Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2016 IBM Corp.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. 
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at 
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 
 *   Ian Craggs - Per subscription message handlers bug 466579
 *   Ian Craggs - ack control (bug 472172)

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.Properties;


import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.DisconnectedBufferOptions;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.IMqttActionListener;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.IMqttAsyncClient;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.IMqttDeliveryToken;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.IMqttMessageListener;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.IMqttToken;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttCallback;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttCallbackExtended;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttClientPersistence;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttConnectOptions;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttException;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttMessage;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttPersistenceException;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttSecurityException;
import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.MqttToken;

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.SparseArray;

 * Enables an android application to communicate with an MQTT server using non-blocking methods.
 * <p>
 * Implementation of the MQTT asynchronous client interface {@link IMqttAsyncClient} , using the MQTT
 * android service to actually interface with MQTT server. It provides android applications a simple programming interface to all features of the MQTT version 3.1
 * specification including:
 * <ul>
 * <li>connect
 * <li>publish
 * <li>subscribe
 * <li>unsubscribe
 * <li>disconnect
 * </ul>
 * </p>
public class MqttAndroidClient extends BroadcastReceiver implements IMqttAsyncClient {

     * The Acknowledgment mode for messages received from {@link MqttCallback#messageArrived(String, MqttMessage)}
    public enum Ack {
         * As soon as the {@link MqttCallback#messageArrived(String, MqttMessage)} returns,
         * the message has been acknowledged as received .
         * When {@link MqttCallback#messageArrived(String, MqttMessage)} returns, the message
         * will not be acknowledged as received, the application will have to make an acknowledgment call
         * to {@link MqttAndroidClient} using {@link MqttAndroidClient#acknowledgeMessage(String)}

    private static final String SERVICE_NAME = "";

    private static final int BIND_SERVICE_FLAG = 0;

    private static ExecutorService pool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

     * ServiceConnection to process when we bind to our service
    private final class MyServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection {

        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binder) {
            mqttService = ((MqttServiceBinder) binder).getService();
            bindedService = true;
            // now that we have the service available, we can actually
            // connect...

        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
            mqttService = null;

    // Listener for when the service is connected or disconnected
    private MyServiceConnection serviceConnection = new MyServiceConnection();

    // The Android Service which will process our mqtt calls
    private MqttService mqttService;

    // An identifier for the underlying client connection, which we can pass to
    // the service
    private String clientHandle;

    Context myContext;

    // We hold the various tokens in a collection and pass identifiers for them
    // to the service
    private SparseArray<IMqttToken> tokenMap = new SparseArray<IMqttToken>();
    private int tokenNumber = 0;

    // Connection data
    private String serverURI;
    private String clientId;
    private MqttClientPersistence persistence = null;
    private MqttConnectOptions connectOptions;
    private IMqttToken connectToken;

    // The MqttCallback provided by the application
    private MqttCallback callback;
    private MqttTraceHandler traceCallback;

    //The acknowledgment that a message has been processed by the application
    private Ack messageAck;
    private boolean traceEnabled = false;

    private volatile boolean receiverRegistered = false;
    private volatile boolean bindedService = false;

     * Constructor - create an MqttAndroidClient that can be used to communicate with an MQTT server on android
     * @param context 
     *            object used to pass context to the callback. 
     * @param serverURI
     *            specifies the protocol, host name and port to be used to
     *            connect to an MQTT server
     * @param clientId
     *            specifies the name by which this connection should be
     *            identified to the server
    public MqttAndroidClient(Context context, String serverURI, String clientId) {
        this(context, serverURI, clientId, null, Ack.AUTO_ACK);

     * Constructor - create an MqttAndroidClient that can be used to communicate
     * with an MQTT server on android
     * @param ctx
     *            Application's context
     * @param serverURI
     *            specifies the protocol, host name and port to be used to
     *            connect to an MQTT server
     * @param clientId
     *            specifies the name by which this connection should be
     *            identified to the server
     * @param ackType
     *            how the application wishes to acknowledge a message has been
     *            processed
    public MqttAndroidClient(Context ctx, String serverURI, String clientId, Ack ackType) {
        this(ctx, serverURI, clientId, null, ackType);

     * Constructor - create an MqttAndroidClient that can be used to communicate
     * with an MQTT server on android
     * @param ctx
     *            Application's context
     * @param serverURI
     *            specifies the protocol, host name and port to be used to
     *            connect to an MQTT server
     * @param clientId
     *            specifies the name by which this connection should be
     *            identified to the server
     * @param persistence
     *            The object to use to store persisted data
    public MqttAndroidClient(Context ctx, String serverURI, String clientId, MqttClientPersistence persistence) {
        this(ctx, serverURI, clientId, persistence, Ack.AUTO_ACK);

     * Constructor- create an MqttAndroidClient that can be used to communicate
     * with an MQTT server on android
     * @param context
     *            used to pass context to the callback.
     * @param serverURI
     *            specifies the protocol, host name and port to be used to
     *            connect to an MQTT server
     * @param clientId
     *            specifies the name by which this connection should be
     *            identified to the server
     * @param persistence
     *            the persistence class to use to store in-flight message. If
     *            null then the default persistence mechanism is used
     * @param ackType
     *            how the application wishes to acknowledge a message has been
     *            processed.
    public MqttAndroidClient(Context context, String serverURI, String clientId, MqttClientPersistence persistence,
            Ack ackType) {
        myContext = context;
        this.serverURI = serverURI;
        this.clientId = clientId;
        this.persistence = persistence;
        messageAck = ackType;

    * Determines if this client is currently connected to the server.
    * @return <code>true</code> if connected, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean isConnected() {

        if (clientHandle != null && mqttService != null) {
            return mqttService.isConnected(clientHandle);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Returns the client ID used by this client.
     * <p>
     * All clients connected to the same server or server farm must have a
     * unique ID.
     * </p>
     * @return the client ID used by this client.
    public String getClientId() {
        return clientId;

