Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
 * Copyright [2016-2018] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Copyright (C) 2004 EBI, GRL
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

package org.ensembl.healthcheck.testcase;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.DatabaseRegistry;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.DatabaseRegistryEntry;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.DatabaseType;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.ReportManager;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.Species;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.Team;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.TestRunner;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.configurationmanager.ConfigurationException;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.util.DBUtils;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.util.MapRowMapper;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.util.SQLParser;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.util.SqlTemplate;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.util.SqlUncheckedException;
import org.ensembl.healthcheck.util.Utils;

 * Base class for all healthcheck tests.

public abstract class EnsTestCase {

    /** the string that is contained in the name of backup tables */
    public static final String backupIdentifier = "backup_";

    /** The TestRunner associated with this EnsTestCase */
    protected TestRunner testRunner;

     * A list of Strings representing the groups that this test is a member of.
     * Every test is (at least) a member of a group with the same name as the
     * test.
    protected List<String> groups;

    /** Description field */
    protected String description;

    /** Priority field */
    protected Priority priority = null;

    /** Effect field */
    protected String effect = null;

    /** Fix field */
    protected String fix = null;

    /** Optional text to be printed when the test fails */
    protected String failureText;

    /** Which team is responsible for fixing this healthcheck */
    protected Team teamResponsible;

    /** Sometimes more than one team can be responsible */
    protected Team secondTeamResponsible;

    /** Logger object to use */
    protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EnsTestCase.class.getCanonicalName());

    public static Logger getLogger() {
        return logger;

    public static void setLogger(Logger logger) {
        EnsTestCase.logger = logger;

     * Boolean variable that can be set if the test case is likely to take a
     * long time to run
    protected boolean hintLongRunning = false;

     * Store a list of which types of database this test applies to.
    protected List<DatabaseType> appliesToTypes = new ArrayList<DatabaseType>();

     * Names of tables in core schema that count as "feature" tables. Used in
     * various healthchecks.

    private String[] featureTables = { "assembly_exception", "gene", "exon", "dna_align_feature",
            "protein_align_feature", "repeat_feature", "simple_feature", "marker_feature", "misc_feature",
            "karyotype", "transcript", "density_feature", "prediction_exon", "prediction_transcript",
            "ditag_feature" };

     * Tables that have an analysis ID.

    private String[] tablesWithAnalysisID = { "gene", "protein_feature", "dna_align_feature",
            "protein_align_feature", "repeat_feature", "prediction_transcript", "simple_feature", "marker_feature",
            "density_type", "object_xref", "transcript", "intron_supporting_evidence", "operon",
            "operon_transcript", "unmapped_object", "ditag_feature", "data_file" };

     * Names of tables in funcgen schema that count as "feature" tables. Used in
     * various healthchecks.

    private String[] funcgenFeatureTables = { "probe_feature", "peak", "regulatory_feature", "external_feature",
            "motif_feature", "mirna_target_feature" };

     * Funcgen tables that have an analysis ID.

    private String[] funcgenTablesWithAnalysisID = { "probe_feature", "object_xref", "unmapped_object",
            "feature_set", "result_set" }; // also feature_type, but this is marked for removal.

    protected boolean setSystemProperties = true;

    // do we need to add analysis_description here?

    public boolean isSetSystemProperties() {
        return setSystemProperties;

    public void setSetSystemProperties(boolean setSystemProperties) {
        this.setSystemProperties = setSystemProperties;

     * A DatabaseRegistryEntry pointing to the production database.
    DatabaseRegistryEntry productionDBRE = null;

     * A DatabaseRegistryEntry pointing to the Compara Master database.
    DatabaseRegistryEntry comparaMasterDbre = null;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Creates a new instance of EnsTestCase
    public EnsTestCase() {

        groups = new ArrayList<String>();
        addToGroup(getShortTestName()); // each test is in a one-test group
        setDescription("No description set for this test.");

    } // EnsTestCase

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Get the TestRunner that is controlling this EnsTestCase.
     * @return The parent TestRunner.
    public TestRunner getTestRunner() {

        return testRunner;

    } // getTestRunner

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Sets up this test. <B>Must </B> be called before the object is used.
     * @param tr
     *            The TestRunner to associate with this test. Usually just
     *            <CODE>
     *          this</CODE> if being called from the TestRunner.
    public void init(TestRunner tr) {

        this.testRunner = tr;

    } // init

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Gets the full name of this test.
     * @return The full name of the test, e.g.
     *         org.ensembl.healthcheck.EnsTestCase
    public String getTestName() {

        return this.getClass().getName();


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Gets the full name of this test.
     * @return The full name of the test, e.g.
     *         org.ensembl.healthcheck.EnsTestCase
    public String getName() {

        return this.getClass().getName();


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get the short form of the test name, ie the name of the test class
     * without the package qualifier.
     * @return The short test name, e.g. EnsTestCase
    public String getShortTestName() {

        String longName = getTestName();

        return longName.substring(longName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get the very short form of the test name; ie that returned by
     * getShortTestName() without the trailing "TestCase"
     * @return The very short test name, e.g. CheckMetaTables
    public String getVeryShortTestName() {

        String name = getShortTestName();

        return name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("TestCase"));


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a list of the names of the groups which this test case is a member
     * of.
     * @return The list of names as Strings.
    public List<String> getGroups() {

        return groups;


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a list of the groups that this test case is a member of, formatted
     * for easy printing.
     * @return The comma-separated list of group names.
    public String getCommaSeparatedGroups() {
        return StringUtils.join(groups, ',');

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Remove a test from all groups.
    public void removeFromAllGroups() {

        groups = new ArrayList<String>();


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Convenience method for assigning this test case to several groups at
     * once.
     * @param s
     *            A list of Strings containing the group names.
    public void setGroups(List<String> s) {

        groups = s;


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Convenience method for assigning this test case to several groups at
     * once.
     * @param s
     *            Array of group names.
    public void setGroups(String[] s) {

        for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Add this test case to a new group. If the test case is already a member
     * of the group, a warning is printed and it is not added again.
     * @param newGroupName
     *            The name of the new group.
    public void addToGroup(String newGroupName) {

        if (!groups.contains(newGroupName)) {
        } else {
            logger.warning(getTestName() + " is already a member of " + newGroupName + " not added again.");

