Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016 Obeo and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Obeo - initial API and implementation
 *     Stefan Dirix - bugs 441172, 452147 and 454579
 *     Alexandra Buzila - Fixes for Bug 446252

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import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Monitor;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.InternalEList;

 * Abstract implementation of an {@link IMerger}. This can be used as a base implementation to avoid
 * re-implementing the whole contract.
 * @author <a href="">Laurent Goubet</a>
 * @since 3.0
public abstract class AbstractMerger implements IMerger2, IMergeOptionAware {

    /** The key of the merge option that allows to the mergers to consider sub-diffs of a diff as a whole. */
    public static final String SUB_DIFF_AWARE_OPTION = "subDiffAwareOption"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    /** The logger. */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AbstractMerger.class);

    /** Ranking of this merger. */
    private int ranking;

    /** Registry from which this merger has been created. */
    private Registry registry;

    /** The map of all merge options that this merger should be aware of. */
    private Map<Object, Object> mergeOptions;

     * Default constructor.
    public AbstractMerger() {
        this.mergeOptions = Maps.newHashMap();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see
    public int getRanking() {
        return ranking;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see
    public void setRanking(int r) {
        ranking = r;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see
    public Registry getRegistry() {
        return registry;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see
    public void setRegistry(Registry registry) {
        if (this.registry != null && registry != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The registry has to be set only once."); //$NON-NLS-1$
        this.registry = registry;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see
    public Map<Object, Object> getMergeOptions() {
        return this.mergeOptions;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see
     * @since 3.3
    public void setMergeOptions(Map<Object, Object> options) {
        this.mergeOptions = options;

     * Check the SUB_DIFF_AWARE_OPTION state.
     * @return true if the SUB_DIFF_AWARE_OPTION of the merge options is set to true, false otherwise.
    private boolean isHandleSubDiffs() {
        if (this.mergeOptions != null) {
            Object subDiffs = this.mergeOptions.get(SUB_DIFF_AWARE_OPTION);
            return subDiffs == Boolean.TRUE;
        return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 3.2
    public Set<Diff> getDirectMergeDependencies(Diff diff, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final Set<Diff> dependencies = new LinkedHashSet<Diff>();
        if (mergeRightToLeft) {
            if (DifferenceSource.LEFT == diff.getSource()) {
            } else {
        } else {
            if (DifferenceSource.LEFT == diff.getSource()) {
            } else {
        if (diff.getEquivalence() != null) {
            final Diff masterEquivalence = findMasterEquivalence(diff, mergeRightToLeft);
            if (masterEquivalence != null && masterEquivalence != diff) {

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            Long duration = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
            String log = String.format(
                    "getDirectMergeDependencies(Diff, boolean) - %d dependencies found in %d ms for diff %d", //$NON-NLS-1$
                    new Integer(dependencies.size()), duration, new Integer(diff.hashCode()));

        return dependencies;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 3.2
    public Set<Diff> getDirectResultingMerges(Diff target, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final Set<Diff> resulting = new LinkedHashSet<Diff>();
        if (mergeRightToLeft) {
            if (DifferenceSource.LEFT == target.getSource()) {
            } else {
        } else {
            if (DifferenceSource.LEFT == target.getSource()) {
            } else {
        if (target.getEquivalence() != null) {
        if (target.getConflict() != null && target.getConflict().getKind() == ConflictKind.PSEUDO) {

        // If a diff refines another, we have to check if the "macro" diff has to be merged with it. It is the
        // case when the unresolved diffs that refine the "macro" diff are all contained by the set
        // (target + resulting) (see
        for (Diff refine : target.getRefines()) {
            Set<Diff> tmp = Sets.newHashSet(resulting);
            Collection<Diff> unresolvedRefinedDiffs = Collections2.filter(refine.getRefinedBy(),
            if (tmp.containsAll(unresolvedRefinedDiffs)) {

        // Bug 452147:
        // Add interlocked differences to the resulting merges to avoid merging redundant differences with
        // undefined consequences.
        if (target instanceof ReferenceChange) {
            final ReferenceChange refTarget = (ReferenceChange) target;
            if (isOneToOneAndChange(refTarget)) {
                resulting.addAll(findInterlockedOneToOneDiffs(refTarget, mergeRightToLeft));

        if (isHandleSubDiffs()) {
            final Set<Diff> resultingToMerge = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(resulting);
            Iterable<Diff> subDiffs = concat(
                    transform(resultingToMerge, ComparisonUtil.getSubDiffs(!mergeRightToLeft)));
            addAll(resulting, subDiffs);

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            Long duration = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
            String log = String.format(
                    "getDirectResultingMerges(Diff, boolean) - %d resulting merges found in %d ms for diff %d", //$NON-NLS-1$
                    new Integer(resulting.size()), duration, new Integer(target.hashCode()));

        return resulting;


