Java tutorial
/* * This file is a part of Wildbook. * Copyright (C) 2015 WildMe * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Wildbook. If not, see <>. */ package; import org.ecocean.Occurrence; import org.ecocean.CommonConfiguration; import org.ecocean.ImageAttributes; import org.ecocean.Keyword; import org.ecocean.Annotation; import org.ecocean.AccessControl; import org.ecocean.Shepherd; import org.ecocean.servlet.ServletUtilities; import org.ecocean.Util; import org.ecocean.identity.IdentityServiceLog; import org.ecocean.identity.IBEISIA; //import org.ecocean.Encounter; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Files; //import java.time.LocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.util.Date; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; //import; import; import javax.jdo.Query; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; /* import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageReader; import; import java.util.Iterator; */ /* import com.drew.imaging.ImageMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.ImageProcessingException; import com.drew.metadata.*; import com.drew.metadata.exif.ExifSubIFDDirectory; */ /** * MediaAsset describes a photo or video that can be displayed or used * for processing and analysis. */ public class MediaAsset implements { static final long serialVersionUID = 8844223450447974780L; protected int id = MediaAssetFactory.NOT_SAVED; protected String uuid = null; protected AssetStore store; protected String parametersAsString; protected JSONObject parameters; protected Occurrence occurrence; protected Integer parentId; protected long revision; protected AccessControl accessControl = null; protected JSONObject derivationMethod = null; protected MediaAssetMetadata metadata = null; protected ArrayList<String> labels; protected ArrayList<Feature> features; protected ArrayList<Keyword> keywords; protected String hashCode; protected String detectionStatus; protected String identificationStatus; protected Double userLatitude; protected Double userLongitude; protected DateTime userDateTime; //protected MediaAssetType type; //protected Integer submitterid; //protected Set<String> tags; //protected Integer rootId; //protected AssetStore thumbStore; //protected Path thumbPath; //protected Path midPath; //private LocalDateTime metaTimestamp; //private Double metaLatitude; //private Double metaLongitude; /** * To be called by AssetStore factory method. */ /* public MediaAsset(final AssetStore store, final JSONObject params, final String category) { this(MediaAssetFactory.NOT_SAVED, store, params, MediaAssetType.fromFilename(path.toString()), category); } */ public MediaAsset(final AssetStore store, final JSONObject params) { //this(store, params, null); this(MediaAssetFactory.NOT_SAVED, store, params); } public MediaAsset(final int id, final AssetStore store, final JSONObject params) { = id; this.setUUID(); = store; this.parameters = params; if (params != null) this.parametersAsString = params.toString(); this.setRevision(); this.setHashCode(); } public AccessControl getAccessControl() { return accessControl; } public void setAccessControl(AccessControl ac) { accessControl = ac; } public void setAccessControl(HttpServletRequest request) { this.setAccessControl(new AccessControl(request)); } private URL getUrl(final AssetStore store, final Path path) { if (store == null) { return null; } return null; //store.webPath(path); } private String getUrlString(final URL url) { if (url == null) { return null; } return url.toExternalForm(); } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int i) { id = i; } public Occurrence getOccurrence() { return this.occurrence; } public String getOccurrenceID() { if (this.occurrence == null) return null; return this.occurrence.getOccurrenceID(); } public void setOccurrence(Occurrence occ) { this.occurrence = occ; } public String getDetectionStatus() { return this.detectionStatus; } public void setDetectionStatus(String status) { this.detectionStatus = status; } public String getIdentificationStatus() { return this.identificationStatus; } public