    } // addToGroup

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Remove this test case from the specified group. If the test case is not a
     * member of the specified group, a warning is printed.
     * @param groupName
     *            The name of the group from which this test case is to be
     *            removed.
    public void removeFromGroup(String groupName) {

        if (groups.contains(groupName)) {
        } else {
            logger.warning(getTestName() + " was not a memeber of " + groupName);

    } // removeFromGroup

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Test if this test case is a member of a particular group.
     * @param group
     *            The name of the group to check.
     * @return True if this test case is a member of the named group, false
     *         otherwise.
    public boolean inGroup(String group) {

        return groups.contains(group);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Convenience method for checking if this test case belongs to any of
     * several groups.
     * @param checkGroups
     *            The list of group names to check.
     * @return True if this test case is in any of the groups, false if it is in
     *         none.
    public boolean inGroups(List<String> checkGroups) {

        boolean result = false;

        Iterator<String> it = checkGroups.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (inGroup((String) {
                result = true;
        return result;

    } // inGroups

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Print a warning message about a specific database.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection involved.
     * @param message
     *            The message to print.
    protected void warn(Connection con, String message) {

        logger.warning("Problem in " + DBUtils.getShortDatabaseName(con));

    } // warn

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get the description.
     * @return The description for this test.
    public String getDescription() {

        return description;

    } // getDescription

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Set the text description of this test case.
     * @param s
     *            The new description.
    public void setDescription(String s) {

        description = s;

    } // setDescription

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get the failure text.
     * @return The failure text for this test.
    public String getFailureText() {

        return failureText;

    } // getFailureText

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Set the text failure text of this test case.
     * @param s
     *            The new failure text.
    public void setFailureText(String s) {

        failureText = s;

    } // setFailureText

    protected void setConfiguredProperties() {
        // read properties file
        String propsFile = System.getProperty("user.dir") + System.getProperty("file.separator")
                + TestRunner.getPropertiesFile();
        Utils.readPropertiesFileIntoSystem(propsFile, false);
        logger.fine("Read database properties from " + propsFile);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Read a database schema from a file and create a temporary database from
     * it.
     * @param fileName
     *            The name of the schema to read.
     * @return A connection to a database built from the schema.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
    public Connection importSchema(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException {

        if (setSystemProperties) {

        String databaseURL = System.getProperty("databaseURL");
        String user = System.getProperty("user");
        String password = System.getProperty("password");

        return DBUtils.importSchema(fileName, databaseURL, user, password);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Remove a whole database. Generally should *only* be used with temporary
     * databases. Use at your own risk!
     * @param con
     *            The connection pointing to the database to remove. Should be
     *            connected as a user that has sufficient permissions to remove
     *            it.
    public void removeDatabase(Connection con) {

        String dbName = DBUtils.getShortDatabaseName(con);

        try {

            String sql = "DROP DATABASE " + dbName;
            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            logger.fine("Database " + dbName + " removed!");

        } catch (Exception e) {

            String msg = "Could not drop database " + dbName;
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);

        } finally {
            // closeQuietly(stmt);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a list of all the table names.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @return An array of Strings representing the names of the tables,
     *         obtained from the SHOW TABLES command.
    public String[] getTableNames(Connection con) {

        return DBUtils.getTableNames(con);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a list of the table names that match a particular pattern.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @param pattern
     *            The pattern to use - note that this is a <em>SQL</em> pattern,
     *            not a regexp.
     * @return An array of Strings representing the names of the tables that
     *         match the pattern.
    public String[] getTableNames(Connection con, String pattern) {

        return DBUtils.getTableNames(con, pattern);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Convenience method for getting a connection to a named schema.
     * @param schema
     *            The name of the schema to connect to.
     * @return A connection to schema.
    public Connection getSchemaConnection(String schema) {

        DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre = DBUtils.getMainDatabaseRegistry().getByExactName(schema);

        return dbre.getConnection();


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a whole table as a ResultSet
     * @param table
     *            The table to get.
     * @return A ResultSet containing the contents of the table.
    public ResultSet getWholeTable(Connection con, String table, String key) {

        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {

            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + table + " ORDER BY " + key);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SqlUncheckedException("Could not retrieve whole table", e);
        } finally {
        return rs;


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get all the rows from certain columns of a table, specifying which ones
     * to ignore.
     * @param table
     *            The table to query.
     * @param exceptionColumns
     *            A list of columns to ignore.
     * @return A ResultSet containing the contents of the table, minus the
     *         columns in question.
    public ResultSet getWholeTableExceptSomeColumns(Connection con, String table, String key,
            List<String> exceptionColumns, String whereClause) {

        ResultSet rs = null;

        List<String> allColumns = DBUtils.getColumnsInTable(con, table);

        String columns = StringUtils.join(allColumns, ",");

        try {

            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(
                    String.format("SELECT %s FROM %s %s ORDER BY %s", columns, table, whereClause, key));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SqlUncheckedException("Could not retrieve whole table " + table, e);
        } finally {

        return rs;


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a connection to a new database given a pattern.
     * @param dbPattern
     *            - a String pattern to identify the required database
     * @return A DatabaseRegistryEntry.
    public DatabaseRegistryEntry getDatabaseRegistryEntryByPattern(String dbPattern) {

        // create it
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        DatabaseRegistryEntry newDBRE = null;

        DatabaseRegistry newDBR = new DatabaseRegistry(list, null, null, false);

        if (newDBR.getEntryCount() == 0) {

            logger.warning("Can't connect to database " + dbPattern + ". Skipping.");
            return null;

        } else if (newDBR.getEntryCount() > 1) {

            logger.warning("Found " + newDBR.getEntryCount() + " databases matching pattern " + dbPattern
                    + ". Only one expected. Skipping.");
            return null;

        newDBRE = newDBR.getAll()[0];
        logger.finest("Got new db: " + newDBRE.getName());
        return newDBRE;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a new DatabaseRegistry given a pattern.
     * @param dbPattern
     *            - a String pattern to identify the required databases
     * @return A DatabaseRegistry.
    public DatabaseRegistry getDatabaseRegistryByPattern(String dbPattern) {

        // create it
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

        return new DatabaseRegistry(list, null, null, false);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a connection to the production database.
     * @return A DatabaseRegistryEntry representing the database
    public DatabaseRegistryEntry getProductionDatabase() {

