Java tutorial
/** * <copyright> * * Copyright (c) 2009 Metascape, LLC. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Metascape - Initial API and Implementation * * </copyright> * */ package org.eclipse.amp.amf.parameters; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.abase.ICached; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.abase.IInterpreterProvider; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.abase.aBase.BOOLEAN; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.abase.aBase.BooleanValue; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.abase.aBase.IntValue; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.abase.aBase.RealValue; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.abase.aBase.StringValue; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.parameters.aPar.Import; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.parameters.aPar.Incorporates; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.parameters.aPar.Model; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.parameters.aPar.Parameter; import org.eclipse.amp.amf.parameters.aPar.SingleParameter; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl; import org.metaabm.SAttribute; import org.metaabm.SAttributeType; import org.metaabm.SContext; /** * * @author mparker * */ public class AParInterpreter implements ICached { Resource emfResource; private String modelClass; private String runName; private String[] args; private SContext rootContext; private Model aparModel; private List<Parameter> parameters; private String localPath; private IInterpreterProvider cache; public void load(Resource emfResource) { this.emfResource = emfResource; ((ResourceImpl) emfResource).setIntrinsicIDToEObjectMap(new HashMap<String, EObject>()); aparModel = (Model) emfResource.getContents().get(0); assert aparModel != null; String convertURI = AParInterpreter.convertURI(aparModel.getModel()); URI modelURI = URI.createURI(convertURI); Resource amfResource = emfResource.getResourceSet().getResource(modelURI, true); ((ResourceImpl) amfResource).setIntrinsicIDToEObjectMap(new HashMap<String, EObject>()); rootContext = (SContext) amfResource.getContents().get(0); modelClass = rootContext.getImplementation().getQualifiedName(); runName = rootContext.getLabel() + "_" + emfResource.getURI().trimFileExtension().lastSegment(); parameters = collect(new HashSet<String>()); String rootPath = amfResource.getURI().toPlatformString(true); localPath = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(rootPath)).getProject().getLocation() .toOSString(); args = new String[parameters.size()]; int i = 0; for (Parameter param : parameters) { if (param instanceof SingleParameter) { SingleParameter sp = (SingleParameter) param; String value = value(sp.getValue()); if (sp.getValue() instanceof StringValue) { value = StringUtils.replace(value, "|", localPath + "/"); } if (sp.getAttribute().getLabel() != null) { args[i] = sp.getAttribute().getLabel().replaceAll(" ", "") + "=" + value; } else { // todo we need to report this condition.. args[i] = ""; } i++; } } } List<Parameter> collect(Set<String> overridden) { List<Parameter> includeIncorporated = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); for (Parameter param : aparModel.getParameters()) { if (param instanceof SingleParameter) { SingleParameter sp = (SingleParameter) param; String label = sp.getAttribute().getLabel(); if (sp.getAttribute().getOwner() != rootContext) { label = sp.getAttribute().getOwner().getLabel() + " " + label; } if (!overridden.contains(label)) { includeIncorporated.add(sp); overridden.add(label); } } } Incorporates[] reverseIncorporates = new Incorporates[aparModel.getIncorporates().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < reverseIncorporates.length; i++) { reverseIncorporates[reverseIncorporates.length - (i + 1)] = aparModel.getIncorporates().get(i); } for (Incorporates incorporates : reverseIncorporates) { String convertURI = AParInterpreter.convertURI(incorporates); URI incURI = URI.createURI(convertURI); if (cache == null) { cache = AParFactory.createPooled(emfResource.getResourceSet()); } AParInterpreter incInterpreter = (AParInterpreter) cache.getInterpreter(incURI); includeIncorporated.addAll(incInterpreter.collect(overridden)); } return includeIncorporated; } /** * @return */ public SContext getRootContext() { return rootContext; } /** * @return */ public String getRunName() { return runName; } public String getModelClass() { return modelClass; } public String[] getArgs() { return args; } // public String getArgsString() { // String argString = ""; // for (Parameter param : parameters) { // if (param instanceof SingleParameter) { // SingleParameter sp = (SingleParameter) param; // argString += sp.getAttribute().getID() + "\t" // + value(sp.getValue()) + "\r"; // } else if (param instanceof SweepParameter) { // SweepParameter sp = (SweepParameter) param; // argString += sp.getAttribute().getID() + "\t" // + "[" + value(sp.getStartValue()) + value(sp.getStartValue()) + "]\r"; // } else if (param instanceof SweepLink) { // SweepLink sp = (SweepLink) param; // argString += sp.getAttribute().getID() + "\t" // + "[" + value(sp.getStartValue()) + value(sp.getStartValue()) + "]\r"; // } // } // return