Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************** * $URL$ * $Id$ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 Etudes, Inc. * * Portions completed before September 1, 2008 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 The Regents of the University of Michigan & Foothill College, ETUDES Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package org.etudes.mneme.impl; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.etudes.mneme.api.Answer; import org.etudes.mneme.api.Assessment; import org.etudes.mneme.api.AssessmentService; import org.etudes.mneme.api.AttachmentService; import org.etudes.mneme.api.MnemeService; import org.etudes.mneme.api.Part; import org.etudes.mneme.api.Question; import org.etudes.mneme.api.SecurityService; import org.etudes.mneme.api.Submission; import org.etudes.mneme.api.SubmissionService; import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlReader; import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService; import org.sakaiproject.thread_local.api.ThreadLocalManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.util.StringUtil; /** * SubmissionStorageMysql handles submission storage for SQL databases. */ public abstract class SubmissionStorageSql implements SubmissionStorage { /** Our logger. */ private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(SubmissionStorageSql.class); /** Dependency: AssessmentService. */ protected AssessmentService assessmentService = null; /** Dependency: AttachmentService. */ protected AttachmentService attachmentService = null; /** Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not. */ protected boolean autoDdl = false; /** Dependency: MnemeService. */ protected MnemeService mnemeService = null; /** Dependency: SecurityService. */ protected SecurityService securityService = null; /** Dependency: SessionManager. */ protected SessionManager sessionManager = null; /** Dependency: SqlService. */ protected SqlService sqlService = null; /** Dependency: SubmissionService. */ protected SubmissionServiceImpl submissionService = null; /** Dependency: ThreadLocalManager. */ protected ThreadLocalManager threadLocalManager = null; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public SubmissionImpl clone(SubmissionImpl other) { return new SubmissionImpl(other); } /** * Returns to uninitialized state. */ public void destroy() {"destroy()"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<String> findPartQuestions(Part part) { // get all question ids from submission answers to this part's assessment, // in this part, complete submissions and answered questions StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT A.QUESTION_ID FROM MNEME_ANSWER A"); sql.append( " JOIN MNEME_SUBMISSION S ON A.SUBMISSION_ID=S.ID AND S.ASSESSMENT_ID=? AND S.COMPLETE='1' AND S.TEST_DRIVE='0'"); sql.append(" WHERE A.PART_ID=? AND A.ANSWERED='1'"); Object[] fields = new Object[2]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(part.getAssessment().getId()); fields[1] = Long.valueOf(part.getId()); final List<String> rv = new ArrayList<String>(); this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { String qid = SqlHelper.readId(result, 1); rv.add(qid); return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("findPartQuestions: " + e); return null; } } }); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Answer getAnswer(String answerId) { // get the submission so the answer has its full context StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); where.append("JOIN MNEME_ANSWER AA ON AA.SUBMISSION_ID=S.ID"); where.append(" WHERE AA.ID=?"); Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(answerId); List<SubmissionImpl> submissions = readSubmissions(where.toString(), null, fields, true); if (submissions.size() > 0) { // find the answer Answer rv = submissions.get(0).getAnswer(answerId); return rv; } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<SubmissionImpl> getAssessmentCompleteSubmissions(Assessment assessment) { String where = "WHERE S.ASSESSMENT_ID=? AND COMPLETE='1'"; String order = "ORDER BY S.SUBMITTED_DATE ASC"; Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); List<SubmissionImpl> rv = readSubmissions(where, order, fields, true); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<String> getAssessmentHasUnscoredSubmissions(Assessment assessment) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT S.USERID FROM MNEME_ANSWER A"); sql.append( " JOIN MNEME_SUBMISSION S ON A.SUBMISSION_ID=S.ID AND S.ASSESSMENT_ID=? AND S.COMPLETE='1' AND S.TEST_DRIVE='0' AND S.EVAL_EVALUATED='0' AND S.STATUS!