        // return existing one if we already have it, otherwise use method above
        // to find it
        return productionDBRE != null ? productionDBRE
                : getDatabaseRegistryEntryByPattern(System.getProperty("production.database"));


    protected String getDataFileBasePath() {
        return System.getProperty("dataFileBasePath");

    public void setProductionDatabase(DatabaseRegistryEntry productionDBRE) {
        this.productionDBRE = productionDBRE;

     * Get a connection to the Compara master database.
     * @return A DatabaseRegistryEntry representing the database
    public DatabaseRegistryEntry getComparaMasterDatabase() {

        // return existing one if we already have it, otherwise use method above
        // to find it
        return comparaMasterDbre != null ? comparaMasterDbre
                : getDatabaseRegistryEntryByPattern(System.getProperty("compara_master.database"));


    public void setComparaMasterDatabase(DatabaseRegistryEntry comparaMasterDbre) {

        this.comparaMasterDbre = comparaMasterDbre;


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Compare the contents of a table in the production database with one in
     * another database.
    public boolean compareProductionTable(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre, String tableName, String tableKey,
            String productionTableName, String productionKey) {

        Connection con = dbre.getConnection();

        DatabaseRegistryEntry productionDBRE = getProductionDatabase();

        return DBUtils.compareResultSets(getWholeTable(con, tableName, tableKey),
                getWholeTable(productionDBRE.getConnection(), productionTableName, productionKey), this, "", true,
                false, tableName, null, false);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * test if a species is merged
     * connect to the production database using the species production_name
    public boolean isMerged(Species species) {
        boolean result = false;
        String speciesName = species.toString();
        int rows = DBUtils.getRowCount(getProductionDatabase().getConnection(),
                "SELECT count(*) FROM species s, attrib_type at WHERE at.attrib_type_id = s.attrib_type_id AND code = 'merged' AND production_name = '"
                        + speciesName + "'");
        if (rows > 0) {
            result = true;
        return result;


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Compare the contents of a table in the production database with one in
     * another database, but ignore certain columns.
    public boolean compareProductionTableWithExceptions(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre, String tableName,
            String tableKey, String productionTableName, String productionKey, List<String> exceptionColumns) {

        Connection con = dbre.getConnection();

        DatabaseRegistryEntry productionDBRE = getProductionDatabase();

        if (productionDBRE == null || productionDBRE.getConnection() == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Production database not found");

        return DBUtils
                .compareResultSets(getWholeTableExceptSomeColumns(con, tableName, tableKey, exceptionColumns, ""),
                        getWholeTableExceptSomeColumns(productionDBRE.getConnection(), productionTableName,
                                productionKey, exceptionColumns, "WHERE is_current=1"),
                        this, "", true, false, tableName, null, false);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Check if the current test has repair capability. Signified by
     * implementing the Repair interface.
     * @return True if this test implements Repair, false otherwise.
    public boolean canRepair() {

        return (this instanceof Repair);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check if a table has rows.
     * @param con
     *            The connection to the database to use.
     * @param table
     *            The table to check.
     * @return true if the table has >0 rows, false otherwise.
    public boolean tableHasRows(Connection con, String table) {

        return (DBUtils.getRowCount(con, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table) > 0);


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * See if the "hintLongRunning" flag is set.
     * @return The value of the hintLongRunning flag.
    public boolean isLongRunning() {

        return hintLongRunning;


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Set the flag that indicates that this test may take a long time to run.
     * @param b
     *            The new value of the flag.
    public void setHintLongRunning(boolean b) {

        hintLongRunning = b;


    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check if this test case applies to a particular DatabaseType.
     * @param t
     *            The database type to check against.
     * @return true if this test applies to databases of type t.
    public boolean appliesToType(DatabaseType t) {

        Iterator<DatabaseType> it = appliesToTypes.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            DatabaseType type = (DatabaseType);
            if (t.equals(type)) {
                return true;

        return false;


    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * Add another database type to the list of types that this test case
     * applies to.
     * @param t
     *            The new type.
    public void addAppliesToType(DatabaseType t) {



    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * Remove a database type from the list of types that this test case applies
     * to.
     * @param t
     *            The type to remove.
    public void removeAppliesToType(DatabaseType t) {



    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * Specify the database types that a test applies to.
     * @param types
     *            A List of DatabaseTypes - overwrites the current setting.
    public void setAppliesToTypes(List<DatabaseType> types) {

        appliesToTypes = types;


    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * Convenience method for specifying that a test only applies to one type.
     * @param type
     *            A DatabaseType - overwrites the current setting.
    public void setAppliesToType(DatabaseType type) {

        List<DatabaseType> types = new ArrayList<DatabaseType>();
        appliesToTypes = types;


    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * @return the list of database types that a test applies to.
    public DatabaseType[] getAppliesToTypes() {

        return (DatabaseType[]) appliesToTypes.toArray(new DatabaseType[appliesToTypes.size()]);


    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
     * Set the database type(s) that this test applies to based upon the
     * directory name. For directories called "generic", the type is set to
     * core, otherfeatures, cdna, rnaseq, presite, vega and sangervega. For all other
     * directories the type is set based upon the directory name.
     * @param dirName
     *            The directory name to check.
    public void setTypeFromDirName(String dirName) {

        List<DatabaseType> types = new ArrayList<DatabaseType>();

        if (dirName.equals("generic")) {


            logger.finest("Set generic types for " + getName());

        } else {

            DatabaseType type = DatabaseType.resolveAlias(dirName);
            if (type != DatabaseType.UNKNOWN) {

                logger.finest("Set type to " + type.toString() + " for " + getName());
            } else {
                logger.finest("Cannot deduce test type from directory name " + dirName + " for " + getName());



     * Helper method to set the applicable types for this test from the parent
     * package. For instance, if the package is
     * org.ensembl.healthcheck.testcase.core, then core will be set as the type.
     * This method delegates to {@link #setTypeFromDirName(String)} using the
     * parent package string as an argument
    public void setTypeFromPackageName() {
        String packageName = this.getClass().getPackage().getName();
        String parent = packageName.substring(packageName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * This method can be overridden in subclasses to define (via
     * addAppliesToType/removeAppliesToType) which types of databases the test
     * applies to.
    public void types() {


