Java tutorial
/***************************************************************************************** * *** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * Version: MPL 2.0 * * echocat Jomon, Copyright (c) 2012-2013 echocat * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at * * *** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** ****************************************************************************************/ package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xbill.DNS.*; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import static java.lang.Thread.currentThread; import static; /** * @author Brian Wellington <> */ @SuppressWarnings({ "ContinueStatement", "OverlyLongMethod", "MethodWithMultipleReturnPoints", "AssignmentToMethodParameter", "InfiniteLoopStatement", "StatementWithEmptyBody" }) public class DnsServer implements AutoCloseable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DnsServer.class); private volatile boolean _closed; private final Set<Thread> _threads = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<Closeable> _closeables = new HashSet<>(); static final int FLAG_DNSSECOK = 1; static final int FLAG_SIGONLY = 2; private final Map<Integer, Cache> _caches; private final Map<Name, Zone> _znames; private final Map<Name, TSIG> _tsigs; private static String addrport(InetAddress addr, int port) { return addr.getHostAddress() + "#" + port; } public DnsServer() { this(null); } public DnsServer(@Nullable String config) { final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(config)); _caches = new HashMap<>(); _znames = new HashMap<>(); _tsigs = new HashMap<>(); try { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { continue; } final String keyword = st.nextToken(); if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid line: " + line); } if (keyword.charAt(0) == '#') { continue; } if (keyword.equals("primary")) { addPrimaryZone(st.nextToken(), st.nextToken()); } else if (keyword.equals("secondary")) { addSecondaryZone(st.nextToken(), st.nextToken()); } else if (keyword.equals("cache")) { final Cache cache = new Cache(st.nextToken()); _caches.put(DClass.IN, cache); } else if (keyword.equals("key")) { final String s1 = st.nextToken(); final String s2 = st.nextToken(); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { addTSIG(s1, s2, st.nextToken()); } else { addTSIG("hmac-md5", s1, s2); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown keyword: " + keyword); } } } catch (IOException | ZoneTransferException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not create server.", e); }"jnamed: running"); } public void addPrimaryZone(String zname, String zonefile) throws IOException { Name origin = null; if (zname != null) { origin = Name.fromString(zname, Name.root); } final Zone newzone = new Zone(origin, zonefile); addPrimaryZone(newzone); } public void addPrimaryZone(@Nonnull Zone zone) throws IOException { _znames.put(zone.getOrigin(), zone); } public void addSecondaryZone(String zone, String remote) throws IOException, ZoneTransferException { final Name zname = Name.fromString(zone, Name.root); final Zone newzone = new Zone(zname, DClass.IN, remote); _znames.put(zname, newzone); } public void addSecondaryZone(@Nonnull Zone zone) { _znames.put(zone.getOrigin(), zone); } public void addTSIG(String algstr, String namestr, String key) throws IOException { final Name name = Name.fromString(namestr, Name.root); _tsigs.put(name, new TSIG(algstr, namestr, key)); } public Cache getCache(int dclass) { Cache c = _caches.get(dclass); if (c == null) { c = new Cache(dclass); _caches.put(dclass, c); } return c; } public Zone findBestZone(Name name) { Zone foundzone; foundzone = _znames.get(name); if (foundzone != null) { return foundzone; } final int labels = name.labels(); for (int i = 1; i < labels; i++) { final Name tname = new Name(name, i); foundzone = _znames.get(tname); if (foundzone != null) { return foundzone; } } return null; } public RRset findExactMatch(Name name, int type, int dclass, boolean glue) { final Zone zone = findBestZone(name); if (zone != null) { return zone.findExactMatch(name, type); } else { final RRset[] rrsets; final Cache cache = getCache(dclass); if (glue) { rrsets = cache.findAnyRecords(name, type); } else { rrsets = cache.findRecords(name, type); } if (rrsets == null) { return null; } else { return rrsets[0]; /* not quite right */ } } } void addRRset(Name name, Message response, RRset rrset, int section, int flags) { for (int s = 1; s <= section; s++) { if (response.findRRset(name, rrset.getType(), s)) { return; } } if ((flags & FLAG_SIGONLY) == 0) { final Iterator<?