager().getMetadata(srvContext, id, forEditing, withValidationErrors, keepXlinkAttributes); } //--- a metadata could have been deleted just before showing //--- search results if (md != null) { // Calculate score and add it to info elem if (_luceneConfig.isTrackDocScores()) { Float score = tdocs.scoreDocs[i].score; Element info = md.getChild(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE); addElement(info, Edit.Info.Elem.SCORE, score.toString()); } response.addContent(md); } } } else { throw new Exception("Failed: Not enough search results (" + tdocs.scoreDocs.length + ") available to meet request for " + nrHits + "."); } } return response; } /** * Perform a query, loop over results in order to find values containing the search value for a specific field. * * If the field is not stored in the index, an empty collection is returned. * * @param srvContext * @param searchField The field to search in * @param searchValue The value contained in field's value (case is ignored) * @param maxNumberOfTerms The maximum number of terms to search for * @param threshold The minimum frequency for terms to be returned * @return * @throws Exception */ public Collection<SearchManager.TermFrequency> getSuggestionForFields(ServiceContext srvContext, final String searchField, final String searchValue, ServiceConfig config, int maxNumberOfTerms, int threshold) throws Exception { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) { Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Get suggestion on field: '" + searchField + "'" + "\tsearching: '" + searchValue + "'" + "\tthreshold: '" + threshold + "'" + "\tmaxNumberOfTerms: '" + maxNumberOfTerms + "'"); } // To count the number of values added and stop if maxNumberOfTerms reach int counter = 0; String searchValueWithoutWildcard = searchValue.replaceAll("[*?]", ""); String analyzedSearchValue = analyzeText(searchField, searchValueWithoutWildcard, SearchManager.getAnalyzer(_language, true)); Map<String, SearchManager.TermFrequency> finalValuesMap = new HashMap<String, SearchManager.TermFrequency>(); GeonetContext gc = null; if (srvContext != null) { gc = (GeonetContext) srvContext.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME); } // Search for all current session could search for // Do a like query to limit the size of the results Element elData = new Element(Jeeves.Elem.REQUEST); // SearchDefaults.getDefaultSearch(srvContext, null); elData.addContent(new Element("fast").addContent("index")) .addContent(new Element(Geonet.SearchResult.BUILD_SUMMARY).addContent(Boolean.toString(false))); if (!searchValue.equals("")) { elData.addContent(new Element(searchField).setText(searchValue)); } search(srvContext, elData, config); elData.addContent(new Element("from").setText("1")); elData.addContent(new Element("to").setText(getSize() + "")); if (getTo() > 0) { TopDocs tdocs = performQuery(0, getSize(), false); for (int i = 0; i < tdocs.scoreDocs.length; i++) { if (counter >= maxNumberOfTerms) { break; } Document doc; DocumentStoredFieldVisitor docVisitor = new DocumentStoredFieldVisitor( Collections.singleton(searchField)); IndexAndTaxonomy indexAndTaxonomy = _sm.getIndexReader(_language, _versionToken); _versionToken = indexAndTaxonomy.version; try { indexAndTaxonomy.indexReader.document(tdocs.scoreDocs[i].doc, docVisitor); doc = docVisitor.getDocument(); String[] values = doc.getValues(searchField); for (int j = 0; j < values.length; ++j) { if (searchValue.equals("") || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(values[j], analyzedSearchValue) || StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(values[j], searchValueWithoutWildcard)) { // Use a map to save values frequency String termName = values[j]; TermFrequency valueFrequency = finalValuesMap.get(termName); if (valueFrequency != null) { // Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, " " + // values[j] + ":" + valueFrequency); valueFrequency.setFrequency(valueFrequency.getFrequency() + 1); } else { finalValuesMap.put(termName, new TermFrequency(termName, 1)); } counter++; } } } finally { _sm.releaseIndexReader(indexAndTaxonomy); } } } // Filter values which does not reach the threshold if (threshold > 1) { int size = finalValuesMap.size(); Iterator<?> it = finalValuesMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<?, ?> item = (Entry<?, ?>); TermFrequency term = (TermFrequency) item.getValue(); if (term.getFrequency() < threshold) { it.remove(); } } if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) { Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, " " + finalValuesMap.size() + "/" + size + " above threshold: " + threshold); } } if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) { Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, " " + finalValuesMap.size() + " returned."); } return finalValuesMap.values(); } public int getSize() { return _numHits; } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @return * @throws Exception */ public Element getSummary() throws Exception { Element response = new Element("response"); response.addContent((Element) _elSummary.clone()); return response; } private boolean closed = false; /** * TODO javadoc. */ public synchronized void close() { // TODO remove method } // // private setup, index, delete and search functions // /** * * Determines requested language as follows: * - uses value of requestedLanguage search parameter, if it is present; * - else uses autodetection, if that is enabled; * - else uses servicecontext (GUI) language, if available; * - else uses GeoNetwork Default language. * * @param srvContext * @param request */ public static String determineLanguage(ServiceContext srvContext, Element request, SettingInfo settingInfo) { if (settingInfo != null && settingInfo.getIgnoreRequestedLanguage()) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "requestedlanguage ignored"); return null; } String requestedLanguage = request.getChildText("requestedLanguage"); String finalDetectedLanguage = null; // requestedLanguage in request if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requestedLanguage)) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "found requestedlanguage in request: " + requestedLanguage); finalDetectedLanguage = requestedLanguage; } // no requestedLanguage in request else { boolean detected = false; // autodetection is enabled if (settingInfo.getAutoDetect()) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "auto-detecting request language is enabled"); try { String test = request.getChildText("any"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(test)) { String detectedLanguage = LanguageDetector.getInstance().detect(test); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "automatic language detection: '" + request.getChildText("any") + "' is in language " + detectedLanguage); finalDetectedLanguage = detectedLanguage; detected = true; } } catch (Exception x) { Log.error(Geonet.LUCENE, "Error auto-detecting language: " + x.getMessage()); x.