Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of RskJ * Copyright (C) 2017 RSK Labs Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.ethereum.rpc; import co.rsk.core.SnapshotManager; import co.rsk.mine.MinerManager; import co.rsk.peg.Bridge; import co.rsk.rpc.ModuleDescription; import; import co.rsk.config.RskSystemProperties; import co.rsk.config.WalletAccount; import co.rsk.core.Wallet; import; import co.rsk.peg.BridgeState; import co.rsk.peg.BridgeStateReader; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import; import org.ethereum.config.SystemProperties; import org.ethereum.config.blockchain.RegTestConfig; import org.ethereum.core.*; import org.ethereum.crypto.ECKey; import org.ethereum.crypto.HashUtil; import org.ethereum.db.TransactionInfo; import org.ethereum.facade.Ethereum; import org.ethereum.listener.CompositeEthereumListener; import org.ethereum.listener.EthereumListener; import org.ethereum.listener.EthereumListenerAdapter; import org.ethereum.manager.WorldManager; import; import; import; import org.ethereum.rpc.dto.*; import org.ethereum.rpc.exception.JsonRpcInvalidParamException; import org.ethereum.rpc.exception.JsonRpcUnimplementedMethodException; import org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.SolidityCompiler; import org.ethereum.util.BuildInfo; import org.ethereum.vm.DataWord; import org.ethereum.vm.GasCost; import org.ethereum.vm.LogInfo; import org.ethereum.vm.PrecompiledContracts; import org.ethereum.vm.program.ProgramResult; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import static java.lang.Math.max; import static org.ethereum.rpc.TypeConverter.*; public class Web3Impl implements Web3 { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("web3"); private SnapshotManager snapshotManager = new SnapshotManager(); private MinerManager minerManager = new MinerManager(); public WorldManager worldManager; public org.ethereum.facade.Repository repository; public Ethereum eth; private String baseClientVersion = "RskJ"; CompositeEthereumListener compositeEthereumListener; long initialBlockNumber; long maxBlockNumberSeen; private final Object filterLock = new Object(); private Wallet wallet; private SolidityCompiler solidityCompiler; public Web3Impl(SolidityCompiler compiler, Wallet wallet) { this.solidityCompiler = compiler; this.wallet = wallet; } public Web3Impl(Ethereum eth, RskSystemProperties properties, Wallet wallet) { this.eth = eth; this.worldManager = eth.getWorldManager(); this.repository = eth.getRepository(); this.wallet = wallet; initialBlockNumber = this.worldManager.getBlockchain().getBestBlock().getNumber(); compositeEthereumListener = new CompositeEthereumListener(); this.solidityCompiler = this.worldManager.getSolidityCompiler(); compositeEthereumListener.addListener(this.setupListener()); this.eth.addListener(compositeEthereumListener); // TODO adding default accounts, just so that integration tests pass if (properties.getBlockchainConfig() instanceof RegTestConfig) { personal_newAccountWithSeed("cow"); } String secret = properties.coinbaseSecret(); personal_newAccountWithSeed(secret); // initializes wallet accounts based on configuration List<WalletAccount> accs = properties.walletAccounts(); for (WalletAccount acc : accs) eth_addAccount(acc.getPrivateKey()); } public EthereumListener setupListener() { return new EthereumListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onBlock(Block block, List<TransactionReceipt> receipts) { logger.trace("Start onBlock"); synchronized (filterLock) { for (Filter filter : installedFilters.values()) { filter.newBlockReceived(block); } } logger.trace("End onBlock"); } @Override public void onPendingTransactionsReceived(List<Transaction> transactions) { synchronized (filterLock) { for (Filter filter : installedFilters.values()) { for (Transaction tx : transactions) { filter.newPendingTx(tx); } } } } }; } public long JSonHexToLong(String x) throws Exception { if (!x.startsWith("0x")) throw new Exception("Incorrect hex syntax"); x = x.substring(2); return Long.parseLong(x, 16); } public int JSonHexToInt(String x) throws Exception { if (!x.startsWith("0x")) throw new Exception("Incorrect hex syntax"); x = x.substring(2); return Integer.parseInt(x, 16); } public String JSonHexToHex(String x) throws Exception { if (!x.startsWith("0x")) throw new Exception("Incorrect hex syntax"); x = x.substring(2); return x; } public String[] toJsonHexArray(Collection<String> c) { String[] arr = new String[c.size()]; int i = 0; for (String item : c) { arr[i++] = toJsonHex(item); } return arr; } public String[] listObjectHashtoJsonHexArray(Collection<SerializableObject> c) { String[] arr = new String[c.size()]; int i = 0; for (SerializableObject item : c) { // Todo: Which hash is required? RawHash or Hash ? arr[i++] = toJsonHex(item.getHash()); } return arr; } public String web3_clientVersion() { String clientVersion = baseClientVersion + "/" + SystemProperties.CONFIG.projectVersion() + "/" + System.getProperty("") + "/Java1.8/" + SystemProperties.CONFIG.projectVersionModifier() + "-" + BuildInfo.getBuildHash(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("web3_clientVersion(): " + clientVersion); return clientVersion; } public String web3_sha3(String data) throws Exception { String s = null; try { byte[] result = HashUtil.sha3(data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); return