Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.RandomizedTest; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils; import org.elasticsearch.Version; import org.elasticsearch.client.Response; import org.elasticsearch.client.ResponseException; import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient; import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings; import org.elasticsearch.common.SuppressForbidden; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Tuple; import; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Runs a suite of yaml tests shared with all the official Elasticsearch clients against against an elasticsearch cluster. */ public abstract class ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase extends ESRestTestCase { /** * Property that allows to control which REST tests get run. Supports comma separated list of tests * or directories that contain tests e.g.,get,create/10_with_id */ public static final String REST_TESTS_SUITE = ""; /** * Property that allows to blacklist some of the REST tests based on a comma separated list of globs * e.g. "*" */ public static final String REST_TESTS_BLACKLIST = ""; /** * Property that allows to control whether spec validation is enabled or not (default true). */ private static final String REST_TESTS_VALIDATE_SPEC = ""; /** * Property that allows to control where the REST spec files need to be loaded from */ public static final String REST_TESTS_SPEC = ""; private static final String REST_LOAD_PACKAGED_TESTS = ""; private static final String DEFAULT_TESTS_PATH = "/rest-api-spec/test"; private static final String DEFAULT_SPEC_PATH = "/rest-api-spec/api"; /** * This separator pattern matches ',' except it is preceded by a '\'. * This allows us to support ',' within paths when it is escaped with a slash. * * For example, the path string "/a/b/c\,d/e/f,/foo/bar,/baz" is separated to "/a/b/c\,d/e/f", "/foo/bar" and "/baz". * * For reference, this regular expression feature is known as zero-width negative look-behind. * */ private static final String PATHS_SEPARATOR = "(?<!\\\\),"; private static List<BlacklistedPathPatternMatcher> blacklistPathMatchers; private static ClientYamlTestExecutionContext restTestExecutionContext; private static ClientYamlTestExecutionContext adminExecutionContext; private final ClientYamlTestCandidate testCandidate; protected ESClientYamlSuiteTestCase(ClientYamlTestCandidate testCandidate) { this.testCandidate = testCandidate; } @Before public void initAndResetContext() throws IOException { if (restTestExecutionContext == null) { assert adminExecutionContext == null; assert blacklistPathMatchers == null; String[] specPaths = resolvePathsProperty(REST_TESTS_SPEC, DEFAULT_SPEC_PATH); ClientYamlSuiteRestSpec restSpec = null; FileSystem fileSystem = getFileSystem(); // don't make a try-with, getFileSystem returns null // ... and you can't close() the default filesystem try { restSpec = ClientYamlSuiteRestSpec.parseFrom(fileSystem, DEFAULT_SPEC_PATH, specPaths); } finally { IOUtils.close(fileSystem); } validateSpec(restSpec); List<HttpHost> hosts = getClusterHosts(); RestClient restClient = client(); Version infoVersion = readVersionsFromInfo(restClient, hosts.size()); Version esVersion; try { Tuple<Version, Version> versionVersionTuple = readVersionsFromCatNodes(restClient); esVersion = versionVersionTuple.v1(); Version masterVersion = versionVersionTuple.v2();"initializing yaml client, minimum es version: [{}] master version: [{}] hosts: {}", esVersion, masterVersion, hosts); } catch (ResponseException ex) { if (ex.getResponse().getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 403) { logger.warn("Fallback to simple info '/' request, _cat/nodes is not authorized"); esVersion = infoVersion;"initializing yaml client, minimum es version: [{}] hosts: {}", esVersion, hosts); } else { throw ex; } } ClientYamlTestClient clientYamlTestClient = new ClientYamlTestClient(restSpec, restClient, hosts, esVersion); restTestExecutionContext = new ClientYamlTestExecutionContext(clientYamlTestClient, randomizeContentType()); adminExecutionContext = new ClientYamlTestExecutionContext(clientYamlTestClient, false); String[] blacklist = resolvePathsProperty(REST_TESTS_BLACKLIST, null); blacklistPathMatchers = new ArrayList<>(); for (String entry : blacklist) { blacklistPathMatchers.add(new BlacklistedPathPatternMatcher(entry)); } } assert restTestExecutionContext != null; assert adminExecutionContext != null; assert blacklistPathMatchers != null; // admin context must be available for @After always, regardless of whether the test was blacklisted adminExecutionContext.clear(); //skip