Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to EsupPortail under one or more contributor license * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for * additional information regarding copyright ownership. * * EsupPortail licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.Normalizer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.portlet.PortletRequest; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.beans.DownloadFile; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.beans.DrivesCategory; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.beans.JsTreeFile; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.beans.Quota; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.beans.SharedUserPortletParameters; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.beans.UploadActionType; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.beans.UserPassword; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.crudlog.CrudLogLevel; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.crudlog.CrudLoggable; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.exceptions.EsupStockLostSessionException; import org.esupportail.portlet.filemanager.utils.PathEncodingUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.context.annotation.ScopedProxyMode; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.util.Assert; @Service("serversAccess") @Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES) public class ServersAccessService implements DisposableBean, IServersAccessService { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ServersAccessService.class); /** Size of zipping buffers: 128 kB. */ protected static final int ZIP_BUFFER_SIZE = 131072; protected Map<String, FsAccess> servers = new HashMap<String, FsAccess>(); protected Map<String, FsAccess> restrictedServers = new HashMap<String, FsAccess>(); protected boolean isInitialized = false; @Autowired public void setServers(List<FsAccess> servers) { for (FsAccess server : servers) { this.servers.put(server.getDriveName(), server); } } @Resource(name = "drivesCategories") protected Map<String, DrivesCategory> drivesCategories; @Autowired protected PathEncodingUtils pathEncodingUtils; public List<String> getRestrictedDrivesGroupsContext(PortletRequest request) { List<String> driveNames = new ArrayList<String>(this.servers.keySet()); for (FsAccess server : this.servers.values()) { if (server.getEvaluator() != null && !server.getEvaluator().isApplicable(request)) { driveNames.remove(server.getDriveName()); } } return driveNames; } public void initializeServices(SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { Map<String, FsAccess> rServers = this.restrictedServers; if (userParameters.getDriveNames() != null) { for (String driveName : userParameters.getDriveNames()) { rServers.put(driveName, this.servers.get(driveName)); } } isInitialized = true; } public boolean isInitialized(SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { return isInitialized; } public void destroy() throws Exception { for (FsAccess server : this.restrictedServers.values()) { server.close(); } } public void updateUserParameters(String dir, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { String driveName = getDrive(dir); FsAccess fsAccess = getFsAccess(driveName, userParameters); if (userParameters != null && !fsAccess.isOpened() && fsAccess.formAuthenticationRequired(userParameters)) { UserPassword userPassword = userParameters.getUserPassword4AuthenticatedFormDrives().get(driveName); if (userPassword != null) fsAccess.authenticate(userPassword.getUsername(), userPassword.getPassword(), userParameters); else { //log.warn("here we should have username & password ? What's wrong ? :("); throw new EsupStockLostSessionException("Here we should have username & password. Session lost ?"); } } } public FsAccess getFsAccess(String driveName, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { if (this.restrictedServers.containsKey(driveName)) { return this.restrictedServers.get(driveName); } else { log.error("pb : restrictedServers does not contain this required drive ?? : " + driveName); return null; } } protected List<FsAccess> getCategoryFsAccess(DrivesCategory dCategory, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { List<FsAccess> drives = new ArrayList<FsAccess>(); for (String driveName : dCategory.getDrives()) if (this.restrictedServers.containsKey(driveName)) drives.add(this.restrictedServers.get(driveName)); return drives; } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.DEBUG) public JsTreeFile get(String dir, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters, boolean folderDetails, boolean fileDetails) { String category = getDriveCategory(dir); String driveName = getDrive(dir); if (category == null || category.length() == 0) { return