Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 itemis AG ( and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.xtext.util.formallang; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.GraphvizDotBuilder; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Pair; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Tuples; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Moritz Eysholdt - Initial contribution and API */ public class NfaToProduction { protected static abstract class AbstractElementAlias<T> { protected boolean many = false; protected boolean optional = false; protected AbstractElementAlias() { } protected AbstractElementAlias(boolean optional, boolean many) { super(); this.optional = optional; this.many = many; } protected abstract int getElementCount(); protected abstract void sort(Comparator<? super AbstractElementAlias<T>> comparator); protected abstract T getFirstElement(); public abstract Collection<AbstractElementAlias<T>> getChildren(); public boolean isMany() { return many; } public boolean isOne() { return !optional && !many; } public boolean isOptional() { return optional; } public void setMany(boolean many) { this.many = many; } public void setOptional(boolean optional) { this.optional = optional; } @Override public String toString() { Function<Production<AbstractElementAlias<T>, T>, String> formatter = new ProductionFormatter<AbstractElementAlias<T>, T>(); return formatter.apply(new AliasGrammarProvider<T>(this)); } } protected class ElementAliasComparator<T> implements Comparator<AbstractElementAlias<T>> { protected final Comparator<? super T> delegate; public ElementAliasComparator(Comparator<? super T> delegate) { super(); this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public int compare(AbstractElementAlias<T> o1, AbstractElementAlias<T> o2) { T e1 = o1.getFirstElement(); T e2 = o2.getFirstElement(); return, e2); } } protected static class AliasGrammarProvider<TOKEN> implements Production<AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN>, TOKEN> { protected AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> root; public AliasGrammarProvider(AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> root) { this.root = root; } @Override public Iterable<AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN>> getAlternativeChildren(AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> ele) { return ele instanceof AlternativeAlias ? ((AlternativeAlias<TOKEN>) ele).getChildren() : null; } @Override public AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> getParent(AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> ele) { return null; } @Override public AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> getRoot() { return root; } @Override public Iterable<AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN>> getSequentialChildren(AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> ele) { return ele instanceof GroupAlias ? ((GroupAlias<TOKEN>) ele).getChildren() : null; } @Override public TOKEN getToken(AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> owner) { return owner instanceof ElementAlias ? ((ElementAlias<TOKEN>) owner).getElement() : null; } @Override public Iterable<AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN>> getUnorderedChildren(AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> ele) { return null; } @Override public boolean isMany(AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> ele) { return ele.isMany(); } @Override public boolean isOptional(AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> ele) { return ele.isOptional(); } } protected static class AlternativeAlias<T> extends AbstractElementAlias<T> { protected Set<AbstractElementAlias<T>> children = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); public AlternativeAlias() { super(); } @SafeVarargs public AlternativeAlias(boolean optional, boolean many, AbstractElementAlias<T>... children) { super(optional, many); Collections.addAll(this.children, children); } public void addChild(AbstractElementAlias<T> child) { if (child == this) throw new RuntimeException(); children.add(child); } @Override public Set<AbstractElementAlias<T>> getChildren() { return