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "auto-detecting request language is disabled"); } // autodetection is disabled or detection failed if (!detected) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "autodetection is disabled or detection failed"); // servicecontext available if (srvContext != null) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "taking language from servicecontext"); finalDetectedLanguage = srvContext.getLanguage(); } // no servicecontext available else { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "taking GeoNetwork default language"); finalDetectedLanguage = Geonet.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; // TODO : set default not language in config } } } if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "determined language is: " + finalDetectedLanguage); return finalDetectedLanguage; } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param srvContext * @param request * @param config * @throws Exception */ private void computeQuery(ServiceContext srvContext, int endHits, Element request, ServiceConfig config) throws Exception { _language = determineLanguage(srvContext, request, _sm.get_settingInfo()); if (srvContext != null) { GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) srvContext.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME); Dbms dbms = (Dbms) srvContext.getResourceManager().open(Geonet.Res.MAIN_DB); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> requestedGroups = request.getChildren(SearchParameter.GROUP); List<Element> requestedOwnerGroups = request.getChildren(SearchParameter.GROUPOWNER); Set<String> userGroups = gc.getAccessManager().getUserGroups(dbms, srvContext.getUserSession(), srvContext.getIpAddress(), false); UserSession userSession = srvContext.getUserSession(); // unless you are logged in as Administrator, check if you are allowed to query the groups in the query if (userSession == null || userSession.getProfile() == null || !(userSession.getProfile().equals(Geonet.Profile.ADMINISTRATOR) && userSession.isAuthenticated())) { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(requestedGroups)) { for (Element group : requestedGroups) { if (!"".equals(group.getText()) && !userGroups.contains(group.getText())) { throw new UnAuthorizedException("You are not authorized to do this.", null); } } } if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(requestedOwnerGroups)) { for (Element group : requestedOwnerGroups) { if (!"".equals(group.getText()) && !userGroups.contains(group.getText())) { throw new UnAuthorizedException("You are not authorized to do this.", null); } } } } // remove elements from user input that compromise this request for (String fieldName : UserQueryInput.SECURITY_FIELDS) { request.removeChildren(fieldName); } // if 'restrict to' is set then don't add any other user/group info if ((request.getChild(SearchParameter.GROUP) == null) || (StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getChild(SearchParameter.GROUP).getText().trim()))) { for (String group : userGroups) { request.addContent(new Element(SearchParameter.GROUP).addContent(group)); } String owner = null; if (userSession != null) { owner = userSession.getUserId(); } if (owner != null) { request.addContent(new Element(SearchParameter.OWNER).addContent(owner)); } else if (request.getChild(SearchParameter._STATUS) == null) { for (String status : this.okStatus) { request.addContent(new Element(SearchParameter._STATUS).addContent(status)); } } //--- in case of an admin show all results if (userSession != null) { if (userSession.isAuthenticated()) { if (userSession.getProfile().equals(Geonet.Profile.ADMINISTRATOR)) { request.addContent(new Element(SearchParameter.ISADMIN).addContent("true")); } else if (userSession.getProfile().equals(Geonet.Profile.REVIEWER)) { request.addContent(new Element(SearchParameter.ISREVIEWER).addContent("true")); } } } } //--- handle the time elements processTimeRange(request.getChild(SearchParameter.DATEFROM), "0000-01-01", request.getChild(SearchParameter.DATETO), "9999-01-01"); processTimeRange(request.getChild(SearchParameter.CREATIONDATEFROM), "0000-01-01", request.getChild(SearchParameter.CREATIONDATETO), "9999-01-01"); processTimeRange(request.getChild(SearchParameter.REVISIONDATEFROM), "0000-01-01", request.getChild(SearchParameter.REVISIONDATETO), "9999-01-01"); processTimeRange(request.getChild(SearchParameter.PUBLICATIONDATEFROM), "0000-01-01", request.getChild(SearchParameter.PUBLICATIONDATETO), "9999-01-01"); //--- some other stuff if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "CRITERIA:\n" + Xml.getString(request)); SettingInfo settingInfo = _sm.get_settingInfo(); String requestedLanguageOnly = settingInfo.getRequestedLanguageOnly(); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "requestedLanguageOnly: " + requestedLanguageOnly); if (_styleSheetName.equals(Geonet.File.SEARCH_Z3950_SERVER)) { // Construct Lucene query by XSLT, not Java, for Z3950 anyway :-) Element xmlQuery = _sm.transform(_styleSheetName, request); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "XML QUERY:\n" + Xml.getString(xmlQuery)); _query = LuceneSearcher.makeLocalisedQuery(xmlQuery, SearchManager.getAnalyzer(_language, true), _luceneConfig, _language, requestedLanguageOnly); } else { // Construct Lucene query (Java) if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "LuceneSearcher constructing Lucene query (LQB)"); LuceneQueryInput luceneQueryInput = new LuceneQueryInput(request); luceneQueryInput.setRequestedLanguageOnly(requestedLanguageOnly); _query = new LuceneQueryBuilder(_tokenizedFieldSet, _luceneConfig.getNumericFields(), SearchManager.getAnalyzer(_language, true), _language).build(luceneQueryInput); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Lucene query: " + _query); try { // only for debugging -- might cause NPE is query was wrongly constructed //Query rw = _query.rewrite(_indexAndTaxonomy.indexReader); //if(Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE,"Rewritten Lucene query: " + _query); //System.out.println("** rewritten:\n"+ rw); } catch (Throwable x) { Log.warning(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Error rewriting Lucene query: " + _query); //System.out.println("** error