void setIdentificationStatus(String status) { this.identificationStatus = status; } //this is for Annotation mostly? provides are reproducible uuid based on the MediaAsset id public String getUUID() { if (uuid != null) return uuid; //UUID v3 seems to take an arbitrary bytearray in, so we construct one that is basically "Ma____" where "____" is the int id return generateUUIDFromId(); } public void setUUID(String u) { uuid = u; } /* note: this is used for *new* MediaAssets (via constructor), so we want it to *always* give us something. this we try to get a value no matter what. in 99% of the cases, a new MediaAsset will have id = -1, so generateUUIDv3() will fail. thus this essentially will almost always use a v4 uuid (random). so be it! */ private void setUUID() { uuid = this.generateUUIDFromId(); if (uuid == null) uuid = Util.generateUUID(); } //note this function will not allow "invalid" (< 0) ids... so see above for hack for new MediaAssets public String generateUUIDFromId() { if ( == MediaAssetFactory.NOT_SAVED) return null; if ( < 0) return null; return this.generateUUIDv3(, (byte) 77, (byte) 97); } public static String generateUUIDv3(int id, byte b1, byte b2) { if (id == MediaAssetFactory.NOT_SAVED) return null; if (id < 0) return null; byte[] b = new byte[6]; b[0] = b1; b[1] = b2; b[2] = (byte) (id >> 24); b[3] = (byte) (id >> 16); b[4] = (byte) (id >> 8); b[5] = (byte) (id >> 0); return UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(b).toString(); } public AssetStore getStore() { return store; } public Integer getParentId() { return parentId; } public void setParentId(Integer pid) { parentId = pid; } public MediaAsset getParentRoot(Shepherd myShepherd) { Integer pid = this.getParentId(); if (pid == null) return this; MediaAsset par = MediaAssetFactory.load(pid, myShepherd); if (par == null) return this; //orphaned! fail!! return par.getParentRoot(myShepherd); } public JSONObject getParameters() { if (parameters != null) return parameters; //System.out.println("NOTE: getParameters() on " + this + " was null, so trying to get from parametersAsString()"); JSONObject j = Util.stringToJSONObject(parametersAsString); parameters = j; return j; } public void setParameters(JSONObject p) { if (p == null) { System.out.println("WARNING: attempted to set null parameters on " + this + "; ignoring"); return; } parameters = p; parametersAsString = p.toString(); } ///note: really the only place that should call getParametersAsString or setParametersAsString is datanucleus... /// always use getParameters() and setParameters() instead! public String getParametersAsString() { if (parametersAsString != null) return parametersAsString; if (parameters == null) return null; parametersAsString = parameters.toString(); return parametersAsString; } public void setParametersAsString(String p) { if (p == null) { System.out.println("WARNING: attempted to set null parametersAsString on " + this + "; ignoring"); return; } parametersAsString = p; //now we also set parameters as the JSONObject (or try) JSONObject j = Util.stringToJSONObject(p); if (j != null) parameters = j; } public JSONObject getDerivationMethod() { return derivationMethod; } public void setDerivationMethod(JSONObject dm) { derivationMethod = dm; } public void addDerivationMethod(String k, Object val) { if (derivationMethod == null) derivationMethod = new JSONObject(); derivationMethod.put(k, val); } public String getDerivationMethodAsString() { if (derivationMethod == null) return null; return derivationMethod.toString(); } public void setDerivationMethodAsString(String d) { if (d == null) { derivationMethod = null; return; } try { derivationMethod = new JSONObject(d); } catch (JSONException je) { System.out.println(this + " -- error parsing derivation json string (" + d + "): " + je.toString()); derivationMethod = null; } } public long setRevision() { this.revision = System.currentTimeMillis(); return this.revision; } public String setHashCode() { if (store == null) return null; this.hashCode = store.hashCode(getParameters()); //System.out.println("hashCode on " + this + " = " + this.hashCode); return