Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.swt.examples.layoutexample; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableEditor; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Spinner; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; class GridLayoutTab extends Tab { /* Controls for setting layout parameters */ Spinner numColumns; Button makeColumnsEqualWidth; Spinner marginWidth, marginHeight, marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom, horizontalSpacing, verticalSpacing; /* The example layout instance */ GridLayout gridLayout; /* TableEditors and related controls*/ TableEditor nameEditor, comboEditor, widthEditor, heightEditor; TableEditor vAlignEditor, hAlignEditor, hGrabEditor, vGrabEditor, hSpanEditor, vSpanEditor; TableEditor hIndentEditor, vIndentEditor, minWidthEditor, minHeightEditor, excludeEditor; CCombo combo, vAlign, hAlign, hGrab, vGrab, exclude; Text nameText, widthText, heightText, hSpan, vSpan, hIndent, vIndent, minWidthText, minHeightText; /* Constants */ static final int NAME_COL = 0; static final int COMBO_COL = 1; static final int WIDTH_COL = 2; static final int HEIGHT_COL = 3; static final int HALIGN_COL = 4; static final int VALIGN_COL = 5; static final int HGRAB_COL = 6; static final int VGRAB_COL = 7; static final int HSPAN_COL = 8; static final int VSPAN_COL = 9; static final int HINDENT_COL = 10; static final int VINDENT_COL = 11; static final int MINWIDTH_COL = 12; static final int MINHEIGHT_COL = 13; static final int EXCLUDE_COL = 14; static final int TOTAL_COLS = 15; /** * Creates the Tab within a given instance of LayoutExample. */ GridLayoutTab(LayoutExample instance) { super(instance); } /** * Creates the widgets in the "child" group. */ @Override void createChildWidgets() { /* Create the TraverseListener */ final TraverseListener traverseListener = e -> { if (e.detail == SWT.TRAVERSE_RETURN || e.detail == SWT.TRAVERSE_TAB_NEXT) resetEditors(); if (e.detail == SWT.TRAVERSE_ESCAPE) disposeEditors(); }; /* Add common controls */ super.createChildWidgets(); /* Add hovers to the column headers whose field names have been shortened to save space */ table.getColumn(HALIGN_COL).setToolTipText("horizontalAlignment"); table.getColumn(VALIGN_COL).setToolTipText("verticalAlignment"); table.getColumn(HGRAB_COL).setToolTipText("grabExcessHorizontalSpace"); table.getColumn(VGRAB_COL).setToolTipText("grabExcessVerticalSpace"); table.getColumn(HSPAN_COL).setToolTipText("horizontalSpan"); table.getColumn(VSPAN_COL).setToolTipText("verticalSpan"); table.getColumn(HINDENT_COL).setToolTipText("horizontalIndent"); table.getColumn(VINDENT_COL).setToolTipText("verticalIndent"); table.getColumn(MINWIDTH_COL).setToolTipText("minimumWidth"); table.getColumn(MINHEIGHT_COL).setToolTipText("minimumHeight"); /* Add TableEditors */ nameEditor = new TableEditor(table); comboEditor = new TableEditor(table); widthEditor = new TableEditor(table); heightEditor = new TableEditor(table); vAlignEditor = new TableEditor(table); hAlignEditor = new TableEditor(table); hGrabEditor = new TableEditor(table); vGrabEditor = new TableEditor(table); hSpanEditor = new TableEditor(table); vSpanEditor = new TableEditor(table); hIndentEditor = new TableEditor(table); vIndentEditor = new TableEditor(table); minWidthEditor = new TableEditor(table); minHeightEditor = new TableEditor(table); excludeEditor = new TableEditor(table); table.addMouseListener(MouseListener.mouseDownAdapter(e -> { resetEditors(); index = table.getSelectionIndex(); Point pt = new Point(e.x, e.y); newItem = table.getItem(pt); if (newItem == null) return; TableItem