s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(result); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("web3_sha3({}): {}", data, s); } } public String net_version() { String s = null; try { byte netVersion = RskSystemProperties.RSKCONFIG.getBlockchainConfig().getCommonConstants().getChainId(); return s = Byte.toString(netVersion); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("net_version(): " + s); } } public String net_peerCount() { String s = null; try { ChannelManager channelManager = worldManager.getChannelManager(); int n = channelManager.getActivePeers().size(); return s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(n); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("net_peerCount(): " + s); } } public boolean net_listening() { Boolean s = null; try { return s = eth.getPeerServer().isListening(); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("net_listening(): " + s); } } public String rsk_protocolVersion() { String s = null; try { int version = 0; for (Capability capability : worldManager.getConfigCapabilities().getConfigCapabilities()) { if (capability.isRSK()) { version = max(version, capability.getVersion()); } } return s = Integer.toString(version); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("rsk_protocolVersion(): " + s); } } public String eth_protocolVersion() { return rsk_protocolVersion(); } public Object eth_syncing() { Blockchain blockchain = worldManager.getBlockchain(); long currentBlock = worldManager.getBlockchain().getBestBlock().getNumber(); BlockProcessor processor = worldManager.getNodeBlockProcessor(); if (processor == null) { // TODO(raltman): processor should never be null. Change Web3Impl to request BlockProcessor from Roostock. return false; } long highestBlock = processor.getLastKnownBlockNumber(); if (currentBlock >= highestBlock) return false; SyncingResult s = new SyncingResult(); try { s.startingBlock = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(initialBlockNumber); s.currentBlock = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(currentBlock); s.highestBlock = toJsonHex(highestBlock); return s; } finally { logger.debug("eth_syncing(): starting {}, current {}, highest {} ", s.startingBlock, s.currentBlock, s.highestBlock); } } public String eth_coinbase() { String s = null; try { return s = toJsonHex(worldManager.getMinerServer().getCoinbaseAddress()); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_coinbase(): " + s); } } public boolean eth_mining() { Boolean s = null; try { return s = worldManager.getMinerClient().isMining(); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_mining(): " + s); } } public String eth_hashrate() { BigDecimal hashesPerSecond = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (RskSystemProperties.RSKCONFIG.minerServerEnabled()) { BigInteger hashesPerHour = this.worldManager.getHashRateCalculator().calculateNodeHashRate(1L, TimeUnit.HOURS); hashesPerSecond = new BigDecimal(hashesPerHour).divide(new BigDecimal(TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1)), 3, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } String result = hashesPerSecond.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_hashrate(): " + result); return result; } public String eth_netHashrate() { BigInteger hashesPerHour = this.worldManager.getHashRateCalculator().calculateNetHashRate(1L, TimeUnit.HOURS); BigDecimal hashesPerSecond = new BigDecimal(hashesPerHour) .divide(new BigDecimal(TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1)), 3, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); String result = hashesPerSecond.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_netHashrate(): " + result); return result; } @Override public String[] net_peerList() { Collection<Channel> peers = worldManager.getChannelManager().getActivePeers(); List<String> response = new ArrayList<>(); peers.forEach(channel -> response.add(channel.toString())); return[]::new); } public String eth_gasPrice() { String gasPrice = null; try { return gasPrice = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(eth.getGasPrice()); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_gasPrice(): " + gasPrice); } } public String[] eth_accounts() { String[] s = null; try { return s = personal_listAccounts(); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_accounts(): " + Arrays.toString(s)); } } public String eth_blockNumber() { Blockchain blockchain = worldManager.getBlockchain(); Block bestBlock; synchronized (blockchain) { bestBlock = blockchain.getBestBlock(); } long b = 0; if (bestBlock != null) { b = bestBlock.getNumber(); } logger.debug("eth_blockNumber(): {}", b); return toJsonHex(b); } public String eth_getBalance(String address, String block) throws Exception { /* HEX String - an integer block number * String "earliest" for the earliest/genesis block * String "latest" - for the latest mined block * String "pending" - for the pending state/transactions */ Repository repository = getRepoByJsonBlockId(block); if (repository == null) throw new NullPointerException(); byte[] addressAsByteArray = StringHexToByteArray(address); BigInteger balance = repository.getBalance(addressAsByteArray); return toJsonHex(balance); } public String eth_getBalance(String address) throws Exception { byte[] addressAsByteArray = StringHexToByteArray(address); BigInteger balance = this.repository.getBalance(addressAsByteArray); return toJsonHex(balance); } @Override public