='E'"); sql.append(" JOIN MNEME_QUESTION Q ON A.QUESTION_ID=Q.ID"); sql.append( " WHERE A.ANSWERED='1' AND A.EVAL_SCORE IS NULL AND A.AUTO_SCORE IS NULL AND S.EVAL_SCORE IS NULL AND Q.SURVEY='0'"); Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); List results = this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, null); return results; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Map<String, Float> getAssessmentHighestScores(Assessment assessment, Boolean releasedOnly) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append( "SELECT S.ID, S.USERID, S.EVAL_SCORE, SUM(A.EVAL_SCORE), SUM(A.AUTO_SCORE) FROM MNEME_SUBMISSION S"); sql.append(" JOIN MNEME_ANSWER A ON S.ID=A.SUBMISSION_ID"); sql.append(" WHERE S.ASSESSMENT_ID=? AND S.COMPLETE='1' AND S.TEST_DRIVE='0'"); if (releasedOnly) { sql.append(" AND S.RELEASED='1'"); } sql.append(" GROUP BY S.ID, S.USERID, S.EVAL_SCORE"); Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); final Map<String, Float> scores = new HashMap<String, Float>(); this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { String sid = SqlHelper.readId(result, 1); String user = SqlHelper.readString(result, 2); Float sEval = SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 3); Float aEval = SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 4); Float aAuto = SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 5); Float total = Float.valueOf( (sEval == null ? 0f : sEval.floatValue()) + (aEval == null ? 0f : aEval.floatValue()) + (aAuto == null ? 0f : aAuto.floatValue())); // massage total - 2 decimal places if (total != null) { total = Float.valueOf(((float) Math.round(total.floatValue() * 100.0f)) / 100.0f); } // if the user has an entry already, replace it if this score is higher Float prior = scores.get(user); if (prior != null) { if (prior.floatValue() < total.floatValue()) { scores.put(user, total); } } else { scores.put(user, total); } return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("getAssessmentHighestScores: " + e); return null; } } }); return scores; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<String> getAssessmentQuestionHasUnscoredSubmissions(Assessment assessment, Question question) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT S.USERID FROM MNEME_ANSWER A"); sql.append( " JOIN MNEME_SUBMISSION S ON A.SUBMISSION_ID=S.ID AND S.ASSESSMENT_ID=? AND S.COMPLETE='1' AND S.TEST_DRIVE='0' AND S.EVAL_EVALUATED='0' AND S.STATUS!='E'"); sql.append( " WHERE A.QUESTION_ID=? AND A.ANSWERED='1' AND A.EVAL_SCORE IS NULL AND A.AUTO_SCORE IS NULL AND S.EVAL_SCORE IS NULL"); Object[] fields = new Object[2]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); fields[1] = Long.valueOf(question.getId()); List results = this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, null); return results; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Float> getAssessmentScores(Assessment assessment) { List<Float> rv = new ArrayList<Float>(); // TODO: return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<SubmissionImpl> getAssessmentSubmissions(Assessment assessment) { // collect the submissions to this assessment String where = "WHERE S.ASSESSMENT_ID=? AND S.TEST_DRIVE='0'"; String order = "ORDER BY S.SUBMITTED_DATE ASC"; Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); List<SubmissionImpl> rv = readSubmissions(where, order, fields, true); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<SubmissionImpl> getContextSubmissions(String context) { StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); where.append("JOIN MNEME_ASSESSMENT AA ON S.ASSESSMENT_ID=AA.ID AND AA.ARCHIVED='0'"); where.append(" WHERE S.CONTEXT=? AND TEST_DRIVE='0'"); String order = "ORDER BY S.SUBMITTED_DATE ASC"; Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = context; List<SubmissionImpl> rv = readSubmissions(where.toString(), order, fields, true); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<SubmissionImpl> getMultipleSubmissions(Assessment assessment, String uid) { String where = "WHERE S.ASSESSMENT_ID=? AND S.USERID=? AND S.COMPLETE='1'"; String order = "ORDER BY S.SUBMITTED_DATE ASC"; Object[] fields = new Object[2]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); fields[1] = uid; List<SubmissionImpl> rv = readSubmissions(where, order, fields, true); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<SubmissionImpl> getOpenSubmissions() { // collect the submissions to this assessment String where = "WHERE S.COMPLETE='0'"; String order = "ORDER BY S.SUBMITTED_DATE ASC"; List<SubmissionImpl> rv = readSubmissions(where, order, null, false); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Float> getQuestionScores(Question