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 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Lockheed Martin Corporation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.eurekastreams.server.persistence;

import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.eurekastreams.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.Layout;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.Tab;
import org.eurekastreams.server.domain.TabGroup;
import org.eurekastreams.server.persistence.exceptions.TabDeletionException;
import org.eurekastreams.server.persistence.exceptions.TabUndeletionException;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

 * This class is responsible for testing the JPA Implementation of the TabGroup Mapper interface. The tests contained in
 * here ensure proper interaction with the database.
public class TabGroupMapperTest extends DomainEntityMapperTest {
     * Log.
    Log log = LogFactory.make();

     * JpaTabGroupMapper - the system under test.
    private TabGroupMapper jpaTabGroupMapper;

     * JpaTabMapper - a mapper we need to help assert tab existence.
    private TabMapper jpaTabMapper;

     * Reset the deleted tab expiration before each test.
    public void setup() {

     * Test the DBUnit XML Dataset - Tabs.
    public void testDBUnitDatasetTabs() {
        final int expectedTabCount = 3;

        TabGroup tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
        List<Tab> tabs = tabGroup.getTabs();

        assertEquals("Expected the DBUnit-loaded TabGroup with ID=" + fordsStartPageId + " to have "
                + expectedTabCount + "(non-deleted) tabs", expectedTabCount, tabs.size());

        // Assert the order is 1,2,3
        assertEquals("Expected Ford's first tab in his first TabGroup to be called 'Ford Tab 1' from DBUnit setup.",
                "Ford Tab 1", tabs.get(0).getTabName());
        assertEquals("Expected Ford's first tab in his first TabGroup to be called 'Ford Tab 2' from DBUnit setup.",
                "Ford Tab 2", tabs.get(1).getTabName());
        assertEquals("Expected Ford's first tab in his first TabGroup to be called 'Ford Tab 3' from DBUnit setup.",
                "Ford Tab 3", tabs.get(2).getTabName());

     * Test the domain entity name of the mapper - used for parent class generic operations.
    public void testGetDomainEntityName() {
        assertEquals("Domain entity name should be 'TabGroup'", "TabGroup",

     * Test persisting a start tabGroup.
    public void testInsert() {
        TabGroup p = new TabGroup();
        assertTrue(p.getId() > 0);

     * Test inserting a tab group, then finding the user by ID when the object is still in object cache.
    public void testFindByIdWhenCached() {
                "When finding a Person by ID and that object exists in object cache, "
                        + "expected the cached instance to be returned.",
                jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId), jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId));

     * Test adding a tab to a tab group persists when we update the tab group.
    public void testUpdateAddNewTab() {
        TabGroup tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
        tabGroup.getTabs().add(new Tab("Foo", Layout.THREECOLUMN));


        tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
                "Attemped updating a Person after adding a Tab to his first "
                        + "TabGroup, then flushing and clearing the EntityManager.  "
                        + "Expected to see the new tab after re-loading the Person.",
                "Foo", tabGroup.getTabs().get(tabGroup.getTabs().size() - 1).getTabName());

     * This test deletes a record and then ensures that the record still remains in the database so that it can be
     * undeleted.
     * @throws TabDeletionException
     *             thrown on error during tab deletion.
    public void testDeletedRecordRemainsAvailableinDBForUndelete() throws TabDeletionException {
        TabGroup fordsTabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
        Tab fordTab1 = jpaTabMapper.findById(fordsFirstTabId);

        long pageId = fordsTabGroup.getId();
        long tabId = fordTab1.getId();
        int tabIndex = fordTab1.getTabIndex();

        // delete the first tab

        Boolean deletedFlag = (Boolean) getEntityManager()
                .createQuery("select deleted from Tab where id = :tabId and "
                        + "tabGroupId = :tabGroupId and deleted = true and tabIndex = :tabIndex")
                .setParameter("tabGroupId", pageId).setParameter("tabId", tabId).setParameter("tabIndex", tabIndex)

                "Expected that after deleting a tab, it's still tied to the "
                        + "tabGroup, the tabIndex is null, and the tab is marked as deleted",
                true, deletedFlag.booleanValue());

     * Test deleting the first tab in a collection leaves the collection with the other tabs intact.
     * @throws TabDeletionException
     *             thrown on error during tab deletion.
    public void testDeletingTabRemovesFromCollection() throws TabDeletionException {
        TabGroup tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
        Tab fordTab1 = jpaTabMapper.findById(fordsFirstTabId);