rewriting query: "+x.getMessage()); } } // Boosting query if (_boostQueryClass != null) { try { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Create boosting query:" + _boostQueryClass); Class boostClass = Class.forName(_boostQueryClass); Class[] clTypesArray = _luceneConfig.getBoostQueryParameterClass(); Object[] inParamsArray = _luceneConfig.getBoostQueryParameter(); Class[] clTypesArrayAll = new Class[clTypesArray.length + 1]; clTypesArrayAll[0] = Class.forName(""); System.arraycopy(clTypesArray, 0, clTypesArrayAll, 1, clTypesArray.length); Object[] inParamsArrayAll = new Object[inParamsArray.length + 1]; inParamsArrayAll[0] = _query; System.arraycopy(inParamsArray, 0, inParamsArrayAll, 1, inParamsArray.length); try { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Creating boost query with parameters:" + Arrays.toString(inParamsArrayAll)); Constructor c = boostClass.getConstructor(clTypesArrayAll); _query = (Query) c.newInstance(inParamsArrayAll); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warning(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, " Failed to create boosting query: " + e.getMessage() + ". Check Lucene configuration"); e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e1) { Log.warning(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, " Error on boosting query initialization: " + e1.getMessage() + ". Check Lucene configuration"); } } // Use RegionsData rather than fetching from the DB everytime // //request.addContent(, "Regions", "region")); //RegionsDAO dao = srvContext.getApplicationContext().getBean(RegionsDAO.class); //request.addContent(dao.getAllRegionsAsXml(srvContext)); } /* TODO heikki why was it set again here? Seems wrong if (srvContext != null) _language = srvContext.getLanguage(); else _language = Geonet.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; // TODO : set default not language in config */ Collection<Geometry> geometry = getGeometry(srvContext, request); SpatialFilter spatialfilter = null; if (geometry != null) { if (_sm.getLogSpatialObject()) { StringBuilder wkt = new StringBuilder(); for (Geometry geom : geometry) { wkt.append("geom:").append(geom.toText()).append("\n"); } _geomWKT = wkt.toString(); } spatialfilter = _sm.getSpatial().filter(_query, Integer.MAX_VALUE, geometry, request); } Filter duplicateRemovingFilter = new DuplicateDocFilter(_query, 1000000); Filter filter; if (spatialfilter == null) { filter = duplicateRemovingFilter; } else { Filter[] filters = new Filter[] { duplicateRemovingFilter, spatialfilter }; filter = new ChainedFilter(filters, ChainedFilter.AND); } _filter = new CachingWrapperFilter(filter); String sortBy = Util.getParam(request, Geonet.SearchResult.SORT_BY, Geonet.SearchResult.SortBy.RELEVANCE); boolean sortOrder = (Util.getParam(request, Geonet.SearchResult.SORT_ORDER, "").equals("")); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Sorting by : " + sortBy); SettingInfo settingInfo = _sm.get_settingInfo(); boolean sortRequestedLanguageOnTop = settingInfo.getRequestedLanguageOnTop(); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "sortRequestedLanguageOnTop: " + sortRequestedLanguageOnTop); _sort = LuceneSearcher.makeSort(Collections.singletonList(, sortOrder)), _language, sortRequestedLanguageOnTop); _resultType = config.getValue(Geonet.SearchResult.RESULT_TYPE, Geonet.SearchResult.ResultType.HITS); /* resultType is not specified in search params - it's in config? Content child = request.getChild(Geonet.SearchResult.RESULT_TYPE); if (child == null) { _resultType = Geonet.SearchResult.ResultType.HITS; } else { _resultType = child.getValue(); } */ } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param fromTime * @param defaultFromTime * @param toTime * @param defaultToTime */ private void processTimeRange(Element fromTime, String defaultFromTime, Element toTime, String defaultToTime) { if (fromTime != null && toTime != null) { if (fromTime.getTextTrim().equals("") && toTime.getTextTrim().equals("")) { fromTime.detach(); toTime.detach(); } else { if (fromTime.getTextTrim().equals("")) { fromTime.setText(defaultFromTime); } else if (toTime.getTextTrim().equals("")) { toTime.setText(defaultToTime); } String newFromTime = JODAISODate.parseISODateTime(fromTime.getText()); fromTime.setText(newFromTime); String newToTime = JODAISODate.parseISODateTime(toTime.getText()); toTime.setText(newToTime); } } } /** * Executes Lucene query with sorting option. * * Default sort by option is RELEVANCE. * Default sort order option is not reverse order. Reverse order is active * if sort order option is set and not null * @param startHit start * @param endHit end * @param buildSummary Compute summary. If true, checks if not already generated (by previous search) * @return topdocs * @throws Exception hmm */ private TopDocs performQuery(int startHit, int endHit, boolean buildSummary) throws Exception { int numHits; boolean computeSummary = false; if (buildSummary) { computeSummary = _elSummary == null; if (computeSummary) { // get as many results as instructed or enough for search summary numHits = Math.max(_maxHitsInSummary, endHit); } else { numHits = endHit; } } else { numHits = endHit; } IndexAndTaxonomy indexAndTaxonomy = _sm.getIndexReader(_language, _versionToken); _versionToken = indexAndTaxonomy.version; Pair<TopDocs, Element> results; try { results = doSearchAndMakeSummary(endHit, startHit, endHit, _language, _luceneConfig.getTaxonomy().get(_resultType), indexAndTaxonomy.indexReader, _query, _filter, _sort, indexAndTaxonomy.taxonomyReader, buildSummary, _luceneConfig.isTrackDocScores(), _luceneConfig.isTrackMaxScore(), _luceneConfig.isDocsScoredInOrder()); } finally { _sm.releaseIndexReader(indexAndTaxonomy); } TopDocs hits =; _elSummary = results.two(); _numHits = Integer.parseInt(_elSummary.getAttributeValue("count")); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Hits found : " + _numHits + ""); return hits; } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param request * @return * @throws Exception */ private Collection<Geometry> getGeometry(ServiceContext context, Element request) throws Exception { String geomWKT = Util.getParam(request, Geonet.SearchResult.GEOMETRY, null); final String prefix = "region:"; if (geomWKT != null && geomWKT.substring(0, prefix.length()).equalsIgnoreCase(prefix)) { boolean isWithinFilter = Geonet.SearchResult.Relation.WITHIN .equalsIgnoreCase(Util.getParam(request, Geonet.SearchResult.RELATION, null)); Collection<RegionsDAO> regionDAOs = context.getApplicationContext().getBeansOfType(RegionsDAO.class) .values(); String[] regionIds = geomWKT.substring(prefix.length()).split("\\s*,\\s*"); Geometry unionedGeom = null; List<Geometry> geoms = new ArrayList<Geometry>(); for (String regionId : regionIds) { for (RegionsDAO dao : regionDAOs) { Geometry geom = dao.getGeom(context, regionId, false, Region.WGS84); if (geom != null) { geoms.add(geom); if (isWithinFilter) { if (unionedGeom == null) { unionedGeom = geom; } else { unionedGeom = unionedGeom.union(geom); } } break; // break out of looking through all RegionDAOs } } } if (regionIds.length > 1 && isWithinFilter) { geoms.add(0, unionedGeom); } return geoms; } else if (geomWKT != null) { WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(); return Arrays.asList(; } else { return null; } } /** * Creates the Sort to use in the search. * * @param fields * @param requestLanguage * @param sortRequestedLanguageOnTop * @return */ public static Sort makeSort(List<Pair<String, Boolean>> fields, String requestLanguage, boolean sortRequestedLanguageOnTop) { List<SortField> sortFields = new ArrayList<SortField>(); if (sortRequestedLanguageOnTop && requestLanguage != null) { // Add a sort so the metadata defined in the requested language are the first metadata in results sortFields.add(new LangSortField(requestLanguage)); } for (Pair<String, Boolean> sortBy : fields) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Sorting by : " + sortBy); SortField sortField = LuceneSearcher.makeSortField(, sortBy.two(), requestLanguage); if (sortField != null) sortFields.add(sortField); } sortFields.add(SortField.FIELD_SCORE); return new Sort(sortFields.toArray(new SortField[sortFields.size()])); } /** * Defines sort field. By default, the field is assumed to be a string. * Only popularity and rating are sorted based on integer type. * In order to works well sort field needs to be not tokenized in Lucene index. * * Relevance is the default Lucene sorting mechanism. * * @param sortBy sort field * @param sortOrder sort order * @param searchLang if non-null then the sorter will take into account translation (if possible) * @return sortfield */ private static SortField makeSortField(String sortBy, boolean sortOrder, String searchLang) { SortField.Type sortType = SortField.Type.STRING; if (sortBy.equals(Geonet.SearchResult.SortBy.RELEVANCE)) { return null; } // FIXME : here we should be able to define field type ? // Add "_" prefix for internal fields. Maybe we should // update that in DataManager indexMetadata to have the list of // internal Lucene fields (ie. not defined in index-fields.xsl). if (sortBy.equals(Geonet.SearchResult.SortBy.POPULARITY) || sortBy.equals(Geonet.SearchResult.SortBy.RATING)) { sortType = SortField.Type.INT; sortBy = "_" + sortBy; } else if (sortBy.equals(Geonet.SearchResult.SortBy.SCALE_DENOMINATOR)) { sortType = SortField.Type.INT; } else if (sortBy.equals(Geonet.SearchResult.SortBy.DATE) || sortBy.equals(Geonet.SearchResult.SortBy.TITLE)) { sortBy = "_" + sortBy; } if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Sort by: " + sortBy + " order: " + sortOrder + " type: " + sortType); if (sortType == { if (searchLang != null) { return new SortField(sortBy, new CaseInsensitiveFieldComparatorSource(searchLang), sortOrder); } else { return new SortField(sortBy, CaseInsensitiveFieldComparatorSource.languageInsensitiveInstance(), sortOrder); } } return new SortField(sortBy, sortType, sortOrder); } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param xmlQuery * @param analyzer * @param luceneConfig * @param langCode * @param requestedLanguageOnly * @return * @throws Exception */ public static Query makeLocalisedQuery(Element xmlQuery, PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzer, LuceneConfig luceneConfig, String langCode, String requestedLanguageOnly) throws Exception { Query returnValue = LuceneSearcher.makeQuery(xmlQuery, analyzer, luceneConfig); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(langCode)) { returnValue = LuceneQueryBuilder.addLocaleTerm(returnValue, langCode, requestedLanguageOnly); } if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Lucene Query: " + returnValue.toString()); return returnValue; } /** * Makes a new lucene query. * * If the field to be queried is tokenized then this method applies * the appropriate analyzer (see SearchManager) to the field. * * @param xmlQuery * @param analyzer * @param luceneConfig * @return * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation" }) private static Query makeQuery(Element xmlQuery, PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzer, LuceneConfig luceneConfig) throws Exception { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "MakeQuery input XML:\n" + Xml.getString(xmlQuery)); String name = xmlQuery.getName(); Query returnValue; Set<String> tokenizedFieldSet = luceneConfig.getTokenizedField(); Map<String, LuceneConfigNumericField> numericFieldSet = luceneConfig.getNumericFields(); if (name.equals("TermQuery")) { String fld = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("fld"); returnValue = LuceneSearcher.textFieldToken(xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("txt"), fld, xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("sim"), analyzer, tokenizedFieldSet); } else if (name.equals("FuzzyQuery")) { String fld = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("fld"); returnValue = LuceneSearcher.textFieldToken(xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("txt"), fld, xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("sim"), analyzer, tokenizedFieldSet); } else if (name.equals("PrefixQuery")) { String fld = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("fld"); String txt = LuceneSearcher.analyzeQueryText(fld, xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("txt"), analyzer, tokenizedFieldSet); returnValue = new PrefixQuery(new Term(fld, txt)); } else if (name.equals("MatchAllDocsQuery")) { return new MatchAllDocsQuery(); } else if (name.equals("WildcardQuery")) { String fld = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("fld"); returnValue = LuceneSearcher.textFieldToken(xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("txt"), fld, xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("sim"), analyzer, tokenizedFieldSet); } else if (name.equals("PhraseQuery")) { PhraseQuery query = new PhraseQuery(); for (Object o : xmlQuery.getChildren()) { Element xmlTerm = (Element) o; String fld = xmlTerm.getAttributeValue("fld"); String txt = LuceneSearcher.analyzeQueryText(fld, xmlTerm.getAttributeValue("txt"), analyzer, tokenizedFieldSet); if (txt.length() > 0) { query.add(new Term(fld, txt)); } } returnValue = query; } else if (name.equals("RangeQuery")) { String fld = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("fld"); String lowerTxt = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("lowerTxt"); String upperTxt = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("upperTxt"); String sInclusive = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("inclusive"); boolean inclusive = "true".equals(sInclusive); LuceneConfigNumericField fieldConfig = numericFieldSet.get(fld); if (fieldConfig != null) { returnValue = LuceneQueryBuilder.buildNumericRangeQueryForType(fld, lowerTxt, upperTxt, inclusive, inclusive, fieldConfig.getType()); } else { lowerTxt = (lowerTxt == null ? null : LuceneSearcher.analyzeQueryText(fld, lowerTxt, analyzer, tokenizedFieldSet)); upperTxt = (upperTxt == null ? null : LuceneSearcher.analyzeQueryText(fld, upperTxt, analyzer, tokenizedFieldSet)); returnValue = TermRangeQuery.newStringRange(fld, lowerTxt, upperTxt, inclusive, inclusive); } } else if (name.equals("DateRangeQuery")) { String fld = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("fld"); String lowerTxt = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("lowerTxt"); String upperTxt = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("upperTxt"); String sInclusive = xmlQuery.getAttributeValue("inclusive"); returnValue = new DateRangeQuery(fld, lowerTxt, upperTxt, sInclusive); } else if (name.equals("BooleanQuery")) { BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery(); for (Object o : xmlQuery.getChildren()) { Element xmlBooleanClause = (Element) o; String sRequired = xmlBooleanClause.getAttributeValue("required"); String sProhibited = xmlBooleanClause.getAttributeValue("prohibited"); boolean required = sRequired != null && sRequired.equals("true"); boolean prohibited = sProhibited != null && sProhibited.equals("true"); BooleanClause.Occur occur = LuceneUtils.convertRequiredAndProhibitedToOccur(required, prohibited); @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") List<Element> subQueries = xmlBooleanClause.getChildren(); Element xmlSubQuery; if (subQueries != null && subQueries.size() != 0) { xmlSubQuery = subQueries.get(0); Query subQuery = LuceneSearcher.makeQuery(xmlSubQuery, analyzer, luceneConfig); // If xmlSubQuery contains only a stopword the query produced is null. Protect against this if (subQuery != null) { query.add(subQuery, occur); } } } BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(16384); // FIXME: quick fix; using Filters should be better returnValue = query; } else throw new Exception("unknown lucene query type: " + name); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Lucene Query: " + ((returnValue != null) ? returnValue.toString() : "")); return returnValue; } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param string * @param luceneIndexField * @param similarity * @param analyzer * @param tokenizedFieldSet * @return */ private static Query textFieldToken(String string, String luceneIndexField, String similarity, PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzer, Set<String> tokenizedFieldSet) { if (string == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create Lucene query for null string"); } Query query = null; String analyzedString = ""; // wildcards - preserve them by analyzing the parts of the search string around them separately // (this is because Lucene's StandardTokenizer would remove wildcards, but that's not what we want) if (string.indexOf('*') >= 0 || string.indexOf('?') >= 0) { WildCardStringAnalyzer wildCardStringAnalyzer = new WildCardStringAnalyzer(); analyzedString = wildCardStringAnalyzer.analyze(string, luceneIndexField, analyzer, tokenizedFieldSet); } // no wildcards else { analyzedString = LuceneSearcher.analyzeQueryText(luceneIndexField, string, analyzer, tokenizedFieldSet); } return LuceneQueryBuilder.constructQueryFromAnalyzedString(string, luceneIndexField, similarity, query, analyzedString, tokenizedFieldSet); } /** * Do Lucene search and optionally build a summary for the search. * * @param numHits the maximum number of hits to collect * @param startHit the start hit to return in the TopDocs if not building summary * @param endHit the end hit to return in the TopDocs if not building summary * @param langCode the language code used by SummaryComparator * @param summaryConfig the summary configuration * @param reader reader * @param query query * @param cFilter filter * @param sort the sort criteria * @param taxonomyReader A {@link TaxonomyReader} use to compute facets (ie. summary) * @param buildSummary true to build query summary element. Summary is stored in the second element of the returned Pair. * @param trackDocScores specifies whether document scores should be tracked and set on the results. * @param trackMaxScore specifies whether the query's maxScore should be tracked and set on the resulting TopDocs. * @param docsScoredInOrder specifies whether documents are scored in doc Id order or not by the given Scorer * @return the topDocs for the search. When building summary, topDocs will contains all search hits * and need to be filtered to return only required hits according to search parameters. * * @throws Exception hmm */ public static Pair<TopDocs, Element> doSearchAndMakeSummary(int numHits, int startHit, int endHit, String langCode, Map<String, FacetConfig> summaryConfig, IndexReader reader, Query query, Filter cFilter, Sort sort, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader, boolean buildSummary, boolean trackDocScores, boolean trackMaxScore, boolean docsScoredInOrder) throws Exception { Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Build summary: " + buildSummary); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Setting up the TFC with numHits " + numHits); TopFieldCollector tfc = TopFieldCollector.create(sort, numHits, true, trackDocScores, trackMaxScore, docsScoredInOrder); if (query != null && reader != null) { // too dangerous to do this only for logging, as it may throw NPE if Query was not constructed correctly // However if you need to see what Lucene queries are really used, print the rewritten query instead // Query rw = query.rewrite(reader); // System.out.println("Lucene query: " + rw.toString()); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Lucene query: " + query.toString()); } IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); Element elSummary = new Element("summary"); if (taxonomyReader != null && buildSummary) { // configure facets from configuration file FacetSearchParams fsp = buildFacetSearchParams(summaryConfig); FacetsCollector