Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a link to the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write
 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
 * Copyright Model Based Management Technologies, LLC. (c) 2009 - 2011. All rights reserved.
 * This source code is provided "as is" and without warranties as to performance or merchantability.
 * The author and/or distributors of this source code may have made statements about this source code.
 * Any such statements do not constitute warranties and shall not be relied on by the user in deciding
 * whether to use this source code.
 * This source code is provided without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Because of the
 * diversity of conditions and hardware under which this source code may be used, no warranty of fitness
 * for a particular purpose is offered. The user is advised to test the source code thoroughly before
 * relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the source code.

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.sql.Timestamp;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.dvlyyon.common.transaction.LocalTransactionContextIf;
import org.dvlyyon.common.transaction.TransactionalResourceIf;
import org.dvlyyon.common.util.CLThread;
import org.dvlyyon.common.util.XmlUtils;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.Namespace;

 * The Client class represents a NETCONF client that provides operations defined by NETCONF. See <a href="">RFC 6241</a>
 * and <a href="">RFC 5277</a> for more details.
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b> Support for the URL and XPATH capability is currently missing.
 * @author  Subramaniam Aiylam
 * @since   1.6
public class Client implements TransactionalResourceIf, ConfiguratorIf, HelloResponseProcessorIf {

    /** Logger for tracing */
    protected final static Log s_logger = LogFactory.getLog(Client.class);

    /** The base netconf XML namespace */
    private static Namespace s_xmlns = Namespace.getNamespace("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0");

    /** The transport itself */
    private TransportClientIf m_transport;

    /** Health checker that tests device connectivity */
    //private CLThread m_pinger;

    /** Flag that indicates device availability; if true, it means the device is reachable */
    private boolean m_deviceAvailable;

    /** Flag that keeps track of whether a hello response has been received */
    private boolean m_helloResponseReceived;

    /** Capabilities that the device supports */
    private Capabilities m_deviceCaps = new Capabilities();

    /** The current message ID - message ids are monotonically increasing numbers */
    private BigInteger m_messageIdTracker = BigInteger.ONE;

    private String m_transactionTag;

    private String m_sessionID;

    public long lastRequestTime = 0;
    public long lastResponseTime = 0;

     * Constructs a NETCONF Client.
    public Client() {

    public Client(final Properties props) {
        setup(props, false);


     * Called to set up the NETCONF client.
     * @param props               Properties containing setup configuration parameters (such as the protocol, host, port, etc).
     * @throws RuntimeException   if an error occurs during setup.
    public void setup(final Properties props) throws RuntimeException {
        setup(props, true);

     * @param props
     * @param connect - true to connect by loading device caps right away.   if false, you must call connect() afterward, before sending traffic.
     * @throws RuntimeException
    public void setup(final Properties props, boolean connect) throws RuntimeException {
        String protocol = props.getProperty("protocol", "ssh");
        if (protocol.equals("ssh")) {
            m_transport = new SshTransportClient();
        } else if (protocol.equals("http")) {
            m_transport = new HttpTransportClient();
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid netconf protocol specified: " + protocol);

        m_transport.setup(props, this);

        if (connect)

     * call this to establish a connection after calling setup()
    public void connect() {


     * Load the device capabilities. Send the device a <i>getStreams</i> message - this will do two things:<ul>
     * <li>Force a hello exchange, which will give us the device capabilities</li>
     * <li>Extract the list of notification streams the device supports</li>
     * </ul>
    private void loadDeviceCaps() {
        Element response = send(NotificationStream.createGetStreamRequest(false), null);
        List<NotificationStream> streams = NotificationStream.processGetStreamsResponse(response);

     * Test validity of the connection.  Sends a Get Streams request 
    public void testConection() {