children; } @Override protected int getElementCount() { int result = 1; for (AbstractElementAlias<T> child : children) result += child.getElementCount(); return result; } @Override protected void sort(Comparator<? super AbstractElementAlias<T>> comparator) { for (AbstractElementAlias<T> child : this.children) child.sort(comparator); List<AbstractElementAlias<T>> sorting = Lists.newArrayList(this.children); Collections.sort(sorting, comparator); this.children = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(sorting); } @Override protected T getFirstElement() { return this.children.iterator().next().getFirstElement(); } } protected static class ElementAlias<T> extends AbstractElementAlias<T> { protected T element; public ElementAlias(boolean optional, boolean many, T element) { super(optional, many); this.element = element; } public ElementAlias(T element) { super(); this.element = element; } public T getElement() { return element; } @Override protected int getElementCount() { return 1; } @Override protected void sort(Comparator<? super AbstractElementAlias<T>> comparator) { } @Override protected T getFirstElement() { return element; } @Override public Collection<AbstractElementAlias<T>> getChildren() { return Collections.emptyList(); } } protected static class GroupAlias<T> extends AbstractElementAlias<T> { protected List<AbstractElementAlias<T>> children = Lists.newArrayList(); public GroupAlias() { super(); } @SafeVarargs public GroupAlias(boolean optional, boolean many, AbstractElementAlias<T>... children) { super(optional, many); Collections.addAll(this.children, children); } public void addChild(AbstractElementAlias<T> child) { if (child == this) throw new RuntimeException(); children.add(child); } @Override public List<AbstractElementAlias<T>> getChildren() { return children; } @Override protected int getElementCount() { int result = 1; for (AbstractElementAlias<T> child : children) result += child.getElementCount(); return result; } @Override protected void sort(Comparator<? super AbstractElementAlias<T>> comparator) { for (AbstractElementAlias<T> child : this.children) child.sort(comparator); } @Override protected T getFirstElement() { return this.children.get(0).getFirstElement(); } } protected static class StateAlias<TOKEN> { protected AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> element; protected Set<StateAlias<TOKEN>> incoming = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); protected Set<StateAlias<TOKEN>> outgoing = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); protected StateAlias(AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> element) { super(); this.element = element; } public void absorbIncoming(StateAlias<TOKEN> state) { for (StateAlias<TOKEN> in : state.incoming) { in.outgoing.remove(state); in.outgoing.add(this); incoming.add(in); } } public void absorbOutgoing(StateAlias<TOKEN> state) { for (StateAlias<TOKEN> out : state.outgoing) { out.incoming.remove(state); out.incoming.add(this); outgoing.add(out); } } public void addOutgoing(StateAlias<TOKEN> state) { outgoing.add(state); state.incoming.add(this); } protected AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> getElement() { return element; } protected Set<StateAlias<TOKEN>> getIncoming() { return incoming; } protected Set<StateAlias<TOKEN>> getOutgoing() { return outgoing; } @Override public String toString() { return "S(" + element + ")"; } } protected static class StateAliasNfa<TOKEN> implements Nfa<StateAlias<TOKEN>> { protected StateAlias<TOKEN> start; protected StateAlias<TOKEN> stop; public StateAliasNfa(StateAlias<TOKEN> start, StateAlias<TOKEN> stop) { super(); this.start = start; this.stop = stop; } @Override public Iterable<StateAlias<TOKEN>> getFollowers(StateAlias<TOKEN> state) { return state.getOutgoing(); } @Override public StateAlias<TOKEN> getStart() { return start; } @Override public StateAlias<TOKEN> getStop() { return stop; } } protected static class StatesToDot<T> extends GraphvizDotBuilder { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected Props drawObject(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof StateAlias<?>) { Digraph dg = new Digraph(); drawState(dg, (StateAlias<T>) obj, Maps.