Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2004, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Stephan Herrmann - Contribution for
 *                        Bug 458577 - IClassFile.getWorkingCopy() may lead to NPE in BecomeWorkingCopyOperation
package org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClassFile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ITypeRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.WorkingCopyOwner;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ConstructorDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ExplicitConstructorCall;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.RecoveryScanner;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.RecoveryScannerData;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SuffixConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.CodeSnippetParsingUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.RecordedParsingInformation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util;

 * A Java language parser for creating abstract syntax trees (ASTs).
 * <p>
 * Example: Create basic AST from source string
 * <pre>
 * char[] source = ...;
 * ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3);  // handles JDK 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
 * parser.setSource(source);
 * // In order to parse 1.5 code, some compiler options need to be set to 1.5
 * Map options = JavaCore.getOptions();
 * JavaCore.setComplianceOptions(JavaCore.VERSION_1_5, options);
 * parser.setCompilerOptions(options);
 * CompilationUnit result = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
 * </pre>
 * Once a configured parser instance has been used to create an AST,
 * the settings are automatically reset to their defaults,
 * ready for the parser instance to be reused.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * There are a number of configurable features:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Source string from {@link #setSource(char[]) char[]},
 * {@link #setSource(ICompilationUnit) ICompilationUnit},
 * or {@link #setSource(IClassFile) IClassFile}, and limited
 * to a specified {@linkplain #setSourceRange(int,int) subrange}.</li>
 * <li>Whether {@linkplain #setResolveBindings(boolean) bindings} will be created.</li>
 * <li>Which {@linkplain #setWorkingCopyOwner(WorkingCopyOwner)
 * working copy owner} to use when resolving bindings.</li>
 * <li>A hypothetical {@linkplain #setUnitName(String) compilation unit file name}
 * and {@linkplain #setProject(IJavaProject) Java project}
 * for locating a raw source string in the Java model (when
 * resolving bindings)</li>
 * <li>Which {@linkplain #setCompilerOptions(Map) compiler options}
 * to use. This is especially important to use if the parsing/scanning of the source code requires a
 * different version than the default of the workspace. For example, the workspace defaults are 1.4 and
 * you want to create an AST for a source code that is using 1.5 constructs.</li>
 * <li>Whether to parse just {@linkplain #setKind(int) an expression, statements,
 * or body declarations} rather than an entire compilation unit.</li>
 * <li>Whether to return a {@linkplain #setFocalPosition(int) abridged AST}
 * focused on the declaration containing a given source position.</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * @since 3.0
 * @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
public class ASTParser {

     * Kind constant used to request that the source be parsed
      * as a single expression.
    public static final int K_EXPRESSION = 0x01;

     * Kind constant used to request that the source be parsed
      * as a sequence of statements.
    public static final int K_STATEMENTS = 0x02;

     * Kind constant used to request that the source be parsed
     * as a sequence of class body declarations.
    public static final int K_CLASS_BODY_DECLARATIONS = 0x04;

     * Kind constant used to request that the source be parsed
     * as a compilation unit.
    public static final int K_COMPILATION_UNIT = 0x08;

     * Creates a new object for creating a Java abstract syntax tree
      * (AST) following the specified set of API rules.
      * @param level the API level; one of the <code>.JLS*</code> level constants
      * declared on {@link AST}
     * @return new ASTParser instance
    public static ASTParser newParser(int level) {
        return new ASTParser(level);

     * Level of AST API desired.
    private final int apiLevel;

     * Kind of parse requested. Defaults to an entire compilation unit.
    private int astKind;

     * Compiler options. Defaults to JavaCore.getOptions().
    private Map<String, String> compilerOptions;

    * The focal point for a partial AST request.
     * Only used when <code>partial</code> is <code>true</code>.
    private int focalPointPosition;

     * Source string.
    private char[] rawSource = null;

     * Java model class file or compilation unit supplying the source.
    private ITypeRoot typeRoot = null;

     * Character-based offset into the source string where parsing is to
     * begin. Defaults to 0.
    private int sourceOffset = 0;

     * Character-based length limit, or -1 if unlimited.
     * All characters in the source string between <code>offset</code>
     * and <code>offset+length-1</code> inclusive are parsed. Defaults to -1,
     * which means the rest of the source string.
    private int sourceLength = -1;

     * Working copy owner. Defaults to primary owner.
    private WorkingCopyOwner workingCopyOwner = DefaultWorkingCopyOwner.PRIMARY;

    * Java project used to resolve names, or <code>null</code> if none.
     * Defaults to none.
    private IJavaProject project = null;

    * Name of the compilation unit for resolving bindings, or
    * <code>null</code> if none. Defaults to none.
    private String unitName = null;

     * Classpath entries to use to resolve bindings when no java project are available.
    private String[] classpaths;

     * Sourcepath entries to use to resolve bindings when no java project are available.
    private String[] sourcepaths;

     * Encoding of the given sourcepaths entries.
    private String[] sourcepathsEncodings;

     * Bits used to set the different values from CompilationUnitResolver values.
    private int bits;

     * Creates a new AST parser for the given API level.
     * <p>
     * N.B. This constructor is package-private.
     * </p>
     * @param level the API level; one of the <code>JLS*</code> level constants
     * declared on {@link AST}
    ASTParser(int level) {
        switch (level) {
        case AST.JLS2_INTERNAL:
        case AST.JLS3_INTERNAL:
        case AST.JLS4_INTERNAL:
        case AST.JLS8:
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        this.apiLevel = level;

    private List getClasspath() throws IllegalStateException {
        Main main = new Main(new PrintWriter(System.out), new PrintWriter(System.err), false/*systemExit*/,
                null/*options*/, null/*progress*/);
        ArrayList allClasspaths = new ArrayList();
        try {
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.INCLUDE_RUNNING_VM_BOOTCLASSPATH) != 0) {
            if (this.sourcepaths != null) {
                for (int i = 0, max = this.sourcepaths.length; i < max; i++) {
                    String encoding = this.sourcepathsEncodings == null ? null : this.sourcepathsEncodings[i];
                    main.processPathEntries(Main.DEFAULT_SIZE_CLASSPATH, allClasspaths, this.sourcepaths[i],
                            encoding, true, false);
            if (this.classpaths != null) {
                for (int i = 0, max = this.classpaths.length; i < max; i++) {
                    main.processPathEntries(Main.DEFAULT_SIZE_CLASSPATH, allClasspaths, this.classpaths[i], null,
                            false, false);
            ArrayList pendingErrors = main.pendingErrors;
            if (pendingErrors != null && pendingErrors.size() != 0) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("invalid environment settings"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("invalid environment settings"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return allClasspaths;