question) { List<Float> rv = new ArrayList<Float>(); // TODO: return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public SubmissionImpl getSubmission(String id) { try { Long lid = Long.valueOf(id); return readSubmission(lid); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Float getSubmissionHighestScore(Assessment assessment, String userId) { // TODO: pre-compute into MNEME_SUBMISSION.TOTAL_SCORE? -ggolden StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT S.ID, S.EVAL_SCORE, SUM(A.EVAL_SCORE), SUM(A.AUTO_SCORE) FROM MNEME_SUBMISSION S"); sql.append(" JOIN MNEME_ANSWER A ON S.ID=A.SUBMISSION_ID"); sql.append(" WHERE S.ASSESSMENT_ID=? AND S.USERID=? AND S.COMPLETE='1' AND S.RELEASED='1'"); // TODO: the MNEME_SUBMISSION_IDX_AUC index should work here, then only needing to test released - if not, we can read it and filter it out here -ggolden sql.append(" GROUP BY S.ID, S.EVAL_SCORE"); Object[] fields = new Object[2]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); fields[1] = userId; final Map<String, Float> scores = new HashMap<String, Float>(); this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { String sid = SqlHelper.readId(result, 1); Float sEval = SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 2); Float aEval = SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 3); Float aAuto = SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 4); Float total = Float.valueOf( (sEval == null ? 0f : sEval.floatValue()) + (aEval == null ? 0f : aEval.floatValue()) + (aAuto == null ? 0f : aAuto.floatValue())); // massage total - 2 decimal places if (total != null) { total = Float.valueOf(((float) Math.round(total.floatValue() * 100.0f)) / 100.0f); } scores.put(sid, total); return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("getSubmissionHighestScore: " + e); return null; } } }); // find the submission with the highest score String highestId = null; Float highestTotal = null; for (Map.Entry entry : scores.entrySet()) { String sid = (String) entry.getKey(); Float total = (Float) entry.getValue(); if (highestTotal == null) { highestId = sid; highestTotal = total; } else if (total.floatValue() > highestTotal.floatValue()) { highestId = sid; highestTotal = total; } } return highestTotal; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Float getSubmissionScore(Submission submission) { // TODO: pre-compute into MNEME_SUBMISSION.TOTAL_SCORE? -ggolden StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT S.EVAL_SCORE, SUM(A.EVAL_SCORE), SUM(A.AUTO_SCORE) FROM MNEME_SUBMISSION S"); sql.append(" JOIN MNEME_ANSWER A ON S.ID=A.SUBMISSION_ID"); sql.append(" WHERE S.ID=?"); sql.append(" GROUP BY S.ID, S.EVAL_SCORE"); Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(submission.getId()); // to collect the score (we just need something that we can change that is also Final) final List<Float> score = new ArrayList<Float>(); this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { Float sEval = SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 1); Float aEval = SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 2); Float aAuto = SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 3); Float total = Float.valueOf( (sEval == null ? 0f : sEval.floatValue()) + (aEval == null ? 0f : aEval.floatValue()) + (aAuto == null ? 0f : aAuto.floatValue())); // massage total - 2 decimal places if (total != null) { total = Float.valueOf(((float) Math.round(total.floatValue() * 100.0f)) / 100.0f); } score.add(total); return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("getSubmissionScore: " + e); return null; } } }); if (score.size() > 0) { return score.get(0); } // TODO: return null here? sample returns 0f -ggolden return Float.valueOf(0f); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<SubmissionImpl> getUserAssessmentSubmissions(Assessment assessment, String userId) { String where = "WHERE S.ASSESSMENT_ID=? AND S.USERID=?"; String order = "ORDER BY S.SUBMITTED_DATE ASC"; Object[] fields = new Object[2]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); fields[1] = userId; List<SubmissionImpl> rv = readSubmissions(where, order, fields, true); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<SubmissionImpl> getUserContextSubmissions(String context, String userId, Boolean publishedOnly) { StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); where.append("JOIN MNEME_ASSESSMENT AA ON S.ASSESSMENT_ID=AA.ID AND AA.ARCHIVED='0'"); if (publishedOnly) { where.append(" AND AA.PUBLISHED='1'"); } where.append(" WHERE S.CONTEXT=? AND TEST_DRIVE IN ('0','1') AND S.USERID=?"); String order = "ORDER BY S.SUBMITTED_DATE