Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************** * $URL: $ * $Id: 83559 2013-04-30 19:03:29Z $ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Etudes, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ***********************************************************************************/ package; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.mail.internet.AddressException; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.etudes.util.HtmlHelper; import org.etudes.util.XrefHelper; import org.etudes.util.api.AccessAdvisor; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager; import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlReader; import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.thread_local.api.ThreadLocalManager; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.user.cover.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.util.Web; public class JForumPostServiceImpl implements JForumPostService { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(JForumPostServiceImpl.class); /** Dependency (optional, self-injected): AccessAdvisor. */ protected transient AccessAdvisor accessAdvisor = null; /** Dependency: AttachmentDao */ protected AttachmentDao attachmentDao = null; /** Dependency: CategoryDao. */ protected CategoryDao categoryDao = null; /** Dependency: ForumDao. */ protected ForumDao forumDao = null; /** Dependency: JForumAttachmentService */ protected JForumAttachmentService jforumAttachmentService = null; /** Dependency: JForumCategoryService */ protected JForumCategoryService jforumCategoryService = null; /** Dependency: JForumEmailExecutorService. */ protected JForumEmailExecutorService jforumEmailExecutorService = null; /** Dependency: JForumForumService */ protected JForumForumService jforumForumService = null; /** Dependency:JForumGBService */ protected JForumGBService jforumGBService = null; /** Dependency: JForumGradeService */ protected JForumGradeService jforumGradeService = null; /** Dependency: JForumSearchIndexingExecutorService. */ protected JForumSearchIndexingExecutorService jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService = null; /** Dependency: JForumSecurityService. */ protected JForumSecurityService jforumSecurityService = null; /** Dependency: JForumSpecialAccessService */ protected JForumSpecialAccessService jforumSpecialAccessService = null; /** Dependency: JForumUserService */ protected JForumUserService jforumUserService = null; /** Dependency: SiteService. */ protected SiteService siteService = null; /** Dependency: SqlService */ protected SqlService sqlService = null; /** Dependency: ThreadLocalManager. */ protected ThreadLocalManager threadLocalManager = null; /** Dependency: TopicDao */ protected TopicDao topicDao = null; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int createPost(Topic topic) throws JForumAccessException, JForumAttachmentOverQuotaException, JForumAttachmentBadExtensionException { if (topic == null || topic.getId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic is null or invalid"); } if (topic.getPosts().size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post data is required to create topic post"); } Post post = topic.getPosts().get(0); if (post.getPostedBy() == null || post.getPostedBy().getId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post data has no proper postedby information"); } // validate attachments if (post.hasAttachments()) { jforumAttachmentService.validatePostAttachments(post); } return createTopicPost(topic); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int createTopic(Topic topic) throws JForumAccessException { if (topic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (topic.getPosts().size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post data is required to create the topic"); } if (topic.getForumId() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic's forum information is required"); } Forum forum = forumDao.selectById(topic.getForumId()); if (forum == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic forum is not a valid forum or not existing"); } Category category = categoryDao.selectById(forum.getCategoryId()); if (category == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic forum category is not a valid category or not existing"); } if (topic.getPostedBy() == null || topic.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic data has no proper postedby information"); } String sakaiUserId = topic.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId(); // access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), topic.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId()); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), topic.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId()); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } Site site = null; if (participant) { // participants cannot create new topics if the forum has deny access etc if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } // participants cannot create new topics if the forum type is reply only or readonly if ((forum.getType() == Forum.ForumType.READ_ONLY.getType()) || (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumType.REPLY_ONLY.getType())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } String userSakaiId = topic.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId(); try { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("createTopic: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } // if forum access type is GROUPS. Check the user groups. if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.GROUPS.getAccessType()) { boolean userInGroup = false; Collection<> userGroups = null; // fetch user groups only once if (userGroups == null && site != null) { userGroups = site.getGroupsWithMember(userSakaiId); } if (userGroups != null) { for ( grp : userGroups) { if ((forum.getGroups() != null) && (forum.getGroups().contains(grp.getId()))) { userInGroup = true; break; } } } // user not in any group if (!userInGroup) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } Date now = new Date(); // participants cannot create new topics if the category or forum is not open. if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null))) { if (((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(now))) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } //if ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(now)) && (category.getAccessDates().isLocked())) if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { // forum special access List<SpecialAccess> specialAccessList = forum.getSpecialAccess(); boolean specialAccessUser = false; boolean specialAccessUserAccess = false; for (SpecialAccess sa : specialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(topic.getPostedBy().getId()))) { specialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } /*if (!sa.isOverrideLockEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setLocked(forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()); }*/ if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { specialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(now)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { specialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { specialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } if (specialAccessUser) { if (specialAccessUserAccess) { } else { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum dates if (!specialAccessUserAccess) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null && now.before(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (now.after(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (now.after(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } } // CourseMap blocker check for gradable category/forum/topic if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (category.isGradable()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } // if forum/category have dates then topic should not have dates if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { topic.setAccessDates(null); } else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { topic.setAccessDates(null); } // participants cannot add dates and grades if (participant) { topic.setAccessDates(null); topic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); topic.setType(Topic.TopicType.NORMAL.getType()); topic.setExportTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } //if forum/category have grades then topic is not gradable. if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType() || category.isGradable()) { if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { topic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (forum.getGradeType() != Grade.GradeType.TOPIC.getType()) { topic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { if ((topic.getGrade() != null) && (topic.getGrade().getPoints() != null)) { topic.getGrade().setContext(category.getContext()); } else { topic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } } Post post = topic.getPosts().get(0); // clean html String cleanedPostText = HtmlHelper.clean(post.getText(), true); post.setText(cleanedPostText); int topicId = topicDao.addNew(topic); // post attachments Post topicPost = topic.getPosts().get(0); if (topicPost.hasAttachments()) { try { jforumAttachmentService.processPostAttachments(topicPost); } catch (JForumAttachmentOverQuotaException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn(" Post '" + topicPost.getSubject() + "' and with id " + topicPost.getId() + " attachment(s) are not saved. " + e.toString()); } } catch (JForumAttachmentBadExtensionException e1) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn(" Post '" + topicPost.getSubject() + "' and with id " + topicPost.getId() + " attachment(s) are not saved. " + e1.toString()); } } } // gradable topic add to gradebook if (facilitator) { ((ForumImpl) forum).setCategory(category); ((TopicImpl) topic).setForum(forum); if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { updateGradeBook(topic); } } // new topic email notification /* if site is published and category and forum are open notify the users who opted to receive new topic notifications*/ boolean notifyTopicToUsers = true; if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { notifyTopicToUsers = false; } // check for open and due dates if (notifyTopicToUsers) { Date startDate = null; Date endDate = null; Date nowDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); if ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null))) { startDate = topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); endDate = topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null))) { startDate = forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); endDate = forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } else if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null))) { startDate = category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); endDate = category.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } if (startDate != null) { if (nowDate.getTime() < startDate.getTime()) { notifyTopicToUsers = false; } } if (endDate != null && notifyTopicToUsers) { if (nowDate.getTime() > endDate.getTime()) { notifyTopicToUsers = false; } } } try { if (site == null) { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } if (site != null && site.isPublished() && notifyTopicToUsers) { forum.getTopics().add(topic); category.getForums().add(forum); // notify new topic to users notifyNewTopicToUsers(category); } } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("createTopic: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } // Index topic post for search post = topic.getPosts().get(0); jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService.indexPost(post); return topicId; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int createTopicPost(Topic topic) throws JForumAccessException { if (topic == null || topic.getId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic is null or invalid"); } if (topic.getForumId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic's forum information is required"); } Forum forum = forumDao.selectById(topic.getForumId()); if (forum == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic forum is not a valid forum or not existing"); } Category category = categoryDao.selectById(forum.getCategoryId()); if (category == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic forum category is not a valid category or not existing"); } if (topic.getPosts().size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post data is required to create topic post"); } Post post = topic.getPosts().get(0); if (post.getPostedBy() == null || post.getPostedBy().getId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post data has no proper postedby information"); } ((PostImpl) post).setTopicId(topic.getId()); ((PostImpl) post).setForumId(topic.getForumId()); String sakaiUserId = post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId(); // access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId()); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId()); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } // participants cannot reply to topic if the category/ forum/ topic is not open. check the user special access. Site site = null; if (participant) { // participants cannot reply to topic if the forum has deny access if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } String userSakaiId = post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId(); try { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("createTopicPost: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } // if forum access type is GROUPS. Check the user groups. if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.GROUPS.getAccessType()) { boolean userInGroup = false; Collection<> userGroups = null; // fetch user groups only once if (userGroups == null && site != null) { userGroups = site.getGroupsWithMember(userSakaiId); } if (userGroups != null) { for ( grp : userGroups) { if ((forum.getGroups() != null) && (forum.getGroups().contains(grp.getId()))) { userInGroup = true; break; } } } // user not in any group if (!userInGroup) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } Date now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); // participants cannot create new topics if the category or forum or topic is not open. if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { if (((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(now))) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } //if ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(now)) && (category.getAccessDates().isLocked())) if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { // forum special access List<SpecialAccess> specialAccessList = forum.getSpecialAccess(); boolean specialAccessUser = false; boolean specialAccessUserAccess = false; for (SpecialAccess sa : specialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(topic.getPostedBy().getId()))) { specialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { specialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(now)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { specialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { specialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } if (specialAccessUser) { if (specialAccessUserAccess) { } else { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum dates if (!specialAccessUserAccess) { if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } //if ((forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(now)) && (forum.getAccessDates().isLocked())) if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } } else if ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { // topic special access List<SpecialAccess> specialAccessList = topic.getSpecialAccess(); boolean specialAccessUser = false; boolean specialAccessUserAccess = false; for (SpecialAccess sa : specialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(topic.getPostedBy().getId()))) { specialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { specialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(now)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { specialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { specialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } if (specialAccessUser) { if (specialAccessUserAccess) { } else { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // topic dates if (!specialAccessUserAccess) { if ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } //if ((topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) && (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(now)) && (topic.getAccessDates().isLocked())) if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(now)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } } // CourseMap blocker check for gradable category/forum/topic if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (category.isGradable()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } // clean html String cleanedPostText = HtmlHelper.clean(post.getText(), true); post.setText(cleanedPostText); int postId = topicDao.addNewTopicPost(topic); // post attachments if (post.hasAttachments()) { try { jforumAttachmentService.processPostAttachments(post); } catch (JForumAttachmentOverQuotaException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn(" Post '" + post.getSubject() + "' and with id " + post.getId() + " attachment(s) are not saved. " + e.toString()); } } catch (JForumAttachmentBadExtensionException e1) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn(" Post '" + post.getSubject() + "' and with id " + post.getId() + " attachment(s) are not saved. " + e1.toString()); } } } //topic reply email notification for the user who are watching the topic /* if site is published and category, forum and topic are open notify the users who opted to watch the topic*/ boolean notifyTopicToUsers = true; if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { notifyTopicToUsers = false; } // check for open and due dates if (notifyTopicToUsers) { Date startDate = null; Date endDate = null; Date nowDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); if ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null))) { startDate = topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); endDate = topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null))) { startDate = forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); endDate = forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } else if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null))) { startDate = category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); endDate = category.