this.hashCode; } //this is store-specific, and null should be interpreted to mean "i guess i dont really have one" // in some cases, this might be some sort of unique-ish identifier (e.g. youtube id), so ymmv public String getFilename() { if (store == null) return null; return store.getFilename(this); } public ArrayList<String> getLabels() { return labels; } public void setLabels(ArrayList<String> l) { labels = l; } public void addLabel(String s) { if (labels == null) labels = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!labels.contains(s)) labels.add(s); } public boolean hasLabel(String s) { if (labels == null) return false; return labels.contains(s); } public ArrayList<Feature> getFeatures() { return features; } public void setFeatures(ArrayList<Feature> f) { features = f; } public void addFeature(Feature f) { if (features == null) features = new ArrayList<Feature>(); if (!features.contains(f)) { features.add(f); f.asset = this; } } //kinda sorta really only for Encounter.findAllMediaByFeatureId() public boolean hasFeatures(String[] featureIds) { if ((features == null) || (features.size() < 1)) return false; for (Feature f : features) { for (int i = 0; i < featureIds.length; i++) { if (f.isType(featureIds[i])) return true; //short-circuit on first match } } return false; } public Path localPath() { if (store == null) return null; return store.localPath(this); } public boolean cacheLocal() throws Exception { if (store == null) return false; return store.cacheLocal(this, false); } public boolean cacheLocal(boolean force) throws Exception { if (store == null) return false; return store.cacheLocal(this, force); } //indisputable attributes about the image (e.g. type, dimensions, colorspaces etc) // this is (seemingly?) always derived from MediaAssetMetadata, so .. yeah. make sure that is set (see note by getMetadata() ) public ImageAttributes getImageAttributes() { if ((metadata == null) || (metadata.getData() == null)) return null; JSONObject attr = metadata.getData().optJSONObject("attributes"); if (attr == null) return null; double w = attr.optDouble("width", -1); double h = attr.optDouble("height", -1); String type = attr.optString("contentType"); if ((w < 1) || (h < 1)) return null; return new ImageAttributes(w, h, type); } public double getWidth() { ImageAttributes iattr = getImageAttributes(); if (iattr == null) return 0; return iattr.getWidth(); } public double getHeight() { ImageAttributes iattr = getImageAttributes(); if (iattr == null) return 0; return iattr.getHeight(); } /** this function resolves (how???) various difference in "when" this image was taken. it might use different metadata (in EXIF etc) and/or human-input (e.g. perhaps encounter data might trump it?) TODO wtf should we do? FOR NOW: we rely first on (a) metadata.attributes.dateTime (as iso8601 string), then (b) crawl metadata.exif for something date-y */ public DateTime getDateTime() { if (this.userDateTime != null) return this.userDateTime; if (getMetadata() == null) return null; String adt = getMetadata().getAttributes().optString("dateTime", null); if (adt != null) return DateTime.parse(adt); //lets hope it is in iso8601 format like it should be! //meh, gotta find it the hard way then... return getMetadata().getDateTime(); } public void setUserDateTime(DateTime dt) { this.userDateTime = dt; } public DateTime getUserDateTime() { return this.userDateTime; } /** like getDateTime() this is considered "definitive" -- so it must resolve differences in metadata vs other (e.g. encounter etc) values */ public Double getUserLatitude() { return this.userLatitude; } public Double getLatitude() { if (this.userLatitude != null) return this.userLatitude; if (getMetadata() == null) return null; double lat = getMetadata().getAttributes().optDouble("latitude"); if (!Double.isNaN(lat)) return lat; return getMetadata().getLatitude(); } public void setUserLatitude(Double lat) { this.userLatitude = lat; } public Double getUserLongitude() { return this.userLongitude; } public Double getLongitude() { if (this.userLongitude != null) return this.userLongitude; if (getMetadata() == null) return null; double lon = getMetadata().getAttributes().optDouble("longitude"); if (!Double.isNaN(lon)) return lon; return getMetadata().getLongitude(); } public void setUserLongitude(Double lon) { this.userLongitude = lon; } //note: default behavior will add this to the features on this MediaAsset -- can pass false to disable //TODO expand to handle things other than images (some day) public Feature generateUnityFeature() { return generateUnityFeature(true); } public Feature generateUnityFeature(boolean addToMediaAsset) { Feature f = new Feature(); if (addToMediaAsset) this.addFeature(f); return f; } //if unity feature is appropriate, generates that; otherwise does a boundingBox one public Feature generateFeatureFromBbox(double w, double h, double x, double y) { Feature f = null; if ((x != 0) || (y != 0) || (w != this.getWidth()) || (h != this.getHeight())) { JSONObject p = new JSONObject(); p.put("width", w); p.put("height", h); p.put("x", x); p.put("y", y); f = new Feature("org.ecocean.boundingBox", p); this.addFeature(f); } else { f = this.generateUnityFeature(); } return f; } public ArrayList<Annotation> getAnnotations() { ArrayList<Annotation> anns = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); if ((this.getFeatures() == null) || (this.getFeatures().size() < 1)) return anns; for (Feature f : this.getFeatures()) { if (f.getAnnotation() != null) anns.add(f.getAnnotation()); } return anns; } /* return annotations; } //this will create the "trivial" Annotation (dimensions of the MediaAsset) iff no Annotations exist public ArrayList<Annotation> getAnnotationsGenerate(String species) { if (annotations == null) annotations = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); if (annotations.size() < 1) addTrivialAnnotation(species); return annotations; } //TODO check if it is already here? maybe? public Annotation addTrivialAnnotation(String species) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(this, species); //this will add it to our .annotations collection as well String newId = generateUUIDv3((byte)65, (byte)110); //set Annotation UUID relative to our ID An___ if (newId != null) ann.setId(newId); return ann; } public int getAnnotationCount() { if (annotations == null) return 0; return annotations.size(); } public static MediaAsset findByAnnotation(Annotation annot, Shepherd myShepherd) { String queryString = "SELECT FROM WHERE annotations.contains(ann) && == \"" + annot.getId() + "\""; Query query = myShepherd.getPM().newQuery(queryString); List results = (List)query.execute(); if (results.size() < 1) return null; return (MediaAsset)results.get(0); } */ /* public Path getThumbPath() { return thumbPath; } public Path getMidPath() { return midPath; } */ /* public MediaAssetType getType() { return type; } */ /** * Return a full web-accessible url to the asset, or null if the * asset is not web-accessible. * NOTE: now you should *almost always* use .safeURL() to return something to a user -- this will hide original files when necessary */ public URL webURL() { if (store == null) { System.out.println("MediaAsset " + this.getUUID() + " has no store!"); return null; } try { int i = ((store.getUsage() == null) ? -1 : store.getUsage().indexOf("PLACEHOLDERHACK:")); if (i == 0) return new URL(store.getUsage().substring(16)); } catch ( ex) { } return store.webURL(this); } /* has been deprecated, cuz you should make a better choice about what you want the url of. see: safeURL() and friends public String webURLString() { return getUrlString(this.webURL()); } */ //the primary purpose here is to mask (i.e. never send) the original (uploaded) image file. // right now "master" labelled image is used, if available, otherwise children are chosen by allChildTypes() order.... public URL safeURL(Shepherd myShepherd, HttpServletRequest request, String bestType) { MediaAsset ma = bestSafeAsset(myShepherd, request, bestType); if (ma == null) return null; return ma.webURL(); } public URL safeURL(Shepherd myShepherd, HttpServletRequest request) { return safeURL(myShepherd, request, null); } //this assumes you weakest privileges public URL