ASC"; Object[] fields = new Object[2]; fields[0] = context; fields[1] = userId; List<SubmissionImpl> rv = readSubmissions(where.toString(), order, fields, true); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<String> getUsersSubmitted(Assessment assessment) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT DISTINCT S.USERID FROM MNEME_SUBMISSION S"); sql.append(" WHERE S.ASSESSMENT_ID=?"); Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); List rv = this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, null); return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public abstract AnswerImpl newAnswer(); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public abstract SubmissionImpl newSubmission(); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void removeTestDriveSubmissions(final Assessment assessment) { this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { removeTestDriveSubmissionsTx(assessment); } }, "removeTestDriveSubmissions: " + assessment.getId()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void removeTestDriveSubmissions(final String context) { this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { removeTestDriveSubmissionsTx(context); } }, "removeTestDriveSubmissions(context): " + context); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void saveAnswers(List<Answer> answers) { // for each answer, update or insert for (Answer a : answers) { if (a.getId() == null) { // insert insertAnswer((AnswerImpl) a); } else { // update updateAnswer((AnswerImpl) a); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void saveSubmission(SubmissionImpl submission) { // if new if (submission.getId() == null) { // insert insertSubmission(submission); } // reject phantoms else if (submission.getId().startsWith(SubmissionService.PHANTOM_PREFIX)) { // lets not save phantom submissions throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // update else { updateSubmission(submission); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void saveSubmissionEvaluation(SubmissionImpl submission) { if (submission.getId().startsWith(SubmissionService.PHANTOM_PREFIX)) { // lets not save phantom submissions throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // has to be an existing saved submission if (submission.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); updateSubmissionEval(submission); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void saveSubmissionReleased(SubmissionImpl submission) { if (submission.getId().startsWith(SubmissionService.PHANTOM_PREFIX)) { // lets not save phantom submissions throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // has to be an existing saved submission if (submission.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); updateSubmissionReleased(submission); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void saveSubmissionReviewed(SubmissionImpl submission) { if (submission.getId().startsWith(SubmissionService.PHANTOM_PREFIX)) { // lets not save phantom submissions throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // has to be an existing saved submission if (submission.getId() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); updateSubmissionReviewed(submission); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setAssessmentService(AssessmentService service) { this.assessmentService = service; } /** * Dependency: AttachmentService. * * @param service * The AttachmentService. */ public void setAttachmentService(AttachmentService service) { attachmentService = service; } /** * Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not. * * @param value * the auto ddl value. */ public void setAutoDdl(String value) { autoDdl = new Boolean(value).booleanValue(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setMnemeService(MnemeService service) { this.mnemeService = service; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setSecurityService(SecurityService service) { this.securityService = service; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setSessionManager(SessionManager service) { this.sessionManager = service; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setSqlService(SqlService service) { this.sqlService = service; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setSubmissionService(SubmissionServiceImpl service) { this.submissionService = service; } /** * Dependency: ThreadLocalManager. * * @param service * The SqlService. */ public void setThreadLocalManager(ThreadLocalManager service) { threadLocalManager = service; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Boolean submissionsDependsOn(Question question) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM MNEME_ANSWER A"); sql.append(" WHERE A.QUESTION_ID=?"); Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(question.getId()); List results = this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, null); if (results.size() > 0) { int size = Integer.parseInt((String) results.get(0)); return Boolean.valueOf(size > 0); } return Boolean.FALSE; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Boolean submissionsExist(Assessment assessment) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM MNEME_SUBMISSION S"); sql.append(" WHERE S.ASSESSMENT_ID=?"); Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = Long.valueOf(assessment.getId()); List results = this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, null); if (results.size() > 0) { int size = Integer.parseInt((String) results.get(0)); return Boolean.valueOf(size > 0); } return Boolean.FALSE; } /** * Insert a new answer. * * @param answer * The answer. */ protected void insertAnswer(final AnswerImpl answer) { this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { insertAnswerTx(answer); } }, "insertAnswer: " + answer.getId()); } /** * Insert a new pool (transaction code). * * @param pool * The pool. */ protected abstract void insertAnswerTx(AnswerImpl answer); /** * Insert a new submission. * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected void insertSubmission(final SubmissionImpl submission) { this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { insertSubmissionTx(submission); } }, "insertSubmission: " + submission.getId()); } /** * Insert a new submission (transaction code). * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected abstract void insertSubmissionTx(SubmissionImpl submission); /** * Read an submission * * @param id * The submission id. * @return The submission. */ protected SubmissionImpl readSubmission(Long id) { String where = "WHERE S.ID = ?"; Object[] fields = new Object[1]; fields[0] = id; List<SubmissionImpl> rv = readSubmissions(where, null, fields, true); if (rv.size() > 0) { return rv.get(0); } return null; } /** * Read a selection of submissions. * * @param where * The where clause * @param order * The order clause * @param fields * The bind variables. * @param complete * if true, read the complete submission, else skip the answers. * @return The submissions. */ protected List<SubmissionImpl> readSubmissions(String where, String order, Object[] fields, final boolean complete) { final List<SubmissionImpl> rv = new ArrayList<SubmissionImpl>(); final Map<String, SubmissionImpl> submissions = new HashMap<String, SubmissionImpl>(); // submissions StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("SELECT S.ASSESSMENT_ID, S.COMPLETE, S.EVAL_ATRIB_DATE,"); sql.append(" S.EVAL_ATRIB_USER, S.EVAL_ATTACHMENTS, S.EVAL_COMMENT, S.EVAL_EVALUATED, S.EVAL_SCORE,"); sql.append( " S.ID, S.RELEASED, S.REVIEWED_DATE, S.START_DATE, S.SUBMITTED_DATE, S.TEST_DRIVE, S.USERID, S.STATUS"); sql.append(" FROM MNEME_SUBMISSION S "); sql.append(where); if (order != null) { sql.append(" "); sql.append(order); } this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { int i = 1; SubmissionImpl submission = newSubmission(); submission.initAssessmentId(SqlHelper.readId(result, i++)); submission.setIsComplete(SqlHelper.readBoolean(result, i++)); ((AttributionImpl) submission.getEvaluation().getAttribution()) .initDate(SqlHelper.readDate(result, i++)); ((AttributionImpl) submission.getEvaluation().getAttribution()) .initUserId(SqlHelper.readString(result, i++)); ((EvaluationImpl) submission.getEvaluation()) .setAttachments(SqlHelper.readReferences(result, i++, attachmentService)); ((EvaluationImpl) submission.getEvaluation()).initComment(SqlHelper.readString(result, i++)); ((EvaluationImpl) submission.getEvaluation()).initEvaluated(SqlHelper.readBoolean(result, i++)); ((EvaluationImpl) submission.getEvaluation()).initScore(SqlHelper.readFloat(result, i++)); submission.initId(SqlHelper.readId(result, i++)); submission.initReleased(SqlHelper.readBoolean(result, i++)); submission.setReviewedDate(SqlHelper.readDate(result, i++)); submission.setStartDate(SqlHelper.readDate(result, i++)); submission.setSubmittedDate(SqlHelper.readDate(result, i++)); submission.initTestDrive(SqlHelper.readBoolean(result, i++)); submission.initUserId(SqlHelper.readString(result, i++)); submission.initCompletionStatus(SqlHelper.readString(result, i++)); submission.clearIsChanged(); rv.add(submission); submissions.put(submission.getId(), submission); // if we are not going to read in the answers, hobble the submission so nobody trys to use them if (!complete) { submission.answers = null; } return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("readSubmissions(submission): " + e); return null; } } }); if (complete) { // read all the answers for these submissions sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append( "SELECT A.GUEST, A.EVAL_ATRIB_DATE, A.EVAL_ATRIB_USER, A.EVAL_ATTACHMENTS, A.EVAL_COMMENT, A.EVAL_EVALUATED,"); sql.append(" A.EVAL_SCORE, A.ID, A.PART_ID, A.QUESTION_ID, A.QUESTION_TYPE, A.REASON, A.REVIEW,"); sql.append(" A.SUBMISSION_ID, A.SUBMITTED_DATE, A.AUTO_SCORE"); sql.append(" FROM MNEME_ANSWER A"); sql.append(" JOIN MNEME_SUBMISSION S ON A.SUBMISSION_ID=S.ID "); sql.append(where); sql.append(" ORDER BY A.SUBMISSION_ID ASC, A.ID ASC"); this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { String sid = SqlHelper.readId(result, 14); SubmissionImpl s = submissions.get(sid); AnswerImpl a = newAnswer(); ((AttributionImpl) a.getEvaluation().getAttribution()) .initDate(SqlHelper.readDate(result, 2)); ((AttributionImpl) a.getEvaluation().getAttribution()) .initUserId(SqlHelper.readString(result, 3)); ((EvaluationImpl) a.getEvaluation()) .setAttachments(SqlHelper.readReferences(result, 4, attachmentService)); ((EvaluationImpl) a.getEvaluation()).initComment(SqlHelper.readString(result, 5)); ((EvaluationImpl) a.getEvaluation()).initEvaluated(SqlHelper.readBoolean(result, 6)); ((EvaluationImpl) a.getEvaluation()).initScore(SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 7)); a.initId(SqlHelper.readId(result, 8)); a.initPartId(SqlHelper.readId(result, 9)); a.initQuestion(SqlHelper.readId(result, 10), SqlHelper.readString(result, 11)); a.getTypeSpecificAnswer() .setData(SqlHelper.decodeStringArray(StringUtil.trimToNull(result.getString(1)))); a.setReason(SqlHelper.readString(result, 12)); a.setMarkedForReview(SqlHelper.readBoolean(result, 13)); a.setSubmittedDate(SqlHelper.readDate(result, 15)); a.initStoredAutoScore(SqlHelper.readFloat(result, 16)); a.clearIsChanged(); a.initSubmission(s); s.initAnswer(a); return null; } catch (SQLException e) { M_log.warn("readSubmissions(answers): " + e); return null; } } }); } return rv; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected abstract void removeTestDriveSubmissionsTx(Assessment assessment); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected abstract void removeTestDriveSubmissionsTx(String context); /** * Update an existing submission answer. * * @param answer * The answer. */ protected void updateAnswer(final AnswerImpl answer) { this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateAnswerTx(answer); } }, "updateAnswer: " + answer.getId()); } /** * Update an existing submission answer (transaction code). * * @param answer * The answer. */ protected void updateAnswerTx(AnswerImpl answer) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("UPDATE MNEME_ANSWER SET"); sql.append( " ANSWERED=?, AUTO_SCORE=?, GUEST=?, EVAL_ATRIB_DATE=?, EVAL_ATRIB_USER=?, EVAL_ATTACHMENTS=?, EVAL_COMMENT=?, EVAL_EVALUATED=?,"); sql.append(" EVAL_SCORE=?, REASON=?, REVIEW=?, SUBMITTED_DATE=?"); sql.append(" WHERE ID=?"); Object[] fields = new Object[13]; fields[0] = answer.getIsAnswered(); fields[1] = answer.getAutoScore(); fields[2] = SqlHelper.encodeStringArray(answer.getTypeSpecificAnswer().getData()); fields[3] = (answer.getEvaluation().getAttribution().getDate() == null) ? null : answer.getEvaluation().getAttribution().getDate().getTime(); fields[4] = answer.getEvaluation().getAttribution().getUserId(); fields[5] = SqlHelper.encodeReferences(answer.getEvaluation().getAttachments()); fields[6] = answer.getEvaluation().getComment(); fields[7] = answer.getEvaluation().getEvaluated() ? "1" : "0"; fields[8] = answer.getEvaluation().getScore() == null ? null : Float.valueOf(answer.getEvaluation().getScore()); fields[9] = answer.getReason(); fields[10] = answer.getMarkedForReview() ? "1" : "0"; fields[11] = (answer.getSubmittedDate() == null) ? null : answer.getSubmittedDate().getTime(); fields[12] = Long.valueOf(answer.getId()); if (!this.sqlService.dbWrite(sql.toString(), fields)) { throw new RuntimeException("updateAnswerTx: db write failed"); } } /** * Update an existing submission. * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected void updateSubmission(final SubmissionImpl submission) { this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateSubmissionTx(submission); } }, "updateSubmission: " + submission.getId()); } /** * Update an existing submission Eval. * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected void updateSubmissionEval(final SubmissionImpl submission) { this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateSubmissionEvalTx(submission); } }, "updateSubmissionEval: " + submission.getId()); } /** * Update an existing submission Eval. (transaction code). * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected void updateSubmissionEvalTx(SubmissionImpl submission) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("UPDATE MNEME_SUBMISSION SET"); sql.append( " EVAL_ATRIB_DATE=?, EVAL_ATRIB_USER=?, EVAL_ATTACHMENTS=?, EVAL_COMMENT=?, EVAL_EVALUATED=?, EVAL_SCORE=?"); sql.append(" WHERE ID=?"); Object[] fields = new Object[7]; fields[0] = (submission.getEvaluation().getAttribution().getDate() == null) ? null : submission.getEvaluation().getAttribution().getDate().getTime(); fields[1] = submission.getEvaluation().getAttribution().getUserId(); fields[2] = SqlHelper.encodeReferences(submission.getEvaluation().getAttachments()); fields[3] = submission.getEvaluation().getComment(); fields[4] = submission.getEvaluation().getEvaluated() ? "1" : "0"; fields[5] = submission.getEvaluation().getScore() == null ? null : Float.valueOf(submission.getEvaluation().getScore()); fields[6] = Long.valueOf(submission.getId()); if (!this.sqlService.dbWrite(sql.toString(), fields)) { throw new RuntimeException("updateSubmissionEvalTx: db write failed"); } } /** * Update an existing submission's released status. * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected void updateSubmissionReleased(final SubmissionImpl submission) { this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateSubmissionReleasedTx(submission); } }, "updateSubmissionReleased: " + submission.getId()); } /** * Update an existing submission's released status (transaction code). * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected void updateSubmissionReleasedTx(SubmissionImpl submission) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("UPDATE MNEME_SUBMISSION SET"); sql.append(" RELEASED=?"); sql.append(" WHERE ID=?"); Object[] fields = new Object[2]; fields[0] = submission.getIsReleased() ? "1" : "0"; fields[1] = Long.valueOf(submission.getId()); if (!this.sqlService.dbWrite(sql.toString(), fields)) { throw new RuntimeException("updateSubmissionReleasedTx: db write failed"); } } /** * Update an existing submission's reviewed date. * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected void updateSubmissionReviewed(final SubmissionImpl submission) { this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateSubmissionReviewedTx(submission); } }, "updateSubmissionReviewed: " + submission.getId()); } /** * Update an existing submission's reviewed date (transaction code). * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected void updateSubmissionReviewedTx(SubmissionImpl submission) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("UPDATE MNEME_SUBMISSION SET"); sql.append(" REVIEWED_DATE=?"); sql.append(" WHERE ID=?"); Object[] fields = new Object[2]; fields[0] = (submission.getReviewedDate() == null) ? null : submission.getReviewedDate().getTime(); fields[1] = Long.valueOf(submission.getId()); if (!this.sqlService.dbWrite(sql.toString(), fields)) { throw new RuntimeException("updateSubmissionReviewedTx: db write failed"); } } /** * Update an existing submission (transaction code). * * @param submission * The submission. */ protected void updateSubmissionTx(SubmissionImpl submission) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.append("UPDATE MNEME_SUBMISSION SET"); sql.append( " COMPLETE=?, EVAL_ATRIB_DATE=?, EVAL_ATRIB_USER=?, EVAL_ATTACHMENTS=?, EVAL_COMMENT=?, EVAL_EVALUATED=?,"); sql.append(" EVAL_SCORE=?, RELEASED=?, SUBMITTED_DATE=?, STATUS=?"); sql.append(" WHERE ID=?"); Object[] fields = new Object[11]; fields[0] = submission.getIsComplete() ? "1" : "0"; fields[1] = (submission.getEvaluation().getAttribution().getDate() == null) ? null : submission.getEvaluation().getAttribution().getDate().getTime(); fields[2] = submission.getEvaluation().getAttribution().getUserId(); fields[3] = SqlHelper.encodeReferences(submission.getEvaluation().getAttachments()); fields[4] = submission.getEvaluation().getComment(); fields[5] = submission.getEvaluation().getEvaluated() ? "1" : "0"; fields[6] = submission.getEvaluation().getScore() == null ? null : Float.valueOf(submission.getEvaluation().getScore()); fields[7] = submission.getIsReleased() ? "1" : "0"; fields[8] = (submission.getSubmittedDate() == null) ? null : submission.getSubmittedDate().getTime(); fields[9] = submission.getCompletionStatus().getEncoding(); fields[10] = Long.valueOf(submission.getId()); if (!this.sqlService.dbWrite(sql.toString(), fields)) { throw new RuntimeException("updateSubmissionTx: db write failed"); } } }