Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use is subject to the terms of the TIBCO license terms accompanying the download of this code. * In most instances, the license terms are contained in a file named license.txt. */ package org.fabrician.enabler; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.fabrician.enabler.predicates.ContainerPredicates; import org.fabrician.enabler.util.BuildCmdOptions; import org.fabrician.enabler.util.DockerActivationInfo; import org.fabrician.enabler.util.DockerActivationInfo.Entry; import org.fabrician.enabler.util.DockerfileBuildLock; import org.fabrician.enabler.util.ExecCmdProcessInjector; import org.fabrician.enabler.util.RunCmdAuxiliaryOptions; import org.fabrician.enabler.util.SpecialDirective; import; import com.datasynapse.fabric.common.ActivationInfo; import com.datasynapse.fabric.common.ArchiveActivationInfo; import com.datasynapse.fabric.common.RuntimeContextVariable; import com.datasynapse.fabric.common.message.ArchiveLocator; import com.datasynapse.fabric.container.AbstractContainer; import com.datasynapse.fabric.container.ArchiveDetail; import com.datasynapse.fabric.container.ArchiveManagement; import com.datasynapse.fabric.container.ArchiveProvider; import com.datasynapse.fabric.container.ExecContainer; import com.datasynapse.fabric.container.Feature; import com.datasynapse.fabric.container.ProcessWrapper; import com.datasynapse.fabric.domain.featureinfo.HttpFeatureInfo; import com.datasynapse.fabric.util.ContainerUtils; import com.datasynapse.fabric.util.DynamicVarsUtils; import com.datasynapse.gridserver.engine.EngineProperties; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static org.fabrician.enabler.util.SpecialDirective.PORT_EXPOSE; import static org.fabrician.enabler.util.SpecialDirective.PORT_MAP; import static org.fabrician.enabler.util.SpecialDirective.VOL_MAP; import static org.fabrician.enabler.util.SpecialDirective.ENV_VAR; import static org.fabrician.enabler.util.SpecialDirective.ENV_FILE; import static org.fabrician.enabler.util.SpecialDirective.SEC_OPT; /** * A Silver Fabric Docker container proxy. * <p> * This proxy manages the Docker container lifecycle spawned and integrates the docker container to the Silver Fabric broker infrastructure. * </p> * */ public class DockerContainer extends ExecContainer implements ArchiveManagement, ArchiveProvider { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5194159591618328739L; private static final String BIND_ON_ALL_LOCAL_ADDRESSES_VAR = "BIND_ON_ALL_LOCAL_ADDRESSES"; private static final String DOCKER_CONTAINER_BIND_ADDRESS_VAR = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_BIND_ADDRESS"; private static final String DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME_VAR = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME"; private static final String DOCKER_CONTAINER_TAG_VAR = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_TAG"; private static final String USE_SUDO_VAR = "USE_SUDO"; private static final String REUSE_CONTAINER_VAR = "REUSE_CONTAINER"; private static final String EXEC_CMD_FILE_VAR = "EXEC_CMD_FILE"; private static final String EXEC_CMD_DELAY_VAR = "EXEC_CMD_DELAY"; private static final String EXEC_CMD_ENABLED_VAR = "EXEC_CMD_ENABLED"; private static final String DOCKER_PORTS_EXPOSED_VAR = "DOCKER_PORTS_EXPOSED"; private static final String DOCKER_PORT_MAPPINGS_VAR = "DOCKER_PORT_MAPPINGS"; private static final String DOCKER_VOL_MAPPINGS_VAR = "DOCKER_VOL_MAPPINGS"; private static final String DOCKER_ENVS_VAR = "DOCKER_ENVS"; private static final String DOCKER_AUXILIARY_OPTIONS_VAR = "DOCKER_AUXILIARY_OPTIONS"; private static final String DOCKER_SECURITY_OPTIONS_VAR = "DOCKER_SECURITY_OPTS"; // build private static final String DOCKER_CONTEXT_DIR_VAR = "DOCKER_CONTEXT_DIR"; private static final String DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME_VAR = "DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME"; private static final String BUILD_ALWAYS_VAR = "BUILD_ALWAYS"; private static final String REUSE_IMAGE_VAR = "REUSE_IMAGE"; private static final String BUILD_TIMEOUT_VAR = "BUILD_TIMEOUT"; private HttpFeatureInfo httpFeatureInfo = null; private static final int UNDEFINED_PORT = -1; private String dockerContainerTag; private String dockerImage; private String dockerContainerId; private String dockerBindAddress = ""; private boolean reuseContainer = false; private boolean useSudo = false; private DockerClient dockerClient; private int maxBuildLockRetries = 20; private int buildLockRetryPause = 10; private boolean shouldBuild = false; public boolean isHttpEnabled() { return (httpFeatureInfo != null ? httpFeatureInfo.isHttpEnabled() : false); } public boolean isHttpsEnabled() { return (httpFeatureInfo != null ? httpFeatureInfo.isHttpsEnabled() : false); } public int getMaxBuildLockRetries() { return maxBuildLockRetries; } public void setMaxBuildLockRetries(int maxBuildLockRetries) { this.maxBuildLockRetries = maxBuildLockRetries; } public int getBuildLockRetryPause() { return buildLockRetryPause; } public void setBuildLockRetryPause(int buildLockRetryPause) { this.buildLockRetryPause = buildLockRetryPause; } @Override protected void doInit(List<RuntimeContextVariable> additionalVariables) throws Exception { // Initialization done here before running Docker container, including building // Dockerfile getEngineLogger().fine("Invoking doInit()..."); validateHttpFeature(); dockerClient = DockerClient.getInstance(); dockerContainerTag = resolveDockerContainerTag(); dockerImage = resolveDockerImage(); useSudo = resolveToBoolean(USE_SUDO_VAR); reuseContainer = resolveToBoolean(REUSE_CONTAINER_VAR); dockerBindAddress = resolveDockerBindingAddress(); // build image first if needed // check if we should build? shouldBuild = resolveToBoolean(BUILD_ALWAYS_VAR); if (!shouldBuild) { getEngineLogger().info("Skipping build.."); // check if the Docker image exists or not boolean image_exist = dockerClient().isImageExist(dockerImage); Validate.isTrue(image_exist, "Docker image specified [" + dockerImage + "] is not available on Docker host."); } additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(DOCKER_CONTAINER_TAG_VAR, dockerContainerTag, RuntimeContextVariable.ENVIRONMENT_TYPE)); additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(DOCKER_CONTAINER_BIND_ADDRESS_VAR, dockerBindAddress, RuntimeContextVariable.STRING_TYPE)); // expose any additional private ports buildDockerContainerExposedPorts(additionalVariables); // construct a host ports to docker container ports mappings buildHostToDockerContainerPortMappings(additionalVariables); // construct a host vols to docker container vol mappings buildHostToDockerContainerVolumeMappings(additionalVariables); // construct env to be set inside docker container buildDockerContainerEnvs(additionalVariables); // construct other options not related to env,ports or volumes buildDockerContainerAuxiliaryOptions(additionalVariables); // construct security options buildDockerContainerSecurityOptions(additionalVariables); super.doInit(additionalVariables); getEngineLogger().fine("Invoked doInit()..."); } private void buildDockerContainerExposedPorts(List<RuntimeContextVariable> additionalVariables) throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < getRuntimeContext().getVariableCount(); i++) { RuntimeContextVariable var = getRuntimeContext().getVariable(i); if (var.getTypeInt() != RuntimeContextVariable.OBJECT_TYPE) { String name = var.getName(); if (!PORT_EXPOSE.prefix(name)) { continue; } String currentValue = resolveAndSet(var); if (currentValue.isEmpty()) { continue; } sb.append(" --expose ").append(currentValue); } } additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(DOCKER_PORTS_EXPOSED_VAR, sb.toString(), RuntimeContextVariable.ENVIRONMENT_TYPE)); } private void buildHostToDockerContainerPortMappings(List<RuntimeContextVariable> additionalVariables) throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, String> badPortMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < getRuntimeContext().getVariableCount(); i++) { RuntimeContextVariable var = getRuntimeContext().getVariable(i); if (var.getTypeInt() != RuntimeContextVariable.OBJECT_TYPE) { String name = var.getName(); if (!PORT_MAP.prefix(name)) { continue; } String currentValue = resolveAndSet(var); if (currentValue.