Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation

package org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClassFile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEdit;

 * Umbrella owner and abstract syntax tree node factory.
 * An <code>AST</code> instance serves as the common owner of any number of
 * AST nodes, and as the factory for creating new AST nodes owned by that
 * instance.
 * <p>
 * Abstract syntax trees may be hand constructed by clients, using the
 * <code>new<i>TYPE</i></code> factory methods to create new nodes, and the
 * various <code>set<i>CHILD</i></code> methods
 * (see {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode ASTNode} and its subclasses)
 * to connect them together.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Each AST node belongs to a unique AST instance, called the owning AST.
 * The children of an AST node always have the same owner as their parent node.
 * If a node from one AST is to be added to a different AST, the subtree must
 * be cloned first to ensures that the added nodes have the correct owning AST.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * There can be any number of AST nodes owned by a single AST instance that are
 * unparented. Each of these nodes is the root of a separate little tree of nodes.
 * The method <code>ASTNode.getRoot()</code> navigates from any node to the root
 * of the tree that it is contained in. Ordinarily, an AST instance has one main
 * tree (rooted at a <code>CompilationUnit</code>), with newly-created nodes appearing
 * as additional roots until they are parented somewhere under the main tree.
 * One can navigate from any node to its AST instance, but not conversely.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The class {@link ASTParser} parses a string
 * containing a Java source code and returns an abstract syntax tree
 * for it. The resulting nodes carry source ranges relating the node back to
 * the original source characters.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Compilation units created by <code>ASTParser</code> from a
 * source document can be serialized after arbitrary modifications
 * with minimal loss of original formatting. Here is an example:
 * <pre>
 * Document doc = new Document("import java.util.List;\nclass X {}\n");
 * ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3);
 * parser.setSource(doc.get().toCharArray());
 * CompilationUnit cu = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
 * cu.recordModifications();
 * AST ast = cu.getAST();
 * ImportDeclaration id = ast.newImportDeclaration();
 * id.setName(ast.newName(new String[] {"java", "util", "Set"});
 * cu.imports().add(id); // add import declaration at end
 * TextEdit edits = cu.rewrite(document, null);
 * UndoEdit undo = edits.apply(document);
 * </pre>
 * See also {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite.ASTRewrite} for
 * an alternative way to describe and serialize changes to a
 * read-only AST.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Clients may create instances of this class using {@link #newAST(int)},
 * but this class is not intended to be subclassed.
 * </p>
 * @see ASTParser
 * @see ASTNode
 * @since 2.0
 * @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public final class AST {
     * new Class[] {AST.class}
     * @since 3.0
    private static final Class[] AST_CLASS = new Class[] { AST.class };

     * Constant for indicating the AST API that handles JLS2.
     * <p>
     * This API is capable of handling all constructs
     * in the Java language as described in the Java Language
      * Specification, Second Edition (JLS2).
      * JLS2 is a superset of all earlier versions of the
      * Java language, and the JLS2 API can be used to manipulate
      * programs written in all versions of the Java language
      * up to and including J2SE 1.4.
      * </p>
     * @since 3.0
     * @deprecated Clients should use the {@link #JLS8} AST API instead.
    public static final int JLS2 = 2;

     * Internal synonym for {@link #JLS2}. Use to alleviate
     * deprecation warnings.
     * @since 3.1
    /*package*/ static final int JLS2_INTERNAL = JLS2;

     * Constant for indicating the AST API that handles JLS3.
     * <p>
     * This API is capable of handling all constructs in the
     * Java language as described in the Java Language
     * Specification, Third Edition (JLS3).
      * JLS3 is a superset of all earlier versions of the
      * Java language, and the JLS3 API can be used to manipulate
      * programs written in all versions of the Java language
      * up to and including J2SE 5 (aka JDK 1.5).
      * </p>
     * @since 3.1
     * @deprecated Clients should use the {@link #JLS8} AST API instead.
    public static final int JLS3 = 3;

     * Internal synonym for {@link #JLS3}. Use to alleviate
     * deprecation warnings.
     * @since 3.8
    /*package*/ static final int JLS3_INTERNAL = JLS3;

     * Constant for indicating the AST API that handles JLS4 (aka JLS7).
     * <p>
     * This API is capable of handling all constructs in the
     * Java language as described in the Java Language
     * Specification, Java SE 7 Edition (JLS7) as specified by JSR336.
     * JLS4 is a superset of all earlier versions of the
     * Java language, and the JLS4 API can be used to manipulate
     * programs written in all versions of the Java language
     * up to and including Java SE 7 (aka JDK 1.7).
     * </p>
     * @since 3.7.1
     * @deprecated Clients should use the {@link #JLS8} AST API instead.
    public static final int JLS4 = 4;

     * Internal synonym for {@link #JLS4}. Use to alleviate
     * deprecation warnings.
     * @since 3.10
    /*package*/ static final int JLS4_INTERNAL = JLS4;

     * Constant for indicating the AST API that handles JLS8.
     * <p>
     * This API is capable of handling all constructs in the
     * Java language as described in the Java Language
     * Specification, Java SE 8 Edition (JLS8) as specified by JSR337.
     * JLS8 is a superset of all earlier versions of the
     * Java language, and the JLS8 API can be used to manipulate
     * programs written in all versions of the Java language
     * up to and including Java SE 8 (aka JDK 1.8).
     * </p>
     * @since 3.10
    public static final int JLS8 = 8;

     * Must not collide with a value for ICompilationUnit constants
    static final int RESOLVED_BINDINGS = 0x80000000;

     * Internal method.
     * <p>
     * This method converts the given internal compiler AST for the given source string
     * into a compilation unit. This method is not intended to be called by clients.
     * </p>
      * @param level the API level; one of the <code>JLS*</code> level constants
     * @param compilationUnitDeclaration an internal AST node for a compilation unit declaration
     * @param source the string of the Java compilation unit
     * @param options compiler options
     * @param workingCopy the working copy that the AST is created from
     * @param monitor the progress monitor used to report progress and request cancellation,
     *     or <code>null</code> if none
     * @param isResolved whether the given compilation unit declaration is resolved
     * @return the compilation unit node
     * @deprecated Use org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST.convertCompilationUnit(int, CompilationUnitDeclaration, Map, boolean, CompilationUnit, int, IProgressMonitor) instead
     * @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    public static CompilationUnit convertCompilationUnit(int level,
            org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnitDeclaration,
            char[] source, Map options, boolean isResolved,
            org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CompilationUnit workingCopy, int reconcileFlags,
            IProgressMonitor monitor) {
        return null;

     * Internal method.
     * <p>
     * This method converts the given internal compiler AST for the given source string
     * into a compilation unit. This method is not intended to be called by clients.
     * </p>
      * @param level the API level; one of the <code>JLS*</code> level constants
     * @param compilationUnitDeclaration an internal AST node for a compilation unit declaration
     * @param options compiler options
     * @param workingCopy the working copy that the AST is created from
     * @param monitor the progress monitor used to report progress and request cancellation,
     *     or <code>null</code> if none
     * @param isResolved whether the given compilation unit declaration is resolved
     * @return the compilation unit node
     * @since 3.4
     * @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    public static CompilationUnit convertCompilationUnit(int level,
            org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnitDeclaration,
            Map options, boolean isResolved, org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CompilationUnit workingCopy,
            int reconcileFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor) {

        ASTConverter converter = new ASTConverter(options, isResolved, monitor);
        AST ast = AST.newAST(level);
        int savedDefaultNodeFlag = ast.getDefaultNodeFlag();
        BindingResolver resolver = null;
        if (isResolved) {
            resolver = new DefaultBindingResolver(compilationUnitDeclaration.scope, workingCopy.owner,
                    new DefaultBindingResolver.BindingTables(), false, true);
            ((DefaultBindingResolver) resolver).isRecoveringBindings = (reconcileFlags
                    & ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_BINDINGS_RECOVERY) != 0;
        } else {
            resolver = new BindingResolver();

        CompilationUnit unit = converter.convert(compilationUnitDeclaration, workingCopy.getContents());
        return unit;

     * Creates a new Java abstract syntax tree
      * (AST) following the specified set of API rules.
      * <p>
      * Clients should use this method specifying {@link #JLS8} as the
      * AST level in all cases, even when dealing with source of earlier JDK versions like 1.3 or 1.4.
      * </p>
      * @param level the API level; one of the <code>JLS*</code> level constants
     * @return new AST instance following the specified set of API rules.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the API level is not one of the <code>JLS*</code> level constants</li>
     * </ul>
      * @since 3.0
    public static AST newAST(int level) {
        return new AST(level);