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } if (startDate != null) { if (nowDate.getTime() < startDate.getTime()) { notifyTopicToUsers = false; } } if (endDate != null && notifyTopicToUsers) { if (nowDate.getTime() > endDate.getTime()) { notifyTopicToUsers = false; } } } try { if (site == null) { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } if (site != null && site.isPublished() && notifyTopicToUsers) { forum.getTopics().add(topic); category.getForums().add(forum); // notify post reply notifyTopicReplyToUsers(category); } } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("createTopic: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) { logger.error(e.toString(), e); } } try { // index post for search jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService.indexPost(post); } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) { logger.error(e.toString(), e); } } return postId; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int createTopicWithAttachments(Topic topic) throws JForumAccessException, JForumAttachmentOverQuotaException, JForumAttachmentBadExtensionException { if (topic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (topic.getPosts().size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post data in required to create the topic"); } if (topic.getForumId() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic's forum information is required"); } // validate attachments Post topicPost = topic.getPosts().get(0); if (topicPost.hasAttachments()) { try { jforumAttachmentService.validatePostAttachments(topicPost); } catch (JForumAttachmentOverQuotaException e) { throw e; } catch (JForumAttachmentBadExtensionException e) { throw e; } } return createTopic(topic); } public void destroy() { if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"destroy...."); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void evaluateTopic(Topic topic) throws JForumAccessException { if (topic == null || !topic.isGradeTopic()) { return; } Grade grade = topic.getGrade(); if (grade == null) { return; } jforumGradeService.addModifyTopicEvaluations(grade, topic.getEvaluations()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Topic> getForumExportTopics(int forumId) { if (forumId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return topicDao.selectForumExportTopics(forumId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public LastPostInfo getForumLatestPostInfo(String siteId, int forumId, String sakaiUserId) { boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(siteId, sakaiUserId); boolean participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(siteId, sakaiUserId); User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); LastPostInfo lastPostInfo = null; if (facilitator) { lastPostInfo = topicDao.selectForumLastPostInfo(forumId, true); } else if (participant) { lastPostInfo = topicDao.selectForumLastPostInfo(forumId, false); if (user != null && (lastPostInfo != null)) { // check user special access for topics with dates List<SpecialAccess> topicsSpecialAccessList = jforumSpecialAccessService .getTopicsByForumId(forumId); Date curDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (topicsSpecialAccessList.size() > 0) { for (SpecialAccess sa : topicsSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(user.getId())) { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null || curDate.after(sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate())) { LastPostInfo topicLpi = topicDao.selectTopicLastPostInfo(sa.getTopicId()); if (topicLpi.getPostTimeMillis() > lastPostInfo.getPostTimeMillis()) { lastPostInfo = new LastPostInfoImpl((LastPostInfoImpl) topicLpi); } } } } } } } return lastPostInfo; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Topic> getForumTopicLatestPosttimes(int forumId, int userId, Date after, boolean topicDatesNeeded) { return topicDao.selectTopicLatestPosttimesByForum(forumId, userId, after, topicDatesNeeded); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Topic> getForumTopics(int forumId) { if (forumId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return topicDao.selectForumTopics(forumId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Topic> getForumTopics(int forumId, int startFrom, int count) { if (forumId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return topicDao.selectForumTopics(forumId, startFrom, count); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getForumTopicsAccessibleCount(int forumId) { return getAccessibleTopicsCountByForum(forumId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getForumTopicsAccessibleMessagesCount(int forumId) { return getAccessibleTopicsMessagesCountByForum(forumId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getForumTopicsCount(int forumId) { if (forumId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return topicDao.selectTopicsCountByForum(forumId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getMarkedTopicsCountByForum(int forumId, int userId) { return topicDao.selectMarkedTopicsCountByForum(forumId, userId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Post getPost(int postId) { Post post = topicDao.selectPostById(postId); if (post != null) { PostUtil.preparePostForDisplay(post); } return post; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Attachment getPostAttachment(int attachmentId) { if (attachmentId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attachment id should be greater than 0"); return attachmentDao.selectAttachmentById(attachmentId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Topic> getRecentTopics(String context, int limit) { if ((context == null) || (limit < 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Limit can not be less than 0"); if (limit > RECENT_TOPICS_LIMIT) { limit = RECENT_TOPICS_LIMIT; } return topicDao.selectRecentTopics(context, limit); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Topic> getRecentTopics(String context, int limit, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { if (context == null || context.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid site id."); } if (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sakai user Id is required."); } // user access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(context, sakaiUserId); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(context, sakaiUserId); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } if (limit < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Limit can not be less than 0"); if (limit > RECENT_TOPICS_LIMIT) { limit = RECENT_TOPICS_LIMIT; } List<Topic> topics = topicDao.selectRecentTopics(context, limit); if (participant) { // filter topics based on user topic, forum, and categories accessibility filterUserRecentTopics(topics, sakaiUserId); } // mark read or unread User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); checkUnreadTopics(context, topics, user); return topics; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Topic getTopic(int topicId) { if (topicId == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // for thread-local caching String key = cacheKey(String.valueOf(topicId)); TopicImpl cachedTopic = (TopicImpl) this.threadLocalManager.get(key); if (cachedTopic != null) { return this.clone(cachedTopic); } Topic topic = topicDao.selectById(topicId); // thread-local cache (copy) if (topic != null) this.threadLocalManager.set(key, this.clone((TopicImpl) topic)); return topic; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Topic getTopic(int topicId, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { Topic topic = getTopic(topicId); if (topic == null) { return null; } Forum forum = topic.getForum(); if (forum == null) { return null; } Category category = forum.getCategory(); if (category == null) { return null; } boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } if (facilitator) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.TRUE); } else { checkUserTopicAccess(topic, sakaiUserId); } return topic; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getTopicDatesCountByCategory(int categoryId) { return topicDao.selectTopicDatesCountByCategory(categoryId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getTopicDatesCountByForum(int forumId) { return topicDao.selectTopicDatesCountByForum(forumId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Topic getTopicLatestPosttime(int topicId, int userId, Date after, boolean topicDatesNeeded) { return topicDao.selectTopicLatestPosttime(topicId, userId, after, topicDatesNeeded); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Post> getTopicPosts(int topicId, int startFrom, int count) { List<Post> posts = topicDao.selectTopicPostsByLimit(topicId, startFrom, count); for (Post post : posts) { PostUtil.preparePostForDisplay(post); } return posts; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Post> getTopicPosts(int topicId, int startFrom, int count, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { if (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sakai user Id is required."); } if (topicId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid topic id."); Topic topic = getTopic(topicId, sakaiUserId); if (topic == null) { return new ArrayList<Post>(); } Forum forum = jforumForumService.getForum(topic.getForumId()); if (forum == null) { return new ArrayList<Post>(); } ((TopicImpl) topic).setForum(forum); Category category = jforumCategoryService.getCategory(forum.getCategoryId()); if (category == null) { return new ArrayList<Post>(); } ((ForumImpl) forum).setCategory(category); // access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } List<Post> posts = topicDao.selectTopicPostsByLimit(topicId, startFrom, count); for (Post post : posts) { ((PostImpl) post).setTopic(topic); PostUtil.preparePostForDisplay(post); // edit permission if (facilitator) { ((PostImpl) post).setCanEdit(true); } // posted by user posts count int userSitePostsCount = jforumUserService.getUserSitePostsCount(post.getPostedBy().getId(), category.getContext()); ((UserImpl) post.getPostedBy()).setTotalSitePosts(userSitePostsCount); } topic.getPosts().clear(); topic.getPosts().addAll(posts); /*add blcokedBy details to topic, forum, category if they are gradable based on sakai user accessing posts check category, forum, topic dates and forum, topic special access*/ if (participant && !posts.isEmpty()) { filterUserTopicPosts(topic, sakaiUserId); } if (!posts.isEmpty()) { //update user topic read/unread markTopicForumReadStatus(topic, sakaiUserId); if (!forum.isUnread()) { checkForumUnreadTopics(forum, sakaiUserId); } } return posts; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Topic> getTopics(int forumId, int startFrom, int count, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { if (forumId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid forum id."); if (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sakai user Id is required."); } // get forum including user forum unread status Forum forum = jforumForumService.getForum(forumId, sakaiUserId); if (forum == null) { return new ArrayList<Topic>(); } Category category = forum.getCategory(); if (category == null) { return new ArrayList<Topic>(); } ((CategoryImpl) category).setCurrentSakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); // access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } List<Topic> topics = topicDao.selectForumTopics(forumId, startFrom, count); Date now = new Date(); for (Topic topic : topics) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setForum(forum); // publish topic with future open date and hidden until open grade to gradebook after the open date if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { Grade grade = topic.getGrade(); if (grade != null && grade.getItemOpenDate() != null && grade.getItemOpenDate().before(now)) { jforumGradeService.updateGradebook(grade, topic); } } } forum.getTopics().clear(); forum.getTopics().addAll(topics); if (facilitator) { User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); // topics read status checkUnreadTopics(forum, user, category.getContext()); } if (participant) { // filter user topics filterUserForumTopics(forum, sakaiUserId); } return forum.getTopics(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int getTotalPosts(int topicId) { if (topicId <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic id is needed."); } return topicDao.selectPostsCountByTopic(topicId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Post> getUserCategoryPosts(int categoryId, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { if (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sakai user Information is missing or not valid."); } if (categoryId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Category information is missing or not valid."); Category category = jforumCategoryService.getCategory(categoryId); if (category == null) { return new ArrayList<Post>(); } // access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); List<Post> posts = topicDao.selectPostsByCategoryByUser(categoryId, user.getId()); // posted by user posts count int userSitePostsCount = jforumUserService.getUserSitePostsCount(user.getId(), category.getContext()); for (Post post : posts) { PostUtil.preparePostForDisplay(post); ((UserImpl) post.getPostedBy()).setTotalSitePosts(userSitePostsCount); } return posts; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Post> getUserForumPosts(int forumId, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { if (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sakai user Information is missing or not valid."); } if (forumId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Forum information is missing or not valid."); Forum forum = jforumForumService.getForum(forumId); if (forum == null) { return new ArrayList<Post>(); } Category category = forum.getCategory(); // access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); List<Post> posts = topicDao.selectPostsByForumByUser(forumId, user.getId()); // posted by user posts count int userSitePostsCount = jforumUserService.getUserSitePostsCount(user.getId(), category.getContext()); for (Post post : posts) { PostUtil.preparePostForDisplay(post); ((UserImpl) post.getPostedBy()).setTotalSitePosts(userSitePostsCount); } return posts; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Topic> getUserForumTopicVisittimes(int forumId, int userId) { return topicDao.selectUserTopicVisitTimesByForum(forumId, userId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Topic getUserTopicMarkTime(int topicId, String sakaiUserId) { if ((topicId == 0) || (sakaiUserId == null)) { new IllegalArgumentException(); } User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); if (user == null) { return null; } return topicDao.selectMarkTime(topicId, user.getId()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Post> getUserTopicPosts(int topicId, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { if (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sakai user Information is missing or not valid."); } if (topicId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic information is missing or not valid."); Topic topic = getTopic(topicId); Forum forum = topic.getForum(); if (forum == null) { return new ArrayList<Post>(); } Category category = forum.getCategory(); // access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), sakaiUserId); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); List<Post> posts = topicDao.selectPostsByTopicByUser(topicId, user.getId()); // posted by user posts count int userSitePostsCount = jforumUserService.getUserSitePostsCount(user.getId(), category.getContext()); for (Post post : posts) { PostUtil.preparePostForDisplay(post); ((UserImpl) post.getPostedBy()).setTotalSitePosts(userSitePostsCount); } return posts; } public void init() { if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"init...."); // check if there is an access advisor - if not, that's ok. this.accessAdvisor = (AccessAdvisor) ComponentManager.get(AccessAdvisor.class); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isUserSubscribedToTopic(int topicId, String sakaiUserId) { if ((topicId <= 0) || (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0)) { new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid topic id or user id."); } User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); if (user != null) { return topicDao.isUserSubscribed(topicId, user.getId()); } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void lockUnlock(int[] topicId, Topic.TopicStatus status) { if (topicId.length == 0) { return; } for (int count = 0; count < topicId.length; count++) { topicDao.lockUnlock(topicId[count], status); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void markTopicRead(int topicId, String sakaiUserId, Date markTime, boolean isRead) { if ((topicId == 0) || (sakaiUserId == null) || (markTime == null)) { new IllegalArgumentException(); } User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); if (user == null) { return; } topicDao.updateTopicMarkTime(topicId, user.getId(), markTime, isRead); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void modifyPost(Post post) throws JForumAccessException, JForumAttachmentOverQuotaException, JForumAttachmentBadExtensionException { if (post == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post information is missing"); } if (post.getId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post id is missing"); } if (post.getTopicId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post's topic is required"); } if (post.getForumId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic's forum id is required"); } Post exisPost = topicDao.selectPostById(post.getId()); if (exisPost == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post not existing"); } Topic exisTopic = topicDao.selectById(post.getTopicId()); if (exisTopic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic is not existing"); } if (exisTopic.getForumId() != post.getForumId()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post forum information cannot be verified"); } Forum forum = forumDao.selectById(exisTopic.getForumId()); if (forum == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Forum is not existing"); } Category category = categoryDao.selectById(forum.getCategoryId()); if (category == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Category is not existing"); } if (post.getPostedBy() == null || post.getPostedBy().getId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post data has no proper postedby information"); } Post existingPost = topicDao.selectPostById(post.getId()); //if ((existingPost.getTopicId() != post.getTopicId()) || (existingPost.getForumId() != post.getForumId()) || (!post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(existingPost.