     * Interlocked differences only occur in special cases: When both ends of a one-to-one feature have the
     * same type and are actually set to the container object in an instance model.
     * <p>
     * For each end of the feature usually two differences are determined: Setting the feature in object A and
     * in object B. Each pair of differences is equivalent. But when the value of the feature is set to its
     * containing object, those differences may ALL act as equivalent depending on the merge direction.
     * <p>
     * These interlocked differences are therefore indirectly equivalent and need special treatment to avoid
     * merging the same effects twice. These differences are determined by this method.
     * @see <a href="">Bugzilla #452147</a> for more
     *      information.
     * @param referenceChange
     *            The diff for which interlocked differences are determined.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            The direction in which we're considering a merge.
     * @return All interlocked differences in regards to the given {@code referenceChange} and
     *         {@code mergeDirection}.
    private Collection<? extends Diff> findInterlockedOneToOneDiffs(ReferenceChange referenceChange,
            boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        final boolean sanityChecks = referenceChange.getKind() != DifferenceKind.CHANGE
                || referenceChange.getReference().isMany()
                || referenceChange.getReference().getEOpposite().isMany();

        // check if value to be set is the container itself
        final EObject sourceContainer = ComparisonUtil.getExpectedSide(referenceChange.getMatch(),
                referenceChange.getSource(), mergeRightToLeft);

        if (!sanityChecks && sourceContainer != null) {
            final Object sourceValue = ReferenceUtil.safeEGet(sourceContainer, referenceChange.getReference());

            if (sourceValue == sourceContainer) {
                // collect all diffs which might be "equal"
                final Match match = referenceChange.getMatch();
                final Set<Diff> candidates = new LinkedHashSet<Diff>();
                for (Diff diff : match.getDifferences()) {
                    if (diff.getEquivalence() != null) {

                // special case - check for interlocked diffs and return them as result
                return filterInterlockedOneToOneDiffs(candidates, referenceChange, mergeRightToLeft);

        return Collections.emptyList();

     * Checks for interlocked differences from a list of candidates. See
     * {@link #findInterlockedOneToOneDiffs(ReferenceChange, boolean)} for more information.
     * @param diffsToCheck
     *            The differences to be checked for indirect equivalence.
     * @param referenceChange
     *            The diff to which the determined differences are indirectly equivalent.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            The direction in which we're considering a merge.
     * @return All differences (and their equivalents) from {@code diffsToCheck} which are indirectly
     *         equivalent to {@code referenceChange}. Does not modify the given collection.
    private Collection<? extends Diff> filterInterlockedOneToOneDiffs(Collection<? extends Diff> diffsToCheck,
            ReferenceChange referenceChange, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {

        final Object sourceContainer = ComparisonUtil.getExpectedSide(referenceChange.getMatch(),
                referenceChange.getSource(), mergeRightToLeft);
        final EReference sourceReference = referenceChange.getReference();

        final Set<Diff> result = new LinkedHashSet<Diff>();

        for (Diff candidate : diffsToCheck) {
            if (candidate instanceof ReferenceChange) {
                // check if container & reference(-opposite) are the same as from the given referenceChange
                final Object candidateContainer = ComparisonUtil.getExpectedSide(candidate.getMatch(),
                        candidate.getSource(), mergeRightToLeft);
                final EReference candidateReference = ((ReferenceChange) candidate).getReference();

                if (sourceContainer == candidateContainer && sourceReference.getEOpposite() == candidateReference) {
                    if (candidate.getEquivalence() != null) {
        return result;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 3.2
    public Set<Diff> getDirectResultingRejections(Diff target, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        final Set<Diff> directlyImpliedRejections = new LinkedHashSet<Diff>();
        final Conflict conflict = target.getConflict();
        if (conflict != null && conflict.getKind() == ConflictKind.REAL) {
            if (mergeRightToLeft && target.getSource() == DifferenceSource.RIGHT) {
                        Iterables.filter(conflict.getDifferences(), fromSide(DifferenceSource.LEFT)));
            } else if (!mergeRightToLeft && target.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
                        Iterables.filter(conflict.getDifferences(), fromSide(DifferenceSource.RIGHT)));

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            Long duration = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
            String log = String.format(
                    "getDirectResultingMerges(Diff, boolean) - %d implied rejections found in %d ms for diff %d", //$NON-NLS-1$
                    new Integer(directlyImpliedRejections.size()), duration, new Integer(target.hashCode()));

        return directlyImpliedRejections;