argString.substring(0, argString.length() - 1); // } public static String value(EObject value) { if (value instanceof StringValue) { return ((StringValue) value).getValue(); } else if (value instanceof IntValue) { return ((IntValue) value).getValue(); } else if (value instanceof RealValue) { return ((RealValue) value).getValue(); } else if (value instanceof BooleanValue) { return ((BooleanValue) value).getValue().getLiteral(); } throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected object type: " + value.getClass()); } private void assign(PropertyDescriptor desc, Object assignee, Object assignment) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { Object[] assignArg = new Object[1]; assignArg[0] = assignment; desc.getWriteMethod().invoke(assignee, assignArg); } public void assignValues(Object assignee, MultiStatus status) { assignValues(new Object[] { assignee }, status); } public void assignValues(Object[] assignees, MultiStatus status) { Map<PropertyDescriptor, Object> assigneeForProperty = new HashMap<PropertyDescriptor, Object>(); Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> propertyForID = new HashMap<String, PropertyDescriptor>(); for (Object assignee : assignees) { PropertyDescriptor[] infoProperties; try { infoProperties = Introspector.getBeanInfo(assignee.getClass()).getPropertyDescriptors(); for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : infoProperties) { propertyForID.put(StringUtils.capitalize(propertyDescriptor.getName()), propertyDescriptor); assigneeForProperty.put(propertyDescriptor, assignee); } } catch (IntrospectionException e) { warn(status, "Could not introspect on \"" + assignee + ". Continuing.", e); } } for (Parameter param : getParameters()) { if (param instanceof SingleParameter) { SingleParameter sp = (SingleParameter) param; SAttribute attribute = sp.getAttribute(); try { try { String attrName = StringUtils.capitalize(attribute.getID()); PropertyDescriptor desc = propertyForID.get(attrName); if (desc == null && attribute.getOwner() != getRootContext()) { // We need to qualify name attrName = StringUtils.capitalize(attribute.getOwner().getID()) + attrName; desc = propertyForID.get(attrName); } if (desc == null) { warn(status, "Could not find attribute \"" + attrName + "\" in " + assignees, null); } else { Object assignee = assigneeForProperty.get(desc); if (attribute.getSType() == SAttributeType.REAL_LITERAL) { assign(desc, assignee, Double.valueOf(AParInterpreter.value(sp.getValue()))); } else if (attribute.getSType() == SAttributeType.INTEGER_LITERAL) { assign(desc, assignee, Integer.valueOf(AParInterpreter.value(sp.getValue()))); } else if (attribute.getSType() == SAttributeType.BOOLEAN_LITERAL) { assign(desc, assignee, (((BooleanValue) sp.getValue()).getValue() == BOOLEAN.TRUE)); } else if (attribute.getSType() == SAttributeType.SYMBOL_LITERAL) { String string = AParInterpreter.value(sp.getValue()); string = StringUtils.replace(string, "|", getLocalPath() + "/"); assign(desc, assignee, string); } else { status.add(new Status(Status.WARNING, "org.eclipse.amp.amf.testing.ide", "Unrecognized type: " + attribute.getSType())); } } } catch (Exception e) { status.add(new Status(Status.WARNING, "org.eclipse.amp.amf.testing.ide", "Problem assigning parameter: " + attribute, e)); continue; } } catch (Exception e) { status.add(new Status(Status.WARNING, "org.eclipse.amp.amf.testing.ide", "Couldn't obtain property descriptors for \"" + getModelClass() + "\"", e)); } } } } private void warn(MultiStatus status, String msg, Exception e) { if (status != null) { status.add(new Status(Status.WARNING, "org.eclipse.amp.amf.testing.ide", msg, e)); } else { System.err.println(msg); } } public Model getModel() { return aparModel; } public Resource getResource() { return emfResource; } public void setCache(IInterpreterProvider cache) { this.cache = cache; } public List<Parameter> getParameters() { return parameters; } public String getLocalPath() { return localPath; } public static String convertURI(Incorporates incorporateModel) { return convertURI(incorporateModel, incorporateModel.getImportURI()); } // poor man's interfaces! public static String convertURI(Import importModel) { return convertURI(importModel, importModel.getImportURI()); } public static String convertURI(EObject projectObject, String uri) { URI fileURI = projectObject.eResource().getURI(); if (uri.startsWith("|")) { // Project relative String platformString = "platform:/" + fileURI.segment(0) + "/" + fileURI.segment(1); return platformString + "/" + uri.substring(1); } else if (!uri.startsWith("/") && !uri.startsWith("platform")) { // this is really ugly.. fileURI = fileURI.trimSegments(1).resolve(fileURI); String platformString = fileURI + "/" + uri; return platformString; } // } else if (!uri.startsWith("platform")) { // // file relative // String projectURI = fileURI.trimSegments(fileURI.segmentCount() - // 2).toPlatformString(true); // fileURI. // System.err.println("file " + fileURI); // System.err.println("folder " + folderURI); // System.err.println("uri " + uri); // System.err.println("res " + folderURI + "/" + uri); // return folderURI + "/" + uri; // } return uri; } }