safeURL(Shepherd myShepherd) { return safeURL(myShepherd, null); } public URL safeURL(HttpServletRequest request) { String context = "context0"; if (request != null) context = ServletUtilities.getContext(request); //kinda rough, but.... //the throw-away Shepherd object is [mostly!] ok here since we arent returning the MediaAsset it is used to find Shepherd myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); myShepherd.setAction("MediaAsset.safeURL"); URL u = safeURL(myShepherd, request); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); return u; } public URL safeURL() { return safeURL((HttpServletRequest) null); } public MediaAsset bestSafeAsset(Shepherd myShepherd, HttpServletRequest request, String bestType) { if (store == null) return null; //this logic is simplistic now, but TODO make more complex (e.g. configurable) later.... //TODO should be block "original" ??? is that overkill?? if (bestType == null) bestType = "master"; //note, this next line means bestType may get bumped *up* for anon user.... so we should TODO some logic in there if ever needed if (AccessControl.simpleUserString(request) == null) bestType = "watermark"; if (store instanceof URLAssetStore) bestType = "original"; //this is cuz it is assumed to be a "public" url System.out.println(" = = = = bestSafeAsset() wanting bestType=" + bestType); //gotta consider that we are the best! if (this.hasLabel("_" + bestType)) return this; //if we are a child asset, we need to find our parent then find best from there! MediaAsset top = this; //assume we are the parent-est if (parentId != null) { top = MediaAssetFactory.load(parentId, myShepherd); if (top == null) throw new RuntimeException("bestSafeAsset() failed to find parent on " + this); } boolean gotBest = false; List<String> types = store.allChildTypes(); //note: do we need to care that top may have changed stores???? for (String t : types) { if (t.equals(bestType)) gotBest = true; if (!gotBest) continue; //skip over any "better" types until we get to best we can use System.out.println(" .... ??? do we have a " + t); //now try to see if we have one! ArrayList<MediaAsset> kids = top.findChildrenByLabel(myShepherd, "_" + t); if ((kids != null) && (kids.size() > 0)) return kids.get(0); ///not sure how to pick if we have more than one! "probably rare" case anyway.... } return null; //got nothing! :( } public MediaAsset bestSafeAsset(Shepherd myShepherd, HttpServletRequest request) { return bestSafeAsset(myShepherd, request, null); } public MediaAsset bestSafeAsset(Shepherd myShepherd) { return bestSafeAsset(myShepherd, null); } /* public String thumbWebPathString() { return getUrlString(thumbWebPath()); } public String midWebPathString() { return getUrlString(midWebPath()); } public URL thumbWebPath() { return getUrl(thumbStore, thumbPath); } public void setThumb(final AssetStore store, final Path path) { thumbStore = store; thumbPath = path; } public AssetStore getThumbstore() { return thumbStore; } public URL midWebPath() { if (midPath == null) { return webPath(); } // // Just use thumb store for now. // return getUrl(thumbStore, midPath); } public void setMid(final Path path) { // // Just use thumb store for now. // this.midPath = path; } */ /* public Integer getSubmitterId() { return submitterid; } public void setSubmitterId(final Integer submitterid) { this.submitterid = submitterid; } */ /* public LocalDateTime getMetaTimestamp() { return metaTimestamp; } public void setMetaTimestamp(LocalDateTime metaTimestamp) { this.metaTimestamp = metaTimestamp; } public Double getMetaLatitude() { return metaLatitude; } public void setMetaLatitude(Double metaLatitude) { this.metaLatitude = metaLatitude; } public Double getMetaLongitude() { return metaLongitude; } public void setMetaLongitude(Double metaLongitude) { this.metaLongitude = metaLongitude; } */ /* public void delete() { MediaAssetFactory.delete(; MediaAssetFactory.deleteFromStore(this); } */ //this takes contents of this MediaAsset and copies it to the target (note MediaAssets must exist with sufficient params already) //please note this uses *source* AssetStore for