String eth_getStorageAt(String address, String storageIdx, String blockId) throws Exception { String s = null; try { byte[] addressAsByteArray = StringHexToByteArray(address); Repository repository = getRepoByJsonBlockId(blockId); if (repository == null) return null; DataWord storageValue = repository.getStorageValue(addressAsByteArray, new DataWord(StringHexToByteArray(storageIdx))); if (storageValue != null) { return s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(storageValue.getData()); } else { return null; } } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getStorageAt(" + address + ", " + storageIdx + ", " + blockId + "): " + s); } } @Override public String eth_getTransactionCount(String address, String blockId) throws Exception { String s = null; try { byte[] addressAsByteArray = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(address); Repository repository = getRepoByJsonBlockId(blockId); if (repository != null) { BigInteger nonce = repository.getNonce(addressAsByteArray); return s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(nonce); } else { return null; } } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getTransactionCount(" + address + ", " + blockId + "): " + s); } } public Block getBlockByJSonHash(String blockHash) throws Exception { byte[] bhash = StringHexToByteArray(blockHash); return worldManager.getBlockchain().getBlockByHash(bhash); } public String eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash(String blockHash) throws Exception { String s = null; try { Block b = getBlockByJSonHash(blockHash); if (b == null) return null; long n = b.getTransactionsList().size(); return s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(n); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash(" + blockHash + "): " + s); } } public Block getBlockByNumberOrStr(String bnOrId) throws Exception { synchronized (worldManager.getBlockchain()) { Block b; if (bnOrId.equals("latest")) b = worldManager.getBlockchain().getBestBlock(); else if (bnOrId.equals("earliest")) b = worldManager.getBlockchain().getBlockByNumber(0); else if (bnOrId.equals("pending")) throw new JsonRpcUnimplementedMethodException( "The method don't support 'pending' as a parameter yet"); else { long bn = JSonHexToLong(bnOrId); b = worldManager.getBlockchain().getBlockByNumber(bn); } return b; } } public String eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber(String bnOrId) throws Exception { String s = null; try { List<Transaction> list = getTransactionsByJsonBlockId(bnOrId); if (list == null) return null; long n = list.size(); return s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(n); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber(" + bnOrId + "): " + s); } } public String eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash(String blockHash) throws Exception { Block b = getBlockByJSonHash(blockHash); long n = b.getUncleList().size(); return toJsonHex(n); } public String eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber(String bnOrId) throws Exception { Block b = getBlockByNumberOrStr(bnOrId); long n = b.getUncleList().size(); return toJsonHex(n); } public String eth_getCode(String address, String blockId) throws Exception { if (blockId == null) throw new NullPointerException(); String s = null; try { Block block = getByJsonBlockId(blockId); if (block == null) return null; byte[] addressAsByteArray = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(address); Repository repository = getRepoByJsonBlockId(blockId); if (repository != null) { byte[] code = repository.getCode(addressAsByteArray); s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(code); } return s; } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getCode(" + address + ", " + blockId + "): " + s); } } public String eth_sign(String addr, String data) throws Exception { String s = null; try { return s = this.sign(data, getAccount(JSonHexToHex(addr))); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_sign({}, {}): {}", addr, data, s); } } private String sign(String data, Account account) { if (account == null) throw new JsonRpcInvalidParamException("Account not found"); byte[] dataHash = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(data); ECKey.ECDSASignature signature = account.getEcKey().sign(dataHash); String signatureAsString = signature.r.toString() + signature.s.toString() + signature.v; // byte[] rlpSig = RLP.encode(signature); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(signatureAsString); } public String eth_sendTransaction(CallArguments args) throws Exception { return this.sendTransaction(args, this.getAccount(args.from)); } private String sendTransaction(CallArguments args, Account account) throws Exception { String s = null; try { if (account == null) throw new JsonRpcInvalidParamException("From address private key could not be found in this node"); String toAddress = != null ? Hex.toHexString(StringHexToByteArray( : null; BigInteger value = args.value != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.value) : BigInteger.ZERO; BigInteger gasPrice = args.gasPrice != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.gasPrice) : BigInteger.ZERO; BigInteger gasLimit = args.gas != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.gas) : BigInteger.valueOf(GasCost.TRANSACTION_DEFAULT); if ( != null &&"0x")) =; PendingState pendingState = worldManager.getPendingState(); synchronized (pendingState) { BigInteger accountNonce = args.nonce != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.nonce) : (pendingState.getRepository().getNonce(account.getAddress())); Transaction tx = Transaction.create(toAddress, value, accountNonce, gasPrice, gasLimit,; tx.sign(account.getEcKey().getPrivKeyBytes()); eth.submitTransaction(tx); s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(tx.getHash()); } return s; } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_sendTransaction({}): {}", args, s); } } public String eth_sendRawTransaction(String rawData) throws Exception { String s = null; try { Transaction tx = new Transaction(StringHexToByteArray(rawData)); if (null == tx.getGasLimit() || null == tx.getGasPrice() || null == tx.getValue()) { throw new JsonRpcInvalidParamException("Missing parameter, gasPrice, gas or value"); } eth.submitTransaction(tx); return s = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(tx.getHash()); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_sendRawTransaction(" + rawData + "): " + s); } } public ProgramResult createCallTxAndExecute(CallArguments args, byte[] keyToSign) throws Exception { byte[] nonce = new byte[] { 0 }; Transaction tx = Transaction.create(nonce, args); byte[] signingKey = (keyToSign == null) ? new byte[32] : keyToSign; tx.sign(signingKey); Block block = worldManager.getBlockchain().getBestBlock(); return eth.callConstantCallTransaction(tx, block); } public String eth_call(CallArguments args, String bnOrId) throws Exception { if (!bnOrId.equals("latest")) throw new JsonRpcUnimplementedMethodException("Method only supports 'latest' as a parameter so far."); ProgramResult res = createCallTxAndExecute(args, this.getKeyToSign(args.from)); return toJsonHex(res.getHReturn()); } public String eth_estimateGas(CallArguments args) throws Exception { ProgramResult res = createCallTxAndExecute(args, this.getKeyToSign(args.from)); return toJsonHex(res.getGasUsed()); } public BlockResult getBlockResult(Block b, boolean fullTx) { if (b == null) return null; byte[] mergeHeader = b.getBitcoinMergedMiningHeader(); boolean isPending = (mergeHeader == null || mergeHeader.length == 0) && !b.isGenesis(); BlockResult br = new BlockResult(); br.number = isPending ? null : TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getNumber()); br.hash = isPending ? null : TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getHash()); br.parentHash = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getParentHash()); br.sha3Uncles = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getUnclesHash()); br.logsBloom = isPending ? null : TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getLogBloom()); br.transactionsRoot = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getTxTrieRoot()); br.stateRoot = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getStateRoot()); br.receiptsRoot = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getReceiptsRoot()); br.miner = isPending ? null : TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getCoinbase()); br.difficulty = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getDifficulty()); br.totalDifficulty = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(worldManager.getBlockchain().getTotalDifficulty()); br.extraData = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getExtraData()); br.size = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getEncoded().length); br.gasLimit = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getGasLimit()); BigInteger mgp = b.getMinGasPriceAsInteger(); br.minimumGasPrice = mgp != null ? mgp.toString() : ""; br.gasUsed = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getGasUsed()); br.timestamp = TypeConverter.toJsonHex(b.getTimestamp()); List<Object> txes = new ArrayList<>(); if (fullTx) { for (int i = 0; i < b.getTransactionsList().size(); i++) { txes.add(new TransactionResultDTO(b, i, b.getTransactionsList().get(i))); } } else { for (Transaction tx : b.getTransactionsList()) { txes.add(toJsonHex(tx.getHash())); } } br.transactions = txes.toArray(); List<String> ul = new ArrayList<>(); for (BlockHeader header : b.getUncleList()) { ul.add(toJsonHex(header.getHash())); } br.uncles = ul.toArray(new String[ul.size()]); return br; } public BlockResult eth_getBlockByHash(String blockHash, Boolean fullTransactionObjects) throws Exception { BlockResult s = null; try { Block b = getBlockByJSonHash(blockHash); return getBlockResult(b, fullTransactionObjects); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getBlockByHash(" + blockHash + ", " + fullTransactionObjects + "): " + s); } } public BlockResult eth_getBlockByNumber(String bnOrId, Boolean fullTransactionObjects) throws Exception { BlockResult s = null; try { Block b = getByJsonBlockId(bnOrId); return s = (b == null ? null : getBlockResult(b, fullTransactionObjects)); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getBlockByNumber(" + bnOrId + ", " + fullTransactionObjects + "): " + s); } } public TransactionResultDTO eth_getTransactionByHash(String transactionHash) throws Exception { TransactionResultDTO s = null; try { Blockchain blockchain = worldManager.getBlockchain(); byte[] txHash = StringHexToByteArray(transactionHash); Block block = null; TransactionInfo txInfo = blockchain.getTransactionInfo(txHash); if (txInfo == null) { if (transactionHash != null && transactionHash.startsWith("0x")) transactionHash = transactionHash.substring(2); List<Transaction> txs = this.getTransactionsByJsonBlockId("pending"); for (Transaction tx : txs) { if (Hex.toHexString(tx.getHash()).equals(transactionHash)) { return s = new TransactionResultDTO(null, null, tx); } } } else { block = blockchain.getBlockByHash(txInfo.getBlockHash()); // need to return txes only from main chain Block mainBlock = blockchain.getBlockByNumber(block.getNumber()); if (!Arrays.equals(block.getHash(), mainBlock.getHash())) { return null; } txInfo.setTransaction(block.getTransactionsList().get(txInfo.getIndex())); } if (txInfo == null) { return null; } return s = new TransactionResultDTO(block, txInfo.getIndex(), txInfo.getReceipt().getTransaction()); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getTransactionByHash(" + transactionHash + "): " + s); } } public TransactionResultDTO eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(String blockHash, String index) throws Exception { TransactionResultDTO s = null; try { Block b = getBlockByJSonHash(blockHash); if (b == null) return null; int idx = JSonHexToInt(index); if (idx >= b.getTransactionsList().size()) return null; Transaction tx = b.getTransactionsList().get(idx); return s = new TransactionResultDTO(b, idx, tx); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(" + blockHash + ", " + index + "): " + s); } } public TransactionResultDTO eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(String bnOrId, String index) throws Exception { TransactionResultDTO s = null; try { Block b = getByJsonBlockId(bnOrId); List<Transaction> txs = getTransactionsByJsonBlockId(bnOrId); if (txs == null) return null; int idx = JSonHexToInt(index); if (idx >= txs.size()) return null; Transaction tx = txs.get(idx); return s = new TransactionResultDTO(b, idx, tx); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(" + bnOrId + ", " + index + "): " + s); } } public TransactionReceiptDTO eth_getTransactionReceipt(String transactionHash) throws Exception { logger.trace("eth_getTransactionReceipt(" + transactionHash + ")"); Blockchain blockchain = worldManager.getBlockchain(); byte[] hash = StringHexToByteArray(transactionHash); TransactionInfo txInfo = blockchain.getReceiptStore().getInMainChain(hash, worldManager.getBlockStore()); if (txInfo == null) { logger.trace("No transaction info for " + transactionHash); return null; } Block block = worldManager.getBlockStore().getBlockByHash(txInfo.getBlockHash()); Transaction tx = block.getTransactionsList().get(txInfo.getIndex()); txInfo.setTransaction(tx); return new TransactionReceiptDTO(block, txInfo); } @Override public BlockResult eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(String blockHash, String uncleIdx) throws Exception { BlockResult s = null; try { Block block = this.worldManager.getBlockchain().getBlockByHash(StringHexToByteArray(blockHash)); if (block == null) return null; int idx = JSonHexToInt(uncleIdx); if (idx >= block.getUncleList().size()) return null; BlockHeader uncleHeader = block.getUncleList().get(idx); Block uncle = this.worldManager.getBlockchain().getBlockByHash(uncleHeader.getHash()); if (uncle == null) { uncle = new Block(uncleHeader, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList()); } return s = getBlockResult(uncle, false); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(" + blockHash + ", " + uncleIdx + "): " + s); } } @Override public BlockResult eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(String blockId, String uncleIdx) throws Exception { BlockResult s = null; try { Block block = getByJsonBlockId(blockId); return s = block == null ? null : eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(Hex.toHexString(block.getHash()), uncleIdx); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(" + blockId + ", " + uncleIdx + "): " + s); } } @Override public String[] eth_getCompilers() { String[] s = null; try { return s = new String[] { "solidity" }; } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getCompilers(): " + Arrays.toString(s)); } } @Override public Map<String, CompilationResultDTO> eth_compileLLL(String contract) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("LLL compiler not supported"); } @Override public Map<String, CompilationResultDTO> eth_compileSolidity(String contract) throws Exception { Map<String, CompilationResultDTO> compilationResultDTOMap = new HashedMap<>(); try { SolidityCompiler.Result res = solidityCompiler.compile(contract.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), true, SolidityCompiler.Options.ABI, SolidityCompiler.Options.BIN); if (!res.errors.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Compilation error: " + res.errors); } org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.CompilationResult result = org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.CompilationResult .parse(res.output); org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.CompilationResult.ContractMetadata contractMetadata = result.contracts .values().iterator().next(); CompilationInfoDTO compilationInfo = new CompilationInfoDTO(); compilationInfo.setSource(contract); compilationInfo.setLanguage("Solidity"); compilationInfo.setLanguageVersion("0"); compilationInfo.setCompilerVersion(result.version); compilationInfo.setAbiDefinition(new CallTransaction.Contract(contractMetadata.abi)); CompilationResultDTO compilationResult = new CompilationResultDTO(contractMetadata, compilationInfo); String contractName = (String) result.contracts.keySet().toArray()[0]; compilationResultDTOMap.put(contractName, compilationResult); return compilationResultDTOMap; } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_compileSolidity(" + contract + ")" + compilationResultDTOMap); } } @Override public Map<String, CompilationResultDTO> eth_compileSerpent(String contract) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Serpent compiler not supported"); } static class Filter { static abstract class FilterEvent { public abstract Object getJsonEventObject(); } List<FilterEvent> events = new ArrayList<>(); public synchronized boolean hasNew() { return !events.isEmpty(); } public synchronized Object[] poll() { Object[] ret = new Object[events.