     * Sets all the setting to their default values.
    private void initializeDefaults() {
        this.astKind = K_COMPILATION_UNIT;
        this.rawSource = null;
        this.typeRoot = null;
        this.bits = 0;
        this.sourceLength = -1;
        this.sourceOffset = 0;
        this.workingCopyOwner = DefaultWorkingCopyOwner.PRIMARY;
        this.unitName = null;
        this.project = null;
        this.classpaths = null;
        this.sourcepaths = null;
        this.sourcepathsEncodings = null;
        Map<String, String> options = JavaCore.getOptions();
        options.remove(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS); // no need to parse task tags
        this.compilerOptions = options;

     * Requests that the compiler should perform bindings recovery.
     * When bindings recovery is enabled the compiler returns incomplete bindings.
     * <p>
     * Default to <code>false</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>This should be set to true only if bindings are resolved. It has no effect if there is no binding
     * resolution.</p>
     * @param enabled <code>true</code> if incomplete bindings are expected,
     *   and <code>false</code> if only complete bindings are expected.
     * @see IBinding#isRecovered()
     * @since 3.3
    public void setBindingsRecovery(boolean enabled) {
        if (enabled) {
            this.bits |= CompilationUnitResolver.BINDING_RECOVERY;
        } else {
            this.bits &= ~CompilationUnitResolver.BINDING_RECOVERY;

     * Sets the environment to be used when no {@link IJavaProject} is available.
     * <p>The user has to make sure that all the required types are included either in the classpath or source paths. 
     * All the paths containing binary types must be included in the <code>classpathEntries</code> whereas all paths containing  
     * source types must be included in the <code>sourcepathEntries</code>.</p>
     * <p>All paths in the <code>classpathEntries</code> and <code>sourcepathEntries</code> are absolute paths.</p>
     * <p>If the source paths contain units using a specific encoding (other than the platform encoding), then the
     * given <code>encodings</code> must be set. When the <code>encodings</code> is set to non <code>null</code>, its length must
     * match the length of <code>sourcepathEntries</code> or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.</p>
     * <p>If <code>encodings</code> is not <code>null</code>, the given <code>sourcepathEntries</code> must not be <code>null</code>.</p>
     * @param classpathEntries the given classpath entries to be used to resolve bindings
     * @param sourcepathEntries the given sourcepath entries to be used to resolve bindings
     * @param encodings the encodings of the corresponding sourcepath entries or <code>null</code> if the platform encoding
     * can be used.
     * @param includeRunningVMBootclasspath <code>true</code> if the bootclasspath of the running VM must be prepended to the
     * given classpath and <code>false</code> if the bootclasspath of the running VM should be ignored.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the size of the given encodings is not equals to the size of the given <code>
     * sourcepathEntries</code>
     * @since 3.6
    public void setEnvironment(String[] classpathEntries, String[] sourcepathEntries, String[] encodings,
            boolean includeRunningVMBootclasspath) {
        this.classpaths = classpathEntries;
        this.sourcepaths = sourcepathEntries;
        this.sourcepathsEncodings = encodings;
        if (encodings != null) {
            if (sourcepathEntries == null || sourcepathEntries.length != encodings.length) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        if (includeRunningVMBootclasspath) {
            this.bits |= CompilationUnitResolver.INCLUDE_RUNNING_VM_BOOTCLASSPATH;

     * Sets the compiler options to be used when parsing.
     * <p>
     * Note that {@link #setSource(IClassFile)},
     * {@link #setSource(ICompilationUnit)},
     * and {@link #setProject(IJavaProject)} reset the compiler options
     * based on the Java project. In other cases, compiler options default
     * to {@link JavaCore#getOptions()}. In either case, and especially
     * in the latter, the caller should carefully weight the consequences of
     * allowing compiler options to be defaulted as opposed to being
     * explicitly specified for the {@link ASTParser} instance.
     * For instance, there is a compiler option called "Source Compatibility Mode"
     * which determines which JDK level the source code is expected to meet.
     * If you specify "1.4", then "assert" is treated as a keyword and disallowed
     * as an identifier; if you specify "1.3", then "assert" is allowed as an
     * identifier. So this particular setting has a major bearing on what is
     * considered syntactically legal. By explicitly specifying the setting,
     * the client control exactly how the parser works. On the other hand,
     * allowing default settings means the parsing behaves like other JDT tools.
     * </p>
     * @param options the table of options (key type: <code>String</code>;
     * value type: <code>String</code>), or <code>null</code>
     * to set it back to the default
    public void setCompilerOptions(Map<String, String> options) {
        if (options == null) {
            options = JavaCore.getOptions();
        } else {
            // copy client's options so as to not do any side effect on them
            options = new HashMap<>(options);
        options.remove(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS); // no need to parse task tags
        this.compilerOptions = options;

     * Requests that the compiler should provide binding information for
     * the AST nodes it creates.
     * <p>
     * Defaults to <code>false</code> (no bindings).
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If {@link #setResolveBindings(boolean) setResolveBindings(true)}, the various names
     * and types appearing in the AST can be resolved to "bindings"
     * by calling the <code>resolveBinding</code> methods. These bindings
     * draw connections between the different parts of a program, and
     * generally afford a more powerful vantage point for clients who wish to
     * analyze a program's structure more deeply. These bindings come at a
     * considerable cost in both time and space, however, and should not be
     * requested frivolously. The additional space is not reclaimed until the
     * AST, all its nodes, and all its bindings become garbage. So it is very
     * important to not retain any of these objects longer than absolutely
     * necessary. Bindings are resolved at the time the AST is created. Subsequent
     * modifications to the AST do not affect the bindings returned by
     * <code>resolveBinding</code> methods in any way; these methods return the
     * same binding as before the AST was modified (including modifications
     * that rearrange subtrees by reparenting nodes).
     * If {@link #setResolveBindings(boolean) setResolveBindings(false)}, (the default), the analysis
     * does not go beyond parsing and building the tree, and all
     * <code>resolveBinding</code> methods return <code>null</code> from the outset.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * When bindings are requested, instead of considering compilation units on disk only,
     * one can also supply a <code>WorkingCopyOwner</code>. Working copies owned
     * by this owner take precedence over the underlying compilation units when looking
     * up names and drawing the connections.
     * </p>
     * <p>Note that working copy owners are used only if the <code>org.eclipse.jdt.core</code>
     * bundle is initialized.</p>
     * <p>
     * Binding information is obtained from the Java model.
     * This means that the compilation unit must be located relative to the
     * Java model. This happens automatically when the source code comes from
     * either {@link #setSource(ICompilationUnit) setSource(ICompilationUnit)}
     * or {@link #setSource(IClassFile) setSource(IClassFile)}.
     * When source is supplied by {@link #setSource(char[]) setSource(char[])},
     * the location must be established explicitly by setting an environment using
     * {@link #setProject(IJavaProject)} or {@link #setEnvironment(String[], String[], String[], boolean)} 
     * and a unit name {@link #setUnitName(String)}.
     * Note that the compiler options that affect doc comment checking may also
     * affect whether any bindings are resolved for nodes within doc comments.
     * </p>
     * @param enabled <code>true</code> if bindings are wanted,
     *   and <code>false</code> if bindings are not of interest
    public void setResolveBindings(boolean enabled) {
        if (enabled) {
            this.bits |= CompilationUnitResolver.RESOLVE_BINDING;
        } else {
            this.bits &= ~CompilationUnitResolver.RESOLVE_BINDING;