<StateAlias<T>, Node>newHashMap()); return dg; } return null; } protected Node drawState(Digraph dg, StateAlias<T> state, Map<StateAlias<T>, Node> nodes) { Node n = nodes.get(state); if (n != null) return n; n = new Node(state, state.getElement().toString()); nodes.put(state, n); dg.add(n); for (StateAlias<T> follower : state.getOutgoing()) { drawState(dg, follower, nodes); Edge e = new Edge(state, follower); e.put("arrowhead", "onormal"); dg.add(e); } return n; } } protected <T> boolean createAlternative(StateAliasNfa<T> states) { boolean created = false; Multimap<Pair<Set<StateAlias<T>>, Set<StateAlias<T>>>, StateAlias<T>> alternative = LinkedHashMultimap .create(); for (StateAlias<T> candidate : new NfaUtil().collect(states)) if (!candidate.getIncoming().isEmpty() && !candidate.getOutgoing().isEmpty()) alternative.put(Tuples.create(candidate.getIncoming(), candidate.getOutgoing()), candidate); for (Pair<Set<StateAlias<T>>, Set<StateAlias<T>>> inout : alternative.keySet()) { Collection<StateAlias<T>> candidates = alternative.get(inout); if (candidates.size() < 2) continue; boolean many = inout.getFirst().containsAll(candidates) && inout.getSecond().containsAll(candidates); boolean single = !Iterables.any(inout.getFirst(), && !Iterables.any(inout.getSecond(),; if (!many && !single) continue; AlternativeAlias<T> alt = new AlternativeAlias<T>(); alt.setMany(many); StateAlias<T> altState = new StateAlias<T>(alt); for (StateAlias<T> candidate : candidates) { alt.addChild(candidate.getElement()); for (StateAlias<T> in : candidate.getIncoming()) in.getOutgoing().remove(candidate); for (StateAlias<T> out : candidate.getOutgoing()) out.getIncoming().remove(candidate); } for (StateAlias<T> in : inout.getFirst()) if (!candidates.contains(in)) { altState.getIncoming().add(in); in.getOutgoing().add(altState); } for (StateAlias<T> out : inout.getSecond()) if (!candidates.contains(out)) { altState.getOutgoing().add(out); out.getIncoming().add(altState); } created = true; } return created; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) protected <T> void createGroup(StateAlias<T> first, StateAlias<T> second) { GroupAlias<T> group = new GroupAlias<T>(); if (first.getElement() instanceof GroupAlias && first.getElement().isOne()) group.getChildren().addAll(((GroupAlias) first.getElement()).getChildren()); else group.addChild(first.getElement()); if (second.getElement() instanceof GroupAlias && second.getElement().isOne()) group.getChildren().addAll(((GroupAlias) second.getElement()).getChildren()); else group.addChild(second.getElement()); first.element = group; first.getOutgoing().clear(); first.absorbOutgoing(second); } protected <T> boolean createGroups(StateAlias<T> state, Set<StateAlias<T>> visited) { if (!visited.add(state)) return false; boolean created = false; if (state.getOutgoing().size() == 1 && state.getOutgoing().iterator().next().getIncoming().size() == 1) { StateAlias<T> follower = state.getOutgoing().iterator().next(); if (state != follower) { createGroup(state, follower); created = true; } } for (StateAlias<T> out : state.getOutgoing()) { if (createGroups(out, visited)) created = true; } return created; } protected <T> boolean createMany(StateAlias<T> state, Set<StateAlias<T>> visited) { if (!visited.add(state)) return false; boolean created = false; if (state.getOutgoing().contains(state)) { state.getElement().setMany(true); state.getOutgoing().remove(state); state.getIncoming().remove(state); created = true; } for (StateAlias<T> out : state.getOutgoing()) { if (createMany(out, visited)) created = true; } return created; } protected <T> boolean mergeOptionalIntoMany(StateAlias<T> state, Set<StateAlias<T>> visited) { if (!visited.add(state)) return false; boolean merged = false; if (state.getElement().isMany()) { for (StateAlias<T> out : ImmutableList.copyOf(state.getOutgoing())) { if (state.getIncoming().contains(out) && isOptionalIgnoring(out, state)) { mergeOptionalIntoMany(state, out); merged = true; } } for (StateAlias<T> in : ImmutableList.copyOf(state.getIncoming())) { if (state.getOutgoing().contains(in) && isOptionalIgnoring(in, state)) { mergeOptionalIntoMany(in, state); merged = true; } } } for (StateAlias<T> out : ImmutableList.copyOf(state.getOutgoing())) { if (mergeOptionalIntoMany(out, visited)) merged = true; } return merged; } protected <T> boolean isOptionalIgnoring(StateAlias<T> cand, StateAlias<T> ignored) { if (cand.getIncoming().isEmpty() || cand.getOutgoing().isEmpty()) return false; for (StateAlias<T> in : cand.getIncoming()) if (!in.equals(ignored) && !in.getOutgoing().containsAll(cand.getOutgoing())) return false; return true; } protected <T> void mergeOptionalIntoMany(StateAlias<T> first, StateAlias<T> second) { StateAlias<T> many = first.element.isMany() ? first : second; StateAlias<T> optional = many == first ? second : first; if (optional.getOutgoing().contains(optional)) { optional.element.setMany(true); } many.element.setMany(false); optional.element.setOptional(true); for (StateAlias<T> out : optional.getOutgoing()) { out.getIncoming().remove(optional); } for (StateAlias<T> in : optional.getIncoming()) { in.getOutgoing().remove(optional); } GroupAlias<T> group = new GroupAlias<T>(); group.setMany(true); if (first.element instanceof GroupAlias<?> && !first.element.many && !first.element.optional) { group.children.addAll(((GroupAlias<T>) first.element).children); } else { group.addChild(first.getElement()); } if (second.element instanceof GroupAlias<?> && !second.element.many && !second.element.optional) { group.children.addAll(((GroupAlias<T>) second.element).children); } else { group.addChild(second.element); } many.element = group; } protected <T> boolean mergeAlternativeMultiples(StateAlias<T> state, Set<StateAlias<T>> visited) { if (!visited.add(state)) return false; boolean merged = false; if (state.getElement().isMany()) { for (StateAlias<T> out : ImmutableList.copyOf(state.getOutgoing())) { if (areAlternativeMultiples(state, out)) { mergeAlternativeMultiples(state, out); merged = true; } } } for (StateAlias<T> out : ImmutableList.copyOf(state.getOutgoing())) { if (mergeAlternativeMultiples(out, visited)) merged = true; } return merged; } protected <T> boolean areAlternativeMultiples(StateAlias<T> first, StateAlias<T> second) { if (!first.getElement().isMany() || !second.getElement().isMany()) return false; if (!first.getOutgoing().contains(second) || !first.getIncoming().contains(second)) return false; for (StateAlias<T> in : first.getIncoming()) { if (!in.equals(second) && !second.getIncoming().contains(in)) return false; } for (StateAlias<T> out : first.getOutgoing()) { if (!out.equals(second) && !second.getOutgoing().contains(out)) return false; } return true; } protected <T> void mergeAlternativeMultiples(StateAlias<T> first, StateAlias<T> second) { first.element.many = false; second.element.many = false; AlternativeAlias<T> alternative = new AlternativeAlias<T>(); alternative.many = true; if (first.element instanceof AlternativeAlias<?>) { alternative.getChildren().addAll(((AlternativeAlias<T>) first.element).children); } else { alternative.addChild(first.getElement()); } if (second.element instanceof AlternativeAlias<?>) { alternative.getChildren().addAll(((AlternativeAlias<T>) second.element).children); } else { alternative.addChild(second.element); } if (first.element.optional || second.element.optional) { alternative.optional = true; } first.element = alternative; for (StateAlias<T> out : second.getOutgoing()) { out.getIncoming().remove(second); } for (StateAlias<T> in : second.getIncoming()) { in.getOutgoing().remove(second); } } protected <STATE, TOKEN> StateAliasNfa<TOKEN> createNfa(Nfa<STATE> nfa, Function<STATE, TOKEN> state2token) { HashMap<STATE, StateAlias<TOKEN>> cache = Maps.