oldItem = comboEditor.getItem(); if (newItem == oldItem || newItem != lastSelected) { lastSelected = newItem; return; } table.showSelection(); nameText = new Text(table, SWT.SINGLE); nameText.setText(data.get(index)[NAME_COL]); createTextEditor(nameText, nameEditor, NAME_COL); combo = new CCombo(table, SWT.READ_ONLY); createComboEditor(combo, comboEditor); widthText = new Text(table, SWT.SINGLE); widthText.setText(data.get(index)[WIDTH_COL]); createTextEditor(widthText, widthEditor, WIDTH_COL); heightText = new Text(table, SWT.SINGLE); heightText.setText(data.get(index)[HEIGHT_COL]); createTextEditor(heightText, heightEditor, HEIGHT_COL); String[] alignValues = new String[] { "BEGINNING", "CENTER", "END", "FILL" }; hAlign = new CCombo(table, SWT.NONE); hAlign.setItems(alignValues); hAlign.setText(newItem.getText(HALIGN_COL)); hAlignEditor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.LEFT; hAlignEditor.grabHorizontal = true; hAlignEditor.minimumWidth = 50; hAlignEditor.setEditor(hAlign, newItem, HALIGN_COL); hAlign.addTraverseListener(traverseListener); vAlign = new CCombo(table, SWT.NONE); vAlign.setItems(alignValues); vAlign.setText(newItem.getText(VALIGN_COL)); vAlignEditor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.LEFT; vAlignEditor.grabHorizontal = true; vAlignEditor.minimumWidth = 50; vAlignEditor.setEditor(vAlign, newItem, VALIGN_COL); vAlign.addTraverseListener(traverseListener); String[] boolValues = new String[] { "false", "true" }; hGrab = new CCombo(table, SWT.NONE); hGrab.setItems(boolValues); hGrab.setText(newItem.getText(HGRAB_COL)); hGrabEditor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.LEFT; hGrabEditor.grabHorizontal = true; hGrabEditor.minimumWidth = 50; hGrabEditor.setEditor(hGrab, newItem, HGRAB_COL); hGrab.addTraverseListener(traverseListener); vGrab = new CCombo(table, SWT.NONE); vGrab.setItems(boolValues); vGrab.setText(newItem.getText(VGRAB_COL)); vGrabEditor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.LEFT; vGrabEditor.grabHorizontal = true; vGrabEditor.minimumWidth = 50; vGrabEditor.setEditor(vGrab, newItem, VGRAB_COL); vGrab.addTraverseListener(traverseListener); hSpan = new Text(table, SWT.SINGLE); hSpan.setText(data.get(index)[HSPAN_COL]); createTextEditor(hSpan, hSpanEditor, HSPAN_COL); vSpan = new Text(table, SWT.SINGLE); vSpan.setText(data.get(index)[VSPAN_COL]); createTextEditor(vSpan, vSpanEditor, VSPAN_COL); hIndent = new Text(table, SWT.SINGLE); hIndent.setText(data.get(index)[HINDENT_COL]); createTextEditor(hIndent, hIndentEditor, HINDENT_COL); vIndent = new Text(table, SWT.SINGLE); vIndent.setText(data.get(index)[VINDENT_COL]); createTextEditor(vIndent, vIndentEditor, VINDENT_COL); minWidthText = new Text(table, SWT.SINGLE); minWidthText.setText(data.get(index)[MINWIDTH_COL]); createTextEditor(minWidthText, minWidthEditor, MINWIDTH_COL); minHeightText = new Text(table, SWT.SINGLE); minHeightText.setText(data.get(index)[MINHEIGHT_COL]); createTextEditor(minHeightText, minHeightEditor, MINHEIGHT_COL); exclude = new CCombo(table, SWT.NONE); exclude.setItems(boolValues); exclude.setText(newItem.getText(EXCLUDE_COL)); excludeEditor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.LEFT; excludeEditor.grabHorizontal = true; excludeEditor.minimumWidth = 50; excludeEditor.setEditor(exclude, newItem, EXCLUDE_COL); exclude.addTraverseListener(traverseListener); for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) { Rectangle rect = newItem.getBounds(i); if (rect.contains(pt)) { switch (i) { case NAME_COL: nameText.setFocus(); break; case COMBO_COL: combo.setFocus(); break; case