     * Called when the device sends <b>hello</b> message. This message comes with a list of device capabilities,
     * so we go process them.
     * @param response            XML node representing the RPC response.
     * @throws RuntimeException   if an error occurred processing the hello message.
    public synchronized void processHelloResponse(final Element response) throws RuntimeException {
        if (!m_helloResponseReceived) {
            Namespace xmlns = response.getNamespace();
            if (!"hello".equals(response.getName())) {
                s_logger.error("Unexpected message received, expected a hello response");
                s_logger.error("No capability information was processed!");
            // This gives us the device capabilities - go get them
            Element capsRoot = response.getChild("capabilities", xmlns);
            if (capsRoot == null) {
                s_logger.error("Invalid hello response received; no capabilites sent by device.");
            } else {
                Element sessionIdElem = response.getChild("session-id", xmlns);
                if (sessionIdElem != null) {
                    this.m_sessionID = sessionIdElem.getTextTrim();
                    s_logger.debug("Got a session id of: " + sessionIdElem.getText());
                } else {
                    String msg = "Error: No session ID received in hello message";
                    throw new RuntimeException(msg);
            m_helloResponseReceived = true;

    public String getSessionID() {
        return m_sessionID;

     * Called to shut down the netconf client.
    public void shutdown() {
        if (m_pinger != null)
          m_pinger = null;
        if (m_transport != null) {
            m_transport = null;

     * Returns the capabilities of the device.
     * @return  Device capabilities.
    public Capabilities getDeviceCapabilities() {
        return m_deviceCaps;

     * Returns the underlying transport client.
     * @return  the underlying transport.
    public TransportClientIf getTransport() {
        return m_transport;

    ////////////////// NETCONF configuration support ///////////////////////////////////////////////

    public Element getConfig(final String configurationName, final Element filter, final String xid)
            throws RuntimeException {
        String store = configurationName == null ? "running" : configurationName;
        if (store.equals("candidate") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the candidate-config capability");
        if (store.equals("startup") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsDistinctStartupConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the distinct startup config capability");
        Element getConfig = new Element("get-config", s_xmlns);
        Element src = new Element("source", s_xmlns);
        Element config = new Element(store, s_xmlns);
        return send(getConfig, xid);

    public Element get(final Element filter, final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        Element getConfig = new Element("get", s_xmlns);
        return send(getConfig, xid);

    public void editConfig(final String configurationName, final Element xml,
            final EditOperation defaultEditOperation, final TestOption testOption, final ErrorOption errorOption,
            final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        String store = configurationName == null ? "running" : configurationName;
        if (store.equals("running") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsWritableRunningConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the writable-running capability");
        if (store.equals("candidate") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the candidate-config capability");
        Element editConfig = new Element("edit-config", s_xmlns);
        Element target = new Element("target", s_xmlns);
        if (defaultEditOperation != null) {
            Element editOperationE = new Element("default-operation", s_xmlns);
            switch (defaultEditOperation) {
            case None:
            case Merge:
            case Replace:
            if (editOperationE.getText() != null && !editOperationE.getText().equals("")) {
        if (testOption != null) {
            if (testOption != TestOption.None) {
                if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsValidation()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Device does not support validation capability");
                Element testOptionE = new Element("test-option", s_xmlns);
                switch (testOption) {
                case TestThenSet:
                case Set:
                case TestOnly:
        if (errorOption != null) {
            if (errorOption != ErrorOption.None) {
                Element errorOptionE = new Element("error-option", s_xmlns);
                if (errorOption == ErrorOption.RollbackOnError && !m_deviceCaps.supportsRollbackOnError()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the rollback-on-error capability");
                switch (errorOption) {
                case StopOnError:
                case ContinueOnError:
                case RollbackOnError:
        Element config = new Element(store, s_xmlns);
        Element cfgElem = new Element("config", s_xmlns);
        send(editConfig, xid);

    public void copyConfig(final String sourceConfigurationName, final String targetConfigurationName,
            final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        if (targetConfigurationName.equals("running") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsWritableRunningConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the writable-running capability");
        if (targetConfigurationName.equals("candidate") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the candidate-config capability");
        if ((sourceConfigurationName.equals("startup") || targetConfigurationName.equals("startup"))
                && !m_deviceCaps.supportsDistinctStartupConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the distinct startup config capability");
        Element copyConfig = new Element("copy-config", s_xmlns);
        Element target = new Element("target", s_xmlns);
        Element source = new Element("source", s_xmlns);
        send(copyConfig, xid);