     * Requests an abridged abstract syntax tree.
     * By default, complete ASTs are returned.
     * <p>
     * When the given <code>position</code> is a valid position within the source code of 
     * the compilation unit, the resulting AST does not have nodes for
     * the entire compilation unit. Rather, the AST is only fleshed out
     * for the node that include the given source position. This kind of limited
     * AST is sufficient for certain purposes but totally unsuitable for others.
     * In places where it can be used, the limited AST offers the advantage of
     * being smaller and faster to construct.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The AST will include nodes for all of the compilation unit's
     * package, import, and top-level type declarations. It will also always contain
     * nodes for all the body declarations for those top-level types, as well
     * as body declarations for any member types. However, some of the body
     * declarations may be abridged. In particular, the statements ordinarily
     * found in the body of a method declaration node will not be included
     * (the block will be empty) unless the source position falls somewhere
     * within the source range of that method declaration node. The same is true
     * for initializer declarations; the statements ordinarily found in the body
     * of initializer node will not be included unless the source position falls
     * somewhere within the source range of that initializer declaration node.
     * Field declarations are never abridged. Note that the AST for the body of
     * that one unabridged method (or initializer) is 100% complete; it has all
     * its statements, including any local or anonymous type declarations
     * embedded within them. When the given <code>position</code> is not located within
     * the source range of any body declaration of a top-level type, the AST
     * returned will be a skeleton that includes nodes for all and only the major
     * declarations; this kind of AST is still quite useful because it contains
     * all the constructs that introduce names visible to the world outside the
     * compilation unit.
     * </p>
     * <p>This focal position is not used when the AST is built using 
     * {@link #createASTs(ICompilationUnit[], String[], ASTRequestor, IProgressMonitor)}.</p>
     * @param position a position into the corresponding body declaration
    public void setFocalPosition(int position) {
        this.bits |= CompilationUnitResolver.PARTIAL;
        this.focalPointPosition = position;

     * Sets the kind of constructs to be parsed from the source.
     * Defaults to an entire compilation unit.
     * <p>
     * When the parse is successful the result returned includes the ASTs for the
     * requested source:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link #K_COMPILATION_UNIT K_COMPILATION_UNIT}: The result node
     * is a {@link CompilationUnit}.</li>
     * is a {@link TypeDeclaration} whose
     * {@link TypeDeclaration#bodyDeclarations() bodyDeclarations}
     * are the new trees. Other aspects of the type declaration are unspecified.</li>
     * <li>{@link #K_STATEMENTS K_STATEMENTS}: The result node is a
     * {@link Block Block} whose {@link Block#statements() statements}
     * are the new trees. Other aspects of the block are unspecified.</li>
     * <li>{@link #K_EXPRESSION K_EXPRESSION}: The result node is a subclass of
     * {@link Expression Expression}. Other aspects of the expression are unspecified.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The resulting AST node is rooted under (possibly contrived)
     * {@link CompilationUnit CompilationUnit} node, to allow the
     * client to retrieve the following pieces of information
     * available there:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@linkplain CompilationUnit#getLineNumber(int) Line number map}. Line
     * numbers start at 1 and only cover the subrange scanned
     * (<code>source[offset]</code> through <code>source[offset+length-1]</code>).</li>
     * <li>{@linkplain CompilationUnit#getMessages() Compiler messages}
     * and {@linkplain CompilationUnit#getProblems() detailed problem reports}.
     * Character positions are relative to the start of
     * <code>source</code>; line positions are for the subrange scanned.</li>
     * <li>{@linkplain CompilationUnit#getCommentList() Comment list}
     * for the subrange scanned.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The contrived nodes do not have source positions. Other aspects of the
     * {@link CompilationUnit CompilationUnit} node are unspecified, including
     * the exact arrangement of intervening nodes.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Lexical or syntax errors detected while parsing can result in
     * a result node being marked as {@link ASTNode#MALFORMED MALFORMED}.
     * In more severe failure cases where the parser is unable to
     * recognize the input, this method returns
     * a {@link CompilationUnit CompilationUnit} node with at least the
     * compiler messages.
     * </p>
     * <p>Each node in the subtree (other than the contrived nodes)
     * carries source range(s) information relating back
     * to positions in the given source (the given source itself
     * is not remembered with the AST).
     * The source range usually begins at the first character of the first token
     * corresponding to the node; leading whitespace and comments are <b>not</b>
     * included. The source range usually extends through the last character of
     * the last token corresponding to the node; trailing whitespace and
     * comments are <b>not</b> included. There are a handful of exceptions
     * (including the various body declarations); the
     * specification for these node type spells out the details.
     * Source ranges nest properly: the source range for a child is always
     * within the source range of its parent, and the source ranges of sibling
     * nodes never overlap.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Binding information is only computed when <code>kind</code> is
     * {@link #K_COMPILATION_UNIT}.
     * </p>
     * <p>This kind is not used when the AST is built using
     * {@link #createASTs(ICompilationUnit[], String[], ASTRequestor, IProgressMonitor)}.</p>
     * @param kind the kind of construct to parse: one of
     * {@link #K_COMPILATION_UNIT},
     * {@link #K_EXPRESSION},
     * {@link #K_STATEMENTS}
    public void setKind(int kind) {
        if ((kind != K_COMPILATION_UNIT) && (kind != K_CLASS_BODY_DECLARATIONS) && (kind != K_EXPRESSION)
                && (kind != K_STATEMENTS)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        this.astKind = kind;

     * Sets the source code to be parsed.
     * <p>This source is not used when the AST is built using 
     * {@link #createASTs(ICompilationUnit[], String[], ASTRequestor, IProgressMonitor)}.</p>
     * <p>If this method is used, the user needs to specify compiler options explicitly using
     * {@link #setCompilerOptions(Map)} as 1.5 code will not be properly parsed without setting
     * the appropriate values for the compiler options: {@link JavaCore#COMPILER_SOURCE},
     * {@link JavaCore#COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM}, and {@link JavaCore#COMPILER_COMPLIANCE}.</p>
     * <p>Otherwise the default values for the compiler options will be used to parse the given source.</p>
     * @param source the source string to be parsed,
     * or <code>null</code> if none
     * @see JavaCore#setComplianceOptions(String, Map)
    public void setSource(char[] source) {
        this.rawSource = source;
        // clear the type root
        this.typeRoot = null;