     * Returns the URI address of the server used by this client.
     * <p>
     * The format of the returned String is the same as that used on the
     * constructor.
     * </p>
     * @return the server's address, as a URI String.
    public String getServerURI() {
        return serverURI;

     * Close the client. Releases all resource associated with the client. After
     * the client has been closed it cannot be reused. For instance attempts to
     * connect will fail.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             if the client is not disconnected.
    public void close() throws MqttException {
        if (clientHandle == null) {
         clientHandle = mqttService.getClient(serverURI, clientId, myContext.getApplicationInfo().packageName,persistence);
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new MqttException(MqttException.REASON_CODE_CLIENT_EXCEPTION);

     * Connects to an MQTT server using the default options.
     * <p>
     * The default options are specified in {@link MqttConnectOptions} class.
     * </p>
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for any connected problems
     * @return token used to track and wait for the connect to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to the callback methods if a callback is
     *         set.
     * @see #connect(MqttConnectOptions, Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken connect() throws MqttException {
        return connect(null, null);

     * Connects to an MQTT server using the provided connect options.
     * <p>
     * The connection will be established using the options specified in the
     * {@link MqttConnectOptions} parameter.
     * </p>
     * @param options
     *            a set of connection parameters that override the defaults.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for any connected problems
     * @return token used to track and wait for the connect to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to any callback that has been set.
     * @see #connect(MqttConnectOptions, Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken connect(MqttConnectOptions options) throws MqttException {
        return connect(options, null, null);

     * Connects to an MQTT server using the default options.
     * <p>
     * The default options are specified in {@link MqttConnectOptions} class.
     * </p>
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use null
     *            if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when the connect
     *            completes. Use null if not required.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for any connected problems
     * @return token used to track and wait for the connect to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to any callback that has been set.
     * @see #connect(MqttConnectOptions, Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken connect(Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback) throws MqttException {
        return connect(new MqttConnectOptions(), userContext, callback);

     * Connects to an MQTT server using the specified options.
     * <p>
     * The server to connect to is specified on the constructor. It is
     * recommended to call {@link #setCallback(MqttCallback)} prior to
     * connecting in order that messages destined for the client can be accepted
     * as soon as the client is connected.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The method returns control before the connect completes. Completion can
     * be tracked by:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Waiting on the returned token {@link IMqttToken#waitForCompletion()}
     * or</li>
     * <li>Passing in a callback {@link IMqttActionListener}</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param options
     *            a set of connection parameters that override the defaults.
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object for used to pass context to the callback. Use
     *            null if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when the connect
     *            completes. Use null if not required.
     * @return token used to track and wait for the connect to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to any callback that has been set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for any connected problems, including communication errors

    public IMqttToken connect(MqttConnectOptions options, Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback)
            throws MqttException {

        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback);

        connectOptions = options;
        connectToken = token;

         * The actual connection depends on the service, which we start and bind
         * to here, but which we can't actually use until the serviceConnection
         * onServiceConnected() method has run (asynchronously), so the
         * connection itself takes place in the onServiceConnected() method
        if (mqttService == null) { // First time - must bind to the service
            Intent serviceStartIntent = new Intent();
            serviceStartIntent.setClassName(myContext, SERVICE_NAME);
            Object service = myContext.startService(serviceStartIntent);
            if (service == null) {
                IMqttActionListener listener = token.getActionCallback();
                if (listener != null) {
                    listener.onFailure(token, new RuntimeException("cannot start service " + SERVICE_NAME));

            // We bind with BIND_SERVICE_FLAG (0), leaving us the manage the lifecycle
            // until the last time it is stopped by a call to stopService()
            myContext.bindService(serviceStartIntent, serviceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

            if (!receiverRegistered)
        } else {
            pool.execute(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {

                    //Register receiver to show shoulder tap.
                    if (!receiverRegistered)


        return token;

    private void registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver receiver) {
        IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
        LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(myContext).registerReceiver(receiver, filter);
        receiverRegistered = true;

     * Actually do the mqtt connect operation
    private void doConnect() {
        if (clientHandle == null) {
            clientHandle = mqttService.getClient(serverURI, clientId, myContext.getApplicationInfo().packageName,

        String activityToken = storeToken(connectToken);
        try {
            mqttService.connect(clientHandle, connectOptions, null, activityToken);
        } catch (MqttException e) {
            IMqttActionListener listener = connectToken.getActionCallback();
            if (listener != null) {
                listener.onFailure(connectToken, e);

     * Disconnects from the server.
     * <p>
     * An attempt is made to quiesce the client allowing outstanding work to
     * complete before disconnecting. It will wait for a maximum of 30 seconds
     * for work to quiesce before disconnecting. This method must not be called
     * from inside {@link MqttCallback} methods.
     * </p>
     * @return token used to track and wait for disconnect to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to any callback that has been set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for problems encountered while disconnecting
     * @see #disconnect(long, Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken disconnect() throws MqttException {
        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, null, (IMqttActionListener) null);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        try {
            mqttService.disconnect(clientHandle, null, activityToken);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            if (isConnected()) {
                throw new MqttException(MqttException.REASON_CODE_CLIENT_EXCEPTION);
            } else {
                throw new MqttException(MqttException.REASON_CODE_CLIENT_ALREADY_DISCONNECTED);
        return token;