> it = rrset.rrs(); while (it.hasNext()) { Record r = (Record); if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild()) { r = r.withName(name); } response.addRecord(r, section); } } if ((flags & (FLAG_SIGONLY | FLAG_DNSSECOK)) != 0) { final Iterator<?> it = rrset.sigs(); while (it.hasNext()) { Record r = (Record); if (r.getName().isWild() && !name.isWild()) { r = r.withName(name); } response.addRecord(r, section); } } } private void addSOA(Message response, Zone zone) { response.addRecord(zone.getSOA(), Section.AUTHORITY); } private void addNS(Message response, Zone zone, int flags) { final RRset nsRecords = zone.getNS(); addRRset(nsRecords.getName(), response, nsRecords, Section.AUTHORITY, flags); } private void addCacheNS(Message response, Cache cache, Name name) { final SetResponse sr = cache.lookupRecords(name, Type.NS, Credibility.HINT); if (!sr.isDelegation()) { return; } final RRset nsRecords = sr.getNS(); final Iterator<?> it = nsRecords.rrs(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Record r = (Record); response.addRecord(r, Section.AUTHORITY); } } private void addGlue(Message response, Name name, int flags) { final RRset a = findExactMatch(name, Type.A, DClass.IN, true); if (a == null) { return; } addRRset(name, response, a, Section.ADDITIONAL, flags); } private void addAdditional2(Message response, int section, int flags) { final Record[] records = response.getSectionArray(section); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { final Record r = records[i]; final Name glueName = r.getAdditionalName(); if (glueName != null) { addGlue(response, glueName, flags); } } } private void addAdditional(Message response, int flags) { addAdditional2(response, Section.ANSWER, flags); addAdditional2(response, Section.AUTHORITY, flags); } byte addAnswer(Message response, Name name, int type, int dclass, int iterations, int flags) { final SetResponse sr; byte rcode = Rcode.NOERROR; if (iterations > 6) { return Rcode.NOERROR; } if (type == Type.SIG || type == Type.RRSIG) { type = Type.ANY; flags |= FLAG_SIGONLY; } final Zone zone = findBestZone(name); if (zone != null) { sr = zone.findRecords(name, type); } else { final Cache cache = getCache(dclass); sr = cache.lookupRecords(name, type, Credibility.NORMAL); } if (sr.isUnknown()) { addCacheNS(response, getCache(dclass), name); } if (sr.isNXDOMAIN()) { response.getHeader().setRcode(Rcode.NXDOMAIN); if (zone != null) { addSOA(response, zone); if (iterations == 0) { response.getHeader().setFlag(Flags.AA); } } rcode = Rcode.NXDOMAIN; } else if (sr.isNXRRSET()) { if (zone != null) { addSOA(response, zone); if (iterations == 0) { response.getHeader().setFlag(Flags.AA); } } } else if (sr.isDelegation()) { final RRset nsRecords = sr.getNS(); addRRset(nsRecords.getName(), response, nsRecords, Section.AUTHORITY, flags); } else if (sr.isCNAME()) { final CNAMERecord cname = sr.getCNAME(); final RRset rrset = new RRset(cname); addRRset(name, response, rrset, Section.ANSWER, flags); if (zone != null && iterations == 0) { response.getHeader().setFlag(Flags.AA); } rcode = addAnswer(response, cname.getTarget(), type, dclass, iterations + 1, flags); } else if (sr.isDNAME()) { final DNAMERecord dname = sr.getDNAME(); RRset rrset = new RRset(dname); addRRset(name, response, rrset, Section.ANSWER, flags); final Name newname; try { newname = name.fromDNAME(dname); } catch (final NameTooLongException ignored) { return Rcode.YXDOMAIN; } rrset = new RRset(new CNAMERecord(name, dclass, 0, newname)); addRRset(name, response, rrset, Section.ANSWER, flags); if (zone != null && iterations == 0) { response.getHeader().setFlag(Flags.AA); } rcode = addAnswer(response, newname, type, dclass, iterations + 1, flags); } else if (sr.isSuccessful()) { final RRset[] rrsets = sr.answers(); for (int i = 0; i < rrsets.length; i++) { addRRset(name, response, rrsets[i], Section.ANSWER, flags); } if (zone != null) { addNS(response, zone, flags); if (iterations == 0) { response.getHeader().setFlag(Flags.AA); } } else { addCacheNS(response, getCache(dclass), name); } } return rcode; } byte[] doAXFR(Name name, Message query, TSIG tsig, TSIGRecord qtsig, Socket s) { final Zone zone = _znames.get(name); boolean first = true; if (zone == null) { return errorMessage(query, Rcode.REFUSED); } final Iterator<?