facetCollector = new FacetsCollector(fsp, reader, taxonomyReader);, cFilter, MultiCollector.wrap(tfc, facetCollector)); try { buildFacetSummary(elSummary, summaryConfig, facetCollector, langCode); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.warning(Geonet.FACET_ENGINE, "BuildFacetSummary error. " + e.getMessage()); } } else {, cFilter, tfc); } elSummary.setAttribute("count", tfc.getTotalHits() + ""); elSummary.setAttribute("type", "local"); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) { Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, " Get top docs from " + startHit + " ... " + endHit + " (total: " + tfc.getTotalHits() + ")"); } TopDocs tdocs = tfc.topDocs(startHit, endHit); return, elSummary); } /** * Create an XML summary from the search facets collector. * * @param elSummary The element in which to add the facet report * @param summaryConfigValues The summary configuration * @param facetCollector * @param langCode * @throws IOException */ private static void buildFacetSummary(Element elSummary, Map<String, FacetConfig> summaryConfigValues, FacetsCollector facetCollector, String langCode) throws IOException { DecimalFormat doubleFormat = new DecimalFormat("0"); try { for (Iterator<FacetResult> iterator = facetCollector.getFacetResults().iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { FacetResult result = (FacetResult); String label = result.getFacetResultNode().getLabel().toString(); FacetConfig config = summaryConfigValues.get(label); String facetName = config.getPlural(); Translator translator; if (ServiceContext.get() != null) { try { ServiceContext context = ServiceContext.get(); translator = config.getTranslator(context, langCode); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { translator = Translator.NULL_TRANSLATOR; } Element facets = new Element(facetName); FacetResultNode frn = result.getFacetResultNode(); if (frn.getNumSubResults() != 0) { Map<String, Double> facetValues = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(); // facetValues = new TreeMap<String, Double>(comparator) for (Iterator subresults = frn.getSubResults().iterator(); subresults.hasNext();) { FacetResultNode node = (FacetResultNode); facetValues.put(node.getLabel().components[node.getLabel().length - 1], node.getValue()); } List<Entry<String, Double>> entries = new ArrayList<Entry<String, Double>>( facetValues.entrySet()); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.FACET_ENGINE)) { Log.debug(Geonet.FACET_ENGINE, facetName + ":\tSorting facet by " + config.getSortBy().toString() + " (" + config.getSortOrder().toString() + ")"); } // No need for a custom comparator Lucene facet request is // made by count descending order if (Facet.SortBy.COUNT != config.getSortBy()) { Comparator c = null; if (Facet.SortBy.NUMVALUE == config.getSortBy()) { // Create a numeric comparator c = new Comparator<Entry<String, Double>>() { public int compare(final Entry<String, Double> e1, final Entry<String, Double> e2) { try { Double d1 = Double.valueOf(e1.getKey()); Double d2 = Double.valueOf(e2.getKey()); return d1.compareTo(d2); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // String comparison Log.warning(Geonet.FACET_ENGINE, "Failed to compare numeric values (" + e1.getKey() + " / " + e2.getKey() + ") for facet. Check sortBy option in summary configuration."); return e1.getKey().compareTo(e2.getKey()); } } }; } else { c = new Comparator<Entry<String, Double>>() { public int compare(final Entry<String, Double> e1, final Entry<String, Double> e2) { return e1.getKey().compareTo(e2.getKey()); } }; } Collections.sort(entries, c); if (Facet.SortOrder.DESCENDING == config.getSortOrder()) { Collections.reverse(entries); } } for (Entry<String, Double> entry : entries) { String facetValue = entry.getKey(); String facetCount = doubleFormat.format(entry.getValue()); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.FACET_ENGINE)) { Log.debug(Geonet.FACET_ENGINE, " - " + facetValue + " (" + facetCount + ")"); } String translatedValue = translator.translate(facetValue); Element facet = new Element(config.getName()); facet.setAttribute("count", facetCount); facet.setAttribute("name", facetValue); if (translatedValue != null) { facet.setAttribute("label", translatedValue); } facets.addContent(facet); } } elSummary.addContent(facets); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { Log.error(Geonet.FACET_ENGINE, "Check facet configuration. This may happen when a facet is configured" + " but does not exist in the taxonomy index. Error is: " + e.getMessage(), e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Build facet search params according to the summary configuration file. * * FacetRequest sort order and sort by option is the default (ie. by count descending). * Then the results may be sorted when creating the summary {@link #buildFacetSummary(Element, Map, FacetsCollector)}. * * @param summaryConfigValues * @return */ private static FacetSearchParams buildFacetSearchParams(Map<String, FacetConfig> summaryConfigValues) { List<FacetRequest> requests = new ArrayList<FacetRequest>(summaryConfigValues.size()); for (String key : summaryConfigValues.keySet()) { FacetConfig config = summaryConfigValues.get(key); int max = config.getMax(); FacetRequest facetRequest = new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath(key), max); facetRequest.setSortBy(SortBy.VALUE); facetRequest.setSortOrder(SortOrder.DESCENDING); requests.add(facetRequest); } return new FacetSearchParams(requests); } /** * Retrieves metadata from the index. * * @param doc * @param id * @param dumpAllField If dumpFields is null and dumpAllField set to true, dump all index content. * @param dumpFields If not null, dump only the fields define in {@link LuceneConfig#getDumpFields()}. * @return */ private static Element getMetadataFromIndex(Document doc, String id, boolean dumpAllField, String searchLang, Set<String> multiLangSearchTerm, Map<String, String> dumpFields) { // Retrieve the info element String root = doc.get("_root"); String schema = doc.get("_schema"); String source = doc.get("_source"); String uuid = doc.get("_uuid"); String title = doc.get("_title"); String createDate = doc.get("_createDate"); if (createDate != null) createDate = createDate.toUpperCase(); String changeDate = doc.get("_changeDate"); if (changeDate != null) changeDate = changeDate.toUpperCase(); // Root element is using root element name if not using only the index content (ie. dumpAllField) // probably because the XSL need that info later ? Element md = new Element("metadata"); Element info = new