     * Parses the given string as a Java compilation unit and creates and
     * returns a corresponding abstract syntax tree.
     * <p>
     * The returned compilation unit node is the root node of a new AST.
     * Each node in the subtree carries source range(s) information relating back
     * to positions in the given source string (the given source string itself
     * is not remembered with the AST).
     * The source range usually begins at the first character of the first token
     * corresponding to the node; leading whitespace and comments are <b>not</b>
     * included. The source range usually extends through the last character of
     * the last token corresponding to the node; trailing whitespace and
     * comments are <b>not</b> included. There are a handful of exceptions
     * (including compilation units and the various body declarations); the
     * specification for these node type spells out the details.
     * Source ranges nest properly: the source range for a child is always
     * within the source range of its parent, and the source ranges of sibling
     * nodes never overlap.
     * If a syntax error is detected while parsing, the relevant node(s) of the
     * tree will be flagged as <code>MALFORMED</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This method does not compute binding information; all <code>resolveBinding</code>
     * methods applied to nodes of the resulting AST return <code>null</code>.
     * </p>
     * @param source the string to be parsed as a Java compilation unit
     * @return the compilation unit node
     * @see ASTNode#getFlags()
     * @see ASTNode#MALFORMED
     * @see ASTNode#getStartPosition()
     * @see ASTNode#getLength()
     * @since 2.0
     * @deprecated Use {@link ASTParser} instead.
    public static CompilationUnit parseCompilationUnit(char[] source) {
        if (source == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        ASTParser c = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS2);
        ASTNode result = c.createAST(null);
        return (CompilationUnit) result;

     * Parses the given string as the hypothetical contents of the named
     * compilation unit and creates and returns a corresponding abstract syntax tree.
     * <p>
     * The returned compilation unit node is the root node of a new AST.
     * Each node in the subtree carries source range(s) information relating back
     * to positions in the given source string (the given source string itself
     * is not remembered with the AST).
     * The source range usually begins at the first character of the first token
     * corresponding to the node; leading whitespace and comments are <b>not</b>
     * included. The source range usually extends through the last character of
     * the last token corresponding to the node; trailing whitespace and
     * comments are <b>not</b> included. There are a handful of exceptions
     * (including compilation units and the various body declarations); the
     * specification for these node type spells out the details.
     * Source ranges nest properly: the source range for a child is always
     * within the source range of its parent, and the source ranges of sibling
     * nodes never overlap.
     * If a syntax error is detected while parsing, the relevant node(s) of the
     * tree will be flagged as <code>MALFORMED</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If the given project is not <code>null</code>, the various names
     * and types appearing in the compilation unit can be resolved to "bindings"
     * by calling the <code>resolveBinding</code> methods. These bindings
     * draw connections between the different parts of a program, and
     * generally afford a more powerful vantage point for clients who wish to
     * analyze a program's structure more deeply. These bindings come at a
     * considerable cost in both time and space, however, and should not be
     * requested frivolously. The additional space is not reclaimed until the
     * AST, all its nodes, and all its bindings become garbage. So it is very
     * important to not retain any of these objects longer than absolutely
     * necessary. Bindings are resolved at the time the AST is created. Subsequent
     * modifications to the AST do not affect the bindings returned by
     * <code>resolveBinding</code> methods in any way; these methods return the
     * same binding as before the AST was modified (including modifications
     * that rearrange subtrees by reparenting nodes).
     * If the given project is <code>null</code>, the analysis
     * does not go beyond parsing and building the tree, and all
     * <code>resolveBinding</code> methods return <code>null</code> from the
     * outset.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The name of the compilation unit must be supplied for resolving bindings.
     * This name should be suffixed by a dot ('.') followed by one of the
     * {@link JavaCore#getJavaLikeExtensions() Java-like extensions}
     * and match the name of the main
     * (public) class or interface declared in the source. For example, if the source
     * declares a public class named "Foo", the name of the compilation can be
     * "". For the purposes of resolving bindings, types declared in the
     * source string hide types by the same name available through the classpath
     * of the given project.
     * </p>
     * @param source the string to be parsed as a Java compilation unit
     * @param unitName the name of the compilation unit that would contain the source
     *    string, or <code>null</code> if <code>javaProject</code> is also <code>null</code>
     * @param project the Java project used to resolve names, or
     *    <code>null</code> if bindings are not resolved
     * @return the compilation unit node
     * @see ASTNode#getFlags()
     * @see ASTNode#MALFORMED
     * @see ASTNode#getStartPosition()
     * @see ASTNode#getLength()
     * @since 2.0
     * @deprecated Use {@link ASTParser} instead.
    public static CompilationUnit parseCompilationUnit(char[] source, String unitName, IJavaProject project) {

        if (source == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        ASTParser astParser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS2);
        astParser.setResolveBindings(project != null);
        ASTNode result = astParser.createAST(null);
        return (CompilationUnit) result;

     * Parses the source string corresponding to the given Java class file
     * element and creates and returns a corresponding abstract syntax tree.
     * The source string is obtained from the Java model element using
     * <code>IClassFile.getSource()</code>, and is only available for a class
     * files with attached source.
     * <p>
     * The returned compilation unit node is the root node of a new AST.
     * Each node in the subtree carries source range(s) information relating back
     * to positions in the source string (the source string is not remembered
     * with the AST).
     * The source range usually begins at the first character of the first token
     * corresponding to the node; leading whitespace and comments are <b>not</b>
     * included. The source range usually extends through the last character of
     * the last token corresponding to the node; trailing whitespace and
     * comments are <b>not</b> included. There are a handful of exceptions
     * (including compilation units and the various body declarations); the
     * specification for these node type spells out the details.
     * Source ranges nest properly: the source range for a child is always
     * within the source range of its parent, and the source ranges of sibling
     * nodes never overlap.
     * If a syntax error is detected while parsing, the relevant node(s) of the
     * tree will be flagged as <code>MALFORMED</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If <code>resolveBindings</code> is <code>true</code>, the various names
     * and types appearing in the compilation unit can be resolved to "bindings"
     * by calling the <code>resolveBinding</code> methods. These bindings
     * draw connections between the different parts of a program, and
     * generally afford a more powerful vantage point for clients who wish to
     * analyze a program's structure more deeply. These bindings come at a
     * considerable cost in both time and space, however, and should not be
     * requested frivolously. The additional space is not reclaimed until the
     * AST, all its nodes, and all its bindings become garbage. So it is very
     * important to not retain any of these objects longer than absolutely
     * necessary. Bindings are resolved at the time the AST is created. Subsequent
     * modifications to the AST do not affect the bindings returned by
     * <code>resolveBinding</code> methods in any way; these methods return the
     * same binding as before the AST was modified (including modifications
     * that rearrange subtrees by reparenting nodes).
     * If <code>resolveBindings</code> is <code>false</code>, the analysis
     * does not go beyond parsing and building the tree, and all
     * <code>resolveBinding</code> methods return <code>null</code> from the
     * outset.
     * </p>
     * @param classFile the Java model class file whose corresponding source code is to be parsed
     * @param resolveBindings <code>true</code> if bindings are wanted,
     *   and <code>false</code> if bindings are not of interest
     * @return the compilation unit node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the given Java element does not
     * exist or if its source string cannot be obtained
     * @see ASTNode#getFlags()
     * @see ASTNode#MALFORMED
     * @see ASTNode#getStartPosition()
     * @see ASTNode#getLength()
     * @since 2.1
     * @deprecated Use {@link ASTParser} instead.
    public static CompilationUnit parseCompilationUnit(IClassFile classFile, boolean resolveBindings) {

        if (classFile == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        try {
            ASTParser c = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS2);
            ASTNode result = c.createAST(null);
            return (CompilationUnit) result;
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            // convert ASTParser's complaints into old form
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

     * Parses the source string of the given Java model compilation unit element
     * and creates and returns a corresponding abstract syntax tree. The source
     * string is obtained from the Java model element using
     * <code>ICompilationUnit.getSource()</code>.
     * <p>
     * The returned compilation unit node is the root node of a new AST.
     * Each node in the subtree carries source range(s) information relating back
     * to positions in the source string (the source string is not remembered
     * with the AST).
     * The source range usually begins at the first character of the first token
     * corresponding to the node; leading whitespace and comments are <b>not</b>
     * included. The source range usually extends through the last character of
     * the last token corresponding to the node; trailing whitespace and
     * comments are <b>not</b> included. There are a handful of exceptions
     * (including compilation units and the various body declarations); the
     * specification for these node type spells out the details.
     * Source ranges nest properly: the source range for a child is always
     * within the source range of its parent, and the source ranges of sibling
     * nodes never overlap.
     * If a syntax error is detected while parsing, the relevant node(s) of the
     * tree will be flagged as <code>MALFORMED</code>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If <code>resolveBindings</code> is <code>true</code>, the various names
     * and types appearing in the compilation unit can be resolved to "bindings"
     * by calling the <code>resolveBinding</code> methods. These bindings
     * draw connections between the different parts of a program, and
     * generally afford a more powerful vantage point for clients who wish to
     * analyze a program's structure more deeply. These bindings come at a
     * considerable cost in both time and space, however, and should not be
     * requested frivolously. The additional space is not reclaimed until the
     * AST, all its nodes, and all its bindings become garbage. So it is very
     * important to not retain any of these objects longer than absolutely
     * necessary. Bindings are resolved at the time the AST is created. Subsequent
     * modifications to the AST do not affect the bindings returned by
     * <code>resolveBinding</code> methods in any way; these methods return the
     * same binding as before the AST was modified (including modifications
     * that rearrange subtrees by reparenting nodes).
     * If <code>resolveBindings</code> is <code>false</code>, the analysis
     * does not go beyond parsing and building the tree, and all
     * <code>resolveBinding</code> methods return <code>null</code> from the
     * outset.
     * </p>
     * @param unit the Java model compilation unit whose source code is to be parsed
     * @param resolveBindings <code>true</code> if bindings are wanted,
     *   and <code>false</code> if bindings are not of interest
     * @return the compilation unit node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the given Java element does not
     * exist or if its source string cannot be obtained
     * @see ASTNode#getFlags()
     * @see ASTNode#MALFORMED
     * @see ASTNode#getStartPosition()
     * @see ASTNode#getLength()
     * @since 2.0
     * @deprecated Use {@link ASTParser} instead.
    public static CompilationUnit parseCompilationUnit(ICompilationUnit unit, boolean resolveBindings) {

        try {
            ASTParser c = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS2);
            ASTNode result = c.createAST(null);
            return (CompilationUnit) result;
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            // convert ASTParser's complaints into old form
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