     * Sets the source code to be parsed.
     * <p>This method automatically sets the project (and compiler
     * options) based on the given compilation unit, in a manner
     * equivalent to {@link #setProject(IJavaProject) setProject(source.getJavaProject())}.</p>
     * <p>This source is not used when the AST is built using 
     * {@link #createASTs(ICompilationUnit[], String[], ASTRequestor, IProgressMonitor)}.</p>
     * @param source the Java model compilation unit whose source code
     * is to be parsed, or <code>null</code> if none
    public void setSource(ICompilationUnit source) {
        setSource((ITypeRoot) source);

     * Sets the source code to be parsed.
     * <p>This method automatically sets the project (and compiler
     * options) based on the given compilation unit, in a manner
     * equivalent to {@link #setProject(IJavaProject) setProject(source.getJavaProject())}.</p>
     * <p>If the given class file has  no source attachment, the creation of the
     * ast will fail with an {@link IllegalStateException}.</p>
     * <p>This source is not used when the AST is built using 
     * {@link #createASTs(ICompilationUnit[], String[], ASTRequestor, IProgressMonitor)}.</p>
     * @param source the Java model class file whose corresponding source code
     * is to be parsed, or <code>null</code> if none
    public void setSource(IClassFile source) {
        setSource((ITypeRoot) source);

     * Sets the source code to be parsed.
     * <p>This method automatically sets the project (and compiler
     * options) based on the given compilation unit of class file, in a manner
     * equivalent to {@link #setProject(IJavaProject) setProject(source.getJavaProject())}.</p>
     * <p>If the source is a class file without source attachment, the creation of the
     * ast will fail with an {@link IllegalStateException}.</p>
     * <p>This source is not used when the AST is built using 
     * {@link #createASTs(ICompilationUnit[], String[], ASTRequestor, IProgressMonitor)}.</p>
     * @param source the Java model compilation unit or class file whose corresponding source code
     * is to be parsed, or <code>null</code> if none
     * @since 3.3
    public void setSource(ITypeRoot source) {
        this.typeRoot = source;
        // clear the raw source
        this.rawSource = null;
        if (source != null) {
            this.project = source.getJavaProject();
            Map<String, String> options = this.project.getOptions(true);
            options.remove(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS); // no need to parse task tags
            this.compilerOptions = options;

      * Sets the subrange of the source code to be parsed.
      * By default, the entire source string will be parsed
      * (<code>offset</code> 0 and <code>length</code> -1).
     * <p>This range is not used when the AST is built using 
     * {@link #createASTs(ICompilationUnit[], String[], ASTRequestor, IProgressMonitor)}.</p>
      * @param offset the index of the first character to parse
      * @param length the number of characters to parse, or -1 if
      * the remainder of the source string is to be parsed
    public void setSourceRange(int offset, int length) {
        if (offset < 0 || length < -1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        this.sourceOffset = offset;
        this.sourceLength = length;

     * Requests that the compiler should perform statements recovery.
     * When statements recovery is enabled the compiler tries to create statement nodes
     * from code containing syntax errors
      * <p>
      * Default to <code>false</code>.
      * </p>
     * @param enabled <code>true</code> if statements containing syntax errors are wanted,
     *   and <code>false</code> if these statements aren't wanted.
     * @since 3.2
    public void setStatementsRecovery(boolean enabled) {
        if (enabled) {
            this.bits |= CompilationUnitResolver.STATEMENT_RECOVERY;
        } else {
            this.bits &= ~CompilationUnitResolver.STATEMENT_RECOVERY;

     * Requests an abstract syntax tree without method bodies. 
     * <p>When ignore method bodies is enabled, all method bodies are discarded.
     * This has no impact on the binding resolution.</p>
     * <p>This setting is not used when the kind used in {@link #setKind(int)} is either 
     * {@link #K_EXPRESSION} or {@link #K_STATEMENTS}.</p>
     * @since 3.5.2
    public void setIgnoreMethodBodies(boolean enabled) {
        if (enabled) {
            this.bits |= CompilationUnitResolver.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES;
        } else {
            this.bits &= ~CompilationUnitResolver.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES;

     * Sets the working copy owner used when resolving bindings, where
     * <code>null</code> means the primary owner. Defaults to the primary owner.
    * @param owner the owner of working copies that take precedence over underlying
    *   compilation units, or <code>null</code> if the primary owner should be used
    public void setWorkingCopyOwner(WorkingCopyOwner owner) {
        if (owner == null) {
            this.workingCopyOwner = DefaultWorkingCopyOwner.PRIMARY;
        } else {
            this.workingCopyOwner = owner;

     * Sets the name of the compilation unit that would hypothetically contains the
     * source string.
     *  <p>This is used in conjunction with {@link #setSource(char[])}
     * and {@link #setProject(IJavaProject)} to locate the compilation unit relative to a Java project.
     * Defaults to none (<code>null</code>).</p>
     * <p>
     * The name of the compilation unit must be supplied for resolving bindings.
     * This name should be suffixed by a dot ('.') followed by one of the
     * {@link JavaCore#getJavaLikeExtensions() Java-like extensions}
     * and match the name of the main (public) class or interface declared in the source.</p>
     * <p>This name must represent the full path of the unit inside the given project. For example, if the source
     * declares a public class named "Foo" in a project "P" where the source folder is the project itself, the name
     * of the compilation unit must be "/P/".
     * If the source declares a public class name "Bar" in a package "p1.p2" in a project "P" in a source folder "src",
     * the name of the compilation unit must be "/P/src/p1/p2/".</p>
     * <p>This unit name is not used when the AST is built using 
     * {@link #createASTs(ICompilationUnit[], String[], ASTRequestor, IProgressMonitor)}.</p>
     * @param unitName the name of the compilation unit that would contain the source
     *    string, or <code>null</code> if none
    public void setUnitName(String unitName) {
        this.unitName = unitName;