    public void deleteConfig(final String configurationName, final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        if (configurationName.equals("candidate") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the candidate-config capability");
        if (configurationName.equals("startup") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsDistinctStartupConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the distinct startup config capability");
        Element deleteConfig = new Element("delete-config", s_xmlns);
        Element target = new Element("target", s_xmlns);
        send(deleteConfig, xid);

    public void lock(final String configurationName, final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        if (configurationName.equals("candidate") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the candidate-config capability");
        if (configurationName.equals("startup") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsDistinctStartupConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the distinct startup config capability");
        Element lock = new Element("lock", s_xmlns);
        Element target = new Element("target", s_xmlns);
        Element configName = new Element(configurationName, s_xmlns);
        send(lock, xid);

    public void unlock(final String configurationName, final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        if (configurationName.equals("candidate") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the candidate-config capability");
        if (configurationName.equals("startup") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsDistinctStartupConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the distinct startup config capability");
        Element unlock = new Element("unlock", s_xmlns);
        Element target = new Element("target", s_xmlns);
        Element configName = new Element(configurationName, s_xmlns);
        send(unlock, xid);

    public void validate(final String configurationName, final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsValidation()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support validation capability");
        if (configurationName.equals("candidate") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the candidate-config capability");
        if (configurationName.equals("startup") && !m_deviceCaps.supportsDistinctStartupConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Target device does not support the distinct startup config capability");
        Element validate = new Element("validate", s_xmlns);
        Element source = new Element("source", s_xmlns);
        send(validate, xid);

    public void commit(final String persistId, final boolean confirm, int timeoutInSeconds, final String xid)
            throws RuntimeException {
        Element commit = new Element("commit", s_xmlns);
        if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Device does not support candidate configuration");
        if (persistId != null && !persistId.equals("")) {
            if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsPersistId()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Device does not support persist ID for commit");
            } else {
                Element persist = new Element("persist", s_xmlns);
        if (confirm) {
            if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsConfirmedCommit()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Device does not support confirmed commit operation");
            Element confirmed = new Element("confirmed", s_xmlns);
            Element timeout = new Element("confirm-timeout", s_xmlns);
            timeout.setText("" + timeoutInSeconds);
        send(commit, xid);

    public void cancelCommit(final String persistId, final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        Element cancelCommit = new Element("cancel-commit", s_xmlns);
        if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Device does not support candidate configuration");
        if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsConfirmedCommit()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Device does not support confirmed commit operation");
        if (persistId != null && !persistId.equals("")) {
            if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsPersistId()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Device does not support persist ID for commit");
            } else {
                Element persist = new Element("persist-id", s_xmlns);
        send(cancelCommit, xid);

    public void discardChanges(final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsCandidateConfig()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Device does not support candidate configuration");
        Element discardChanges = new Element("discard-changes", s_xmlns);
        send(discardChanges, xid);

    public void closeSession() throws RuntimeException {
        Element closeSession = new Element("close-session", s_xmlns);
        // The "close-session" call always closes THIS session
        send(closeSession, null);

    public void killSession(String sessionId, final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        Element killSession = new Element("kill-session", s_xmlns);
        Element sessId = new Element("session-id", s_xmlns);
        send(killSession, xid);

    ////////////////// Transaction support /////////////////////////////////

    public String getIdentifier() {
        return m_transactionTag;

    public void setIdentifier(String identifier) {
        m_transactionTag = identifier;

    public LocalTransactionContextIf startTransaction() throws RuntimeException {
        String xid = m_transport.startTransaction();
        NetconfLocalTransactionContext context = new NetconfLocalTransactionContext();
        lock("candidate", xid);
        lock("running", xid);
        return context;

