Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


//===   Copyright (C) 2010 Food and Agriculture Organization of the
//===   United Nations (FAO-UN), United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
//===   and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
//===   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//===   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//===   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
//===   your option) any later version.
//===   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
//===   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//===   General Public License for more details.
//===   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//===   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//===   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
//===   Contact: Jeroen Ticheler - FAO - Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 2,
//===   Rome - Italy. email:
package org.fao.geonet.api.mapservers;

import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope;
import org.apache.http.auth.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.*;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.auth.BasicScheme;
import org.fao.geonet.Constants;
import org.fao.geonet.constants.Geonet;
import org.fao.geonet.csw.common.util.Xml;
import org.fao.geonet.utils.GeonetHttpRequestFactory;
import org.fao.geonet.utils.Log;
import org.fao.geonet.utils.nio.PathHttpEntity;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpResponse;

import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue;
import java.nio.file.Path;

 * This class uses GeoServer's management REST APIs for creating, updating and deleting data or
 * coverage store.
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * Similar development have been discovered at the end of that proposal patch:
 * /browse/trunk/ArchivingServer /src/java/it/intecs/pisa/archivingserver/chain/commands
 * /
public class GeoServerRest {

    public final static String METHOD_POST = "POST";
    public final static String METHOD_GET = "GET";
    public final static String METHOD_PUT = "PUT";
    public final static String METHOD_DELETE = "DELETE";
    public final static String LOGGER_NAME = "geonetwork.GeoServerRest";

    private String password;
    private String username;
    private String restUrl;
    private String baseCatalogueUrl;
    private String nodeUrl;
    private String defaultWorkspace;
    private String response = "";
    private boolean pushStyleInWorkspace;
    private int status;

    private GeonetHttpRequestFactory factory;
    private String report = "";
    private String errorCode;

     * Create a GeoServerRest instance to communicate with a GeoServer node and a default namespace
     * @param pushStyleInWorkspace TODO
    public GeoServerRest(GeonetHttpRequestFactory factory, String url, String username, String password,
            String defaultns, String baseCatalogueUrl, String nodeUrl, boolean pushStyleInWorkspace) {
        this.restUrl = url;
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;
        this.baseCatalogueUrl = baseCatalogueUrl;
        this.nodeUrl = nodeUrl;
        this.pushStyleInWorkspace = pushStyleInWorkspace;
        this.factory = factory;
        this.defaultWorkspace = defaultns;

     * @return Return last transaction response information if set.
    public String getResponse() {
        return response;

     * @return Last status information
    public int getStatus() {
        return status;

     * @return The default workspace used
    public String getDefaultWorkspace() {
        return defaultWorkspace;

     * Retrieve layer (feature type or coverage) information. Use @see #getResponse() to get the
     * message returned.
     * <p>
     * TODO : Add format ?
    public boolean getLayer(String layer) throws IOException {
        return getLayer(getDefaultWorkspace(), layer);

    public boolean getLayer(String ws, String layer) throws IOException {
        String url = "/layers/";
        if (!ws.isEmpty())
            url += ws + ":";
        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_GET, url + layer + ".xml?quietOnNotFound=true", null, null, null,
        return status == 200;

    public String getLayerInfo(String layer) throws IOException {
        if (getLayer(layer))
            return getResponse();
            return null;

     * If the layer does not exist, return <code>false</code>
     * @param layer Name of the layer to delete
    public boolean deleteLayer(String layer) throws IOException {
        return deleteLayer(getDefaultWorkspace(), layer);

    public boolean deleteLayer(String ws, String layer) throws IOException {
        String url = "/layers/";
        if (!ws.isEmpty())
            url += ws + ":";
        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_DELETE, url + layer, null, null, null, true);
        // TODO : add force to remove ft, ds
        return status == 200;

     * Create a coverage from file
     * @param ws Name of the workspace to add the coverage in
     * @param cs Name of the coverage
     * @param f  A zip or a geotiff {@link} to updload.
    public boolean createCoverage(String ws, String cs, Path f, String metadataUuid, String metadataTitle,
            String metadataAbstract) throws IOException {
        String contentType = "image/tiff";
        if (f.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
            contentType = "application/zip";
        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_PUT,
                "/workspaces/" + ws + "/coveragestores/" + cs + "/file.geotiff", null, f, contentType, false);

        createCoverageForStore(ws, cs, null, metadataUuid, metadataTitle, metadataAbstract);

        return status == 201;