     * Sets the Java project used when resolving bindings.
     * <p>This method automatically sets the compiler
     * options based on the given project:</p>
     * <pre>
     * setCompilerOptions(project.getOptions(true));
     * </pre>
     * <p>See {@link #setCompilerOptions(Map)} for a discussion of
     * the pros and cons of using these options vs specifying
     * compiler options explicitly.</p>
     * <p>This setting is used in conjunction with {@link #setSource(char[])}.
     * For the purposes of resolving bindings, types declared in the
     * source string will hide types by the same name available
     * through the classpath of the given project.</p>
     * <p>Defaults to none (<code>null</code>).</p>
     * @param project the Java project used to resolve names, or
     *    <code>null</code> if none
    public void setProject(IJavaProject project) {
        this.project = project;
        if (project != null) {
            Map<String, String> options = project.getOptions(true);
            options.remove(JavaCore.COMPILER_TASK_TAGS); // no need to parse task tags
            this.compilerOptions = options;

     * Creates an abstract syntax tree.
     * <p>
     * A successful call to this method returns all settings to their
     * default values so the object is ready to be reused.
     * </p>
     * @param monitor the progress monitor used to report progress and request cancellation,
     *   or <code>null</code> if none
     * @return an AST node whose type depends on the kind of parse
     *  requested, with a fallback to a <code>CompilationUnit</code>
     *  in the case of severe parsing errors
     * @exception IllegalStateException if the settings provided
     * are insufficient, contradictory, or otherwise unsupported
    public ASTNode createAST(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
        ASTNode result = null;
        if (monitor != null)
            monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$
        try {
            if (this.rawSource == null && this.typeRoot == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("source not specified"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            result = internalCreateAST(monitor);
        } finally {
            // reset to defaults to allow reuse (and avoid leaking)
            if (monitor != null)
        return result;

     * Creates ASTs for a batch of compilation units.
     * <p>When bindings are being resolved, processing a
     * batch of compilation units is more efficient because much
     * of the work involved in resolving bindings can be shared.</p>
     * <p>
     * When bindings are being resolved, all compilation units must
     * come from the same Java project, which must be set beforehand
     * with {@link #setProject(IJavaProject) setProject}.</p>
     * <p>The compilation units are processed one at a time in no
     * specified order. For each of the compilation units in turn,</p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link #createAST(IProgressMonitor) ASTParser.createAST} is called to parse it
     * and create a corresponding AST. The calls to
     * {@link #createAST(IProgressMonitor) ASTParser.createAST} all employ the same settings.</li>
     * <li>{@link ASTRequestor#acceptAST(ICompilationUnit, CompilationUnit) ASTRequestor.acceptAST}
     * is called passing the compilation unit and the corresponding AST to <code>requestor</code>.
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * Note only ASTs from the given compilation units are reported
     * to the requestor. If additional compilation units are required to
     * resolve the original ones, the corresponding ASTs are <b>not</b>
     * reported to the requestor.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Note also the following parser parameters are used, regardless of what
     * may have been specified:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setKind(int) parser kind} is <code>K_COMPILATION_UNIT</code></li>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setSourceRange(int,int) source range} is <code>(0, -1)</code></li>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setFocalPosition(int) focal position} is not set</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The <code>bindingKeys</code> parameter specifies bindings keys
     * ({@link IBinding#getKey()}) that are to be looked up. These keys may
     * be for elements either inside or outside the set of compilation
     * units being processed. When bindings are being resolved,
     * the keys and corresponding bindings (or <code>null</code> if none) are
     * passed to {@link ASTRequestor#acceptBinding(String, IBinding) ASTRequestor.acceptBinding}.
     * Note that binding keys for elements outside the set of compilation units being processed
     * are looked up after all {@link ASTRequestor#acceptAST(ICompilationUnit, CompilationUnit) ASTRequestor.acceptAST}
     * callbacks have been made.
     * Binding keys for elements inside the set of compilation units being processed
     * are looked up and reported right after the corresponding
     * {@link ASTRequestor#acceptAST(ICompilationUnit, CompilationUnit) ASTRequestor.acceptAST} callback has been made.
     * No {@link ASTRequestor#acceptBinding(String, IBinding) ASTRequestor.acceptBinding} callbacks are made unless
     * bindings are being resolved.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A successful call to this method returns all settings to their
     * default values so the object is ready to be reused.
     * </p>
     * @param compilationUnits the compilation units to create ASTs for
     * @param bindingKeys the binding keys to create bindings for
     * @param requestor the AST requestor that collects abstract syntax trees and bindings
     * @param monitor the progress monitor used to report progress and request cancellation,
     *   or <code>null</code> if none
     * @exception IllegalStateException if the settings provided
     * are insufficient, contradictory, or otherwise unsupported
     * @since 3.1
    public void createASTs(ICompilationUnit[] compilationUnits, String[] bindingKeys, ASTRequestor requestor,
            IProgressMonitor monitor) {
        try {
            int flags = 0;
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.STATEMENT_RECOVERY) != 0) {
                flags |= ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_STATEMENTS_RECOVERY;
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES) != 0) {
                flags |= ICompilationUnit.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES;
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.RESOLVE_BINDING) != 0) {
                if (this.project == null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("project not specified"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.BINDING_RECOVERY) != 0) {
                    flags |= ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_BINDINGS_RECOVERY;
                CompilationUnitResolver.resolve(compilationUnits, bindingKeys, requestor, this.apiLevel,
                        this.compilerOptions, this.project, this.workingCopyOwner, flags, monitor);
            } else {
                CompilationUnitResolver.parse(compilationUnits, requestor, this.apiLevel, this.compilerOptions,
                        flags, monitor);
        } finally {
            // reset to defaults to allow reuse (and avoid leaking)