        // delete the first tab

        // clear the entityManager so we can re-query the collection

        // re-get and assert
        tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);

        assertEquals("Expected 2 tabs after deleting the first one.", 2, tabGroup.getTabs().size());

        assertEquals("Expected the previously second tab to be the first now after deleting the first one.",
                fordsSecondTabId, tabGroup.getTabs().get(0).getId());

     * Test deleting a tab, then undeleting it.
    public void testDeleteThenUndelete() {
        TabGroup tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
        Tab fordTab2 = jpaTabMapper.findById(fordsSecondTabId);

        final int expectedTabCountAfterDeletingAndUndeleting = 3;

        // delete the first tab
        try {
        } catch (TabDeletionException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        // clear the entityManager so we can re-query the collection

        try {
        } catch (TabUndeletionException e) {

        // clear the entityManager so we can re-query the collection

        // re-get and assert
        tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
        assertEquals("Expected 3 tabs in Ford's startPage after deleting and undeleting.",
                expectedTabCountAfterDeletingAndUndeleting, tabGroup.getTabs().size());

                "Expected the previously 1st tab to still be 1st after deleting and undeleting the original second tab",
                fordsFirstTabId, tabGroup.getTabs().get(0).getId());

        assertEquals("Expected the original 2nd tab to 2nd again after deleting and undeleting it",
                fordsSecondTabId, tabGroup.getTabs().get(1).getId());

                "Expected the previously 2nd tab to be 3rd after deleting and undeleting the original second tab",
                fordsThirdTabId, tabGroup.getTabs().get(2).getId());

     * Test that undeleting a tab that's not deleted throws a TabUndeleteException.
     * @throws TabUndeletionException
     *             thrown on error during tab undeletion.
    public void testUndeleteThrowsExceptionWhenNotDeleted() throws TabUndeletionException {
        // try the deletion of the tab that's not deleted - should throw a
        // TabUndeletionException
        boolean exceptionOccurred = false;
        try {
        } catch (TabUndeletionException ex) {
            exceptionOccurred = true;

            assertEquals("TabUndeletionException was thrown, but didn't contain the "
                    + " tab id that the caller was trying to delete from.", fordsFirstTabId, ex.getTabId());

        assertTrue("TabUndeletionException didn't occur when trying to delete a Tab that wasn't deleted.",

     * This test is trying to undelete the Tab that is designated as delete in the DBUnit Test Database.
     * @throws TabUndeletionException
     *             thrown during tab undeletion.
    public void testUndeleteTab() throws TabUndeletionException {
        Boolean deletedFlag;


        deletedFlag = (Boolean) getEntityManager()
                .createQuery("select de.deleted from Tab de " + "where = :tabId")
                .setParameter("tabId", new Long(fordsDeletedTabId)).getSingleResult();
        assertEquals(false, deletedFlag.booleanValue());

        assertEquals("The tab name of the undeleted tab was not as expected.", "Ford Tab 4",


     * Test that undeleting a tab restores the tab to its original position and bumps the other tabs back one.
     * @throws TabUndeletionException
     *             thrown on error during tab undeletion.
    public void testUndeleteTabRestoresTabToItsOriginalPosition() throws TabUndeletionException {
        final int expectedTabCountBeforeUndelete = 3;

        // undelete the previously deleted tab
        TabGroup tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
        assertEquals("Expected 3 tabs in Ford's first tabGroup before undeleting the previously-deleted tab.",
                expectedTabCountBeforeUndelete, tabGroup.getTabs().size());


        // clear the getEntityManager()'s cache so we're going back to the
        // databGroupase.
        tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
        assertEquals("Expected 4 tabs in Ford's third tabGroup after undeleting the previously-deleted tab.",
                expectedTabCountBeforeUndelete + 1, tabGroup.getTabs().size());

                "Expected the previously 1st tab to still be 1st after deleting and undeleting the original 2nd tab",
                fordsFirstTabId, tabGroup.getTabs().get(0).getId());

        assertEquals("Expected the undeleted original 2nd tab to be 2nd again.", fordsDeletedTabId,

        assertEquals("Expected the previously 2nd tab to be 3rd after deleting and undeleting the original 2nd tab",
                fordsSecondTabId, tabGroup.getTabs().get(2).getId());

        assertEquals("Expected the previously 3rd tab to be 4th after deleting and undeleting the original 2nd tab",
                fordsThirdTabId, tabGroup.getTabs().get(3).getId());