     * Create a coverage from an external file or URL.
    public boolean createCoverage(String ws, String cs, String file, String metadataUuid, String metadataTitle,
            String metadataAbstract) throws IOException {
        String contentType = "image/tiff";
        String extension = "geotiff";

        if (GeoFile.fileIsECW(file)) {
            contentType = "image/ecw";
            extension = "ecw";

        String type = "file";
        if (file.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
            contentType = "application/zip";
        // String extension = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('.'),
        // file.length());
        if (file.startsWith("http://")) {
            type = "url";
        } else if (file.startsWith("file://")) {
            type = "external";

        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_PUT,
                "/workspaces/" + ws + "/coveragestores/" + cs + "/" + type + "." + extension, file, null,
                contentType, false);

        createCoverageForStore(ws, cs, file, metadataUuid, metadataTitle, metadataAbstract);
        return status == 201;

    private void createCoverageForStore(String ws, String cs, String file, String metadataUuid,
            String metadataTitle, String metadataAbstract) throws IOException {
        String xml = "<coverage><name>" + cs + "</name><title>" + (metadataTitle != null ? metadataTitle : cs)
                + "</title><enabled>true</enabled>" + (file != null ? "<file>" + file + "</file>" : "")
                + "<metadataLinks>" + "<metadataLink>" + "<type>text/xml</type>"
                + "<metadataType>ISO19115:2003</metadataType>" + "<content>" + this.baseCatalogueUrl
                + "/csw?SERVICE=CSW&amp;VERSION=2.0.2&amp;REQUEST=GetRecordById"
                + "&amp;outputSchema=" + "&amp;ID=" + metadataUuid + "</content>"
                + "</metadataLink>" + "<metadataLink>" + "<type>text/html</type>"
                + "<metadataType>TC211</metadataType>" + "<content>" + this.baseCatalogueUrl
                + "/csw?SERVICE=CSW&amp;VERSION=2.0.2&amp;REQUEST=GetRecordById"
                + "&amp;outputSchema=" + "&amp;ID=" + metadataUuid + "</content>"
                + "</metadataLink>" + "<metadataLink>" + "<type>text/html</type>"
                + "<metadataType>TC211</metadataType>" + "<content>" + this.nodeUrl + "api/records/" + metadataUuid
                + "</content>" + "</metadataLink>" + "</metadataLinks>" + "</coverage>";

        int statusCoverage = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_POST,
                "/workspaces/" + ws + "/coveragestores/" + cs + "/coverages.xml", xml, null, "text/xml", false);


     * Create a coverage from file in default workspace
    public boolean createCoverage(String cs, Path f, String metadataUuid, String metadataTitle,
            String metadataAbstract) throws IOException {
        // TODO : check default workspace is not null ?
        return createCoverage(getDefaultWorkspace(), cs, f, metadataUuid, metadataTitle, metadataAbstract);

     * Create a coverage from external file or URL in default workspace
     * @param metadataUuid  TODO
     * @param metadataTitle TODO
    public boolean createCoverage(String cs, String f, String metadataUuid, String metadataTitle,
            String metadataAbstract) throws IOException {
        return createCoverage(getDefaultWorkspace(), cs, f, metadataUuid, metadataTitle, metadataAbstract);

     * @param ws
     * @param ds
     * @param f
     * @return
     * @throws
    public boolean updateCoverage(String ws, String ds, Path f, String metadataUuid, String metadataTitle,
            String metadataAbstract) throws IOException {
        return createCoverage(ws, ds, f, metadataUuid, metadataTitle, metadataAbstract);

     * @param ds
     * @param f
     * @return
     * @throws
    public boolean updateCoverage(String ds, Path f, String metadataUuid, String metadataTitle,
            String metadataAbstract) throws IOException {
        return createCoverage(getDefaultWorkspace(), ds, f, metadataUuid, metadataTitle, metadataAbstract);