     * Creates ASTs for a batch of compilation units.
     * When bindings are being resolved, processing a
     * batch of compilation units is more efficient because much
     * of the work involved in resolving bindings can be shared.
     * <p>
     * When bindings are being resolved, all compilation units are resolved using
     * the same environment, which must be set beforehand
     * with {@link #setEnvironment(String[], String[], String[], boolean) setEnvironment}.
     * The compilation units are processed one at a time in no
     * specified order. For each of the compilation units in turn,
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link ASTParser#createAST(IProgressMonitor) ASTParser.createAST} is called to parse it
     * and create a corresponding AST. The calls to
     * {@link ASTParser#createAST(IProgressMonitor) ASTParser.createAST} all employ the same settings.</li>
     * <li>{@link FileASTRequestor#acceptAST(String, CompilationUnit) FileASTRequestor.acceptAST} is called passing
     * the compilation unit path and the corresponding AST to <code>requestor</code>. The compilation unit path is the same
     * path that is passed into the given <code>sourceFilePaths</code> parameter.
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * Note only ASTs from the given compilation units are reported
     * to the requestor. If additional compilation units are required to
     * resolve the original ones, the corresponding ASTs are <b>not</b>
     * reported to the requestor.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Note also the following parser parameters are used, regardless of what
     * may have been specified:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setKind(int) parser kind} is <code>K_COMPILATION_UNIT</code></li>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setSourceRange(int,int) source range} is <code>(0, -1)</code></li>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setFocalPosition(int) focal position} is not set</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The <code>bindingKeys</code> parameter specifies bindings keys
     * ({@link IBinding#getKey()}) that are to be looked up. These keys may
     * be for elements either inside or outside the set of compilation
     * units being processed. When bindings are being resolved,
     * the keys and corresponding bindings (or <code>null</code> if none) are
     * passed to {@link FileASTRequestor#acceptBinding(String, IBinding) FileASTRequestor.acceptBinding}. Note that binding keys
     * for elements outside the set of compilation units being processed are looked up
     * after all {@link FileASTRequestor#acceptAST(String, CompilationUnit) ASTRequestor.acceptAST}
     * callbacks have been made.
     * Binding keys for elements inside the set of compilation units being processed
     * are looked up and reported right after the corresponding
     * {@link FileASTRequestor#acceptAST(String, CompilationUnit) FileASTRequestor.acceptAST} callback has been made.
     * No {@link FileASTRequestor#acceptBinding(String, IBinding) FileASTRequestor.acceptBinding} callbacks are made unless
     * bindings are being resolved.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A successful call to this method returns all settings to their
     * default values so the object is ready to be reused.
     * </p>
     * <p>The given <code>encodings</code> are used to properly parse the given source units. If the platform encoding is sufficient,
     * then the given encodings can be set to <code>null</code>.</p>
     * @param sourceFilePaths the compilation units to create ASTs for
     * @param encodings the given encoding for the source units
     * @param bindingKeys the binding keys to create bindings for
     * @param requestor the AST requestor that collects abstract syntax trees and bindings
     * @param monitor the progress monitor used to report progress and request cancellation,
     *   or <code>null</code> if none
     * @exception IllegalStateException if the settings provided
     * are insufficient, contradictory, or otherwise unsupported
     * @since 3.6
    public void createASTs(String[] sourceFilePaths, String[] encodings, String[] bindingKeys,
            FileASTRequestor requestor, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
        try {
            int flags = 0;
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.STATEMENT_RECOVERY) != 0) {
                flags |= ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_STATEMENTS_RECOVERY;
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES) != 0) {
                flags |= ICompilationUnit.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES;
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.RESOLVE_BINDING) != 0) {
                if (this.classpaths == null && this.sourcepaths == null
                        && ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.INCLUDE_RUNNING_VM_BOOTCLASSPATH) == 0)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("no environment is specified"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.BINDING_RECOVERY) != 0) {
                    flags |= ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_BINDINGS_RECOVERY;
                CompilationUnitResolver.resolve(sourceFilePaths, encodings, bindingKeys, requestor, this.apiLevel,
                        this.compilerOptions, getClasspath(), flags, monitor);
            } else {
                CompilationUnitResolver.parse(sourceFilePaths, encodings, requestor, this.apiLevel,
                        this.compilerOptions, flags, monitor);
        } finally {
            // reset to defaults to allow reuse (and avoid leaking)

     * Creates bindings for a batch of Java elements.
     * <p>These elements are either
     * enclosed in {@link ICompilationUnit ICompilationUnits} or in {@link IClassFile IClassFiles}.</p>
     * <p>
     * All enclosing compilation units and class files must
     * come from the same Java project, which must be set beforehand
     * with {@link #setProject(IJavaProject) setProject}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * All elements must exist. If one doesn't exist, an {@link IllegalStateException}
     * is thrown.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The returned array has the same size as the given elements array. At a given position
     * it contains the binding of the corresponding Java element, or <code>null</code>
     * if no binding could be created.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Note also the following parser parameters are used, regardless of what
     * may have been specified:
     * <ul>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setResolveBindings(boolean) binding resolution flag} is <code>true</code></li>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setKind(int) parser kind} is <code>K_COMPILATION_UNIT</code></li>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setSourceRange(int,int) source range} is <code>(0, -1)</code></li>
     * <li>The {@linkplain #setFocalPosition(int) focal position} is not set</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A successful call to this method returns all settings to their
     * default values so the object is ready to be reused.
     * </p>
     * @param elements the Java elements to create bindings for
     * @return the bindings for the given Java elements, possibly containing <code>null</code>s
     *              if some bindings could not be created
     * @exception IllegalStateException if the settings provided
     * are insufficient, contradictory, or otherwise unsupported
     * @since 3.1
    public IBinding[] createBindings(IJavaElement[] elements, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
        try {
            if (this.project == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("project or classpath not specified"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            int flags = 0;
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.STATEMENT_RECOVERY) != 0) {
                flags |= ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_STATEMENTS_RECOVERY;
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.BINDING_RECOVERY) != 0) {
                flags |= ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_BINDINGS_RECOVERY;
            if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES) != 0) {
                flags |= ICompilationUnit.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES;
            return CompilationUnitResolver.resolve(elements, this.apiLevel, this.compilerOptions, this.project,
                    this.workingCopyOwner, flags, monitor);
        } finally {
            // reset to defaults to allow reuse (and avoid leaking)