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (!isHostPortVacant(name, currentValue)) { badPortMap.put(name, currentValue); } String newValue = "${DOCKER_CONTAINER_BIND_ADDRESS}:" + currentValue; sb.append(" -p ").append(newValue); } } if (!badPortMap.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Bad host-to-docker container port mappings detected :\n" + badPortMap); } additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(DOCKER_PORT_MAPPINGS_VAR, resolveVariables(sb.toString()), RuntimeContextVariable.ENVIRONMENT_TYPE)); } private boolean isHostPortVacant(final String varName, final String varValue) { String host_port_str = StringUtils.substringBefore(varValue, ":"); int host_port = NumberUtils.createInteger(host_port_str); if (host_port < 1024) { throw new RuntimeException("Illegal Host port [" + host_port + "] specified in the [0-1023] well-known TCP/UDP ports range."); } if (checkServerPortInUse(host_port)) { getEngineLogger().warning("External host port [" + host_port_str + "] associated with runtime context variable [" + varName + "] is already in use."); return false; } return true; } private void buildHostToDockerContainerVolumeMappings(List<RuntimeContextVariable> additionalVariables) throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < getRuntimeContext().getVariableCount(); i++) { RuntimeContextVariable var = getRuntimeContext().getVariable(i); if (var.getTypeInt() != RuntimeContextVariable.OBJECT_TYPE) { String name = var.getName(); if (!VOL_MAP.prefix(name)) { continue; } String currentValue = resolveAndSet(var); if (currentValue.isEmpty()) { continue; } sb.append(" -v ").append(currentValue); } } additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(DOCKER_VOL_MAPPINGS_VAR, sb.toString(), RuntimeContextVariable.ENVIRONMENT_TYPE)); } private void buildDockerContainerEnvs(List<RuntimeContextVariable> additionalVariables) throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < getRuntimeContext().getVariableCount(); i++) { RuntimeContextVariable var = getRuntimeContext().getVariable(i); if (var.getTypeInt() != RuntimeContextVariable.OBJECT_TYPE) { String name = var.getName(); if (!(ENV_VAR.prefix(name) || ENV_FILE.prefix(name))) { continue; } String currentValue = resolveAndSet(var); if (currentValue.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (ENV_VAR.prefix(name)) { sb.append(" -e ").append(currentValue); } else if (ENV_FILE.prefix(name)) { sb.append(" --env-file ").append(currentValue); } } } additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(DOCKER_ENVS_VAR, sb.toString(), RuntimeContextVariable.ENVIRONMENT_TYPE)); } private void buildDockerContainerAuxiliaryOptions(List<RuntimeContextVariable> additionalVariables) throws Exception { String options = RunCmdAuxiliaryOptions.buildAll(getRuntimeContext()); additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(DOCKER_AUXILIARY_OPTIONS_VAR, resolveVariables(options), RuntimeContextVariable.ENVIRONMENT_TYPE)); } private void buildDockerContainerSecurityOptions(List<RuntimeContextVariable> additionalVariables) throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < getRuntimeContext().getVariableCount(); i++) { RuntimeContextVariable var = getRuntimeContext().getVariable(i); if (var.getTypeInt() != RuntimeContextVariable.OBJECT_TYPE) { String name = var.getName(); if (!SEC_OPT.prefix(name)) { continue; } String currentValue = resolveAndSet(var); if (currentValue.isEmpty()) { continue; } sb.append(" --security-opt ").append(currentValue); } } additionalVariables.add(new RuntimeContextVariable(DOCKER_SECURITY_OPTIONS_VAR, sb.toString(), RuntimeContextVariable.ENVIRONMENT_TYPE)); } @Override protected void doStart() throws Exception { // run the Docker container here getEngineLogger().fine("Invoking doStart()..."); if (shouldBuild) { getEngineLogger().info("Doing Dockerfile build first..."); File dockerFile = resolveDockerfile(); Optional<DockerfileBuildLock> lock = DockerfileBuildLock.acquire(dockerImage, dockerFile, getMaxBuildLockRetries(), getBuildLockRetryPause()); if (lock.isPresent()) { buildDockerImage(); lock.get().release(); } else { throw new Exception("Can't build from Docker file due to failure to acquire build lock!"); } } // remove existing container if exists removeExistingContainer(); super.doStart(); getEngineLogger().fine("doStart() invoked"); } @Override