Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2012 Brockmann Consult GmbH ( * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * * more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * * with this program; if not, see * */ package org.esa.s3tbx.olci.radiometry.rayleigh; import com.bc.ceres.core.ProgressMonitor; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.BicubicSplineInterpolator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LinearInterpolator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction; import org.esa.s3tbx.olci.radiometry.smilecorr.SmileCorrectionUtils; import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.GeoPos; import org.esa.snap.core.dataop.dem.ElevationModel; import org.esa.snap.core.dataop.dem.ElevationModelDescriptor; import org.esa.snap.core.dataop.dem.ElevationModelRegistry; import org.esa.snap.core.dataop.resamp.Resampling; import org.esa.snap.core.gpf.Tile; import org.esa.snap.core.util.ResourceInstaller; import org.esa.snap.core.util.SystemUtils; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import; /** * @author muhammad.bc. */ public class RayleighAux { public static final String GETASSE_30 = "GETASSE30"; public static final String COEFF_MATRIX_TXT = "coeffMatrix.txt"; public static final String TAU_RAY = "tau_ray"; public static final String THETA = "theta"; public static final String RAY_COEFF_MATRIX = "ray_coeff_matrix"; public static final String RAY_ALBEDO_LUT = "ray_albedo_lut"; public static PolynomialSplineFunction linearInterpolate; public static double[] tau_ray; private static ElevationModel elevationModel; private static double[] thetas; private static double[][][] rayCooefMatrixA; private static double[][][] rayCooefMatrixB; private static double[][][] rayCooefMatrixC; private static double[][][] rayCooefMatrixD; private double[] sunZenithAngles; private double[] viewZenithAngles; private double[] sunAzimuthAngles; private double[] viewAzimuthAngles; private double[] seaLevels; private double[] totalOzones; private double[] latitudes; private double[] solarFluxs; private double[] lambdaSource; private double[] sourceSampleRad; private int sourceBandIndex; private float waveLength; private String sourceBandName; private double[] longitude; private double[] altitudes; private Map<Integer, double[]> fourierPoly; private Map<Integer, List<double[]>> interpolateMap; private double[] viewAzimuthAnglesRad; private double[] sunZenithAnglesRad; private double[] sunAzimuthAnglesRad; private double[] viewZenithAnglesRad; private double[] aziDiff; private double[] cosSZARads; private double[] sinOZARads; private double[] sinSZARads; private double[] cosOZARads; private double[] airMass; public static double[] parseJSON1DimArray(JSONObject parse, String ray_coeff_matrix) { JSONArray theta = (JSONArray) parse.get(ray_coeff_matrix); List<Double> collect = (List<Double>); return Doubles.toArray(collect); } public static void initDefaultAuxiliary() { try { ElevationModelDescriptor getasse30 = ElevationModelRegistry.getInstance().getDescriptor(GETASSE_30); elevationModel = getasse30.createDem(Resampling.NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR); Path coeffMatrix = installAuxdata().resolve(COEFF_MATRIX_TXT); JSONParser jsonObject = new JSONParser(); JSONObject parse = (JSONObject) jsonObject.parse(new FileReader(coeffMatrix.toString())); tau_ray = parseJSON1DimArray(parse, TAU_RAY); thetas = parseJSON1DimArray(parse, THETA); ArrayList<double[][][]> ray_coeff_matrix = parseJSON3DimArray(parse, RAY_COEFF_MATRIX); rayCooefMatrixA = ray_coeff_matrix.get(0); rayCooefMatrixB = ray_coeff_matrix.get(1); rayCooefMatrixC = ray_coeff_matrix.get(2); rayCooefMatrixD = ray_coeff_matrix.get(3); double[] lineSpace = getLineSpace(0, 1, 17); double[] rayAlbedoLuts = parseJSON1DimArray(parse, RAY_ALBEDO_LUT); linearInterpolate = new LinearInterpolator().interpolate(lineSpace, rayAlbedoLuts); } catch (IOException | ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setSolarFluxs(double[] solarFluxs) { this.solarFluxs = solarFluxs; } public void setLambdaSource(double[] lambdaSource) { this.lambdaSource = lambdaSource; } public void setAltitudes(Tile altitude) { this.altitudes = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(altitude); } public double[] getTaur() { return tau_ray; } public double[] getAltitudes() { if (Objects.isNull(altitudes)) { double[] longitudes = getLongitude(); double[] latitudes = getLatitudes(); if (Objects.nonNull(longitudes) && Objects.nonNull(latitudes)) { double[] elevation = new double[latitudes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < longitudes.length; i++) { try { elevation[i] = elevationModel.getElevation(new GeoPos(latitudes[i], longitudes[i])); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } altitudes = elevation; } } return altitudes; } public void setAltitudes(double... alt) { this.altitudes = alt; } public Map<Integer, List<double[]>> getInterpolation() { if (Objects.isNull(interpolateMap)) { interpolateMap = getSpikeInterpolation(); } return interpolateMap; } //for test only public void setInterpolation(HashMap<Integer, List<double[]>> integerHashMap) { this.interpolateMap = integerHashMap; } public Map<Integer, List<double[]>> getSpikeInterpolation() { double[] sunZenithAngles = getSunZenithAngles(); double[] viewZenithAngles = getViewZenithAngles(); Map<Integer, List<double[]>> interpolate = new HashMap<>(); if (Objects.nonNull(sunZenithAngles) && Objects.nonNull(viewZenithAngles)) { for (int index = 0; index < sunZenithAngles.length; index++) { double yVal = viewZenithAngles[index]; double xVal = sunZenithAngles[index]; double thetaMin = thetas[0]; double thetaMax = thetas[thetas.length - 1]; List<double[]> valueList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < rayCooefMatrixA.length; i++) { double[] values = new double[4]; if (yVal > thetaMin && yVal < thetaMax && xVal > thetaMin && xVal < thetaMax) { values[0] = SpikeInterpolation.interpolate2D(rayCooefMatrixA[i], thetas, thetas, xVal, yVal); values[1] = SpikeInterpolation.interpolate2D(rayCooefMatrixB[i], thetas, thetas, xVal, yVal); values[2] = SpikeInterpolation.interpolate2D(rayCooefMatrixC[i], thetas, thetas, xVal, yVal); values[3] = SpikeInterpolation.interpolate2D(rayCooefMatrixD[i], thetas, thetas, xVal, yVal); valueList.add(values); } else { if (yVal < thetaMin && xVal < thetaMax) { valueList.add(getGridValueAt(0, 0)); } else { int len = thetas.length - 1; if (yVal > thetaMax && xVal > thetaMin) { valueList.add(getGridValueAt(0, len)); } else if (xVal < thetaMin && yVal < thetaMax) { valueList.add(getGridValueAt(0, 0)); } else if (yVal > thetaMax && xVal < thetaMin) { valueList.add(getGridValueAt(len, len)); } } } } interpolate.put(index, valueList); } } return interpolate; } public Map<Integer, double[]> getFourier() { if (Objects.isNull(fourierPoly)) { return fourierPoly = getFourierMap(); } return fourierPoly; } public void setWavelength(float waveLength) { this.waveLength = waveLength; } public double getWaveLength() { return waveLength; } public String getSourceBandName() { return sourceBandName; } public void setSourceBandName(String targetBandName) { this.sourceBandName = targetBandName; } public double[] getSunAzimuthAnglesRad() { if (Objects.nonNull(sunAzimuthAnglesRad)) { return sunAzimuthAnglesRad; } throw new NullPointerException("The sun azimuth angles is null."); } public void setSunAzimuthAnglesRad(double[] sunAzimuthAngles) { if (Objects.nonNull(sunAzimuthAngles)) { sunAzimuthAnglesRad = SmileCorrectionUtils.convertDegreesToRadians(sunAzimuthAngles); } } public double[] getViewAzimuthAnglesRad() { if (Objects.nonNull(viewAzimuthAnglesRad)) { return viewAzimuthAnglesRad; } throw new NullPointerException("The view azimuth angles is null."); } public void setViewAzimuthAnglesRad(double[] viewAzimuthAngles) { if (Objects.nonNull(viewAzimuthAngles)) { viewAzimuthAnglesRad = SmileCorrectionUtils.convertDegreesToRadians(viewAzimuthAngles); } } public double[] getSunZenithAnglesRad() { if (Objects.nonNull(sunZenithAnglesRad)) { return sunZenithAnglesRad; } throw new NullPointerException("The sun zenith angles is null."); } public void setSunZenithAnglesRad(double[] sunZenithAngles) { if (Objects.nonNull(sunZenithAngles)) { sunZenithAnglesRad = SmileCorrectionUtils.convertDegreesToRadians(sunZenithAngles); } setCosSZARads(sunZenithAnglesRad); setSinSZARads(sunZenithAnglesRad); } public double[] getViewZenithAnglesRad() { if (Objects.nonNull(viewZenithAnglesRad)) { return viewZenithAnglesRad; } throw new NullPointerException("The view zenith angles is null."); } public void setViewZenithAnglesRad(double[] viewZenithAngles) { if (Objects.nonNull(viewZenithAngles)) { viewZenithAnglesRad = SmileCorrectionUtils.convertDegreesToRadians(viewZenithAngles); } setCosOZARads(viewZenithAnglesRad); setSinOZARads(viewZenithAnglesRad); } public double[] getAirMass() { if (Objects.isNull(airMass)) { airMass = SmileCorrectionUtils.getAirMass(this.getCosOZARads(), this.getCosSZARads()); } return airMass; } public double[] getAziDifferent() { if (Objects.isNull(aziDiff)) { aziDiff = SmileCorrectionUtils.getAziDiff(this.getSunAzimuthAnglesRad(), this.getViewAzimuthAnglesRad()); } return aziDiff; } public double[] getCosSZARads() { if (Objects.nonNull(cosSZARads)) { return cosSZARads; } throw new NullPointerException("The sun zenith angles is null."); } public void setCosSZARads(double[] sunZenithAnglesRad) { if (Objects.nonNull(sunZenithAnglesRad)) { cosSZARads =; } } public double[] getCosOZARads() { if (Objects.nonNull(cosOZARads)) { return cosOZARads; } throw new NullPointerException("The view zenith angles is null."); } public void setCosOZARads(double[] zenithAnglesRad) { if (Objects.nonNull(zenithAnglesRad)) { cosOZARads =; } } public double[] getSinSZARads() { if (Objects.nonNull(sinSZARads)) { return sinSZARads; } throw new NullPointerException("The sun zenith angles is null."); } public void setSinSZARads(double[] sunZenithAnglesRad) { if (Objects.nonNull(sunZenithAnglesRad)) { sinSZARads =; } } public double[] getSinOZARads() { if (Objects.nonNull(sinOZARads)) { return sinOZARads; } throw new NullPointerException("The view zenith angles is null."); } public void setSinOZARads(double[] zenithAnglesRad) { if (Objects.nonNull(zenithAnglesRad)) { sinOZARads =; } } public double[] getSunZenithAngles() { return sunZenithAngles; } public void setSunZenithAngles(Tile sourceTile) { this.sunZenithAngles = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); setSunZenithAnglesRad(sunZenithAngles); } public void setSunZenithAngles(double... sunZenithAngles) { this.sunZenithAngles = sunZenithAngles; setSunZenithAnglesRad(sunZenithAngles); } public double[] getViewZenithAngles() { return viewZenithAngles; } public void setViewZenithAngles(double... viewZenithAngles) { this.viewZenithAngles = viewZenithAngles; setViewZenithAnglesRad(viewZenithAngles); } public void setViewZenithAngles(Tile sourceTile) { this.viewZenithAngles = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); setViewZenithAnglesRad(viewZenithAngles); } public double[] getSunAzimuthAngles() { return sunAzimuthAngles; } public void setSunAzimuthAngles(double... sunAzimuthAngles) { this.sunAzimuthAngles = sunAzimuthAngles; setSunAzimuthAnglesRad(sunAzimuthAngles); } public void setSunAzimuthAngles(Tile sourceTile) { this.sunAzimuthAngles = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); setSunAzimuthAnglesRad(sunAzimuthAngles); } public