     * Even within 'equivalent' differences, there might be one that we need to consider as the "master", one
     * part of the equivalence that should take precedence over the others when merging.
     * <p>
     * There are four main cases in which this happens :
     * <ol>
     * <li>Equivalent differences regarding two "eOpposite" sides, with one side being a single-valued
     * reference while the other side is a multi-valued reference (one-to-many). In such a case, we need the
     * 'many' side of that equivalence to be merged over the 'single' side, so as to avoid potential ordering
     * issues. Additionally, to avoid losing information, equivalent differences with
     * {@link DifferenceKind.ADD} instead of {@link DifferenceKind.REMOVE} must be merged first.</li>
     * <li>Equivalent differences regarding two "eOpposite" sides, with both sides being a single-valued
     * reference (one-to-one). In such a case, we need to merge the difference that results in setting a
     * feature value over the difference unsetting a feature. This is needed to prevent information loss.</li>
     * <li>Equivalent differences with conflicts: basically, if one of the diffs of an equivalence relation is
     * in conflict while the others are not, then none of the equivalent differences can be automatically
     * merged. We need to consider the conflict to be taking precedence over the others to make sure that the
     * conflict is resolved before even trying to merge anything.</li>
     * <li>Equivalent {@link ReferenceChange} and {@link FeatureMapChange} differences: in this case the
     * {@link FeatureMapChange} difference will take precedence over the {@link ReferenceChange} when the the
     * resulting operation actively modifies a FeatureMap. The {@link ReferenceChange} will take precedence
     * when a FeatureMap is only modified implicitly. This happens in order to prevent special cases in which
     * the {@link ReferenceChangeMerger} cannot ensure the correct order of the feature map attribute.</li>
     * </ol>
     * </p>
     * @param diff
     *            The diff we need to check the equivalence for a 'master' difference.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the merge operation.
     * @return The master difference of this equivalence relation. May be <code>null</code> if there are none.
    private Diff findMasterEquivalence(Diff diff, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        final List<Diff> equivalentDiffs = diff.getEquivalence().getDifferences();
        final Optional<Diff> firstConflicting = Iterables.tryFind(equivalentDiffs, hasConflict(ConflictKind.REAL));

        final Diff idealMasterDiff;

        if (diff instanceof ReferenceChange) {
            final ReferenceChange referenceChange = (ReferenceChange) diff;
            idealMasterDiff = getMasterEquivalenceForReferenceChange(referenceChange, mergeRightToLeft);
        } else if (diff instanceof FeatureMapChange) {
            final FeatureMapChange featureMapChange = (FeatureMapChange) diff;
            idealMasterDiff = getMasterEquivalenceForFeatureMapChange(featureMapChange, mergeRightToLeft);
        } else {
            idealMasterDiff = null;

        final Diff masterDiff;
        // conflicting equivalents take precedence over the ideal master equivalence
        if (firstConflicting.isPresent() && !hasRealConflict(idealMasterDiff)) {
            if (hasRealConflict(diff)) {
                masterDiff = null;
            } else {
                masterDiff = firstConflicting.get();
        } else {
            masterDiff = idealMasterDiff;

        return masterDiff;

     * Determines if the given {@link Diff} has a conflict of kind {@link ConflictKind#REAL}.
     * @param diff
     *            The {@link Diff} to check.
     * @return {@code true} if the diff exists and has a conflict of kind {@link ConflictKind#REAL},
     *         {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean hasRealConflict(Diff diff) {
        return diff != null && diff.getConflict() != null && diff.getConflict().getKind() == ConflictKind.REAL;

     * Returns the master equivalence for a {@link FeatureMapChange}.
     * @see AbstractMerger#findMasterEquivalence(Diff, boolean)
     * @param diff
     *            The {@link Diff} we need to check the equivalence for a 'master' difference.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the current merging.
     * @return The master difference of {@code diff} and its equivalent diffs. This method may return
     *         <code>null</code> if there is no master diff.
    private Diff getMasterEquivalenceForFeatureMapChange(FeatureMapChange diff, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        if (diff.getKind() == DifferenceKind.MOVE) {
            final Comparison comparison = diff.getMatch().getComparison();
            final FeatureMap.Entry entry = (FeatureMap.Entry) diff.getValue();

            if (entry.getValue() instanceof EObject) {
                final Match valueMatch = comparison.getMatch((EObject) entry.getValue());

                final EObject expectedValue = ComparisonUtil.getExpectedSide(valueMatch, diff.getSource(),

                // Try to find the ReferenceChange-MasterEquivalence when the expected value will not be
                // contained in a FeatureMap
                if (!ComparisonUtil.isContainedInFeatureMap(expectedValue)) {
                    return Iterators.tryFind(diff.getEquivalence().getDifferences().iterator(),

        return null;

     * Returns the master equivalence for a {@link ReferenceChange}.
     * @see AbstractMerger#findMasterEquivalence(Diff, boolean)
     * @param diff
     *            The {@link Diff} we need to check the equivalence for a 'master' difference.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the current merging.
     * @return The master difference of {@code diff} and its equivalent diffs. This method may return
     *         <code>null</code> if there is no master diff.
    private Diff getMasterEquivalenceForReferenceChange(ReferenceChange diff, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        Diff masterDiff = getMasterEquivalenceOnReference(diff, mergeRightToLeft);
        if (masterDiff == null) {
            masterDiff = getMasterEquivalenceOnFeatureMap(diff, mergeRightToLeft);
        return masterDiff;

     * Returns the master equivalence for a {@link ReferenceChange} from among its equivalents with the same
     * or {@code eOpposite} reference.
     * @see AbstractMerger#findMasterEquivalence(Diff, boolean)
     * @param diff
     *            The {@link Diff} we need to check the equivalence for a 'master' difference.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the current merging.
     * @return The master difference of {@code diff} and its equivalent diffs. This method may return
     *         <code>null</code> if there is no master diff.
    private Diff getMasterEquivalenceOnReference(ReferenceChange diff, final boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        Diff masterDiff = null;
         * For the following, we'll only consider diffs that are either on the same reference as "diff", or on
         * its eopposite.
        final Predicate<Diff> candidateFilter = or(isDiffOnEOppositeOf(diff), hasSameReferenceAs(diff));
        final List<Diff> equivalentDiffs = diff.getEquivalence().getDifferences();

