Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.
package org.hibernate.criterion;


import org.hibernate.Criteria;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

 * An object-oriented representation of a query result set projection  in a {@link Criteria} query.
 * Built-in projection types are provided  by the {@link Projections} factory class.  This interface might be
 * implemented by application classes that define custom projections.
 * @author Gavin King
 * @author Steve Ebersole
 * @see Projections
 * @see Criteria
public interface Projection extends Serializable {

     * Render the SQL fragment to be used in the <tt>SELECT</tt> clause.
     * @param criteria The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
     * @param position The number of columns rendered in the <tt>SELECT</tt> clause before this projection.  Generally
     * speaking this is useful to ensure uniqueness of the individual columns aliases.
     * @param criteriaQuery The overall criteria query instance.
     * @return The SQL fragment to plug into the <tt>SELECT</tt>
     * @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem performing the rendering
    public String toSqlString(Criteria criteria, int position, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery)
            throws HibernateException;

     * Render the SQL fragment to be used in the <tt>GROUP BY</tt> clause
     * @param criteria The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
     * @param criteriaQuery The overall criteria query instance.
     * @return The SQL fragment to plug into the <tt>GROUP BY</tt>
     * @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem performing the rendering
    public String toGroupSqlString(Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery) throws HibernateException;

     * Types returned by the rendered SQL {@link #toSqlString fragment}.  In other words what are the types
     * that would represent the values this projection asked to be pulled into the result set?
     * @param criteria The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
     * @param criteriaQuery The overall criteria query instance.
     * @return The return types.
     * @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem resolving the types
    public Type[] getTypes(Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery) throws HibernateException;

     * Get the return types for a particular user-visible alias.
     * <p/>
     * Differs from {@link #getTypes(org.hibernate.Criteria, CriteriaQuery)} in that here we are only interested in
     * the types related to the given criteria-level alias.
     * @param alias The criteria-level alias for which to find types.
     * @param criteria The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution).
     * @param criteriaQuery The overall criteria query instance.
     * @return The return types; expected to return null if this projection does not understand this alias.
     * @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem resolving the types
    public Type[] getTypes(String alias, Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery) throws HibernateException;

     * Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the
     * <tt>SELECT</tt> clause ({@link #toSqlString}.  Hibernate always uses column aliases to extract data from the
     * JDBC {@link java.sql.ResultSet}, so it is important that these be implemented correctly in order for
     * Hibernate to be able to extract these val;ues correctly.
     * @param position Just as in {@link #toSqlString}, represents the number of <b>columns</b> rendered
     * prior to this projection.
     * @return The columns aliases.
    public String[] getColumnAliases(int position);

     * Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the
     * <tt>SELECT</tt> clause ({@link #toSqlString} <i>for a particular criteria-level alias</i>.
     * @param alias The criteria-level alias
     * @param position Just as in {@link #toSqlString}, represents the number of <b>columns</b> rendered
     * prior to this projection.
     * @return The columns aliases pertaining to a particular criteria-level alias; expected to return null if
     * this projection does not understand this alias.
    public String[] getColumnAliases(String alias, int position);

     * Get the criteria-level aliases for this projection (ie. the ones that will be passed to the
     * {@link org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer})
     * @return The aliases
    public String[] getAliases();

     * Is this projection fragment (<tt>SELECT</tt> clause) also part of the <tt>GROUP BY</tt>
     * @return True if the projection is also part of the <tt>GROUP BY</tt>; false otherwise.
    public boolean isGrouped();