     * @param ws Name of the workspace the coverage is in
     * @param cs Name of the coverage store
     * @param c  Name of the coverage
    public boolean deleteCoverage(String ws, String cs, String c) throws IOException {
        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_DELETE,
                "/workspaces/" + ws + "/coveragestores/" + cs + "/coverages/" + c, null, null, null, true);
        return status == 200;

     * Delete a coverage in default workspace
    public boolean deleteCoverage(String cs, String c) throws IOException {
        return deleteCoverage(getDefaultWorkspace(), cs, c);

     * @param ws Name of the workspace to put the datastore in
     * @param ds Name of the datastore
     * @param f  Zip {@link} to upload containing a shapefile
    public boolean createDatastore(String ws, String ds, Path f) throws IOException {
                "Creating datastore " + ds + " in workspace " + ws + " from path " + f.toString());
        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_PUT, "/workspaces/" + ws + "/datastores/" + ds + "/file.shp",
                null, f, "application/zip", false);

        return status == 201;

    public boolean createDatastore(String ws, String ds, String file) throws IOException {
        String type = "";
        String extension = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf('.'), file.length());
        if (file.startsWith("http://")) {
            type = "url";
        } else if (file.startsWith("file://")) {
            type = "external";

        Log.debug(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH, "Creating datastore " + ds + " in workspace " + ws + " from file " + file);
        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_PUT,
                "/workspaces/" + ws + "/datastores/" + ds + "/" + type + extension, file, null, "text/plain",

        return status == 201;

     * Create datastore in default workspace
    public boolean createDatastore(String ds, Path f) throws IOException {
        return createDatastore(getDefaultWorkspace(), ds, f);

    public boolean createDatastore(String ds, String file) throws IOException {
        return createDatastore(getDefaultWorkspace(), ds, file);

     * Delete a datastore
    public boolean deleteDatastore(String ws, String ds) throws IOException {
        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_DELETE, "/workspaces/" + ws + "/datastores/" + ds, null, null,
                null, true);
        return status == 200;

     * Delete a datastore in default workspace
    public boolean deleteDatastore(String ds) throws IOException {
        return deleteDatastore(getDefaultWorkspace(), ds);

     * Delete a coverage store
    public boolean deleteCoverageStore(String ws, String cs) throws IOException {
        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_DELETE, "/workspaces/" + ws + "/coveragestores/" + cs, null,
                null, null, true);
        return status == 200;

     * Delete a coverage store in default workspace @see {@link #deleteCoverageStore(String,
     * String)
    public boolean deleteCoverageStore(String ds) throws IOException {
        return deleteCoverageStore(getDefaultWorkspace(), ds);

    public boolean deleteFeatureType(String ws, String ds, String ft) throws IOException {
        int status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_DELETE,
                "/workspaces/" + ws + "/datastores/" + ds + "/featuretypes/" + ft, null, null, null, true);
        return status == 200;

    public boolean deleteFeatureType(String ds, String ft) throws IOException {
        return deleteFeatureType(getDefaultWorkspace(), ds, ft);

     * Create a default style in the default workspace for the layer named {layer}_style copied from
     * the default style set by GeoServer (eg. polygon.sld for polygon).
    public boolean createStyle(String layer) {
        return createStyle(getDefaultWorkspace(), layer, "");

     * Create a default style for the layer named {layer}_style copied from the default style set by
     * GeoServer (eg. polygon.sld for polygon).
    public boolean createStyle(String ws, String layer) {
        return createStyle(ws, layer, "");

     * Create a style for the layer named {layer}_style from the provided sld content, if not empty.
     * If it fails, fallback to default style set by GeoServer (eg. polygon.sld for polygon).
     * @param sldbody body content
    public boolean createStyle(String ws, String layer, String sldbody) {
        try {
            String body, url;
            int status;