> it = zone.AXFR(); try { final DataOutputStream dataOut; dataOut = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); final int id = query.getHeader().getID(); while (it.hasNext()) { final RRset rrset = (RRset); final Message response = new Message(id); final Header header = response.getHeader(); header.setFlag(Flags.QR); header.setFlag(Flags.AA); addRRset(rrset.getName(), response, rrset, Section.ANSWER, FLAG_DNSSECOK); if (tsig != null) { tsig.applyStream(response, qtsig, first); qtsig = response.getTSIG(); } first = false; final byte[] out = response.toWire(); dataOut.writeShort(out.length); dataOut.write(out); } } catch (final IOException ignored) {"AXFR failed"); } closeQuietly(s); return null; } /* * Note: a null return value means that the caller doesn't need to do * anything. Currently this only happens if this is an AXFR request over * TCP. */ byte[] generateReply(Message query, byte[] in, int length, Socket s) throws IOException { final Header header; final int maxLength; int flags = 0; header = query.getHeader(); if (header.getFlag(Flags.QR)) { return null; } if (header.getRcode() != Rcode.NOERROR) { return errorMessage(query, Rcode.FORMERR); } if (header.getOpcode() != Opcode.QUERY) { return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NOTIMP); } final Record queryRecord = query.getQuestion(); final TSIGRecord queryTSIG = query.getTSIG(); TSIG tsig = null; if (queryTSIG != null) { tsig = _tsigs.get(queryTSIG.getName()); if (tsig == null || tsig.verify(query, in, length, null) != Rcode.NOERROR) { return formerrMessage(in); } } final OPTRecord queryOPT = query.getOPT(); if (queryOPT != null && queryOPT.getVersion() > 0) { } if (s != null) { maxLength = 65535; } else if (queryOPT != null) { maxLength = Math.max(queryOPT.getPayloadSize(), 512); } else { maxLength = 512; } if (queryOPT != null && (queryOPT.getFlags() & ExtendedFlags.DO) != 0) { flags = FLAG_DNSSECOK; } final Message response = new Message(query.getHeader().getID()); response.getHeader().setFlag(Flags.QR); if (query.getHeader().getFlag(Flags.RD)) { response.getHeader().setFlag(Flags.RD); } response.addRecord(queryRecord, Section.QUESTION); final Name name = queryRecord.getName(); final int type = queryRecord.getType(); final int dclass = queryRecord.getDClass(); if (type == Type.AXFR && s != null) { return doAXFR(name, query, tsig, queryTSIG, s); } if (!Type.isRR(type) && type != Type.ANY) { return errorMessage(query, Rcode.NOTIMP); } final byte rcode = addAnswer(response, name, type, dclass, 0, flags); if (rcode != Rcode.NOERROR && rcode != Rcode.NXDOMAIN) { return errorMessage(query, rcode); } addAdditional(response, flags); if (queryOPT != null) { final int optflags = (flags == FLAG_DNSSECOK) ? ExtendedFlags.DO : 0; final OPTRecord opt = new OPTRecord((short) 4096, rcode, (byte) 0, optflags); response.addRecord(opt, Section.ADDITIONAL); } response.setTSIG(tsig, Rcode.NOERROR, queryTSIG); return response.toWire(maxLength); } byte[] buildErrorMessage(Header header, int rcode, Record question) { final Message response = new Message(); response.setHeader(header); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { response.removeAllRecords(i); } if (rcode == Rcode.SERVFAIL) { response.addRecord(question, Section.QUESTION); } header.setRcode(rcode); return response.toWire(); } public byte[] formerrMessage(byte[] in) { final Header header; try { header = new Header(in); } catch (final IOException ignored) { return null; } return buildErrorMessage(header, Rcode.FORMERR, null); } public byte[] errorMessage(Message query, int rcode) { return buildErrorMessage(query.getHeader(), rcode, query.getQuestion()); } public void TCPclient(Socket s) { try { final int inLength; final DataInputStream