<STATE, StateAlias<TOKEN>>newLinkedHashMap(); StateAlias<TOKEN> stop = null; if (nfa.getStart() != nfa.getStop()) { stop = new StateAlias<TOKEN>(new ElementAlias<TOKEN>(state2token.apply(nfa.getStop()))); cache.put(nfa.getStop(), stop); } StateAlias<TOKEN> start = toAlias(nfa, state2token, nfa.getStart(), cache); if (nfa.getStart() == nfa.getStop()) { stop = new StateAlias<TOKEN>(start.getElement()); for (StateAlias<TOKEN> in : start.getIncoming()) { stop.getIncoming().add(in); in.getOutgoing().add(stop); in.getOutgoing().remove(start); } start.getIncoming().clear(); } StateAliasNfa<TOKEN> states = new StateAliasNfa<TOKEN>(start, stop); return states; } protected <T> boolean createOptional(StateAliasNfa<T> states) { List<StateAlias<T>> opt = Lists.newArrayList(); L: for (StateAlias<T> cand : new NfaUtil().collect(states)) { if (cand.getIncoming().isEmpty() || cand.getOutgoing().isEmpty()) continue L; for (StateAlias<T> in : cand.getIncoming()) if (!in.getOutgoing().containsAll(cand.getOutgoing())) continue L; opt.add(cand); } for (StateAlias<T> o : opt) { o.getElement().setOptional(true); for (StateAlias<T> in : Lists.newArrayList(o.getIncoming())) if (in != o) for (StateAlias<T> out : Lists.newArrayList(o.getOutgoing())) if (out != o) { out.getIncoming().remove(in); in.getOutgoing().remove(out); } } return !opt.isEmpty(); } protected <T> Pair<Integer, StateAlias<T>> findSplitState(StateAlias<T> state, Integer depth, Set<StateAlias<T>> visited) { if (!visited.add(state)) return null; Pair<Integer, StateAlias<T>> result; if (state.getOutgoing().size() > 0 && state.getIncoming().size() > 0 && state.getOutgoing().size() + state.getIncoming().size() > 2) result = Tuples.create(depth, state); else result = null; for (StateAlias<T> out : state.getOutgoing()) { Pair<Integer, StateAlias<T>> cand = findSplitState(out, depth + 1, visited); if (cand != null && (result == null || isPreferredSplitState(cand, result))) result = cand; } return result; } protected <T> boolean isPreferredSplitState(Pair<Integer, StateAlias<T>> state1, Pair<Integer, StateAlias<T>> state2) { int count1 = state1.getSecond().getElement().getElementCount(); int count2 = state2.getSecond().getElement().getElementCount(); if (count1 != count2) return count1 < count2; int size1 = state1.getSecond().getOutgoing().size() + state1.getSecond().getIncoming().size(); int size2 = state2.getSecond().getOutgoing().size() + state2.getSecond().getIncoming().size(); if (size1 != size2) return size1 < size2; return state1.getFirst() > state2.getFirst(); } public <ELEMENT, STATE, TOKEN> ELEMENT nfaToGrammar(Nfa<STATE> nfa, Function<STATE, TOKEN> state2token, ProductionFactory<ELEMENT, TOKEN> grammarFactory) { return nfaToGrammar(nfa, state2token, null, grammarFactory); } public <ELEMENT, STATE, TOKEN> ELEMENT nfaToGrammar(Nfa<STATE> nfa, Function<STATE, TOKEN> state2token, Comparator<? super TOKEN> order, ProductionFactory<ELEMENT, TOKEN> grammarFactory) { StateAliasNfa<TOKEN> states = createNfa(nfa, state2token); boolean changed = true; // System.out.println("init: " + Joiner.on(" ").join(getAllStates(start))); while (!states.getStart().getOutgoing().isEmpty() && changed) { while (!states.getStart().getOutgoing().isEmpty() && changed) { changed = createAlternative(states); // System.out.println("after Alternative: " + Joiner.on(" ").join(getAllStates(start))); changed |= createOptional(states); // System.out.println("after Optional: " + Joiner.on(" ").join(getAllStates(start))); changed |= createMany(states.getStart(), Sets.<StateAlias<TOKEN>>newHashSet()); // System.out.println("after Many: " + Joiner.on(" ").join(getAllStates(start))); changed |= createGroups(states.getStart(), Sets.<StateAlias<TOKEN>>newHashSet()); // System.out.println("after Groups: " + Joiner.on(" ").join(getAllStates(start))); changed |= mergeOptionalIntoMany(states.getStart(), Sets.<StateAlias<TOKEN>>newHashSet()); changed |= mergeAlternativeMultiples(states.getStart(), Sets.<StateAlias<TOKEN>>newHashSet()); } if (!states.getStart().getOutgoing().isEmpty()) { Pair<Integer, StateAlias<TOKEN>> splitState = findSplitState(states.getStart(), 0, Sets.<StateAlias<TOKEN>>newHashSet()); if (splitState != null) { changed = true; // System.out.println("Splitting " + splitState); splitState(splitState.getSecond()); } // System.out.println("after Split: " + Joiner.on(" ").join(getAllStates(states.getStart()))); } } // if (!start.getOutgoing().isEmpty()) { // System.err.println("error creating grammar for nfa: " + Join.join(" ", getAllStates(start))); // StatesToDot<T> dot = new StatesToDot<T>(); // try { // dot.draw(start, "pdf/" + start.