double[] getLatitudes() { return latitudes; } public void setLatitudes(double... lat) { this.latitudes = lat; } public void setLatitudes(Tile sourceTile) { this.latitudes = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); } public double[] getViewAzimuthAngles() { return viewAzimuthAngles; } public void setViewAzimuthAngles(double... viewAzimuthAngles) { this.viewAzimuthAngles = viewAzimuthAngles; setViewAzimuthAnglesRad(viewAzimuthAngles); } public void setViewAzimuthAngles(Tile sourceTile) { this.viewAzimuthAngles = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); setViewAzimuthAnglesRad(viewAzimuthAngles); } public double[] getSeaLevels() { return seaLevels; } public void setSeaLevels(double... seaLevels) { this.seaLevels = seaLevels; } public void setSeaLevels(Tile sourceTile) { this.seaLevels = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); } public double[] getTotalOzones() { return totalOzones; } public void setTotalOzones(double... totalO) { this.totalOzones = totalO; } public void setTotalOzones(Tile sourceTile) { this.totalOzones = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); } public double[] getSolarFluxs() { return solarFluxs; } public void setSolarFluxs(Tile sourceTile) { this.solarFluxs = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); } public double[] getLambdaSource() { return lambdaSource; } public void setLambdaSource(Tile sourceTile) { this.lambdaSource = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); } public double[] getSourceSampleRad() { return sourceSampleRad; } public void setSourceSampleRad(Tile sourceTile) { this.sourceSampleRad = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); } public int getSourceBandIndex() { return sourceBandIndex; } public void setSourceBandIndex(int sourceBandIndex) { this.sourceBandIndex = sourceBandIndex; } public double[] getLongitude() { return longitude; } public void setLongitude(double... longitude) { this.longitude = longitude; } public void setLongitude(Tile sourceTile) { this.longitude = SmileCorrectionUtils.getSampleDoubles(sourceTile); } public double[] getInterpolateRayleighThickness(double... taur) { if (Objects.nonNull(taur)) { double[] val = new double[taur.length]; for (int i = 0; i < taur.length; i++) { val[i] = linearInterpolate.value(taur[i]); } return val; } throw new NullPointerException("The linearInterpolate Rayleigh thickness is empty."); } //todo mb/*** write a test public double[] getSquarePower(double[] sinOZARads) { if (Objects.nonNull(sinOZARads)) { return -> Math.pow(p, 2)).toArray(); } throw new NullPointerException("The array is null."); } private double[] getGridValueAt(int x, int y) { double[] values = new double[4]; values[0] = rayCooefMatrixA[x][y][0]; values[1] = rayCooefMatrixB[x][y][0]; values[2] = rayCooefMatrixC[x][y][0]; values[3] = rayCooefMatrixD[x][y][0]; return values; } private Map<Integer, double[]> getFourierMap() { // Fourier components of multiple scattering Map<Integer, double[]> fourierPoly = new HashMap<>(); double[] sunZenithAnglesRad = getSunZenithAnglesRad(); double[] viewZenithAnglesRad = getViewZenithAnglesRad(); double[] cosSZARads = getCosSZARads(); double[] cosOZARads = getCosOZARads(); double[] sinSZARads = getSinSZARads(); double[] sinOZARads = getSinOZARads(); double[] sinOZA2s = getSquarePower(sinOZARads); double[] sinSZA2s = getSquarePower(sinSZARads); if (Objects.nonNull(sunZenithAnglesRad) && Objects.nonNull(viewZenithAnglesRad)) { for (int index = 0; index < sunZenithAnglesRad.length; index++) { double cosSZARad = cosSZARads[index]; double cosOZARad = cosOZARads[index]; double sinSZARad = sinSZARads[index]; double sinOZARad = sinOZARads[index]; double sinSZA2 = sinSZA2s[index]; double sinOZA2 = sinOZA2s[index]; double[] fourierSeries = new