Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * * * EJBCA Community: The OpenSource Certificate Authority * * * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. * * * * See terms of license at * * * *************************************************************************/ package org.ejbca.core.protocol.ocsp; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ocsp.OCSPObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extension; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extensions; import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.BasicOCSPResp; import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.CertificateID; import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.OCSPReq; import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.OCSPReqBuilder; import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.OCSPResp; import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.OCSPRespBuilder; import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.SingleResp; import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.UnknownStatus; import org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.jcajce.JcaCertificateID; import org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException; import org.cesecore.CesecoreException; import org.cesecore.SystemTestsConfiguration; import org.cesecore.authentication.tokens.AuthenticationToken; import org.cesecore.authorization.AuthorizationDeniedException; import; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.CertificateConstants; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.CertificateCreateException; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.CertificateCreateSessionRemote; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.CertificateStatus; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.CertificateStoreSessionRemote; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.IllegalKeyException; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.InternalCertificateStoreSessionRemote; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.certextensions.CertificateExtensionException; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.exception.CustomCertificateSerialNumberException; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.request.RequestMessage; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.request.SimpleRequestMessage; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.request.X509ResponseMessage; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificateprofile.CertificateProfileConstants; import org.cesecore.certificates.crl.RevokedCertInfo; import org.cesecore.certificates.endentity.EndEntityConstants; import org.cesecore.certificates.endentity.EndEntityInformation; import org.cesecore.certificates.endentity.EndEntityTypes; import org.cesecore.certificates.ocsp.SHA1DigestCalculator; import org.cesecore.certificates.util.AlgorithmConstants; import org.cesecore.keys.util.KeyTools; import org.cesecore.mock.authentication.tokens.TestAlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken; import org.cesecore.util.Base64; import org.cesecore.util.CertTools; import org.cesecore.util.EjbRemoteHelper; import org.junit.After; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebConnection; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebRequestSettings; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebResponse; /** * * @version $Id: 19902 2014-09-30 14:32:24Z anatom $ */ public abstract class ProtocolOcspTestBase { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ProtocolOcspTestBase.class); private static final String CERTIFICATE_USERNAME = "ocspTest"; protected static final String ISSUER_DN = "CN=OcspDefaultTestCA,O=Foo,C=SE"; private static final String REVOKED_CERT_DN = "CN=ocspTest"; protected static final byte[] unknowncacertBytes = Base64 .decode(("MIICLDCCAZWgAwIBAgIIbzEhUVZYO3gwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwLzEPMA0GA1UE" + "AxMGVGVzdENBMQ8wDQYDVQQKEwZBbmFUb20xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlNFMB4XDTAyMDcw" + "OTEyNDc1OFoXDTA0MDgxNTEyNTc1OFowLzEPMA0GA1UEAxMGVGVzdENBMQ8wDQYD" + "VQQKEwZBbmFUb20xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlNFMIGdMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GLADCB" + "hwKBgQDZlACHRwJnQKlgpMqlZQmxvCrJPpPFyhxvjDHlryhp/AQ6GCm+IkGUVlwL" + "sCnjgZH5BXDNaVXpkmME8334HFsxVlXqmZ2GqyP6kptMjbWZ2SRLBRKjAcI7EJIN" + "FPDIep9ZHXw1JDjFGoJ4TLFd99w9rQ3cB6zixORoyCZMw+iebwIBEaNTMFEwDwYD" + "VR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUY3v0dqhUJI6ldKV3RKb0Xg9XklEwHwYD" + "VR0jBBgwFoAUY3v0dqhUJI6ldKV3RKb0Xg9XklEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADgYEA" + "i1P53jnSPLkyqm7i3nLNi+hG7rMgF+kRi6ZLKhzIPyKcAWV8iZCI8xl/GurbZ8zd" + "nTiIOfQIP9eD/nhIIo7n4JOaTUeqgyafPsEgKdTiZfSdXjvy6rj5GiZ3DaGZ9SNK" + "FgrCpX5kBKVbbQLO6TjJKCjX29CfoJ2TbP1QQ6UbBAY=").getBytes()); final