Java tutorial
/* * eGov SmartCity eGovernance suite aims to improve the internal efficiency,transparency, * accountability and the service delivery of the government organizations. * * Copyright (C) 2017 eGovernments Foundation * * The updated version of eGov suite of products as by eGovernments Foundation * is available at * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see or * . * * In addition to the terms of the GPL license to be adhered to in using this * program, the following additional terms are to be complied with: * * 1) All versions of this program, verbatim or modified must carry this * Legal Notice. * Further, all user interfaces, including but not limited to citizen facing interfaces, * Urban Local Bodies interfaces, dashboards, mobile applications, of the program and any * derived works should carry eGovernments Foundation logo on the top right corner. * * For the logo, please refer * For any further queries on attribution, including queries on brand guidelines, * please contact * * 2) Any misrepresentation of the origin of the material is prohibited. It * is required that all modified versions of this material be marked in * reasonable ways as different from the original version. * * 3) This license does not grant any rights to any user of the program * with regards to rights under trademark law for use of the trade names * or trademarks of eGovernments Foundation. * * In case of any queries, you can reach eGovernments Foundation at * */ package; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result; import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Results; import org.egov.commons.Accountdetailtype; import org.egov.commons.Bankaccount; import org.egov.commons.CGeneralLedger; import org.egov.commons.CVoucherHeader; import org.egov.commons.utils.EntityType; import org.egov.egf.commons.EgovCommon; import org.egov.egf.web.actions.voucher.VoucherReport; import org.egov.infra.exception.ApplicationException; import org.egov.infra.reporting.util.ReportUtil; import org.egov.infra.utils.DateUtils; import org.egov.infra.utils.NumberToWordConverter; import org.egov.infra.web.struts.actions.BaseFormAction; import org.egov.infra.workflow.entity.StateHistory; import org.egov.model.bills.Miscbilldetail; import org.egov.model.instrument.InstrumentHeader; import org.egov.model.instrument.InstrumentVoucher; import org.egov.model.payment.Paymentheader; import org.egov.pims.commons.Position; import org.egov.utils.Constants; import org.egov.utils.FinancialConstants; import org.egov.utils.ReportHelper; import org.hibernate.FlushMode; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @Results(value = { @Result(name = BillPaymentVoucherPrintAction.PRINT, location = "billPaymentVoucherPrint-print.jsp"), @Result(name = "PDF", type = "stream", location = "inputStream", params = { "inputName", "inputStream", "contentType", "application/pdf", "contentDisposition", "no-cache;filename=BankPaymentVoucherReport.pdf" }), @Result(name = "XLS", type = "stream", location = "inputStream", params = { "inputName", "inputStream", "contentType", "application/xls", "contentDisposition", "no-cache;filename=BankPaymentVoucherReport.xls" }), @Result(name = "HTML", type = "stream", location = "inputStream", params = { "inputName", "inputStream", "contentType", "text/html" }) }) @ParentPackage("egov") public class BillPaymentVoucherPrintAction extends BaseFormAction { public static final String PRINT = "print"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String ACCDETAILTYPEQUERY = " from Accountdetailtype where id=?"; private static final String JASPERPATH = "/reports/templates/billPaymentVoucherReport.jasper"; private static final String MULTIPLE = "MULTIPLE"; private String chequeNumber = ""; private transient InstrumentHeader instrumentHeader = null; private String cashModePartyName = ""; // Also used as a flag to check if the mode of payment is Cash private String chequeDate = ""; private String rtgsRefNo = ""; private String rtgsDate = ""; private String paymentMode = ""; private transient CVoucherHeader voucher = new CVoucherHeader(); private transient Paymentheader paymentHeader = new Paymentheader(); private transient List<Object> voucherReportList = new ArrayList<>(); private