Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * * * EJBCA Community: The OpenSource Certificate Authority * * * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. * * * * See terms of license at * * * *************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import javax.ejb.SessionContext; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.Timeout; import javax.ejb.Timer; import javax.ejb.TimerService; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.cesecore.audit.enums.EventStatus; import org.cesecore.audit.log.InternalSecurityEventsLoggerSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.audit.log.SecurityEventsLoggerSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.authentication.tokens.AlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken; import org.cesecore.authentication.tokens.AuthenticationToken; import org.cesecore.authentication.tokens.UsernamePrincipal; import org.cesecore.authorization.control.AccessControlSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.authorization.control.StandardRules; import; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificate.CertificateStoreSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.certificates.certificateprofile.CertificateProfileSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.certificates.crl.CrlCreateSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.certificates.crl.CrlStoreSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.configuration.GlobalConfigurationSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.jndi.JndiConstants; import org.cesecore.keys.token.CryptoTokenManagementSessionLocal; import org.cesecore.util.ProfileID; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.approval.ApprovalSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.audit.enums.EjbcaEventTypes; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.audit.enums.EjbcaModuleTypes; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.audit.enums.EjbcaServiceTypes; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.authentication.web.WebAuthenticationProviderSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.authorization.ComplexAccessControlSessionLocal; import; import; import; import; import; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.crl.PublishingCrlSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.hardtoken.HardTokenSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.keyrecovery.KeyRecoverySessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.CertificateRequestSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.EndEntityAccessSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.EndEntityManagementSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.raadmin.AdminPreferenceSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.raadmin.EndEntityProfileSessionLocal; import org.ejbca.core.model.InternalEjbcaResources; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Session bean that handles adding and editing services as displayed in EJBCA. This bean manages the service configuration as stored in the database, * but is not used for running the services. * * @version $Id: 19968 2014-10-09 13:13:58Z mikekushner $ */ @Stateless(mappedName = JndiConstants.APP_JNDI_PREFIX + "ServiceSessionRemote") @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public class ServiceSessionBean implements ServiceSessionLocal, ServiceSessionRemote { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ServiceSessionBean.class); /** Internal localization of logs and errors */ private static final InternalEjbcaResources intres = InternalEjbcaResources.getInstance(); /** * Constant indicating the Id of the "service loader" service. Used in a clustered environment to periodically load available services */ private static final Integer SERVICELOADER_ID = 0; private static final long SERVICELOADER_PERIOD = 5 * 60 * 1000; @Resource private SessionContext sessionContext; private TimerService timerService; // When the sessionContext is injected, the timerService should be looked up. @EJB private AccessControlSessionLocal authorizationSession; @EJB private SecurityEventsLoggerSessionLocal auditSession; @EJB private InternalSecurityEventsLoggerSessionLocal internalAuditSession; @EJB private ServiceDataSessionLocal serviceDataSession; private ServiceSessionLocal serviceSession; // Additional dependencies from the services we executeServiceInTransaction @EJB private ApprovalSessionLocal approvalSession; @EJB private EndEntityAuthenticationSessionLocal authenticationSession; @EJB private CAAdminSessionLocal caAdminSession; @EJB private CaSessionLocal caSession; @EJB private CertificateProfileSessionLocal certificateProfileSession; @EJB private CertificateStoreSessionLocal certificateStoreSession; @EJB private CrlCreateSessionLocal crlCreateSession; @EJB private CrlStoreSessionLocal crlStoreSession; @EJB private EndEntityAccessSessionLocal endEntityAccessSession; @EJB private EndEntityProfileSessionLocal endEntityProfileSession; @EJB private HardTokenSessionLocal hardTokenSession; @EJB private