getJsTreeFileRoot(); } else if (driveName == null || driveName.length() == 0) { // get category DrivesCategory dCat = this.drivesCategories.get(category); JsTreeFile jsTreeFile = new JsTreeFile(category, "", "category"); jsTreeFile.setIcon(dCat.getIcon()); jsTreeFile.setCategory(category, dCat.getIcon()); return jsTreeFile; } else { // get drive or folder or file String path = getLocalDir(dir); JsTreeFile jsTreeFile = this.getFsAccess(driveName, userParameters).get(path, userParameters, folderDetails, fileDetails); DrivesCategory dCat = this.drivesCategories.get(category); jsTreeFile.setCategory(category, dCat.getIcon()); jsTreeFile.setDrive(driveName, this.getFsAccess(driveName, userParameters).getIcon()); if (jsTreeFile.getTitle().length() == 0) { // this the folder root == the drive jsTreeFile.setTitle(driveName); jsTreeFile.setIcon(this.getFsAccess(driveName, userParameters).getIcon()); } return jsTreeFile; } } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.DEBUG) public List<JsTreeFile> getChildren(String dir, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { String category = getDriveCategory(dir); String driveName = getDrive(dir); DrivesCategory dCat = this.drivesCategories.get(category); if (category == null || category.length() == 0) { return getJsTreeFileRoots(userParameters).get(0).getChildren(); } else if (driveName == null || driveName.length() == 0) { // getChildren on a category -> list drives List<JsTreeFile> files = new ArrayList<JsTreeFile>(); for (FsAccess drive : getCategoryFsAccess(dCat, userParameters)) { JsTreeFile jsTreeFile = new JsTreeFile(drive.getDriveName(), "", "drive"); jsTreeFile.setIcon(drive.getIcon()); jsTreeFile.setCategory(category, dCat.getIcon()); jsTreeFile.setDrive(drive.getDriveName(), drive.getIcon()); files.add(jsTreeFile); } return files; } else { // getChildren on a folder (or drive) -> get children on a fsAccess String path = getLocalDir(dir); List<JsTreeFile> files = this.getFsAccess(driveName, userParameters).getChildren(path, userParameters); for (JsTreeFile file : files) { file.setCategory(category, dCat.getIcon()); file.setDrive(driveName, this.getFsAccess(driveName, userParameters).getIcon()); } return files; } } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.DEBUG) public List<JsTreeFile> getFolderChildren(String dir, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { List<JsTreeFile> files = this.getChildren(dir, userParameters); List<JsTreeFile> folders = new ArrayList<JsTreeFile>(); for (JsTreeFile file : files) { if (!"file".equals(file.getType())) folders.add(file); } Collections.sort(folders); return folders; } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.INFO) public boolean remove(String dir, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { return this.getFsAccess(getDrive(dir), userParameters).remove(getLocalDir(dir), userParameters); } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.INFO) public String createFile(String parentDir, String title, String type, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { String drive = getDrive(parentDir); if (drive == null) { log.error("Can't create file/folder because we can't retrieve associated drive on this dir : " + parentDir); return null; } return this.getFsAccess(drive, userParameters).createFile(getLocalDir(parentDir), title, type, userParameters); } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.INFO) public boolean renameFile(String dir, String title, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { String drive = getDrive(dir); if (drive == null) { log.error("Can't rename file/folder because we can't retrieve associated drive on this dir : " + dir); return false; } return this.getFsAccess(drive, userParameters).renameFile(getLocalDir(dir), title, userParameters); } private boolean interMoveCopyFile(String newDir, String refDir, boolean copy, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { JsTreeFile ref = this.get(refDir, userParameters, false, false); boolean allIsOk = true; if ("file".equals(ref.getType())) { DownloadFile file = this.getFile(refDir, userParameters); allIsOk = this.putFile(newDir, file.getBaseName(), file.getInputStream(), userParameters, UploadActionType.ERROR); } else { String localDirParent = this.createFile(newDir, ref.getTitle(), ref.getType(), userParameters); String dirParent = JsTreeFile.ROOT_DRIVE.concat(getDriveCategory(newDir)) .concat(JsTreeFile.DRIVE_PATH_SEPARATOR).concat(getDrive(newDir)) .concat(JsTreeFile.DRIVE_PATH_SEPARATOR).concat(localDirParent); for (JsTreeFile child : this.getChildren(refDir, userParameters)) { allIsOk = allIsOk && this.interMoveCopyFile(dirParent, child.getPath(), copy, userParameters); } } if (allIsOk && !copy) { allIsOk = this.remove(refDir, userParameters); } return allIsOk; } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.INFO) public