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "") + ".pdf", "-Tpdf"); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> root = states.getStart().getElement(); if (excludeStartAndStop) { root = removeStartAndStop(nfa, state2token, root); } normalize(root); if (order != null) root.sort(new ElementAliasComparator<TOKEN>(order)); AliasGrammarProvider<TOKEN> production = new AliasGrammarProvider<TOKEN>(root); return new ProductionUtil().clone(production, grammarFactory); } protected <TOKEN, STATE> AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> removeStartAndStop(Nfa<STATE> nfa, Function<STATE, TOKEN> state2token, AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> root) { if (excludeStartAndStop && root instanceof GroupAlias<?>) { GroupAlias<TOKEN> group = (GroupAlias<TOKEN>) root; List<AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN>> children = group.getChildren(); if (children.size() > 1) { AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> first = children.get(0); AbstractElementAlias<TOKEN> last = children.get(children.size() - 1); if (first instanceof ElementAlias<?> && last instanceof ElementAlias<?>) { TOKEN startToken = state2token.apply(nfa.getStart()); TOKEN stopToken = state2token.apply(nfa.getStop()); TOKEN firstToken = ((ElementAlias<TOKEN>) first).getElement(); TOKEN lastToken = ((ElementAlias<TOKEN>) last).getElement(); if (firstToken == startToken && lastToken == stopToken) { if (children.size() == 3) { return children.get(1); } else { children.remove(children.size() - 1); children.remove(0); return root; } } } } } return root; } protected <T> boolean collectMergeableOptions(boolean root, AbstractElementAlias<T> alt, List<AbstractElementAlias<T>> result) { boolean optional = alt.optional; if ((root || !alt.isMany()) && alt instanceof AlternativeAlias<?>) { for (AbstractElementAlias<T> child : ((AlternativeAlias<T>) alt).getChildren()) optional |= collectMergeableOptions(false, child, result); } else { result.add(alt); alt.optional = false; } return optional; } protected <T> void normalize(AbstractElementAlias<T> element) { if (element instanceof AlternativeAlias<?>) { AlternativeAlias<T> alt = (AlternativeAlias<T>) element; List<AbstractElementAlias<T>> mergeable = Lists.newArrayList(); alt.optional = collectMergeableOptions(true, element, mergeable); alt.children = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(mergeable); } for (AbstractElementAlias<T> child : element.getChildren()) normalize(child); } public <ELEMENT, STATE> ELEMENT nfaToGrammar(Nfa<STATE> nfa, ProductionFactory<ELEMENT, STATE> grammarFactory) { return nfaToGrammar(nfa, Functions.<STATE>identity(), grammarFactory); } private boolean excludeStartAndStop = false; public NfaToProduction excludeStartAndStop() { excludeStartAndStop = true; return this; } protected <T> void splitState(StateAlias<T> state) { if (state.getIncoming().size() >= state.getOutgoing().size()) { for (StateAlias<T> in : Lists.newArrayList(state.getIncoming())) { StateAlias<T> rep = new StateAlias<T>(state.getElement()); rep.getIncoming().add(in); rep.getOutgoing().addAll(state.getOutgoing()); in.getOutgoing().add(rep); in.getOutgoing().remove(state); for (StateAlias<T> out : state.getOutgoing()) out.getIncoming().add(rep); } for (StateAlias<T> out : state.getOutgoing()) out.getIncoming().remove(state); } else { for (StateAlias<T> out : Lists.newArrayList(state.getOutgoing())) { StateAlias<T> rep = new StateAlias<T>(state.getElement()); rep.getOutgoing().add(out); rep.getIncoming().addAll(state.getIncoming()); out.getIncoming().add(rep); out.getIncoming().remove(state); for (StateAlias<T> in : state.getIncoming()) in.getOutgoing().add(rep); } for (StateAlias<T> in : state.getIncoming()) in.getOutgoing().remove(state); } state.getOutgoing().clear(); state.getIncoming().clear(); } protected <STATE, TOKEN> StateAlias<TOKEN> toAlias(Nfa<STATE> nfa, Function<STATE, TOKEN> state2token, STATE state, Map<STATE, StateAlias<TOKEN>> cache) { StateAlias<TOKEN> result = cache.get(state); if (result != null) return result; result = new StateAlias<TOKEN>(new ElementAlias<TOKEN>(state2token.apply(state))); cache.put(state, result); for (STATE follower : nfa.getFollowers(state)) { StateAlias<TOKEN> followerState = toAlias(nfa, state2token, follower, cache); result.getOutgoing().add(followerState); followerState.getIncoming().add(result); } return result; } }