            /* first check if the style exists in geoserver */
            url = "/styles/";
            if (pushStyleInWorkspace)
                url += ws + ":";
            url += layer + "_style?quietOnNotFound=true";
                    "Checking if a style named " + layer + "_style already exists in workspace " + ws);
            status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_GET, url, null, null, null, true);

            body = "<style><name>" + layer + "_style</name><filename>" + layer + ".sld</filename></style>";
            url = "/styles";
            if (pushStyleInWorkspace)
                url = "/workspaces/" + ws + "/styles";
            /* only POST the xml style if it doesnt exist */
            if (status != 200) {
                Log.debug(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH, "Creating style " + layer + "_style for layer " + layer);
                status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_POST, url, body, null, "text/xml", true);
            if (!sldbody.isEmpty()) {
                if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH))
                    Log.debug(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH, "GeoFile contains an sld, trying to use it");
                status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_PUT, url + "/" + layer + "_style", sldbody, null,
                        "application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml", true);

                if (status != 200)
                    Log.warning(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH, "The sld file was probably not valid, falling back to default");
            if (sldbody.isEmpty() || (!sldbody.isEmpty() && status != 200)) {
                String info = getLayerInfo(layer);
                Element layerProperties = Xml.loadString(info, false);
                String styleName = layerProperties.getChild("defaultStyle").getChild("name").getText();

                Log.debug(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH, "Getting default style for " + styleName + " to apply to layer "
                        + layer + " in workspace " + ws);
                /* get the default style (polygon, line, point) from the global styles */
                status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_GET, "/styles/" + styleName + ".sld?quietOnNotFound=true",
                        null, null, null, true);

                status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_PUT, url + "/" + layer + "_style", getResponse(), null,
                        "application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml", true);

            Log.debug(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH, "Adding enable flag to layer");
            body = "<layer><defaultStyle><name>" + layer + "_style</name>";
            if (pushStyleInWorkspace)
                body += "<workspace>" + ws + "</workspace>";
            body += "</defaultStyle><enabled>true</enabled></layer>";

            url = "/layers/";
            if (!ws.isEmpty())
                url += ws + ":";
            // Add the enable flag due to GeoServer bug
            status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_PUT, url + layer, body, null, "text/xml", true);

        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (Log.isDebugEnabled(LOGGER_NAME))
                Log.debug(LOGGER_NAME, "Failed to create style for layer: " + layer + " in workspace " + ws
                        + ", error is: " + e.getMessage());

        return status == 200;

    private void checkResponseCode(int status2) {
        if (status2 > 399) {
            Log.warning(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH, "Warning a bad response code to message was returned:" + status2);
            if (!response.isEmpty()) {
                Log.warning(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH, "Response content:" + response);

    public boolean createDatabaseDatastore(String ds, String host, String port, String db, String user, String pwd,
            String dbType, String ns) throws IOException {
        return createDatabaseDatastore(getDefaultWorkspace(), ds, host, port, db, user, pwd, dbType, ns);


    public boolean createDatabaseDatastore(String ws, String ds, String host, String port, String db, String user,
            String pwd, String dbType, String ns) throws IOException {

        String xml = "<dataStore><name>" + ds + "</name><enabled>true</enabled><connectionParameters><host>" + host
                + "</host><port>" + port + "</port><database>" + db + "</database><user>" + user + "</user><passwd>"
                + pwd + "</passwd><dbtype>" + dbType + "</dbtype><namespace>" + ns
                + "</namespace></connectionParameters></dataStore>";

        status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_POST, "/workspaces/" + ws + "/datastores", xml, null, "text/xml",

        return 201 == status;

    public boolean createFeatureType(String ds, String ft, String metadataUuid, String metadataTitle,
            String metadataAbstract) throws IOException {
        return createFeatureType(getDefaultWorkspace(), ds, ft, metadataUuid, metadataTitle, metadataAbstract);

    public boolean createFeatureType(String ws, String ds, String ft, String metadataUuid, String metadataTitle,
            String metadataAbstract) throws IOException {
        String xml = "<featureType><name>" + ft + "</name><title>" + ft + "</title>" + "</featureType>";