WIDTH_COL: widthText.setFocus(); break; case HEIGHT_COL: heightText.setFocus(); break; case HALIGN_COL: hAlign.setFocus(); break; case VALIGN_COL: vAlign.setFocus(); break; case HGRAB_COL: hGrab.setFocus(); break; case VGRAB_COL: vGrab.setFocus(); break; case HSPAN_COL: hSpan.setFocus(); break; case VSPAN_COL: vSpan.setFocus(); break; case HINDENT_COL: hIndent.setFocus(); break; case VINDENT_COL: vIndent.setFocus(); break; case MINWIDTH_COL: minWidthText.setFocus(); break; case MINHEIGHT_COL: minHeightText.setFocus(); break; case EXCLUDE_COL: exclude.setFocus(); break; default: resetEditors(); break; } } } })); } /** * Creates the control widgets. */ @Override void createControlWidgets() { /* Controls the columns in the GridLayout */ Group columnGroup = new Group(controlGroup, SWT.NONE); columnGroup.setText(LayoutExample.getResourceString("Columns")); columnGroup.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); columnGroup.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false)); new Label(columnGroup, SWT.NONE).setText("numColumns"); numColumns = new Spinner(columnGroup, SWT.BORDER); numColumns.setMinimum(1); numColumns.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); makeColumnsEqualWidth = new Button(columnGroup, SWT.CHECK); makeColumnsEqualWidth.setText("makeColumnsEqualWidth"); makeColumnsEqualWidth.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); makeColumnsEqualWidth.setEnabled(false); makeColumnsEqualWidth.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, false, false, 2, 1)); /* Controls the margins and spacing of the GridLayout */ Group marginGroup = new Group(controlGroup, SWT.NONE); marginGroup.setText(LayoutExample.getResourceString("Margins_Spacing")); marginGroup.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, false, false)); marginGroup.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); new Label(marginGroup, SWT.NONE).setText("marginWidth"); marginWidth = new Spinner(marginGroup, SWT.BORDER); marginWidth.setSelection(5); marginWidth.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); new Label(marginGroup, SWT.NONE).setText("marginHeight"); marginHeight = new Spinner(marginGroup, SWT.BORDER); marginHeight.setSelection(5); marginHeight.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); new Label(marginGroup, SWT.NONE).setText("marginLeft"); marginLeft = new Spinner(marginGroup, SWT.BORDER); marginLeft.setSelection(0); marginLeft.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); new Label(marginGroup, SWT.NONE).setText("marginRight"); marginRight = new Spinner(marginGroup, SWT.BORDER); marginRight.setSelection(0); marginRight.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); new Label(marginGroup, SWT.NONE).setText("marginTop"); marginTop = new Spinner(marginGroup, SWT.BORDER); marginTop.setSelection(0); marginTop.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); new Label(marginGroup, SWT.NONE).setText("marginBottom"); marginBottom = new Spinner(marginGroup, SWT.BORDER); marginBottom.setSelection(0); marginBottom.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); new Label(marginGroup, SWT.NONE).setText("horizontalSpacing"); horizontalSpacing = new Spinner(marginGroup, SWT.BORDER); horizontalSpacing.setSelection(5); horizontalSpacing.