transient InputStream inputStream; private transient ReportHelper reportHelper; private Long id; private transient List<Miscbilldetail> miscBillDetailList; private String bankName = ""; private String bankAccountNumber = ""; private transient ArrayList<Long> chequeNoList = new ArrayList<>(); private transient ArrayList<String> chequeNosList = new ArrayList<>(); @Autowired private transient EgovCommon egovCommon; public Map<String, Object> getParamMap() { final Map<String, Object> paramMap = new HashMap<>(); paramMap.put("bpvNumber", getVoucherNumber()); paramMap.put("voucherDate", getVoucherDate()); paramMap.put("bankName", bankName); paramMap.put("bankAccountNumber", bankAccountNumber); if (paymentHeader != null && paymentHeader.getState() != null) loadInboxHistoryData(paymentHeader.getStateHistory(), paramMap); if (miscBillDetailList != null) { paramMap.put("partyName", getPartyName()); paramMap.put("billNumber", getBillNumber()); paramMap.put("linkNo", getLinkNo()); } paramMap.put("amountInWords", getAmountInWords()); paramMap.put("chequeNumber", chequeNumber); paramMap.put("chequeDate", chequeDate); paramMap.put("rtgsRefNo", rtgsRefNo); paramMap.put("paymentMode", paymentMode); paramMap.put("rtgsDate", rtgsDate); paramMap.put("ulbName", ReportUtil.getCityName()); paramMap.put("narration", getPaymentNarration()); return paramMap; } private String getLinkNo() { if (miscBillDetailList != null && miscBillDetailList.size() > 1) return MULTIPLE; else if (miscBillDetailList != null && miscBillDetailList.size() == 1 && miscBillDetailList.get(0).getBillVoucherHeader() != null) return miscBillDetailList.get(0).getBillVoucherHeader().getVoucherNumber(); else return ""; } private String getAmountInWords() { if (miscBillDetailList != null && miscBillDetailList.size() > 1) { Float totalAmt = 0f; for (final Miscbilldetail misBillDet : miscBillDetailList) totalAmt += misBillDet.getPaidamount().floatValue(); return NumberToWordConverter.amountInWordsWithCircumfix(new BigDecimal(totalAmt)); } else if (miscBillDetailList != null && miscBillDetailList.size() == 1) return miscBillDetailList.get(0).getAmtInWords(); else return ""; } private String getBillNumber() { if (miscBillDetailList != null && miscBillDetailList.size() > 1) return MULTIPLE; else if (miscBillDetailList != null && miscBillDetailList.size() == 1) return miscBillDetailList.get(0).getBillnumber(); else return ""; } private String getPartyName() { if (cashModePartyName != null && !cashModePartyName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) return cashModePartyName; if (miscBillDetailList != null && miscBillDetailList.size() > 1 && hasSamePartyName(miscBillDetailList)) return miscBillDetailList.get(0).getPaidto(); else if (miscBillDetailList != null && miscBillDetailList.size() > 1) return MULTIPLE; else if (miscBillDetailList != null && miscBillDetailList.size() == 1) return miscBillDetailList.get(0).getPaidto(); else return ""; } boolean hasSamePartyName(final List<Miscbilldetail> billList) { String name = "initial"; for (final Miscbilldetail miscbilldetail : billList) if ("initial".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) name = miscbilldetail.getPaidto(); else if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase(miscbilldetail.getPaidto())) return false; return true; } public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(final Long id) { = id; } public void setReportHelper(final ReportHelper helper) { reportHelper = helper; } public List<Object> getVoucherReportList() { return voucherReportList; } public InputStream getInputStream() { return inputStream; } @Override public String execute() { return print(); } @Action(value = "/report/billPaymentVoucherPrint-ajaxPrint") public String ajaxPrint() { return exportHtml(); } @Override public Object getModel() { return voucher; } @Action(value = "/report/billPaymentVoucherPrint-print") public String print() { return PRINT; } private void populateVoucher() { persistenceService.getSession().setDefaultReadOnly(true); persistenceService.getSession().setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(parameters.get("id")[0])) { chequeNosList = new ArrayList<>(); final Long id = Long.valueOf(parameters.get("id")[0]); paymentHeader = persistenceService.getSession().get(Paymentheader.class, id); if (paymentHeader != null && paymentHeader.