        // We need to lookup the first multi-valued addition
        final Optional<Diff> multiValuedAddition = Iterators
                .tryFind(Iterators.filter(equivalentDiffs.iterator(), candidateFilter), new Predicate<Diff>() {
                    public boolean apply(Diff input) {
                        return input instanceof ReferenceChange && ((ReferenceChange) input).getReference().isMany()
                                && isAdd((ReferenceChange) input, mergeRightToLeft);

        final Iterator<Diff> candidateDiffs = Iterators.filter(equivalentDiffs.iterator(), candidateFilter);
        if (multiValuedAddition.isPresent()) {
            // We have at least one multi-valued addition. It will take precedence if there is any
            // single-valued reference change or multi-valued deletion
            while (masterDiff == null && candidateDiffs.hasNext()) {
                final ReferenceChange next = (ReferenceChange);
                if (!next.getReference().isMany() || !isAdd(next, mergeRightToLeft)) {
                    masterDiff = multiValuedAddition.get();
        } else {
            // The only diff that could take precedence is a single-valued set, _if_ there is any multi-valued
            // deletion or single-valued unset in the list.
            ReferenceChange candidate = null;
            if (candidateDiffs.hasNext()) {
                candidate = (ReferenceChange);
            while (masterDiff == null && candidateDiffs.hasNext()) {
                assert candidate != null;
                final ReferenceChange next = (ReferenceChange);
                if (candidate.getReference().isMany() || isUnset(candidate, mergeRightToLeft)) {
                    // candidate is a multi-valued deletion or an unset. Do we have a single-valued set in the
                    // list?
                    if (!next.getReference().isMany() && isSet(next, mergeRightToLeft)) {
                        masterDiff = next;
                } else if (isSet(candidate, mergeRightToLeft)) {
                    // candidate is a set. Is it our master diff?
                    if (next.getReference().isMany() || isUnset(next, mergeRightToLeft)) {
                        masterDiff = candidate;
                } else {
                    // candidate is a change on a single-valued reference. This has no influence over the
                    // 'master' lookup. Go on to the next.
                    candidate = next;

        return masterDiff;

     * Returns the master equivalence of type {@link FeatureMapChange}, for a {@link ReferenceChange}.
     * @see AbstractMerger#findMasterEquivalence(Diff, boolean)
     * @param diff
     *            The {@link Diff} we need to check the equivalence for a 'master' difference.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the current merging.
     * @return The master difference of {@code diff} and its equivalent diffs. This method may return
     *         <code>null</code> if there is no master diff.
    private Diff getMasterEquivalenceOnFeatureMap(ReferenceChange diff, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        if (diff.getKind() == DifferenceKind.MOVE) {

            Comparison comparison = diff.getMatch().getComparison();
            Match valueMatch = comparison.getMatch(diff.getValue());

            EObject sourceValue = ComparisonUtil.getExpectedSide(valueMatch, diff.getSource(), mergeRightToLeft);

            // No FeatureMap-MasterEquivalence when the resulting destination is not a FeatureMap
            if (!ComparisonUtil.isContainedInFeatureMap(sourceValue)) {
                return null;

        return Iterators.tryFind(diff.getEquivalence().getDifferences().iterator(),

     * Specifies whether the given reference changes, {@code diff} and {@code equivalent}, affect references
     * constituting an one-to-many relationship and whether {@code equivalent} is an addition in the current
     * merging.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference to check. One-side of the relation.
     * @param equivalent
     *            The equivalent to the {@code diff}. Many-side of the relation.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the merge.
     * @return <code>true</code> if {@code diff} and {@code equivalent} are one-to-many eOpposites with
     *         {@code equivalent} resulting in an Add-operation, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @deprecated
    private boolean isOneToManyAndAdd(ReferenceChange diff, ReferenceChange equivalent, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        return !diff.getReference().isMany() && equivalent.getReference().isMany()
                && isAdd(equivalent, mergeRightToLeft);

     * Specifies whether the given reference changes, {@code diff} and {@code equivalent}, affect references
     * constituting a one-to-one relationship and whether {@code equivalent} is a set in the current merging.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference to check.
     * @param equivalent
     *            The equivalent to the {@code diff}.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the merge.
     * @return <code>true</code> if {@code diff} and {@code equivalent} are one-to-many eOpposites with
     *         {@code equivalent} resulting in an Add-operation, <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * @deprecated
    private boolean isOneToOneAndSet(ReferenceChange diff, ReferenceChange equivalent, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        return !diff.getReference().isMany() && !equivalent.getReference().isMany()
                && isSet(equivalent, mergeRightToLeft);