copying, which can/will affect how, for example, credentials in aws s3 are chosen. // for tighter control of this, you can call copyAsset() (or copyAssetAny()?) directly on desired store public void copyAssetTo(MediaAsset targetMA) throws IOException { if (store == null) throw new IOException("copyAssetTo(): store is null on " + this); store.copyAssetAny(this, targetMA); } public sanitizeJson(HttpServletRequest request, jobj) throws { return sanitizeJson(request, jobj, true); } //fullAccess just gets cascaded down from Encounter -> Annotation -> us... not sure if it should win vs security(request) TODO public sanitizeJson(HttpServletRequest request, jobj, boolean fullAccess) throws { jobj.put("id", this.getId()); jobj.remove("parametersAsString"); //jobj.put("guid", "http://" + CommonConfiguration.getURLLocation(request) + "/api/" + id); //TODO something better with store? fix .put("store", store) ??? HashMap<String, String> s = new HashMap<String, String>(); s.put("type", store.getType().toString()); jobj.put("store", s); ArrayList<Feature> fts = getFeatures(); if ((fts != null) && (fts.size() > 0)) { jarr = new; for (int i = 0; i < fts.size(); i++) { jf = new; Feature ft = fts.get(i); jf.put("id", ft.getId()); jf.put("type", ft.getType()); JSONObject p = ft.getParameters(); if (p != null) jf.put("parameters", Util.toggleJSONObject(p)); jarr.put(jf); } jobj.put("features", jarr); } if ((getMetadata() != null) && (getMetadata().getData() != null) && (getMetadata().getData().opt("attributes") != null)) { //jobj.put("metadata", new"attributes").toString())); jobj.put("metadata", Util.toggleJSONObject(getMetadata().getData().getJSONObject("attributes"))); } DateTime dt = getDateTime(); if (dt != null) jobj.put("dateTime", dt.toString()); //DateTime.toString() gives iso8601, noice! //note? warning? i guess this will traverse... gulp? String context = ServletUtilities.getContext(request); Shepherd myShepherd = new Shepherd(context); myShepherd.setAction("MediaAsset.class"); myShepherd.beginDBTransaction(); URL u = safeURL(myShepherd, request); if (u != null) jobj.put("url", u.toString()); ArrayList<MediaAsset> kids = this.findChildren(myShepherd); myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); if ((kids != null) && (kids.size() > 0)) { k = new; for (MediaAsset kid : kids) { k.put(kid.sanitizeJson(request, new, fullAccess)); } jobj.put("children", k); } if (fullAccess) { jobj.put("userLatitude", this.getLatitude()); jobj.put("userLongitude", this.getLongitude()); jobj.put("userDateTime", this.getUserDateTime()); } jobj.put("occurrenceID", this.getOccurrenceID()); if (this.getLabels() != null) jobj.put("labels", this.getLabels()); if ((this.getKeywords() != null) && (this.getKeywords().size() > 0)) { JSONArray ka = new JSONArray(); for (Keyword kw : this.getKeywords()) { JSONObject kj = new JSONObject(); kj.put("indexname", kw.getIndexname()); kj.put("readableName", kw.getReadableName()); ka.put(kj); } jobj.put("keywords", new; } myShepherd.rollbackDBTransaction(); myShepherd.closeDBTransaction(); return jobj; } public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this).append("id", id).append("parent", parentId) .append("labels", ((labels == null) ? "" : labels.toString())).append("store", store.toString()) .toString(); } public void copyIn(File file) throws IOException { if (store == null) throw new IOException("copyIn(): store is null on " + this); store.copyIn(file, getParameters(), false); } public MediaAsset updateChild(String type, HashMap<String, Object> opts) throws IOException { if (store == null) throw new IOException("store is null on " + this); return store.updateChild(this, type, opts); } public MediaAsset updateChild(String type) throws IOException { return updateChild(type, null); } public ArrayList<MediaAsset> detachChildren(Shepherd myShepherd, String type) throws IOException { if (store == null) throw new IOException("store is null on " + this); ArrayList<MediaAsset> disposable = this.findChildrenByLabel(myShepherd, "_" + type); if ((disposable != null) && (disposable.size() > 0)) { for (MediaAsset ma : disposable) { ma.setParentId(null); ma.addDerivationMethod("detachedFrom", this.getId()); System.out.println("INFO: detached child " + ma + " from " + this); } } return disposable; } public ArrayList<MediaAsset> findChildren(Shepherd myShepherd) { if (store == null) return null; ArrayList<MediaAsset> all = store.findAllChildren(this, myShepherd); return all; } public ArrayList<MediaAsset> findChildrenByLabel(Shepherd myShepherd, String label) { ArrayList<MediaAsset> all = this.findChildren(myShepherd); if ((all == null) || (all.size() < 1)) return null; ArrayList<MediaAsset> matches = new ArrayList<MediaAsset>(); for (MediaAsset ma : all) { if ((ma.getLabels() != null) && ma.getLabels().contains(label)) matches.add(ma); } return matches; } // NOTE: these currrently do not recurse. this makes a big assumption that one only wants children of _original // (e.g. on an encounter) and will *probably* need to change in the future. TODO? public static MediaAsset findOneByLabel(ArrayList<MediaAsset> mas, Shepherd myShepherd, String label) { ArrayList<MediaAsset> all = findAllByLabel(mas, myShepherd, label, true); if ((all == null) || (all.size() < 1)) return null; return all.get(0); } public static ArrayList<MediaAsset> findAllByLabel(ArrayList<MediaAsset> mas, Shepherd myShepherd, String label) { return findAllByLabel(mas, myShepherd, label, false); } private static ArrayList<MediaAsset> findAllByLabel(ArrayList<MediaAsset> mas, Shepherd myShepherd, String label, boolean onlyOne) { if ((mas == null) || (mas.size() < 1)) return null; ArrayList<MediaAsset> found = new ArrayList<MediaAsset>(); for (MediaAsset ma : mas) { if ((ma.getLabels() != null) && ma.getLabels().contains(label)) { found.add(ma); if (onlyOne) return found; } ArrayList<MediaAsset> kids = ma.findChildrenByLabel(myShepherd, label); if ((kids != null) && (kids.size() > 0)) { if (onlyOne) { found.add(kids.get(0)); return found; } else { found.addAll(kids); } } } return found; } //creates the "standard" derived children for a MediaAsset (thumb, mid, etc) public ArrayList<MediaAsset> updateStandardChildren() { if (store == null) return null; List<String> types = store.standardChildTypes(); if ((types == null) || (types.size() < 1)) return null; ArrayList<MediaAsset> mas = new ArrayList<MediaAsset>(); for (String type : types) { System.out.println(">> updateStandardChildren(): type = " + type); MediaAsset c = null; try { c = this.updateChild(type); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("updateStandardChildren() failed on type=" + type + ", ma=" + this + " with " + ex.toString()); } if (c != null) mas.add(c); } return mas; } //as above, but saves them too public ArrayList<MediaAsset> updateStandardChildren(Shepherd myShepherd) { ArrayList<MediaAsset> mas = updateStandardChildren(); for (MediaAsset ma : mas) {, myShepherd); } return mas; } public void setKeywords(ArrayList<Keyword> kws) { keywords = kws; } public ArrayList<Keyword> addKeyword(Keyword k) { if (keywords == null) keywords = new ArrayList<Keyword>(); if (!keywords.contains(k)) keywords.add(k); return keywords; } public ArrayList<Keyword> getKeywords() { return keywords; } public boolean hasKeyword(String keywordName) { if (keywords != null) { int numKeywords = keywords.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numKeywords; i++) { Keyword kw = keywords.get(i); if ((kw.getIndexname().equals(keywordName)) || (kw.getReadableName().equals(keywordName))) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean hasKeyword(Keyword key) { if (keywords != null) { if (keywords.contains(key)) { return true; } } return false; } //if we dont have the Annotation... which kinda sucks but okay public String toHtmlElement(HttpServletRequest request, Shepherd myShepherd) { return toHtmlElement(request, myShepherd, null); } public String toHtmlElement(HttpServletRequest request, Shepherd myShepherd, Annotation ann) { if (store == null) return "<!