     * This test verifies that deleted items expire and are purged from the database after a period of time.
     * @throws TabDeletionException
     *             thrown on error during tab deletion.
    public void testUndeleteExpiration() throws TabDeletionException {
        long fordsActiveTabId = fordsFirstTabId;

        int resultCount = getEntityManager()
                .createQuery("select version from Tab where id = :tabId and deleted = true")
                .setParameter("tabId", fordsDeletedTabId).getResultList().size();

        assertEquals("Could not find the already-deleted Tab", 1, resultCount);

        // delete an item other than the one that is already deleted.

        // now make sure that the already-deleted tab is gone - it should have
        // expired away
        resultCount = getEntityManager().createQuery("select version from Tab where id = :tabId and deleted = true")
                .setParameter("tabId", fordsDeletedTabId).getResultList().size();

                "After deleting a Tab, the Tab that was deleted a long time ago should have been permanently deleted.",
                0, resultCount);

        // TODO: make sure none of the gadgets from that tab exist

     * Verify the configurable time window for permanent deletion of a Tab - for a tab that's still within the window.
     * @throws TabDeletionException
     *             thrown on exception deleting the tab.
    public void testDeletedTabWithinWindowShouldRemainAfterAnotherDelete() throws TabDeletionException {
        final int undeleteTabWindowInMinutes = 110;
        final int minutesSinceTestTabWasDeleted = 100;

        // set the undelete tab window

        // set the date the tab was deleted
        GregorianCalendar tabDeletionDate = new GregorianCalendar();
        tabDeletionDate.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -minutesSinceTestTabWasDeleted);
                .createQuery("update versioned Tab set " + "dateDeleted = :deletedTimestamp " + "where id = :tabId")
                .setParameter("deletedTimestamp", tabDeletionDate.getTime())
                .setParameter("tabId", fordsDeletedTabId).executeUpdate();

        // delete the active tab

        // make sure that the deleted tab is still available
        int resultCount = getEntityManager()
                .createQuery("select version from Tab where id = :tabId and deleted = true")
                .setParameter("tabId", fordsDeletedTabId).getResultList().size();

                "After deleting a Tab, the Tab that was deleted within the undo window should still be present.", 1,

     * Verify the configurable time window for permanent deletion of a Tab - for a tab that's outside the window.
     * @throws TabDeletionException
     *             thrown on exception deleting the tab.
    public void testDeletedTabOutsideWindowShouldBePermanentlyDeletedAfterAnotherDelete()
            throws TabDeletionException {
        final int undeleteTabWindowInMinutes = 90;
        final int minutesSinceTestTabWasDeleted = 100;

        // set the undelete tab window

        // set the date the tab was deleted
        GregorianCalendar tabDeletionDate = new GregorianCalendar();
        tabDeletionDate.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -minutesSinceTestTabWasDeleted);
                .createQuery("update versioned Tab set " + "dateDeleted = :deletedTimestamp " + "where id = :tabId")
                .setParameter("deletedTimestamp", tabDeletionDate.getTime())
                .setParameter("tabId", fordsDeletedTabId).executeUpdate();

        // delete the active tab

        // make sure that the deleted tab is still available
        int resultCount = getEntityManager()
                .createQuery("select version from Tab where id = :tabId and deleted = true")
                .setParameter("tabId", fordsDeletedTabId).getResultList().size();

        assertEquals("After deleting a Tab, the Tab that was deleted outside the undo "
                + "window should still be permanently deleted.", 0, resultCount);

     * Test that when we add a tab to the end of a Page's Tabs collection, then flush, clear, and re-get, the Tab's
     * tabIndex is set to the last index.
    public void testAddTabSetsTabIndexToLast() {
        TabGroup tabGroup = jpaTabGroupMapper.findById(fordsStartPageId);
        Tab tab = new Tab("FooBar", Layout.THREECOLUMN);



        int expectedIndex = tabGroup.getTabs().size() - 1;
        long tabId = tab.getId();

        tab = jpaTabMapper.findById(tabId);

        assertEquals("Expected tabIndex to be tabs.size()-1 when adding a tab to a tabGroup, after flush()",
                expectedIndex, tab.getTabIndex());