KeyRecoverySessionLocal keyRecoverySession; @EJB private AdminPreferenceSessionLocal raAdminSession; @EJB private GlobalConfigurationSessionLocal globalConfigurationSession; @EJB private SignSessionLocal signSession; @EJB private EndEntityManagementSessionLocal endEntityManagementSession; @EJB private PublisherQueueSessionLocal publisherQueueSession; @EJB private PublisherSessionLocal publisherSession; @EJB private CertificateRequestSessionLocal certificateRequestSession; @EJB private WebAuthenticationProviderSessionLocal webAuthenticationSession; @EJB private ComplexAccessControlSessionLocal complexAccessControlSession; @EJB private PublishingCrlSessionLocal publishingCrlSession; @EJB private CryptoTokenManagementSessionLocal cryptoTokenSession; // The administrator that the services should be run as. Internal, allow all. private AuthenticationToken intAdmin = new AlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken( new UsernamePrincipal("ServiceSession")); @PostConstruct public void ejbCreate() { timerService = sessionContext.getTimerService(); serviceSession = sessionContext.getBusinessObject(ServiceSessionLocal.class); } @Override public void addService(AuthenticationToken admin, String name, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration) throws ServiceExistsException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">addService(name: " + name + ")"); } addService(admin, findFreeServiceId(), name, serviceConfiguration); log.trace("<addService()"); } @Override public void addService(AuthenticationToken admin, int id, String name, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration) throws ServiceExistsException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">addService(name: " + name + ", id: " + id + ")"); } boolean success = addServiceInternal(admin, id, name, serviceConfiguration); if (success) { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.serviceadded", name); final Map<String, Object> details = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); details.put("msg", msg); auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.SERVICE_ADD, EventStatus.SUCCESS, EjbcaModuleTypes.SERVICE, EjbcaServiceTypes.EJBCA, admin.toString(), null, null, null, details); } else { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.erroraddingservice", name);; throw new ServiceExistsException(msg); } log.trace("<addService()"); } private boolean addServiceInternal(AuthenticationToken admin, int id, String name, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration) throws ServiceExistsException { boolean success = false; if (isAuthorizedToEditService(admin)) { if (serviceDataSession.findByName(name) == null) { if (serviceDataSession.findById(Integer.valueOf(id)) == null) { serviceDataSession.addServiceData(id, name, serviceConfiguration); success = true; } } } else { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.notauthorizedtoadd", name);; } return success; } @Override public void cloneService(AuthenticationToken admin, String oldname, String newname) throws ServiceExistsException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">cloneService(name: " + oldname + ")"); } ServiceConfiguration servicedata = null; ServiceData htp = serviceDataSession.findByName(oldname); if (htp == null) { String msg = "Error cloning service: No such service found."; log.error(msg); throw new EJBException(msg); } try { servicedata = (ServiceConfiguration) htp.getServiceConfiguration().clone(); if (isAuthorizedToEditService(admin)) { addServiceInternal(admin, findFreeServiceId(), newname, servicedata); final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.servicecloned", newname, oldname); final Map<String, Object> details = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); details.put("msg", msg); auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.SERVICE_ADD, EventStatus.SUCCESS, EjbcaModuleTypes.SERVICE, EjbcaServiceTypes.EJBCA, admin.toString(), null, null, null, details); } else { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.notauthorizedtoedit", oldname);; } } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { log.error("Error cloning service: ", e); throw new EJBException(e); } log.trace("<cloneService()"); } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override public boolean removeService(AuthenticationToken admin, String name) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">removeService(name: " + name + ")"); } boolean retval = false; try { ServiceData htp = serviceDataSession.findByName(name); if (htp == null) { throw new FinderException("Cannot find service " + name); } ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = htp.getServiceConfiguration(); if (isAuthorizedToEditService(admin)) { IWorker worker = getWorker(serviceConfiguration, name, htp.getRunTimeStamp(), htp.getNextRunTimeStamp()); if (worker != null) { serviceSession.cancelTimer(htp.getId()); } serviceDataSession.removeServiceData(htp.getId()); final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.serviceremoved", name); final Map<String, Object> details = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); details.put("msg", msg); auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.SERVICE_REMOVE, EventStatus.SUCCESS, EjbcaModuleTypes.SERVICE, EjbcaServiceTypes.EJBCA, admin.toString(), null, null, null, details); retval = true; } else { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.notauthorizedtoedit", name);; } } catch (Exception e) { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.errorremovingservice", name); final Map<String, Object> details = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); details.put("msg", msg); details.put("error", e.getMessage()); auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.SERVICE_REMOVE, EventStatus.FAILURE, EjbcaModuleTypes.SERVICE, EjbcaServiceTypes.EJBCA, admin.toString(), null, null, null, details); } log.trace("<removeService)"); return retval; } @Override public void renameService(AuthenticationToken admin, String oldname, String newname) throws ServiceExistsException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">renameService(from " + oldname + " to " + newname + ")"); } boolean success = false; if (serviceDataSession.findByName(newname) == null) { ServiceData htp = serviceDataSession.findByName(oldname); if (htp != null) { if (isAuthorizedToEditService(admin)) { htp.setName(newname); success = true; } else { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.notauthorizedtoedit", oldname);; } } } if (success) { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.servicerenamed", oldname, newname); final Map<String, Object> details = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); details.put("msg", msg); auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.SERVICE_RENAME, EventStatus.SUCCESS, EjbcaModuleTypes.SERVICE, EjbcaServiceTypes.EJBCA, admin.toString(), null, null, null, details); } else { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.errorrenamingservice", oldname, newname);; throw new ServiceExistsException(msg); } log.trace("<renameService()"); } @Override public Collection<Integer> getAuthorizedVisibleServiceIds(AuthenticationToken admin) { Collection<Integer> allVisibleServiceIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // If superadmin return all visible services if (authorizationSession.isAuthorizedNoLogging(admin, StandardRules.ROLE_ROOT.resource())) { Collection<Integer> allServiceIds = getServiceIdToNameMap().keySet(); for (int id : allServiceIds) { // Remove hidden services here.. if (!getServiceConfiguration(admin, id).isHidden()) { allVisibleServiceIds.add(Integer.valueOf(id)); } } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Authorization denied for admin " + admin + " for resouce " + StandardRules.ROLE_ROOT); } } return allVisibleServiceIds; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override public ServiceConfiguration getService(String name) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">getService: " + name); } ServiceConfiguration returnval = null; ServiceData serviceData = serviceDataSession.findByName(name); if (serviceData != null) { returnval = serviceData.getServiceConfiguration(); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("<getService: " + name); } return returnval; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override public int getServiceId(String name) { int returnval = 0; ServiceData serviceData = serviceDataSession.findByName(name); if (serviceData != null) { returnval = serviceData.getId(); } return returnval; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override public void activateServiceTimer(AuthenticationToken admin, String name) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">activateServiceTimer(name: " + name + ")"); } ServiceData htp = serviceDataSession.findByName(name); if (htp != null) { ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = htp.getServiceConfiguration(); if (isAuthorizedToEditService(admin)) { IWorker worker = getWorker(serviceConfiguration, name, htp.getRunTimeStamp(), htp.getNextRunTimeStamp()); if (worker != null) { serviceSession.cancelTimer(htp.getId()); if (serviceConfiguration.isActive() && worker.getNextInterval() != IInterval.DONT_EXECUTE) { addTimer(worker.getNextInterval() * 1000, htp.getId()); } } } else { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.notauthorizedtoedit", name);; } } else { log.error("Can not find service: " + name); } log.trace("<activateServiceTimer()"); } private int findFreeServiceId() { final ProfileID.DB db = new ProfileID.DB() { @Override public boolean isFree(int i) { return ServiceSessionBean.this.serviceDataSession.findById(Integer.valueOf(i)) == null; } }; return ProfileID.getNotUsedID(db); } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override public String getServiceName(int id) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">getServiceName(id: " + id + ")"); } String returnval = null; ServiceData serviceData = serviceDataSession.findById(id); if (serviceData != null) { returnval = serviceData.getName(); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("<getServiceName()"); } return