boolean moveCopyFilesIntoDirectory(String dir, List<String> filesToCopy, boolean copy, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { String driveName = getDrive(dir); if (driveName.equals(getDrive(filesToCopy.get(0))) && ((copy && this.getFsAccess(driveName, userParameters).supportIntraCopyPast()) || (!copy && this.getFsAccess(driveName, userParameters).supportIntraCutPast()))) { return this.getFsAccess(driveName, userParameters).moveCopyFilesIntoDirectory(getLocalDir(dir), getLocalDirs(filesToCopy), copy, userParameters); } else { boolean allIsOk = true; for (String fileToCopy : filesToCopy) { boolean isOk = this.interMoveCopyFile(dir, fileToCopy, copy, userParameters); if (isOk && !copy) this.remove(fileToCopy, userParameters); allIsOk = allIsOk && isOk; } return allIsOk; } } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.DEBUG) public DownloadFile getFile(String dir, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { return this.getFsAccess(getDrive(dir), userParameters).getFile(getLocalDir(dir), userParameters); } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.INFO) public boolean putFile(String dir, String filename, InputStream inputStream, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters, UploadActionType uploadOption) { return this.getFsAccess(getDrive(dir), userParameters).putFile(getLocalDir(dir), filename, inputStream, userParameters, uploadOption); } public JsTreeFile getJsTreeFileRoot() { JsTreeFile jsFileRoot = new JsTreeFile(JsTreeFile.ROOT_DRIVE_NAME, null, "root"); jsFileRoot.setIcon(JsTreeFile.ROOT_ICON_PATH); return jsFileRoot; } public List<JsTreeFile> getJsTreeFileRoots(SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { JsTreeFile jsFileRoot = getJsTreeFileRoot(); List<JsTreeFile> jsTreeFiles = new ArrayList<JsTreeFile>(); for (String drivesCategoryName : this.drivesCategories.keySet()) { DrivesCategory category = this.drivesCategories.get(drivesCategoryName); if (!getCategoryFsAccess(category, userParameters).isEmpty()) { JsTreeFile jFile = new JsTreeFile(drivesCategoryName, "", "category"); jFile.setIcon(this.drivesCategories.get(drivesCategoryName).getIcon()); jFile.setCategory(drivesCategoryName, this.drivesCategories.get(drivesCategoryName).getIcon()); jFile.setChildren(this.getChildren(jFile.getPath(), userParameters)); jsTreeFiles.add(jFile); } } jsFileRoot.setChildren(jsTreeFiles); List<JsTreeFile> jsTreeFileRoots = new ArrayList<JsTreeFile>(); jsTreeFileRoots.add(jsFileRoot); return jsTreeFileRoots; } public List<JsTreeFile> getJsTreeFileRoots(String dir, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { JsTreeFile parentFile = null; List<JsTreeFile> rootAndDrivesAndCategories = this.getJsTreeFileRoots(userParameters); JsTreeFile jFile = this.get(dir, userParameters, false, false); //Iterator<String> parentsPathes = jFile.getParentsPathes().keySet().iterator(); Iterator<String> parentsPathes = pathEncodingUtils.getParentsPathes(jFile.getPath(), null, null).keySet() .iterator(); String parentPath =; Assert.isTrue(JsTreeFile.ROOT_DRIVE.equals(parentPath)); if (!parentsPathes.hasNext()) return rootAndDrivesAndCategories; parentPath =; for (JsTreeFile drive : rootAndDrivesAndCategories.get(0).getChildren()) { if (drive.getPath().equals(parentPath)) { parentFile = drive; break; } } if (!parentsPathes.hasNext()) return rootAndDrivesAndCategories; parentPath =; for (JsTreeFile category : parentFile.getChildren()) { if (category.getPath().equals(parentPath)) { parentFile = category; break; } } while (parentPath != null) { List<JsTreeFile> folders = this.getFolderChildren(parentFile.getPath(), userParameters); parentFile.setChildren(folders); if (!parentsPathes.hasNext()) { parentPath = null; } else { parentPath =; for (JsTreeFile child : folders) { if (child.getPath().equals(parentPath)) { parentFile = child; break; } } } } return rootAndDrivesAndCategories; } public String getDriveCategory(String dir) { if (dir == null || dir.length() <= JsTreeFile.ROOT_DRIVE.length()) return null; dir = dir.substring(JsTreeFile.ROOT_DRIVE.length()); String[] driveAndDir = dir.split(JsTreeFile.DRIVE_PATH_SEPARATOR, 3); return driveAndDir[0]; } public String getDrive(String dir) { String drive = null; if (dir != null && dir.length() > JsTreeFile.ROOT_DRIVE.length()) { dir = dir.substring(JsTreeFile.ROOT_DRIVE.length()); String[] driveAndDir = dir.split(JsTreeFile.DRIVE_PATH_SEPARATOR, 3); if (driveAndDir.length > 1) drive = driveAndDir[1]; } return drive; } private String getLocalDir(String dir) { dir = dir.substring(JsTreeFile.ROOT_DRIVE.length()); String[] driveAndDir = dir.split(JsTreeFile.DRIVE_PATH_SEPARATOR, 3); if (driveAndDir.length > 2) return driveAndDir[2]; else return ""; } private