    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Verify foreign-key relations, and fills ReportManager with useful sql if
     * necessary.
     * @param con
     *            A connection to the database to be tested. Should already be
     *            open.
     * @param table1
     *            With col1, specifies the first key to check.
     * @param col1
     *            Column in table1 to check.
     * @param table2
     *            With col2, specifies the second key to check.
     * @param col2
     *            Column in table2 to check.
     * @return boolean true if everything is fine false otherwise
    public boolean checkForOrphans(Connection con, String table1, String col1, String table2, String col2) {

        int orphans = 0;
        boolean result = true;

        orphans = countOrphans(con, table1, col1, table2, col2, true);

        String useful_sql = "SELECT " + table1 + "." + col1 + " FROM " + table1 + " LEFT JOIN " + table2 + " ON "
                + table1 + "." + col1 + " = " + table2 + "." + col2 + " WHERE " + table2 + "." + col2 + " iS NULL";

        if (orphans > 0) {
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "FAILED " + table1 + " -> " + table2 + " using FK " + col1 + "(" + col2
                    + ")" + " relationships");
            ReportManager.problem(this, con,
                    "FAILURE DETAILS: " + orphans + " " + table1 + " entries are not linked to " + table2);
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "USEFUL SQL: " + useful_sql);
            result = false;
        } else if (orphans < 0) {
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "TEST NOT COMPLETED " + table1 + " -> " + table2 + " using FK " + col1
                    + ", look at the StackTrace if any");
            result = false;

        return result;

    } // checkForOrphans
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Verify foreign-key relations.
     * @param con
     *            A connection to the database to be tested. Should already be
     *            open.
     * @param table1
     *            With col1, specifies the first key to check.
     * @param col1
     *            Column in table1 to check.
     * @param table2
     *            With col2, specifies the second key to check.
     * @param col2
     *            Column in table2 to check.
     * @param oneWayOnly
     *            If false, only a "left join" is performed on table1 and
     *            table2. If false, the
     * @return The number of "orphans"
    public int countOrphans(Connection con, String table1, String col1, String table2, String col2,
            boolean oneWayOnly) {

        if (con == null) {
            logger.severe("countOrphans: Database connection is null");

        int resultLeft, resultRight;

        String sql = " FROM " + table1 + " LEFT JOIN " + table2 + " ON " + table1 + "." + col1 + " = " + table2
                + "." + col2 + " WHERE " + table2 + "." + col2 + " IS NULL";

        resultLeft = DBUtils.getRowCount(con, "SELECT COUNT(*)" + sql);

        logger.finest("Left: " + resultLeft);

        if (resultLeft > 0) {
            String[] values = DBUtils.getColumnValues(con, "SELECT " + table1 + "." + col1 + sql + " LIMIT 20");
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
      , con, table1 + "." + col1 + " " + values[i] + " is not linked.");

        if (!oneWayOnly) {
            // and the other way ... (a right join?)
            sql = " FROM " + table2 + " LEFT JOIN " + table1 + " ON " + table2 + "." + col2 + " = " + table1 + "."
                    + col1 + " WHERE " + table1 + "." + col1 + " IS NULL";

            resultRight = DBUtils.getRowCount(con, "SELECT COUNT(*)" + sql);

            if (resultRight > 0) {
                String[] values = DBUtils.getColumnValues(con, "SELECT " + table2 + "." + col2 + sql + " LIMIT 20");
                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
          , con, table2 + "." + col2 + " " + values[i] + " is not linked.");

            logger.finest("Right: " + resultRight);

        } else {
            resultRight = 0;

        // logger.finest("Left: " + resultLeft + " Right: " + resultRight);

        return resultLeft + resultRight;

    } // countOrphans

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Verify foreign-key relations.
     * @param con
     *            A connection to the database to be tested. Should already be
     *            open.
     * @param table1
     *            With col1, specifies the first key to check.
     * @param col1
     *            Column in table1 to check.
     * @param table2
     *            With col2, specifies the second key to check.
     * @param col2
     *            Column in table2 to check.
     * @param constraint1
     *            additional constraint on a column in table1
     * @return The number of "orphans"
    public int countOrphansWithConstraint(Connection con, String table1, String col1, String table2, String col2,
            String constraint1) {

        if (con == null) {
            logger.severe("countOrphans: Database connection is null");

        int resultLeft;

        String sql = " FROM " + table1 + " LEFT JOIN " + table2 + " ON " + table1 + "." + col1 + " = " + table2
                + "." + col2 + " WHERE " + table2 + "." + col2 + " iS NULL";

        sql = sql + " AND " + table1 + "." + constraint1;

        resultLeft = DBUtils.getRowCount(con, "SELECT COUNT(*)" + sql);
        if (resultLeft > 0) {
            String[] values = DBUtils.getColumnValues(con, "SELECT " + table1 + "." + col1 + sql + " LIMIT 20");
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
      , con, table1 + "." + col1 + " " + values[i] + " is not linked.");

        logger.finest("Left: " + resultLeft);

        return resultLeft;

    } // countOrphans

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Generic way to check for orphan foreign key relationships.
     * @return true If there are no orphans.
    public boolean checkForOrphans(Connection con, String table1, String col1, String table2, String col2,
            boolean oneWay) {

        logger.finest("Checking for orphans with:\t" + table1 + "." + col1 + " " + table2 + "." + col2
                + ". oneWay is " + oneWay);

        int orphans = countOrphans(con, table1, col1, table2, col2, oneWay);

        boolean result = true;

        String useful_sql = "SELECT " + table1 + "." + col1 + " FROM " + table1 + " LEFT JOIN " + table2 + " ON "
                + table1 + "." + col1 + " = " + table2 + "." + col2 + " WHERE " + table2 + "." + col2 + " IS NULL";

        if (orphans > 0) {
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "FAILED " + table1 + " -> " + table2 + " using FK " + col1 + "(" + col2
                    + ")" + " relationships");
            ReportManager.problem(this, con,
                    "FAILURE DETAILS: " + orphans + " " + table1 + " entries are not linked to " + table2);
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "USEFUL SQL: " + useful_sql);
            if (!oneWay) {
                String useful_sql2 = "SELECT " + table2 + "." + col2 + " FROM " + table2 + " LEFT JOIN " + table1
                        + " ON " + table2 + "." + col2 + " = " + table1 + "." + col1 + " WHERE " + table1 + "."
                        + col1 + " IS NULL";
                ReportManager.problem(this, con, "alternate useful SQL: " + useful_sql2);
            result = false;
        } else if (orphans < 0) {
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "TEST NOT COMPLETED " + table1 + " -> " + table2 + " using FK " + col1
                    + ", look at the StackTrace if any");
            result = false;

        return result;
         * if (orphans > 0) { ReportManager.problem(this, con, table1 + " <-> "
         * + table2 + " has " + orphans + " unlinked entries"); } else {
         * ReportManager.correct(this, con, "All " + table1 + " <-> " + table2 +
         * " relationships are OK"); }
         * return orphans == 0;
    } // checkForOrphans