protected void doInstall(ActivationInfo info) throws Exception { // things to do after starting docker container getEngineLogger().fine("Invoking doInstall()..."); // Add any additional Docker container inspection info here dockerContainerId = DockerActivationInfo.inject(info, this.dockerContainerTag, this.dockerClient()) .getDockerProperty(Entry.docker_id).orNull(); if (isHttpEnabled()) { info.setProperty(HttpFeatureInfo.HTTP_PORT_VAR, String.valueOf(getHttpPort())); } if (isHttpEnabled()) { info.setProperty(HttpFeatureInfo.HTTPS_PORT_VAR, String.valueOf(getHttpsPort())); } super.doInstall(info); // log the docker inspect container to the engine logger logDockerInspectMetadata(dockerContainerId); // inject helper processes into activated parent Docker container injectDockerHelperProcesses(); getEngineLogger().fine("doInstall() invoked"); } // this logs the docker container inspect metadata into the engine log private void logDockerInspectMetadata(final String dockerContainerId) throws Exception { getEngineLogger().info(Strings.repeat("-", 10) + "inspect metadata for [" + dockerContainerId + "]" + Strings.repeat("-", 10)); String command = "docker inspect " + dockerContainerId; if (useSudo) { command = "sudo " + command; } File workDir = new File(getWorkDir()); ProcessWrapper p = null; try { String engineOS = getEngineProperty(EngineProperties.OS); p = getProcessWrapper(command, workDir, engineOS + ""); Object lock = p.getLock(); p.exec(); synchronized (lock) { try { if (p.isRunning()) { lock.wait(3000); // 3 secs if (p.isRunning()) { p.destroy(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { getEngineLogger().warning("logDockerInspectMetadata() thread was interrupted"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { getEngineLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "while inspecting docker container [" + dockerContainerId + "]", ex); } } private void injectDockerHelperProcesses() throws Exception { getEngineLogger() .info(Strings.repeat("-", 10) + "injecting post-activation helper processes into docker container [" + dockerContainerId + "]" + Strings.repeat("-", 10)); boolean inject = resolveToBoolean(EXEC_CMD_ENABLED_VAR); if (inject) { File cmdFile = resolveToFile(EXEC_CMD_FILE_VAR); Validate.isTrue(cmdFile.exists(), "The command file for 'docker exec' use does not exist at path [" + cmdFile.getCanonicalPath() + "]"); int delay = resolveToInteger(EXEC_CMD_DELAY_VAR); ExecCmdProcessInjector.exec(this, cmdFile.toURI().toURL(), delay); } else { getEngineLogger().info("Skipping 'docker exec' since " + EXEC_CMD_ENABLED_VAR + " is disabled."); } } public ProcessWrapper getExecCmdProcessWrapper(String execCmd) throws Exception { String command = "docker exec -d " + dockerContainerTag + " " + execCmd; if (useSudo) { command = "sudo " + command; } File workDir = new File(getWorkDir()); HashFunction hf = Hashing.md5(); HashCode hc = hf.newHasher().putString(command, Charsets.UTF_8).hash(); String cmd_pid = "_cmd_" + BaseEncoding.base64Url().encode(hc.asBytes()) + ".pid"; try { String engineOS = getEngineProperty(EngineProperties.OS); ProcessWrapper p = getProcessWrapper(command, workDir, engineOS + cmd_pid); return p; } catch (Exception ex) { getEngineLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "while getting a process wrapper for 'docker exec' command [" + execCmd + "]", ex); throw ex; } } private void buildDockerImage() throws Exception { getEngineLogger() .info(Strings.repeat("-", 10) + "building [" + dockerImage + "]" + Strings.repeat("-", 10)); // check if we should reuse existing image? boolean reuse_image = resolveToBoolean(REUSE_IMAGE_VAR); boolean image_exist = dockerClient().isImageExist(dockerImage); if (reuse_image) { if (image_exist) { getEngineLogger().info("Existing docker image [" + dockerImage + "] exists and will be reused."); return; } } else { // delete existing image before build if (image_exist) { getEngineLogger().info("Deleting existing docker image [" + dockerImage + "] before build."); dockerClient().deleteImageByTag(dockerImage); } } // check if Docker file exits? File dockerContextDir = resolveToFile(DOCKER_CONTEXT_DIR_VAR); File dockerFile = new File(dockerContextDir, "Dockerfile"); Validate.isTrue(dockerFile.exists(), "Required