     * Disconnects from the server.
     * <p>
     * An attempt is made to quiesce the client allowing outstanding work to
     * complete before disconnecting. It will wait for a maximum of the
     * specified quiesce time for work to complete before disconnecting. This
     * method must not be called from inside {@link MqttCallback} methods.
     * </p>
     * @param quiesceTimeout
     *            the amount of time in milliseconds to allow for existing work
     *            to finish before disconnecting. A value of zero or less means
     *            the client will not quiesce.
     * @return token used to track and wait for disconnect to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to the callback methods if a callback is
     *         set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for problems encountered while disconnecting
     * @see #disconnect(long, Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken disconnect(long quiesceTimeout) throws MqttException {
        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, null, (IMqttActionListener) null);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        try {
            mqttService.disconnect(clientHandle, quiesceTimeout, null, activityToken);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            if (isConnected()) {
                throw new MqttException(MqttException.REASON_CODE_CLIENT_EXCEPTION);
            } else {
                throw new MqttException(MqttException.REASON_CODE_CLIENT_ALREADY_DISCONNECTED);
        return token;

     * Disconnects from the server.
     * <p>
     * An attempt is made to quiesce the client allowing outstanding work to
     * complete before disconnecting. It will wait for a maximum of 30 seconds
     * for work to quiesce before disconnecting. This method must not be called
     * from inside {@link MqttCallback} methods.
     * </p>
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use null
     *            if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when the disconnect
     *            completes. Use null if not required.
     * @return token used to track and wait for the disconnect to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to any callback that has been set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for problems encountered while disconnecting
     * @see #disconnect(long, Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken disconnect(Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback) throws MqttException {
        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        try {
            mqttService.disconnect(clientHandle, null, activityToken);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            if (isConnected()) {
                throw new MqttException(MqttException.REASON_CODE_CLIENT_EXCEPTION);
            } else {
                throw new MqttException(MqttException.REASON_CODE_CLIENT_ALREADY_DISCONNECTED);
        return token;

     * Disconnects from the server.
     * <p>
     * The client will wait for {@link MqttCallback} methods to complete. It
     * will then wait for up to the quiesce timeout to allow for work which has
     * already been initiated to complete. For instance when a QoS 2 message has
     * started flowing to the server but the QoS 2 flow has not completed.It
     * prevents new messages being accepted and does not send any messages that
     * have been accepted but not yet started delivery across the network to the
     * server. When work has completed or after the quiesce timeout, the client
     * will disconnect from the server. If the cleanSession flag was set to
     * false and next time it is also set to false in the connection, the
     * messages made in QoS 1 or 2 which were not previously delivered will be
     * delivered this time.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This method must not be called from inside {@link MqttCallback} methods.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The method returns control before the disconnect completes. Completion
     * can be tracked by:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Waiting on the returned token {@link IMqttToken#waitForCompletion()}
     * or</li>
     * <li>Passing in a callback {@link IMqttActionListener}</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param quiesceTimeout
     *            the amount of time in milliseconds to allow for existing work
     *            to finish before disconnecting. A value of zero or less means
     *            the client will not quiesce.
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use null
     *            if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when the disconnect
     *            completes. Use null if not required.
     * @return token used to track and wait for the disconnect to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to any callback that has been set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for problems encountered while disconnecting
    public IMqttToken disconnect(long quiesceTimeout, Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback)
            throws MqttException {
        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        try {
            mqttService.disconnect(clientHandle, quiesceTimeout, null, activityToken);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            if (isConnected()) {
                throw new MqttException(MqttException.REASON_CODE_CLIENT_EXCEPTION);
            } else {
                throw new MqttException(MqttException.REASON_CODE_CLIENT_ALREADY_DISCONNECTED);
        return token;

     * Publishes a message to a topic on the server.
     * <p>
     * A convenience method, which will create a new {@link MqttMessage} object
     * with a byte array payload and the specified QoS, and then publish it.
     * </p>
     * @param topic
     *            to deliver the message to, for example "finance/stock/ibm".
     * @param payload
     *            the byte array to use as the payload
     * @param qos
     *            the Quality of Service to deliver the message at. Valid values
     *            are 0, 1 or 2.
     * @param retained
     *            whether or not this message should be retained by the server.
     * @return token used to track and wait for the publish to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to any callback that has been set.
     * @throws MqttPersistenceException
     *             when a problem occurs storing the message
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if value of QoS is not 0, 1 or 2.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for other errors encountered while publishing the message.
     *             For instance, too many messages are being processed.
     * @see #publish(String, MqttMessage, Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttDeliveryToken publish(String topic, byte[] payload, int qos, boolean retained)
            throws MqttException, MqttPersistenceException {
        return publish(topic, payload, qos, retained, null, null);

     * Publishes a message to a topic on the server. Takes an
     * {@link MqttMessage} message and delivers it to the server at the
     * requested quality of service.
     * @param topic
     *            to deliver the message to, for example "finance/stock/ibm".
     * @param message
     *            to deliver to the server
     * @return token used to track and wait for the publish to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to any callback that has been set.
     * @throws MqttPersistenceException
     *             when a problem occurs storing the message
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if value of QoS is not 0, 1 or 2.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for other errors encountered while publishing the message.
     *             For instance client not connected.
     * @see #publish(String, MqttMessage, Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttDeliveryToken publish(String topic, MqttMessage message)
            throws MqttException, MqttPersistenceException {
        return publish(topic, message, null, null);

     * Publishes a message to a topic on the server.
     * <p>
     * A convenience method, which will create a new {@link MqttMessage} object
     * with a byte array payload, the specified QoS and retained, then publish it.
     * </p>
     * @param topic
     *            to deliver the message to, for example "finance/stock/ibm".
     * @param payload
     *            the byte array to use as the payload
     * @param qos
     *            the Quality of Service to deliver the message at. Valid values
     *            are 0, 1 or 2.
     * @param retained
     *            whether or not this message should be retained by the server.
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use null
     *            if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when message delivery
     *            has completed to the requested quality of service
     * @return token used to track and wait for the publish to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to any callback that has been set.
     * @throws MqttPersistenceException
     *             when a problem occurs storing the message
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if value of QoS is not 0, 1 or 2.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for other errors encountered while publishing the message.
     *             For instance client not connected.
     * @see #publish(String, MqttMessage, Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttDeliveryToken publish(String topic, byte[] payload, int qos, boolean retained, Object userContext,
            IMqttActionListener callback) throws MqttException, MqttPersistenceException {

        MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage(payload);
        MqttDeliveryTokenAndroid token = new MqttDeliveryTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback, message);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        IMqttDeliveryToken internalToken = mqttService.publish(clientHandle, topic, payload, qos, retained, null,
        return token;

     * Publishes a message to a topic on the server.
     * <p>
     * Once this method has returned cleanly, the message has been accepted for
     * publication by the client and will be delivered on a background thread.
     * In the event the connection fails or the client stops, Messages will be
     * delivered to the requested quality of service once the connection is
     * re-established to the server on condition that:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The connection is re-established with the same clientID
     * <li>The original connection was made with (@link
     * MqttConnectOptions#setCleanSession(boolean)} set to false
     * <li>The connection is re-established with (@link
     * MqttConnectOptions#setCleanSession(boolean)} set to false
     * <li>Depending when the failure occurs QoS 0 messages may not be
     * delivered.
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * When building an application, the design of the topic tree should take
     * into account the following principles of topic name syntax and semantics:
     * </p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>A topic must be at least one character long.</li>
     * <li>Topic names are case sensitive. For example, <em>ACCOUNTS</em> and
     * <em>Accounts</em> are two different topics.</li>
     * <li>Topic names can include the space character. For example,
     * <em>Accounts
     *    payable</em> is a valid topic.</li>
     * <li>A leading "/" creates a distinct topic. For example,
     * <em>/finance</em> is different from <em>finance</em>. <em>/finance</em>
     * matches "+/+" and "/+", but not "+".</li>
     * <li>Do not include the null character (Unicode <samp
     * class="codeph">\x0000</samp>) in any topic.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * The following principles apply to the construction and content of a topic
     * tree:
     * </p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>The length is limited to 64k but within that there are no limits to
     * the number of levels in a topic tree.</li>
     * <li>There can be any number of root nodes; that is, there can be any
     * number of topic trees.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The method returns control before the publish completes. Completion can
     * be tracked by:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Setting an {@link IMqttAsyncClient#setCallback(MqttCallback)} where
     * the {@link MqttCallback#deliveryComplete(IMqttDeliveryToken)} method will
     * be called.</li>pu
     * <li>Waiting on the returned token {@link MqttToken#waitForCompletion()}
     * or</li>
     * <li>Passing in a callback {@link IMqttActionListener} to this method</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param topic
     *            to deliver the message to, for example "finance/stock/ibm".
     * @param message
     *            to deliver to the server
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use null
     *            if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when message delivery
     *            has completed to the requested quality of service
     * @return token used to track and wait for the publish to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttPersistenceException
     *             when a problem occurs storing the message
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if value of QoS is not 0, 1 or 2.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for other errors encountered while publishing the message.
     *             For instance, client not connected.
     * @see MqttMessage
    public IMqttDeliveryToken publish(String topic, MqttMessage message, Object userContext,
            IMqttActionListener callback) throws MqttException, MqttPersistenceException {
        MqttDeliveryTokenAndroid token = new MqttDeliveryTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback, message);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        IMqttDeliveryToken internalToken = mqttService.publish(clientHandle, topic, message, null, activityToken);
        return token;

     * Subscribe to a topic, which may include wildcards.
     * @param topic
     *            the topic to subscribe to, which can include wildcards.
     * @param qos
     *            the maximum quality of service at which to subscribe. Messages
     *            published at a lower quality of service will be received at
     *            the published QoS. Messages published at a higher quality of
     *            service will be received using the QoS specified on the
     *            subscription.
     * @return token used to track and wait for the subscribe to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttSecurityException
     *             for security related problems
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for non security related problems
     * @see #subscribe(String[], int[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken subscribe(String topic, int qos) throws MqttException, MqttSecurityException {
        return subscribe(topic, qos, null, null);

     * Subscribe to multiple topics, each topic may include wildcards.
     * <p>
     * Provides an optimized way to subscribe to multiple topics compared to
     * subscribing to each one individually.
     * </p>
     * @param topic
     *            one or more topics to subscribe to, which can include
     *            wildcards
     * @param qos
     *            the maximum quality of service at which to subscribe. Messages
     *            published at a lower quality of service will be received at
     *            the published QoS. Messages published at a higher quality of
     *            service will be received using the QoS specified on the
     *            subscription.
     * @return token used to track and wait for the subscription to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttSecurityException
     *             for security related problems
     * @throws MqttException
     *             for non security related problems
     * @see #subscribe(String[], int[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken subscribe(String[] topic, int[] qos) throws MqttException, MqttSecurityException {
        return subscribe(topic, qos, null, null);

     * Subscribe to a topic, which may include wildcards.
     * @param topic
     *            the topic to subscribe to, which can include wildcards.
     * @param qos
     *            the maximum quality of service at which to subscribe. Messages
     *            published at a lower quality of service will be received at
     *            the published QoS. Messages published at a higher quality of
     *            service will be received using the QoS specified on the
     *            subscription.
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use null
     *            if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when subscribe has
     *            completed
     * @return token used to track and wait for the subscribe to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             if there was an error when registering the subscription.
     * @see #subscribe(String[], int[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken subscribe(String topic, int qos, Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback)
            throws MqttException {
        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback, new String[] { topic });
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        mqttService.subscribe(clientHandle, topic, qos, null, activityToken);
        return token;