List<String> getLocalDirs(List<String> dirs) { List<String> localDirs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String dir : dirs) localDirs.add(getLocalDir(dir)); return localDirs; } @CrudLoggable(CrudLogLevel.DEBUG) public DownloadFile getZip(List<String> dirs, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) throws IOException { File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("esup-stock-zip.", ".tmp"); // we call tmpFile.deleteOnExit so that ths tmp file will be deleted when jvm stops ... // see also DownloadFile.finalize tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream output = null; ZipOutputStream out = null; try { output = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); out = new ZipOutputStream(output); final byte zippingBuffer[] = new byte[ZIP_BUFFER_SIZE]; for (String dir : dirs) { this.addChildrensTozip(out, zippingBuffer, dir, "", userParameters); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); IOUtils.closeQuietly(output); } String contentType = "application/zip"; int size = (int) tmpFile.length(); String baseName = ""; InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); return new DownloadFile(contentType, size, baseName, inputStream, tmpFile); } private static String unAccent(String s) { String temp = Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+"); return pattern.matcher(temp).replaceAll(""); } private void addChildrensTozip(ZipOutputStream out, byte[] zippingBuffer, String dir, String folder, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) throws IOException { JsTreeFile tFile = get(dir, userParameters, false, false); if ("file".equals(tFile.getType())) { DownloadFile dFile = getFile(dir, userParameters); //GIP Recia : In some cases (ie, file has NTFS security permissions set), the dFile may be Null. //So we must check for null in order to prevent a general catastrophe if (dFile == null) { log.warn("Download file is null! " + dir); return; } String fileName = unAccent(folder.concat(dFile.getBaseName())); //With java 7, encoding should be added to support special characters in the file names // out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(fileName)); // MBD: this is a problem for large files, because IOUtils.toByteArray() copy all the file in memory //out.write(IOUtils.toByteArray(dFile.getInputStream())); int count; final InputStream dFileInputStream = dFile.getInputStream(); while ((count =, 0, ZIP_BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1) { out.write(zippingBuffer, 0, count); } out.closeEntry(); } else { folder = unAccent(folder.concat(tFile.getTitle()).concat("/")); //Added for GIP Recia : This creates an empty file with the same name as the directory but it allows //for zipping empty directories out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(folder)); out.closeEntry(); List<JsTreeFile> childrens = this.getChildren(dir, userParameters); for (JsTreeFile child : childrens) { this.addChildrensTozip(out, zippingBuffer, child.getPath(), folder, userParameters); } } } public boolean formAuthenticationRequired(String dir, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { if (getDrive(dir) == null) return false; return this.getFsAccess(getDrive(dir), userParameters).formAuthenticationRequired(userParameters); } public UserPassword getUserPassword(String dir, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { if (getDrive(dir) == null) return null; return this.getFsAccess(getDrive(dir), userParameters).getUserPassword(userParameters); } public boolean authenticate(String dir, String username, String password, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { boolean authenticateSuccess = this.getFsAccess(getDrive(dir), userParameters).authenticate(username, password, userParameters); if (authenticateSuccess) { // we keep username+password in session so that we can reauthenticate on drive in servlet mode // (and so that download file would be ok with the servlet ...) String driveName = this.getDrive(dir); userParameters.getUserPassword4AuthenticatedFormDrives().put(driveName, new UserPassword(username, password)); } return authenticateSuccess; } public String getFirstAvailablePath(SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters, String[] prefsDefaultPathes) { String defaultPath = JsTreeFile.ROOT_DRIVE; Map<String, FsAccess> rServers = this.restrictedServers; for (String prefDefaultPath : prefsDefaultPathes) { String drive = getDrive(prefDefaultPath); if (rServers.get(drive) != null) { defaultPath = prefDefaultPath; break; } } return defaultPath; } public Quota getQuota(String path, SharedUserPortletParameters userParameters) { FsAccess access = this.getFsAccess(getDrive(path), userParameters); Quota result = null; if (access.isSupportQuota(getLocalDir(path), userParameters)) { result = access.getQuota(getLocalDir(path), userParameters); } return result; } }