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) { ret[i] = events.get(i).getJsonEventObject(); }; return ret; } protected synchronized void add(FilterEvent evt) { events.add(evt); } public void newBlockReceived(Block b) { } public void newPendingTx(Transaction tx) { // add TransactionReceipt for PendingTx } } static class NewBlockFilter extends Filter { class NewBlockFilterEvent extends FilterEvent { public final Block b; NewBlockFilterEvent(Block b) { this.b = b; } @Override public String getJsonEventObject() { return toJsonHex(b.getHash()); } } public void newBlockReceived(Block b) { add(new NewBlockFilterEvent(b)); } } static class PendingTransactionFilter extends Filter { class PendingTransactionFilterEvent extends FilterEvent { private final Transaction tx; PendingTransactionFilterEvent(Transaction tx) { this.tx = tx; } @Override public String getJsonEventObject() { return toJsonHex(tx.getHash()); } } public void newPendingTx(Transaction tx) { add(new PendingTransactionFilterEvent(tx)); } } class JsonLogFilter extends Filter { class LogFilterEvent extends FilterEvent { private final LogFilterElement el; LogFilterEvent(LogFilterElement el) { this.el = el; } @Override public LogFilterElement getJsonEventObject() { return el; } } LogFilter logFilter; boolean onNewBlock; boolean onPendingTx; public JsonLogFilter(LogFilter logFilter) { this.logFilter = logFilter; } void onLogMatch(LogInfo logInfo, Block b, int txIndex, Transaction tx, int logIdx) { add(new LogFilterEvent(new LogFilterElement(logInfo, b, txIndex, tx, logIdx))); } void onTransactionReceipt(TransactionReceipt receipt, Block b, int txIndex) { if (logFilter.matchBloom(receipt.getBloomFilter())) { int logIdx = 0; for (LogInfo logInfo : receipt.getLogInfoList()) { if (logFilter.matchBloom(logInfo.getBloom()) && logFilter.matchesExactly(logInfo)) { onLogMatch(logInfo, b, txIndex, receipt.getTransaction(), logIdx); } logIdx++; } } } void onTransaction(Transaction tx, Block b, int txIndex) { TransactionInfo txInfo = worldManager.getBlockchain().getTransactionInfo(tx.getHash()); TransactionReceipt receipt = txInfo.getReceipt(); LogFilterElement[] logs = new LogFilterElement[receipt.getLogInfoList().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) { LogInfo logInfo = receipt.getLogInfoList().get(i); if (logFilter.matchesContractAddress(logInfo.getAddress())) { onTransactionReceipt(receipt, b, txIndex); } } } void onBlock(Block b) { if (logFilter.matchBloom(new Bloom(b.getLogBloom()))) { int txIdx = 0; for (Transaction tx : b.getTransactionsList()) { onTransaction(tx, b, txIdx); txIdx++; } } } @Override public void newBlockReceived(Block b) { if (onNewBlock) onBlock(b); } @Override public void newPendingTx(Transaction tx) { //empty method } } AtomicInteger filterCounter = new AtomicInteger(1); Map<Integer, Filter> installedFilters = new Hashtable<>(); @Override public String eth_newFilter(FilterRequest fr) throws Exception { String str = null; try { LogFilter logFilter = new LogFilter(); if (fr.address instanceof String) { logFilter.withContractAddress(StringHexToByteArray((String) fr.address)); } else if (fr.address instanceof String[]) { List<byte[]> addr = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : ((String[]) fr.address)) { addr.add(StringHexToByteArray(s)); } logFilter.withContractAddress(addr.toArray(new byte[0][])); } if (fr.topics != null) { for (Object topic : fr.topics) { if (topic == null) { logFilter.withTopic(null); } else if (topic instanceof String) { logFilter.withTopic(new DataWord(StringHexToByteArray((String) topic)).getData()); } else if (topic instanceof String[]) { List<byte[]> t = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : ((String[]) topic)) { t.add(new DataWord(StringHexToByteArray(s)).getData()); } logFilter.withTopic(t.toArray(new byte[0][])); } } } JsonLogFilter filter = new JsonLogFilter(logFilter); int id; synchronized (filterLock) { id = filterCounter.getAndIncrement(); installedFilters.put(id, filter); } Block blockFrom = fr.fromBlock == null ? null : getBlockByNumberOrStr(fr.fromBlock); Block blockTo = fr.toBlock == null ? null : getBlockByNumberOrStr(fr.toBlock); if (blockFrom != null) { // need to add historical data blockTo = blockTo == null ? worldManager.getBlockchain().getBestBlock() : blockTo; for (long blockNum = blockFrom.getNumber(); blockNum <= blockTo.getNumber(); blockNum++) { filter.onBlock(worldManager.getBlockchain().getBlockByNumber(blockNum)); } } // the following is not precisely documented if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(fr.fromBlock) || "pending".equalsIgnoreCase(fr.toBlock)) { filter.onPendingTx = true; } else if ("latest".equalsIgnoreCase(fr.fromBlock) || "latest".equalsIgnoreCase(fr.toBlock)) { filter.onNewBlock = true; } // RSK brute force filter.onNewBlock = true; return str = toJsonHex(id); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_newFilter(" + fr + "): " + str); } } @Override public String eth_newBlockFilter() { String s = null; try { int id; synchronized (filterLock) { id = filterCounter.getAndIncrement(); installedFilters.put(id, new NewBlockFilter()); } return s = toJsonHex(id); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_newBlockFilter(): " + s); } } @Override public String eth_newPendingTransactionFilter() { String s = null; try { int id; synchronized (filterLock) { id = filterCounter.getAndIncrement(); installedFilters.put(id, new PendingTransactionFilter()); } return s = toJsonHex(id); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_newPendingTransactionFilter(): " + s); } } @Override public boolean eth_uninstallFilter(String id) { Boolean s = null; try { if (id == null) return false; synchronized (filterLock) { return s = installedFilters.remove(StringHexToBigInteger(id).intValue()) != null; } } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_uninstallFilter(" + id + "): " + s); } } @Override public Object[] eth_getFilterChanges(String id) { Object[] s = null; try { synchronized (filterLock) { Filter filter = installedFilters.get(StringHexToBigInteger(id).intValue()); if (filter == null) return null; return s = filter.poll(); } } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_getFilterChanges(" + id + "): " + Arrays.toString(s)); } } @Override public Object[] eth_getFilterLogs(String id) { logger.debug("eth_getFilterLogs ..."); return eth_getFilterChanges(id); } @Override public Object[] eth_getLogs(FilterRequest fr) throws Exception { logger.debug("eth_getLogs ..."); String id = eth_newFilter(fr); Object[] ret = eth_getFilterChanges(id); eth_uninstallFilter(id); return ret; } @Override public Map<String, String> rpc_modules() { logger.debug("rpc_modules..."); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); for (ModuleDescription module : RskSystemProperties.RSKCONFIG.getRpcModules()) if (module.isEnabled()) map.put(module.getName(), module.getVersion()); return map; } public void db_putString() { } public void db_getString() { } public boolean eth_submitWork(String nonce, String header, String mince) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemeted yet"); } public boolean eth_submitHashrate(String Hashrate, String ID) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemeted yet"); } public void db_putHex() { } public void db_getHex() { } private List<Transaction> getTransactionsByJsonBlockId(String id) { if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return worldManager.getPendingState().getAllPendingTransactions(); } else { Block block = getByJsonBlockId(id); return block != null ? block.getTransactionsList() : null; } } private Block getByJsonBlockId(String id) { if ("earliest".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return worldManager.getBlockchain().getBlockByNumber(0); } else if ("latest".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return worldManager.getBlockchain().getBestBlock(); } else if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { throw new JsonRpcUnimplementedMethodException("The method don't support 'pending' as a parameter yet"); } else { try { long blockNumber = StringHexToBigInteger(id).longValue(); return worldManager.getBlockchain().getBlockByNumber(blockNumber); } catch (NumberFormatException | StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new JsonRpcInvalidParamException("invalid blocknumber " + id); } } } private Repository getRepoByJsonBlockId(String id) { if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return worldManager.getPendingState().getRepository(); } else { Block block = getByJsonBlockId(id); if (block != null) { return ((Repository) this.repository).getSnapshotTo(block.getStateRoot()); } else { return null; } } } @Override public String personal_newAccountWithSeed(String seed) { String s = null; try { byte[] address = this.wallet.addAccountWithSeed(seed); return s = toJsonHex(address); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("personal_newAccountWithSeed(*****): " + s); } } @Override public String personal_newAccount(String passphrase) { String s = null; try { byte[] address = this.wallet.addAccount(passphrase); return s = toJsonHex(address); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("personal_newAccount(*****): " + s); } } public String eth_addAccount(String privKey) { String s = null; try { byte[] address = this.wallet.addAccountWithPrivateKey(Hex.decode(privKey)); return s = toJsonHex(address); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_addAccount(*****): " + s); } } @Override public String personal_importRawKey(String key, String passphrase) { String s = null; try { byte[] address = this.wallet.addAccountWithPrivateKey(Hex.decode(key), passphrase); return s = toJsonHex(address); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("personal_importRawKey(*****): " + s); } } @Override public String personal_dumpRawKey(String address) throws Exception { String s = null; try { Account account = getAccount(JSonHexToHex(address)); if (account == null) throw new Exception("Address private key is locked or could not be found in this node"); return s = toJsonHex(Hex.toHexString(account.getEcKey().getPrivKeyBytes())); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("personal_dumpRawKey(*****): " + s); } } @Override public String[] personal_listAccounts() { return this.listAccounts(this.wallet.getAccountAddresses()); } private String[] listAccounts(List<byte[]> addresses) { String[] ret = new String[addresses.size()]; try { int i = 0; for (byte[] address : addresses) { ret[i++] = toJsonHex(address); } return ret; } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("personal_listAccounts(): {}", Arrays.toString(ret)); } } @Override public String personal_sendTransaction(CallArguments args, String passphrase) throws Exception { String s = null; try { return s = sendPersonalTransacction(args, getAccount(args.from, passphrase)); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("eth_sendTransaction(" + args + "): " + s); } } private String sendPersonalTransacction(CallArguments args, Account account) throws Exception { if (account == null) throw new Exception("From address private key could not be found in this node"); String toAddress = != null ? Hex.toHexString(StringHexToByteArray( : null; BigInteger accountNonce = args.nonce != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.nonce) : (worldManager.getPendingState().getRepository().getNonce(account.getAddress())); BigInteger value = args.value != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.value) : BigInteger.ZERO; BigInteger gasPrice = args.gasPrice != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.gasPrice) : BigInteger.ZERO; BigInteger gasLimit = args.gas != null ? TypeConverter.StringNumberAsBigInt(args.gas) : BigInteger.valueOf(GasCost.TRANSACTION); if ( != null &&"0x")) =; Transaction tx = Transaction.create(toAddress, value, accountNonce, gasPrice, gasLimit,; tx.sign(account.getEcKey().getPrivKeyBytes()); eth.submitTransaction(tx); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(tx.getHash()); } @Override public boolean personal_unlockAccount(String address, String passphrase, String duration) { long dur = (long) 1000 * 60 * 30; if (duration != null && duration.length() > 0) { try { dur = JSonHexToLong(duration); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JsonRpcInvalidParamException("Can't parse duration param", e); } } return this.wallet.unlockAccount(StringHexToByteArray(address), passphrase, dur); } public Map<String, Object> eth_bridgeState() throws Exception { CallArguments arguments = new CallArguments(); = "0x" + PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR; = Hex.toHexString(Bridge.GET_STATE_FOR_DEBUGGING.encodeSignature()); arguments.gasPrice = "0x0"; arguments.value = "0x0"; arguments.gas = "0xf4240"; ProgramResult res = createCallTxAndExecute(arguments, new byte[32]); BridgeState state = BridgeStateReader.readSate(TypeConverter.removeZeroX(toJsonHex(res.getHReturn()))); return state.stateToMap(); } @Override public boolean personal_lockAccount(String address) { return this.wallet.lockAccount(StringHexToByteArray(address)); } private Account getDefaultAccount() { List<byte[]> accountAddresses = this.wallet.getAccountAddresses(); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(accountAddresses)) { return this.wallet.getAccount(accountAddresses.get(0)); } return null; } @VisibleForTesting public Account getAccount(String address) { return this.wallet.getAccount(StringHexToByteArray(address)); } @VisibleForTesting public Account getAccount(String address, String passphrase) { return this.wallet.getAccount(StringHexToByteArray(address), passphrase); } private byte[] getKeyToSign(String address) { byte[] privateKey = new byte[32]; Account account; account = (address != null) ? this.wallet.getAccount(StringHexToByteArray(address)) : this.getDefaultAccount(); if (account != null) privateKey = account.getEcKey().getPrivKeyBytes(); return privateKey; } @Override public String evm_snapshot() { Blockchain blockchain = worldManager.getBlockchain(); int snapshotId = snapshotManager.takeSnapshot(blockchain); logger.debug("evm_snapshot(): {}", snapshotId); return toJsonHex(snapshotId); } @Override public boolean evm_revert(String snapshotId) { try { int sid = StringHexToBigInteger(snapshotId).intValue(); return snapshotManager.revertToSnapshot(worldManager.getBlockchain(), sid); } catch (NumberFormatException | StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new JsonRpcInvalidParamException("invalid snapshot id " + snapshotId, e); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("evm_revert({})", snapshotId); } } @Override public void evm_reset() { snapshotManager.resetSnapshots(worldManager.getBlockchain()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("evm_reset()"); } @Override public void evm_mine() { minerManager.mineBlock(worldManager.getBlockchain(), worldManager.getMinerClient(), worldManager.getMinerServer()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("evm_mine()"); } @Override public String evm_increaseTime(String seconds) { try { long nseconds = StringHexToBigInteger(seconds).longValue(); String result = toJsonHex(worldManager.getMinerServer().increaseTime(nseconds)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("evm_increaseTime({}): {}", seconds, result); return result; } catch (NumberFormatException | StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new JsonRpcInvalidParamException("invalid number of seconds " + seconds, e); } } }