Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.elasticsearch.test; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.annotations.TestGroup; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.elasticsearch.Version; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterState; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.IndexRoutingTable; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.IndexShardRoutingTable; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.ShardRouting; import org.elasticsearch.common.Strings; import; import org.elasticsearch.common.regex.Regex; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; import org.elasticsearch.indices.recovery.RecoverySettings; import org.elasticsearch.test.junit.annotations.TestLogging; import org.elasticsearch.test.junit.listeners.LoggingListener; import org.elasticsearch.test.transport.AssertingLocalTransport; import org.elasticsearch.test.transport.MockTransportService; import org.elasticsearch.transport.Transport; import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportModule; import org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService; import org.elasticsearch.transport.netty.NettyTransport; import org.junit.Ignore; import; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Inherited; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import static; /** * Abstract base class for backwards compatibility tests. Subclasses of this class * can run tests against a mixed version cluster. A subset of the nodes in the cluster * are started in dedicated process running off a full fledged elasticsearch release. * Nodes can be "upgraded" from the "backwards" node to an "new" node where "new" nodes * version corresponds to current version. * The purpose of this test class is to run tests in scenarios where clusters are in an * intermediate state during a rolling upgrade as well as upgrade situations. The clients * accessed via #client() are random clients to the nodes in the cluster which might * execute requests on the "new" as well as the "old" nodes. * <p> * Note: this base class is still experimental and might have bugs or leave external processes running behind. * </p> * Backwards compatibility tests are disabled by default via {@link Backwards} annotation. * The following system variables control the test execution: * <ul> * <li> * <tt>{@value #TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY}</tt> enables / disables * tests annotated with {@link Backwards} (defaults to * <tt>false</tt>) * </li> * <li> * <tt>{@value #TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION}</tt> * sets the version to run the external nodes from formatted as <i>X.Y.Z</i>. * The tests class will try to locate a release folder <i>elasticsearch-X.Y.Z</i> * within path passed via {@value #TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_PATH} * depending on this system variable. * </li> * <li> * <tt>{@value #TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_PATH}</tt> the path to the * elasticsearch releases to run backwards compatibility tests against. * </li> * </ul> * */ // the transportClientRatio is tricky here since we don't fully control the cluster nodes @ESBackcompatTestCase.Backwards @ESIntegTestCase.ClusterScope(minNumDataNodes = 0, maxNumDataNodes = 2, scope = ESIntegTestCase.Scope.SUITE, numClientNodes = 0, transportClientRatio = 0.0) public abstract class ESBackcompatTestCase extends ESIntegTestCase { /** * Key used to set the path for the elasticsearch executable used to run backwards compatibility tests from * via the commandline -D{@value #TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY} */ public static final String TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY = "tests.bwc"; public static final String TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION = "tests.bwc.version"; /** * Key used to set the path for the elasticsearch executable used to run backwards compatibility tests from * via the commandline -D{@value #TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_PATH} */ public static final String TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_PATH = "tests.bwc.path"; /** * Property that allows to adapt the tests behaviour to older features/bugs based on the input version */ private static final String TESTS_COMPATIBILITY = "tests.compatibility"; private static final Version GLOABL_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION = Version.fromString(compatibilityVersionProperty()); private static Path backwardsCompatibilityPath() { String path = System.getProperty(TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_PATH); if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must specify backwards test path with property " + TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_PATH); } String version = System.getProperty(TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION); if (version == null || version.