Dockerfile for build does not exist at path [" + dockerFile.getCanonicalPath() + "]"); // construct build options String command = "docker build " + BuildCmdOptions.buildAll(getRuntimeContext()) + " -t " + dockerImage + " . "; if (useSudo) { command = "sudo " + command; } getEngineLogger().info(Strings.repeat("-", 10) + " begin build command " + Strings.repeat("-", 10)); getEngineLogger().info(command); getEngineLogger().info(Strings.repeat("-", 10) + " end build command " + Strings.repeat("-", 10)); ProcessWrapper p = null; int build_timeout = resolveToInteger(BUILD_TIMEOUT_VAR);// in secs try { String engineOS = getEngineProperty(EngineProperties.OS); p = getProcessWrapper(command, dockerContextDir, engineOS + ""); Object lock = p.getLock(); p.exec(); synchronized (lock) { try { if (p.isRunning()) { lock.wait(build_timeout * 1000); if (p.isRunning()) { p.destroy(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { getEngineLogger().warning("buildDockerImage() thread was interrupted"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { getEngineLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "while building docker image [" + dockerImage + "]", ex); throw ex; } // check for image image_exist = dockerClient().isImageExist(dockerImage); if (!image_exist) { throw new Exception("Build failed for image [" + dockerImage + "]"); } else { getEngineLogger().info("Build succeeded for image [" + dockerImage + "]"); } } @Override protected void doUninstall() throws Exception { // things to do before stopping docker container super.doUninstall(); } @Override protected void doShutdown() throws Exception { getEngineLogger().fine("Invoking doShutdown..."); getEngineLogger().info("Stopping docker container : " + dockerContainerInfo() + "..."); long shutdownStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((getProcess() != null) && (getProcess().isRunning())) { getEngineLogger().info("Doing blocking process shutdown..."); super.doShutdown(); waitForShutdown(shutdownStart); } else { // we may have a docker container started in detach mode with "-d" switch getEngineLogger().info("Doing non-blocking process shutdown..."); super.doShutdown(); ContainerPredicates.awaitStopped(dockerClient().remoteApi()); } // stop monitoring for unexpected container crash now. setRunCrashMonitor(false); getEngineLogger().fine("doShutdown invoked"); } @Override public void cleanup() throws Exception { getEngineLogger().fine("Invoking container cleanup()..."); // delete docker container first boolean deleteWorkDir = Boolean.valueOf(getStringVariableValue(DELETE_RUNTIME_DIR_ON_SHUTDOWN_VAR, "true")) .booleanValue(); if (deleteWorkDir) { getEngineLogger().info("Removing docker container : " + dockerContainerInfo() + "..."); dockerClient().removeContainer(dockerContainerId(), null); } // next delete work area super.cleanup(); getEngineLogger().fine("Invoked container cleanup()..."); } private void removeExistingContainer() { if (!reuseContainer) { dockerClient().removeContainer(dockerContainerId(), null); } } private File resolveDockerfile() throws Exception { File dockerContextDir = resolveToFile(DOCKER_CONTEXT_DIR_VAR); File dockerFile = new File(dockerContextDir, "Dockerfile"); Validate.isTrue(dockerFile.exists(), "Required Dockerfile for build does not exist at path [" + dockerFile.getCanonicalPath() + "]"); return dockerFile; } // try and open a server socket. If we can then close it and return false // otherwise assume its in use and return true private boolean checkServerPortInUse(int port) { if (port == UNDEFINED_PORT) { return false; } ServerSocket srv = null; boolean inUse = false; try { srv = new ServerSocket(port); srv.close(); } catch (Exception e) { getEngineLogger().finest("serverPortInUse: debug exception: " + e); inUse = true; } return inUse; } private int getHttpPort() throws Exception { return Integer.valueOf(getStringVariableValue(HttpFeatureInfo.HTTP_PORT_VAR, null)); } private int getHttpsPort() throws Exception { return Integer.valueOf(getStringVariableValue(HttpFeatureInfo.HTTPS_PORT_VAR, null)); } private String createDockerContainerTag() { try { Joiner joiner = Joiner.on("_").skipNulls(); String componentName = getComponentName(); getEngineLogger().info("component name=[" + componentName + "]"); String username = getEngineUsername(); getEngineLogger().info("username=[" + username + "]"); String instance = getEngineInstanceId(); return joiner.join(componentName, username, instance).toLowerCase(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } private String getEngineInstanceId() throws Exception { return getEngineProperty(EngineProperties.INSTANCE); } private String getEngineUsername() throws Exception { String username = getEngineProperty(EngineProperties.USERNAME); username = StringUtils.replaceChars(username, '-', '_'); return username; } private String getComponentName() { String componentName = getCurrentDomain().getName(); if (componentName != null) { Iterable<String> parts = Splitter.on(" ").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().split(componentName); Joiner joiner = Joiner.on("_").skipNulls(); componentName = joiner.join(parts); } componentName = StringUtils.replaceChars(componentName, '-', '_'); return componentName; } private String resolveDockerBindingAddress() throws Exception { String bindAllStr = getStringVariableValue(BIND_ON_ALL_LOCAL_ADDRESSES_VAR, "true"); boolean bindAll = Boolean.valueOf(bindAllStr); String bindAddress = bindAll ? "" : getStringVariableValue(LISTEN_ADDRESS_VAR); return bindAddress; } private String resolveDockerImage() throws Exception { String image = resolveToString(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME_VAR); Validate.notEmpty(image, DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME_VAR + " must be specified."); return image; } private String resolveDockerContainerTag() throws Exception { String tag = resolveToString(DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME_VAR); if (tag.isEmpty() || NumberUtils.isDigits(tag)) { tag = createDockerContainerTag(); getEngineLogger().info("Auto-generate Docker container name tag to [" + tag + "]"); } return tag; } private String resolveToString(String runtimeContextVariableName) throws Exception { String val = SpecialDirective.resolveStringValue(this, StringUtils.trimToEmpty(getStringVariableValue(runtimeContextVariableName))); return val; } private int resolveToInteger(String runtimeContextVariableName) throws Exception { String val = SpecialDirective.resolveStringValue(this, StringUtils.trimToEmpty(getStringVariableValue(runtimeContextVariableName))); return NumberUtils.toInt(val); } private boolean resolveToBoolean(String runtimeContextVariableName) throws Exception { String val = SpecialDirective.resolveStringValue(this, StringUtils.trimToEmpty(getStringVariableValue(runtimeContextVariableName))); return BooleanUtils.toBoolean(val); } private File resolveToFile(String runtimeContextVariableName) throws Exception { String val = SpecialDirective.resolveStringValue(this, StringUtils.trimToEmpty(getStringVariableValue(runtimeContextVariableName))); return new File(val).getCanonicalFile(); } private String resolveAndSet(RuntimeContextVariable var) throws Exception { String name = var.getName(); String currentValue = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(getStringVariableValue(name)); getEngineLogger().fine("Runtime context variable [" + name + "] has current value [" + currentValue + "]."); String newValue = resolveToString(name); getEngineLogger().fine("Runtime context variable [" + name + "] has resolved value [" + newValue + "]."); if (!newValue.equals(currentValue)) { getEngineLogger().fine( "Setting runtime context variable [" + name + "] to new resolved value [" + newValue + "]."); var.setValue(newValue); } return newValue; } private void validateHttpFeature() throws Exception { httpFeatureInfo = (HttpFeatureInfo) ContainerUtils.getFeatureInfo(Feature.HTTP_FEATURE_NAME, this, getCurrentDomain()); if (httpFeatureInfo != null) { boolean httpEnabled = isHttpEnabled(); boolean httpsEnabled = isHttpsEnabled(); if (!httpEnabled && !httpsEnabled) { throw new Exception("HTTP or HTTPS must be enabled in the Domain"); } if (httpEnabled && !DynamicVarsUtils.validateIntegerVariable(this, HttpFeatureInfo.HTTP_PORT_VAR)) { throw new Exception("HTTP is enabled but the " + HttpFeatureInfo.HTTP_PORT_VAR + " runtime context variable is not set"); } if (httpsEnabled && !DynamicVarsUtils.validateIntegerVariable(this, HttpFeatureInfo.HTTPS_PORT_VAR)) { throw new Exception("HTTPS is enabled but the " + HttpFeatureInfo.HTTPS_PORT_VAR + " runtime context variable is not set"); } } else { getEngineLogger().warning("HTTP Feature is disabled"); } } Logger logger() { return getEngineLogger(); } DockerClient dockerClient() { return this.dockerClient; } public String dockerContainerId() { return this.dockerContainerId; } public String dockerContainerName() { return this.dockerContainerTag; } public String dockerContainerInfo() { return "[" + dockerContainerName() + "][" + dockerContainerId() + "]"; } // If ArchiveManagementFeatureInfo is supported, then ArchiveManagement methods must scripted // Otherwise it got intercepted here and UnsupportedOperationException is thrown. public void archiveDeploy(String archiveName, List<ArchiveLocator> archiveLocators, Properties properties) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method archiveDeploy(...) is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see interface '" + ArchiveManagement.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } public ArchiveActivationInfo archiveStart(String archiveName, Properties properties) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method archiveStart(...) is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see interface '" + ArchiveManagement.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } public ArchiveActivationInfo archiveScaleUp(String archiveName, List<ArchiveLocator> archiveLocators) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method archiveScaleUp(...) is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see interface '" + ArchiveManagement.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } public void archiveScaleDown(String archiveName, String archiveId) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method archiveScaleDown(...) is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see interface '" + ArchiveManagement.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } public void archiveStop(String archiveName, String archiveId, Properties properties) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method archiveStop(...) is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see interface '" + ArchiveManagement.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } public void archiveUndeploy(String archiveName, Properties properties) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method archiveUndeploy(...) is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see interface '" + ArchiveManagement.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } public ArchiveDetail[] archiveDetect() throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method archiveDetect() is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see interface '" + ArchiveManagement.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } public String[] urlDetect() throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method urlDetect() is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see interface '" + ArchiveManagement.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } // For Continuous Deployment public File getArchive(String archiveName) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method getArchive(...) is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see interface '" + ArchiveProvider.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } @Override public File resolveArchive(String deploymentArchiveName, String url, Properties properties, String componentName, File destDir) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method resolveArchive(...) is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see abstract class '" + AbstractContainer.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } // For ComponentNotification @Override public void componentNotification(String componentName, List<NotificationEngineInfo> notificationEngineInfo) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Method componentNotification(...) is not implemented in scripting or this Enabler. Please see abstract class '" + AbstractContainer.class.getName() + "' in the SDK API."); } }