     * Subscribes to multiple topics, each topic may include wildcards.
     * <p>
     * Provides an optimized way to subscribe to multiple topics compared to
     * subscribing to each one individually.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The {@link #setCallback(MqttCallback)} method should be called before
     * this method, otherwise any received messages will be discarded.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If (@link MqttConnectOptions#setCleanSession(boolean)} was set to true,
     * when connecting to the server, the subscription remains in place until
     * either:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The client disconnects</li>
     * <li>An unsubscribe method is called to unsubscribe the topic</li> </li>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If (@link MqttConnectOptions#setCleanSession(boolean)} was set to false,
     * when connecting to the server, the subscription remains in place
     * until either:
     * <ul>
     * <li>An unsubscribe method is called to unsubscribe the topic</li>
     * <li>The next time the client connects with cleanSession set to true
     * </ul>
     * </li> With cleanSession set to false the MQTT server will store messages
     * on behalf of the client when the client is not connected. The next time
     * the client connects with the <bold>same client ID</bold> the server will
     * deliver the stored messages to the client.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The "topic filter" string is used when subscription may contain special
     * characters, which allows you to subscribe to multiple topics at once.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <dl>
     * <dt>Topic level separator</dt>
     * <dd>The forward slash (/) is used to separate each level within a topic
     * tree and provide a hierarchical structure to the topic space. The use of
     * the topic level separator is significant when the two wildcard characters
     * are encountered in topics specified by subscribers.</dd>
     * <dt>Multi-level wildcard</dt>
     * <dd>
     * <p>
     * The number sign (#) is a wildcard character that matches any number of
     * levels within a topic. For example, if you subscribe to <span><span
     * class="filepath">finance/stock/ibm/#</span></span>, you receive messages
     * on these topics:
     * <pre>
     * finance/stock/ibm<br />   finance/stock/ibm/closingprice<br />   finance/stock/ibm/currentprice
     * </pre>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The multi-level wildcard can represent zero or more levels. Therefore,
     * <em>finance/#</em> can also match the singular <em>finance</em>, where
     * <em>#</em> represents zero levels. The topic level separator is
     * meaningless in this context, because there are no levels to separate.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The <span>multi-level</span> wildcard can be specified only on its own or
     * next to the topic level separator character. Therefore, <em>#</em> and
     * <em>finance/#</em> are both valid, but <em>finance#</em> is not valid.
     * <span>The multi-level wildcard must be the last character used within the
     * topic tree. For example, <em>finance/#</em> is valid but
     * <em>finance/#/closingprice</em> is not valid.</span>
     * </p>
     * </dd>
     * <dt>Single-level wildcard</dt>
     * <dd>
     * <p>
     * The plus sign (+) is a wildcard character that matches only one topic
     * level. For example, <em>finance/stock/+</em> matches
     * <em>finance/stock/ibm</em> and <em>finance/stock/xyz</em>, but not
     * <em>finance/stock/ibm/closingprice</em>. Also, because the single-level
     * wildcard matches only a single level, <em>finance/+</em> does not match
     * <em>finance</em>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Use the single-level wildcard at any level in the topic tree, and in
     * conjunction with the multilevel wildcard. Specify the single-level
     * wildcard next to the topic level separator, except when it is specified
     * on its own. Therefore, <em>+</em> and <em>finance/+</em> are both valid,
     * but <em>finance+</em> is not valid. <span>The single-level wildcard can
     * be used at the end of the topic tree or within the topic tree. For
     * example, <em>finance/+</em> and <em>finance/+/ibm</em> are both
     * valid.</span>
     * </p>
     * </dd>
     * </dl>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The method returns control before the subscribe completes. Completion can
     * be tracked by:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Waiting on the supplied token {@link MqttToken#waitForCompletion()}
     * or</li>
     * <li>Passing in a callback {@link IMqttActionListener} to this method</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param topic
     *            one or more topics to subscribe to, which can include
     *            wildcards
     * @param qos
     *            the maximum quality of service to subscribe each topic
     *            at.Messages published at a lower quality of service will be
     *            received at the published QoS. Messages published at a higher
     *            quality of service will be received using the QoS specified on
     *            the subscription.
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use null
     *            if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when subscribe has
     *            completed
     * @return token used to track and wait for the subscribe to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             if there was an error registering the subscription.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if the two supplied arrays are not the same size.
    public IMqttToken subscribe(String[] topic, int[] qos, Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback)
            throws MqttException {
        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback, topic);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        mqttService.subscribe(clientHandle, topic, qos, null, activityToken);
        return token;

     * Subscribe to a topic, which may include wildcards.
     * @see #subscribe(String[], int[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
     * @param topicFilter the topic to subscribe to, which can include wildcards.
     * @param qos the maximum quality of service at which to subscribe. Messages
     * published at a lower quality of service will be received at the published
     * QoS.  Messages published at a higher quality of service will be received using
     * the QoS specified on the subscribe.
     * @param userContext optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use
     * null if not required.
     * @param callback optional listener that will be notified when subscribe
     * has completed
     * @param messageListener 
     * @return token used to track and wait for the subscribe to complete. The token
     * will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException if there was an error registering the subscription.
    public IMqttToken subscribe(String topicFilter, int qos, Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback,
            IMqttMessageListener messageListener) throws MqttException {

        return subscribe(new String[] { topicFilter }, new int[] { qos }, userContext, callback,
                new IMqttMessageListener[] { messageListener });

     * Subscribe to a topic, which may include wildcards.
     * @see #subscribe(String[], int[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
     * @param topicFilter the topic to subscribe to, which can include wildcards.
     * @param qos the maximum quality of service at which to subscribe. Messages
     * published at a lower quality of service will be received at the published
     * QoS.  Messages published at a higher quality of service will be received using
     * the QoS specified on the subscribe.
     * @param messageListener
     * @return token used to track and wait for the subscribe to complete. The token
     * will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException if there was an error registering the subscription.
    public IMqttToken subscribe(String topicFilter, int qos, IMqttMessageListener messageListener)
            throws MqttException {

        return subscribe(topicFilter, qos, null, null, messageListener);