test if it matches one of the blacklist globs for (BlacklistedPathPatternMatcher blacklistedPathMatcher : blacklistPathMatchers) { String testPath = testCandidate.getSuitePath() + "/" + testCandidate.getTestSection().getName(); assumeFalse("[" + testCandidate.getTestPath() + "] skipped, reason: blacklisted", blacklistedPathMatcher.isSuffixMatch(testPath)); } restTestExecutionContext.clear(); //skip test if the whole suite (yaml file) is disabled assumeFalse(testCandidate.getSetupSection().getSkipSection().getSkipMessage(testCandidate.getSuitePath()), testCandidate.getSetupSection().getSkipSection().skip(restTestExecutionContext.esVersion())); //skip test if the whole suite (yaml file) is disabled assumeFalse( testCandidate.getTeardownSection().getSkipSection().getSkipMessage(testCandidate.getSuitePath()), testCandidate.getTeardownSection().getSkipSection().skip(restTestExecutionContext.esVersion())); //skip test if test section is disabled assumeFalse(testCandidate.getTestSection().getSkipSection().getSkipMessage(testCandidate.getTestPath()), testCandidate.getTestSection().getSkipSection().skip(restTestExecutionContext.esVersion())); } @Override protected void afterIfFailed(List<Throwable> errors) { // Dump the stash on failure. Instead of dumping it in true json we escape `\n`s so stack traces are easier to read"Stash dump on failure [{}]", XContentHelper.toString(restTestExecutionContext.stash()) .replace("\\n", "\n").replace("\\r", "\r").replace("\\t", "\t")); super.afterIfFailed(errors); } public static Iterable<Object[]> createParameters() throws IOException { List<ClientYamlTestCandidate> restTestCandidates = collectTestCandidates(); List<Object[]> objects = new ArrayList<>(); for (ClientYamlTestCandidate restTestCandidate : restTestCandidates) { objects.add(new Object[] { restTestCandidate }); } return objects; } private static List<ClientYamlTestCandidate> collectTestCandidates() throws IOException { List<ClientYamlTestCandidate> testCandidates = new ArrayList<>(); FileSystem fileSystem = getFileSystem(); // don't make a try-with, getFileSystem returns null // ... and you can't close() the default filesystem try { String[] paths = resolvePathsProperty(REST_TESTS_SUITE, DEFAULT_TESTS_PATH); Map<String, Set<Path>> yamlSuites = FileUtils.findYamlSuites(fileSystem, DEFAULT_TESTS_PATH, paths); //yaml suites are grouped by directory (effectively by api) for (String api : yamlSuites.keySet()) { List<Path> yamlFiles = new ArrayList<>(yamlSuites.get(api)); for (Path yamlFile : yamlFiles) { ClientYamlTestSuite restTestSuite = ClientYamlTestSuite.parse(api, yamlFile); for (ClientYamlTestSection testSection : restTestSuite.getTestSections()) { testCandidates.add(new ClientYamlTestCandidate(restTestSuite, testSection)); } } } } finally { IOUtils.close(fileSystem); } //sort the candidates so they will always be in the same order before being shuffled, for repeatability Collections.sort(testCandidates, (o1, o2) -> o1.getTestPath().compareTo(o2.getTestPath())); return testCandidates; } private static String[] resolvePathsProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue) { String property = System.getProperty(propertyName); if (!Strings.hasLength(property)) { return defaultValue == null ? Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY : new String[] { defaultValue }; } else { return property.split(PATHS_SEPARATOR); } } /** * Returns a new FileSystem to read REST resources, or null if they * are available from classpath. */ @SuppressForbidden(reason = "proper use of URL, hack around a JDK bug") protected static FileSystem getFileSystem() throws IOException { // REST suite handling is currently complicated, with lots of filtering and so on // For now, to work embedded in a jar, return a ZipFileSystem over the jar contents. URL codeLocation = FileUtils.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); boolean loadPackaged = RandomizedTest.systemPropertyAsBoolean(REST_LOAD_PACKAGED_TESTS, true); if (codeLocation.getFile().endsWith(".jar") && loadPackaged) { try { // hack around a bug in the zipfilesystem implementation before java 9, // its checkWritable was incorrect and it won't work without write permissions. // if we add the permission, it will open jars r/w, which is too scary! so copy to a safe r-w location. Path tmp = Files.createTempFile(null, ".jar"); try (InputStream in = FileSystemUtils.openFileURLStream(codeLocation)) { Files.copy(in, tmp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } return FileSystems.newFileSystem(new URI("jar:" + tmp.toUri()), Collections.emptyMap()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IOException("couldn't