Element(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE); addElement(info, Edit.Info.Elem.ID, id); addElement(info, Edit.Info.Elem.UUID, uuid); addElement(info, Edit.Info.Elem.SCHEMA, schema); addElement(info, Edit.Info.Elem.CREATE_DATE, createDate); addElement(info, Edit.Info.Elem.CHANGE_DATE, changeDate); addElement(info, Edit.Info.Elem.SOURCE, source); addElement(info, Edit.Info.Elem.TITLE, title); HashSet<String> addedTranslation = new HashSet<String>(); if ((dumpAllField || dumpFields != null) && searchLang != null && multiLangSearchTerm != null) { // get the translated fields and dump those instead of the non-translated for (String fieldName : multiLangSearchTerm) { IndexableField[] values = doc .getFields(LuceneConfig.multilingualSortFieldName(fieldName, searchLang)); for (IndexableField f : values) { if (f != null) { String stringValue = f.stringValue(); if (!stringValue.trim().isEmpty()) { addedTranslation.add(fieldName); md.addContent(new Element(dumpFields.get(fieldName)).setText(stringValue)); } } } } } if (addedTranslation.isEmpty()) { addedTranslation = null; } if (dumpFields != null) { for (String fieldName : dumpFields.keySet()) { IndexableField[] values = doc.getFields(fieldName); for (IndexableField f : values) { if (f != null) { if (addedTranslation == null || !addedTranslation.contains(fieldName)) { md.addContent(new Element(dumpFields.get(fieldName)).setText(f.stringValue())); } } } } } else { List<IndexableField> fields = doc.getFields(); for (IndexableField field : fields) { String fieldName =; String fieldValue = field.stringValue(); // Dump the categories to the info element if (fieldName.equals("_cat")) { addElement(info, Edit.Info.Elem.CATEGORY, fieldValue); } else if (dumpAllField && (addedTranslation == null || !addedTranslation.contains(fieldName))) { // And all other field to the root element in dump all mode md.addContent(new Element(fieldName).setText(fieldValue)); } } } md.addContent(info); return md; } /** * <p> * Gets all metadata uuids in current searcher. * </p> * * @param maxHits max hits * @return current searcher result in "fast" mode * * @throws Exception hmm */ public List<String> getAllUuids(int maxHits) throws Exception { List<String> response = new ArrayList<String>(); TopDocs tdocs = performQuery(0, maxHits, false); IndexAndTaxonomy indexAndTaxonomy = _sm.getIndexReader(_language, _versionToken); _versionToken = indexAndTaxonomy.version; try { for (ScoreDoc sdoc : tdocs.scoreDocs) { DocumentStoredFieldVisitor docVisitor = new DocumentStoredFieldVisitor("_uuid"); indexAndTaxonomy.indexReader.document(sdoc.doc, docVisitor); Document doc = docVisitor.getDocument(); String uuid = doc.get("_uuid"); if (uuid != null) response.add(uuid); } } finally { _sm.releaseIndexReader(indexAndTaxonomy); } return response; } /** * <p> * Gets all metadata info as a int Map in current searcher. * </p> * * @param maxHits * @return * @throws Exception */ public Map<Integer, MdInfo> getAllMdInfo(int maxHits) throws Exception { Map<Integer, MdInfo> response = new HashMap<Integer, MdInfo>(); TopDocs tdocs = performQuery(0, maxHits, false); IndexAndTaxonomy indexAndTaxonomy = _sm.getIndexReader(_language, _versionToken); _versionToken = indexAndTaxonomy.version; try { for (ScoreDoc sdoc : tdocs.scoreDocs) { DocumentStoredFieldVisitor docVisitor = new DocumentStoredFieldVisitor("_id", "_root", "_schema", "_createDate", "_changeDate", "_source", "_isTemplate", "_title", "_uuid", "_isHarvested", "_owner", "_groupOwner"); indexAndTaxonomy.indexReader.document(sdoc.doc, docVisitor); Document doc = docVisitor.getDocument(); MdInfo mdInfo = new MdInfo(); = doc.get("_id"); mdInfo.uuid = doc.get("_uuid"); mdInfo.schemaId = doc.get("_schema"); String isTemplate = doc.get("_isTemplate"); if (isTemplate.equals("y")) { mdInfo.template = MdInfo.Template.TEMPLATE; } else if (isTemplate.equals("s")) { mdInfo.template = MdInfo.Template.SUBTEMPLATE; } else { mdInfo.template = MdInfo.Template.METADATA; } String isHarvested = doc.get("_isHarvested"); if (isHarvested != null) { mdInfo.isHarvested = doc.get("_isHarvested").equals("y"); } else { mdInfo.isHarvested = false; } mdInfo.createDate = doc.get("_createDate"); mdInfo.changeDate = doc.get("_changeDate"); mdInfo.source = doc.get("_source"); mdInfo.title = doc.get("_title"); mdInfo.root = doc.get("_root"); mdInfo.owner = doc.get("_owner"); mdInfo.groupOwner = doc.get("_groupOwner"); response.put(Integer.parseInt(, mdInfo); } } finally { _sm.releaseIndexReader(indexAndTaxonomy); } return response; } /** * Searches in Lucene index and return Lucene index field value. Metadata records is retrieved based on its uuid. * * @param priorityLang * @param id * @param fieldname * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String getMetadataFromIndex(String priorityLang, String id, String fieldname) throws Exception { return LuceneSearcher.getMetadataFromIndex(priorityLang, id, Collections.singleton(fieldname)) .get(fieldname); } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param priorityLang * @param id * @param fieldname * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String getMetadataFromIndexById(String priorityLang, String id, String fieldname) throws Exception { return LuceneSearcher.getMetadataFromIndex(priorityLang, "_id", id, Collections.singleton(fieldname)) .get(fieldname); } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param priorityLang * @param uuid * @param fieldnames * @return * @throws Exception */ private static Map<String, String> getMetadataFromIndex(String priorityLang, String uuid, Set<String> fieldnames) throws Exception { return LuceneSearcher.getMetadataFromIndex(priorityLang, "_uuid", uuid, fieldnames); } public static Map<String, String> getMetadataFromIndex(String priorityLang, String idField, String id, Set<String> fieldnames) throws Exception { Map<String, Map<String, String>> results = LuceneSearcher.getAllMetadataFromIndexFor(priorityLang, idField, id, fieldnames, false); if (results.size() == 1) { return (Map<String, String>) results.values().toArray()[0]; } else { return new HashMap<String, String>(); } } /** * Get Lucene index fields for matching records * * @param priorityLang Preferred index language to use. * @param field Field to search for (eg. _uuid) * @param value Value to search for * @param returnFields Fields to return * @param checkAllHits If false, only the first match is analyzed for returned field. * Set to true when searching on uuid field and only one record is expected. * * @return * @throws Exception */ public static Map<String, Map<String, String>> getAllMetadataFromIndexFor(String priorityLang, String field, String