    private ASTNode internalCreateAST(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
        boolean needToResolveBindings = (this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.RESOLVE_BINDING) != 0;
        switch (this.astKind) {
        case K_EXPRESSION:
        case K_STATEMENTS:
            if (this.rawSource == null) {
                if (this.typeRoot != null) {
                    // get the source from the type root
                    if (this.typeRoot instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
                        org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit) this.typeRoot;
                        this.rawSource = sourceUnit.getContents();
                    } else if (this.typeRoot instanceof IClassFile) {
                        try {
                            String sourceString = this.typeRoot.getSource();
                            if (sourceString != null) {
                                this.rawSource = sourceString.toCharArray();
                        } catch (JavaModelException e) {
                            // an error occured accessing the java element
                            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
                            PrintWriter writer = null;
                            try {
                                writer = new PrintWriter(stringWriter);
                            } finally {
                                if (writer != null)
                            throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(stringWriter.getBuffer()));
            if (this.rawSource != null) {
                if (this.sourceOffset + this.sourceLength > this.rawSource.length) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
                return internalCreateASTForKind();
        case K_COMPILATION_UNIT:
            CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnitDeclaration = null;
            try {
                NodeSearcher searcher = null;
                org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = null;
                WorkingCopyOwner wcOwner = this.workingCopyOwner;
                if (this.typeRoot instanceof ClassFileWorkingCopy) {
                    // special case: class file mimics as compilation unit, but that would use a wrong file name below, so better unwrap now:
                    this.typeRoot = ((ClassFileWorkingCopy) this.typeRoot).classFile;
                if (this.typeRoot instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
                     * this.compilationUnitSource is an instance of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CompilationUnit that implements
                     * both org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit and org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit
                    sourceUnit = (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ICompilationUnit) this.typeRoot;
                     * use a BasicCompilation that caches the source instead of using the compilationUnitSource directly
                     * (if it is a working copy, the source can change between the parse and the AST convertion)
                     * (see
                    sourceUnit = new BasicCompilationUnit(sourceUnit.getContents(), sourceUnit.getPackageName(),
                            new String(sourceUnit.getFileName()), this.project);
                    wcOwner = ((ICompilationUnit) this.typeRoot).getOwner();
                } else if (this.typeRoot instanceof IClassFile) {
                    try {
                        String sourceString = this.typeRoot.getSource();
                        if (sourceString == null) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException();
                        PackageFragment packageFragment = (PackageFragment) this.typeRoot.getParent();
                        BinaryType type = (BinaryType) this.typeRoot.findPrimaryType();
                        IBinaryType binaryType = (IBinaryType) type.getElementInfo();
                        // file name is used to recreate the Java element, so it has to be the toplevel .class file name
                        char[] fileName = binaryType.getFileName();
                        int firstDollar = CharOperation.indexOf('$', fileName);
                        if (firstDollar != -1) {
                            char[] suffix = SuffixConstants.SUFFIX_class;
                            int suffixLength = suffix.length;
                            char[] newFileName = new char[firstDollar + suffixLength];
                            System.arraycopy(fileName, 0, newFileName, 0, firstDollar);
                            System.arraycopy(suffix, 0, newFileName, firstDollar, suffixLength);
                            fileName = newFileName;
                        sourceUnit = new BasicCompilationUnit(sourceString.toCharArray(),
                                Util.toCharArrays(packageFragment.names), new String(fileName), this.project);
                    } catch (JavaModelException e) {
                        // an error occured accessing the java element
                        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
                        PrintWriter writer = null;
                        try {
                            writer = new PrintWriter(stringWriter);
                        } finally {
                            if (writer != null)
                        throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(stringWriter.getBuffer()));
                } else if (this.rawSource != null) {
                    needToResolveBindings = ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.RESOLVE_BINDING) != 0)
                            && this.unitName != null
                            && (this.project != null || this.classpaths != null || this.sourcepaths != null
                                    || ((this.bits
                                            & CompilationUnitResolver.INCLUDE_RUNNING_VM_BOOTCLASSPATH) != 0))
                            && this.compilerOptions != null;
                    sourceUnit = new BasicCompilationUnit(this.rawSource, null,
                            this.unitName == null ? "" : this.unitName, this.project); //$NON-NLS-1$
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
                if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.PARTIAL) != 0) {
                    searcher = new NodeSearcher(this.focalPointPosition);
                int flags = 0;
                if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.STATEMENT_RECOVERY) != 0) {
                    flags |= ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_STATEMENTS_RECOVERY;
                if (searcher == null && ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES) != 0)) {
                    flags |= ICompilationUnit.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES;
                if (needToResolveBindings) {
                    if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.BINDING_RECOVERY) != 0) {
                        flags |= ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_BINDINGS_RECOVERY;
                    try {
                        // parse and resolve
                        compilationUnitDeclaration = CompilationUnitResolver.resolve(sourceUnit, this.project,
                                getClasspath(), searcher, this.compilerOptions, this.workingCopyOwner, flags,
                    } catch (JavaModelException e) {
                        flags &= ~ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_BINDINGS_RECOVERY;
                        compilationUnitDeclaration = CompilationUnitResolver.parse(sourceUnit, searcher,
                                this.compilerOptions, flags);
                        needToResolveBindings = false;
                } else {
                    compilationUnitDeclaration = CompilationUnitResolver.parse(sourceUnit, searcher,
                            this.compilerOptions, flags);
                    needToResolveBindings = false;
                CompilationUnit result = CompilationUnitResolver.convert(compilationUnitDeclaration,
                        sourceUnit.getContents(), this.apiLevel, this.compilerOptions, needToResolveBindings,
                        wcOwner, needToResolveBindings ? new DefaultBindingResolver.BindingTables() : null, flags,
                        monitor, this.project != null);
                return result;
            } finally {
                if (compilationUnitDeclaration != null
                        && ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.RESOLVE_BINDING) != 0)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException();

     * Parses the given source between the bounds specified by the given offset (inclusive)
     * and the given length and creates and returns a corresponding abstract syntax tree.
     * <p>
     * When the parse is successful the result returned includes the ASTs for the
     * requested source:
     * <ul>
     * is a {@link TypeDeclaration TypeDeclaration} whose
     * {@link TypeDeclaration#bodyDeclarations() bodyDeclarations}
     * are the new trees. Other aspects of the type declaration are unspecified.</li>
     * <li>{@link #K_STATEMENTS K_STATEMENTS}: The result node is a
     * {@link Block Block} whose {@link Block#statements() statements}
     * are the new trees. Other aspects of the block are unspecified.</li>
     * <li>{@link #K_EXPRESSION K_EXPRESSION}: The result node is a subclass of
     * {@link Expression Expression}. Other aspects of the expression are unspecified.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The resulting AST node is rooted under an contrived
     * {@link CompilationUnit CompilationUnit} node, to allow the
     * client to retrieve the following pieces of information
     * available there:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@linkplain CompilationUnit#getLineNumber(int) Line number map}. Line
     * numbers start at 1 and only cover the subrange scanned
     * (<code>source[offset]</code> through <code>source[offset+length-1]</code>).</li>
     * <li>{@linkplain CompilationUnit#getMessages() Compiler messages}
     * and {@linkplain CompilationUnit#getProblems() detailed problem reports}.
     * Character positions are relative to the start of
     * <code>source</code>; line positions are for the subrange scanned.</li>
     * <li>{@linkplain CompilationUnit#getCommentList() Comment list}
     * for the subrange scanned.</li>
     * </ul>
     * The contrived nodes do not have source positions. Other aspects of the
     * {@link CompilationUnit CompilationUnit} node are unspecified, including
     * the exact arrangment of intervening nodes.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Lexical or syntax errors detected while parsing can result in
     * a result node being marked as {@link ASTNode#MALFORMED MALFORMED}.
     * In more severe failure cases where the parser is unable to
     * recognize the input, this method returns
     * a {@link CompilationUnit CompilationUnit} node with at least the
     * compiler messages.
     * </p>
     * <p>Each node in the subtree (other than the contrived nodes)
     * carries source range(s) information relating back
     * to positions in the given source (the given source itself
     * is not remembered with the AST).
     * The source range usually begins at the first character of the first token
     * corresponding to the node; leading whitespace and comments are <b>not</b>
     * included. The source range usually extends through the last character of
     * the last token corresponding to the node; trailing whitespace and
     * comments are <b>not</b> included. There are a handful of exceptions
     * (including the various body declarations); the
     * specification for these node type spells out the details.
     * Source ranges nest properly: the source range for a child is always
     * within the source range of its parent, and the source ranges of sibling
     * nodes never overlap.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This method does not compute binding information; all <code>resolveBinding</code>
     * methods applied to nodes of the resulting AST return <code>null</code>.
     * </p>
     * @return an AST node whose type depends on the kind of parse
     *  requested, with a fallback to a <code>CompilationUnit</code>
     *  in the case of severe parsing errors
     * @see ASTNode#getStartPosition()
     * @see ASTNode#getLength()
    private ASTNode internalCreateASTForKind() {
        final ASTConverter converter = new ASTConverter(this.compilerOptions, false, null);
        converter.compilationUnitSource = this.rawSource;
        converter.compilationUnitSourceLength = this.rawSource.length;