    //   public Object performOperation(LocalTransactionContextIf resourceContext, String operationName, List<Object> parameters) throws RuntimeException
    //   {
    //      NetconfLocalTransactionContext context = (NetconfLocalTransactionContext) resourceContext;
    //      String xid = context.getTransactionId();
    //      Object ret = null;
    //      if (operationName.equals("get"))
    //      {
    //         Element filter = (Element) parameters.get(0);
    //         ret = get(filter, xid);
    //      }
    //      else if (operationName.equals("getConfig"))
    //      {
    //         String configurationName = (String) parameters.get(0);
    //         Element filter = (Element) parameters.get(1);
    //         return getConfig(configurationName, filter, xid);
    //      }
    //      else if (operationName.equals("editConfig"))
    //      {
    //         String configurationName = (String) parameters.get(0);
    //         Element xml = (Element) parameters.get(1);
    //         EditOperation defaultOperation = (EditOperation) parameters.get(2);
    //         TestOption testOption = (TestOption) parameters.get(3);
    //         ErrorOption errorOption = (ErrorOption) parameters.get(4);
    //         editConfig(configurationName, xml, defaultOperation, testOption, errorOption, xid);
    //      }
    //      else if (operationName.equals("copyConfig"))
    //      {
    //         String configurationName = (String) parameters.get(0);
    //         String targetConfigurationName = (String) parameters.get(1);
    //         copyConfig(configurationName, targetConfigurationName, xid);
    //      }
    //      else if (operationName.equals("deleteConfig"))
    //      {
    //         String configurationName = (String) parameters.get(0);
    //         deleteConfig(configurationName, xid);
    //      }
    //      else if (operationName.equals("lock"))
    //      {
    //         String configurationName = (String) parameters.get(0);
    //         lock(configurationName, xid);
    //      }
    //      else if (operationName.equals("unlock"))
    //      {
    //         String configurationName = (String) parameters.get(0);
    //         unlock(configurationName, xid);
    //      }
    //      else if (operationName.equals("validate"))
    //      {
    //         String configurationName = (String) parameters.get(0);
    //         validate(configurationName, xid);
    //      }
    //      else if (operationName.equals("discardChanges"))
    //      {
    //         discardChanges(xid);
    //      }
    //      else if (operationName.equals("killSession"))
    //      {
    //         String persistId = (String) parameters.get(0);
    //         killSession(persistId, xid);
    //      }
    //      else // if (operationName.equals("closeSession"))
    //           // if (operationName.equals("commit"))
    //           // if (operationName.equals("cancelCommit"))
    //           // OR any other invalid operation
    //      {
    //         throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected operation in transaction: " + operationName);
    //      }
    //      return ret;
    //   }

    public void prepareTransaction(LocalTransactionContextIf resourceContext, int timeoutInSeconds)
            throws RuntimeException {
        // Perform a confirmed commit
        NetconfLocalTransactionContext context = (NetconfLocalTransactionContext) resourceContext;
        String xid = context.getTransactionId();
        commit(null, true, timeoutInSeconds, xid);

    public void commitTransaction(LocalTransactionContextIf resourceContext) throws RuntimeException {
        // TODO: try/catch here?
        NetconfLocalTransactionContext context = (NetconfLocalTransactionContext) resourceContext;
        String xid = context.getTransactionId();
        try {
            commit(null, false, 0, xid);
        } catch (final RuntimeException rex) {
            // We should stop holding on to the resource if things fail
            xid = null;
            throw rex;
        } finally {
            if (xid != null) {
                unlock("running", xid);
                unlock("candidate", xid);

    public void rollbackTransaction(LocalTransactionContextIf resourceContext) throws RuntimeException {
        NetconfLocalTransactionContext context = (NetconfLocalTransactionContext) resourceContext;
        String xid = context.getTransactionId();
        try {
            unlock("running", xid);
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            s_logger.warn("Error unlocking running configuration: " + ex.getMessage());
        try {
            unlock("candidate", xid);
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            s_logger.warn("Error unlocking candidate configuration: " + ex.getMessage());
        } finally {

    public void releaseResources(LocalTransactionContextIf resourceContext) {
        try {
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            s_logger.warn("Exception rolling back transaction: " + ex.getMessage());

    ////////////////// NETCONF notification support /////////////////////////////////