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Verify multiple appearance of a given foreign key
     * @param con
     *            A connection to the database to be tested. Should already be
     *            open.
     * @param table
     *            With col, specifies the foreign key to check.
     * @param col
     *            Column in table to check.
     * @param constraint
     *            Subset of the rows to be tested. This SQL constraint must
     *            include the WHERE keyword. Leave empty for no filtering
     * @return The number of "singles"
    public int countSingles(Connection con, String table, String col, String constraint) {

        if (con == null) {
            logger.severe("countSingles: Database connection is null");

        int result = 0;

        String sql = " FROM " + table + " " + constraint + " GROUP BY (" + col + ") HAVING COUNT(*) = 1";

        result = DBUtils.getRowCount(con, "SELECT *" + sql);

        if (result > 0) {
            String[] values = DBUtils.getColumnValues(con, "SELECT " + table + "." + col + sql + " LIMIT 20");
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
      , con, table + "." + col + " " + values[i] + " is used only once.");

        logger.finest("Singles: " + result);

        return result;

    } // countSingles

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Verify multiple appearance of a given foreign key
     * @param con
     *            A connection to the database to be tested. Should already be
     *            open.
     * @param table
     *            With col, specifies the foreign key to check.
     * @param col
     *            Column in table1 to check.
     * @return boolean true if everything is fine false otherwise
    public boolean checkForSingles(Connection con, String table, String col) {
        return checkForSinglesWithConstraint(con, table, col, "");

     * Verify multiple appearance of a given foreign key
     * @param con
     *            A connection to the database to be tested. Should already be
     *            open.
     * @param table
     *            With col, specifies the foreign key to check.
     * @param col
     *            Column in table1 to check.
     * @param constraint
     *            Subset of the rows to be tested. This SQL constraint must
     *            include the WHERE keyword. Leave empty for no filtering
     * @return boolean true if everything is fine false otherwise
    public boolean checkForSinglesWithConstraint(Connection con, String table, String col, String constraint) {

        int singles = 0;
        boolean result = true;

        singles = countSingles(con, table, col, constraint);

        String useful_sql = "SELECT " + table + "." + col + " FROM " + table + " " + constraint + " GROUP BY ("
                + col + ") HAVING COUNT(*) = 1";

        if (singles > 0) {
            ReportManager.problem(this, con,
                    "FAILED " + table + "." + col + " is a FK for a 1 to many (>1) relationship");
            ReportManager.problem(this, con,
                    "FAILURE DETAILS: " + singles + " " + table + "." + col + " entries are used only once");
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "USEFUL SQL: " + useful_sql);
            result = false;
        } else if (singles < 0) {
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "TEST NOT COMPLETED " + table + "." + col
                    + " is a FK for a 1 to many (>1) relationship, look at the StackTrace if any");
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "USEFUL SQL: " + useful_sql);
            result = false;

        return result;

    } // checkForSingles
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Verify foreign-key relations, and fills ReportManager with useful sql if
     * necessary.
     * @param con
     *            A connection to the database to be tested. Should already be
     *            open.
     * @param table1
     *            With col1, specifies the first key to check.
     * @param col1
     *            Column in table1 to check.
     * @param table2
     *            With col2, specifies the second key to check.
     * @param col2
     *            Column in table2 to check.
     * @param constraint1
     *            additional constraint on a column in table1
     * @return boolean true if everything is fine false otherwise
    public boolean checkForOrphansWithConstraint(Connection con, String table1, String col1, String table2,
            String col2, String constraint1) {

        int orphans = 0;
        boolean result = true;

        orphans = countOrphansWithConstraint(con, table1, col1, table2, col2, constraint1);

        String useful_sql = "SELECT " + table1 + "." + col1 + " FROM " + table1 + " LEFT JOIN " + table2 + " ON "
                + table1 + "." + col1 + " = " + table2 + "." + col2 + " WHERE " + table2 + "." + col2 + " iS NULL";

        // System.out.println(table1 + "." + col1 + "." + table2 + "." + col2);

        if (!constraint1.equals("")) {
            useful_sql = useful_sql + " AND " + table1 + "." + constraint1;

        if (orphans > 0) {
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "FAILED " + table1 + " -> " + table2 + " using FK " + col1 + "(" + col2
                    + ")" + " relationships");
            ReportManager.problem(this, con,
                    "FAILURE DETAILS: " + orphans + " " + table1 + " entries are not linked to " + table2);
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "USEFUL SQL: " + useful_sql);
            result = false;
        } else if (orphans < 0) {
            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "TEST NOT COMPLETED " + table1 + " -> " + table2 + " using FK " + col1
                    + ", look at the StackTrace if any");
            result = false;

        return result;

    } // checkForOrphansWithConstraint

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Verify optional foreign-key relations. The methods checks that non-NULL
     * foreign keys point to valid primary keys.
     * @param con
     *            A connection to the database to be tested. Should already be
     *            open.
     * @param table1
     *            With col1, specifies the first key to check.
     * @param col1
     *            Column in table1 to check.
     * @param table2
     *            With col2, specifies the second key to check.
     * @param col2
     *            Column in table2 to check.
     * @return boolean true if everything is fine false otherwise
    public boolean checkOptionalRelation(Connection con, String table1, String col1, String table2, String col2) {
        return checkForOrphansWithConstraint(con, table1, col1, table2, col2, col1 + " IS NOT NULL");

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check that a particular column has no null values. Problem or correct
     * reports are generated via ReportManager.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @param table
     *            The table name.
     * @param column
     *            The column to check.
     * @return True if no columns are null, false otherwise.
    public boolean checkNoNulls(Connection con, String table, String column) {

        boolean result = true;