double[3]; //Rayleigh Phase function, 3 Fourier terms fourierSeries[0] = (3.0 * 0.9587256 / 4.0 * (1 + (cosSZARad * cosSZARad) * (cosOZARad * cosOZARad) + (sinSZA2 * sinOZA2) / 2.0) + (1.0 - 0.9587256)); fourierSeries[1] = (-3.0 * 0.9587256 / 4.0 * cosSZARad * cosOZARad * sinSZARad * sinOZARad); fourierSeries[2] = (3.0 * 0.9587256 / 16.0 * sinSZA2 * sinOZA2); fourierPoly.put(index, fourierSeries); } return fourierPoly; } throw new NullPointerException("The Fourier polynomial is empty."); } static Path installAuxdata() throws IOException { Path auxdataDirectory = SystemUtils.getAuxDataPath().resolve("olci/rayleigh"); final Path sourceDirPath = ResourceInstaller.findModuleCodeBasePath(RayleighAux.class) .resolve("auxdata/rayleigh"); final ResourceInstaller resourceInstaller = new ResourceInstaller(sourceDirPath, auxdataDirectory); resourceInstaller.install(".*", ProgressMonitor.NULL); return auxdataDirectory; } static ArrayList<double[][][]> parseJSON3DimArray(JSONObject parse, String ray_coeff_matrix) { JSONArray theta = (JSONArray) parse.get(ray_coeff_matrix); Iterator<JSONArray> iterator1 = theta.iterator(); double[][][] rayCooffA = new double[3][12][12]; double[][][] rayCooffB = new double[3][12][12]; double[][][] rayCooffC = new double[3][12][12]; double[][][] rayCooffD = new double[3][12][12]; int k = 0; while (iterator1.hasNext()) { //3 JSONArray next =; Iterator<JSONArray> iterator2 = next.iterator(); int i1 = 0; while (iterator2.hasNext()) {//12 JSONArray iterator3 =; Iterator<JSONArray> iterator4 = iterator3.iterator(); for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {//12 JSONArray mainValue =; List<Double> collectedValues = (List<Double>); rayCooffA[k][i1][j] = collectedValues.get(0); rayCooffB[k][i1][j] = collectedValues.get(1); rayCooffC[k][i1][j] = collectedValues.get(2); rayCooffD[k][i1][j] = collectedValues.get(3); } i1++; } k++; } ArrayList<double[][][]> rayCoefficient = new ArrayList(); rayCoefficient.add(rayCooffA); rayCoefficient.add(rayCooffB); rayCoefficient.add(rayCooffC); rayCoefficient.add(rayCooffD); return rayCoefficient; } static double[] getLineSpace(double start, double end, int interval) { if (interval < 0) { throw new NegativeArraySizeException("Array must not have negative index"); } double[] temp = new double[interval]; double steps = (end - start) / (interval - 1); for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { temp[i] = steps * i; } return temp; } void setInterpolation() { BicubicSplineInterpolator gridInterpolator = new BicubicSplineInterpolator(); Map<Integer, List<double[]>> interpolate = new HashMap<>(); double[] sunZenithAngles = getSunZenithAngles(); double[] viewZenithAngles = getViewZenithAngles(); //todo mba ask Mp if to use this approach. assert sunZenithAngles != null; if (Objects.nonNull(sunZenithAngles) && Objects.nonNull(viewZenithAngles)) { for (int index = 0; index < sunZenithAngles.length; index++) { double yVal = viewZenithAngles[index]; double xVal = sunZenithAngles[index]; List<double[]> valueList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < rayCooefMatrixA.length; i++) { double thetaMin = thetas[0]; double thetaMax = thetas[thetas.length - 1]; if (yVal > thetaMin && yVal < thetaMax) { double[] values = new double[4]; values[0] = gridInterpolator.interpolate(thetas, thetas, rayCooefMatrixA[i]).value(xVal, yVal); values[1] = gridInterpolator.interpolate(thetas, thetas, rayCooefMatrixB[i]).value(xVal, yVal); values[2] = gridInterpolator.interpolate(thetas, thetas, rayCooefMatrixC[i]).value(xVal, yVal); values[3] = gridInterpolator.interpolate(thetas, thetas, rayCooefMatrixD[i]).value(xVal, yVal); valueList.add(values); } else { valueList.add(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }); } } interpolate.put(index, valueList); } interpolateMap = interpolate; } } }