     * Level of AST API supported by this AST.
     * @since 3.0
    int apiLevel;

     * Tag bit value. This represents internal state of the tree.
    private int bits;

     * Default value of <code>flag<code> when a new node is created.
    private int defaultNodeFlag = 0;

     * When disableEvents > 0, events are not reported and
     * the modification count stays fixed.
     * <p>
     * This mechanism is used in lazy initialization of a node
     * to prevent events from being reported for the modification
     * of the node as well as for the creation of the missing child.
     * </p>
     * @since 3.0
    private int disableEvents = 0;

     * The event handler for this AST.
     * Initially an event handler that does not nothing.
     * @since 3.0
    private NodeEventHandler eventHandler = new NodeEventHandler();

     * Internal object unique to the AST instance. Readers must synchronize on
     * this object when the modifying instance fields.
     * @since 3.0
    private final Object internalASTLock = new Object();

     * Internal modification count; initially 0; increases monotonically
     * <b>by one or more</b> as the AST is successively modified.
    private long modificationCount = 0;

     * Internal original modification count; value is equals to <code>
     * modificationCount</code> at the end of the parse (<code>ASTParser
     * </code>). If this ast is not created with a parser then value is 0.
     * @since 3.0
    private long originalModificationCount = 0;

     * The binding resolver for this AST. Initially a binding resolver that
     * does not resolve names at all.
    private BindingResolver resolver = new BindingResolver();

     * Internal ast rewriter used to record ast modification when record mode is enabled.
    InternalASTRewrite rewriter;

     * Java Scanner used to validate preconditions for the creation of specific nodes
     * like CharacterLiteral, NumberLiteral, StringLiteral or SimpleName.
    Scanner scanner;

     * new Object[] {this}
     * @since 3.0
    private final Object[] THIS_AST = new Object[] { this };

     * Creates a new, empty abstract syntax tree using default options.
     * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions()
     * @deprecated Clients should port their code to use the new JLS4 AST API and call
     *    {@link #newAST(int) AST.newAST(AST.JLS4)} instead of using this constructor.
    public AST() {

     * Creates a new Java abstract syntax tree
      * (AST) following the specified set of API rules.
      * @param level the API level; one of the <code>JLS*</code> level constants
      * @since 3.0
    private AST(int level) {
        switch (level) {
        case JLS2_INTERNAL:
        case JLS3_INTERNAL:
            this.apiLevel = level;
            // initialize a scanner
            this.scanner = new Scanner(true /*comment*/, true /*whitespace*/, false /*nls*/,
                    ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3 /*sourceLevel*/, ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5 /*complianceLevel*/,
                    null/*taskTag*/, null/*taskPriorities*/, true/*taskCaseSensitive*/);
        case JLS4_INTERNAL:
            this.apiLevel = level;
            // initialize a scanner
            this.scanner = new Scanner(true /*comment*/, true /*whitespace*/, false /*nls*/,
                    ClassFileConstants.JDK1_7 /*sourceLevel*/, ClassFileConstants.JDK1_7 /*complianceLevel*/,
                    null/*taskTag*/, null/*taskPriorities*/, true/*taskCaseSensitive*/);
        case JLS8:
            this.apiLevel = level;
            // initialize a scanner
            this.scanner = new Scanner(true /*comment*/, true /*whitespace*/, false /*nls*/,
                    ClassFileConstants.JDK1_8 /*sourceLevel*/, ClassFileConstants.JDK1_8 /*complianceLevel*/,
                    null/*taskTag*/, null/*taskPriorities*/, true/*taskCaseSensitive*/);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported JLS level"); //$NON-NLS-1$

     * Creates a new, empty abstract syntax tree using the given options.
     * <p>
     * Following option keys are significant:
     * <ul>
     * <li><code>"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source"</code> -
     *    indicates source compatibility mode (as per <code>JavaCore</code>);
     *    <code>"1.3"</code> means the source code is as per JDK 1.3;
     *    <code>"1.4"</code> means the source code is as per JDK 1.4
     *    (<code>"assert"</code> is now a keyword);
     *    <code>"1.5"</code> means the source code is as per JDK 1.5
     *    (<code>"enum"</code> is now a keyword);
     *    <code>"1.7"</code> means the source code is as per JDK 1.7;
     *    additional legal values may be added later. </li>
     * </ul>
     * Options other than the above are ignored.
     * </p>
     * @param options the table of options (key type: <code>String</code>;
     *    value type: <code>String</code>)
     * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions()
     * @deprecated Clients should port their code to use the new JLS4 AST API and call
     *    {@link #newAST(int) AST.newAST(AST.JLS4)} instead of using this constructor.
    public AST(Map options) {
        Object sourceLevelOption = options.get(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE);
        long sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3;
        if (JavaCore.VERSION_1_4.equals(sourceLevelOption)) {
            sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4;
        } else if (JavaCore.VERSION_1_5.equals(sourceLevelOption)) {
            sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
        } else if (JavaCore.VERSION_1_7.equals(sourceLevelOption)) {
            sourceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_7;
        Object complianceLevelOption = options.get(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE);
        long complianceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3;
        if (JavaCore.VERSION_1_4.equals(complianceLevelOption)) {
            complianceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4;
        } else if (JavaCore.VERSION_1_5.equals(complianceLevelOption)) {
            complianceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5;
        } else if (JavaCore.VERSION_1_7.equals(complianceLevelOption)) {
            complianceLevel = ClassFileConstants.JDK1_7;
        // override scanner if 1.4 or 1.5 asked for
        this.scanner = new Scanner(true /*comment*/, true /*whitespace*/, false /*nls*/,
                sourceLevel /*sourceLevel*/, complianceLevel /*complianceLevel*/, null/*taskTag*/,
                null/*taskPriorities*/, true/*taskCaseSensitive*/);

     * Return the API level supported by this AST.
     * @return level the API level; one of the <code>JLS*</code> level constants
      * declared on <code>AST</code>; assume this set is open-ended
      * @since 3.0
    public int apiLevel() {
        return this.apiLevel;

     * Creates an unparented node of the given node class
     * (non-abstract subclass of {@link ASTNode}).
     * @param nodeClass AST node class
     * @return a new unparented node owned by this AST
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>nodeClass</code> is
     * <code>null</code> or is not a concrete node type class
     * or is not supported for this AST's API level
     * @since 3.0
    public ASTNode createInstance(Class nodeClass) {
        if (nodeClass == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        try {
            // invoke constructor with signature Foo(AST)
            Constructor c = nodeClass.getDeclaredConstructor(AST_CLASS);
            Object result = c.newInstance(this.THIS_AST);
            return (ASTNode) result;
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            // all AST node classes have a Foo(AST) constructor
            // therefore nodeClass is not legit
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            // all concrete AST node classes can be instantiated
            // therefore nodeClass is not legit
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            // all AST node classes have an accessible Foo(AST) constructor
            // therefore nodeClass is not legit
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            // concrete AST node classes do not die in the constructor
            // therefore nodeClass is not legit
            IllegalArgumentException iae = new IllegalArgumentException();
            throw iae;

     * Creates an unparented node of the given node type.
     * This convenience method is equivalent to:
     * <pre>
     * createInstance(ASTNode.nodeClassForType(nodeType))
     * </pre>
     * @param nodeType AST node type, one of the node type
     * constants declared on {@link ASTNode}
     * @return a new unparented node owned by this AST
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>nodeType</code> is
     * not a legal AST node type or if it's not supported for this AST's API level
     * @since 3.0
    public ASTNode createInstance(int nodeType) {
        // nodeClassForType throws IllegalArgumentException if nodeType is bogus
        Class nodeClass = ASTNode.nodeClassForType(nodeType);
        return createInstance(nodeClass);

      * Disable events.
     * This method is thread-safe for AST readers.
     * @see #reenableEvents()
      * @since 3.0
    final void disableEvents() {
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by another reader
        // while disableEvents > 0 no events will be reported, and mod count will stay fixed

     * Returns the binding resolver for this AST.
     * @return the binding resolver for this AST
    BindingResolver getBindingResolver() {
        return this.resolver;

     * Returns default node flags of new nodes of this AST.
     * @return the default node flags of new nodes of this AST
     * @since 3.0
    int getDefaultNodeFlag() {
        return this.defaultNodeFlag;

     * Returns the event handler for this AST.
     * @return the event handler for this AST
     * @since 3.0
    NodeEventHandler getEventHandler() {
        return this.eventHandler;

     * Returns true if the ast tree was created with bindings recovery, false otherwise
     * @return true if the ast tree was created with bindings recovery, false otherwise
     * @since 3.3
    public boolean hasBindingsRecovery() {
        return (this.bits & ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_BINDINGS_RECOVERY) != 0;

     * Returns true if the ast tree was created with bindings, false otherwise
     * @return true if the ast tree was created with bindings, false otherwise
     * @since 3.3
    public boolean hasResolvedBindings() {
        return (this.bits & RESOLVED_BINDINGS) != 0;