        String sql = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s IS NULL", table, column);
        int nulls = DBUtils.getRowCount(con, sql);

        if (nulls > 0) {

            ReportManager.problem(this, con, nulls + " NULL values in " + table + "." + column);
            result = false;

        return result;

    } // checkNoNulls

     * Check a column for zero values. Problem or correct reports are generated
     * via ReportManager.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @param table
     *            The table name.
     * @param column
     *            The column to check.
     * @return True if no columns have zero values, false otherwise.
    public boolean checkNoZeroes(Connection con, String table, String column) {

        boolean result = true;
        String sql = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s = 0", table, column);
        int zeroes = DBUtils.getRowCount(con, sql);

        if (zeroes > 0) {

            ReportManager.problem(this, con, "Zeroes found in " + table + "." + column);
            result = false;

        return result;

     * Check a column for odd characters. Problem or correct reports are generated
     * via ReportManager. Applicable to display names, and other presentation strings
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @param table
     *            The table name.
     * @param column
     *            The column to check.
     * @return True if column is devoid of bad characters, false otherwise.
    public boolean checkNoBadCharacters(Connection con, String table, String column) {

        boolean result = true;
        String sql = String.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s REGEXP '%s'", table, column,
        // MOAR slashes
        int badrows = DBUtils.getRowCount(con, sql);

        if (badrows > 0) {

            ReportManager.problem(this, con,
                    "Forbidden characters found in " + badrows + " rows of " + table + "." + column);
            result = false;

        return result;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check that a particular SQL statement has the same result when executed
     * on more than one database.
     * @return True if all matched databases provide the same result, false
     *         otherwise.
     * @param sql
     *            The SQL query to execute.
     * @param regexp
     *            A regexp matching the database names to check.
     * @deprecated moved to
     *             {@link DBUtils#checkSameSQLResult(EnsTestCase, String, String, boolean)}
    public boolean checkSameSQLResult(String sql, String regexp, boolean comparingSchema) {
        return DBUtils.checkSameSQLResult(this, sql, regexp, comparingSchema);
    } // checkSameSQLResult

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check that a particular SQL statement has the same result when executed
     * on more than one database.
     * @return True if all matched databases provide the same result, false
     *         otherwise.
     * @param sql
     *            The SQL query to execute.
     * @param databases
     *            The DatabaseRegistryEntries on which to execute sql.
     * @deprecated moved to
     *             {@link DBUtils#checkSameSQLResult(EnsTestCase, String, DatabaseRegistryEntry[], boolean)}
    public boolean checkSameSQLResult(String sql, DatabaseRegistryEntry[] databases, boolean comparingSchema) {

        return DBUtils.checkSameSQLResult(this, sql, databases, comparingSchema);

    } // checkSameSQLResult

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a list of the tables in a core schema that conform to various
     * characteristics and count as "feature" tables.
     * @return An array of feature tables.
    public String[] getCoreFeatureTables() {

        return featureTables;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a list of the tables in a core schema that have an analysis_id
     * colmun.
     * @return An array of table names.
    public String[] getCoreTablesWithAnalysisID() {

        return tablesWithAnalysisID;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a list of the tables in a funcgen schema that conform to various
     * characteristics and count as "feature" tables.
     * @return An array of feature tables.
    public String[] getFuncgenFeatureTables() {

        return funcgenFeatureTables;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a list of the tables in a funcgen schema that have an analysis_id
     * colmun.
     * @return An array of table names.
    public String[] getFuncgenTablesWithAnalysisID() {

        return funcgenTablesWithAnalysisID;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get the equivalent database from the secondary database server.
     * "equivalent" means: same database type and species. If more than one
     * database on the secondary server has the same type and species, then the
     * one with the highest version number is used.
     * @param dbre
     *            The database to find the equivalent for.
     * @return The database on the secondary server with the same type and
     *         species, and the highest version number, or null if none is
     *         found.
    public DatabaseRegistryEntry getEquivalentFromSecondaryServer(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre) {

        DatabaseRegistry secondaryDatabaseRegistry = DBUtils.getSecondaryDatabaseRegistry();

        // find any databases matching type and species
        TreeSet<DatabaseRegistryEntry> matchingDBs = new TreeSet<DatabaseRegistryEntry>(); // get
        // sorting
        // for
        // free

        for (DatabaseRegistryEntry secDBRE : secondaryDatabaseRegistry.getAll()) {
            if (DBUtils.getSecondaryDatabase() != null) {
                if (secDBRE.getName().equals(DBUtils.getSecondaryDatabase())) {
                    return secDBRE;
            if (dbre.getSpecies() == Species.UNKNOWN) {
                // EG where we don't know the species, use type and alias
                // matching instead
                if (dbre.getType().equals(secDBRE.getType()) && dbre.getAlias().equals(secDBRE.getAlias())) {
                    logger.finest("added " + secDBRE.getName() + " to list of databases to check for equivalent to "
                            + dbre.getName());
            } else {
                // nulls will set type automatically
                if (dbre.getType().equals(secDBRE.getType()) && dbre.getSpecies().equals(secDBRE.getSpecies())) {
                    logger.finest("added " + secDBRE.getName() + " to list of databases to check for equivalent to "
                            + dbre.getName());

        if (matchingDBs.size() == 0) {
            logger.finest("Could not find equivalent database to " + dbre.getName() + " on secondary server");

        // take the highest one that doesn't have the same version number as our
        // current one, if available
        DatabaseRegistryEntry result = null;

        if (matchingDBs.size() > 0) {

            result = (DatabaseRegistryEntry) matchingDBs.last();


        return result;


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public boolean checkDatabaseExistsByType(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre, DatabaseType dbType) {

        // figure out the corresponding database
        String targetName = dbre.getName().replace(dbre.getType().getName(), dbType.getName());

        // work out if we have one
        return DBUtils.getSqlTemplate(dbre).queryForDefaultObject(
                "select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=?", Integer.class,
                targetName) > 0;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get a list of the logic names and analysis IDs from the analysis table.
     * @param con
     *            The connection to use.
     * @return A map of analysis IDs (keys) and logic names (values).
    public Map<Integer, String> getLogicNamesFromAnalysisTable(Connection con) {

        return DBUtils.getSqlTemplate(con).queryForMap("SELECT analysis_id, logic_name FROM analysis",
                new MapRowMapper<Integer, String>() {

                    public String mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int position) throws SQLException {
                        return resultSet.getString("logic_name");

                    public Map<Integer, String> getMap() {
                        return CollectionUtils.createHashMap();

                    public Integer getKey(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
                        return resultSet.getInt("analysis_id");

                    public void existingObject(String currentValue, ResultSet resultSet, int position)
                            throws SQLException {
                        throw new SqlUncheckedException("Duplicate analysis row found for ID " + currentValue);