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId().trim()))) if ((existingPost.getTopicId() != post.getTopicId()) || (existingPost.getForumId() != post.getForumId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post's information is not matched with the existing post"); } String sakaiUserId = post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId(); // access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId()); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId()); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } // participant post edit permission. participants cannot edit the post if topic is locked or forum is read only or category/forum/topic has dates and locked after the end date if (participant) { if (!post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId().trim() .equalsIgnoreCase(existingPost.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId().trim())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } // participants cannot update post if forum has deny access if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } if (forum.getType() == Forum.ForumType.READ_ONLY.getType()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } if (exisTopic.getStatus() == Topic.TopicStatus.LOCKED.getStatus()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } Date currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); // category due date passed and category locked if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { //if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && category.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } //forum dates and special access List<SpecialAccess> forumSpecialAccessList = forum.getSpecialAccess(); boolean forumSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userSa = null; User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); if (user != null && ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : forumSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userSa = sa; forumSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } forum.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (forumSpecialAccessUser) { forum.getSpecialAccess().add(userSa); } // forum dates else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum special access user if (forumSpecialAccessUser) { if (forumSpecialAccessUserAccess && userSa != null) { //if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && userSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } } // forum due date passed and forum locked else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { //if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } //topic dates and special access List<SpecialAccess> topicSpecialAccessList = exisTopic.getSpecialAccess(); boolean topicSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userTopicSa = null; if ((user != null) && ((exisTopic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((exisTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : topicSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userTopicSa = sa; topicSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(exisTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(exisTopic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(exisTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { topicSpecialAccessUser = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { topicSpecialAccessUser = true; } } else { topicSpecialAccessUser = true; } } break; } } } exisTopic.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (topicSpecialAccessUser) { exisTopic.getSpecialAccess().add(userTopicSa); } // topic dates else if ((exisTopic.getAccessDates() != null) && (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(user.getSakaiUserId()); } } if (topicSpecialAccessUser) { if (topicSpecialAccessUserAccess && userTopicSa != null) { //if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && userTopicSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } } // topic due date passed and topic locked else if ((exisTopic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { //if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && exisTopic.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } } // validate attachments if (post.hasAttachments()) { jforumAttachmentService.validateEditPostAttachments(post); } // clean html String cleanedPostText = HtmlHelper.clean(post.getText(), true); post.setText(cleanedPostText); //save modified post topicDao.updateTopicPost(post); //if it's first post update topic title. if facilitator update topic type, export topic, dates, grades as needed. if (exisTopic.getFirstPostId() == post.getId()) { Topic topic = post.getTopic(); exisTopic.setTitle(post.getSubject()); Grade exisGrade = null; if (facilitator) { if (exisTopic.isGradeTopic()) { if (exisTopic.getGrade() != null) { exisGrade = exisTopic.getGrade(); } } /*update topic type, export topic, dates, grade etc*/ // topic type exisTopic.setType(topic.getType()); // topic - mark for export exisTopic.setExportTopic(topic.isExportTopic()); //topic dates - check forum and category dates boolean catForumDates = false; if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null || forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null || forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)) { catForumDates = true; } else if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null || category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null || category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)) { catForumDates = true; } if (catForumDates) { exisTopic.setAccessDates(null); } else { exisTopic.setAccessDates(topic.getAccessDates()); } //topic grades - check forum and category grades if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType() || category.isGradable()) { if (exisTopic.isGradeTopic()) { exisTopic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (forum.getGradeType() != Grade.GradeType.TOPIC.getType()) { exisTopic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } if (exisTopic.isGradeTopic()) { exisTopic.getGrade().setPoints(topic.getGrade().getPoints()); exisTopic.getGrade().setMinimumPosts(topic.getGrade().getMinimumPosts()); exisTopic.getGrade().setMinimumPostsRequired(topic.getGrade().isMinimumPostsRequired()); exisTopic.getGrade().setAddToGradeBook(topic.getGrade().isAddToGradeBook()); } else { if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.TOPIC.getType()) { Grade grade = new GradeImpl(); grade.setPoints(topic.getGrade().getPoints()); grade.setMinimumPosts(topic.getGrade().getMinimumPosts()); grade.setMinimumPostsRequired(topic.getGrade().isMinimumPostsRequired()); grade.setContext(category.getContext()); grade.setAddToGradeBook(topic.getGrade().isAddToGradeBook()); exisTopic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.TRUE); exisTopic.setGrade(grade); } } } else { exisTopic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } } // save topic topicDao.updateTopic(exisTopic); if (facilitator) { //send or remove from grade book if gradable topic ((ForumImpl) forum).setCategory(category); ((TopicImpl) exisTopic).setForum(forum); if (exisTopic.isGradeTopic() && exisTopic.getGrade().isAddToGradeBook()) { updateGradeBook(exisTopic); } else { if (exisGrade != null) { removeEntryFromGradeBook(exisGrade); } } } } // post attachments jforumAttachmentService.processEditPostAttachments(post); // index post for search jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService.indexPost(post); // clear the cache clearCache(exisTopic); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void modifyTopicPost(Post post) throws JForumAccessException, JForumAttachmentOverQuotaException, JForumAttachmentBadExtensionException, JForumGradesModificationException { if (post.getId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post id is missing"); } if (post.getTopicId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post's topic is required"); } if (post.getForumId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic's forum id is required"); } Post exisPost = topicDao.selectPostById(post.getId()); if (exisPost == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post not existing"); } Topic exisTopic = topicDao.selectById(post.getTopicId()); if (exisTopic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic is not existing"); } if (exisTopic.getForumId() != post.getForumId()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post forum information cannot be verified"); } Forum forum = forumDao.selectById(exisTopic.getForumId()); if (forum == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Forum is not existing"); } Category category = categoryDao.selectById(forum.getCategoryId()); if (category == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Category is not existing"); } if (post.getPostedBy() == null || post.getPostedBy().getId() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post data has no proper postedby information"); } Post existingPost = topicDao.selectPostById(post.getId()); //if ((existingPost.getTopicId() != post.getTopicId()) || (existingPost.getForumId() != post.getForumId()) || (!post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(existingPost.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId().trim()))) if ((existingPost.getTopicId() != post.getTopicId()) || (existingPost.getForumId() != post.getForumId())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post's information is not matched with the existing post"); } String sakaiUserId = post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId(); // access check boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId()); boolean participant = false; if (!facilitator) { participant = jforumSecurityService.isJForumParticipant(category.getContext(), post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId()); } if (!(facilitator || participant)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } // participant post edit permission. participants cannot edit the post if topic is locked or forum is read only or category/forum/topic has dates and locked after the end date if (participant) { if (!post.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId().trim() .equalsIgnoreCase(existingPost.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId().trim())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } // participants cannot update post if forum has deny access if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } if (forum.getType() == Forum.ForumType.READ_ONLY.getType()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } if (exisTopic.getStatus() == Topic.TopicStatus.LOCKED.getStatus()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } Date currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); // category due date passed and category locked if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } //forum dates and special access List<SpecialAccess> forumSpecialAccessList = forum.getSpecialAccess(); boolean forumSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userSa = null; User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); if (user != null && ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : forumSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userSa = sa; forumSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } forum.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (forumSpecialAccessUser) { forum.getSpecialAccess().add(userSa); } // forum dates else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } // forum special access user if (forumSpecialAccessUser) { if (forumSpecialAccessUserAccess && userSa != null) { //if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && userSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } } // forum due date passed and forum locked else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { //if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } //topic dates and special access List<SpecialAccess> topicSpecialAccessList = exisTopic.getSpecialAccess(); boolean topicSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userTopicSa = null; if ((user != null) && ((exisTopic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((exisTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : topicSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userTopicSa = sa; topicSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(exisTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(exisTopic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(exisTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } exisTopic.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (topicSpecialAccessUser) { exisTopic.getSpecialAccess().add(userTopicSa); } // topic dates else if ((exisTopic.getAccessDates() != null) && (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(user.getSakaiUserId()); } } if (topicSpecialAccessUser) { if (topicSpecialAccessUserAccess && userTopicSa != null) { //if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && userTopicSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } } // topic due date passed and topic locked else if ((exisTopic.getAccessDates() != null) && (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null || exisTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)) { if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } else if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (exisTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } } } // validate attachments if (post.hasAttachments()) { jforumAttachmentService.validateEditPostAttachments(post); } //if it's first post update topic title. if facilitator update topic type, export topic, dates, grades as needed. if (exisTopic.getFirstPostId() == post.getId()) { Topic topic = post.getTopic(); exisTopic.setTitle(post.getSubject()); Grade exisGrade = null; if (facilitator) { if (exisTopic.isGradeTopic()) { if (exisTopic.getGrade() != null) { exisGrade = exisTopic.getGrade(); } } /*update topic type, export topic, dates, grade etc*/ // topic type exisTopic.setType(topic.getType()); // topic - mark for export exisTopic.setExportTopic(topic.isExportTopic()); //topic dates - check forum and category dates boolean catForumDates = false; if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null || forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null || forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)) { catForumDates = true; } else if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null || category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null || category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)) { catForumDates = true; } if (catForumDates) { exisTopic.setAccessDates(null); } else { exisTopic.setAccessDates(topic.getAccessDates()); } //topic grades - check forum and category grades if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType() || category.isGradable()) { if (exisTopic.isGradeTopic()) { exisTopic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (forum.getGradeType() != Grade.GradeType.TOPIC.getType()) { exisTopic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } if (exisTopic.isGradeTopic()) { exisTopic.getGrade().setPoints(topic.getGrade().getPoints()); exisTopic.getGrade().setMinimumPosts(topic.getGrade().getMinimumPosts()); exisTopic.getGrade().setMinimumPostsRequired(topic.getGrade().isMinimumPostsRequired()); exisTopic.getGrade().setAddToGradeBook(topic.getGrade().isAddToGradeBook()); } else { if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.TOPIC.getType()) { Grade grade = new GradeImpl(); grade.setPoints(topic.getGrade().getPoints()); grade.setMinimumPosts(topic.getGrade().getMinimumPosts()); grade.setMinimumPostsRequired(topic.getGrade().isMinimumPostsRequired()); grade.setContext(category.getContext()); grade.setAddToGradeBook(topic.getGrade().isAddToGradeBook()); exisTopic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.TRUE); exisTopic.setGrade(grade); } } } else { if (exisTopic.isGradeTopic()) { // if exiting gradable topic is graded don't allow to change the grade type List<Evaluation> topicEvaluations = jforumGradeService .getTopicEvaluations(topic.getForumId(), topic.getId()); if (!topicEvaluations.isEmpty()) { throw new JForumGradesModificationException( "Item with title: " + topic.getTitle() + " has been graded"); } } exisTopic.setGradeTopic(Boolean.FALSE); } } // clean html String cleanedPostText = HtmlHelper.clean(post.getText(), true); post.setText(cleanedPostText); //save modified post topicDao.updateTopicPost(post); // save topic topicDao.updateTopic(exisTopic); if (facilitator) { //send or remove from grade book if gradable topic ((ForumImpl) forum).setCategory(category); ((TopicImpl) exisTopic).setForum(forum); if (exisTopic.isGradeTopic() && exisTopic.getGrade().isAddToGradeBook()) { updateGradeBook(exisTopic); } else { if (exisGrade != null) { removeEntryFromGradeBook(exisGrade); } } } } else { //save modified post topicDao.updateTopicPost(post); } // post attachments jforumAttachmentService.processEditPostAttachments(post); // index post for search jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService.indexPost(post); // clear the cache clearCache(exisTopic); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void moveTopic(int topicId, int toForumId, String movedBySakaiUserId) throws JForumItemNotFoundException, JForumAccessException, JForumGradesModificationException { Topic topic = getTopic(topicId); if (topic == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(topicId); } Forum curforum = forumDao.selectById(topic.getForumId()); if (curforum == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(topic.getForumId()); } Category category = categoryDao.selectById(curforum.getCategoryId()); if (category == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(curforum.getCategoryId()); } boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), movedBySakaiUserId); if (!facilitator) { throw new JForumAccessException(topic.getPostedBy().getSakaiUserId()); } /* * gradable topics and gradable forum topics cannot be moved */ if (curforum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.TOPIC.getType() && topic.isGradeTopic()) { throw new JForumGradesModificationException("Item with title: " + topic.getTitle() + " is gradable."); } else if (curforum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType()) { throw new JForumGradesModificationException("Item with title: " + topic.getTitle() + " is gradable."); } topicDao.moveTopic(topicId, toForumId); // clear the cache clearCache(topic); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Attachment newAttachment(String fileName, String contentType, String comments, byte[] fileContent) { if ((fileName == null || fileName.trim().length() == 0) || (fileContent == null || fileContent.length == 0)) { return null; } // Get only the filename, without the path String separator = "/"; int index = fileName.indexOf(separator); if (index == -1) { separator = "\\"; index = fileName.indexOf(separator); } if (index > -1) { if (separator.equals("\\")) { separator = "\\\\"; } String[] p = fileName.split(separator); fileName = p[p.length - 1]; } Attachment attachment = new AttachmentImpl(); AttachmentInfoImpl attachmentInfo = new AttachmentInfoImpl(); attachmentInfo.setMimetype(contentType); attachmentInfo.setRealFilename(fileName); attachmentInfo.setComment(comments); attachmentInfo.setFileContent(fileContent); attachment.setInfo(attachmentInfo); return attachment; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Post newPost() { // TODO: add access check Post post = new PostImpl(); post.setPostedBy(new UserImpl()); return post; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Topic newTopic() { // TODO: add access check Topic topic = new TopicImpl(); topic.setAccessDates(new AccessDatesImpl()); topic.setGrade(new GradeImpl()); return topic; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Grade newTopicGrade(Topic topic) { // TODO: add access check if (topic == null) { return null; } Grade grade = new GradeImpl(); topic.setGrade(grade); return grade; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void previewPostForDisplay(Post post) { if (post == null) { return; } // clean html String cleanedPostText = HtmlHelper.clean(post.getText(), true); post.setText(cleanedPostText); PostUtil.preparePostForDisplay(post); /* * Escapes the characters in a String using JavaScript String rules. * Example adds escape character to quotes - First name: <input name=\"firstname\" size=\"20\" type=\"text\" /> * Else the display may not be correct */ post.setSubject(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(post.getSubject())); post.setText(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(post.getText())); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void removePost(int postId, String deletedBySakaiUserId) throws JForumItemNotFoundException, JForumAccessException, JForumGradesModificationException { if (postId <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Post id is missing"); } Post post = topicDao.selectPostById(postId); if (post == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(postId); } Topic topic = topicDao.selectById(post.getTopicId()); if (topic == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(post.getTopicId()); } Forum forum = forumDao.selectById(topic.getForumId()); if (forum == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(topic.getForumId()); } Category category = categoryDao.selectById(forum.getCategoryId()); if (category == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(forum.getCategoryId()); } boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), deletedBySakaiUserId); if (!facilitator) { throw new JForumAccessException(deletedBySakaiUserId); } /* * If the post is first post check the grade type of the topic. If the topic's grade type * is yes check for existing evaluations. If the topic's grade has evaluations, the topic cannot be deleted * If the gradable forum or category has evaluations the first post cannot be deleted */ if (topic.getFirstPostId() == post.getId()) { if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.TOPIC.getType() && topic.isGradeTopic()) { /*List<Evaluation> topicEvaluations = jforumGradeService.getTopicEvaluations(topic.getForumId(), topic.getId()); if (!topicEvaluations.isEmpty()) { throw new JForumGradesModificationException("Item with title: "+ topic.getTitle() +" has been graded"); }*/ int topicEvaluationsCount = jforumGradeService.getTopicEvaluationsCount(topic.getForumId(), topic.getId()); if (topicEvaluationsCount > 0) { throw new JForumGradesModificationException( "Item with title: " + topic.getTitle() + " has been graded"); } } else if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType()) { /*List<Evaluation> forumEvaluations = jforumGradeService.getForumEvaluations(forum.getId()); if (!forumEvaluations.isEmpty()) { throw new JForumGradesModificationException("Item with title: "+ forum.getName() +" has been graded"); }*/ int forumEvaluationsCount = jforumGradeService.getForumEvaluationsCount(forum.getId()); if (forumEvaluationsCount > 0) { throw new JForumGradesModificationException( "Item with title: " + forum.getName() + " has been graded"); } } /*else if (category.isGradable()) { List<Evaluation> catEvaluations = jforumGradeService.getCategoryEvaluations(category.getId()); if (!catEvaluations.isEmpty()) { throw new JForumGradesModificationException("Item with title: "+ category.getTitle() +" has been graded"); } }*/ } //delete post topicDao.deleteTopicPost(postId); //delete post attachments if (post.hasAttachments()) { jforumAttachmentService.deletePostAttachments(post); } //remove entry from gradebook if topic is also removed if (topic.getFirstPostId() == post.getId() && topic.isGradeTopic()) { Grade grade = topic.getGrade(); //jforumGBService.removeExternalAssessment(grade.getContext(), JForumGradeService.JFORUM_GRADEBOOK_EXTERNAL_ID_CONCAT + String.valueOf(grade.getId())); jforumGradeService.removeGradebookEntry(grade); } //clean search index related to post jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService.cleanIndex(post); // clear the cache clearCache(topic); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void removeTopic(int topicId, String deletedBySakaiUserId) throws JForumItemNotFoundException, JForumAccessException, JForumItemEvaluatedException { Topic topic = topicDao.selectById(topicId); if (topic == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(topicId); } Forum forum = forumDao.selectById(topic.getForumId()); if (forum == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(topic.getForumId()); } Category category = categoryDao.selectById(forum.getCategoryId()); if (category == null) { throw new JForumItemNotFoundException(forum.getCategoryId()); } boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), deletedBySakaiUserId); if (!facilitator) { throw new JForumAccessException(deletedBySakaiUserId); } /* * For gradable topic check for existing evaluations. If the topic's grade has evaluations, the topic cannot be deleted * If the gradable forum has evaluations the topic cannot be deleted */ if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.TOPIC.getType() && topic.isGradeTopic()) { int topicEvaluationsCount = jforumGradeService.getTopicEvaluationsCount(topic.getForumId(), topic.getId()); if (topicEvaluationsCount > 0) { throw new JForumItemEvaluatedException(topic.getTitle()); } } else if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType()) { int forumEvaluationsCount = jforumGradeService.getForumEvaluationsCount(forum.getId()); if (forumEvaluationsCount > 0) { throw new JForumItemEvaluatedException(forum.getName()); } } List<Post> topicPosts = getTopicPosts(topicId, 0, 0); // delete topic topicDao.deleteTopic(topicId); // delete topic post attachments for (Post post : topicPosts) { if (post.hasAttachments()) { jforumAttachmentService.deletePostAttachments(post); } } // remove entry from gradebook if topic is also removed if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { Grade grade = topic.getGrade(); jforumGBService.removeExternalAssessment(grade.getContext(), JForumGradeService.JFORUM_GRADEBOOK_EXTERNAL_ID_CONCAT + String.valueOf(grade.getId())); } // clear the cache clearCache(topic); // clean search index related to post for (Post post : topicPosts) { jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService.cleanIndex(post); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void removeTopicSubscription(int topicId) { if (topicId <= 0) { new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid topic id."); } topicDao.removeSubscription(topicId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void removeUserTopicSubscription(int topicId, String sakaiUserId) { if ((topicId <= 0) || (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0)) { new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid topic id or user id."); } User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); if (user != null) { topicDao.removeUserSubscription(topicId, user.getId()); } } /** * @param attachmentDao the attachmentDao to set */ public void setAttachmentDao(AttachmentDao attachmentDao) { this.attachmentDao = attachmentDao; } /** * @param categoryDao the categoryDao to set */ public void setCategoryDao(CategoryDao categoryDao) { this.categoryDao = categoryDao; } /** * @param forumDao the forumDao to set */ public void setForumDao(ForumDao forumDao) { this.forumDao = forumDao; } /** * @param jforumAttachmentService the jforumAttachmentService to set */ public void setJforumAttachmentService(JForumAttachmentService jforumAttachmentService) { this.jforumAttachmentService = jforumAttachmentService; } /** * @param jforumCategoryService the jforumCategoryService to set */ public void setJforumCategoryService(JForumCategoryService jforumCategoryService) { this.jforumCategoryService = jforumCategoryService; } /** * @param jforumEmailExecutorService the jforumEmailExecutorService to set */ public void setJforumEmailExecutorService(JForumEmailExecutorService jforumEmailExecutorService) { this.jforumEmailExecutorService = jforumEmailExecutorService; } /** * @param jforumForumService the jforumForumService to set */ public void setJforumForumService(JForumForumService jforumForumService) { this.jforumForumService = jforumForumService; } /** * @param jforumGBService the jforumGBService to set */ public void setJforumGBService(JForumGBService jforumGBService) { this.jforumGBService = jforumGBService; } /** * @param jforumGradeService * The jforumGradeService to set */ public void setJforumGradeService(JForumGradeService jforumGradeService) { this.jforumGradeService = jforumGradeService; } /** * @param jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService the jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService to set */ public void setJforumSearchIndexingExecutorService( JForumSearchIndexingExecutorService jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService) { this.jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService = jforumSearchIndexingExecutorService; } /** * @param jforumSecurityService the jforumSecurityService to set */ public void setJforumSecurityService(JForumSecurityService jforumSecurityService) { this.jforumSecurityService = jforumSecurityService; } /** * @param jforumSpecialAccessService * The jforumSpecialAccessService to set */ public void setJforumSpecialAccessService(JForumSpecialAccessService jforumSpecialAccessService) { this.jforumSpecialAccessService = jforumSpecialAccessService; } /** * @param jforumUserService the jforumUserService to set */ public void setJforumUserService(JForumUserService jforumUserService) { this.jforumUserService = jforumUserService; } /** * @param siteService the siteService to set */ public void setSiteService(SiteService siteService) { this.siteService = siteService; } /** * @param sqlService * The sqlService to set */ public void setSqlService(SqlService sqlService) { this.sqlService = sqlService; } /** * @param threadLocalManager * The threadLocalManager to set */ public void setThreadLocalManager(ThreadLocalManager threadLocalManager) { this.threadLocalManager = threadLocalManager; } /** * @param topicDao the topicDao to set */ public void setTopicDao(TopicDao topicDao) { this.topicDao = topicDao; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void subscribeUserToTopic(int topicId, String sakaiUserId) { if ((topicId <= 0) || (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0)) { new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid topic id or user id."); } User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); if (user != null) { topicDao.subscribeUser(topicId, user.getId()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void updateDates(final Topic topic) { if (topic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("updateDates: forum is null"); } Topic existingTopic = getTopic(topic.getId()); if (existingTopic == null) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("updateDates: There is no existing topic with id " + topic.getId()); } return; } // update if the date changes boolean datesChanged = false; datesChanged = checkDatesChanged(topic, existingTopic); if (datesChanged) { topic.setForumId(existingTopic.getForumId()); boolean forumDates = false, categoryDates = false; Forum existingForum = existingTopic.getForum(); if ((existingForum != null) && (existingForum.getAccessDates() != null)) { if ((existingForum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (existingForum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (existingForum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)) { forumDates = true; } } Category existingcategory = existingForum.getCategory(); if ((existingcategory != null) && (existingcategory.getAccessDates() != null)) { if ((existingcategory.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (existingcategory.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (existingcategory.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)) { categoryDates = true; } } if ((forumDates) || (categoryDates)) { topic.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(null); topic.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(null); topic.getAccessDates().setDueDate(null); topic.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(null); } // topic can have dates if category and forum have no dates if ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && (existingTopic.getAccessDates() != null)) { //topic.getAccessDates().setLocked(existingTopic.getAccessDates().isLocked()); } // if no dates remove any existing special access. Gradable topics with dates can have special access. if ((topic.getAccessDates() == null) || ((topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) && (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() == null) && (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() == null))) { List<SpecialAccess> forumSpecialAccessList = this.jforumSpecialAccessService .getByTopic(topic.getForumId(), topic.getId()); for (SpecialAccess specialAccess : forumSpecialAccessList) { this.jforumSpecialAccessService.delete(specialAccess.getId()); } } this.sqlService.transact(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateDatesTXN(topic); } }, "updateTopicDates: " + topic.getId()); //Date exisDueDate = null, modDueDate = null, modOpenDate = null, modAllowUntilDate = null; //boolean dueDateChanged = false; Date modDueDate = null, modOpenDate = null, modAllowUntilDate = null; // check the due date changes if (topic.getAccessDates() != null) { modDueDate = topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); modOpenDate = topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); modAllowUntilDate = topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate(); if ((modOpenDate != null) || (modDueDate != null) || (modAllowUntilDate != null)) { if (!topic.getAccessDates().isDatesValid()) { Grade grade = jforumGradeService.getByForumTopicId(topic.getForumId(), topic.getId()); if (grade != null && grade.isAddToGradeBook()) { boolean result = jforumGradeService.removeGradebookEntry(grade); /*if (result) { //update the grade for addToGradeBook String sql = "UPDATE jforum_grade SET add_to_gradebook = ? WHERE grade_id = ?"; Object[] fields = new Object[2]; int i = 0; fields[i++] = 0; fields[i++] = grade.getId(); if (!sqlService.dbWrite(sql.toString(), fields)) { throw new RuntimeException("updateGrade - add_to_gradebook : db write failed"); } }*/ } return; } } } /*if (existingTopic.getAccessDates() != null) { exisDueDate = existingTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } if (modDueDate == null && exisDueDate != null) { dueDateChanged = true; } else if (modDueDate != null && exisDueDate == null) { dueDateChanged = true; } else if (modDueDate == null && exisDueDate == null) { dueDateChanged = false; } else { if (!exisDueDate.equals(modDueDate)) { dueDateChanged = true; } }*/ //if (dueDateChanged) //{ topic.setTitle(existingTopic.getTitle()); topic.setGradeTopic(existingTopic.isGradeTopic()); Grade topicGrade = this.jforumGradeService.getByForumTopicId(topic.getForumId(), topic.getId()); if (topicGrade != null && topicGrade.isAddToGradeBook()) { this.jforumGradeService.updateGradebook(topicGrade, topic); } //} } // clear the cache clearCache(topic); } /** * Key for caching a topic. * * @param topicId Topic id * * @return Cache key */ protected String cacheKey(String topicId) { return "jforum:topic:" + topicId; } /** * Check for date changes * * @param topic Topic * * @param existingTopic Existing topic to compare * * @return true - if dates are changed * false - if dates are not changed */ protected boolean checkDatesChanged(Topic topic, Topic existingTopic) { boolean datesChanged = false; /*Date exisOpenDate = null, exisDueDate = null, modOpenDate = null, modDueDate = null; if (topic.getAccessDates() != null) { modOpenDate = topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); modDueDate = topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } if (existingTopic.getAccessDates() != null) { exisOpenDate = existingTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); exisDueDate = existingTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } if (exisOpenDate == null) { if (modOpenDate != null) { datesChanged = true; } } else { if (modOpenDate == null) { datesChanged = true; } else if (!modOpenDate.equals(exisOpenDate)) { datesChanged = true; } } if (!datesChanged) { if (exisDueDate == null) { if (modDueDate != null) { datesChanged = true; } } else { if (modDueDate == null) { datesChanged = true; } else if (!modDueDate.equals(exisDueDate)) { datesChanged = true; } } }*/ Date exisOpenDate = null, exisDueDate = null, exisAllowUntilDate = null, modOpenDate = null, modDueDate = null, modAllowUntilDate = null; Boolean exisHideUntilOpen = null, modHideUntilOpen = null; if (topic.getAccessDates() != null) { modOpenDate = topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); modHideUntilOpen = topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen(); modDueDate = topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); modAllowUntilDate = topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate(); } if (existingTopic.getAccessDates() != null) { exisOpenDate = existingTopic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate(); exisHideUntilOpen = existingTopic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen(); exisDueDate = existingTopic.