     * Returns true if the ast tree was created with statements recovery, false otherwise
     * @return true if the ast tree was created with statements recovery, false otherwise
     * @since 3.3
    public boolean hasStatementsRecovery() {
        return (this.bits & ICompilationUnit.ENABLE_STATEMENTS_RECOVERY) != 0;

    /* (omit javadoc for this method)
     * This method is a copy of setName(String[]) that doesn't do any validation.
    Name internalNewName(String[] identifiers) {
        int count = identifiers.length;
        if (count == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        final SimpleName simpleName = new SimpleName(this);
        Name result = simpleName;
        for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
            SimpleName name = new SimpleName(this);
            result = newQualifiedName(result, name);
        return result;

     * Returns the modification count for this AST. The modification count
     * is a non-negative value that increases (by 1 or perhaps by more) as
     * this AST or its nodes are changed. The initial value is unspecified.
     * <p>
     * The following things count as modifying an AST:
     * <ul>
     * <li>creating a new node owned by this AST,</li>
     * <li>adding a child to a node owned by this AST,</li>
     * <li>removing a child from a node owned by this AST,</li>
     * <li>setting a non-node attribute of a node owned by this AST.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * Operations which do not entail creating or modifying existing nodes
     * do not increase the modification count.
     * <p>
     * N.B. This method may be called several times in the course
     * of a single client operation. The only promise is that the modification
     * count increases monotonically as the AST or its nodes change; there is
     * no promise that a modifying operation increases the count by exactly 1.
     * </p>
     * @return the current value (non-negative) of the modification counter of
     *    this AST
    public long modificationCount() {
        return this.modificationCount;

     * Indicates that this AST is about to be modified.
     * <p>
     * The following things count as modifying an AST:
     * <ul>
     * <li>creating a new node owned by this AST</li>
     * <li>adding a child to a node owned by this AST</li>
     * <li>removing a child from a node owned by this AST</li>
     * <li>setting a non-node attribute of a node owned by this AST</li>.
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * N.B. This method may be called several times in the course
     * of a single client operation.
     * </p>
    void modifying() {
        // when this method is called during lazy init, events are disabled
        // and the modification count will not be increased
        if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
        // increase the modification count

     * A local method to workaround calling deprecated method in array type.
     * @deprecated
    private void setArrayComponentType(ArrayType arrayType, Type type) {

     * Creates and returns a new unparented annotation type declaration
     * node for an unspecified, but legal, name; no modifiers; no javadoc;
     * and an empty list of member declarations.
     * @return a new unparented annotation type declaration node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public AnnotationTypeDeclaration newAnnotationTypeDeclaration() {
        AnnotationTypeDeclaration result = new AnnotationTypeDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented annotation type
     * member declaration node for an unspecified, but legal,
     * member name and type; no modifiers; no javadoc;
     * and no default value.
     * @return a new unparented annotation type member declaration node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration newAnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration() {
        AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration result = new AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented anonymous class declaration
     * node owned by this AST. By default, the body declaration list is empty.
     * @return a new unparented anonymous class declaration node
    public AnonymousClassDeclaration newAnonymousClassDeclaration() {
        AnonymousClassDeclaration result = new AnonymousClassDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented array access expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the array and index expression are
     * both unspecified (but legal).
     * @return a new unparented array access expression node
    public ArrayAccess newArrayAccess() {
        ArrayAccess result = new ArrayAccess(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented array creation expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the array type is an unspecified
     * 1-dimensional array, the list of dimensions is empty, and there is no
     * array initializer.
     * <p>
     * Examples:
     * <code>
     * <pre>
     * // new String[len]
     * ArrayCreation ac1 = ast.newArrayCreation();
     * ac1.setType(
     *    ast.newArrayType(
     *       ast.newSimpleType(ast.newSimpleName("String"))));
     * ac1.dimensions().add(ast.newSimpleName("len"));
     * // new double[7][24][]
     * ArrayCreation ac2 = ast.newArrayCreation();
     * ac2.setType(
     *    ast.newArrayType(
     *       ast.newPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.DOUBLE), 3));
     * ac2.dimensions().add(ast.newNumberLiteral("7"));
     * ac2.dimensions().add(ast.newNumberLiteral("24"));
     * // new int[] {1, 2}
     * ArrayCreation ac3 = ast.newArrayCreation();
     * ac3.setType(
     *    ast.newArrayType(
     *       ast.newPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.INT)));
     * ArrayInitializer ai = ast.newArrayInitializer();
     * ac3.setInitializer(ai);
     * ai.expressions().add(ast.newNumberLiteral("1"));
     * ai.expressions().add(ast.newNumberLiteral("2"));
     * </pre>
     * </code>
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented array creation expression node
    public ArrayCreation newArrayCreation() {
        ArrayCreation result = new ArrayCreation(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented array initializer node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the initializer has no expressions.
     * @return a new unparented array initializer node
    public ArrayInitializer newArrayInitializer() {
        ArrayInitializer result = new ArrayInitializer(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented array type node with the given
     * element type, which cannot be an array type for API levels JLS8 and later.
     * By default, the array type has one non-annotated dimension.
     * <p>
     * For JLS4 and before, the given component type may be another array type.
     * @param elementType element type for API level JLS8 and later, or the
     * component type (possibly another array type) for levels less than JLS8
     * @return a new unparented array type node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * <li>API level is JLS8 or later and type is an array type</li>
     * </ul>
    public ArrayType newArrayType(Type elementType) {
        ArrayType result;
        if (this.apiLevel < AST.JLS8) {
            result = new ArrayType(this);
            setArrayComponentType(result, elementType);
            return result;
        if (elementType.isArrayType()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        result = new ArrayType(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented array type node with the given
     * element type and number of dimensions.
     * <p>
     * For JLS4 and before, the element type passed in can be an array type, but in that case, the
     * element type of the result will not be the same as what was passed in.
     * For JLS4 and before, the dimensions cannot be 0.
     * </p>
     * @param elementType the element type (cannot be an array type for JLS8 and later)
     * @param dimensions the number of dimensions, a non-negative number
     * @return a new unparented array type node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * <li>the element type is null</li>
     * <li>the number of dimensions is lower than 0 (for JLS4 and before: lower than 1)</li>
     * <li>the number of dimensions is greater than 255</li>
     * <li>for levels from JLS8 and later, if the element type is an array type </li>
     * </ul>
    public ArrayType newArrayType(Type elementType, int dimensions) {
        if (elementType == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        if (dimensions < 0 || dimensions > 255) {
            // max as per Java VM spec
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        ArrayType result;
        if (this.apiLevel < AST.JLS8) {
            if (dimensions < 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            result = new ArrayType(this);
            setArrayComponentType(result, elementType);
            for (int i = 2; i <= dimensions; i++) {
                result = newArrayType(result);
            return result;
        //level >= JLS8
        if (elementType.isArrayType()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        result = new ArrayType(this, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; ++i) {
            result.dimensions().add(new Dimension(this));
        return result;


     * Creates a new unparented assert statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the first expression is unspecified, but legal, and has no
     * message expression.
     * @return a new unparented assert statement node
    public AssertStatement newAssertStatement() {
        return new AssertStatement(this);

     * Creates and returns a new unparented assignment expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the assignment operator is "=" and
     * the left and right hand side expressions are unspecified, but
     * legal, names.
     * @return a new unparented assignment expression node
    public Assignment newAssignment() {
        Assignment result = new Assignment(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented block node owned by this AST, for an empty list
     * of statements.
     * @return a new unparented, empty block node
    public Block newBlock() {
        return new Block(this);

     * Creates and returns a new block comment placeholder node.
     * <p>
     * Note that this node type is used to recording the source
     * range where a comment was found in the source string.
     * These comment nodes are normally found (only) in
     * {@linkplain CompilationUnit#getCommentList()
     * the comment table} for parsed compilation units.
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented block comment node
     * @since 3.0
    public BlockComment newBlockComment() {
        BlockComment result = new BlockComment(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented boolean literal node.
     * <p>
     * For example, the assignment expression <code>foo = true</code>
     * is generated by the following snippet:
     * <code>
     * <pre>
     * Assignment e= ast.newAssignment();
     * e.setLeftHandSide(ast.newSimpleName("foo"));
     * e.setRightHandSide(ast.newBooleanLiteral(true));
     * </pre>
     * </code>
     * </p>
     * @param value the boolean value
     * @return a new unparented boolean literal node
    public BooleanLiteral newBooleanLiteral(boolean value) {
        BooleanLiteral result = new BooleanLiteral(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented break statement node owned by this AST.
     * The break statement has no label.
     * @return a new unparented break statement node
    public BreakStatement newBreakStatement() {
        return new BreakStatement(this);

     * Creates and returns a new unparented cast expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the type and expression are unspecified
     * (but legal).
     * @return a new unparented cast expression node
    public CastExpression newCastExpression() {
        CastExpression result = new CastExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented catch clause node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the catch clause declares an unspecified, but legal,
     * exception declaration and has an empty block.
     * @return a new unparented catch clause node
    public CatchClause newCatchClause() {
        return new CatchClause(this);

     * Creates and returns a new unparented character literal node.
     * Initially the node has an unspecified character literal.
     * @return a new unparented character literal node
    public CharacterLiteral newCharacterLiteral() {
        return new CharacterLiteral(this);