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Define how severe the effect of a test's failure would be. Note that this
     * is a test-level priority; within a testcase the ReportManager methods
     * (problem, correct etc) should be used.
     * @param p
     *            The new priority to set.
    public void setPriority(Priority p) {

        priority = p;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get the priority.
    public Priority getPriority() {

        return priority;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Define how what will happen if databases which fail this healthcheck are
     * left unfixed.
     * @param e
     *            The effect to set.
    public void setEffect(String e) {

        effect = e;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Return what will happen if databases which fail this healthcheck are left
     * unfixed.
    public String getEffect() {

        return effect;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Describe (as text) a possible fix for the problem causing this
     * healthcheck to fail.
     * @param f
     *            The fix to set.
    public void setFix(String f) {

        fix = f;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get (as text) a possible fix for the problem causing this healthcheck to
     * fail.
    public String getFix() {

        return fix;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    public Team getTeamResponsible() {
        return teamResponsible;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    public void setTeamResponsible(Team teamResponsible) {
        this.teamResponsible = teamResponsible;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    public Team getSecondTeamResponsible() {
        return secondTeamResponsible;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    public void setSecondTeamResponsible(Team secondTeamResponsible) {
        this.secondTeamResponsible = secondTeamResponsible;

    public void removeSecondTeamResponsible() {
        this.secondTeamResponsible = null;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    public String getPrintableTeamResponsibleString() {

        if (getTeamResponsible() == null) {

            return "The team responsible has not been set.";

        String team = getTeamResponsible().toString();

        if (getSecondTeamResponsible() != null) {
            team += " and " + getSecondTeamResponsible();

        return team;


    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Get the names of the top level seq_regions.
    public List<String> getTopLevelNames(Connection con) {

        List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();

        try {
            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
                    "SELECT FROM seq_region sr, seq_region_attrib sra, attrib_type at WHERE sra.seq_region_id=sr.seq_region_id AND sra.attrib_type_id=at.attrib_type_id AND at.code='toplevel'");
            while ( {
        } catch (SQLException se) {

        return names;


     * Get the names of the top level seq_regions that are called chromosomes.
    public List<String> getTopLevelChromosomeNames(Connection con) {

        String sql = "SELECT FROM seq_region sr, seq_region_attrib sra, attrib_type at, coord_system cs "
                + "WHERE cs.coord_system_id=sr.coord_system_id AND sra.seq_region_id=sr.seq_region_id "
                + "AND sra.attrib_type_id=at.attrib_type_id AND at.code='toplevel' AND'chromosome' "
                + "AND cs.attrib LIKE '%default_version%' and sr.seq_region_id not in "
                + "(select sr2.seq_region_id from seq_region sr2, seq_region_attrib sra1, attrib_type at1 "
                + "where sr2.seq_region_id = sra1.seq_region_id and sra1.attrib_type_id = at1.attrib_type_id and at1.code = 'non_ref')";
        return DBUtils.getSqlTemplate(con).queryForDefaultObjectList(sql, String.class);

     * Return the list of views and tables that are required to be present in
     * the funcgen database before Biomart can run, but should be removed
     * afterwards.
    public String[] getBiomartFuncgenTablesAndViews() {

        String[] t = { "cs_sr_view", "fs_displayable_view", "regulatory_feature_view", "external_feature_ox_view",
                "external_feature_view", "annotated_feature_view", "feature_set_view", "probestuff_helper_tmp" };

        return t;


    public long getChecksum(Connection con, String tableName) {

        return DBUtils.getChecksum(con, tableName);

     * Produce an instance of {@link SqlTemplate} from a
     * {@link DatabaseRegistryEntry}.
    public SqlTemplate getSqlTemplate(DatabaseRegistryEntry dbre) {
        return DBUtils.getSqlTemplate(dbre);

     * Produce an instance of {@link SqlTemplate} from a {@link Connection}.
    public SqlTemplate getSqlTemplate(Connection conn) {
        return DBUtils.getSqlTemplate(conn);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Count the number of rows in a table.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use. Should have been opened
     *            already.
     * @param table
     *            The name of the table to analyse.
     * @return The number of rows in the table.
     * @deprecated use {@link DBUtils#countRowsInTable(Connection, String)}
    public int countRowsInTable(Connection con, String table) {

        return DBUtils.countRowsInTable(con, table);

    } // countRowsInTable

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Use SELECT COUNT(*) to get a row count.
     * @deprecated use {@link DBUtils#getRowCountFast(Connection, String)}
    public int getRowCountFast(Connection con, String sql) {
        return DBUtils.getRowCountFast(con, sql);
    } // getRowCountFast

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Use a row-by-row approach to counting the rows in a table.
     * @deprecated use {@link DBUtils#getRowCountSlow(Connection, String)}
    public int getRowCountSlow(Connection con, String sql) {
        return DBUtils.getRowCountSlow(con, sql);
    } // getRowCountSlow

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Count the rows in a particular table or query.
     * @param con
     *            A connection to the database. Should already be open.
     * @param sql
     *            The SQL to execute. Note that if possible this should begin
     *            with <code>SELECT COUNT FROM</code> since this is much quicker
     *            to execute. If a standard SELECT statement is used, a
     *            row-by-row count will be performed, which may be slow if the
     *            table is large.
     * @return The number of matching rows, or -1 if the query did not execute
     *         for some reason.
     * @deprecated use {@link DBUtils#getRowCount(Connection, String)}
    public int getRowCount(Connection con, String sql) {
        return DBUtils.getRowCount(con, sql);
    } // getRowCount

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Execute a SQL statement and return the value of one column of one row.
     * Only the FIRST row matched is returned.
     * @param con
     *            The Connection to use.
     * @param sql
     *            The SQL to check; should return ONE value.
     * @return The value returned by the SQL.
     * @deprecated use {@link DBUtils#getRowColumnValue(Connection, String)}
    public String getRowColumnValue(Connection con, String sql) {
        return DBUtils.getRowColumnValue(con, sql);
    } // DBUtils.getRowColumnValue