open zipfilesystem: ", e); } } else { return null; } } protected ClientYamlTestExecutionContext getAdminExecutionContext() { return adminExecutionContext; } private static void validateSpec(ClientYamlSuiteRestSpec restSpec) { boolean validateSpec = RandomizedTest.systemPropertyAsBoolean(REST_TESTS_VALIDATE_SPEC, true); if (validateSpec) { StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(); for (ClientYamlSuiteRestApi restApi : restSpec.getApis()) { if (restApi.getMethods().contains("GET") && restApi.isBodySupported()) { if (!restApi.getMethods().contains("POST")) { errorMessage.append("\n- ").append(restApi.getName()) .append(" supports GET with a body but doesn't support POST"); } } } if (errorMessage.length() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage.toString()); } } } @AfterClass public static void clearStatic() { blacklistPathMatchers = null; restTestExecutionContext = null; adminExecutionContext = null; } private static Tuple<Version, Version> readVersionsFromCatNodes(RestClient restClient) throws IOException { // we simply go to the _cat/nodes API and parse all versions in the cluster Response response = restClient.performRequest("GET", "/_cat/nodes", Collections.singletonMap("h", "version,master")); ClientYamlTestResponse restTestResponse = new ClientYamlTestResponse(response); String nodesCatResponse = restTestResponse.getBodyAsString(); String[] split = nodesCatResponse.split("\n"); Version version = null; Version masterVersion = null; for (String perNode : split) { final String[] versionAndMaster = perNode.split("\\s+"); assert versionAndMaster.length == 2 : "invalid line: " + perNode + " length: " + versionAndMaster.length; final Version currentVersion = Version.fromString(versionAndMaster[0]); final boolean master = versionAndMaster[1].trim().equals("*"); if (master) { assert masterVersion == null; masterVersion = currentVersion; } if (version == null) { version = currentVersion; } else if (version.onOrAfter(currentVersion)) { version = currentVersion; } } return new Tuple<>(version, masterVersion); } private static Version readVersionsFromInfo(RestClient restClient, int numHosts) throws IOException { Version version = null; for (int i = 0; i < numHosts; i++) { //we don't really use the urls here, we rely on the client doing round-robin to touch all the nodes in the cluster Response response = restClient.performRequest("GET", "/"); ClientYamlTestResponse restTestResponse = new ClientYamlTestResponse(response); Object latestVersion = restTestResponse.evaluate("version.number"); if (latestVersion == null) { throw new RuntimeException("elasticsearch version not found in the response"); } final Version currentVersion = Version.fromString(latestVersion.toString()); if (version == null) { version = currentVersion; } else if (version.onOrAfter(currentVersion)) { version = currentVersion; } } return version; } public void test() throws IOException { //let's check that there is something to run, otherwise there might be a problem with the test section if (testCandidate.getTestSection().getExecutableSections().size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No executable sections loaded for [" + testCandidate.getTestPath() + "]"); } if (!testCandidate.getSetupSection().isEmpty()) { logger.debug("start setup test [{}]", testCandidate.getTestPath()); for (DoSection doSection : testCandidate.getSetupSection().getDoSections()) { executeSection(doSection); } logger.debug("end setup test [{}]", testCandidate.getTestPath()); } restTestExecutionContext.clear(); try { for (ExecutableSection executableSection : testCandidate.getTestSection().getExecutableSections()) { executeSection(executableSection); } } finally { logger.debug("start teardown test [{}]", testCandidate.getTestPath()); for (DoSection doSection : testCandidate.getTeardownSection().getDoSections()) { executeSection(doSection); } logger.debug("end teardown test [{}]", testCandidate.getTestPath()); } } /** * Execute an {@link ExecutableSection}, careful to log its place of origin on failure. */ private void executeSection(ExecutableSection executableSection) { try { executableSection.execute(restTestExecutionContext); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage(executableSection, e), e); } catch (AssertionError e) { throw new AssertionError(errorMessage(executableSection, e), e); } } private String errorMessage(ExecutableSection executableSection, Throwable t) { return "Failure at [" + testCandidate.getSuitePath() + ":" + executableSection.getLocation().lineNumber + "]: " + t.getMessage(); } protected boolean randomizeContentType() { return true; } }