value, Set<String> returnFields, boolean checkAllHits) throws Exception { final IndexAndTaxonomy indexAndTaxonomy; final SearchManager searchmanager; ServiceContext context = ServiceContext.get(); GeonetworkMultiReader reader; if (context != null) { GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME); searchmanager = gc.getSearchmanager(); indexAndTaxonomy = searchmanager.getNewIndexReader(priorityLang); reader = indexAndTaxonomy.indexReader; } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "There needs to be a ServiceContext in the thread local for this thread"); } Map<String, Map<String, String>> records = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); try { IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); TermQuery query = new TermQuery(new Term(field, value)); SettingInfo settingInfo = _sm.get_settingInfo(); boolean sortRequestedLanguageOnTop = settingInfo.getRequestedLanguageOnTop(); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.LUCENE)) Log.debug(Geonet.LUCENE, "sortRequestedLanguageOnTop: " + sortRequestedLanguageOnTop); int numberOfHits = 1; int counter = 0; if (checkAllHits) { numberOfHits = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } Sort sort = LuceneSearcher.makeSort(Collections.<Pair<String, Boolean>>emptyList(), priorityLang, sortRequestedLanguageOnTop); Filter filter = NoFilterFilter.instance(); TopDocs tdocs =, filter, numberOfHits, sort); for (ScoreDoc sdoc : tdocs.scoreDocs) { Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>(); DocumentStoredFieldVisitor docVisitor = new DocumentStoredFieldVisitor(returnFields); reader.document(sdoc.doc, docVisitor); Document doc = docVisitor.getDocument(); for (String fieldname : returnFields) { values.put(fieldname, doc.get(fieldname)); } records.put(String.valueOf(counter), values); counter++; } } catch (CorruptIndexException e) { // TODO: handle exception Log.error(Geonet.LUCENE, e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: handle exception Log.error(Geonet.LUCENE, e.getMessage()); } finally { searchmanager.releaseIndexReader(indexAndTaxonomy); } return records; } /** * TODO javadoc. * * @param field * @param aText * @param analyzer * @param tokenizedFieldSet * @return */ protected static String analyzeQueryText(String field, String aText, PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzer, Set<String> tokenizedFieldSet) { if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Analyze field " + field + " : " + aText); if (tokenizedFieldSet.contains(field)) { String analyzedText = LuceneSearcher.analyzeText(field, aText, analyzer); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Analyzed text is " + analyzedText); return analyzedText; } else return aText; } /** * Splits text into tokens using the Analyzer that is matched to the field. * @param field * @param requestStr * @param a * @return */ public static String analyzeText(String field, String requestStr, PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper a) { boolean phrase = false; if ((requestStr.startsWith("\"") && requestStr.endsWith("\""))) { phrase = true; } List<String> tokenList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { TokenStream ts = a.tokenStream(field, new StringReader(requestStr)); ts.reset(); CharTermAttribute termAtt = ts.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); while (ts.incrementToken()) { String string = termAtt.toString(); tokenList.add(string); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO why swallow e.printStackTrace(); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < tokenList.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { result.append(" "); result.append(tokenList.get(i)); } else { result.append(tokenList.get(i)); } } String outStr = result.toString(); if (phrase) { outStr = "\"" + outStr + "\""; } return outStr; } /** * Unused at the moment - but might be useful later. * @param aText * @param excludes * @return */ public static String escapeLuceneChars(String aText, String excludes) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); final StringCharacterIterator iterator = new StringCharacterIterator(aText); char character = iterator.current(); while (character != CharacterIterator.DONE) { if (character == '\\' && !excludes.contains("\\")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '!' && !excludes.contains("!")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '(' && !excludes.contains("(")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == ')' && !excludes.contains(")")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '*' && !excludes.contains("*")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '+' && !excludes.contains("+")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '-' && !excludes.contains("-")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == ':' && !excludes.contains(":")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '?' && !excludes.contains("?")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '[' && !excludes.contains("[")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == ']' && !excludes.contains("]")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '^' && !excludes.contains("^")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '{' && !excludes.contains("{")) { result.append("\\"); } else if (character == '}' && !excludes.contains("}")) { result.append("\\"); } result.append(character); character =; } if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE)) Log.debug(Geonet.SEARCH_ENGINE, "Escaped: " + result.toString()); return result.toString(); } /** * Task to launch a new thread for search logging. * * Other idea: Another approach could be to use JMS, to send an * asynchronous message with search info in order to log them. * * @author francois */ class SearchLoggerTask implements Runnable { private ServiceContext srvContext; boolean logSpatialObject; String luceneTermsToExclude; Query query; int numHits; Sort sort; String geomWKT; String value; public SearchLoggerTask(ServiceContext srvContext, boolean logSpatialObject, String luceneTermsToExclude, Query query, int numHits, Sort sort, String geomWKT, String value) { this.srvContext = srvContext; this.logSpatialObject = logSpatialObject; this.luceneTermsToExclude = luceneTermsToExclude; this.query = query; this.numHits = numHits; this.sort = sort; this.geomWKT = geomWKT; this.value = value; } public void run() { try { SearcherLogger searchLogger = new SearcherLogger(srvContext, logSpatialObject, luceneTermsToExclude); searchLogger.logSearch(query, numHits, sort, geomWKT, value); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }