Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2016 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.util.TransactionUtil; import org.eclipse.gef.EditDomain; import org.eclipse.gef.palette.ConnectionCreationToolEntry; import org.eclipse.gef.palette.CreationToolEntry; import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteContainer; import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteDrawer; import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteEntry; import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteRoot; import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteSeparator; import org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteStack; import org.eclipse.gef.requests.CreationFactory; import; import org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.PaletteViewer; import; import; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Diagram; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DDiagram; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DSemanticDiagram; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DiagramPlugin; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.description.DiagramDescription; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.description.Layer; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.description.tool.ContainerCreationDescription; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.description.tool.EdgeCreationDescription; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.description.tool.NodeCreationDescription; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.description.tool.RequestDescription; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.description.tool.ToolGroup; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.description.tool.ToolGroupExtension; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.description.tool.ToolSection; import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.provider.Messages; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.ext.base.Option; import org.eclipse.sirius.ext.base.Options; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.Environment; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.tool.AbstractToolDescription; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.tool.PaneBasedSelectionWizardDescription; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.tool.SelectionWizardDescription; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.tool.ToolDescription; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.tool.ToolEntry; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.tool.ToolFilterDescription; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Default implementation of palette manager. * * @author mchauvin */ public class PaletteManagerImpl implements PaletteManager { /** The image provider. */ private static PaletteImageProvider paletteImageProvider = new PaletteImageProvider(); private EditDomain editDomain; private PaletteRoot paletteRoot; private Set<ToolFilter> filters = new LinkedHashSet<ToolFilter>(); private PaletteToolFilterDescriptionListenersManager listenersManager; private boolean isDisposed; /** * Construct a new instance. * * @param editDomain * the edit domain */ public PaletteManagerImpl(EditDomain editDomain) { this.editDomain = editDomain; listenersManager = new PaletteToolFilterDescriptionListenersManager(this); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see */ @Override public void dispose() { listenersManager.dispose(); listenersManager = null; filters.clear(); isDisposed = true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see */ @Override public void addToolFilter(ToolFilter toolFilter) { filters.add(toolFilter); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see */ @Override public void removeToolFilter(ToolFilter toolFilter) { filters.remove(toolFilter); } private boolean isFiltered(final DDiagram diagram, AbstractToolDescription toolDescription) { for (final ToolFilter filter : filters) { if (filter.filter(diagram, toolDescription)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see */ @Override public void update(final Diagram diagram) { update(diagram, false); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see */ @Override public void update(final Diagram diagram, final boolean clean) { if (diagram != null) { initPaletteRoot(); if (Display.getCurrent() != null) { updatePalette(diagram, clean); } else { // If test is not launched in UI Thread make the changes in UI // thread Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updatePalette(diagram, clean); } }); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see */ private void updatePalette(final Diagram diagram, boolean clean) { initPaletteRoot(); if (paletteRoot != null) { clearFilters(diagram); if (clean && !paletteRoot.getChildren().isEmpty()) { /* * Removes children and avoid concurrent modification exception */ PaletteContainer defaultTools = paletteRoot.getDefaultEntry().getParent(); for (final PaletteEntry child : Lists .newArrayList(Iterables.filter(paletteRoot.getChildren(), PaletteEntry.class))) { if (child != defaultTools) { paletteRoot.remove(child); } } } } /* * Update the palette (according to filters, that are also updated * during this method) */ updatePalette(diagram); paletteRoot = null; } /** * Set the palette root field with the palette root referenced in the * palette viewer and if there is no palette viewer, use reflection to * directly get the palette root of the edit domain (protected field). */ private void initPaletteRoot() { final PaletteViewer viewer = editDomain.getPaletteViewer(); if (viewer != null) { paletteRoot = viewer.getPaletteRoot(); } else { paletteRoot = (PaletteRoot) ReflectionHelper.getFieldValueWithoutException(editDomain, "paletteRoot") //$NON-NLS-1$ .get(); } } /** * Update the palette. * * @param diagram * the diagram. */ private void updatePalette(final Diagram diagram) { final EObject element = diagram.getElement(); if (element instanceof DDiagram) { final DDiagram dDiagram = (DDiagram) element; final DiagramDescription description = dDiagram.getDescription(); Session session = null; if (dDiagram instanceof DSemanticDiagram) { session = SessionManager.INSTANCE.getSession(((DSemanticDiagram) dDiagram).getTarget()); } // Step 1: we add the default tools contributed by the environment // in the same group as the default GEF tools addDefaultTools(diagram); // Step 2: Replace the ConnectionCreationTool for // DiagramPaletteFactory.TOOL_NOTEATTACHMENT (if needed) replaceNoteAttachmentCreationToolIfNeeded(); if (session != null && description != null && description.eResource() != null && !description.eIsProxy()) { updatePalette(description, session, dDiagram); } } } /** * Update the palette. * * @param dDiagram * The {@link DDiagram} representing by the editor which contains * the palette to update. * @param description * The {@link DiagramDescription} of the {@link DDiagram}. It * should not be a proxy. * @param session * The {@session} containing the {@link DDiagram}. */ private void updatePalette(DiagramDescription description, Session session, DDiagram dDiagram) { if (LayerService.withoutLayersMode(description)) { updatePaletteForDiagramWithoutLayer(description, session, dDiagram); } else { updatePaletteForDiagramWithLayer(description, session, dDiagram); } } /** * Update the palette for a diagram that has no layer. * * @param dDiagram * The {@link DDiagram} representing by the editor which contains * the palette to update. * @param description * The {@link DiagramDescription} of the {@link DDiagram}. It * should not be a proxy. * @param session * The {@session} containing the {@link DDiagram}. */ private void updatePaletteForDiagramWithoutLayer(DiagramDescription description, Session session, DDiagram dDiagram) { /* * if no layers => compatibility mode create a single palette group */ final String name = new IdentifiedElementQuery(description).getLabel(); Option<PaletteGroup> descGroup = getPaletteEntry(paletteRoot, name, PaletteGroup.class); if (!descGroup.some()) { descGroup = Options.newSome(new PaletteGroup(name, name)); paletteRoot.add(descGroup.get()); } // Update the filters updateFilters(session, description.getAllTools()); // Update the root of the palette updateContainer(session, dDiagram, descGroup.get(), description.getAllTools()); } /** * Update the palette for a diagram that has layer(s), at least a default * one. * * @param dDiagram * The {@link DDiagram} representing by the editor which contains * the palette to update. * @param description * The {@link DiagramDescription} of the {@link DDiagram}. It * should not be a proxy. * @param session * The {@session} containing the {@link DDiagram}. */ private void updatePaletteForDiagramWithLayer(DiagramDescription description, Session session, DDiagram dDiagram) { // Copy of all layers of selected viewpoints HashSet<Layer> layersInActivatedViewpoints = new HashSet<Layer>(new DiagramComponentizationManager() .getAllLayers(session.getSelectedViewpoints(false), description)); // Copy of diagram activated layers (in all Viewpoints: activated or // not) HashSet<Layer> activatedLayers = new HashSet<Layer>(dDiagram.getActivatedLayers()); // Get the list of activated layers (of selected viewpoints) final List<Layer> activatedLayersOfSelectedViewpoints = Lists .newArrayList(Sets.intersection(layersInActivatedViewpoints, activatedLayers)); // Get the list of deactivated layers (deactivated layers of selected // viewpoints and all layers of deselected viewpoints) final List<Layer> deactivatedLayersAndAllLayersOfDeselectedViewpoints = Lists .newArrayList(Sets.symmetricDifference(layersInActivatedViewpoints, activatedLayers)); // Update the filters for (final ToolSection section : new DiagramComponentizationManager() .getRootPaletteSections(session.getSelectedViewpoints(false), description)) { updateFilters(session, new DiagramComponentizationManager() .getAllToolEntries(session.getSelectedViewpoints(false), section)); } for (final ToolSection section : new DiagramComponentizationManager() .getRootPaletteSections(session.getSelectedViewpoints(false), description)) { Option<SectionPaletteDrawer> paletteEntry = getPaletteEntry(paletteRoot, MessageTranslator.INSTANCE.getMessage(section, new IdentifiedElementQuery(section).getLabel()), SectionPaletteDrawer.class); if (!paletteEntry.some()) { final PaletteContainer container = PaletteManagerImpl.createPaletteDrawner(section); updateContainer(session, dDiagram, container, new DiagramComponentizationManager() .getAllToolEntries(session.getSelectedViewpoints(false), section)); paletteRoot.add(container); } else { updateContainer(session, dDiagram, paletteEntry.get(), new DiagramComponentizationManager() .getAllToolEntries(session.getSelectedViewpoints(false), section)); } } for (final Layer layer : Lists.newArrayList(deactivatedLayersAndAllLayersOfDeselectedViewpoints)) { setLayerVisibility(layer, false); } for (final Layer layer : Lists.newArrayList(activatedLayersOfSelectedViewpoints)) { setLayerVisibility(layer, true); } } /** * Returns the palette entry contained in the given {@link PaletteContainer} * with the given id, of the given type. If none found, * {@link Options#newNone()} will be returned. If several found, we will log * a warning and return only one of the candidates. * * @param <T> * the type of the searched palette entry * @param container * the container in which search for this palette entry * @param id * the searched id * @param type * the expected type * @return {@link Options#newNone()} if no matching candidate is found, or * the found candidate (if several found, we will log a warning and * return only one of the candidates). */ private <T extends PaletteEntry> Option<T> getPaletteEntry(PaletteContainer container, final String id, Class<T> type) { Option<T> matchingPaletteEntry = Options.newNone(); UnmodifiableIterator<T> matchingPaletteEntries = Iterators .filter(Iterators.filter(container.getChildren().iterator(), type), new Predicate<T>() { @Override public boolean apply(T paletteEntry) { return id.equals(paletteEntry.getId()); } }); try { matchingPaletteEntry = Options.newSome(Iterators.getOnlyElement(matchingPaletteEntries)); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // Here no matching candidate has been found, we will return // Options.newNone } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { DiagramPlugin.getDefault().logWarning(MessageFormat .format(Messages.PaletteManagerImpl_severalCandidatesInPalette, type.getName(), id)); // Here no matching candidate has been found, we will return // Options.newNone } return matchingPaletteEntry; } /** * Replace if needed the GMF note attachment tool by a specific one (2 * clicks for link creation instead of one click with drag). */ private void replaceNoteAttachmentCreationToolIfNeeded() { // Get the container of the Note Attachment Creation Tool String notesContainerLabel = Platform.getResourceString( org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.DiagramUIPlugin.getInstance().getBundle(), "%NoteStack.Label"); //$NON-NLS-1$ PaletteContainer notesContainer = getPaletteContainer(paletteRoot, notesContainerLabel); if (notesContainer != null) { // Get the current noteAttachment tool CreationToolEntry noteAttachment = getNoteAttachementToolEntry(notesContainer); // If the current noteAttachement tool is not using the // SiriusDiagramPaletteFactory if (!(noteAttachment.getToolProperty( CreationTool.PROPERTY_CREATION_FACTORY) instanceof SiriusDiagramPaletteFactory)) { // We create a new palette entry and replace the existing one SiriusDiagramPaletteFactory viewpointDiagramPaletteFactory = new SiriusDiagramPaletteFactory(); CreationToolEntry paletteEntry = new PaletteToolEntry(noteAttachment.getId(), noteAttachment.getLabel(), viewpointDiagramPaletteFactory); paletteEntry.setToolProperty(CreationTool.PROPERTY_CREATION_FACTORY, viewpointDiagramPaletteFactory); paletteEntry.setDescription(noteAttachment.getDescription()); paletteEntry.setLargeIcon(noteAttachment.getLargeIcon()); paletteEntry.setSmallIcon(noteAttachment.getSmallIcon()); notesContainer.add(notesContainer.getChildren().indexOf(noteAttachment), paletteEntry); notesContainer.remove(noteAttachment); } } } private CreationToolEntry getNoteAttachementToolEntry(final PaletteContainer container) { String noteAttachmentToolLabel = Platform.getResourceString( org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.DiagramUIPlugin.getInstance().getBundle(), "%NoteAttachmentTool.Label"); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (Object child : container.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof CreationToolEntry) { CreationToolEntry paletteToolEntry = (CreationToolEntry) child; if (noteAttachmentToolLabel.equals(paletteToolEntry.getLabel())) { return paletteToolEntry; } } } return null; } /** * Search a palette container by its label in the children of the * <code>container</code>. * * @param container * The container in which searched * @param searchedLabel * The searched label * @return A palette container if found, false otherwise. */ private PaletteContainer getPaletteContainer(PaletteContainer container, String searchedLabel) { PaletteContainer result = null; if (container != null) { for (Object child : container.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof PaletteContainer) { if (searchedLabel.equals(((PaletteContainer) child).getLabel())) { result = (PaletteContainer) child; } else { result = getPaletteContainer((PaletteContainer) child, searchedLabel); } } if (result != null) { break; } } } return result; } /** * Hide all tools provided by a layer. * * @param layer * the layer */ @Override public void hideLayer(final Layer layer) { // final PaletteViewer viewer = editDomain.getPaletteViewer(); // if (viewer != null) { // paletteRoot = viewer.getPaletteRoot(); initPaletteRoot(); if (paletteRoot != null) { setLayerVisibility(layer, false); paletteRoot = null; } } /** * Show all tools provided by a layer. * * @param layer * the layer */ @Override public void showLayer(final Layer layer) { final PaletteViewer viewer = editDomain.getPaletteViewer(); if (viewer != null) { paletteRoot = viewer.getPaletteRoot(); setLayerVisibility(layer, true); paletteRoot = null; } } private void setLayerVisibility(final Layer layer, final boolean visibility) { final List<ToolSection> sections = layer.getToolSections(); for (final SectionPaletteDrawer sectionDrawer : Iterables.filter(paletteRoot.getChildren(), SectionPaletteDrawer.class)) { setToolSectionsVisibility(layer, sectionDrawer, sections, visibility); if (sectionDrawer.getChildren().isEmpty()) { sectionDrawer.setVisible(false); } else if (!visibility && sectionDrawer.isEmptyOfContributors()) { sectionDrawer.setVisible(false); } else if (visibility && !sectionDrawer.isEmptyOfContributors()) { sectionDrawer.setVisible(true); } } } private void setToolSectionsVisibility(final Layer layer, final SectionPaletteDrawer drawer, final Collection<ToolSection> sections, final boolean visibility) { for (final ToolSection section : sections) { if (drawer.getId().equals(PaletteManagerImpl.getToolSectionId(section))) { if (visibility && PaletteManagerImpl.isSectionNotEmpty(section)) { drawer.addLayer(layer); } else { drawer.removeLayer(layer); } } PaletteManagerImpl.setToolsVisibility(drawer, layer, section, visibility); } } // A section is not empty when : // - it has owned tool // - or it has reused tools // - or it has not empty subsection private static boolean isSectionNotEmpty(ToolSection toolSection) { boolean result = !toolSection.getOwnedTools().isEmpty(); result = result || !toolSection.getReusedTools().isEmpty(); Iterator<ToolSection> iterator = toolSection.getSubSections().iterator(); // Do iteration only if previous tests lead to "false" result while (!result && iterator.hasNext()) { ToolSection subSection =; result = PaletteManagerImpl.isSectionNotEmpty(subSection); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void setToolsVisibility(final PaletteDrawer drawner, final Layer layer, final ToolSection section, final boolean visibility) { for (final PaletteEntry entry : (List<PaletteEntry>) drawner.getChildren()) { if (entry instanceof ToolGroupPaletteStack) { final ToolGroupPaletteStack stack = (ToolGroupPaletteStack) entry; PaletteManagerImpl.setPaletteStackVisibility(stack, layer, section.getOwnedTools(), visibility); PaletteManagerImpl.setPaletteStackVisibility(stack, layer, section.getReusedTools(), visibility); for (final ToolGroupExtension groupExtension : section.getGroupExtensions()) { if (stack.getId().equals(PaletteManagerImpl.getToolEntryId(groupExtension.getGroup()))) { if (visibility) { stack.addLayer(layer); } else { stack.removeLayer(layer); } for (final PaletteEntry subEntry : (List<PaletteEntry>) stack.getChildren()) { PaletteManagerImpl.setPaletteEntryVisibility(subEntry, groupExtension.getTools(), visibility); } } } if (!visibility && stack.isEmptyOfContributors()) { stack.setVisible(false); } else if (visibility && !stack.isEmptyOfContributors()) { stack.setVisible(true); } } else { PaletteManagerImpl.setPaletteEntryVisibility(entry, section.getOwnedTools(), visibility); PaletteManagerImpl.setPaletteEntryVisibility(entry, section.getReusedTools(), visibility); } } } private static void setPaletteStackVisibility(final ToolGroupPaletteStack stack, final Layer layer, final Collection<? extends ToolEntry> toolEntries, final boolean visibility) { for (final ToolEntry toolEntry : toolEntries) { if (toolEntry instanceof ToolGroup) { if (stack.getId().equals(PaletteManagerImpl.getToolEntryId(toolEntry))) { if (visibility) { stack.addLayer(layer); } else { stack.removeLayer(layer); } } } } } private static void setPaletteEntryVisibility(final PaletteEntry entry, final Collection<? extends ToolEntry> toolEntries, final boolean visibility) { for (final ToolEntry toolEntry : toolEntries) { if (entry.getId().equals(PaletteManagerImpl.getToolEntryId(toolEntry))) { entry.setVisible(visibility); } } } private static String getToolSectionId(final ToolSection toolSection) { return new IdentifiedElementQuery(toolSection).getLabel(); } private static String getToolEntryId(final ToolEntry entry) { return EcoreUtil.getURI(entry).toString(); } /** * Adds the default tools contributed by the environment in the same group * as the default GEF tools. */ private void addDefaultTools(final Diagram diagram) { final PaletteContainer container = paletteRoot.getDefaultEntry().getParent(); for (Object entry : container.getChildren()) { if (entry instanceof PaletteSeparator && "defaultTools".equals(((PaletteSeparator) entry).getId())) { //$NON-NLS-1$ // Default tools are already there. Nothing to do. return; } } final PaletteSeparator marker = new PaletteSeparator("defaultTools"); //$NON-NLS-1$ marker.setVisible(false); container.add(marker); for (final ToolEntry defaultEntry : PaletteManagerImpl .getDefaultTools(TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(diagram).getResourceSet())) { addElementToContainer(container, defaultEntry); } } private static List<ToolEntry> getDefaultTools(final ResourceSet context) { final Resource coreEnvResource = context .getResource(URI.createURI(SiriusUtil.VIEWPOINT_ENVIRONMENT_RESOURCE_URI, true), true); final Environment coreEnv = (Environment) coreEnvResource.getContents().get(0); final Resource diagramEnvResource = context .getResource(URI.createURI(SiriusDiagramUtil.DIAGRAM_ENVIRONMENT_RESOURCE_URI, true), true); final Environment diagramEnv = (Environment) diagramEnvResource.getContents().get(0); List<ToolEntry> defaultTools = Lists.newArrayList(); defaultTools.addAll(coreEnv.getDefaultTools()); defaultTools.addAll(diagramEnv.getDefaultTools()); return defaultTools; } private static PaletteContainer createPaletteDrawner(final ToolSection section) { final String name = MessageTranslator.INSTANCE.getMessage(section, new IdentifiedElementQuery(section).getLabel()); String iconPath = section.getIcon(); final PaletteContainer paletteDrawner = new SectionPaletteDrawer(name); paletteDrawner.setId(PaletteManagerImpl.getToolSectionId(section)); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(iconPath)) { iconPath = "icons/obj16/ToolSection.