protected String httpPort; final protected String httpHost; final protected String httpReqPath; final protected String resourceOcsp; final protected OcspJunitHelper helper; protected X509Certificate cacert = null; protected X509Certificate ocspTestCert = null; protected X509Certificate unknowncacert = null; protected int caid; private CertificateStoreSessionRemote certificateStoreSession = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateStoreSessionRemote.class); // Stand alone OCSP version.. ProtocolOcspTestBase(String protocol, String applicationPath, String resourceOcsp) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { httpHost = SystemTestsConfiguration.getRemoteHost(""); httpPort = SystemTestsConfiguration.getRemotePortHttp("8080"); this.httpReqPath = protocol + "://" + httpHost + ":" + httpPort + "/" + applicationPath; this.resourceOcsp = resourceOcsp; this.helper = new OcspJunitHelper(this.httpReqPath, this.resourceOcsp); } @After public void restoreConfig() throws Exception { this.helper.restoreConfig(); } protected void test01Access() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself // Hit with GET does work since EJBCA 3.8.2 final WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); WebConnection con = webClient.getWebConnection(); WebRequestSettings settings = new WebRequestSettings(new URL(httpReqPath + '/' + resourceOcsp)); WebResponse resp = con.getResponse(settings); assertEquals("Response code", 200, resp.getStatusCode()); } /** * Tests ocsp message * * @throws Exception * error */ protected void test04OcspUnknown() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself log.trace(">test04OcspUnknown()"); loadUserCert(this.caid); // An OCSP request for an unknown certificate (not exist in db) this.helper.verifyStatusUnknown(this.caid, this.cacert, new BigInteger("1")); log.trace("<test04OcspUnknown()"); } /** * Tests ocsp message * * @throws Exception * error */ protected void test05OcspUnknownCA() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself log.trace(">test05OcspUnknownCA()"); loadUserCert(this.caid); // An OCSP request for a certificate from an unknwon CA this.helper.verifyStatusUnknown(this.caid, this.unknowncacert, new BigInteger("1")); log.trace("<test05OcspUnknownCA()"); } protected void testOcspInternalError() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself log.trace(">testocspInternalError()"); loadUserCert(this.caid); // An OCSP request for a certificate from an unknwon CA this.helper.verifyResponseInternalError(this.caid, this.unknowncacert, new BigInteger("1")); log.trace("<testocspInternalError()"); } protected void test06OcspSendWrongContentType() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself loadUserCert(this.caid); // An OCSP request for a certificate from an unknwon CA OCSPReqBuilder gen = new OCSPReqBuilder(); gen.addRequest( new JcaCertificateID(SHA1DigestCalculator.buildSha1Instance(), unknowncacert, new BigInteger("1"))); OCSPReq req =; // POST the OCSP request URL url = new URL(httpReqPath + '/' + resourceOcsp); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // we are going to do a POST con.setDoOutput(true); con.setRequestMethod("POST"); // POST it, but don't add content type OutputStream os = con.getOutputStream(); os.write(req.getEncoded()); os.close(); assertEquals("Response code", 400, con.getResponseCode()); } protected void test10MultipleRequests() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself // Tests that we handle multiple requests in one OCSP request message //loadUserCert(this.caid); // An OCSP request for a certificate from an unknown CA OCSPReqBuilder gen = new OCSPReqBuilder(); gen.addRequest( new JcaCertificateID(SHA1DigestCalculator.buildSha1Instance(), unknowncacert, new BigInteger("1"))); // Get user and ocspTestCert that we know... loadUserCert(this.caid); gen.addRequest(new JcaCertificateID(SHA1DigestCalculator.buildSha1Instance(), cacert, ocspTestCert.getSerialNumber())); Extension[] extensions = new Extension[1]; extensions[0] = new Extension(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nonce, false, new DEROctetString("123456789".getBytes())); gen.setRequestExtensions(new Extensions(extensions)); OCSPReq req =; // Send the request and receive a singleResponse SingleResp[] singleResps = helper.sendOCSPPost(req.getEncoded(), null, 0, 200); assertEquals("No of SingleResps should be 2.", 2, singleResps.length); SingleResp singleResp1 = singleResps[0]; CertificateID certId = singleResp1.getCertID(); assertEquals("Serno in response does not match serno in request.", certId.getSerialNumber(), new BigInteger("1")); Object status = singleResp1.getCertStatus(); assertTrue("Status is not Unknown", status instanceof UnknownStatus); SingleResp singleResp2 = singleResps[1]; certId = singleResp2.getCertID(); assertEquals("Serno in response does not match serno in request.", ocspTestCert.getSerialNumber(), certId.getSerialNumber()); status = singleResp2.getCertStatus(); assertEquals("Status is not null (good)", null, status); } /** * In compliance with RFC 2560 on * "ASN.1 Specification of the OCSP Response": If the value of * responseStatus is one of the error conditions, responseBytes are not set. * * OCSPResponse ::= SEQUENCE { responseStatus OCSPResponseStatus, * responseBytes [0] EXPLICIT ResponseBytes OPTIONAL } */ protected void test11MalformedRequest() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself loadUserCert(this.caid); OCSPReqBuilder gen = new OCSPReqBuilder(); // Add 101 OCSP requests.. the Servlet will consider a request with more // than 100 malformed.. // This does not mean that we only should allow 100 in the future, just // that we if so need to find // another way make the Servlet return // OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { gen.addRequest(new JcaCertificateID(SHA1DigestCalculator.buildSha1Instance(), cacert, ocspTestCert.getSerialNumber())); } Extension[] extensions = new Extension[1]; extensions[0] = new Extension(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nonce, false, new DEROctetString("123456789".getBytes())); gen.setRequestExtensions(new Extensions(extensions)); OCSPReq req =; // Send the request and receive null SingleResp[] singleResps = helper.sendOCSPPost(req.getEncoded(), "123456789", OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST, 200); assertNull("No SingleResps should be returned.", singleResps); } protected void test12CorruptRequests() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself log.trace(">test12CorruptRequests()"); loadUserCert(this.caid); // An OCSP request, ocspTestCert is already created in earlier tests OCSPReqBuilder gen = new OCSPReqBuilder(); gen.addRequest(new JcaCertificateID(SHA1DigestCalculator.buildSha1Instance(), cacert, ocspTestCert.getSerialNumber())); Extension[] extensions = new Extension[1]; extensions[0] = new Extension(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nonce, false, new DEROctetString("123456789".getBytes())); gen.setRequestExtensions(new Extensions(extensions)); OCSPReq req =; // Request 1 // // Send the request and receive a singleResponse byte[] orgbytes = req.getEncoded(); // Save original bytes, so we can // make different strange values byte[] bytes = req.getEncoded(); // Switch the first byte, now it's a really corrupted request bytes[0] = 0x44; SingleResp[] singleResps = helper.sendOCSPPost(bytes, "123456789", OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST, 200); // error // code // 1 // means // malformed // request assertNull("SingleResps should be null.", singleResps); // Request 2 // // Remove the last byte, should still be quite corrupted // bytes = Arrays.copyOf(orgbytes, orgbytes.length-1); only works in // Java 6 bytes = ArrayUtils.remove(orgbytes, orgbytes.length - 1); singleResps = helper.sendOCSPPost(bytes, "123456789", OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST, 200); // error // code // 1 // means // malformed // request assertNull("SingleResps should be null.", singleResps); // Request 3 // // more than 1 million bytes // bytes = Arrays.copyOf(orgbytes, 1000010); only works in Java 6 bytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(orgbytes, new byte[1000010]); singleResps = helper.sendOCSPPost(bytes, "123456789", OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST, 200); // // // error // code // 1 // means // malformed // request assertNull("SingleResps should be null.", singleResps); // Request 4 // // // A completely empty request with no question in it gen = new OCSPReqBuilder(); req =; bytes = req.getEncoded(); singleResps = helper.sendOCSPPost(bytes, "123456789", 1, 200); // assertNull("SingleResps should be null.", singleResps); log.trace("<test12CorruptRequests()"); } /** * Just verify that a simple GET works. */ protected void test13GetRequests() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself loadUserCert(this.caid); // See if the OCSP Servlet can read non-encoded requests final String plainReq = httpReqPath + '/' + resourceOcsp + '/' + "MGwwajBFMEMwQTAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBRBRfilzPB+Aevx0i1AoeKTkrHgLgQUFJw5gwk9BaEgsX3pzsRF9iso29ICCCzdx5N0v9XwoiEwHzAdBgkrBgEFBQcwAQIEECrZswo/a7YW+hyi5Sn85fs="; URL url = new URL(plainReq);; // Dump the exact string we use for access HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); assertEquals("Response code did not match. ", 