     * Subscribe to multiple topics, each of which may include wildcards.
     * <p>Provides an optimized way to subscribe to multiple topics compared to
     * subscribing to each one individually.</p>
     * @see #subscribe(String[], int[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
     * @param topicFilters one or more topics to subscribe to, which can include wildcards
     * @param qos the maximum quality of service at which to subscribe. Messages
     * published at a lower quality of service will be received at the published
     * QoS.  Messages published at a higher quality of service will be received using
     * the QoS specified on the subscribe.
     * @param messageListeners
     * @return token used to track and wait for the subscribe to complete. The token
     * will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException if there was an error registering the subscription.
    public IMqttToken subscribe(String[] topicFilters, int[] qos, IMqttMessageListener[] messageListeners)
            throws MqttException {

        return subscribe(topicFilters, qos, null, null, messageListeners);

     * Subscribe to multiple topics, each of which may include wildcards.
     * <p>Provides an optimized way to subscribe to multiple topics compared to
     * subscribing to each one individually.</p>
     * @see #subscribe(String[], int[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
     * @param topicFilters one or more topics to subscribe to, which can include wildcards
     * @param qos the maximum quality of service at which to subscribe. Messages
     * published at a lower quality of service will be received at the published
     * QoS.  Messages published at a higher quality of service will be received using
     * the QoS specified on the subscribe.
     * @param userContext optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use
     * null if not required.
     * @param callback optional listener that will be notified when subscribe
     * has completed
     * @param messageListeners
     * @return token used to track and wait for the subscribe to complete. The token
     * will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException if there was an error registering the subscription.
    public IMqttToken subscribe(String[] topicFilters, int[] qos, Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback,
            IMqttMessageListener[] messageListeners) throws MqttException {
        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback, topicFilters);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        mqttService.subscribe(clientHandle, topicFilters, qos, null, activityToken, messageListeners);

        return null;

     * Requests the server unsubscribe the client from a topic.
     * @param topic
     *            the topic to unsubscribe from. It must match a topic specified
     *            on an earlier subscribe.
     * @return token used to track and wait for the unsubscribe to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             if there was an error unregistering the subscription.
     * @see #unsubscribe(String[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken unsubscribe(String topic) throws MqttException {
        return unsubscribe(topic, null, null);

     * Requests the server to unsubscribe the client from one or more topics.
     * @param topic
     *            one or more topics to unsubscribe from. Each topic must match
     *            one specified on an earlier subscription.
     * @return token used to track and wait for the unsubscribe to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             if there was an error unregistering the subscription.
     * @see #unsubscribe(String[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken unsubscribe(String[] topic) throws MqttException {
        return unsubscribe(topic, null, null);

     * Requests the server to unsubscribe the client from a topics.
     * @param topic
     *            the topic to unsubscribe from. It must match a topic specified
     *            on an earlier subscribe.
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use null
     *            if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when unsubscribe has
     *            completed
     * @return token used to track and wait for the unsubscribe to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             if there was an error unregistering the subscription.
     * @see #unsubscribe(String[], Object, IMqttActionListener)
    public IMqttToken unsubscribe(String topic, Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback)
            throws MqttException {
        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        mqttService.unsubscribe(clientHandle, topic, null, activityToken);
        return token;

     * Requests the server to unsubscribe the client from one or more topics.
     * <p>
     * Unsubcribing is the opposite of subscribing. When the server receives the
     * unsubscribe request it looks to see if it can find a matching
     * subscription for the client and then removes it. After this point the
     * server will send no more messages to the client for this subscription.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The topic(s) specified on the unsubscribe must match the topic(s)
     * specified in the original subscribe request for the unsubscribe to
     * succeed
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The method returns control before the unsubscribe completes. Completion
     * can be tracked by:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Waiting on the returned token {@link MqttToken#waitForCompletion()}
     * or</li>
     * <li>Passing in a callback {@link IMqttActionListener} to this method</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param topic
     *            one or more topics to unsubscribe from. Each topic must match
     *            one specified on an earlier subscription.
     * @param userContext
     *            optional object used to pass context to the callback. Use null
     *            if not required.
     * @param callback
     *            optional listener that will be notified when unsubscribe has
     *            completed
     * @return token used to track and wait for the unsubscribe to complete. The
     *         token will be passed to callback methods if set.
     * @throws MqttException
     *             if there was an error unregistering the subscription.
    public IMqttToken unsubscribe(String[] topic, Object userContext, IMqttActionListener callback)
            throws MqttException {
        IMqttToken token = new MqttTokenAndroid(this, userContext, callback);
        String activityToken = storeToken(token);
        mqttService.unsubscribe(clientHandle, topic, null, activityToken);
        return token;

     * Returns the delivery tokens for any outstanding publish operations.
     * <p>
     * If a client has been restarted and there are messages that were in the
     * process of being delivered when the client stopped, this method returns a
     * token for each in-flight message to enable the delivery to be tracked.
     * Alternately the {@link MqttCallback#deliveryComplete(IMqttDeliveryToken)}
     * callback can be used to track the delivery of outstanding messages.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If a client connects with cleanSession true then there will be no
     * delivery tokens as the cleanSession option deletes all earlier state. For
     * state to be remembered the client must connect with cleanSession set to
     * false
     * </P>
     * @return zero or more delivery tokens
    public IMqttDeliveryToken[] getPendingDeliveryTokens() {
        return mqttService.getPendingDeliveryTokens(clientHandle);