        String url = "/workspaces/" + ws + "/datastores/" + ds + "/featuretypes";
        Log.debug(Geonet.GEOPUBLISH, "Checking if a featuretype named " + ft + " already exists in workspace " + ws
                + ", datastore " + ds);
        status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_GET, url + "/" + ft, null, null, null, true);
        if (status != 200) {
                    "Creating featuretype " + ft + " in workspace " + ws + " within datastore " + ds);
            status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_POST, url, xml, null, "text/xml", true);

        xml = "<featureType><title>" + (metadataTitle != null ? metadataTitle : ft) + "</title><abstract>"
                + (metadataAbstract != null ? metadataAbstract : ft) + "</abstract><enabled>true</enabled>"
                + "<metadataLinks>" + "<metadataLink>" + "<type>text/xml</type>"
                + "<metadataType>ISO19115:2003</metadataType>" + "<content>" + this.baseCatalogueUrl
                + "/csw?SERVICE=CSW&amp;VERSION=2.0.2&amp;REQUEST=GetRecordById"
                + "&amp;outputSchema=" + "&amp;ID=" + metadataUuid + "</content>"
                + "</metadataLink>" + "<metadataLink>" + "<type>text/xml</type>"
                + "<metadataType>TC211</metadataType>" + "<content>" + this.baseCatalogueUrl
                + "/csw?SERVICE=CSW&amp;VERSION=2.0.2&amp;REQUEST=GetRecordById"
                + "&amp;outputSchema=" + "&amp;ID=" + metadataUuid + "</content>"
                + "</metadataLink>" + "<metadataLink>" + "<type>text/html</type>"
                + "<metadataType>TC211</metadataType>" + "<content>" + this.nodeUrl + "api/records/" + metadataUuid
                + "</content>" + "</metadataLink>" + "</metadataLinks>" + "</featureType>";
        status = sendREST(GeoServerRest.METHOD_PUT, url + "/" + ft, xml, null, "text/xml", true);

        return 201 == status;

     * @param method      e.g. 'POST', 'GET', 'PUT' or 'DELETE'
     * @param urlParams   REST API parameter
     * @param postData    XML data
     * @param file        File to upload
     * @param contentType type of content in case of post data or file updload.
    public @CheckReturnValue int sendREST(String method, String urlParams, String postData, Path file,
            String contentType, Boolean saveResponse) throws IOException {

        response = "";
        String url = this.restUrl + urlParams;
        if (Log.isDebugEnabled(LOGGER_NAME)) {
            Log.debug(LOGGER_NAME, "url:" + url);
            Log.debug(LOGGER_NAME, "method:" + method);
            if (postData != null)
                Log.debug(LOGGER_NAME, "postData:" + postData);

        HttpRequestBase m;
        if (method.equals(METHOD_PUT)) {
            m = new HttpPut(url);
            if (file != null) {
                ((HttpPut) m)
                        .setEntity(new PathHttpEntity(file, ContentType.create(contentType, Constants.ENCODING)));

            if (postData != null) {
                final StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(postData,
                        ContentType.create(contentType, Constants.ENCODING));
                ((HttpPut) m).setEntity(entity);
        } else if (method.equals(METHOD_DELETE)) {
            m = new HttpDelete(url);
        } else if (method.equals(METHOD_POST)) {
            m = new HttpPost(url);
            if (postData != null) {
                final StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(postData,
                        ContentType.create(contentType, Constants.ENCODING));
                ((HttpPost) m).setEntity(entity);
        } else {
            m = new HttpGet(url);

        if (contentType != null && !"".equals(contentType)) {
            m.setHeader("Content-type", contentType);


        // apparently this is needed to preemptively send the auth, for servers that dont require it but
        // dont send the same data if you're authenticated or not.
        try {
            m.addHeader(new BasicScheme().authenticate(new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password), m));
        } catch (AuthenticationException a) {
            Log.warning(LOGGER_NAME, "Failed to add the authentication Header, error is: " + a.getMessage());

        final ClientHttpResponse httpResponse = factory.execute(m,
                new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password), AuthScope.ANY);

        try {
            status = httpResponse.getRawStatusCode();
            if (Log.isDebugEnabled(LOGGER_NAME)) {
                Log.debug(LOGGER_NAME, "status:" + status);
            if (saveResponse) {
                this.response = IOUtils.toString(httpResponse.getBody());
        } finally {

        return status;

    public String getReport() {
        return report;

    public void setReport(String report) { = report;

    public String getErrorCode() {
        return errorCode;

    public void setErrorCode(String errorCode) {
        this.errorCode = errorCode;