200, con.getResponseCode()); assertNotNull(con.getContentType()); assertTrue(con.getContentType().startsWith("application/ocsp-response")); OCSPResp response = new OCSPResp(IOUtils.toByteArray(con.getInputStream())); assertNotNull("Response should not be null.", response); assertTrue("Should not be concidered malformed.", OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST != response.getStatus()); final String dubbleSlashNonEncReq = httpReqPath + '/' + resourceOcsp + '/' + "MGwwajBFMEMwQTAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBRBRfilzPB%2BAevx0i1AoeKTkrHgLgQUFJw5gwk9BaEgsX3pzsRF9iso29ICCAvB//HJyKqpoiEwHzAdBgkrBgEFBQcwAQIEEOTzT2gv3JpVva22Vj8cuKo%3D"; url = new URL(dubbleSlashNonEncReq);; // Dump the exact string we use for access con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); assertEquals("Response code did not match. ", 200, con.getResponseCode()); assertNotNull(con.getContentType()); assertTrue(con.getContentType().startsWith("application/ocsp-response")); response = new OCSPResp(IOUtils.toByteArray(con.getInputStream())); assertNotNull("Response should not be null.", response); assertTrue("Should not be concidered malformed.", OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST != response.getStatus()); // An OCSP request, ocspTestCert is already created in earlier tests OCSPReqBuilder gen = new OCSPReqBuilder(); loadUserCert(this.caid); gen.addRequest(new JcaCertificateID(SHA1DigestCalculator.buildSha1Instance(), cacert, ocspTestCert.getSerialNumber())); OCSPReq req =; BasicOCSPResp brep = helper.sendOCSPGet(req.getEncoded(), null, OCSPRespBuilder.SUCCESSFUL, 200); SingleResp[] singleResps = brep.getResponses(); assertNotNull("SingleResps should not be null.", singleResps); CertificateID certId = singleResps[0].getCertID(); assertEquals("Serno in response does not match serno in request.", certId.getSerialNumber(), ocspTestCert.getSerialNumber()); Object status = singleResps[0].getCertStatus(); assertEquals("Status is not null (null is 'good')", null, status); } /** * Send a bunch of faulty requests */ protected void test14CorruptGetRequests() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself // An array of zeros cannot be right.. // A GET request larger than 2048 works on JBoss but not on Glassfish, // GF only gives "unexpected end of file", i.e. it closes the connection helper.sendOCSPGet(new byte[2048], null, OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST, 200); // Send an empty GET request: .../ocsp/{nothing} helper.sendOCSPGet(new byte[0], null, OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST, 200); // Test too large requests /* * try { // When we use an URL of length ~ 8100 chars on JBoss we get a * "Connection reset", // JBoss 5 considers this a bad request (400) // * so we cannot test the real Malformed response we want here * helper.sendOCSPGet(new byte[6020], null, * OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST, 200); } catch (IOException e) { *; } try { // When we use an URL of length ~ > * 500000 chars on JBoss we get a "Error writing to server", // so we * cannot test the real Malformed response we want here caused by to * large requests helper.sendOCSPGet(new byte[1000001], null, * OCSPRespBuilder.MALFORMED_REQUEST, 200); } catch (IOException e) { *; } */ } /** * Send multiple requests in one GET request. RFC 5019 2.1.1 prohibits * clients from this, but the server should be RFC 2560 compatible and * support this as long as the total request URL is smaller than 256 bytes. */ protected void test15MultipleGetRequests() throws Exception { // NOPMD, this is not a test class itself loadUserCert(this.caid); this.helper.reloadKeys(); // An OCSP request, ocspTestCert is already created in earlier tests OCSPReqBuilder gen = new OCSPReqBuilder(); gen.addRequest(new JcaCertificateID(SHA1DigestCalculator.buildSha1Instance(), cacert, ocspTestCert.getSerialNumber())); gen.addRequest(new JcaCertificateID(SHA1DigestCalculator.buildSha1Instance(), cacert, new BigInteger("1"))); OCSPReq req =; BasicOCSPResp brep = helper.sendOCSPGet(req.getEncoded(), null, OCSPRespBuilder.SUCCESSFUL, 200); SingleResp[] singleResps = brep.getResponses(); assertNotNull("SingleResps should not be null.", singleResps); assertEquals("Serno in response does not match serno in request.", singleResps[0].getCertID().getSerialNumber(), ocspTestCert.getSerialNumber()); assertTrue("Serno in response does not match serno in request.", singleResps[1].getCertID().getSerialNumber().toString().equals("1")); assertEquals("Status is not null (null is 'good')", null, singleResps[0].getCertStatus()); assertTrue("Status is not unknown", singleResps[1].getCertStatus() instanceof UnknownStatus); } protected static void setupTestCertificates(int