     * Creates and returns a new unparented class instance creation
     * ("new") expression node owned by this AST. By default,
     * there is no qualifying expression, no type parameters,
     * an unspecified (but legal) type name, an empty list of
     * arguments, and does not declare an anonymous class declaration.
     * @return a new unparented class instance creation expression node
    public ClassInstanceCreation newClassInstanceCreation() {
        ClassInstanceCreation result = new ClassInstanceCreation(this);
        return result;

    //=============================== DECLARATIONS ===========================
     * Creates an unparented compilation unit node owned by this AST.
     * The compilation unit initially has no package declaration, no
     * import declarations, and no type declarations.
     * @return the new unparented compilation unit node
    public CompilationUnit newCompilationUnit() {
        return new CompilationUnit(this);

     * Creates and returns a new unparented conditional expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the condition and both expressions
     * are unspecified (but legal).
     * @return a new unparented array conditional expression node
    public ConditionalExpression newConditionalExpression() {
        ConditionalExpression result = new ConditionalExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented alternate constructor ("this(...);") invocation
     * statement node owned by this AST. By default, the lists of arguments
     * and type arguments are both empty.
     * <p>
     * Note that this type of node is a Statement, whereas a regular
     * method invocation is an Expression. The only valid use of these
     * statements are as the first statement of a constructor body.
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented alternate constructor invocation statement node
    public ConstructorInvocation newConstructorInvocation() {
        ConstructorInvocation result = new ConstructorInvocation(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented continue statement node owned by this AST.
     * The continue statement has no label.
     * @return a new unparented continue statement node
    public ContinueStatement newContinueStatement() {
        return new ContinueStatement(this);

     * Creates an unparented creation reference node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the type is unspecified (but legal), and there are no type arguments.
     * @return a new unparented creation reference expression node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in a JLS2, JLS3 or JLS4 AST
     * @since 3.10
    public CreationReference newCreationReference() {
        CreationReference result = new CreationReference(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented do statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the expression is unspecified (but legal), and
     * the body statement is an empty block.
     * @return a new unparented do statement node
    public DoStatement newDoStatement() {
        return new DoStatement(this);

     * Creates a new unparented empty statement node owned by this AST.
     * @return a new unparented empty statement node
    public EmptyStatement newEmptyStatement() {
        return new EmptyStatement(this);

     * Creates a new unparented enhanced for statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the paramter and expression are unspecified
     * but legal subtrees, and the body is an empty block.
     * @return a new unparented throw statement node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public EnhancedForStatement newEnhancedForStatement() {
        return new EnhancedForStatement(this);

     * Creates an unparented enum constant declaration node owned by this AST.
     * The name of the constant is an unspecified, but legal, name;
     * no doc comment; no modifiers or annotations; no arguments;
     * and does not declare an anonymous class.
     * @return a new unparented enum constant declaration node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public EnumConstantDeclaration newEnumConstantDeclaration() {
        EnumConstantDeclaration result = new EnumConstantDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented enum declaration node owned by this AST.
     * The name of the enum is an unspecified, but legal, name;
     * no doc comment; no modifiers or annotations;
     * no superinterfaces; and empty lists of enum constants
     * and body declarations.
     * @return a new unparented enum declaration node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public EnumDeclaration newEnumDeclaration() {
        EnumDeclaration result = new EnumDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented expression method reference node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the expression and method name are unspecified (but legal),
     * and there are no type arguments.
     * @return a new unparented expression method reference expression node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in a JLS2, JLS3 or JLS4 AST
     * @since 3.10
    public ExpressionMethodReference newExpressionMethodReference() {
        ExpressionMethodReference result = new ExpressionMethodReference(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented expression statement node owned by this AST,
     * for the given expression.
     * <p>
     * This method can be used to convert an expression
     * (<code>Expression</code>) into a statement (<code>Type</code>)
     * by wrapping it. Note, however, that the result is only legal for
     * limited expression types, including method invocations, assignments,
     * and increment/decrement operations.
     * </p>
     * @param expression the expression
     * @return a new unparented statement node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * </ul>
    public ExpressionStatement newExpressionStatement(Expression expression) {
        ExpressionStatement result = new ExpressionStatement(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented annotatable dimension node
     * (Supported only in JLS8 level).
     * @return a new unparented annotatable dimension node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * </ul>
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used
     *            in a JLS2, JLS3 or JLS4 AST
     * @since 3.10
    public Dimension newDimension() {
        Dimension result = new Dimension(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented field access expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the expression and field are both
     * unspecified, but legal, names.
     * @return a new unparented field access expression node
    public FieldAccess newFieldAccess() {
        FieldAccess result = new FieldAccess(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented field declaration node owned by this AST,
     * for the given variable declaration fragment. By default, there are no
     * modifiers, no doc comment, and the base type is unspecified
     * (but legal).
     * <p>
     * This method can be used to wrap a variable declaration fragment
     * (<code>VariableDeclarationFragment</code>) into a field declaration
     * suitable for inclusion in the body of a type declaration
     * (<code>FieldDeclaration</code> implements <code>BodyDeclaration</code>).
     * Additional variable declaration fragments can be added afterwards.
     * </p>
     * @param fragment the variable declaration fragment
     * @return a new unparented field declaration node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * <li>the given fragment is null</li>
     * </ul>
    public FieldDeclaration newFieldDeclaration(VariableDeclarationFragment fragment) {
        if (fragment == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        FieldDeclaration result = new FieldDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented for statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, there are no initializers, no condition expression,
     * no updaters, and the body is an empty block.
     * @return a new unparented for statement node
    public ForStatement newForStatement() {
        return new ForStatement(this);

     * Creates a new unparented if statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the expression is unspecified (but legal),
     * the then statement is an empty block, and there is no else statement.
     * @return a new unparented if statement node
    public IfStatement newIfStatement() {
        return new IfStatement(this);

     * Creates an unparented import declaration node owned by this AST.
     * The import declaration initially contains a single-type import
     * of a type with an unspecified name.
     * @return the new unparented import declaration node
    public ImportDeclaration newImportDeclaration() {
        ImportDeclaration result = new ImportDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented infix expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the operator and left and right
     * operand are unspecified (but legal), and there are no extended
     * operands.
     * @return a new unparented infix expression node
    public InfixExpression newInfixExpression() {
        InfixExpression result = new InfixExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented initializer node owned by this AST, with an
     * empty block. By default, the initializer has no modifiers and
     * an empty block.
     * @return a new unparented initializer node
    public Initializer newInitializer() {
        Initializer result = new Initializer(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented instanceof expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the operator and left and right
     * operand are unspecified (but legal).
     * @return a new unparented instanceof expression node
    public InstanceofExpression newInstanceofExpression() {
        InstanceofExpression result = new InstanceofExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new doc comment node.
     * Initially the new node has an empty list of tag elements
     * (and, for backwards compatability, an unspecified, but legal,
     * doc comment string)
     * @return a new unparented doc comment node
    public Javadoc newJavadoc() {
        Javadoc result = new Javadoc(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented labeled statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the label and statement are both unspecified, but legal.
     * @return a new unparented labeled statement node
    public LabeledStatement newLabeledStatement() {
        return new LabeledStatement(this);

     * Creates an unparented lambda expression node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the new lambda expression has parentheses enabled, contains an empty argument
     * list, and the body is an empty block.
     * @return a new unparented lambda expression node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in a JLS2, JLS3 or JLS4 AST
     * @since 3.10
    public LambdaExpression newLambdaExpression() {
        LambdaExpression result = new LambdaExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new line comment placeholder node.
     * <p>
     * Note that this node type is used to recording the source
     * range where a comment was found in the source string.
     * These comment nodes are normally found (only) in
     * {@linkplain CompilationUnit#getCommentList()
     * the comment table} for parsed compilation units.
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented line comment node
     * @since 3.0
    public LineComment newLineComment() {
        LineComment result = new LineComment(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented marker annotation node with
     * an unspecified type name.
     * @return a new unparented marker annotation node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public MarkerAnnotation newMarkerAnnotation() {
        MarkerAnnotation result = new MarkerAnnotation(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new member reference node.
     * Initially the new node has no qualifier name and
     * an unspecified, but legal, member name.
     * <p>
     * Note that this node type is used only inside doc comments
     * ({@link Javadoc}).
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented member reference node
     * @since 3.0
    public MemberRef newMemberRef() {
        MemberRef result = new MemberRef(this);
        return result;