     * Checks whether the given {@code diff} is of kind {@link DifferenceKind#CHANGE} and its reference is
     * one-to-one.
     * @param diff
     *            The ReferenceChange to check.
     * @return {@code true} if the given {@code diff} is of kind {@link DifferenceKind#CHANGE} and describes a
     *         one-to-one reference, {@code false} otherwise.
    private boolean isOneToOneAndChange(ReferenceChange diff) {
        final boolean oppositeReferenceExists = diff.getReference() != null
                && diff.getReference().getEOpposite() != null;
        return diff.getKind() == DifferenceKind.CHANGE && oppositeReferenceExists && !diff.getReference().isMany()
                && !diff.getReference().getEOpposite().isMany();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see,
     *      org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Monitor)
     * @since 3.1
    public void copyLeftToRight(Diff target, Monitor monitor) {
        // Don't merge an already merged (or discarded) diff
        if (target.getState() != DifferenceState.UNRESOLVED) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Change the diff's state before we actually merge it : this allows us to avoid requirement cycles.

        final Set<Diff> dependencies = getDirectMergeDependencies(target, false);

        // We'll redo some of the work from getDirectMergeDependencies here in order to ensure we haven't been
        // merged by another diff (equivalence or implication).
        // requiresMerging must be executed before actually merging the dependencies because
        // findMasterEquivalence may return a different result after merging.
        boolean requiresMerging = requiresMerging(target, false);

        for (Diff mergeMe : dependencies) {
            mergeDiff(mergeMe, false, monitor);

        for (Diff transitiveMerge : getDirectResultingMerges(target, false)) {

        if (requiresMerging) {
            if (target.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
                accept(target, false);
            } else {
                reject(target, false);

        if (isHandleSubDiffs()) {
            Set<Diff> subDiffs = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(ComparisonUtil.getDirectSubDiffs(true).apply(target));
            for (Diff subDiff : subDiffs) {
                mergeDiff(subDiff, false, monitor);

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
            LOGGER.debug("copyLeftToRight(Diff, Monitor) - diff " + target.hashCode() + " merged in " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    + duration + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see,
     *      org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Monitor)
     * @since 3.1
    public void copyRightToLeft(Diff target, Monitor monitor) {
        // Don't merge an already merged (or discarded) diff
        if (target.getState() != DifferenceState.UNRESOLVED) {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Change the diff's state before we actually merge it : this allows us to avoid requirement cycles.

        final Set<Diff> dependencies = getDirectMergeDependencies(target, true);

        // We'll redo some of the work from getDirectMergeDependencies here in order to ensure we haven't been
        // merged by another diff (equivalence or implication).
        // requiresMerging must be executed before actually merging the dependencies because
        // findMasterEquivalence may return a different result after merging.
        boolean requiresMerging = requiresMerging(target, true);

        for (Diff mergeMe : dependencies) {
            mergeDiff(mergeMe, true, monitor);

        for (Diff transitiveMerge : getDirectResultingMerges(target, true)) {

        if (requiresMerging) {
            if (target.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
                reject(target, true);
            } else {
                accept(target, true);

        if (isHandleSubDiffs()) {
            Set<Diff> subDiffs = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(ComparisonUtil.getDirectSubDiffs(false).apply(target));
            for (Diff subDiff : subDiffs) {
                mergeDiff(subDiff, true, monitor);

        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
            LOGGER.debug("copyLeftToRight(Diff, Monitor) - diff " + target.hashCode() + " merged in " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    + duration + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$

     * Checks whether the given diff still needs to be merged or if it has been merged because of an
     * implication or 'master' equivalence.
     * @param target
     *            The difference we are considering merging.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            The direction in which we're considering a merge.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the <code>target</code> diff hasn't been merged yet and requires handling
     *         of its own.
    private boolean requiresMerging(Diff target, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        boolean requiresMerging = true;
        if (isImpliedMerge(target, mergeRightToLeft)) {
            // first, if we are implied by something, then we're already merged
            requiresMerging = false;
        } else if (target.getEquivalence() != null) {
            final Diff masterEquivalence = findMasterEquivalence(target, mergeRightToLeft);
            if (masterEquivalence != null && masterEquivalence != target) {
                // If we have a "master" equivalence (see doc on findMasterEquivalence) then we've been merged
                // along with it
                requiresMerging = false;
            } else {
                // We also need to check for implications on our equivalence (dependency loops)
                requiresMerging = !hasTransitiveImplicationBeenMerged(target, mergeRightToLeft);
        return requiresMerging;

     * Checks if the given diff is implied by another in the given merge direction, which means that it
     * doesn't need to be merged individually.
     * @param target
     *            The diff we're considering merging.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            The direction in which we're currently merging.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the given diff will be implicitely merged by another in that direction.
    private boolean isImpliedMerge(Diff target, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        final boolean isImpliedForDirection;
        if (mergeRightToLeft) {
            if (DifferenceSource.LEFT == target.getSource()) {
                isImpliedForDirection = !target.getImplies().isEmpty();
            } else {
                isImpliedForDirection = !target.getImpliedBy().isEmpty();
        } else {
            if (DifferenceSource.LEFT == target.getSource()) {
                isImpliedForDirection = !target.getImpliedBy().isEmpty();
            } else {
                isImpliedForDirection = !target.getImplies().isEmpty();
        return isImpliedForDirection;