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); exisAllowUntilDate = existingTopic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate(); } // open date if (exisOpenDate == null) { if (modOpenDate != null) { datesChanged = true; } } else { if (modOpenDate == null) { datesChanged = true; } else if (!modOpenDate.equals(exisOpenDate)) { datesChanged = true; } else if (modOpenDate.equals(exisOpenDate)) { if (!exisHideUntilOpen.equals(modHideUntilOpen)) { datesChanged = true; } } } // due date if (!datesChanged) { if (exisDueDate == null) { if (modDueDate != null) { datesChanged = true; } } else { if (modDueDate == null) { datesChanged = true; } else if (!modDueDate.equals(exisDueDate)) { datesChanged = true; } } } // allow until date if (!datesChanged) { if (exisAllowUntilDate == null) { if (modAllowUntilDate != null) { datesChanged = true; } } else { if (modAllowUntilDate == null) { datesChanged = true; } else if (!modAllowUntilDate.equals(exisAllowUntilDate)) { datesChanged = true; } } } return datesChanged; } /** * Checks and marks user read status of the forum * * @param forum Forum * * @param sakaiUserId Sakai user id */ protected void checkForumUnreadTopics(Forum forum, String sakaiUserId) { Date currentTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); if (user == null) { forum.setUnread(true); return; } Category category = forum.getCategory(); // check marked unread topics int markedUnreadTopicCount = getMarkedTopicsCountByForum(forum.getId(), user.getId()); if (markedUnreadTopicCount > 0) { forum.setUnread(true); return; } // marked all read time Date markAllReadTime = jforumUserService.getMarkAllReadTime(category.getContext(), user.getId()); boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), user.getSakaiUserId()); List<SpecialAccess> forumTopicsSpecialAccess = jforumSpecialAccessService.getTopicsByForumId(forum.getId()); /*get all topics with latest post time and check with topic read time*/ List<Topic> topicsLastPosttimes = null; if (markAllReadTime == null) { // check with all topics if (facilitator) { topicsLastPosttimes = getForumTopicLatestPosttimes(forum.getId(), user.getId(), null, false); } else { topicsLastPosttimes = getForumTopicLatestPosttimes(forum.getId(), user.getId(), null, true); } } else { /*check with topics whose latest post time is after mark all read time and not posted by the current user*/ if (facilitator) { topicsLastPosttimes = getForumTopicLatestPosttimes(forum.getId(), user.getId(), markAllReadTime, false); } else { topicsLastPosttimes = getForumTopicLatestPosttimes(forum.getId(), user.getId(), markAllReadTime, true); } } List<Topic> lastPosttimeTopicsList = new ArrayList<Topic>(); for (Topic t : topicsLastPosttimes) { if (!facilitator) { /* no special access topics and special access topics*/ List<SpecialAccess> topicsSpecialAccessList = jforumSpecialAccessService .getTopicsByForumId(forum.getId()); HashMap<Integer, SpecialAccess> userSpecialAccessAccessMap = new HashMap<Integer, SpecialAccess>(); HashMap<Integer, SpecialAccess> userSpecialAccessNoAccessMap = new HashMap<Integer, SpecialAccess>(); if (topicsSpecialAccessList.size() > 0) { for (SpecialAccess sa : topicsSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { userSpecialAccessAccessMap.put(new Integer(sa.getTopicId()), sa); } else if (currentTime.after(sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate())) { userSpecialAccessAccessMap.put(new Integer(sa.getTopicId()), sa); } else { userSpecialAccessNoAccessMap.put(new Integer(sa.getTopicId()), sa); } } } } if (t.getAccessDates() == null) { lastPosttimeTopicsList.add(t); } else { if ((t.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (t.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)) { if (userSpecialAccessNoAccessMap.containsKey(t.getId())) { } else if (userSpecialAccessAccessMap.containsKey(t.getId())) { lastPosttimeTopicsList.add(t); } else if ((t.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (t.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime))) { } else { lastPosttimeTopicsList.add(t); } } else { lastPosttimeTopicsList.add(t); } } } else { lastPosttimeTopicsList.add(t); } } // compare with visited topics time List<Topic> visitedTopics = null; if ((!facilitator) && (forumTopicsSpecialAccess != null) && (forumTopicsSpecialAccess.size() > 0)) { visitedTopics = getUserForumTopicVisittimes(forum.getId(), user.getId()); } else { visitedTopics = getUserForumTopicVisittimes(forum.getId(), user.getId()); } if (lastPosttimeTopicsList.size() > visitedTopics.size()) { forum.setUnread(true); return; } Map<Integer, Topic> visitedTopicsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Topic>(); for (Topic t : visitedTopics) { visitedTopicsMap.put(Integer.valueOf(t.getId()), t); } for (Topic lastPosttimeTopic : lastPosttimeTopicsList) { Topic lastVistiedTopic = visitedTopicsMap.get(Integer.valueOf(lastPosttimeTopic.getId())); if (lastVistiedTopic != null) { // if topic is marked as unread mark the forum as unread if (!lastVistiedTopic.getRead()) { forum.setUnread(true); return; } if (lastVistiedTopic.getTime().before(lastPosttimeTopic.getTime())) { forum.setUnread(true); return; } } else { forum.setUnread(true); return; } } } /** * Check if item is accessible to the user (may be blocked item from coursemap) * * @param context The context * * @param id The item id * * @param userId The user id * * @return true - if the item is accessible to the user * false - if the item is not accessible to the user */ protected Boolean checkItemAccess(String context, String id, String userId) { if (this.accessAdvisor == null) return Boolean.TRUE; return !accessAdvisor.denyAccess("sakai.jforum", context, id, userId); } /** * check topic dates for the user. If the topics are accessible to the user they are removed from the list * * @param topics The topics * * @param user Jforum user */ protected void checkTopicDates(List<Topic> topics, User user) { Date currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); for (Iterator<Topic> topicIter = topics.iterator(); topicIter.hasNext();) { Topic topic =; if (topic.getStatus() == Topic.TopicStatus.LOCKED.getStatus()) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } // topic special access List<SpecialAccess> topicSpecialAccessList = topic.getSpecialAccess(); boolean topicSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userSa = null; if ((user != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : topicSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userSa = sa; topicSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } /*if (!sa.isOverrideLockEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setLocked(topic.getAccessDates().isLocked()); }*/ if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } topic.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (topicSpecialAccessUser) { topic.getSpecialAccess().add(userSa); if (topicSpecialAccessUserAccess) { //if (topic.mayPost() && userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (topic.mayPost()) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().after(currentTime)) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().after(currentTime)) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } continue; } else { topicIter.remove(); continue; } } // topic dates else if ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime) && topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { topicIter.remove(); continue; } } //if (topic.mayPost() && (!topicSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (topic.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (topic.mayPost() && topic.getAccessDates() != null && (!topicSpecialAccessUserAccess)) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().after(currentTime)) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().after(currentTime)) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } } /** * check topic dates for the use * * @param topic The topic * * @param user Jforum user * * @throws JForumAccessException if user is not allowed to access topic */ protected void checkTopicDates(Topic topic, User user) throws JForumAccessException { Date currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); if (topic.getStatus() == Topic.TopicStatus.LOCKED.getStatus()) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } // topic special access List<SpecialAccess> topicSpecialAccessList = topic.getSpecialAccess(); boolean topicSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userSa = null; if ((user != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : topicSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userSa = sa; topicSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } /*if (!sa.isOverrideLockEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setLocked(topic.getAccessDates().isLocked()); }*/ if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } topic.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (topicSpecialAccessUser) { topic.getSpecialAccess().add(userSa); if (topicSpecialAccessUserAccess) { //if (topic.mayPost() && userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (topic.mayPost()) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } return; } else { throw new JForumAccessException(user.getSakaiUserId()); } } // topic dates else if ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(user.getSakaiUserId()); } } //if (topic.mayPost() && (!topicSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (topic.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (topic.mayPost() && topic.getAccessDates() != null && (!topicSpecialAccessUserAccess)) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } /** * Check topic and mark the read status * * @param forum Forum * * @param user Jforum user * * @param siteId Course/site id */ protected void checkUnreadTopics(Forum forum, User user, String siteId) { // mark and posts pagination String postsPerPageStr = ServerConfigurationService.getString(POSTS_PER_PAGE); //String hotTopicBeginStr = ServerConfigurationService.getString(HOT_TOPIC_BEGIN); //int hotBegin = -1; int postsPerPage = -1; /*if ((hotTopicBeginStr != null) && (hotTopicBeginStr.trim().length() > 0)) { try { hotBegin = Integer.parseInt(hotTopicBeginStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore error } }*/ if ((postsPerPageStr != null) && (postsPerPageStr.trim().length() > 0)) { try { postsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(postsPerPageStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore error } } if (user != null) { // marked all read time Date markAllReadTime = jforumUserService.getMarkAllReadTime(siteId, user.getId()); boolean facilitator = jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(siteId, user.getSakaiUserId()); /*get all topics with latest post time and check with topic read time*/ List<Topic> topicsLastPosttimes = null; if (markAllReadTime == null) { // check all topics if (facilitator) { topicsLastPosttimes = getForumTopicLatestPosttimes(forum.getId(), user.getId(), null, false); } else { topicsLastPosttimes = getForumTopicLatestPosttimes(forum.getId(), user.getId(), null, true); } } else { /*check topics whose latest post time is after mark all read time and not posted by the current user*/ if (facilitator) { topicsLastPosttimes = getForumTopicLatestPosttimes(forum.getId(), user.getId(), markAllReadTime, false); } else { topicsLastPosttimes = getForumTopicLatestPosttimes(forum.getId(), user.getId(), markAllReadTime, true); } } Map<Integer, Topic> lastPosttimeTopicsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Topic>(); for (Topic topicPostTimes : topicsLastPosttimes) { lastPosttimeTopicsMap.put(new Integer(topicPostTimes.getId()), topicPostTimes); } // compare with visited topics time List<Topic> visitedTopics = getUserForumTopicVisittimes(forum.getId(), user.getId()); Map<Integer, Topic> visitedTopicsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Topic>(); for (Topic visitedTopic : visitedTopics) { visitedTopicsMap.put(new Integer(visitedTopic.getId()), visitedTopic); } Topic visitedTopic = null; Topic lastPostTimeTopic = null; for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) { /*if (user == null) { topic.setRead(false); continue; }*/ visitedTopic = visitedTopicsMap.get(new Integer(topic.getId())); lastPostTimeTopic = lastPosttimeTopicsMap.get(new Integer(topic.getId())); if (visitedTopic == null) { Date lastPostTime = null; if (lastPostTimeTopic != null) { lastPostTime = lastPostTimeTopic.getTime(); } if (lastPostTime != null) { topic.setRead(false); } else { topic.setRead(true); } } else { // if topic is marked as unread mark the topic as unread if (!visitedTopic.getRead()) { topic.setRead(Boolean.FALSE); continue; } Date lastPostTime = null; if (lastPostTimeTopic != null) { lastPostTime = lastPostTimeTopic.getTime(); } if (lastPostTime != null) { if (lastPostTime.before(visitedTopic.getTime())) { topic.setRead(true); } else { topic.setRead(false); } } else { topic.setRead(true); } } // Check if this is a hot topic /*if (hotBegin != -1) { topic.setHot(topic.getTotalReplies() >= hotBegin); }*/ // posts paginate if (postsPerPage != -1) { if (topic.getTotalReplies() + 1 > postsPerPage) { topic.setPaginate(true); } else { topic.setPaginate(false); } } } } else { for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) { topic.setRead(false); // Check if this is a hot topic /*if (hotBegin != -1) { topic.setHot(topic.getTotalReplies() >= hotBegin); }*/ // posts paginate if (postsPerPage != -1) { if (topic.getTotalReplies() + 1 > postsPerPage) { topic.setPaginate(true); } else { topic.setPaginate(false); } } } } } /** * Checks user unread topics * * @param context Context or site id * * @param topics Topics * * @param user Jforum user */ protected void checkUnreadTopics(String context, List<Topic> topics, User user) { if ((topics == null) || (topics.isEmpty())) { return; } if (user != null) { // marked all read time Date markAllReadTime = jforumUserService.getMarkAllReadTime(context, user.getId()); /*// topic mark or visit time Date topicMarkTime = null; Date topicLatestPostTime = null; Topic lastPostimeTopic = null;*/ /*get topics with latest post time and check with topic read time(or visited time) and mark all read time*/ for (Topic topic : topics) { markUserTopicReadStatus(user, markAllReadTime, topic); } } else { /* String value = ServerConfigurationService.getString(HOT_TOPIC_BEGIN); int hotBegin = -1; if ((value != null) && (value.trim().length() > 0)) { try { hotBegin = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore error } } for (Topic topic : topics) { if (hotBegin != -1) { topic.setHot(topic.getTotalReplies() >= hotBegin); } topic.setRead(false); }*/ String postsPerPageStr = ServerConfigurationService.getString(POSTS_PER_PAGE); //String hotTopicBeginStr = ServerConfigurationService.getString(HOT_TOPIC_BEGIN); //int hotBegin = -1; int postsPerPage = -1; /*if ((hotTopicBeginStr != null) && (hotTopicBeginStr.trim().length() > 0)) { try { hotBegin = Integer.parseInt(hotTopicBeginStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore error } }*/ if ((postsPerPageStr != null) && (postsPerPageStr.trim().length() > 0)) { try { postsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(postsPerPageStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore error } } // Check if this is a hot topic for (Topic topic : topics) { /*if (hotBegin != -1) { topic.setHot(topic.getTotalReplies() >= hotBegin); }*/ topic.setRead(false); // posts paginate if (postsPerPage != -1) { if (topic.getTotalReplies() + 1 > postsPerPage) { topic.setPaginate(true); } else { topic.setPaginate(false); } } } } } /** * Verifies user topic access * * @param topic Topic * * @param sakaiUserId Sakai user id * * @throws JForumAccessException If user is not allowed to access this item or perform this action */ protected void checkUserTopicAccess(Topic topic, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { if (topic == null) { return; } Category category = null; Forum forum = null; forum = topic.getForum(); if (forum == null) { return; } category = forum.getCategory(); if (category == null) { return; } boolean mayPost = true; if (forum.getType() == Forum.ForumType.READ_ONLY.getType()) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } if (mayPost && topic.getStatus() == Topic.TopicStatus.LOCKED.getStatus()) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } boolean categoryForumDates = false; Date currentTime = new Date(); User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); // ignore forums with category invalid dates /*if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)) { if (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(category.