    //=============================== COMMENTS ===========================

     * Creates and returns a new unparented member value pair node with
     * an unspecified member name and value.
     * @return a new unparented member value pair node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public MemberValuePair newMemberValuePair() {
        MemberValuePair result = new MemberValuePair(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented method declaration node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the declaration is for a method of an unspecified, but
     * legal, name; no modifiers; no doc comment; no parameters; return
     * type void; no extra array dimensions; no thrown exceptions; and no
     * body (as opposed to an empty body).
     * <p>
     * To create a constructor, use this method and then call
     * <code>MethodDeclaration.setConstructor(true)</code> and
     * <code>MethodDeclaration.setName(className)</code>.
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented method declaration node
    public MethodDeclaration newMethodDeclaration() {
        MethodDeclaration result = new MethodDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented method invocation expression node owned by this
     * AST. By default, the name of the method is unspecified (but legal)
     * there is no receiver expression, no type arguments, and the list of
     * arguments is empty.
     * @return a new unparented method invocation expression node
    public MethodInvocation newMethodInvocation() {
        MethodInvocation result = new MethodInvocation(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new method reference node.
     * Initially the new node has no qualifier name,
     * an unspecified, but legal, method name, and an
     * empty parameter list.
     * <p>
     * Note that this node type is used only inside doc comments
     * ({@link Javadoc Javadoc}).
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented method reference node
     * @since 3.0
    public MethodRef newMethodRef() {
        MethodRef result = new MethodRef(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new method reference node.
     * Initially the new node has an unspecified, but legal,
     * type, not variable arity, and no parameter name.
     * <p>
     * Note that this node type is used only inside doc comments
     * ({@link Javadoc}).
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented method reference parameter node
     * @since 3.0
    public MethodRefParameter newMethodRefParameter() {
        MethodRefParameter result = new MethodRefParameter(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented modifier node for the given
     * modifier.
     * @param keyword one of the modifier keyword constants
     * @return a new unparented modifier node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the primitive type code is invalid
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public Modifier newModifier(Modifier.ModifierKeyword keyword) {
        Modifier result = new Modifier(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a list of new unparented modifier nodes
     * for the given modifier flags. When multiple modifiers are
     * requested, the modifier nodes will appear in the following order:
     * <pre> public protected private
     * abstract default static final synchronized native strictfp transient volatile</pre>
     * <p>
     * This order is consistent with the recommendations in JLS8 ("*Modifier:" rules in chapters 8 and 9).
     * </p>
     * @param flags bitwise or of modifier flags declared on {@link Modifier}
     * @return a possibly empty list of new unparented modifier nodes
     *   (element type <code>Modifier</code>)
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public List newModifiers(int flags) {
        if (this.apiLevel == AST.JLS2) {
        List result = new ArrayList(3); // 3 modifiers is more than average
        if (Modifier.isPublic(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isProtected(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isPrivate(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isAbstract(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isDefault(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isStatic(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isFinal(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isSynchronized(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isNative(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isStrictfp(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isTransient(flags)) {
        if (Modifier.isVolatile(flags)) {
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented name node for the given name.
     * The name string must consist of 1 or more name segments separated
     * by single dots '.'. Returns a {@link QualifiedName} if the name has
     * dots, and a {@link SimpleName} otherwise. Each of the name
     * segments should be legal Java identifiers (this constraint may or may
     * not be enforced), and there must be at least one name segment.
     * The string must not contains white space, '&lt;', '&gt;',
     * '[', ']', or other any other characters that are not
     * part of the Java identifiers or separating '.'s.
     * @param qualifiedName string consisting of 1 or more name segments,
     * each of which is a legal Java identifier, separated  by single dots '.'
     * @return a new unparented name node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the string is empty</li>
     * <li>the string begins or ends in a '.'</li>
     * <li>the string has adjacent '.'s</li>
     * <li>the segments between the '.'s are not valid Java identifiers</li>
     * </ul>
     * @since 3.1
    public Name newName(String qualifiedName) {
        StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(qualifiedName, ".", true); //$NON-NLS-1$
        Name result = null;
        // balance is # of name tokens - # of period tokens seen so far
        // initially 0; finally 1; should never drop < 0 or > 1
        int balance = 0;
        while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String s = t.nextToken();
            if (s.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
                // this is a delimiter
                if (s.length() > 1) {
                    // too many dots in a row
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                if (balance < 0) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            } else {
                // this is an identifier segment
                SimpleName name = newSimpleName(s);
                if (result == null) {
                    result = name;
                } else {
                    result = newQualifiedName(result, name);
        if (balance != 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented name node for the given name
     * segments. Returns a simple name if there is only one name segment, and
     * a qualified name if there are multiple name segments. Each of the name
     * segments should be legal Java identifiers (this constraint may or may
     * not be enforced), and there must be at least one name segment.
     * @param identifiers a list of 1 or more name segments, each of which
     *    is a legal Java identifier
     * @return a new unparented name node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the identifier is invalid</li>
     * <li>the list of identifiers is empty</li>
     * </ul>
    public Name newName(String[] identifiers) {
        // update internalSetName(String[] if changed
        int count = identifiers.length;
        if (count == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        Name result = newSimpleName(identifiers[0]);
        for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
            SimpleName name = newSimpleName(identifiers[i]);
            result = newQualifiedName(result, name);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented name qualified type node with
     * the given qualifier and name.
     * @param qualifier the name qualifier name node
     * @param name the simple name being qualified
     * @return a new unparented qualified type node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * </ul>
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2, JLS3 and JLS4 AST
     * @since 3.10
    public NameQualifiedType newNameQualifiedType(Name qualifier, SimpleName name) {
        NameQualifiedType result = new NameQualifiedType(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented normal annotation node with
     * an unspecified type name and an empty list of member value
     * pairs.
     * @return a new unparented normal annotation node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public NormalAnnotation newNormalAnnotation() {
        NormalAnnotation result = new NormalAnnotation(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented null literal node.
     * @return a new unparented null literal node
    public NullLiteral newNullLiteral() {
        return new NullLiteral(this);

     * Creates and returns a new unparented number literal node.
     * Initially the number literal token is <code>"0"</code>.
     * @return a new unparented number literal node
    public NumberLiteral newNumberLiteral() {
        NumberLiteral result = new NumberLiteral(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented number literal node.
     * @param literal the token for the numeric literal as it would
     *    appear in Java source code
     * @return a new unparented number literal node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the literal is null
    public NumberLiteral newNumberLiteral(String literal) {
        if (literal == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        NumberLiteral result = new NumberLiteral(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented package declaration node owned by this AST.
     * The package declaration initially declares a package with an
     * unspecified name.
     * @return the new unparented package declaration node
    public PackageDeclaration newPackageDeclaration() {
        PackageDeclaration result = new PackageDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented parameterized type node with the
     * given type and an empty list of type arguments.
     * @param type the type that is parameterized
     * @return a new unparented parameterized type node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * </ul>
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public ParameterizedType newParameterizedType(Type type) {
        ParameterizedType result = new ParameterizedType(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented parenthesized expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the expression is unspecified (but legal).
     * @return a new unparented parenthesized expression node
    public ParenthesizedExpression newParenthesizedExpression() {
        ParenthesizedExpression result = new ParenthesizedExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented postfix expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the operator and operand are
     * unspecified (but legal).
     * @return a new unparented postfix expression node
    public PostfixExpression newPostfixExpression() {
        PostfixExpression result = new PostfixExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented prefix expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the operator and operand are
     * unspecified (but legal).
     * @return a new unparented prefix expression node
    public PrefixExpression newPrefixExpression() {
        PrefixExpression result = new PrefixExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented primitive type node with the given
     * type code.
     * @param typeCode one of the primitive type code constants declared in
     *    <code>PrimitiveType</code>
     * @return a new unparented primitive type node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the primitive type code is invalid
    public PrimitiveType newPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Code typeCode) {
        PrimitiveType result = new PrimitiveType(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented qualified name node for the given
     * qualifier and simple name child node.
     * @param qualifier the qualifier name node
     * @param name the simple name being qualified
     * @return a new unparented qualified name node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * </ul>
    public QualifiedName newQualifiedName(Name qualifier, SimpleName name) {
        QualifiedName result = new QualifiedName(this);
        return result;


     * Creates and returns a new unparented qualified type node with
     * the given qualifier type and name.
     * @param qualifier the qualifier type node
     * @param name the simple name being qualified
     * @return a new unparented qualified type node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * </ul>
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public QualifiedType newQualifiedType(Type qualifier, SimpleName name) {
        QualifiedType result = new QualifiedType(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented return statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the return statement has no expression.
     * @return a new unparented return statement node
    public ReturnStatement newReturnStatement() {
        return new ReturnStatement(this);

    //=============================== NAMES ===========================
     * Creates and returns a new unparented simple name node for the given
     * identifier. The identifier should be a legal Java identifier, but not
     * a keyword, boolean literal ("true", "false") or null literal ("null").
     * @param identifier the identifier
     * @return a new unparented simple name node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the identifier is invalid
    public SimpleName newSimpleName(String identifier) {
        if (identifier == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        SimpleName result = new SimpleName(this);
        return result;

    //=============================== TYPES ===========================
     * Creates and returns a new unparented simple type node with the given
     * type name.
     * <p>
     * This method can be used to convert a name (<code>Name</code>) into a
     * type (<code>Type</code>) by wrapping it.
     * </p>
     * @param typeName the name of the class or interface
     * @return a new unparented simple type node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * </ul>
    public SimpleType newSimpleType(Name typeName) {
        SimpleType result = new SimpleType(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented single member annotation node with
     * an unspecified type name and value.
     * @return a new unparented single member annotation node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public SingleMemberAnnotation newSingleMemberAnnotation() {
        SingleMemberAnnotation result = new SingleMemberAnnotation(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented single variable declaration node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the declaration is for a variable with an unspecified, but
     * legal, name and type; no modifiers; no array dimensions after the
     * variable; no initializer; not variable arity.
     * @return a new unparented single variable declaration node
    public SingleVariableDeclaration newSingleVariableDeclaration() {
        SingleVariableDeclaration result = new SingleVariableDeclaration(this);
        return result;