-- ERROR: MediaAsset.toHtmlElement() has no .store value for " + this.toString() + " -->"; return store.mediaAssetToHtmlElement(this, request, myShepherd, ann); } //piggybacks off metadata, so that must be set first, otherwise it matches corresponding mime type (major/minor), case-insensitive //note: for return values, we standardize on all-lowercase. so there. public boolean isMimeTypeMajor(String type) { if (type == null) return false; return type.toLowerCase().equals(this.getMimeTypeMajor()); } public boolean isMimeTypeMinor(String type) { if (type == null) return false; return type.toLowerCase().equals(this.getMimeTypeMinor()); } public String getMimeTypeMajor() { String[] mt = this.getMimeType(); if ((mt == null) || (mt.length < 1)) return null; return mt[0]; } public String getMimeTypeMinor() { String[] mt = this.getMimeType(); if ((mt == null) || (mt.length < 2)) return null; return mt[1]; } public String[] getMimeType() { if (this.metadata == null) return null; String mt = this.metadata.getAttributes().optString("contentType", null); //note: getAttributes always returns a JSONObject (even if empty) if (mt == null) return null; return mt.toLowerCase().split("/"); } //note: we are going to assume Metadata "will just be there" so no magical updates. if it is null, it is null. // this implies basically that it is set once when the MediaAsset is created, so make sure that happens, *cough* public MediaAssetMetadata getMetadata() { return metadata; } public MediaAssetMetadata updateMetadata() throws IOException { //TODO should this overwrite existing, or append? if (store == null) return null; metadata = store.extractMetadata(this); return metadata; } //only gets the "attributes" portion -- which is usually all we need for derived images public MediaAssetMetadata updateMinimalMetadata() { if (store == null) return null; try { metadata = store.extractMetadata(this, true); //true means "attributes" only } catch (IOException ioe) { //we silently eat IOExceptions, but will return null System.out.println( "WARNING: updateMinimalMetadata() on " + this + " got " + ioe.toString() + "; failed to set"); return null; } return metadata; } //handy cuz we dont need the actual file (if we have these values from elsewhere) and usually the only stuff we "need" public MediaAssetMetadata setMinimalMetadata(int width, int height, String contentType) { //note, this will overwrite existing "attributes" value if it exists if (metadata == null) metadata = new MediaAssetMetadata(); metadata.getData().put("width", width); metadata.getData().put("height", height); metadata.getData().put("contentType", contentType); return metadata; } public void refreshIAStatus(Shepherd myShepherd) { String s = IBEISIA.parseDetectionStatus(Integer.toString(this.getId()), myShepherd); if (s != null) this.setDetectionStatus(s); String cumulative = null; for (Annotation ann : this.getAnnotations()) { s = IBEISIA.parseIdentificationStatus(ann.getId(), myShepherd); if ((s != null) && ((cumulative == null) || !s.equals("complete"))) cumulative = s; } if (cumulative != null) this.setIdentificationStatus(cumulative); } public JSONObject getIAStatus() { JSONObject rtn = new JSONObject(); JSONObject j = new JSONObject(); j.put("status", getDetectionStatus()); rtn.put("detection", j); j = new JSONObject(); j.put("status", getIdentificationStatus()); rtn.put("identification", j); return rtn; } //takes base64 string and turns to binary content and copies that in as normal public void copyInBase64(String b64) throws IOException { if (b64 == null) throw new IOException("copyInBase64() null string"); byte[] imgBytes = new byte[100]; try { imgBytes = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(b64); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new IOException("copyInBase64() could not parse: " + ex.toString()); } File file = (this.localPath() != null) ? this.localPath().toFile() : File.createTempFile("b64-" + Util.generateUUID(), ".tmp"); FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file); try { stream.write(imgBytes); } finally { stream.close(); } if (file.exists()) { this.copyIn(file); } else { throw new IOException("copyInBase64() could not write " + file); } } public boolean isValidChildType(String type) { if (store == null) return false; return store.isValidChildType(type); } }