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(FinancialConstants.MODEOFPAYMENT_RTGS)) { paymentMode = "rtgs"; voucher = paymentHeader.getVoucherheader(); if (voucher != null) { final List<InstrumentVoucher> instrumentVoucherList = persistenceService .findAllBy("from InstrumentVoucher where", voucher.getId()); if (instrumentVoucherList != null && !instrumentVoucherList.isEmpty()) { final InstrumentHeader instrumentHeader = instrumentVoucherList.get(0) .getInstrumentHeaderId(); rtgsRefNo = instrumentHeader.getTransactionNumber(); rtgsDate = Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT2.format(instrumentHeader.getTransactionDate()); } generateVoucherReportList(); final Bankaccount bankAccount = paymentHeader.getBankaccount(); if (bankAccount != null) { bankName = bankAccount.getBankbranch().getBank().getName().concat("-") .concat(bankAccount.getBankbranch().getBranchname()); bankAccountNumber = bankAccount.getAccountnumber(); } miscBillDetailList = persistenceService .findAllBy("from Miscbilldetail where", voucher.getId()); } return; } if (paymentHeader != null) { voucher = paymentHeader.getVoucherheader(); final List<String> excludeChequeStatusses = new ArrayList<>(); excludeChequeStatusses.add(FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_CANCELLED_STATUS); excludeChequeStatusses.add(FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_FOR_REASSIGN_STATUS); excludeChequeStatusses.add(FinancialConstants.INSTRUMENT_SURRENDERED_STATUS); final List<InstrumentVoucher> instrumentVoucherList = persistenceService .findAllBy("from InstrumentVoucher where", voucher.getId()); if (instrumentVoucherList != null && !instrumentVoucherList.isEmpty()) for (final InstrumentVoucher instrumentVoucher : instrumentVoucherList) try { if (excludeChequeStatusses.contains( instrumentVoucher.getInstrumentHeaderId().getStatusId().getDescription())) continue; instrumentHeader = instrumentVoucher.getInstrumentHeaderId(); chequeNumber = instrumentVoucher.getInstrumentHeaderId().getInstrumentNumber(); chequeDate = Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT2 .format(instrumentVoucher.getInstrumentHeaderId().getInstrumentDate()); if (isInstrumentMultiVoucherMapped(instrumentVoucher.getInstrumentHeaderId().getId())) chequeNosList.add(chequeNumber + "-MULTIPLE"); else chequeNosList.add(chequeNumber); Long chequeNumberPass = Long.parseLong(chequeNumber); chequeNoList.add(chequeNumberPass); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { //Do nothing ? } generateVoucherReportList(); final Bankaccount bankAccount = paymentHeader.getBankaccount(); if (bankAccount != null) { bankName = bankAccount.getBankbranch().getBank().getName().concat("-") .concat(bankAccount.getBankbranch().getBranchname()); bankAccountNumber = bankAccount.getAccountnumber(); } // For Cash mode of payment, we need to take the payto of the associated cheque. if (paymentHeader.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(FinancialConstants.MODEOFPAYMENT_CASH) && instrumentHeader != null && instrumentHeader.getPayTo() != null) cashModePartyName = instrumentHeader.getPayTo(); } miscBillDetailList = persistenceService.findAllBy("from Miscbilldetail where", voucher.getId()); } Collections.sort(chequeNoList); chequeNumber = ""; for (final Long lval : chequeNoList) for (final String sval : chequeNosList) { Long chequeNoCompL; if (sval.contains(MULTIPLE)) chequeNoCompL = Long.parseLong(sval.substring(0, sval.lastIndexOf('-'))); else chequeNoCompL = Long.parseLong(sval); if (lval.equals(chequeNoCompL)) { chequeNumber = chequeNumber + sval + "/"; break; } } if (chequeNumber.length() > 1) chequeNumber = chequeNumber.substring(0, chequeNumber.length() - 1); } private boolean isInstrumentMultiVoucherMapped(final Long instrumentHeaderId) { final List<InstrumentVoucher> instrumentVoucherList = persistenceService .findAllBy("from InstrumentVoucher where", instrumentHeaderId); boolean rep = false; if (!instrumentVoucherList.isEmpty()) { final Long voucherId = instrumentVoucherList.get(0).getVoucherHeaderId().getId(); for (final InstrumentVoucher instrumentVoucher : instrumentVoucherList) if (voucherId != instrumentVoucher.getVoucherHeaderId().getId()) { rep = true; break; } } return rep; } private void generateVoucherReportList() { if (voucher != null) { for (final CGeneralLedger vd : voucher.getGeneralledger()) if (BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(vd.getCreditAmount().doubleValue())) == 0) { final VoucherReport voucherReport = new VoucherReport(persistenceService, Integer.valueOf(voucher.getId().toString()), vd, egovCommon); voucherReport.setDepartment(voucher.getVouchermis().getDepartmentid()); voucherReportList.add(voucherReport); } for (final CGeneralLedger vd : voucher.getGeneralledger()) if (BigDecimal.ZERO.