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); new Label(marginGroup, SWT.NONE).setText("verticalSpacing"); verticalSpacing = new Spinner(marginGroup, SWT.BORDER); verticalSpacing.setSelection(5); verticalSpacing.addSelectionListener(selectionListener); /* Add common controls */ super.createControlWidgets(); controlGroup.pack(); } /** * Creates the example layout. */ @Override void createLayout() { gridLayout = new GridLayout(); layoutComposite.setLayout(gridLayout); } /** * Disposes the editors without placing their contents * into the table. */ @Override void disposeEditors() { comboEditor.setEditor(null, null, -1); combo.dispose(); nameText.dispose(); widthText.dispose(); heightText.dispose(); hAlign.dispose(); vAlign.dispose(); hGrab.dispose(); vGrab.dispose(); hSpan.dispose(); vSpan.dispose(); hIndent.dispose(); vIndent.dispose(); minWidthText.dispose(); minHeightText.dispose(); exclude.dispose(); } /** * Generates code for the example layout. */ @Override StringBuilder generateLayoutCode() { StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(); code.append("\t\tGridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout ("); if (gridLayout.numColumns != 1 || gridLayout.makeColumnsEqualWidth) { code.append(gridLayout.numColumns + ", " + gridLayout.makeColumnsEqualWidth); } code.append(");\n"); if (gridLayout.marginWidth != 5) { code.append("\t\tgridLayout.marginWidth = " + gridLayout.marginWidth + ";\n"); } if (gridLayout.marginHeight != 5) { code.append("\t\tgridLayout.marginHeight = " + gridLayout.marginHeight + ";\n"); } if (gridLayout.marginLeft != 0) { code.append("\t\tgridLayout.marginLeft = " + gridLayout.marginLeft + ";\n"); } if (gridLayout.marginRight != 0) { code.append("\t\tgridLayout.marginRight = " + gridLayout.marginRight + ";\n"); } if (gridLayout.marginTop != 0) { code.append("\t\tgridLayout.marginTop = " + gridLayout.marginTop + ";\n"); } if (gridLayout.marginBottom != 0) { code.append("\t\tgridLayout.marginBottom = " + gridLayout.marginBottom + ";\n"); } if (gridLayout.horizontalSpacing != 5) { code.append("\t\tgridLayout.horizontalSpacing = " + gridLayout.horizontalSpacing + ";\n"); } if (gridLayout.verticalSpacing != 5) { code.append("\t\tgridLayout.verticalSpacing = " + gridLayout.verticalSpacing + ";\n"); } code.append("\t\tshell.setLayout (gridLayout);\n"); boolean first = true; boolean bounds, align, grab, span; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { Control control = children[i]; code.append(getChildCode(control, i)); GridData data = (GridData) control.getLayoutData(); if (data != null) { /* Use the most efficient constructor */ bounds = data.widthHint != SWT.DEFAULT || data.heightHint != SWT.DEFAULT; align = data.horizontalAlignment != SWT.BEGINNING || data.verticalAlignment != SWT.CENTER; grab = data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace || data.grabExcessVerticalSpace; span = data.horizontalSpan != 1 || data.verticalSpan != 1; code.append("\t\t"); if (first) { code.append("GridData "); first = false; } if (align || grab || span) { code.append("data = new GridData ("); code.append(alignmentString(data.horizontalAlignment) + ", "); code.append(alignmentString(data.verticalAlignment) + ", "); code.append(data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace + ", "); code.append(data.grabExcessVerticalSpace); if (span) { code.append(", " + data.horizontalSpan); code.append(", " + data.verticalSpan); } code.append(");\n"); if (data.widthHint != SWT.DEFAULT) { code.append("\t\tdata.widthHint = " + data.widthHint + ";\n"); } if (data.heightHint != SWT.DEFAULT) { code.append("\t\tdata.heightHint = " + data.heightHint + ";\n"); } } else { if (bounds) { code.append("data = new GridData ("); code.append(data.widthHint == SWT.DEFAULT ? "SWT.DEFAULT" : String.valueOf(data.widthHint) + ", "); code.append( data.heightHint == SWT.DEFAULT ? "SWT.DEFAULT" : String.valueOf(data.heightHint)); code.append(");\n"); } else { code.append("data = new GridData ();\n"); } } if (data.horizontalIndent != 0) { code.append("\t\tdata.horizontalIndent = " + data.horizontalIndent + ";\n"); } if (data.verticalIndent != 0) { code.append("\t\tdata.verticalIndent = " + data.verticalIndent + ";\n"); } if (data.minimumWidth != 0) { code.append("\t\tdata.minimumWidth = " + data.minimumWidth + ";\n"); } if (data.minimumHeight != 0) { code.append("\t\tdata.minimumHeight = " + data.minimumHeight + ";\n"); } if (data.exclude) { code.append("\t\tdata.exclude = true;\n"); } if (code.substring(code.length() - 33).equals("GridData data = new GridData ();\n")) { code.delete(code.length() - 33, code.length()); first = true; } else if (code.substring(code.length() - 24).equals("data = new GridData ();\n")) { code.delete(code.length() - 24, code.length()); } else { code.append("\t\t" + names[i] + ".setLayoutData (data);\n"); } } } return code; } String alignmentString(int alignment) { if (alignment == SWT.BEGINNING) return "SWT.BEGINNING"; if (alignment == SWT.CENTER) return "SWT.CENTER"; if (alignment == SWT.END) return "SWT.END"; return "SWT.FILL"; } /** * Returns the string to insert when a new child control is added to the table. */ @Override String[] getInsertString(String name, String controlType) { return new String[] { name, controlType, "-1", "-1", "BEGINNING", "CENTER", "false", "false", "1", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "false" }; } /** * Returns the layout data field names. */ @Override String[] getLayoutDataFieldNames() { return new String[] { "Control Name", "Control Type", "width", "height", "hAlignment", //"horizontalAlignment", "vAlignment", //"verticalAlignment", "grabH", //"grabExcessHorizontalSpace", "grabV", //"grabExcessVerticalSpace", "hSpan", //"horizontalSpan", "vSpan", //"verticalSpan", "hIndent", //"horizontalIndent", "vIndent", //"verticalIndent", "minWidth", //"minimumWidth", "minHeight", //"minimumHeight", "exclude" }; } /** * Gets the text for the tab folder item. */ @Override String getTabText() { return "GridLayout"; } /** * Takes information from TableEditors and stores it. */ @Override void resetEditors(boolean tab) { TableItem oldItem = comboEditor.getItem(); if (oldItem != null) { int row = table.indexOf(oldItem); /** Make sure user enters a valid data*/ try { new String(nameText.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { nameText.setText(oldItem.getText(NAME_COL)); } try { Integer.parseInt(widthText.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { widthText.setText(oldItem.getText(WIDTH_COL)); } try { Integer.parseInt(heightText.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { heightText.setText(oldItem.getText(HEIGHT_COL)); } try { Integer.parseInt(hSpan.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { hSpan.setText(oldItem.getText(HSPAN_COL)); } try { Integer.parseInt(vSpan.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { vSpan.setText(oldItem.getText(VSPAN_COL)); } try { Integer.parseInt(hIndent.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { hIndent.setText(oldItem.getText(HINDENT_COL)); } try { Integer.parseInt(vIndent.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { vIndent.setText(oldItem.getText(VINDENT_COL)); } try { Integer.parseInt(minWidthText.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { minWidthText.setText(oldItem.getText(MINWIDTH_COL)); } try { Integer.parseInt(minHeightText.