Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package org.dspace.identifier; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException; import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject; import org.dspace.content.Item; import org.dspace.content.MetadataValue; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.identifier.doi.DOIConnector; import org.dspace.identifier.doi.DOIIdentifierException; import; import org.dspace.versioning.Version; import org.dspace.versioning.VersionHistory; import org.dspace.versioning.service.VersionHistoryService; import org.dspace.versioning.service.VersioningService; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * * @author Marsa Haoua * @author Pascal-Nicolas Becker (dspace at pascal dash becker dot de) */ public class VersionedDOIIdentifierProvider extends DOIIdentifierProvider { /** log4j category */ private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VersionedDOIIdentifierProvider.class); protected DOIConnector connector; static final char DOT = '.'; protected static final String pattern = "\\d+\\" + String.valueOf(DOT) + "\\d+"; @Autowired(required = true) protected VersioningService versioningService; @Autowired(required = true) protected VersionHistoryService versionHistoryService; @Override public String mint(Context context, DSpaceObject dso) throws IdentifierException { if (!(dso instanceof Item)) { throw new IdentifierException("Currently only Items are supported for DOIs."); } Item item = (Item) dso; VersionHistory history = null; try { history = versionHistoryService.findByItem(context, item); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("A problem occured while accessing the database.", ex); } String doi = null; try { doi = getDOIByObject(context, dso); if (doi != null) { return doi; } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("Error while attemping to retrieve information about a DOI for " + contentServiceFactory.getDSpaceObjectService(dso).getTypeText(dso) + " with ID " + dso.getID() + ".", ex); throw new RuntimeException("Error while attempting to retrieve " + "information about a DOI for " + contentServiceFactory.getDSpaceObjectService(dso).getTypeText(dso) + " with ID " + dso.getID() + ".", ex); } // check whether we have a DOI in the metadata and if we have to remove it String metadataDOI = getDOIOutOfObject(dso); if (metadataDOI != null) { // check whether doi and version number matches String bareDOI = getBareDOI(metadataDOI); int versionNumber; try { versionNumber = versionHistoryService.getVersion(context, history, item).getVersionNumber(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } String versionedDOI = bareDOI; if (versionNumber > 1) { versionedDOI = bareDOI.concat(String.valueOf(DOT)).concat(String.valueOf(versionNumber)); } if (!metadataDOI.equalsIgnoreCase(versionedDOI)) { log.debug("Will remove DOI " + metadataDOI + " from item metadata, as it should become " + versionedDOI + "."); // remove old versioned DOIs try { removePreviousVersionDOIsOutOfObject(context, item, metadataDOI); } catch (AuthorizeException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Trying to remove an old DOI from a versioned item, but wasn't authorized to.", ex); } } else { log.debug("DOI " + doi + " matches version number " + versionNumber + "."); // ensure DOI exists in our database as well and return. // this also checks that the doi is not assigned to another dso already. try { loadOrCreateDOI(context, dso, versionedDOI); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("A problem with the database connection occurd while processing DOI " + versionedDOI + ".", ex); throw new RuntimeException("A problem with the database connection occured.", ex); } return versionedDOI; } } try { if (history != null) { // versioning is currently supported for items only // if we have a history, we have a item doi = makeIdentifierBasedOnHistory(context, dso, history); } else { doi = loadOrCreateDOI(context, dso, null).getDoi(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("SQLException while creating a new DOI: ", ex); throw new IdentifierException(ex); } catch (AuthorizeException ex) { log.error("AuthorizationException while creating a new DOI: ", ex); throw new IdentifierException(ex); } return doi; } @Override public void register(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, String identifier) throws IdentifierException { if (!(dso instanceof Item)) { throw new IdentifierException("Currently only Items are supported for DOIs."); } Item item = (Item) dso; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(identifier)) { identifier = mint(context, dso); } String doiIdentifier = doiService.formatIdentifier(identifier); DOI doi = null; // search DOI in our db try { doi = loadOrCreateDOI(context, dso, doiIdentifier); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("Error in databse connection: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new RuntimeException("Error in database conncetion.", ex); } if (DELETED.equals(doi.getStatus()) || TO_BE_DELETED.equals(doi.getStatus())) { throw new DOIIdentifierException("You tried to register a DOI that " + "is marked as DELETED.", DOIIdentifierException.DOI_IS_DELETED); } // Check status of DOI if (IS_REGISTERED.equals(doi.getStatus())) { return; } String metadataDOI = getDOIOutOfObject(dso); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(metadataDOI) && !metadataDOI.equalsIgnoreCase(doiIdentifier)) { // remove doi of older version from the metadata try { removePreviousVersionDOIsOutOfObject(context, item, metadataDOI); } catch (AuthorizeException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Trying to remove an old DOI from a versioned item, but wasn't authorized to.", ex); } } // change status of DOI doi.setStatus(TO_BE_REGISTERED); try { doiService.update(context, doi); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.warn("SQLException while changing status of DOI {} to be registered.", ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } protected String getBareDOI(String identifier) throws DOIIdentifierException { doiService.formatIdentifier(identifier); String doiPrefix = DOI.SCHEME.concat(getPrefix()).concat(String.valueOf(SLASH)) .concat(getNamespaceSeparator()); String doiPostfix = identifier.substring(doiPrefix.length()); if (doiPostfix.matches(pattern) && doiPostfix.lastIndexOf(DOT) != -1) { return doiPrefix.concat(doiPostfix.substring(0, doiPostfix.lastIndexOf(DOT))); } // if the pattern does not match, we are already working on a bare handle. return identifier; } protected String getDOIPostfix(String identifier) throws DOIIdentifierException { String doiPrefix = DOI.SCHEME.concat(getPrefix()).concat(String.valueOf(SLASH)) .concat(getNamespaceSeparator()); String doiPostfix = null; if (null != identifier) { doiPostfix = identifier.substring(doiPrefix.length()); } return doiPostfix; } // Should never return null! protected String makeIdentifierBasedOnHistory(Context context, DSpaceObject dso, VersionHistory history) throws AuthorizeException, SQLException, DOIIdentifierException { // Mint foreach new version an identifier like: 12345/100.versionNumber // use the bare handle (g.e. 12345/100) for the first version. // currently versioning is supported for items only if (!(dso instanceof Item)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create versioned handle for objects other then item: Currently versioning supports items only."); } Item item = (Item) dso; Version version = versionHistoryService.getVersion(context, history, item); String previousVersionDOI = null; for (Version v : versioningService.getVersionsByHistory(context, history)) { previousVersionDOI = getDOIByObject(context, v.getItem()); if (null != previousVersionDOI) { break; } } if (previousVersionDOI == null) { // We need to generate a new DOI. DOI doi = doiService.create(context); // as we reuse the DOI ID, we do not have to check whether the DOI exists already. String identifier = this.getPrefix() + "/" + this.getNamespaceSeparator() + doi.getID().toString(); if (version.getVersionNumber() > 1) { identifier = identifier .concat(String.valueOf(DOT).concat(String.valueOf(version.getVersionNumber()))); } doi.setDoi(identifier); doi.setDSpaceObject(dso); doi.setStatus(null); doiService.update(context, doi); return doi.getDoi(); } assert (previousVersionDOI != null); String identifier = getBareDOI(previousVersionDOI); if (version.getVersionNumber() > 1) { identifier = identifier.concat(String.valueOf(DOT)).concat( String.valueOf(versionHistoryService.getVersion(context, history, item).getVersionNumber())); } loadOrCreateDOI(context, dso, identifier); return identifier; } void removePreviousVersionDOIsOutOfObject(Context c, Item item, String oldDoi) throws IdentifierException, AuthorizeException { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(oldDoi)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Old DOI must be neither empty nor null!"); } String bareDoi = getBareDOI(doiService.formatIdentifier(oldDoi)); String bareDoiRef = doiService.DOIToExternalForm(bareDoi); List<MetadataValue> identifiers = itemService.getMetadata(item, MD_SCHEMA, DOI_ELEMENT, DOI_QUALIFIER, Item.ANY); // We have to remove all DOIs referencing previous versions. To do that, // we store all identifiers we do not know in an array list, clear // dc.identifier.uri and add the safed identifiers. // The list of identifiers to safe won't get larger then the number of // existing identifiers. ArrayList<String> newIdentifiers = new ArrayList<String>(identifiers.size()); boolean changed = false; for (MetadataValue identifier : identifiers) { if (!StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(identifier.getValue(), bareDoiRef)) { newIdentifiers.add(identifier.getValue()); } else { changed = true; } } // reset the metadata if neccessary. if (changed) { try { itemService.clearMetadata(c, item, MD_SCHEMA, DOI_ELEMENT, DOI_QUALIFIER, Item.ANY); itemService.addMetadata(c, item, MD_SCHEMA, DOI_ELEMENT, DOI_QUALIFIER, null, newIdentifiers); itemService.update(c, item); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("A problem with the database connection occured.", ex); } } } @Required public void setDOIConnector(DOIConnector connector) { super.setDOIConnector(connector); this.connector = connector; } @Required public void setConfigurationService(ConfigurationService configurationService) { super.setConfigurationService(configurationService); this.configurationService = configurationService; } }