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(vd.getDebitAmount().doubleValue())) == 0) { final VoucherReport voucherReport = new VoucherReport(persistenceService, Integer.valueOf(voucher.getId().toString()), vd, egovCommon); voucherReport.setDepartment(voucher.getVouchermis().getDepartmentid()); voucherReportList.add(voucherReport); } } } String getUlbName() { final SQLQuery query = persistenceService.getSession().createSQLQuery("SELECT name FROM companydetail"); final List<String> result = query.list(); if (result != null) return result.get(0); return ""; } private String getPaymentNarration() { return voucher == null || voucher.getDescription() == null ? "" : voucher.getDescription(); } @Action(value = "/report/billPaymentVoucherPrint-exportPdf") public String exportPdf() throws JRException, IOException { populateVoucher(); inputStream = reportHelper.exportPdf(inputStream, JASPERPATH, getParamMap(), voucherReportList); return "PDF"; } public String exportHtml() { populateVoucher(); inputStream = reportHelper.exportHtml(inputStream, JASPERPATH, getParamMap(), voucherReportList, "px"); return "HTML"; } @Action(value = "/report/billPaymentVoucherPrint-exportXls") public String exportXls() throws JRException, IOException { populateVoucher(); inputStream = reportHelper.exportXls(inputStream, JASPERPATH, getParamMap(), voucherReportList); return "XLS"; } public Map<String, Object> getAccountDetails(final Integer detailtypeid, final Integer detailkeyid, final Map<String, Object> tempMap) throws ApplicationException { final Accountdetailtype detailtype = (Accountdetailtype) getPersistenceService().find(ACCDETAILTYPEQUERY, detailtypeid); tempMap.put("detailtype", detailtype.getName()); tempMap.put("detailtypeid", detailtype.getId()); tempMap.put("detailkeyid", detailkeyid); egovCommon.setPersistenceService(persistenceService); final EntityType entityType = egovCommon.getEntityType(detailtype, detailkeyid); tempMap.put(Constants.DETAILKEY, entityType.getName()); tempMap.put(Constants.DETAILCODE, entityType.getCode()); return tempMap; } String getVoucherNumber() { return voucher == null || voucher.getVoucherNumber() == null ? "" : voucher.getVoucherNumber(); } String getVoucherDate() { return voucher == null || voucher.getVoucherDate() == null ? "" : DateUtils.getDefaultFormattedDate(voucher.getVoucherDate()); } private void loadInboxHistoryData(final List<StateHistory<Position>> stateHistory, final Map<String, Object> paramMap) { final List<String> history = new ArrayList<>(); final List<String> workFlowDate = new ArrayList<>(); if (!stateHistory.isEmpty()) { for (final StateHistory historyState : stateHistory) if (!"NEW".equalsIgnoreCase(historyState.getValue())) { history.add(historyState.getSenderName()); workFlowDate.add(Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT2.format(historyState.getLastModifiedDate())); if (historyState.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("Rejected")) { history.clear(); workFlowDate.clear(); } } history.add(paymentHeader.getState().getSenderName()); workFlowDate.add(Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT2.format(paymentHeader.getState().getLastModifiedDate())); } else { history.add(paymentHeader.getState().getSenderName()); workFlowDate.add(Constants.DDMMYYYYFORMAT2.format(paymentHeader.getState().getLastModifiedDate())); } for (int i = 0; i < history.size(); i++) { paramMap.put("workFlow_" + i, history.get(i)); paramMap.put("workFlowDate_" + i, workFlowDate.get(i)); } } String getVoucherDescription() { return voucher == null || voucher.getDescription() == null ? "" : voucher.getDescription(); } }