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { minHeightText.setText(oldItem.getText(MINHEIGHT_COL)); } String[] insert = new String[] { nameText.getText(), combo.getText(), widthText.getText(), heightText.getText(), hAlign.getText(), vAlign.getText(), hGrab.getText(), vGrab.getText(), hSpan.getText(), vSpan.getText(), hIndent.getText(), vIndent.getText(), minWidthText.getText(), minHeightText.getText(), exclude.getText() }; data.set(row, insert); for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_COLS; i++) { oldItem.setText(i, data.get(row)[i]); } if (!tab) disposeEditors(); } setLayoutState(); refreshLayoutComposite(); setLayoutData(); layoutComposite.layout(true); layoutGroup.layout(true); } /** * Return the initial weight of the layout and control groups within the SashForm. * @return the desired sash weights for the tab page */ @Override int[] sashWeights() { return new int[] { 35, 65 }; } /** * Sets the layout data for the children of the layout. */ @Override void setLayoutData() { Control[] children = layoutComposite.getChildren(); TableItem[] items = table.getItems(); GridData data; int hSpan, vSpan, hIndent, vIndent; String vAlign, hAlign, vGrab, hGrab, exclude; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { data = new GridData(); /* Set widthHint and heightHint */ data.widthHint = Integer.valueOf(items[i].getText(WIDTH_COL)).intValue(); data.heightHint = Integer.valueOf(items[i].getText(HEIGHT_COL)).intValue(); /* Set vertical alignment and horizontal alignment */ hAlign = items[i].getText(HALIGN_COL); if (hAlign.equals("CENTER")) { data.horizontalAlignment = SWT.CENTER; } else if (hAlign.equals("END")) { data.horizontalAlignment = SWT.END; } else if (hAlign.equals("FILL")) { data.horizontalAlignment = SWT.FILL; } else { data.horizontalAlignment = SWT.BEGINNING; } vAlign = items[i].getText(VALIGN_COL); if (vAlign.equals("BEGINNING")) { data.verticalAlignment = SWT.BEGINNING; } else if (vAlign.equals("END")) { data.verticalAlignment = SWT.END; } else if (vAlign.equals("FILL")) { data.verticalAlignment = SWT.FILL; } else { data.verticalAlignment = SWT.CENTER; } /* Set spans and indents */ hSpan = Integer.valueOf(items[i].getText(HSPAN_COL)); data.horizontalSpan = hSpan; vSpan = Integer.valueOf(items[i].getText(VSPAN_COL)); data.verticalSpan = vSpan; hIndent = Integer.valueOf(items[i].getText(HINDENT_COL)); data.horizontalIndent = hIndent; vIndent = Integer.valueOf(items[i].getText(VINDENT_COL)); data.verticalIndent = vIndent; /* Set grabs */ hGrab = items[i].getText(HGRAB_COL); data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = hGrab.equals("true"); vGrab = items[i].getText(VGRAB_COL); data.grabExcessVerticalSpace = vGrab.equals("true"); /* Set minimum width and height */ data.minimumWidth = Integer.valueOf(items[i].getText(MINWIDTH_COL)); data.minimumHeight = Integer.valueOf(items[i].getText(MINHEIGHT_COL)); /* Set exclude boolean */ exclude = items[i].getText(EXCLUDE_COL); data.exclude = exclude.equals("true"); children[i].setLayoutData(data); } } /** * Sets the state of the layout. */ @Override void setLayoutState() { /* Set the columns for the layout */ gridLayout.numColumns = numColumns.getSelection(); gridLayout.makeColumnsEqualWidth = makeColumnsEqualWidth.getSelection(); makeColumnsEqualWidth.setEnabled(numColumns.getSelection() > 1); /* Set the margins and spacing */ gridLayout.marginWidth = marginWidth.getSelection(); gridLayout.marginHeight = marginHeight.getSelection(); gridLayout.marginLeft = marginLeft.getSelection(); gridLayout.marginRight = marginRight.getSelection(); gridLayout.marginTop = marginTop.getSelection(); gridLayout.marginBottom = marginBottom.getSelection(); gridLayout.horizontalSpacing = horizontalSpacing.getSelection(); gridLayout.verticalSpacing = verticalSpacing.getSelection(); } }