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } final ImageDescriptor descIcon = org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.provider.DiagramUIPlugin.Implementation .findImageDescriptor(iconPath); if (descIcon != null) { paletteDrawner.setSmallIcon(descIcon); } return paletteDrawner; } private void clearFilters(Diagram diagram) { listenersManager.init(diagram); Collection<ToolFilter> filtersCopy = Lists.newArrayList(filters); for (final ToolFilter filter : filtersCopy) { if (filter instanceof ToolFilterFromDescription) { removeToolFilter(filter); } } } /** * Update tool filters. If the session is null, nothing will be done. * * @param session * the session * @param toolEntries * the list of entry of tools to add. */ protected void updateFilters(final Session session, final List<? extends ToolEntry> toolEntries) { if (session != null) { final IInterpreter interpreter = session.getInterpreter(); if (interpreter != null) { for (final ToolEntry toolEntry : toolEntries) { if (toolEntry instanceof AbstractToolDescription) { /* create filters from description */ for (final ToolFilterDescription filterDescription : ((AbstractToolDescription) toolEntry) .getFilters()) { ToolFilter filter = new ToolFilterFromDescription(interpreter, filterDescription); addToolFilter(filter); } /**/ listenersManager.addListenersForFilters(interpreter, ((AbstractToolDescription) toolEntry).getFilters()); } else if (toolEntry instanceof ToolGroup) { updateFilters(session, new DiagramComponentizationManager() .getTools(session.getSelectedViewpoints(false), (ToolGroup) toolEntry)); } } } } } /** * Update the container with the list of tool. The tools are created only if * needed (not already existing) and not filtered. If a tool exists and * should be filtered, it is removed from the container. * * @param session * the current session * @param diagram * the diagram currently represented * @param container * the container to fill * @param toolEntries * the list of entry of tools to add. */ protected void updateContainer(final Session session, final DDiagram diagram, final PaletteContainer container, final List<? extends ToolEntry> toolEntries) { for (final ToolEntry toolEntry : toolEntries) { if (toolEntry instanceof AbstractToolDescription) { final AbstractToolDescription toolDescription = (AbstractToolDescription) toolEntry; /* * do not create a new entry for the tool if it should not be * displayed */ Option<PaletteEntry> paletteEntry = getPaletteEntry(container, new IdentifiedElementQuery(toolEntry).getLabel(), PaletteEntry.class); if (!paletteEntry.some()) { paletteEntry = getPaletteEntry(container, PaletteManagerImpl.getToolEntryId(toolEntry), PaletteEntry.class); } if (!isFiltered(diagram, toolDescription)) { addElementToContainer(container, toolEntry, paletteEntry); } else { container.remove(paletteEntry.get()); } } else if (toolEntry instanceof ToolGroup) { Option<ToolGroupPaletteStack> paletteStack = getPaletteEntry(container, PaletteManagerImpl.getToolEntryId(toolEntry), ToolGroupPaletteStack.class); boolean paletteWasCreated = false; if (!paletteStack.some()) { paletteStack = Options.newSome(new ToolGroupPaletteStack(((ToolGroup) toolEntry).getName())); paletteWasCreated = true; } for (final AbstractToolDescription tool : new DiagramComponentizationManager() .getTools(session.getSelectedViewpoints(false), (ToolGroup) toolEntry)) { /* * do not create a new entry for the tool if it should not * be displayed */ Option<PaletteEntry> paletteEntry = getPaletteEntry(paletteStack.get(), getToolEntryId(tool), PaletteEntry.class); if (!isFiltered(diagram, tool)) { addElementToContainer(paletteStack.get(), tool, paletteEntry); } else { if (paletteEntry.some()) { paletteStack.get().remove(paletteEntry.get()); if (paletteStack.get().getChildren().isEmpty()) { // removed if empty to avoid palette stack to be // displayed as first when a diagram palette is // emptied and refilled container.remove(paletteStack.get()); } } } } if (paletteWasCreated && !paletteStack.get().getChildren().isEmpty()) { // avoid creating empty palette stack to avoid being // displayed as first when a diagram palette is emptied and // refilled paletteStack.get().setId(PaletteManagerImpl.getToolEntryId(toolEntry)); container.add(paletteStack.get()); } } } } /** * Fills the group. * * @param container * the group. * @param toolEntry * the tool to add. */ protected void addElementToContainer(final PaletteContainer container, final ToolEntry toolEntry) { addElementToContainer(container, toolEntry, Options.