    // FIXME find a use case and check whether this is still required.
     * Checks whether the given diff has been merged through a dependency cycle on its equivalence relations
     * (this diff requires the merging of a diff that implies one of its equivalences).
     * <p>
     * This should only be called on differences that have equivalences.
     * </p>
     * @param target
     *            The difference we are considering merging.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            The direction in which we're considering a merge.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the <code>target</code> diff has already been merged.
    private boolean hasTransitiveImplicationBeenMerged(Diff target, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        boolean mergedThroughEquivalentImplication = false;
        final Iterator<Diff> equivalenceIterator = target.getEquivalence().getDifferences().iterator();
        while (!mergedThroughEquivalentImplication && equivalenceIterator.hasNext()) {
            final Diff equivalent =;
            if (equivalent != target && mergeRightToLeft) {
                if (target.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
                    mergedThroughEquivalentImplication = any(equivalent.getImplies(), in(target.getRequiredBy()));
                } else {
                    mergedThroughEquivalentImplication = any(equivalent.getImpliedBy(), in(target.getRequires()));
            } else if (equivalent != target) {
                if (target.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
                    mergedThroughEquivalentImplication = any(equivalent.getImpliedBy(), in(target.getRequires()));
                } else {
                    mergedThroughEquivalentImplication = any(equivalent.getImplies(), in(target.getRequiredBy()));
        return mergedThroughEquivalentImplication;

     * Accept the given difference. This may be overridden by clients.
     * @param diff
     *            the difference to merge
     * @param rightToLeft
     *            the direction of the merge
     * @since 3.1
    protected void accept(final Diff diff, boolean rightToLeft) {
        // Empty default implementation

     * Reject the given difference. This may be overridden by clients.
     * @param diff
     *            the difference to merge
     * @param rightToLeft
     *            the direction of the merge
     * @since 3.1
    protected void reject(final Diff diff, boolean rightToLeft) {
        // Empty default implementation

     * This will merge all {@link Diff#getRequiredBy() differences that require} {@code diff} in the given
     * direction.
     * @param diff
     *            We need to merge all differences that require this one (see {@link Diff#getRequiredBy()}.
     * @param rightToLeft
     *            If {@code true}, {@link #copyRightToLeft(Diff, Monitor) apply} all differences that require
     *            {@code diff}. Otherwise, {@link #copyLeftToRight(Diff, Monitor) revert} them.
     * @param monitor
     *            The monitor we should use to report progress.
     * @Deprecated
    protected void mergeRequiredBy(Diff diff, boolean rightToLeft, Monitor monitor) {
        // TODO log back to the user what we will merge along?
        for (Diff dependency : diff.getRequiredBy()) {
            // TODO: what to do when state = Discarded but is required?
            mergeDiff(dependency, rightToLeft, monitor);

     * Mark as {@link DifferenceState#MERGED merged} all the implied differences recursively from the given
     * one.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference from which the implications have to be marked.
     * @param rightToLeft
     *            The direction of the merge.
     * @param monitor
     *            Monitor.
     * @since 3.1
     * @deprecated
    protected void handleImplies(Diff diff, boolean rightToLeft, Monitor monitor) {
        for (Diff implied : diff.getImplies()) {
            handleImplies(implied, rightToLeft, monitor);

     * Mark as {@link DifferenceState#MERGED merged} all the implying differences recursively from the given
     * one.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference from which the implications have to be marked.
     * @param rightToLeft
     *            The direction of the merge.
     * @param monitor
     *            Monitor.
     * @since 3.1
     * @deprecated
    protected void handleImpliedBy(Diff diff, boolean rightToLeft, Monitor monitor) {
        // Do nothing, this was an implementation error

     * This will merge all {@link Diff#getRequires() differences required by} {@code diff} in the given
     * direction.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference which requirements we need to merge.
     * @param rightToLeft
     *            If {@code true}, {@link #copyRightToLeft(Diff, Monitor) apply} all required differences.
     *            Otherwise, {@link #copyLeftToRight(Diff, Monitor) revert} them.
     * @param monitor
     *            The monitor we should use to report progress.
     * @deprecated
    protected void mergeRequires(Diff diff, boolean rightToLeft, Monitor monitor) {
        // TODO log back to the user what we will merge along?
        for (Diff dependency : diff.getRequires()) {
            // TODO: what to do when state = Discarded but is required?
            mergeDiff(dependency, rightToLeft, monitor);

     * This can be used by mergers to merge another (required, equivalent...) difference using the right
     * merger for that diff.
     * @param diff
     *            The diff we need to merge.
     * @param rightToLeft
     *            Direction of that merge.
     * @param monitor
     *            The monitor we should use to report progress.

    protected void mergeDiff(Diff diff, boolean rightToLeft, Monitor monitor) {
        final IMerger delegate = getRegistry().getHighestRankingMerger(diff);
        if (rightToLeft) {
            delegate.copyRightToLeft(diff, monitor);
        } else {
            delegate.copyLeftToRight(diff, monitor);