    //=============================== EXPRESSIONS ===========================
     * Creates and returns a new unparented string literal node for
     * the empty string literal.
     * @return a new unparented string literal node
    public StringLiteral newStringLiteral() {
        return new StringLiteral(this);

     * Creates an unparented alternate super constructor ("super(...);")
     * invocation statement node owned by this AST. By default, there is no
     * qualifier, no type arguments, and the list of arguments is empty.
     * <p>
     * Note that this type of node is a Statement, whereas a regular
     * super method invocation is an Expression. The only valid use of these
     * statements are as the first statement of a constructor body.
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented super constructor invocation statement node
    public SuperConstructorInvocation newSuperConstructorInvocation() {
        SuperConstructorInvocation result = new SuperConstructorInvocation(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented super field access expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the expression and field are both
     * unspecified, but legal, names.
     * @return a new unparented super field access expression node
    public SuperFieldAccess newSuperFieldAccess() {
        SuperFieldAccess result = new SuperFieldAccess(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented "super" method invocation expression node owned by
     * this AST. By default, the name of the method is unspecified (but legal),
     * there is no qualifier, no type arguments, and the list of arguments is empty.
     * @return a new unparented  "super" method invocation
     *    expression node
    public SuperMethodInvocation newSuperMethodInvocation() {
        SuperMethodInvocation result = new SuperMethodInvocation(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented super method reference node owned by
     * this AST. By default, the name of the method is unspecified (but legal),
     * and there is no qualifier and no type arguments.
     * @return a new unparented super method reference node
     * @since 3.10
    public SuperMethodReference newSuperMethodReference() {
        SuperMethodReference result = new SuperMethodReference(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented switch case statement node owned by
     * this AST. By default, the expression is unspecified, but legal.
     * @return a new unparented switch case node
    public SwitchCase newSwitchCase() {
        return new SwitchCase(this);

     * Creates a new unparented switch statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the expression is unspecified, but legal, and there are
     * no statements or switch cases.
     * @return a new unparented labeled statement node
    public SwitchStatement newSwitchStatement() {
        return new SwitchStatement(this);

     * Creates a new unparented synchronized statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the expression is unspecified, but legal, and the body is
     * an empty block.
     * @return a new unparented synchronized statement node
    public SynchronizedStatement newSynchronizedStatement() {
        return new SynchronizedStatement(this);

     * Creates and returns a new tag element node.
     * Initially the new node has no tag name and an empty list of fragments.
     * <p>
     * Note that this node type is used only inside doc comments
     * ({@link Javadoc}).
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented tag element node
     * @since 3.0
    public TagElement newTagElement() {
        TagElement result = new TagElement(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new text element node.
     * Initially the new node has an empty text string.
     * <p>
     * Note that this node type is used only inside doc comments
     * ({@link Javadoc Javadoc}).
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented text element node
     * @since 3.0
    public TextElement newTextElement() {
        TextElement result = new TextElement(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented "this" expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, there is no qualifier.
     * @return a new unparented "this" expression node
    public ThisExpression newThisExpression() {
        ThisExpression result = new ThisExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented throw statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the expression is unspecified, but legal.
     * @return a new unparented throw statement node
    public ThrowStatement newThrowStatement() {
        return new ThrowStatement(this);

     * Creates a new unparented try statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the try statement has no resources, an empty block, no catch
     * clauses, and no finally block.
     * @return a new unparented try statement node
    public TryStatement newTryStatement() {
        return new TryStatement(this);

     * Creates an unparented class declaration node owned by this AST.
     * The name of the class is an unspecified, but legal, name;
     * no modifiers; no doc comment; no superclass or superinterfaces;
     * and an empty class body.
     * <p>
     * To create an interface, use this method and then call
     * <code>TypeDeclaration.setInterface(true)</code>.
     * </p>
     * @return a new unparented type declaration node
    public TypeDeclaration newTypeDeclaration() {
        TypeDeclaration result = new TypeDeclaration(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented local type declaration statement node
     * owned by this AST, for the given type declaration.
     * <p>
     * This method can be used to convert any kind of type declaration
     * (<code>AbstractTypeDeclaration</code>) into a statement
     * (<code>Statement</code>) by wrapping it.
     * </p>
     * @param decl the type declaration
     * @return a new unparented local type declaration statement node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * </ul>
     * @since 3.0
    public TypeDeclarationStatement newTypeDeclarationStatement(AbstractTypeDeclaration decl) {
        TypeDeclarationStatement result = new TypeDeclarationStatement(this);
        if (this.apiLevel == AST.JLS2) {
            result.internalSetTypeDeclaration((TypeDeclaration) decl);
        if (this.apiLevel >= AST.JLS3) {
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented local type declaration statement node
     * owned by this AST, for the given type declaration.
     * <p>
     * This method can be used to convert a type declaration
     * (<code>TypeDeclaration</code>) into a statement
     * (<code>Statement</code>) by wrapping it.
     * </p>
     * @param decl the type declaration
     * @return a new unparented local type declaration statement node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * </ul>
    public TypeDeclarationStatement newTypeDeclarationStatement(TypeDeclaration decl) {
        TypeDeclarationStatement result = new TypeDeclarationStatement(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented type literal expression node
     * owned by this AST. By default, the type is unspecified (but legal).
     * @return a new unparented type literal node
    public TypeLiteral newTypeLiteral() {
        TypeLiteral result = new TypeLiteral(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented type method reference node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the type and method name are unspecified (but legal),
     * and there are no type arguments.
     * @return a new unparented type method reference node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in a JLS2, JLS3 or JLS4 AST
     * @since 3.10
    public TypeMethodReference newTypeMethodReference() {
        TypeMethodReference result = new TypeMethodReference(this);
        return result;

     * Creates and returns a new unparented type parameter type node with an
     * unspecified type variable name and an empty list of type bounds.
     * @return a new unparented type parameter node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public TypeParameter newTypeParameter() {
        TypeParameter result = new TypeParameter(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented union type node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the union type has no types.
     * @return a new unparented UnionType node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 or JLS3 AST
     * @since 3.7.1
    public UnionType newUnionType() {
        return new UnionType(this);

     * Creates a new unparented intersection type node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the intersection type has no types.
     * @return a new unparented IntersectionType node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2, JLS3 or JLS4 AST
     * @since 3.10
    public IntersectionType newIntersectionType() {
        return new IntersectionType(this);

     * Creates a new unparented local variable declaration expression node
     * owned by this AST, for the given variable declaration fragment. By
     * default, there are no modifiers and the base type is unspecified
     * (but legal).
     * <p>
     * This method can be used to convert a variable declaration fragment
     * (<code>VariableDeclarationFragment</code>) into an expression
     * (<code>Expression</code>) by wrapping it. Additional variable
     * declaration fragments can be added afterwards.
     * </p>
     * @param fragment the first variable declaration fragment
     * @return a new unparented variable declaration expression node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * <li>the given fragment is null</li>
     * </ul>
    public VariableDeclarationExpression newVariableDeclarationExpression(VariableDeclarationFragment fragment) {
        if (fragment == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        VariableDeclarationExpression result = new VariableDeclarationExpression(this);
        return result;

     * Creates an unparented variable declaration fragment node owned by this
     * AST. By default, the fragment is for a variable with an unspecified, but
     * legal, name; no extra array dimensions; and no initializer.
     * @return a new unparented variable declaration fragment node
    public VariableDeclarationFragment newVariableDeclarationFragment() {
        VariableDeclarationFragment result = new VariableDeclarationFragment(this);
        return result;

    //=============================== STATEMENTS ===========================
     * Creates a new unparented local variable declaration statement node
     * owned by this AST, for the given variable declaration fragment.
     * By default, there are no modifiers and the base type is unspecified
     * (but legal).
     * <p>
     * This method can be used to convert a variable declaration fragment
     * (<code>VariableDeclarationFragment</code>) into a statement
     * (<code>Statement</code>) by wrapping it. Additional variable
     * declaration fragments can be added afterwards.
     * </p>
     * @param fragment the variable declaration fragment
     * @return a new unparented variable declaration statement node
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node belongs to a different AST</li>
     * <li>the node already has a parent</li>
     * <li>the variable declaration fragment is null</li>
     * </ul>
    public VariableDeclarationStatement newVariableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclarationFragment fragment) {
        if (fragment == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        VariableDeclarationStatement result = new VariableDeclarationStatement(this);
        return result;

     * Creates a new unparented while statement node owned by this AST.
     * By default, the expression is unspecified (but legal), and
     * the body statement is an empty block.
     * @return a new unparented while statement node
    public WhileStatement newWhileStatement() {
        return new WhileStatement(this);

     * Creates and returns a new unparented wildcard type node with no
     * type bound.
     * @return a new unparented wildcard type node
     * @exception UnsupportedOperationException if this operation is used in
     * a JLS2 AST
     * @since 3.1
    public WildcardType newWildcardType() {
        WildcardType result = new WildcardType(this);
        return result;

     * Reports that the given node has just gained a child.
     * @param node the node that was modified
     * @param child the node that was added as a child
     * @param property the child or child list property descriptor
     * @since 3.0
    void postAddChildEvent(ASTNode node, ASTNode child, StructuralPropertyDescriptor property) {
        // IMPORTANT: this method is called by readers during lazy init
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE ADD]");
            } else {
        try {
            this.eventHandler.postAddChildEvent(node, child, property);
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has already been changed
        } finally {