<PaletteEntry>newNone()); } /** * Fills the group. * * @param container * the group. * @param toolEntry * the tool to add. * @param existingPaletteEntry * the palette entry currently existing with the id of toolEntry, * or {@link Options#newNone()} if it does not currently exists */ protected void addElementToContainer(final PaletteContainer container, final ToolEntry toolEntry, final Option<PaletteEntry> existingPaletteEntry) { if (toolEntry instanceof ToolGroup) { PaletteStack paletteStack; String newName = MessageTranslator.INSTANCE.getMessage(toolEntry, new IdentifiedElementQuery(toolEntry).getLabel()); if (!existingPaletteEntry.some()) { paletteStack = new ToolGroupPaletteStack(newName); paletteStack.setId(PaletteManagerImpl.getToolEntryId(toolEntry)); container.add(paletteStack); } else if (existingPaletteEntry.get() instanceof PaletteStack) { paletteStack = (PaletteStack) existingPaletteEntry.get(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( MessageFormat.format(Messages.PaletteManagerImpl_alreadyExistingEntry, newName)); } for (final AbstractToolDescription tool : ((ToolGroup) toolEntry).getTools()) { Option<PaletteEntry> paletteEntry = getPaletteEntry(paletteStack, new IdentifiedElementQuery(tool).getLabel(), PaletteEntry.class); addElementToContainer(paletteStack, tool, paletteEntry); } } else if (toolEntry instanceof AbstractToolDescription) { if (!existingPaletteEntry.some()) { final AbstractToolDescription toolDescription = (AbstractToolDescription) toolEntry; final ImageDescriptor imageEntry = paletteImageProvider.getImageDescriptor(toolDescription); final String nameEntry = MessageTranslator.INSTANCE.getMessage(toolDescription, new IdentifiedElementQuery(toolDescription).getLabel()); final String descriptionEntry = toolDescription.getDocumentation(); final CreationFactory creationFactory = new PaletteToolBasedCreationFactory(toolDescription); CreationToolEntry paletteEntry = null; if (toolDescription instanceof EdgeCreationDescription) { paletteEntry = new ConnectionCreationToolEntry(nameEntry, descriptionEntry, creationFactory, imageEntry, imageEntry); paletteEntry.setToolClass(ConnectionCreationTool.class); paletteEntry.setId(nameEntry); } else if (requiresPaletteToolEntry(toolDescription)) { paletteEntry = createPaletteToolEntry(nameEntry, descriptionEntry, creationFactory, imageEntry); } if (paletteEntry != null) { paletteEntry.setId(PaletteManagerImpl.getToolEntryId(toolDescription)); container.add(paletteEntry); } } } } private boolean requiresPaletteToolEntry(AbstractToolDescription toolDescription) { boolean result = false; if (toolDescription instanceof NodeCreationDescription) { result = true; } else if (toolDescription instanceof ContainerCreationDescription) { result = true; } else if (toolDescription instanceof RequestDescription) { result = true; } else if (toolDescription instanceof SelectionWizardDescription) { result = true; } else if (toolDescription instanceof PaneBasedSelectionWizardDescription) { result = true; } else if (toolDescription instanceof ToolDescription) { result = true; } return result; } private PaletteToolEntry createPaletteToolEntry(final String nameEntry, final String descriptionEntry, final CreationFactory creationFactory, final ImageDescriptor imageEntry) { PaletteFactory paletteFactory = new CreationToolPaletteFactory(creationFactory); final PaletteToolEntry creationToolEntry = new PaletteToolEntry(nameEntry, descriptionEntry, paletteFactory); creationToolEntry.setLabel(nameEntry); creationToolEntry.setDescription(descriptionEntry); creationToolEntry.setSmallIcon(imageEntry); creationToolEntry.setLargeIcon(imageEntry); creationToolEntry.setToolProperty(CreationTool.PROPERTY_CREATION_FACTORY, creationFactory); creationToolEntry.setToolClass(CreationTool.class); return creationToolEntry; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see */ @Override public boolean isDisposed() { return isDisposed; } /** * * @author ymortier * */ private static class PaletteGroup extends org.eclipse.gef.palette.PaletteGroup { /** * @param id * @param label */ public PaletteGroup(final String id, final String label) { super(label); setId(id); } } /** * Specific CreationFactory to handle creation through tools. * * @author mporhel * */ private static class PaletteToolBasedCreationFactory implements CreationFactory { private AbstractToolDescription toolDescription; /** * Constructor * * @param toolDescription * the tool corresponding to the current entry. */ public PaletteToolBasedCreationFactory(AbstractToolDescription toolDescription) { this.toolDescription = toolDescription; } @Override public Object getObjectType() { return toolDescription.getClass(); } @Override public Object getNewObject() { return toolDescription; } } }