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Execute a SQL statement and return the value of the columns of one row.
     * Only the FIRST row matched is returned.
     * @param con
     *            The Connection to use.
     * @param sql
     *            The SQL to check; can return several values.
     * @return The value(s) returned by the SQL in an array of Strings.
     * @deprecated use {@link DBUtils#getRowValues(Connection, String)}
    public String[] getRowValues(Connection con, String sql) {
        return DBUtils.getRowValues(con, sql);
    } // getRowValues

    public List<String[]> getRowValuesList(Connection con, String sql) {
        return DBUtils.getRowValuesList(con, sql);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Execute a SQL statement and return the values of one column of the
     * result.
     * @param con
     *            The Connection to use.
     * @param sql
     *            The SQL to check; should return ONE column.
     * @return The value(s) making up the column, in the order that they were
     *         read.
     * @deprecated use {@link DBUtils#getColumnValues(Connection, String)}
    public String[] getColumnValues(Connection con, String sql) {
        return DBUtils.getColumnValues(con, sql);
    } // getColumnValues

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Execute a SQL statement and return the values of one column of the
     * result.
     * @param con
     *            The Connection to use.
     * @param sql
     *            The SQL to check; should return ONE column.
     * @return The value(s) making up the column, in the order that they were
     *         read.
     * @deprecated use {@link DBUtils#getColumnValuesList(Connection, String)}
    public List<String> getColumnValuesList(Connection con, String sql) {
        return DBUtils.getColumnValuesList(con, sql);
    } // getColumnValues

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check for the presence of a particular String in a table column.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @param table
     *            The name of the table to examine.
     * @param column
     *            The name of the column to look in.
     * @param str
     *            The string to search for; can use database wildcards (%, _)
     *            Note that if you want to search for one of these special
     *            characters, it must be backslash-escaped.
     * @return The number of times the string is matched.
     * @deprecated use
     *             {@link DBUtils#findStringInColumn(Connection, String, String, String)}
    public int findStringInColumn(Connection con, String table, String column, String str) {
        return DBUtils.findStringInColumn(con, table, column, str);
    } // findStringInColumn

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check that all entries in column match a particular pattern.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @param table
     *            The name of the table to examine.
     * @param column
     *            The name of the column to look in.
     * @param pattern
     *            The SQL pattern (can contain _,%) to look for.
     * @return The number of columns that <em>DO NOT</em> match the pattern.
     * @deprecated use
     *             {@link DBUtils#checkColumnPattern(Connection, String, String, String)}
    public int checkColumnPattern(Connection con, String table, String column, String pattern) {
        return DBUtils.checkColumnPattern(con, table, column, pattern);
    } // checkColumnPattern

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check that all entries in column match a particular value.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @param table
     *            The name of the table to examine.
     * @param column
     *            The name of the column to look in.
     * @param value
     *            The string to look for (not a pattern).
     * @return The number of columns that <em>DO NOT</em> match value.
     * @deprecated use
     *             {@link DBUtils#checkColumnValue(Connection, String, String, String)}
    public int checkColumnValue(Connection con, String table, String column, String value) {
        return DBUtils.checkColumnValue(con, table, column, value);
    } // checkColumnPattern

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check if there are any blank entires in a column that is not supposed to
     * be null.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @param table
     *            The table to use.
     * @param column
     *            The column to examine.
     * @return An list of the row indices of any blank entries. Will be
     *         zero-length if there are none.
     * @deprecated use
     *             {@link DBUtils#checkBlankNonNull(Connection, String, String)}
    public List<String> checkBlankNonNull(Connection con, String table, String column) {
        return DBUtils.checkBlankNonNull(con, table, column);
    } // checkBlankNonNull

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check all columns of a table for blank entires in columns that are marked
     * as being NOT NULL.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to use.
     * @param table
     *            The table to use.
     * @return The total number of blank null enums.
     * @deprecated Use {@link DBUtils#checkBlankNonNull(Connection, String)}
    public int checkBlankNonNull(Connection con, String table) {
        return DBUtils.checkBlankNonNull(con, table);
    } // checkBlankNonNull

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Check if a particular table exists in a database.
     * @param con
     *            The database connection to check.
     * @param table
     *            The table to check for.
     * @return true if the table exists in the database.
     * @deprecated use {@link DBUtils#checkTableExists}
    public boolean checkTableExists(Connection con, String table) {

        return DBUtils.checkTableExists(con, table);

    } // checkTableExists

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Run different queries in two databases and compare the results
     * @param con1
     *          Connection to database1
     * @param sql1
     *          SQL query to run in database1
     * @param con2
     *          Connection to database2
     * @param sql2
     *          SQL query to run in database2
     * @return true if both queries return the same rows.
    public boolean compareQueries(Connection con1, String sql1, Connection con2, String sql2) {
        boolean result = true;
        String dbName1 = (con1 == null) ? "no_database" : DBUtils.getShortDatabaseName(con1);
        String dbName2 = (con2 == null) ? "no_database" : DBUtils.getShortDatabaseName(con2);
        Map values1 = runQuery(con1, sql1);
        Map values2 = runQuery(con2, sql2);
        Iterator it1 = values1.keySet().iterator();
        while (it1.hasNext()) {
            String thisValue = (String);
            if (values2.get(thisValue) == null) {
                result = false;
                ReportManager.problem(this, dbName1, thisValue + " is not in " + dbName2);
        } // foreach it1

        Iterator it2 = values2.keySet().iterator();
        while (it2.hasNext()) {
            String thisValue = (String);
            if (values1.get(thisValue) == null) {
                result = false;
                ReportManager.problem(this, dbName2, thisValue + " is not in " + dbName1);
        } // foreach it1

        return result;

     * Run a query in a database and return the results as a HashMap where the keys are the rows (cols are concatenated with "::").
     * @param con
     *          Connection to database
     * @param sql
     *          SQL query to run in database
     * @return Map where the keys are the rows (cols are concatenated with "::").
    private Map<String, String> runQuery(Connection con, String sql) {

        Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();

        try {
            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);

            while ( {
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(rs.getString(1));
                for (int a = 2; a <= rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); a++) {
                values.put(buf.toString(), "1");

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return values;


} // EnsTestCase