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } }*/ // ignore forums with category invalid dates if (category.getAccessDates() != null) { if (!category.getAccessDates().isDatesValid()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // ignore forums with invalid dates /*if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } }*/ if (forum.getAccessDates() != null) { if (!forum.getAccessDates().isDatesValid()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum access type if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } // forum groups if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.GROUPS.getAccessType()) { boolean userInGroup = false; try { Site site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); Collection<> userGroups = site.getGroupsWithMember(sakaiUserId); for ( grp : userGroups) { if ((forum.getGroups() != null) && (forum.getGroups().contains(grp.getId()))) { userInGroup = true; break; } } } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("filterUserTopicPosts: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } // user not in any group if (!userInGroup) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum special access List<SpecialAccess> forumSpecialAccessList = forum.getSpecialAccess(); boolean forumSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userSa = null; if (user != null && ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : forumSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userSa = sa; forumSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } /*if (!sa.isOverrideLockEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setLocked(forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()); }*/ if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().before(currentTime)) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } forum.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (forumSpecialAccessUser) { forum.getSpecialAccess().add(userSa); if (forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { //if (mayPost && userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (mayPost) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } else { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum dates else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { categoryForumDates = true; //if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (mayPost && !forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } else if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { categoryForumDates = true; // category dates if ((!forumSpecialAccessUser) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } //if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (category.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (mayPost && !forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) && category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } // topics dates if no category or forum dates if (!categoryForumDates) { checkTopicDates(topic, user); } // for gradable topic verify with course map access advisor if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { topic.setBlocked(true); topic.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId)); topic.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } else if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { forum.setBlocked(true); forum.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId)); forum.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } else if (category.isGradable()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { category.setBlocked(true); category.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId)); category.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } } /** * Clear the topic from thread local cache * * @param topic * The topic. */ protected void clearCache(Topic topic) { // clear the cache this.threadLocalManager.set(cacheKey(String.valueOf(topic.getId())), null); } /** * Create copy of topic * * @param topic topic * * @return The copy of topic */ protected TopicImpl clone(TopicImpl topic) { return new TopicImpl(topic); } /** * Remove users who are not in site * * @param users Jforum users * * @param copyallsiteusers All site users * @return */ protected User dropUsers(List<User> users, List<String> copyAllSiteUsers) { Iterator<User> dropiter = users.iterator(); User adminuser = null; while (dropiter.hasNext()) { User dropusr =; String dropSakUsrId = dropusr.getSakaiUserId(); if (dropSakUsrId.equalsIgnoreCase("admin")) adminuser = dropusr; if (!copyAllSiteUsers.contains(dropSakUsrId.toLowerCase())) { dropiter.remove(); } } return adminuser; } /** * Filters user topics for the user that the user is accessible to * * @param forum Forum with topics list to be filtered * * @param sakaiUserId Sakai user id * * @throws JForumAccessException If user is not accessible to category or fourm */ protected void filterUserForumTopics(Forum forum, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { if (forum == null) { return; } boolean categoryForumDates = false; Date currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); Category category = forum.getCategory(); if (category == null) { return; } // ignore forums with category invalid dates /*if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)) { if (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(category.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } }*/ // ignore forums with category invalid dates if (category.getAccessDates() != null) { if (!category.getAccessDates().isDatesValid()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // ignore forums with invalid dates /*if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } }*/ if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && !forum.getAccessDates().isDatesValid()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } boolean mayPost = true; if (forum.getType() == Forum.ForumType.READ_ONLY.getType()) { mayPost = false; for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } /*if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { category.getForums().clear(); return; } }*/ // forum access type if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } // forum groups if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.GROUPS.getAccessType()) { boolean userInGroup = false; try { Site site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); Collection<> userGroups = site.getGroupsWithMember(sakaiUserId); for ( grp : userGroups) { if ((forum.getGroups() != null) && (forum.getGroups().contains(grp.getId()))) { userInGroup = true; break; } } } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("getUserCourseMapItemsByContext: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } // user not in any group if (!userInGroup) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum special access List<SpecialAccess> forumSpecialAccessList = forum.getSpecialAccess(); boolean forumSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userSa = null; if (user != null && ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : forumSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userSa = sa; forumSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } /*if (!sa.isOverrideLockEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setLocked(forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()); }*/ if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } forum.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (forumSpecialAccessUser) { forum.getSpecialAccess().add(userSa); if (forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { if (mayPost) { for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } } else { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum dates else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { categoryForumDates = true; //if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (mayPost && !forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { if ((forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime))) { for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if ((forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime))) { for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } else if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { categoryForumDates = true; // category dates if ((!forumSpecialAccessUser) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } //if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (category.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (mayPost && !forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } else if ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) && category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) { ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } // topics dates if no category or forum dates if (!categoryForumDates) { checkTopicDates(forum.getTopics(), user); } for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) { // for gradable topic verify with course map access advisor if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { topic.setBlocked(true); topic.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId)); topic.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } } //add blocked details for category or forum is they are gradable if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { forum.setBlocked(true); forum.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId)); forum.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } else if (category.isGradable()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { category.setBlocked(true); category.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId)); category.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } // topics read status checkUnreadTopics(forum, user, category.getContext()); } /** * Filters user topics * * @param topics Topics * * @param sakaiUserId sakai user id */ protected void filterUserRecentTopics(List<Topic> topics, String sakaiUserId) { if (topics == null || topics.size() == 0) { return; } boolean categoryForumDates = false; Date currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); //for (Topic topic : topics) Topic topic = null; Forum forum = null; Category category = null; boolean mayPost = true; for (Iterator<Topic> iter = topics.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { topic = null; forum = null; categoryForumDates = false; topic =; forum = topic.getForum(); if (forum == null) { iter.remove(); continue; } category = forum.getCategory(); if (category == null) { iter.remove(); continue; } mayPost = true; if (forum.getType() == Forum.ForumType.READ_ONLY.getType()) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } if (mayPost && topic.getStatus() == Topic.TopicStatus.LOCKED.getStatus()) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } // ignore forums with category invalid dates /*if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)) { if (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(category.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { iter.remove(); continue; } }*/ if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && (!category.getAccessDates().isDatesValid())) { iter.remove(); continue; } // ignore forums with invalid dates /*if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { iter.remove(); continue; } }*/ if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (!forum.getAccessDates().isDatesValid())) { iter.remove(); continue; } // forum access type if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { iter.remove(); continue; } // forum groups if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.GROUPS.getAccessType()) { boolean userInGroup = false; try { Site site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); Collection<> userGroups = site.getGroupsWithMember(sakaiUserId); for ( grp : userGroups) { if ((forum.getGroups() != null) && (forum.getGroups().contains(grp.getId()))) { userInGroup = true; break; } } } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("getUserCourseMapItemsByContext: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } // user not in any group if (!userInGroup) { iter.remove(); continue; } } // forum special access List<SpecialAccess> forumSpecialAccessList = forum.getSpecialAccess(); boolean forumSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userSa = null; if (user != null && ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : forumSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userSa = sa; forumSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } /*if (!sa.isOverrideLockEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setLocked(forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()); }*/ if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } forum.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (forumSpecialAccessUser) { forum.getSpecialAccess().add(userSa); if (forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { //if (mayPost && userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (mayPost) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } else { iter.remove(); continue; } } // forum dates else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { iter.remove(); continue; } } if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { categoryForumDates = true; //if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } else if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { categoryForumDates = true; // category dates if ((!forumSpecialAccessUser) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { iter.remove(); continue; } } //if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (category.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (mayPost && !forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) && category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } // topics dates if no category or forum dates if (!categoryForumDates) { // topic special access List<SpecialAccess> topicSpecialAccessList = topic.getSpecialAccess(); boolean topicSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userTopicSa = null; if ((user != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : topicSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userTopicSa = sa; topicSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } /*if (!sa.isOverrideLockEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setLocked(topic.getAccessDates().isLocked()); }*/ if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { topicSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } topic.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (topicSpecialAccessUser) { topic.getSpecialAccess().add(userTopicSa); if (topicSpecialAccessUserAccess) { //if (mayPost && userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userTopicSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } else { iter.remove(); continue; } } // topic dates else if (topic.getAccessDates() != null) { if ((topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime))) { iter.remove(); continue; } //if (mayPost && topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && topic.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (mayPost) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } } //for (Topic topic : forum.getTopics()) //{ // for gradable topic verify with course map access advisor if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { topic.setBlocked(true); topic.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId)); topic.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } //} //add blocked details for category or forum is they are gradable if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { forum.setBlocked(true); forum.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId)); forum.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } else if (category.isGradable()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { category.setBlocked(true); category.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId)); category.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } } } /** * Checks the user access to topic * * @param Topic Topic with posts * * @param userId Sakai user id */ protected void filterUserTopicPosts(Topic topic, String sakaiUserId) throws JForumAccessException { if (topic == null) { return; } Category category = null; Forum forum = null; forum = topic.getForum(); if (forum == null) { return; } category = forum.getCategory(); if (category == null) { return; } boolean mayPost = true; if (forum.getType() == Forum.ForumType.READ_ONLY.getType()) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } if (mayPost && topic.getStatus() == Topic.TopicStatus.LOCKED.getStatus()) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } boolean categoryForumDates = false; Date currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); // ignore forums with category invalid dates /*if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)) { if (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(category.