     * Sets a callback listener to use for events that happen asynchronously.
     * <p>
     * There are a number of events that the listener will be notified about.
     * These include:
     * <ul>
     * <li>A new message has arrived and is ready to be processed</li>
     * <li>The connection to the server has been lost</li>
     * <li>Delivery of a message to the server has completed</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Other events that track the progress of an individual operation such as
     * connect and subscribe can be tracked using the {@link MqttToken} returned
     * from each non-blocking method or using setting a
     * {@link IMqttActionListener} on the non-blocking method.
     * <p>
     * @param callback
     *            which will be invoked for certain asynchronous events
     * @see MqttCallback
    public void setCallback(MqttCallback callback) {
        this.callback = callback;


    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see IMqttAsyncClient#getCallback()
    public MqttCallbackExtended getCallbackExtended() {
        if (this.callback instanceof MqttCallbackExtended) {
            return (MqttCallbackExtended) this.callback;
        } else {
            return null;

     * identify the callback to be invoked when making tracing calls back into
     * the Activity
     * @param traceCallback handler
    public void setTraceCallback(MqttTraceHandler traceCallback) {
        this.traceCallback = traceCallback;
        // mqttService.setTraceCallbackId(traceCallbackId);

     * turn tracing on and off
     * @param traceEnabled
     *            set <code>true</code> to enable trace, otherwise, set
     *            <code>false</code> to disable trace
    public void setTraceEnabled(boolean traceEnabled) {
        this.traceEnabled = traceEnabled;
        if (mqttService != null)

     * <p>
     * Process incoming Intent objects representing the results of operations
     * and asynchronous activities such as message received
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> This is only a public method because the Android
     * APIs require such.<br>
     * This method should not be explicitly invoked.
     * </p>
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        Bundle data = intent.getExtras();

        String handleFromIntent = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_CLIENT_HANDLE);

        if ((handleFromIntent == null) || (!handleFromIntent.equals(clientHandle))) {

        String action = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_ACTION);

        if (MqttServiceConstants.CONNECT_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.CONNECT_EXTENDED_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.MONITOR_EXTENDED_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.MESSAGE_ARRIVED_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.SUBSCRIBE_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.UNSUBSCRIBE_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.SEND_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.MESSAGE_DELIVERED_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.ON_CONNECTION_LOST_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.DISCONNECT_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else if (MqttServiceConstants.TRACE_ACTION.equals(action)) {
        } else {
            mqttService.traceError(MqttService.TAG, "Callback action doesn't exist.");


     * Acknowledges a message received on the
     * {@link MqttCallback#messageArrived(String, MqttMessage)}
     * @param messageId
     *            the messageId received from the MqttMessage (To access this
     *            field you need to cast {@link MqttMessage} to
     *            {@link ParcelableMqttMessage})
     * @return whether or not the message was successfully acknowledged
    public boolean acknowledgeMessage(String messageId) {
        if (messageAck == Ack.MANUAL_ACK) {
            Status status = mqttService.acknowledgeMessageArrival(clientHandle, messageId);
            return status == Status.OK;
        return false;


    public void messageArrivedComplete(int messageId, int qos) throws MqttException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void setManualAcks(boolean manualAcks) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * Process the results of a connection
     * @param data
    private void connectAction(Bundle data) {
        IMqttToken token = connectToken;

        simpleAction(token, data);

     * Process a notification that we have disconnected
     * @param data
    private void disconnected(Bundle data) {
        clientHandle = null; // avoid reuse!
        IMqttToken token = removeMqttToken(data);
        if (token != null) {
            ((MqttTokenAndroid) token).notifyComplete();
        if (callback != null) {

     * Process a Connection Lost notification
     * @param data
    private void connectionLostAction(Bundle data) {
        if (callback != null) {
            Exception reason = (Exception) data.getSerializable(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION);

    private void connectExtendedAction(Bundle data) {
        // This is called differently from a normal connect

        if (callback instanceof MqttCallbackExtended) {
            boolean reconnect = data.getBoolean(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_RECONNECT, false);
            String serverURI = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_SERVER_URI);
            ((MqttCallbackExtended) callback).connectComplete(reconnect, serverURI);


    private void monitorExtendedAction(Bundle data) {
        // Monitor

        if (callback instanceof MqttCallbackExtended) {
            Properties props = new Properties();
            props.put("created", new Long(data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_MONITOR_CREATED)));
            props.put("resting", Boolean.valueOf(data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_MONITOR_RESTING)));
                    new Long(data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_MONITOR_LAST_CONNECT)));
            props.put("lastPing", new Long(data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_MONITOR_LAST_PING)));
                    new Long(data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_MONITOR_LAST_OUTBOUND_ACTIVITY)));
                    new Long(data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_MONITOR_LAST_INBOUND_ACTIVITY)));
                    new Long(data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_MONITOR_LAST_RECONNECT_ACTIVITY)));

            ((MqttCallbackExtended) callback).monitor(props);


     * Common processing for many notifications
     * @param token
     *            the token associated with the action being undertake
     * @param data
     *            the result data
    private void simpleAction(IMqttToken token, Bundle data) {
        if (token != null) {
            Status status = (Status) data.getSerializable(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_STATUS);
            if (status == Status.OK) {
                ((MqttTokenAndroid) token).notifyComplete();
            } else {
                Exception exceptionThrown = (Exception) data
                ((MqttTokenAndroid) token).notifyFailure(exceptionThrown);
        } else {
            mqttService.traceError(MqttService.TAG, "simpleAction : token is null");

     * Process notification of a publish(send) operation
     * @param data
    private void sendAction(Bundle data) {
        IMqttToken token = getMqttToken(data); // get, don't remove - will
        // remove on delivery
        simpleAction(token, data);