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must specify backwards test version with property " + TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION); } if (Version.fromString(version).before(Version.CURRENT.minimumCompatibilityVersion())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Backcompat elasticsearch version must be same major version as current. " + "backcompat: " + version + ", current: " + Version.CURRENT.toString()); } Path file = PathUtils.get(path, "elasticsearch-" + version); if (!Files.exists(file)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Backwards tests location is missing: " + file.toAbsolutePath()); } if (!Files.isDirectory(file)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Backwards tests location is not a directory: " + file.toAbsolutePath()); } return file; } @Override protected Settings.Builder setRandomIndexSettings(Random random, Settings.Builder builder) { if (globalCompatibilityVersion().before(Version.V_1_3_2)) { // if we test against nodes before 1.3.2 we disable all the compression due to a known bug // see #7210 builder.put(RecoverySettings.INDICES_RECOVERY_COMPRESS, false); } return builder; } /** * Retruns the tests compatibility version. */ public Version compatibilityVersion() { return compatibilityVersion(getClass()); } private Version compatibilityVersion(Class<?> clazz) { if (clazz == Object.class || clazz == ESIntegTestCase.class) { return globalCompatibilityVersion(); } CompatibilityVersion annotation = clazz.getAnnotation(CompatibilityVersion.class); if (annotation != null) { return Version.smallest(Version.fromId(annotation.version()), compatibilityVersion(clazz.getSuperclass())); } return compatibilityVersion(clazz.getSuperclass()); } /** * Returns a global compatibility version that is set via the * {@value #TESTS_COMPATIBILITY} or {@value #TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION} system property. * If both are unset the current version is used as the global compatibility version. This * compatibility version is used for static randomization. For per-suite compatibility version see * {@link #compatibilityVersion()} */ public static Version globalCompatibilityVersion() { return GLOABL_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION; } private static String compatibilityVersionProperty() { final String version = System.getProperty(TESTS_COMPATIBILITY); if (Strings.hasLength(version)) { return version; } return System.getProperty(TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION); } public CompositeTestCluster backwardsCluster() { return (CompositeTestCluster) cluster(); } @Override protected TestCluster buildTestCluster(Scope scope, long seed) throws IOException { TestCluster cluster = super.buildTestCluster(scope, seed); ExternalNode externalNode = new ExternalNode(backwardsCompatibilityPath(), randomLong(), new SettingsSource() { @Override public Settings node(int nodeOrdinal) { return externalNodeSettings(nodeOrdinal); } @Override public Settings transportClient() { return transportClientSettings(); } }); return new CompositeTestCluster((InternalTestCluster) cluster, between(minExternalNodes(), maxExternalNodes()), externalNode); } private Settings addLoggerSettings(Settings externalNodesSettings) { TestLogging logging = getClass().getAnnotation(TestLogging.class); Map<String, String> loggingLevels = LoggingListener.getLoggersAndLevelsFromAnnotation(logging); Settings.Builder finalSettings = Settings.settingsBuilder(); if (loggingLevels != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> level : loggingLevels.entrySet()) { finalSettings.put("logger." + level.getKey(), level.getValue()); } } finalSettings.put(externalNodesSettings); return; } protected int minExternalNodes() { return 1; } protected int maxExternalNodes() { return 2; } @Override protected int maximumNumberOfReplicas() { return 1; } protected Settings requiredSettings() { return ExternalNode.REQUIRED_SETTINGS; } @Override protected Settings nodeSettings(int nodeOrdinal) { return commonNodeSettings(nodeOrdinal); } public void assertAllShardsOnNodes(String index, String pattern) { ClusterState clusterState = client().admin().cluster().prepareState().execute().actionGet().getState(); for (IndexRoutingTable indexRoutingTable : clusterState.routingTable()) { for (IndexShardRoutingTable indexShardRoutingTable : indexRoutingTable) { for (ShardRouting shardRouting : indexShardRoutingTable) { if (shardRouting.currentNodeId() != null && index.equals(shardRouting.getIndex())) { String name = clusterState.nodes().get(shardRouting.currentNodeId()).name(); assertThat("Allocated on new node: " + name, Regex.simpleMatch(pattern, name), is(true)); } } } } } protected Settings commonNodeSettings(int nodeOrdinal) { Settings.Builder builder = Settings.builder().put(requiredSettings()); builder.removeArrayElement("plugin.types", MockTransportService.Plugin.class.getName()); builder.removeArrayElement("plugin.types", AssertingLocalTransport.class.getName()); builder.put(TransportModule.TRANSPORT_TYPE_KEY, "netty"); // run same transport / disco as external if (compatibilityVersion().before(Version.V_1_3_2)) { // if we test against nodes before 1.3.2 we disable all the compression due to a known bug // see #7210 builder.put(Transport.TransportSettings.TRANSPORT_TCP_COMPRESS, false) .put(RecoverySettings.INDICES_RECOVERY_COMPRESS, false); } return; } protected Settings externalNodeSettings(int nodeOrdinal) { return addLoggerSettings(commonNodeSettings(nodeOrdinal)); } /** * Annotation for backwards compat tests */ @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.TYPE) @TestGroup(enabled = false, sysProperty = ESBackcompatTestCase.TESTS_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY) public @interface Backwards { } /** * If a test is annotated with {@link CompatibilityVersion} * all randomized settings will only contain settings or mappings which are compatible with the specified version ID. */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ ElementType.TYPE }) public @interface CompatibilityVersion { int version(); } }