     * Reports that the given node has just been cloned.
     * @param node the node that was cloned
     * @param clone the clone of <code>node</code>
     * @since 3.0
    void postCloneNodeEvent(ASTNode node, ASTNode clone) {
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE CLONE]");
            } else {
        try {
            this.eventHandler.postCloneNodeEvent(node, clone);
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has already been changed
        } finally {

     * Reports that the given node jsut lost a child.
     * @param node the node that was modified
     * @param child the child node that was removed
     * @param property the child or child list property descriptor
     * @since 3.0
    void postRemoveChildEvent(ASTNode node, ASTNode child, StructuralPropertyDescriptor property) {
        // IMPORTANT: this method is called by readers during lazy init
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE DEL]");
            } else {
        try {
            this.eventHandler.postRemoveChildEvent(node, child, property);
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has not been changed yet
        } finally {

     * Reports that the given node has just had a child replaced.
     * @param node the node modified
     * @param child the child removed
     * @param newChild the replacement child
     * @param property the child or child list property descriptor
     * @since 3.0
    void postReplaceChildEvent(ASTNode node, ASTNode child, ASTNode newChild,
            StructuralPropertyDescriptor property) {
        // IMPORTANT: this method is called by readers during lazy init
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE REP]");
            } else {
        try {
            this.eventHandler.postReplaceChildEvent(node, child, newChild, property);
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has not been changed yet
        } finally {

     * Reports that the given node has just changed the value of a
     * non-child property.
     * @param node the node that was modified
     * @param property the property descriptor
     * @since 3.0
    void postValueChangeEvent(ASTNode node, SimplePropertyDescriptor property) {
        // IMPORTANT: this method is called by readers during lazy init
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE CHANGE]");
            } else {
        try {
            this.eventHandler.postValueChangeEvent(node, property);
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has already been changed
        } finally {

     * Reports that the given node is about to gain a child.
     * @param node the node that to be modified
     * @param child the node that to be added as a child
     * @param property the child or child list property descriptor
     * @since 3.0
    void preAddChildEvent(ASTNode node, ASTNode child, StructuralPropertyDescriptor property) {
        // IMPORTANT: this method is called by readers during lazy init
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE ADD]");
            } else {
        try {
            this.eventHandler.preAddChildEvent(node, child, property);
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has already been changed
        } finally {

     * Reports that the given node is about to be cloned.
     * @param node the node to be cloned
     * @since 3.0
    void preCloneNodeEvent(ASTNode node) {
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE CLONE]");
            } else {
        try {
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has already been changed
        } finally {

     * Reports that the given node is about to lose a child.
     * @param node the node about to be modified
     * @param child the node about to be removed
     * @param property the child or child list property descriptor
     * @since 3.0
    void preRemoveChildEvent(ASTNode node, ASTNode child, StructuralPropertyDescriptor property) {
        // IMPORTANT: this method is called by readers during lazy init
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE DEL]");
            } else {
        try {
            this.eventHandler.preRemoveChildEvent(node, child, property);
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has not been changed yet
        } finally {

     * Reports that the given node is about have a child replaced.
     * @param node the node about to be modified
     * @param child the child node about to be removed
     * @param newChild the replacement child
     * @param property the child or child list property descriptor
     * @since 3.0
    void preReplaceChildEvent(ASTNode node, ASTNode child, ASTNode newChild,
            StructuralPropertyDescriptor property) {
        // IMPORTANT: this method is called by readers during lazy init
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE REP]");
            } else {
        try {
            this.eventHandler.preReplaceChildEvent(node, child, newChild, property);
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has not been changed yet
        } finally {

     * Reports that the given node is about to change the value of a
     * non-child property.
     * @param node the node to be modified
     * @param property the property descriptor
     * @since 3.0
    void preValueChangeEvent(ASTNode node, SimplePropertyDescriptor property) {
        // IMPORTANT: this method is called by readers during lazy init
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by a reader doing lazy init
            if (this.disableEvents > 0) {
                // doing lazy init OR already processing an event
                // System.out.println("[BOUNCE CHANGE]");
            } else {
        try {
            this.eventHandler.preValueChangeEvent(node, property);
            // N.B. even if event handler blows up, the AST is not
            // corrupted since node has already been changed
        } finally {

     * Enables the recording of changes to the given compilation
     * unit and its descendents. The compilation unit must have
     * been created by <code>ASTParser</code> and still be in
     * its original state. Once recording is on,
     * arbitrary changes to the subtree rooted at the compilation
     * unit are recorded internally. Once the modification has
     * been completed, call <code>rewrite</code> to get an object
     * representing the corresponding edits to the original
     * source code string.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if this compilation unit is
     * marked as unmodifiable, or if this compilation unit has already
     * been tampered with, or if recording has already been enabled,
     * or if <code>root</code> is not owned by this AST
     * @see CompilationUnit#recordModifications()
     * @since 3.0
    void recordModifications(CompilationUnit root) {
        if (this.modificationCount != this.originalModificationCount) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("AST is already modified"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else if (this.rewriter != null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("AST modifications are already recorded"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else if ((root.getFlags() & ASTNode.PROTECT) != 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Root node is unmodifiable"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else if (root.getAST() != this) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Root node is not owned by this ast"); //$NON-NLS-1$

        this.rewriter = new InternalASTRewrite(root);

    //=============================== ANNOTATIONS ====================

      * Reenable events.
     * This method is thread-safe for AST readers.
     * @see #disableEvents()
      * @since 3.0
    final void reenableEvents() {
        synchronized (this.internalASTLock) {
            // guard against concurrent access by another reader

     * Returns the type binding for a "well known" type.
     * <p>
     * Note that bindings are generally unavailable unless requested when the
     * AST is being built.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The following type names are supported:
     * <ul>
     * <li><code>"boolean"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"byte"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"char"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"double"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"float"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"int"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"long"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"short"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"void"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.AssertionError"</code> (since 3.7)</li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Boolean"</code> (since 3.1)</li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Byte"</code> (since 3.1)</li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Character"</code> (since 3.1)</li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Class"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Cloneable"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Double"</code> (since 3.1)</li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Error"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Exception"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Float"</code> (since 3.1)</li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Integer"</code> (since 3.1)</li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Long"</code> (since 3.1)</li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Object"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.RuntimeException"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Short"</code> (since 3.1)</li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.String"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.StringBuffer"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Throwable"</code></li>
     * <li><code>"java.lang.Void"</code> (since 3.1)</li>
     * <li><code>""</code></li>
     * </ul>
     * </p>
     * @param name the name of a well known type
     * @return the corresponding type binding, or <code>null</code> if the
     *   named type is not considered well known or if no binding can be found
     *   for it
    public ITypeBinding resolveWellKnownType(String name) {
        if (name == null) {
            return null;
        return getBindingResolver().resolveWellKnownType(name);

     * Converts all modifications recorded into an object
     * representing the corresponding text edits to the
     * given document containing the original source
     * code for the compilation unit that gave rise to
     * this AST.
     * @param document original document containing source code
     * for the compilation unit
     * @param options the table of formatter options
     * (key type: <code>String</code>; value type: <code>String</code>);
     * or <code>null</code> to use the standard global options
     * {@link JavaCore#getOptions() JavaCore.getOptions()}.
     * @return text edit object describing the changes to the
     * document corresponding to the recorded AST modifications
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the document passed is
     * <code>null</code> or does not correspond to this AST
     * @exception IllegalStateException if <code>recordModifications</code>
     * was not called to enable recording
     * @see CompilationUnit#rewrite(IDocument, Map)
     * @since 3.0
    TextEdit rewrite(IDocument document, Map options) {
        if (document == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        if (this.rewriter == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Modifications record is not enabled"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        return this.rewriter.rewriteAST(document, options);

     * Sets the binding resolver for this AST.
     * @param resolver the new binding resolver for this AST
    void setBindingResolver(BindingResolver resolver) {
        if (resolver == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        this.resolver = resolver;

     * Sets default node flags of new nodes of this AST.
     * @param flag node flags of new nodes of this AST
     * @since 3.0
    void setDefaultNodeFlag(int flag) {
        this.defaultNodeFlag = flag;

     * Sets the event handler for this AST.
     * @param eventHandler the event handler for this AST
     * @since 3.0
    void setEventHandler(NodeEventHandler eventHandler) {
        if (this.eventHandler == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        this.eventHandler = eventHandler;

    void setFlag(int newValue) {
        this.bits |= newValue;

     * Set <code>originalModificationCount</code> to the current modification count
     * @since 3.0
    void setOriginalModificationCount(long count) {
        this.originalModificationCount = count;

      * Checks that this AST operation is only used when
      * building level JLS2 ASTs.
      * @exception UnsupportedOperationException
     * @since 3.0
    void supportedOnlyIn2() {
        if (this.apiLevel != AST.JLS2) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation not supported in JLS2 AST"); //$NON-NLS-1$

      * Checks that this AST operation is not used when
      * building level JLS2 ASTs.
      * @exception UnsupportedOperationException
     * @since 3.0
    void unsupportedIn2() {
        if (this.apiLevel == AST.JLS2) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation not supported in JLS2 AST"); //$NON-NLS-1$