returnval; } /** * Method implemented from the TimerObject and is the main method of this session bean. It calls the work object for each object. * * @param timer timer whose expiration caused this notification. */ @Timeout // Glassfish 2.1.1: // "Timeout method ....timeoutHandler(javax.ejb.Timer)must have TX attribute of TX_REQUIRES_NEW or TX_REQUIRED or TX_NOT_SUPPORTED" // JBoss 5.1.0.GA: We cannot mix timer updates with our EJBCA DataSource transactions. @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) public void timeoutHandler(Timer timer) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">ejbTimeout"); } final long startOfTimeOut = System.currentTimeMillis(); long serviceInterval = IInterval.DONT_EXECUTE; Integer timerInfo = (Integer) timer.getInfo(); if (timerInfo.equals(SERVICELOADER_ID)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Running the internal Service loader."); } load(); } else { String serviceName = null; try { serviceName = serviceDataSession.findNameById(timerInfo); } catch (Throwable t) { // NOPMD: we really need to catch everything to not risk hanging somewhere in limbo log.warn("Exception finding service name: ", t); // if this throws, there is a failed database or similar // Unexpected error (probably database related). We need to reschedule the service w a default interval. addTimer(30 * 1000, timerInfo); } if (serviceName == null) { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.servicenotfound", timerInfo);; } else { // Get interval of worker try { serviceInterval = serviceSession.getServiceInterval(timerInfo); } catch (Throwable t) { // NOPMD: we really need to catch everything to not risk hanging somewhere in limbo log.warn("Exception getting service interval: ", t); // if this throws, there is a failed database or similar // Unexpected error (probably database related). We need to reschedule the service w a default interval. addTimer(30 * 1000, timerInfo); } // Reschedule timer IWorker worker = null; if (serviceInterval != IInterval.DONT_EXECUTE) { Timer nextTrigger = addTimer(serviceInterval * 1000, timerInfo); try { // Try to acquire lock / see if this node should run worker = serviceSession.getWorkerIfItShouldRun(timerInfo, nextTrigger.getNextTimeout().getTime()); } catch (Throwable t) { // NOPMD: we really need to catch everything to not risk hanging somewhere in limbo if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Exception: ", t); // Don't spam log with stacktraces in normal production cases } } if (worker != null) { try { serviceSession.executeServiceInNoTransaction(worker, serviceName); } catch (RuntimeException e) { /* * If the service worker fails with a RuntimeException we need to * swallow this here. If we allow it to propagate outside the * ejbTimeout method it is up to the application server config how it * should be retried, but we have already scheduled a new try * previously in this method. We still want to log this as an ERROR * since it is some kind of catastrophic failure.. */ log.error("Service worker execution failed.", e); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { Object o = timerInfo; if (serviceName != null) { o = serviceName; } final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.servicerunonothernode", o); log.debug(msg); } } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startOfTimeOut > serviceInterval * 1000) { log.warn("Service '" + serviceName + "' took longer than it's configured service interval (" + serviceInterval + ")." + " This can trigger simultanious service execution on several nodes in a cluster." + " Increase interval or lower each invocations work load."); } } } } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("<ejbTimeout"); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) @Override public IWorker getWorkerIfItShouldRun(Integer serviceId, long nextTimeout) { IWorker worker = null; ServiceData serviceData = serviceDataSession.findById(serviceId); ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = serviceData.getServiceConfiguration(); if (!serviceConfiguration.isActive()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Service " + serviceId + " is inactive."); } return null; // Don't return an inactive worker to run } String serviceName = serviceData.getName(); final String hostname = getHostName(); if (shouldRunOnThisNode(hostname, Arrays.asList(serviceConfiguration.getPinToNodes()))) { long oldRunTimeStamp = serviceData.getRunTimeStamp(); long oldNextRunTimeStamp = serviceData.getNextRunTimeStamp(); worker = getWorker(serviceConfiguration, serviceName, oldRunTimeStamp, oldNextRunTimeStamp); if (worker.getNextInterval() == IInterval.DONT_EXECUTE) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Service has interval IInterval.DONT_EXECUTE."); } return null; // Don't return an inactive worker to run } Date runDateCheck = new Date(oldNextRunTimeStamp); // nextRunDateCheck will typically be the same (or just a millisecond earlier) as now // here Date currentDate = new Date(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { Date nextRunDate = new Date(nextTimeout); log.debug("nextRunDate is: " + nextRunDate); log.debug("runDateCheck is: " + runDateCheck); log.debug("currentDate is: " + currentDate); } /* * Check if the current date is after when the service should run. If a * service on another cluster node has updated this timestamp already, * then it will return false and this service will not run. This is a * semaphore (not the best one admitted) so that services in a cluster * only runs on one node and don't compete with each other. If a worker * on one node for instance runs for a very long time, there is a chance * that another worker on another node will break this semaphore and run * as well. */ if (currentDate.after(runDateCheck)) { /* * We only update the nextRunTimeStamp if the service is allowed to run on this node. * * However, we need to make sure that no other node has already acquired the semaphore * if our current database allows non-repeatable reads. */ if (!serviceDataSession.updateTimestamps(serviceId, oldRunTimeStamp, oldNextRunTimeStamp, runDateCheck.getTime(), nextTimeout)) { log.debug( "Another node had already updated the database at this point. This node will not run."); worker = null; // Failed to update the database. } } else { worker = null; // Don't return a worker, since this node should not run } } else { worker = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Service " + serviceName + " will not run on this node: \"" + hostname + "\", Pinned to: " + Arrays.toString(serviceConfiguration.getPinToNodes())); } } return worker; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) @Override public void executeServiceInNoTransaction(IWorker worker, String serviceName) { try { // Awkward way of letting POJOs get interfaces, but shows dependencies on the EJB level for all used classes. Injection wont work, since // we have circular dependencies! Map<Class<?>, Object> ejbs = new HashMap<Class<?>, Object>(); ejbs.put(ApprovalSessionLocal.class, approvalSession); ejbs.put(EndEntityAuthenticationSessionLocal.class, authenticationSession); ejbs.put(AccessControlSessionLocal.class, authorizationSession); ejbs.put(CAAdminSessionLocal.class, caAdminSession); ejbs.put(CaSessionLocal.class, caSession); ejbs.put(CertificateProfileSessionLocal.class, certificateProfileSession); ejbs.put(CertificateStoreSessionLocal.class, certificateStoreSession); ejbs.put(CrlCreateSessionLocal.class, crlCreateSession); ejbs.put(CrlStoreSessionLocal.class, crlStoreSession); ejbs.put(EndEntityProfileSessionLocal.class, endEntityProfileSession); ejbs.put(HardTokenSessionLocal.class, hardTokenSession); ejbs.put(SecurityEventsLoggerSessionLocal.class, auditSession); ejbs.put(InternalSecurityEventsLoggerSessionLocal.class, internalAuditSession); ejbs.put(KeyRecoverySessionLocal.class, keyRecoverySession); ejbs.put(AdminPreferenceSessionLocal.class, raAdminSession); ejbs.put(GlobalConfigurationSessionLocal.class, globalConfigurationSession); ejbs.put(SignSessionLocal.class, signSession); ejbs.put(EndEntityManagementSessionLocal.class, endEntityManagementSession); ejbs.put(PublisherQueueSessionLocal.class, publisherQueueSession); ejbs.put(PublisherSessionLocal.class, publisherSession); ejbs.put(CertificateRequestSessionLocal.class, certificateRequestSession); ejbs.put(EndEntityAccessSessionLocal.class, endEntityAccessSession); ejbs.put(WebAuthenticationProviderSessionLocal.class, webAuthenticationSession); ejbs.put(ComplexAccessControlSessionLocal.class, complexAccessControlSession); ejbs.put(PublishingCrlSessionLocal.class, publishingCrlSession); ejbs.put(CryptoTokenManagementSessionLocal.class, cryptoTokenSession);; final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.serviceexecuted", serviceName);; } catch (ServiceExecutionFailedException e) { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.serviceexecutionfailed", serviceName);, e); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override public void changeService(AuthenticationToken admin, String name, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration, boolean noLogging) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">changeService(name: " + name + ")"); } if (isAuthorizedToEditService(admin)) { ServiceData oldservice = serviceDataSession.findByName(name); if (oldservice != null) { final Map<Object, Object> diff = oldservice.getServiceConfiguration().diff(serviceConfiguration); if (serviceDataSession.updateServiceConfiguration(name, serviceConfiguration)) { final String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.serviceedited", name); if (noLogging) {; } else { final Map<String, Object> details = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); details.put("msg", msg); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : diff.entrySet()) { details.put(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString()); } auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.SERVICE_EDIT, EventStatus.SUCCESS, EjbcaModuleTypes.SERVICE, EjbcaServiceTypes.EJBCA, intAdmin.toString(), null, null, null, details); } } else { String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.serviceedited", name); if (noLogging) { log.error(msg); } else { final Map<String, Object> details = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); details.put("msg", msg); auditSession.log(EjbcaEventTypes.SERVICE_EDIT, EventStatus.FAILURE, EjbcaModuleTypes.SERVICE, EjbcaServiceTypes.EJBCA, intAdmin.toString(), null, null, null, details); } } } else { log.error("Can not find service to change: " + name); } } else { String msg = intres.getLocalizedMessage("services.notauthorizedtoedit", name);; } log.trace("<changeService()"); } // We don't want the appserver to persist/update the timer in the same transaction if they are stored in different non XA DataSources @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) @Override public void load() { // Get all services Collection<Timer> currentTimers = timerService.getTimers(); Iterator<Timer> iter = currentTimers.iterator(); HashSet<Serializable> existingTimers = new HashSet<Serializable>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Timer timer =; try { Serializable info = timer.getInfo(); existingTimers.add(info); } catch (Throwable e) { // NOPMD: we really need to catch everything to not risk hanging somewhere in limbo // EJB 2.1 only?: We need this try because weblogic seems to ... suck ... log.debug("Error invoking timer.getInfo(): ", e); } } // Get new services and add timeouts Map<Integer, Long> newTimeouts = serviceSession.getNewServiceTimeouts(existingTimers); for (Integer id : newTimeouts.keySet()) { addTimer(newTimeouts.get(id), id); } if (!existingTimers.contains(SERVICELOADER_ID)) { // load the service timer addTimer(SERVICELOADER_PERIOD, SERVICELOADER_ID); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) @Override public Map<Integer, Long> getNewServiceTimeouts(HashSet<Serializable> existingTimers) { Map<Integer, Long> ret = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); HashMap<Integer, String> idToNameMap = getServiceIdToNameMap(); Collection<Integer> allServices = idToNameMap.keySet(); Iterator<Integer> iter2 = allServices.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Integer id =; ServiceData htp = serviceDataSession.findById(id); if (htp != null) { if (!existingTimers.contains(id)) { ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = htp.getServiceConfiguration(); IWorker worker = getWorker(serviceConfiguration, idToNameMap.get(id), htp.getRunTimeStamp(), htp.getNextRunTimeStamp()); if (worker != null && serviceConfiguration.isActive() && worker.getNextInterval() != IInterval.DONT_EXECUTE) { ret.put(id, Long.valueOf((worker.getNextInterval()) * 1000)); } } } else { // Service does not exist, strange, but no panic. log.debug("Can not find service with id " + id); } } return ret; } // We don't want the appserver to persist/update the timer in the same transaction if they are stored in different non XA DataSources @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) @Override public void unload() { log.debug("Unloading all timers."); // Get all services for (Timer timer : (Collection<Timer>) timerService.getTimers()) { try { timer.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { /* * EJB 2.1 only?: We need to catch this because Weblogic 10 * throws an exception if we have not scheduled this timer, so * we don't have anything to cancel. Only weblogic though... */"Caught exception canceling timer: " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Adds a timer to the bean * * @param id the id of the timer */ // We don't want the appserver to persist/update the timer in the same transaction if they are stored in different non XA DataSources. This method // should not be run from within a transaction. private Timer addTimer(long interval, Integer id) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("addTimer: " + id); } return timerService.createTimer(interval, id); } /** * Cancels all existing timeouts for this id. * * @param id the id of the timer */ // We don't want the appserver to persist/update the timer in the same transaction if they are stored in different non XA DataSources. This method // should not be run from within a transaction. @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) @Override public void cancelTimer(Integer id) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("cancelTimer: " + id); } for (Timer next : (Collection<Timer>) timerService.getTimers()) { try { if (id.equals(next.getInfo())) { next.cancel(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { /* * EJB 2.1 only?: We need to catch this because Weblogic 10 * throws an exception if we have not scheduled this timer, so * we don't have anything to cancel. Only weblogic though... */ log.error("Caught exception canceling timer: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } /** * Method that creates a worker from the service configuration. * * @param serviceConfiguration * @param serviceName * @param runTimeStamp the time this service runs * @param nextRunTimeStamp the time this service will run next time * @return a worker object or null if the worker is misconfigured. */ private IWorker getWorker(ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration, String serviceName, long runTimeStamp, long nextRunTimeStamp) { IWorker worker = null; try { String clazz = serviceConfiguration.getWorkerClassPath(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(clazz)) { worker = (IWorker) Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(clazz).newInstance(); worker.init(intAdmin, serviceConfiguration, serviceName, runTimeStamp, nextRunTimeStamp); } else {"Worker has empty classpath for service " + serviceName); } } catch (Exception e) { // Only display a real error if it is a worker that we are actually // using if (serviceConfiguration.isActive()) { log.error("Worker is misconfigured, check the classpath", e); } else {"Worker is misconfigured, check the classpath: " + e.getMessage()); } } return worker; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) @Override public long getServiceInterval(Integer serviceId) { long ret = IInterval.DONT_EXECUTE; ServiceData htp = serviceDataSession.findById(serviceId); if (htp != null) { ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = htp.getServiceConfiguration(); if (serviceConfiguration.isActive()) { IWorker worker = getWorker(serviceConfiguration, "temp", 0, 0); // A bit dirty, but it works.. if (worker != null) { ret = worker.getNextInterval(); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Service " + serviceId + " is inactive."); } } } return ret; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override public ServiceConfiguration getServiceConfiguration(AuthenticationToken admin, int id) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(">getServiceConfiguration: " + id); } ServiceConfiguration returnval = null; try { ServiceData serviceData = serviceDataSession.findById(Integer.valueOf(id)); if (serviceData != null) { returnval = serviceData.getServiceConfiguration(); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Returnval is null for service id: " + id); } } } catch (Exception e) { // return null if we cant find it, if it is not due to underlying // database error log.debug("Got an Exception for service with id " + id + ": " + e.getMessage()); /* * If we don't re-throw here it will be treated as the service id * does not exist and the service will not be rescheduled to run. */ throw new EJBException(e); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("<getServiceConfiguration: " + id); } return returnval; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override public HashMap<Integer, String> getServiceIdToNameMap() { HashMap<Integer, String> returnval = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); Collection<ServiceData> result = serviceDataSession.findAll(); for (ServiceData next : result) { returnval.put(next.getId(), next.getName()); } return returnval; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS) @Override public List<String> getServicesUsingCertificateProfile(Integer certificateProfileId) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); //Since the service types are embedded in the data objects there is no more elegant way to to this. List<ServiceData> allServices = serviceDataSession.findAll(); for (ServiceData service : allServices) { String certificateProfiles = service.getServiceConfiguration().getWorkerProperties() .getProperty(BaseWorker.PROP_CERTIFICATE_PROFILE_IDS_TO_CHECK); if (certificateProfiles != null && !certificateProfiles.equals("")) { for (String certificateProfile : certificateProfiles.split(";")) { if (certificateProfile.equals(certificateProfileId.toString())) { result.add(service.getName()); break; } } } } return result; } /** * Method to check if an admin is authorized to edit a service The following checks are performed. * * 1. Deny If the service is hidden and the admin is internal EJBCA 2. Allow If the admin is an super administrator 3. Deny all other * * @return true if the administrator is authorized */ private boolean isAuthorizedToEditService(AuthenticationToken admin) { if (authorizationSession.isAuthorizedNoLogging(admin, StandardRules.ROLE_ROOT.resource())) { return true; } return false; } /** * Return true if the service should run on the node given the list of nodes it is pinned to. An empty list means that the service is not pinned * to any particular node and should run on all. * * @param nodes list of nodes the service is pinned to * @return true if the service should run on this node */ private boolean shouldRunOnThisNode(final String hostname, final List<String> nodes) { final boolean result; if (nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty()) { result = true; } else if (hostname == null) { result = false; } else { result = nodes.contains(hostname); } return result; } /** * @return The host's name or null if it could not be determined. */ private String getHostName() { String hostname = null; try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // Get hostname hostname = addr.getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log.error("Hostname could not be determined", e); } return hostname; } }