     * Handles the equivalences of this difference.
     * <p>
     * Note that in certain cases, we'll merge our opposite instead of merging this diff. This is done to
     * avoid merge orders where merging differences of kind {@link DifferenceKind.REMOVE} or
     * {@link DifferenceKind.CHANGE} (resulting in an unset) first can lead to information loss. Additionally
     * in case of one-to-many eOpposites this allows us not to worry about the order of the references on the
     * 'many' side.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This is called before the merge of <code>this</code>. In short, if this returns <code>false</code>, we
     * won't carry on merging <code>this</code> after returning.
     * </p>
     * @param diff
     *            The diff we are currently merging.
     * @param rightToLeft
     *            Direction of the merge.
     * @param monitor
     *            The monitor to use in order to report progress information.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the current difference should still be merged after handling its
     *         equivalences, <code>false</code> if it should be considered "already merged".
     * @since 3.1
     * @Deprecated
    protected boolean handleEquivalences(Diff diff, boolean rightToLeft, Monitor monitor) {
        boolean continueMerge = true;
        for (Diff equivalent : diff.getEquivalence().getDifferences()) {

            if (diff instanceof ReferenceChange && equivalent instanceof ReferenceChange) {

                final ReferenceChange diffRC = (ReferenceChange) diff;
                final ReferenceChange equivalentRC = (ReferenceChange) equivalent;

                if (diffRC.getReference().getEOpposite() == equivalentRC.getReference()
                        && equivalent.getState() == DifferenceState.UNRESOLVED) {

                    // This equivalence is on our eOpposite. Should we merge it instead of 'this'?
                    final boolean mergeEquivalence = isOneToManyAndAdd(diffRC, equivalentRC, rightToLeft)
                            || isOneToOneAndSet(diffRC, equivalentRC, rightToLeft);

                    if (mergeEquivalence) {
                        mergeDiff(equivalent, rightToLeft, monitor);
                        continueMerge = false;

            // in the case of a ReferenceChange-FeatureMapChange equivalence, the FeatureMapChange is
            // preferred to the ReferenceChange - cf. Bug 446252
            if (diff instanceof ReferenceChange && equivalent instanceof FeatureMapChange) {
                mergeDiff(equivalent, rightToLeft, monitor);
                continueMerge = false;

             * If one of the equivalent differences is implied or implying (depending on the merge direction)
             * a merged diff, then we have a dependency loop : the "current" difference has already been
             * merged because of this implication. This will allow us to break out of that loop.
            if (rightToLeft) {
                if (diff.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
                    continueMerge = continueMerge && !any(equivalent.getImplies(), in(diff.getRequiredBy()));
                } else {
                    continueMerge = continueMerge && !any(equivalent.getImpliedBy(), in(diff.getRequires()));
            } else {
                if (diff.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
                    continueMerge = continueMerge && !any(equivalent.getImpliedBy(), in(diff.getRequires()));
                } else {
                    continueMerge = continueMerge && !any(equivalent.getImplies(), in(diff.getRequiredBy()));

        return continueMerge;

     * Specifies whether the given {@code diff} will add a value in the target model for the current merging.
     * <p>
     * To check whether the {@code diff} is an addition, we have to check the direction of the merge,
     * specified in {@code rightToLeft} and the {@link Diff#getSource() source of the diff}. Therefore, this
     * method delegates to {@link #isLeftAddOrRightDelete(ReferenceChange)} and
     * {@link #isLeftDeleteOrRightAdd(ReferenceChange)}.
     * </p>
     * @param diff
     *            The difference to check.
     * @param rightToLeft
     *            Direction of the merge.
     * @return <code>true</code> if {@code diff} will add a value with this merge, <code>false</code>
     *         otherwise.
     * @since 3.2
    protected boolean isAdd(ReferenceChange diff, boolean rightToLeft) {
        if (rightToLeft) {
            return isLeftDeleteOrRightAdd(diff);
        } else {
            return isLeftAddOrRightDelete(diff);

     * Specifies whether the given {@code diff} is either an addition on the left-hand side or a deletion on
     * the right-hand side.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference to check.
     * @return <code>true</code> if it is a left addition or a right deletion.
    private boolean isLeftAddOrRightDelete(ReferenceChange diff) {
        if (diff.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
            return diff.getKind() == DifferenceKind.ADD;
        } else {
            return diff.getKind() == DifferenceKind.DELETE;

     * Specifies whether the given {@code diff} is either a deletion on the left-hand side or an addition on
     * the right-hand side.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference to check.
     * @return <code>true</code> if it is a left deletion or a right addition.
    private boolean isLeftDeleteOrRightAdd(ReferenceChange diff) {
        if (diff.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
            return diff.getKind() == DifferenceKind.DELETE;
        } else {
            return diff.getKind() == DifferenceKind.ADD;

     * Checks whether the given diff will result in the unsetting of a reference in the given merge direction.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference to check.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the merge.
     * @return <code>true</code> if {@code diff} will unset a value with this merge, <code>false</code> if
     *         this will either "set" or "change" values... or if the given diff is affecting a multi-valued
     *         reference.
    private boolean isUnset(ReferenceChange diff, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        if (diff.getKind() != DifferenceKind.CHANGE) {
            return false;

        boolean isUnset = false;
        final Match match = diff.getMatch();
        final EObject container;
        if (diff.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
            container = match.getLeft();
        } else {
            container = match.getRight();