     * Process notification of a subscribe operation
     * @param data
    private void subscribeAction(Bundle data) {
        IMqttToken token = removeMqttToken(data);
        simpleAction(token, data);

     * Process notification of an unsubscribe operation
     * @param data
    private void unSubscribeAction(Bundle data) {
        IMqttToken token = removeMqttToken(data);
        simpleAction(token, data);

     * Process notification of a published message having been delivered
     * @param data
    private void messageDeliveredAction(Bundle data) {
        IMqttToken token = removeMqttToken(data);
        if (token != null) {
            if (callback != null) {
                Status status = (Status) data.getSerializable(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_STATUS);
                if (status == Status.OK && token instanceof IMqttDeliveryToken) {
                    callback.deliveryComplete((IMqttDeliveryToken) token);

     * Process notification of a message's arrival
     * @param data
    private void messageArrivedAction(Bundle data) {
        if (callback != null) {
            String messageId = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_MESSAGE_ID);
            String destinationName = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_DESTINATION_NAME);

            ParcelableMqttMessage message = (ParcelableMqttMessage) data
            try {
                if (messageAck == Ack.AUTO_ACK) {
                    callback.messageArrived(destinationName, message);
                    mqttService.acknowledgeMessageArrival(clientHandle, messageId);
                } else {
                    message.messageId = messageId;
                    callback.messageArrived(destinationName, message);

                // let the service discard the saved message details
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Swallow the exception

     * Process trace action - pass trace data back to the callback
     * @param data
    private void traceAction(Bundle data) {

        if (traceCallback != null) {
            String severity = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_TRACE_SEVERITY);
            String message = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_ERROR_MESSAGE);
            String tag = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_TRACE_TAG);
            if (MqttServiceConstants.TRACE_DEBUG.equals(severity))
                traceCallback.traceDebug(tag, message);
            else if (MqttServiceConstants.TRACE_ERROR.equals(severity))
                traceCallback.traceError(tag, message);
            else {
                Exception e = (Exception) data.getSerializable(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION);
                traceCallback.traceException(tag, message, e);

     * @param token
     *            identifying an operation
     * @return an identifier for the token which can be passed to the Android
     *         Service
    private synchronized String storeToken(IMqttToken token) {
        tokenMap.put(tokenNumber, token);
        return Integer.toString(tokenNumber++);

     * Get a token identified by a string, and remove it from our map
     * @param data
     * @return the token
    private synchronized IMqttToken removeMqttToken(Bundle data) {

        String activityToken = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_ACTIVITY_TOKEN);
        if (activityToken != null) {
            int tokenNumber = Integer.parseInt(activityToken);
            IMqttToken token = tokenMap.get(tokenNumber);
            return token;
        return null;

     * Get a token identified by a string, and remove it from our map
     * @param data
     * @return the token
    private synchronized IMqttToken getMqttToken(Bundle data) {
        String activityToken = data.getString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_ACTIVITY_TOKEN);
        IMqttToken token = tokenMap.get(Integer.parseInt(activityToken));
        return token;

     * Sets the DisconnectedBufferOptions for this client
     * @param bufferOpts
    public void setBufferOpts(DisconnectedBufferOptions bufferOpts) {
        mqttService.setBufferOpts(clientHandle, bufferOpts);

    public int getBufferedMessageCount() {
        return mqttService.getBufferedMessageCount(clientHandle);

    public MqttMessage getBufferedMessage(int bufferIndex) {
        return mqttService.getBufferedMessage(clientHandle, bufferIndex);

    public void deleteBufferedMessage(int bufferIndex) {
        mqttService.deleteBufferedMessage(clientHandle, bufferIndex);

     * Get the SSLSocketFactory using SSL key store and password
     * <p>
     * A convenience method, which will help user to create a SSLSocketFactory
     * object
     * </p>
     * @param keyStore
     *            the SSL key store which is generated by some SSL key tool,
     *            such as keytool in Java JDK
     * @param password
     *            the password of the key store which is set when the key store
     *            is generated
     * @return SSLSocketFactory used to connect to the server with SSL
     *         authentication
     * @throws MqttSecurityException
     *             if there was any error when getting the SSLSocketFactory
    public SSLSocketFactory getSSLSocketFactory(InputStream keyStore, String password)
            throws MqttSecurityException {
        try {
            SSLContext ctx = null;
            SSLSocketFactory sslSockFactory = null;
            KeyStore ts;
            ts = KeyStore.getInstance("BKS");
            ts.load(keyStore, password.toCharArray());
            TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("X509");
            TrustManager[] tm = tmf.getTrustManagers();
            ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1");
            ctx.init(null, tm, null);

            sslSockFactory = ctx.getSocketFactory();
            return sslSockFactory;

        } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
            throw new MqttSecurityException(e);
        } catch (CertificateException e) {
            throw new MqttSecurityException(e);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new MqttSecurityException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new MqttSecurityException(e);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new MqttSecurityException(e);
        } catch (KeyManagementException e) {
            throw new MqttSecurityException(e);

    public void disconnectForcibly() throws MqttException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void disconnectForcibly(long disconnectTimeout) throws MqttException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void disconnectForcibly(long quiesceTimeout, long disconnectTimeout) throws MqttException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * Unregister receiver which receives intent from MqttService avoids
     * IntentReceiver leaks.
    public void unregisterResources() {
        if (myContext != null && receiverRegistered) {
            synchronized (MqttAndroidClient.this) {
                receiverRegistered = false;
            if (bindedService) {
                try {
                    bindedService = false;
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    //Ignore unbind issue.

     * Register receiver to receiver intent from MqttService. Call this method
     * when activity is hidden and become to show again.
     * @param context
     *            - Current activity context.
    public void registerResources(Context context) {
        if (context != null) {
            this.myContext = context;
            if (!receiverRegistered) {