        AST ast = AST.newAST(this.apiLevel);
        ast.setBindingResolver(new BindingResolver());
        if ((this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.STATEMENT_RECOVERY) != 0) {
        CodeSnippetParsingUtil codeSnippetParsingUtil = new CodeSnippetParsingUtil(
                (this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES) != 0);
        CompilationUnit compilationUnit = ast.newCompilationUnit();
        if (this.sourceLength == -1) {
            this.sourceLength = this.rawSource.length;
        switch (this.astKind) {
        case K_STATEMENTS:
            ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration = codeSnippetParsingUtil.parseStatements(this.rawSource,
                    this.sourceOffset, this.sourceLength, this.compilerOptions, true,
                    (this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.STATEMENT_RECOVERY) != 0);
            RecoveryScannerData data = constructorDeclaration.compilationResult.recoveryScannerData;
            if (data != null) {
                Scanner scanner = converter.scanner;
                converter.scanner = new RecoveryScanner(scanner, data.removeUnused());
                converter.docParser.scanner = converter.scanner;

            RecordedParsingInformation recordedParsingInformation = codeSnippetParsingUtil.recordedParsingInformation;
            int[][] comments = recordedParsingInformation.commentPositions;
            if (comments != null) {
                converter.buildCommentsTable(compilationUnit, comments);
            Block block = ast.newBlock();
            block.setSourceRange(this.sourceOffset, this.sourceOffset + this.sourceLength);
            ExplicitConstructorCall constructorCall = constructorDeclaration.constructorCall;
            if (constructorCall != null
                    && constructorCall.accessMode != org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ExplicitConstructorCall.ImplicitSuper) {
            org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement[] statements = constructorDeclaration.statements;
            if (statements != null) {
                int statementsLength = statements.length;
                for (int i = 0; i < statementsLength; i++) {
                    if (statements[i] instanceof org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration) {
                        converter.checkAndAddMultipleLocalDeclaration(statements, i, block.statements());
                    } else {
                        Statement statement = converter.convert(statements[i]);
                        if (statement != null) {
            rootNodeToCompilationUnit(ast, compilationUnit, block, recordedParsingInformation, data);
            return block;
        case K_EXPRESSION:
            org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression expression = codeSnippetParsingUtil.parseExpression(
                    this.rawSource, this.sourceOffset, this.sourceLength, this.compilerOptions, true);
            recordedParsingInformation = codeSnippetParsingUtil.recordedParsingInformation;
            comments = recordedParsingInformation.commentPositions;
            if (comments != null) {
                converter.buildCommentsTable(compilationUnit, comments);
            if (expression != null) {
                Expression expression2 = converter.convert(expression);
                rootNodeToCompilationUnit(expression2.getAST(), compilationUnit, expression2,
                        codeSnippetParsingUtil.recordedParsingInformation, null);
                return expression2;
            } else {
                CategorizedProblem[] problems = recordedParsingInformation.problems;
                if (problems != null) {
                return compilationUnit;
            final org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode[] nodes = codeSnippetParsingUtil
                    .parseClassBodyDeclarations(this.rawSource, this.sourceOffset, this.sourceLength,
                            this.compilerOptions, true,
                            (this.bits & CompilationUnitResolver.STATEMENT_RECOVERY) != 0);
            recordedParsingInformation = codeSnippetParsingUtil.recordedParsingInformation;
            comments = recordedParsingInformation.commentPositions;
            if (comments != null) {
                converter.buildCommentsTable(compilationUnit, comments);
            if (nodes != null) {
                // source has no syntax error or the statement recovery is enabled
                TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = converter.convert(nodes);
                typeDeclaration.setSourceRange(this.sourceOffset, this.sourceOffset + this.sourceLength);
                rootNodeToCompilationUnit(typeDeclaration.getAST(), compilationUnit, typeDeclaration,
                        codeSnippetParsingUtil.recordedParsingInformation, null);
                return typeDeclaration;
            } else {
                // source has syntax error and the statement recovery is disabled
                CategorizedProblem[] problems = recordedParsingInformation.problems;
                if (problems != null) {
                return compilationUnit;
        throw new IllegalStateException();

    private void propagateErrors(ASTNode astNode, CategorizedProblem[] problems, RecoveryScannerData data) {
        astNode.accept(new ASTSyntaxErrorPropagator(problems));
        if (data != null) {
            astNode.accept(new ASTRecoveryPropagator(problems, data));

    private void rootNodeToCompilationUnit(AST ast, CompilationUnit compilationUnit, ASTNode node,
            RecordedParsingInformation recordedParsingInformation, RecoveryScannerData data) {
        final int problemsCount = recordedParsingInformation.problemsCount;
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
        case ASTNode.BLOCK: {
            Block block = (Block) node;
            if (problemsCount != 0) {
                // propagate and record problems
                final CategorizedProblem[] problems = recordedParsingInformation.problems;
                propagateErrors(block, problems, data);
            TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = ast.newTypeDeclaration();
            Initializer initializer = ast.newInitializer();
        case ASTNode.TYPE_DECLARATION: {
            TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration) node;
            if (problemsCount != 0) {
                // propagate and record problems
                final CategorizedProblem[] problems = recordedParsingInformation.problems;
                propagateErrors(typeDeclaration, problems, data);
            if (node instanceof Expression) {
                Expression expression = (Expression) node;
                if (problemsCount != 0) {
                    // propagate and record problems
                    final CategorizedProblem[] problems = recordedParsingInformation.problems;
                    propagateErrors(expression, problems, data);
                ExpressionStatement expressionStatement = ast.newExpressionStatement(expression);
                Block block = ast.newBlock();
                Initializer initializer = ast.newInitializer();
                TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = ast.newTypeDeclaration();