     * Called to start notifications from the device on the specified stream.
     * @param stream              Name of notification stream.
     * @param startTime           Start time from which notifications are desired. This will typically be in the past in order to receive older
     *                            notifications that we have not captured.
     * @param listener            Listener that is invoked whenever a notification arrives from the device.
     * @throws RuntimeException   if an error occurs.
    public void startNotifications(String stream, Timestamp startTime, final NotificationListenerIf listener)
            throws RuntimeException {
        if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsNotifications()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Netconf notifications are not supported by this device");
        m_transport.startNotifications(stream, startTime, listener);

    public void startNotifications(String stream, final Element filter, String startTime, String stopTime,
            final NotificationListenerIf listener) throws RuntimeException {
        if (!m_deviceCaps.supportsNotifications()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Netconf notifications are not supported by this device");
        m_transport.startNotifications(stream, filter, startTime, stopTime, listener);

     * Called to stop notifications from the device on the specified stream.
     * @param stream              Name of notification stream.
     * @throws RuntimeException   if an error occurs.
    public void stopNotifications(final String stream) throws RuntimeException {

     * Called to stop all notifications from the device.
     * @throws RuntimeException   if an error occurs.
    public void stopAllNotifications() throws RuntimeException {

     * Returns the availability of the device.
     * @return  true if the device can be reached and is available, false if not.
    public boolean isAvailable() {
        return m_deviceAvailable;

    //////////////////////////// Helper methods //////////////////////////////////////////

    // Note: for operations that do not return data (like edit), a NULL is returned

     * Sends out the specified NETCONF request over to the device, wrapping it in the appropriate envelope. Returns the response, unwrapping
     * it from the response envelope.
     * @param request             XML node representing the request.
     * @param xid                 Transaction Id or NULL if not in transaction context.
     * @return                    Root XML node of response, or NULL if no data is returned in the response.
     * @throws RuntimeException   if an error was encountered in the exchange.
    public Element send(final Element request, final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        Element rpcRequest = wrapRequest(request);
        Element rawResponse = sendRaw(rpcRequest, xid);
        Element data = unwrapResponse(rawResponse);
        return data;

     * Sends the RPC request synchronously to the device.
     * @param rawRequest          XML representation of RPC request.
     * @param xid                 Transaction Id or NULL if not in transaction context.
     * @return                    RPC response from the device.
     * @throws RuntimeException   if an error occurred during the transmission.
    public Element sendRaw(final Element rawRequest, final String xid) throws RuntimeException {
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug(XmlUtils.toXmlString(rawRequest, true));

        lastRequestTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        Element rpcReply = m_transport.send(rawRequest, xid);

        lastResponseTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug(XmlUtils.toXmlString(rpcReply, true));
        return rpcReply;

     * Given the request data to be sent to the device, wraps it in a NETCONF RPC request envelope. Also sets up the request with a new
     * readable message ID, for easy tracking.
     * @param request          XML node representing the RPC request.
     * @return                 Root element of actual NETCONF RPC.
    public Element wrapRequest(Element request) {
        // Generate the next message ID
        Element rpcRequest = new Element("rpc", s_xmlns);
        rpcRequest.setAttribute("message-id", getNextMessageId());
        return rpcRequest;

     * Given a NETCONF RPC response, extract the data contained in it.
     * @param rpcReply            Root XML node representing the RPC response, or NULL if nothing was returned.
     * @return                    RPC data returned in the response.
     * @throws RuntimeException   if an RPC error was returned.
    public Element unwrapResponse(Element rpcReply) throws RuntimeException {
        Element rpcError = rpcReply.getChild("rpc-error", s_xmlns);
        if (rpcError != null) {
            s_logger.warn("Received RPC Error from device");
            throw NetconfException.fromXml(rpcError);
        return rpcReply.getChild("data", s_xmlns);

     * Returns the next message ID; just one more than the previous one.
     * @return  new message ID for NETCONF message.
    private synchronized String getNextMessageId() {
        String ret = "" + m_messageIdTracker;
        m_messageIdTracker = m_messageIdTracker.add(BigInteger.ONE);
        return ret;