dataIn; final DataOutputStream dataOut; final byte[] in; final InputStream is = s.getInputStream(); dataIn = new DataInputStream(is); inLength = dataIn.readUnsignedShort(); in = new byte[inLength]; dataIn.readFully(in); final Message query; byte[] response; try { query = new Message(in); response = generateReply(query, in, in.length, s); if (response == null) { return; } } catch (final IOException ignored) { response = formerrMessage(in); } dataOut = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); dataOut.writeShort(response.length); dataOut.write(response); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.warn("TCPclient(" + addrport(s.getLocalAddress(), s.getLocalPort()) + ").", e); } finally { try { s.close(); } catch (final IOException ignored) { } } } public void serveTCP(InetSocketAddress address) { try { final ServerSocket sock = new ServerSocket(address.getPort(), 128, address.getAddress()); synchronized (_closeables) { _closeables.add(sock); } while (!currentThread().isInterrupted()) { final Socket s = accept(sock); final Thread thread; thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { TCPclient(s); } }); _threads.add(thread); thread.start(); } } catch (final InterruptedIOException ignored) { currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.warn("serveTCP(" + addrport(address.getAddress(), address.getPort()) + ")", e); } } @Nonnull private Socket accept(@Nonnull ServerSocket sock) throws IOException { try { return sock.accept(); } catch (final SocketException e) { if (sock.isClosed()) { final InterruptedIOException toThrow = new InterruptedIOException(); toThrow.initCause(e); throw toThrow; } else { throw e; } } } public void serveUDP(InetSocketAddress address) { try { final DatagramSocket sock = new DatagramSocket(address.getPort(), address.getAddress()); synchronized (_closeables) { _closeables.add(sock); } final short udpLength = 512; final byte[] in = new byte[udpLength]; final DatagramPacket indp = new DatagramPacket(in, in.length); DatagramPacket outdp = null; while (!currentThread().isInterrupted()) { indp.setLength(in.length); receive(sock, indp); final Message query; byte[] response; try { query = new Message(in); response = generateReply(query, in, indp.getLength(), null); if (response == null) { continue; } } catch (final IOException ignored) { response = formerrMessage(in); } if (outdp == null) { outdp = new DatagramPacket(response, response.length, indp.getAddress(), indp.getPort()); } else { outdp.setData(response); outdp.setLength(response.length); outdp.setAddress(indp.getAddress()); outdp.setPort(indp.getPort()); } sock.send(outdp); } } catch (final InterruptedIOException ignored) { currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.warn("serveUDP(" + addrport(address.getAddress(), address.getPort()) + ")", e); } } private static void receive(@Nonnull DatagramSocket sock, @Nonnull DatagramPacket indp) throws IOException { try { sock.receive(indp); } catch (final SocketException e) { if (sock.isClosed()) { final InterruptedIOException toThrow = new InterruptedIOException(); toThrow.initCause(e); throw toThrow; } else { throw e; } } } public void addTCP(final InetSocketAddress address) { synchronized (this) { assertNotClosed(); final Thread t; t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { serveTCP(address); } }); _threads.add(t); t.start(); } } public void addUDP(final InetSocketAddress address) { synchronized (this) { assertNotClosed(); final Thread t; t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { serveUDP(address); } }); _threads.add(t); t.start(); } } protected void assertNotClosed() { if (_closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("This server was already closed."); } } @Override public void close() throws Exception { synchronized (this) { _closed = true; synchronized (_closeables) { for (final Closeable closeable : _closeables) { closeQuietly(closeable); } } for (final Thread thread : _threads) { do { thread.interrupt(); try { thread.join(10); } catch (final InterruptedException ignored) {"Got interrupted and could not wait for end of '" + thread + "'."); currentThread().interrupt(); } } while (!currentThread().isInterrupted() && thread.isAlive()); } } } }