caId) throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException, IllegalStateException, NoSuchProviderException, OperatorCreationException, CertificateException, IOException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, CreateException, AuthorizationDeniedException, CustomCertificateSerialNumberException, IllegalKeyException, CADoesntExistsException, CertificateCreateException, CesecoreException, CertificateExtensionException { CertificateCreateSessionRemote certificateCreateSession = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateCreateSessionRemote.class); CertificateStoreSessionRemote certificateStoreSession = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateStoreSessionRemote.class); AuthenticationToken authenticationToken = new TestAlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken( ProtocolOcspTestBase.class.getSimpleName()); KeyPair invalidCertKeys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA); // Issue a certificate in EJBCA for the public key final EndEntityInformation revokedUser = new EndEntityInformation(CERTIFICATE_USERNAME, REVOKED_CERT_DN, caId, null, null, EndEntityTypes.ENDUSER.toEndEntityType(), 0, CertificateProfileConstants.CERTPROFILE_FIXED_OCSPSIGNER, EndEntityConstants.TOKEN_USERGEN, 0, null); revokedUser.setPassword("foo123"); RequestMessage req = new SimpleRequestMessage(invalidCertKeys.getPublic(), revokedUser.getUsername(), revokedUser.getPassword()); X509Certificate revokedCert = (X509Certificate) (((X509ResponseMessage) certificateCreateSession .createCertificate(authenticationToken, revokedUser, req, X509ResponseMessage.class, null)) .getCertificate()); certificateStoreSession.setRevokeStatus(authenticationToken, revokedCert, RevokedCertInfo.REVOCATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED, null); @SuppressWarnings("unused") X509Certificate activeCert = (X509Certificate) (((X509ResponseMessage) certificateCreateSession .createCertificate(authenticationToken, revokedUser, req, X509ResponseMessage.class, null)) .getCertificate()); } protected static void removeTestCertifices() { InternalCertificateStoreSessionRemote internalCertificateStoreSession = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(InternalCertificateStoreSessionRemote.class, EjbRemoteHelper.MODULE_TEST); CertificateStoreSessionRemote certificateStoreSessionRemote = EjbRemoteHelper.INSTANCE .getRemoteSession(CertificateStoreSessionRemote.class); List<Certificate> certificates = certificateStoreSessionRemote .findCertificatesByUsername(CERTIFICATE_USERNAME); for (Certificate certificate : certificates) { internalCertificateStoreSession.removeCertificate(certificate); } } protected void loadUserCert(int caid) throws Exception { ocspTestCert = getActiveTestCert(); cacert = getCaCert(ocspTestCert); } protected X509Certificate getRevokedTestCert() { try { Collection<Certificate> certs = certificateStoreSession .findCertificatesByUsername(CERTIFICATE_USERNAME); for (Certificate cert : certs) { CertificateStatus cs = certificateStoreSession.getStatus(ISSUER_DN, CertTools.getSerialNumber(cert)); if (cs.equals(CertificateStatus.REVOKED)) { return (X509Certificate) cert; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("", e); } fail("To run this test you must have at least one revoked end user cert in the database. (Could not fetch certificate for issuer " + ISSUER_DN + ".)"); return null; } protected X509Certificate getActiveTestCert() { try { Collection<Certificate> certs = certificateStoreSession .findCertificatesByUsername(CERTIFICATE_USERNAME); for (Certificate cert : certs) { CertificateStatus cs = certificateStoreSession.getStatus(ISSUER_DN, CertTools.getSerialNumber(cert)); if (cs.equals(CertificateStatus.OK)) { return (X509Certificate) cert; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("", e); } fail("To run this test you must have at least one active end user cert in the database. (Could not fetch certificate for issuer " + ISSUER_DN + ".)"); return null; } /** Return the latest Root CA certificate that issued the provided certificate. */ protected X509Certificate getCaCert(X509Certificate cert) throws Exception { Collection<Certificate> certs = certificateStoreSession .findCertificatesByType(CertificateConstants.CERTTYPE_ROOTCA, CertTools.getIssuerDN(cert)); assertTrue("Could not determine or find the CA cert.", certs != null && !certs.isEmpty()); X509Certificate latestCaCertificate = null; for (final Certificate current : certs) { if (current instanceof X509Certificate) { final X509Certificate currentCaCertificate = (X509Certificate) current; if (latestCaCertificate == null) { latestCaCertificate = currentCaCertificate; } else if (currentCaCertificate.getNotBefore().after(latestCaCertificate.getNotBefore())) { latestCaCertificate = currentCaCertificate; } } } return latestCaCertificate; } }