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } }*/ // ignore forums with category invalid dates if (category.getAccessDates() != null) { if (!category.getAccessDates().isDatesValid()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // ignore forums with invalid dates if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum access type if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.DENY.getAccessType()) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } // forum groups if (forum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.GROUPS.getAccessType()) { boolean userInGroup = false; try { Site site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); Collection<> userGroups = site.getGroupsWithMember(sakaiUserId); for ( grp : userGroups) { if ((forum.getGroups() != null) && (forum.getGroups().contains(grp.getId()))) { userInGroup = true; break; } } } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("filterUserTopicPosts: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } // user not in any group if (!userInGroup) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum special access List<SpecialAccess> forumSpecialAccessList = forum.getSpecialAccess(); boolean forumSpecialAccessUser = false; boolean forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = false; SpecialAccess userSa = null; if (user != null && ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null)))) { for (SpecialAccess sa : forumSpecialAccessList) { if (sa.getUserIds().contains(new Integer(user.getId()))) { userSa = sa; forumSpecialAccessUser = true; if (!sa.isOverrideStartDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate()); } if (!sa.isOverrideHideUntilOpen()) { sa.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()); } if (!sa.isOverrideEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setDueDate(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()); } /*if (!sa.isOverrideLockEndDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setLocked(forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()); }*/ if (!sa.isOverrideAllowUntilDate()) { sa.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate()); } if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } else { if (sa.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { if (!sa.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } else { forumSpecialAccessUserAccess = true; } } break; } } } forum.getSpecialAccess().clear(); if (forumSpecialAccessUser) { forum.getSpecialAccess().add(userSa); if (forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { //if (mayPost && userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (mayPost) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } else { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } // forum dates else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { categoryForumDates = true; //if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess)) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } } else if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { categoryForumDates = true; // category dates if ((!forumSpecialAccessUser) && (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null)) { if (category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(currentTime)) { throw new JForumAccessException(sakaiUserId); } } //if (mayPost && (!forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) && ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate()) != null && (category.getAccessDates().isLocked()))) if (mayPost && !forumSpecialAccessUserAccess) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } else if ((category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) && category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { mayPost = false; ((TopicImpl) topic).setMayPost(Boolean.FALSE); } } } // topics dates if no category or forum dates if (!categoryForumDates) { checkTopicDates(topic, user); } // for gradable topic verify with course map access advisor if (topic.isGradeTopic()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { topic.setBlocked(true); topic.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId)); topic.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.TOPIC.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(topic.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } else if (forum.getGradeType() == Grade.GradeType.FORUM.getType()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { forum.setBlocked(true); forum.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId)); forum.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.FORUM.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(forum.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } else if (category.isGradable()) { Boolean checkAccess = checkItemAccess(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId); if (!checkAccess) { category.setBlocked(true); category.setBlockedByTitle(getItemAccessMessage(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId)); category.setBlockedByDetails(getItemAccessDetails(category.getContext(), JForumService.CMItemIdPrefix.CAT.getCMItemIdPrefix() + String.valueOf(category.getId()), sakaiUserId)); } } // participant post edit permission. participants cannot edit the post // if topic is locked or forum is read only or category/forum/topic has // dates and locked after the end date for (Post post : topic.getPosts()) { if (post.getUserId() == user.getId()) { // topic locked if (topic.getStatus() == Topic.TopicStatus.LOCKED.getStatus()) { continue; } // read only forum if (forum.getType() == Forum.ForumType.READ_ONLY.getType()) { continue; } // category due date passed and category locked if ((category.getAccessDates() != null) && ((category.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (category.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } else if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { //if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && category.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (category.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } } // forum special access user if (forumSpecialAccessUser) { if (forumSpecialAccessUserAccess && userSa != null) { //if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && userSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } else if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } } else { continue; } } // forum due date passed and forum locked else if ((forum.getAccessDates() != null) && (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null || forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null)) { //if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && forum.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } else if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } } if ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && ((topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { boolean topicSpecialAccessUser = false; // topic special access user if (topic.getSpecialAccess().size() == 1) { SpecialAccess userTopicSa = topic.getSpecialAccess().get(0); if (userTopicSa != null) { topicSpecialAccessUser = true; //if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null && userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && userTopicSa.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } else if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (userTopicSa.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } } } // topic due date passed and topic locked if (!topicSpecialAccessUser && ((topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null))) { //if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime) && topic.getAccessDates().isLocked()) if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } else if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().before(currentTime)) { continue; } } } } ((PostImpl) post).setCanEdit(true); } } } /** * Gets accessible topics and not hidden(visible but not accessible) count of the forum * * @param forumId Forum id * * @return The accessible topics and not hidden(visible but not accessible) count of the forum */ protected int getAccessibleTopicsCountByForum(int forumId) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); // though query can be used with just checking hide_until_open = 0 for sanity check time is considered sql.append( "SELECT count(1) AS accessible_topics_count FROM jforum_topics WHERE forum_id = ? AND (start_date < ? OR start_date IS NULL OR (start_date > ? AND hide_until_open = 0)) "); Object[] fields; int i = 0; fields = new Object[3]; fields[i++] = forumId; fields[i++] = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); fields[i++] = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); int topicMessagesCount = 0; final List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<Integer>(); this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { count.add(result.getInt("accessible_topics_count")); return null; } catch (SQLException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("getAccessibleTopicsCountByForum: " + e, e); } return null; } } }); if (count.size() == 1) { topicMessagesCount = count.get(0); } return topicMessagesCount; } /** * get the accessible and not hidden(visible but not accessible) topics messages count * * @param forumId The forum id * * @return The count of the accessible and not hidden(visible but not accessible) topics messages count */ protected int getAccessibleTopicsMessagesCountByForum(int forumId) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); // though query can be used with just checking hide_until_open = 0 for sanity check time is considered sql.append( "SELECT COUNT(p.post_id) AS total_posts FROM jforum_topics t LEFT JOIN jforum_posts p ON p.topic_id = t.topic_id "); sql.append( "WHERE t.forum_id = ? AND (start_date < ? OR start_date IS NULL OR (start_date > ? AND hide_until_open = 0 )) GROUP BY t.forum_id"); Object[] fields; int i = 0; fields = new Object[3]; fields[i++] = forumId; fields[i++] = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); fields[i++] = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); int topicMessagesCount = 0; final List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<Integer>(); this.sqlService.dbRead(sql.toString(), fields, new SqlReader() { public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) { try { count.add(result.getInt("total_posts")); return null; } catch (SQLException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("getAccessibleTopicsMessagesCountByForum: " + e, e); } return null; } } }); if (count.size() == 1) { topicMessagesCount = count.get(0); } return topicMessagesCount; } /** * Gets the item access details if the item is blocked in the coursemap * * @param context The context * * @param id The item id * * @param userId The user id * * @return The item access details */ protected String getItemAccessDetails(String context, String id, String userId) { if (this.accessAdvisor == null) return null; return accessAdvisor.details("sakai.jforum", context, id, userId); } /** * Gets the message if the item is blocked in the coursemap * * @param context The context * * @param id The item id * * @param userId The user id * * @return The message if the item is blocked */ protected String getItemAccessMessage(String context, String id, String userId) { if (this.accessAdvisor == null) return null; return accessAdvisor.message("sakai.jforum", context, id, userId); } /** * Gets the user topic mark or visit time * * @param topicId Topic id * * @param user JForum user * * @return The user topic with mark time or null */ protected Topic getUserTopicMarkTime(int topicId, User user) { if ((topicId == 0) || (user == null)) { new IllegalArgumentException(); } return topicDao.selectMarkTime(topicId, user.getId()); } /** * Mark topic and forum read status of the user * * @param topic Topic * * @param sakaiUserId Sakai user id */ protected void markTopicForumReadStatus(Topic topic, String sakaiUserId) { if ((topic == null) || (sakaiUserId == null || sakaiUserId.trim().length() == 0)) { return; } User user = jforumUserService.getBySakaiUserId(sakaiUserId); Forum forum = topic.getForum(); Category category = forum.getCategory(); if (user == null) { topic.setRead(Boolean.FALSE); forum.setUnread(true); return; } // marked all read time Date markAllReadTime = jforumUserService.getMarkAllReadTime(category.getContext(), user.getId()); //mark user topic read status. This may not be needed if this method is called when user visits the topic posts as topic is marked as visited. markUserTopicReadStatus(user, markAllReadTime, topic); if (!topic.getRead().booleanValue()) { forum.setUnread(true); return; } //This may not be needed - if topic is read check forum read status with other topics - get all accessible topics with latest post time and check with topic read time } /** * mark user topic read status * * @param user JForum user * * @param markAllReadTime user mark all read time * * @param topic Topic */ protected void markUserTopicReadStatus(User user, Date markAllReadTime, Topic topic) { String postsPerPageStr = ServerConfigurationService.getString(POSTS_PER_PAGE); //String hotTopicBeginStr = ServerConfigurationService.getString(HOT_TOPIC_BEGIN); //int hotBegin = -1; int postsPerPage = -1; /*if ((hotTopicBeginStr != null) && (hotTopicBeginStr.trim().length() > 0)) { try { hotBegin = Integer.parseInt(hotTopicBeginStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore error } }*/ if ((postsPerPageStr != null) && (postsPerPageStr.trim().length() > 0)) { try { postsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(postsPerPageStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore error } } // Check if this is a hot topic /*if (hotBegin != -1) { topic.setHot(topic.getTotalReplies() >= hotBegin); }*/ // posts paginate if (postsPerPage != -1) { if (topic.getTotalReplies() + 1 > postsPerPage) { topic.setPaginate(true); } else { topic.setPaginate(false); } } //topicMarkTime = getUserTopicMarkTime(topic.getId(), user); //Date topicMarkTime = null; Date topicLatestPostTime = null; Topic lastPostimeTopic = null; Topic topicUserMarkTime = getUserTopicMarkTime(topic.getId(), user); lastPostimeTopic = getTopicLatestPosttime(topic.getId(), user.getId(), markAllReadTime, false); if (lastPostimeTopic != null) { topicLatestPostTime = lastPostimeTopic.getTime(); } if (topicUserMarkTime == null) { if (topicLatestPostTime != null) { topic.setRead(false); } else { topic.setRead(true); } } else { /*Date topicMarkTime = topicUserMarkTime.getTime(); if (markAllReadTime != null) { if (topicMarkTime.before(markAllReadTime)) { topic.setRead(true); } } else if (!topicUserMarkTime.getRead()) { topic.setRead(false); } else if (topicLatestPostTime != null) { if (topicLatestPostTime.before(topicMarkTime)) { topic.setRead(true); } else { topic.setRead(false); } } else { topic.setRead(true); }*/ // if topic is marked as unread mark the forum as unread if (!topicUserMarkTime.getRead()) { topic.setRead(false); return; } Date topicMarkTime = topicUserMarkTime.getTime(); if (topicLatestPostTime != null) { if (topicLatestPostTime.before(topicMarkTime)) { topic.setRead(true); } else { topic.setRead(false); } } else { topic.setRead(true); } } } /** * Notify new topic to users who opted to received new topic email notification * * @param category Category */ protected void notifyNewTopicToUsers(Category category) { List<User> usersToNotify = updateUsersInfo(category.getContext()); Forum topicForum = category.getForums().get(0); Topic topic = category.getForums().get(0).getTopics().get(0); Post post = category.getForums().get(0).getTopics().get(0).getPosts().get(0); // if forum has groups send to the members of the groups boolean sendToGroups = false; Site site = null; if ((topicForum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.GROUPS.getAccessType()) && (topicForum.getGroups() != null && topicForum.getGroups().size() > 0)) { sendToGroups = true; try { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("notifyNewTopicToUsers: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } } // remove the user who posted the message int posterId = category.getForums().get(0).getTopics().get(0).getPostedBy().getId(); Iterator<User> usersIterator = usersToNotify.iterator(); while (usersIterator.hasNext()) { User usr = (User); if (usr == null) { usersIterator.remove(); continue; } if (usr.getId() == posterId) { usersIterator.remove(); continue; } // notify only to the users who belong to the group(s) associated with forum if (sendToGroups && !jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), usr.getSakaiUserId())) { boolean userInGroup = false; Collection sakaiSiteGroups = site.getGroupsWithMember(usr.getSakaiUserId()); for (Iterator<Group> usrGrpIter = sakaiSiteGroups.iterator(); usrGrpIter.hasNext();) { grp = (; if (topicForum.getGroups().contains(grp.getId())) { userInGroup = true; break; } } if (!userInGroup) { usersIterator.remove(); continue; } } if (!usr.isNotifyOnMessagesEnabled() || (usr.getEmail() == null || usr.getEmail().trim().length() == 0) || (!jforumSecurityService.isUserActive(category.getContext(), usr.getSakaiUserId()))) { usersIterator.remove(); continue; } try { new InternetAddress(usr.getEmail()); } catch (AddressException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn("notifyNewTopicToUsers(...) : " + usr.getEmail() + " is invalid. And exception is : " + e); usersIterator.remove(); continue; } } if (usersToNotify != null && usersToNotify.size() > 0) { // format message text Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); // send email InternetAddress from = null; InternetAddress[] to = null; String topicFrom = ""; if (topic.getPostedBy() != null) { topicFrom = topic.getPostedBy().getFirstName() + " " + topic.getPostedBy().getLastName(); } to = new InternetAddress[usersToNotify.size()]; int i = 0; for (User user : usersToNotify) { try { InternetAddress toUserEmail = new InternetAddress(user.getEmail()); to[i] = toUserEmail; i++; } catch (AddressException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn( "notifyNewTopicToUsers(): New topic email notification 'toUserEmail' error : " + e); } } String fromUserEmail = "\"" + ServerConfigurationService.getString("ui.service", "Sakai") + "\"<no-reply@" + ServerConfigurationService.getServerName() + ">"; try { from = new InternetAddress(fromUserEmail); } catch (AddressException e1) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn( "notifyNewTopicToUsers(): New topic email notification 'fromUserEmail' error : " + e1); } try { if (site == null) { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } params.put("site.title", site.getTitle()); String portalUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getPortalUrl(); params.put("portal.url", portalUrl); //String currToolId = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getId(); //ToolConfiguration toolConfiguration = site.getTool(currToolId); ToolConfiguration toolConfiguration = site.getToolForCommonId("sakai.jforum.tool"); String siteNavUrl = portalUrl + "/" + "site" + "/" + Web.escapeUrl(site.getId()); if (toolConfiguration != null) { siteNavUrl = siteNavUrl + "/" + "page" + "/" + toolConfiguration.getPageId(); } params.put("site.url", siteNavUrl); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn(e.toString(), e); } } params.put("topic.title", topic.getTitle()); params.put("topic.from", topicFrom); params.put("post.subject", post.getSubject()); String postText = post.getText(); // full URL's for smilies etc if (postText != null && postText.trim().length() > 0) { postText = XrefHelper.fullUrls(postText); } params.put("post.text", postText); String messageText = EmailUtil.getNewTopicMessageText(params); String subject = "[" + site.getTitle() + " - New Post] " + topic.getTitle(); if (messageText != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("notifyNewTopicToUsers() - Email notification - to.length :" + to.length); } if ((post != null) && (post.hasAttachments())) { //email with attachments jforumEmailExecutorService.notifyUsers(from, to, subject, messageText, post.getAttachments()); } else { jforumEmailExecutorService.notifyUsers(from, to, subject, messageText); } } else { if ((post != null) && (post.hasAttachments())) { //email with attachments jforumEmailExecutorService.notifyUsers(from, to, subject, postText, post.getAttachments()); } else { jforumEmailExecutorService.notifyUsers(from, to, subject, postText); } } } } /** * Sends a "new post" notification message to all users watching the topic. * * @param category */ protected void notifyTopicReplyToUsers(Category category) { List<User> siteUsers = updateUsersInfo(category.getContext()); Forum topicForum = category.getForums().get(0); Topic topic = category.getForums().get(0).getTopics().get(0); Post post = category.getForums().get(0).getTopics().get(0).getPosts().get(0); // remove the user who posted the message int posterId = post.getPostedBy().getId(); List<User> usersToNotify = topicDao.notifyUsers(topic.getId(), posterId); // if forum has groups send to the members of the groups boolean sendToGroups = false; Site site = null; if ((topicForum.getAccessType() == Forum.ForumAccess.GROUPS.getAccessType()) && (topicForum.getGroups() != null && topicForum.getGroups().size() > 0)) { sendToGroups = true; try { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("notifyNewTopicToUsers: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } } Iterator<User> usersIterator = usersToNotify.iterator(); while (usersIterator.hasNext()) { User usr = (User); if (usr == null) { usersIterator.remove(); continue; } if (usr.getId() == posterId) { usersIterator.remove(); continue; } // notify only to the users who belong to the group(s) associated with forum if (sendToGroups && !jforumSecurityService.isJForumFacilitator(category.getContext(), usr.getSakaiUserId())) { boolean userInGroup = false; Collection sakaiSiteGroups = site.getGroupsWithMember(usr.getSakaiUserId()); for (Iterator usrGrpIter = sakaiSiteGroups.iterator(); usrGrpIter.hasNext();) { grp = (; if (topicForum.getGroups().contains(grp.getId())) { userInGroup = true; break; } } if (!userInGroup) { usersIterator.remove(); continue; } } if ((usr.getEmail() == null || usr.getEmail().trim().length() == 0) || (!jforumSecurityService.isUserActive(category.getContext(), usr.getSakaiUserId()))) { usersIterator.remove(); continue; } try { new InternetAddress(usr.getEmail()); } catch (AddressException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn("notifyTopicReplyToUsers(...) : " + usr.getEmail() + " is invalid. And exception is : " + e); usersIterator.remove(); continue; } } if (usersToNotify != null && usersToNotify.size() > 0) { // format message text Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); // send email InternetAddress from = null; InternetAddress[] to = null; String postFrom = ""; if (post.getPostedBy() != null) { postFrom = post.getPostedBy().getFirstName() + " " + topic.getPostedBy().getLastName(); } to = new InternetAddress[usersToNotify.size()]; int i = 0; for (User user : usersToNotify) { try { InternetAddress toUserEmail = new InternetAddress(user.getEmail()); to[i] = toUserEmail; i++; } catch (AddressException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn( "notifyTopicReplyToUsers(): Topic reply email notification 'toUserEmail' error : " + e); } } String fromUserEmail = "\"" + ServerConfigurationService.getString("ui.service", "Sakai") + "\"<no-reply@" + ServerConfigurationService.getServerName() + ">"; try { from = new InternetAddress(fromUserEmail); } catch (AddressException e1) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn("notifyTopicReplyToUsers(): Topic reply email notification 'fromUserEmail' error : " + e1); } try { if (site == null) { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } params.put("site.title", site.getTitle()); String portalUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getPortalUrl(); //String currToolId = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getId(); //ToolConfiguration toolConfiguration = site.getTool(currToolId); ToolConfiguration toolConfiguration = site.getToolForCommonId("sakai.jforum.tool"); String siteNavUrl = portalUrl + "/" + "site" + "/" + Web.escapeUrl(site.getId()); if (toolConfiguration != null) { siteNavUrl = siteNavUrl + "/" + "page" + "/" + toolConfiguration.getPageId(); } params.put("site.url", siteNavUrl); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn(e.toString(), e); } } params.put("topic.title", topic.getTitle()); params.put("post.from", postFrom); params.put("post.subject", post.getSubject()); String postText = post.getText(); // full URL's for smilies etc if (postText != null && postText.trim().length() > 0) { postText = XrefHelper.fullUrls(postText); } params.put("post.text", postText); String messageText = EmailUtil.getNewReplyMessageText(params); String subject = "[" + site.getTitle() + " - New Post] " + topic.getTitle(); if (messageText != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("notifyTopicReplyToUsers(): Email notification - to.length :" + to.length); } if ((post != null) && (post.hasAttachments())) { //email with attachments jforumEmailExecutorService.notifyUsers(from, to, subject, messageText, post.getAttachments()); } else { jforumEmailExecutorService.notifyUsers(from, to, subject, messageText); } } else { if ((post != null) && (post.hasAttachments())) { //email with attachments jforumEmailExecutorService.notifyUsers(from, to, subject, postText, post.getAttachments()); } else { jforumEmailExecutorService.notifyUsers(from, to, subject, postText); } } } } /** * remove entry from gradebook * * @param grade */ protected void removeEntryFromGradeBook(Grade grade) { //remove entry from gradebook if (grade != null) { JForumGBService jForumGBService = null; jForumGBService = (JForumGBService) ComponentManager.get(""); if (jForumGBService == null) return; String gradebookUid = grade.getContext(); if (jForumGBService.isExternalAssignmentDefined(gradebookUid, JForumGradeService.JFORUM_GRADEBOOK_EXTERNAL_ID_CONCAT + String.valueOf(grade.getId()))) { jForumGBService.removeExternalAssessment(gradebookUid, JForumGradeService.JFORUM_GRADEBOOK_EXTERNAL_ID_CONCAT + String.valueOf(grade.getId())); } } } /** * Update topic dates * * @param topic Topic */ protected void updateDatesTXN(Topic topic) { String sql = "UPDATE jforum_topics SET start_date = ?, hide_until_open = ?, end_date = ?, allow_until_date = ? WHERE topic_id = ?"; Object[] fields = new Object[5]; int i = 0; //fields[i++] = ((topic.getAccessDates() == null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null)) ? null : new Timestamp(topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().getTime()); //fields[i++] = ((topic.getAccessDates() == null) || (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() == null)) ? null : new Timestamp(topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().getTime()); //fields[i++] = ((topic.getAccessDates() != null) && (topic.getAccessDates().isLocked()))? 1 : 0; if (topic.getAccessDates() != null) { if (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { fields[i++] = null; fields[i++] = 0; } else { fields[i++] = new Timestamp(topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().getTime()); fields[i++] = topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen() ? 1 : 0; } if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() == null) { fields[i++] = null; } else { fields[i++] = new Timestamp(topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate().getTime()); } if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() == null) { fields[i++] = null; } else { fields[i++] = new Timestamp(topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate().getTime()); } } else { fields[i++] = null; fields[i++] = 0; fields[i++] = null; fields[i++] = null; } fields[i++] = topic.getId(); if (!this.sqlService.dbWrite(sql.toString(), fields)) { throw new RuntimeException("updateDatesTXN: db write failed"); } } /** * Update existing users info in jforum if changed * * @param currentSiteUsers List of current site users in jforum */ protected void updateExistingUsersInfo(List<User> currentSiteUsers) { for (User user : currentSiteUsers) { updateJFUser(user); } } /** * Sends topic grades to gradebook * * @param topic Topic */ protected void updateGradeBook(Topic topic) { Site site = null; Forum forum = topic.getForum(); Category category = forum.getCategory(); try { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("updateGradeBook: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } Grade grade = topic.getGrade(); //check for gradebook tool in the site boolean gradebookAvailable = false; try { if (site == null) { site = siteService.getSite(category.getContext()); } String gradebookToolId = ServerConfigurationService.getString(JForumGradeService.GRADEBOOK_TOOL_ID); if ((gradebookToolId == null) || (gradebookToolId.trim().length() == 0)) { gradebookToolId = "sakai.gradebook.tool"; } if (site.getToolForCommonId(gradebookToolId) != null) { gradebookAvailable = true; } } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("updateGradeBook: missing site: " + category.getContext()); } } if (jforumGBService.isGradebookDefined(grade.getContext()) && gradebookAvailable) {/* Date now = new Date(); Date endDate = null; if (topic.getAccessDates() != null) { endDate = topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } if (endDate == null) { if (forum.getAccessDates() != null) { endDate = forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } if (endDate == null) { if (category.getAccessDates() != null) { endDate = category.getAccessDates().getDueDate(); } } } // new grade should not be in gradebook, sanity check boolean entryExisInGradebook = false; if (jforumGBService.isExternalAssignmentDefined(grade.getContext(), JForumGradeService.JFORUM_GRADEBOOK_EXTERNAL_ID_CONCAT + String.valueOf(grade.getId()))) { entryExisInGradebook = true; } //add or update to gradebook String url = null; if (entryExisInGradebook) { // open date and hide until if (topic.getAccessDates() != null && topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null && topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(now) && topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { jforumGBService.removeExternalAssessment(grade.getContext(), JForumGradeService.JFORUM_GRADEBOOK_EXTERNAL_ID_CONCAT + String.valueOf(grade.getId())); //return; } this.jforumGradeService.updateGradebook(grade, topic); remove entry in the gradebook and add again if there is no entry with the same name in the gradebook. Then publish the scores from grading page. jforumGBService.removeExternalAssessment(grade.getContext(), JForumGradeService.JFORUM_GRADEBOOK_EXTERNAL_ID_CONCAT + String.valueOf(grade.getId())); if (!jforumGBService.isAssignmentDefined(grade.getContext(), topic.getTitle())) { if (!jforumGBService.addExternalAssessment(grade.getContext(), JForumGradeService.JFORUM_GRADEBOOK_EXTERNAL_ID_CONCAT + String.valueOf(grade.getId()), url, topic.getTitle(), JForumUtil.toDoubleScore(grade.getPoints()), endDate, JForumGradeService.GRADE_SENDTOGRADEBOOK_DESCRIPTION)) { // update isAddToGradeBook of grade grade.setAddToGradeBook(false); jforumGradeService.modifyTopicGrade(grade); } else { this.jforumGradeService.updateGradebook(grade, topic); } } else { // update isAddToGradeBook of grade grade.setAddToGradeBook(false); jforumGradeService.modifyTopicGrade(grade); } } else { // open date and hide until if (topic.getAccessDates() != null && topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null && topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate().after(now) && topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { return; } if (!jforumGBService.isAssignmentDefined(grade.getContext(), topic.getTitle())) { if (!jforumGBService.addExternalAssessment(grade.getContext(), JForumGradeService.JFORUM_GRADEBOOK_EXTERNAL_ID_CONCAT + String.valueOf(grade.getId()), url, topic.getTitle(), JForumUtil.toDoubleScore(grade.getPoints()), endDate, JForumGradeService.GRADE_SENDTOGRADEBOOK_DESCRIPTION)) { // update isAddToGradeBook of grade grade.setAddToGradeBook(false); jforumGradeService.modifyTopicGrade(grade); } } else { // update isAddToGradeBook of grade grade.setAddToGradeBook(false); jforumGradeService.modifyTopicGrade(grade); } } */ jforumGradeService.updateGradebook(grade, topic); } else { if (grade != null) { // update isAddToGradeBook of grade grade.setAddToGradeBook(false); jforumGradeService.modifyTopicGrade(grade); } } } /** * Update user info * * @param jfuser Jforum user */ protected void updateJFUser(User jfuser) { try { org.sakaiproject.user.api.User sakUser = UserDirectoryService.getUser(jfuser.getSakaiUserId()); if (sakUser != null) { String sakUsrEmail = sakUser.getEmail(); String sakUsrFname = sakUser.getFirstName(); String sakUsrLname = sakUser.getLastName(); String jforumUsrEmail = jfuser.getEmail(); String jforumUsrFname = jfuser.getFirstName(); String jforumUsrLname = jfuser.getLastName(); boolean changed = false, fnameblank = false; // if sakai Eid is changed /*if (!sakUser.getEid().equalsIgnoreCase(jfuser.getUsername())) { jfuser.setUsername(sakUser.getEid()); changed = true; }*/ /* * if sakai user first name and last name are blank then change the jforum user last name as Guest */ // first name if (sakUsrFname != null && sakUsrFname.trim().length() > 0) { if (jforumUsrFname != null) { // compare first names if (!jforumUsrFname.equals(sakUsrFname)) { jfuser.setFirstName(sakUsrFname); changed = true; } } else { jfuser.setFirstName(sakUsrFname); changed = true; } } else { fnameblank = true; jfuser.setFirstName(""); changed = true; } // last name if (sakUsrLname != null && sakUsrLname.trim().length() > 0) { if (jforumUsrLname != null) { // compare last names if (!jforumUsrLname.equals(sakUsrLname)) { jfuser.setLastName(sakUsrLname); changed = true; } } else { jfuser.setLastName(sakUsrLname); changed = true; } } else { if (fnameblank) { jfuser.setLastName("Guest User"); } else { jfuser.setLastName(""); } changed = true; } // email if (sakUsrEmail != null && sakUsrEmail.trim().length() > 0) { if (jforumUsrEmail != null) { if (!jforumUsrEmail.equals(sakUsrEmail)) { jfuser.setEmail(sakUsrEmail); changed = true; } } else { jfuser.setEmail(sakUsrEmail); changed = true; } } else { if (jforumUsrEmail != null && jforumUsrEmail.trim().length() != 0) { jfuser.setEmail(""); changed = true; } } if (changed) { jforumUserService.modifyUserSakaiInfo(jfuser); } } } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { // if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn(e, e); } } /** * Update users info in jforum if sakai user information is modified * * @param siteId Site id * * @return List of users */ protected List<User> updateUsersInfo(String siteId) { Site site = null; try { site = siteService.getSite(siteId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("updateUsersInfo: missing site: " + siteId); } } if (site == null) { return null; } // update users info in the jforum Set<String> siteUsers = site.getUsers(); //remove users that are deleted in sakai Iterator<String> sakUserIterator = siteUsers.iterator(); while (sakUserIterator.hasNext()) { String userId = (String); try { UserDirectoryService.getUser(userId); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { sakUserIterator.remove(); } } List<String> allsiteusers = new ArrayList<String>(); allsiteusers.addAll(siteUsers); List<String> copyallsiteusers = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<String> copyiter = allsiteusers.iterator(); while (copyiter.hasNext()) { String copyname = (; copyallsiteusers.add(copyname); } /* for existing site users */ List<User> exissiteusers = new ArrayList<User>(); List<User> users = jforumUserService.getSiteUsers(siteId); //find new users Iterator<User> iter = users.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { User checkusr =; if (allsiteusers.contains(checkusr.getSakaiUserId().toLowerCase())) { /* remove from allsiteusers as user is existing */ allsiteusers.remove(checkusr.getSakaiUserId().toLowerCase()); /* add existing site users */ exissiteusers.add(checkusr); } } //Don't create new users here //List newUsers = createNewUsers(allsiteusers); updateExistingUsersInfo(exissiteusers); //users.addAll(newUsers); /*dropped students remove from users */ User adminuser = dropUsers(users, copyallsiteusers); if (adminuser != null) users.remove(adminuser); //Collections.sort(users,new UserOrderComparator()); return users; } }