        if (container == null) {
            // This is an unset diff. However, if we're merging towards the source, we're actually "rejecting"
            // the unset, and the merge operation will be a "set"
            isUnset = !isRejecting(diff, mergeRightToLeft);
        } else {
            if (!ReferenceUtil.safeEIsSet(container, diff.getReference())) {
                // No value on the source side, this is an unset
                // Same case as above, if we are rejecting the diff, it is a "set" operation
                isUnset = !isRejecting(diff, mergeRightToLeft);
            } else {
                // The feature is set on the source side. If we're merging towards the other side, this cannot
                // be an unset.
                // Otherwise we're going to reset this reference to its previous value. That will end as an
                // "unset" if the "previous value" is unset itself.
                if (isRejecting(diff, mergeRightToLeft)) {
                    final EObject originContainer;
                    if (match.getComparison().isThreeWay()) {
                        originContainer = match.getOrigin();
                    } else if (mergeRightToLeft) {
                        originContainer = match.getRight();
                    } else {
                        originContainer = match.getLeft();

                    isUnset = originContainer == null
                            || !ReferenceUtil.safeEIsSet(originContainer, diff.getReference());

        return isUnset;

     * Checks whether the given diff will result in the setting of a reference in the given merge direction.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference to check.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the merge.
     * @return <code>true</code> if {@code diff} will set a value with this merge, <code>false</code> if this
     *         will either "unset" or "change" values... or if the given diff is affecting a multi-valued
     *         reference.
    private boolean isSet(ReferenceChange diff, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        if (diff.getKind() != DifferenceKind.CHANGE) {
            return false;

        boolean isSet = false;
        final Match match = diff.getMatch();
        final EObject container;
        if (diff.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
            container = match.getLeft();
        } else {
            container = match.getRight();

        if (container == null) {
            // This is an unset diff. However, if we're merging towards the source, we're actually "rejecting"
            // the unset, and the merge operation will be a "set"
            isSet = isRejecting(diff, mergeRightToLeft);
        } else {
            if (!ReferenceUtil.safeEIsSet(container, diff.getReference())) {
                // No value on the source side, this is an unset
                // Same case as above, if we are rejecting the diff, it is a "set" operation
                isSet = isRejecting(diff, mergeRightToLeft);
            } else {
                // The feature is set on the source side. If we're merging towards the other side, this is a
                // "set" operation if the feature is not set on the target side.
                // Otherwise we're going to reset this reference to its previous value. That will end as an
                // "unset" if the "previous value" is unset itself.
                if (isRejecting(diff, mergeRightToLeft)) {
                    final EObject originContainer;
                    if (match.getComparison().isThreeWay()) {
                        originContainer = match.getOrigin();
                    } else if (mergeRightToLeft) {
                        originContainer = match.getRight();
                    } else {
                        originContainer = match.getLeft();

                    isSet = originContainer != null
                            && ReferenceUtil.safeEIsSet(originContainer, diff.getReference());
                } else {
                    final EObject targetContainer;
                    if (mergeRightToLeft) {
                        targetContainer = match.getLeft();
                    } else {
                        targetContainer = match.getRight();

                    isSet = targetContainer == null
                            || !ReferenceUtil.safeEIsSet(targetContainer, diff.getReference());

        return isSet;

     * Checks whether the given merge direction will result in rejecting this difference.
     * @param diff
     *            The difference we're merging.
     * @param mergeRightToLeft
     *            Direction of the merge operation.
     * @return <code>true</code> if we're rejecting this diff.
    private boolean isRejecting(Diff diff, boolean mergeRightToLeft) {
        if (diff.getSource() == DifferenceSource.LEFT) {
            return mergeRightToLeft;
        } else {
            return !mergeRightToLeft;

     * This will create a copy of the given EObject that can be used as the target of an addition (or the
     * reverting of a deletion).
     * <p>
     * The target will be self-contained and will have no reference towards any other EObject set (neither
     * containment nor "classic" references). All of its attributes' values will match the given
     * {@code referenceObject}'s.
     * </p>
     * @param referenceObject
     *            The EObject for which we'll create a copy.
     * @return A self-contained copy of {@code referenceObject}.
     * @see EMFCompareCopier#copy(EObject)
    protected EObject createCopy(EObject referenceObject) {
         * We can't simply use EcoreUtil.copy. References will have their own diffs and will thus be merged
         * later on.
        final EcoreUtil.Copier copier = new EMFCompareCopier();
        return copier.copy(referenceObject);

     * Adds the given {@code value} into the given {@code list} at the given {@code index}. An {@code index}
     * under than zero or above the list's size will mean that the value should be appended at the end of the
     * list.
     * @param list
     *            The list into which {@code value} should be added.
     * @param value
     *            The value we need to add to {@code list}.
     * @param <E>
     *            Type of objects contained in the list.
     * @param insertionIndex
     *            The index at which {@code value} should be inserted into {@code list}. {@code -1} if it
     *            should be appended at the end of the list.
    protected <E> void addAt(List<E> list, E value, int insertionIndex) {
        if (list instanceof InternalEList<?>) {
            if (insertionIndex < 0 || insertionIndex > list.size()) {
                ((InternalEList<Object>) list).addUnique(value);
            } else {
                ((InternalEList<Object>) list).addUnique(insertionIndex, value);
        } else {
            if (insertionIndex < 0 || insertionIndex > list.size()) {
            } else {
                list.add(insertionIndex, value);
