Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2016, Jens Lehmann * * This file is part of DL-Learner. * * DL-Learner is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DL-Learner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.dllearner.reasoning; import com.clarkparsia.owlapiv3.XSD; import; import; import; import; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.core.QueryExecutionFactory; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.delay.core.QueryExecutionFactoryDelay; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.http.QueryExecutionFactoryHttp; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.model.QueryExecutionFactoryModel; import org.aksw.jena_sparql_api.pagination.core.QueryExecutionFactoryPaginated; import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.jena.query.*; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.*; import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr; import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.http.QueryExceptionHTTP; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.OWL; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.OWL2; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import org.dllearner.core.*; import org.dllearner.core.annotations.NoConfigOption; import org.dllearner.core.config.ConfigOption; import org.dllearner.core.owl.ClassHierarchy; import org.dllearner.core.owl.DatatypePropertyHierarchy; import org.dllearner.core.owl.LazyClassHierarchy; import org.dllearner.core.owl.ObjectPropertyHierarchy; import org.dllearner.kb.LocalModelBasedSparqlEndpointKS; import org.dllearner.kb.OWLFile; import org.dllearner.kb.SparqlEndpointKS; import org.dllearner.kb.sparql.SPARQLQueryUtils; import org.dllearner.kb.sparql.SparqlEndpoint; import org.dllearner.utilities.OWLAPIUtils; import org.dllearner.utilities.OwlApiJenaUtils; import org.dllearner.utilities.datastructures.SortedSetTuple; import org.dllearner.utilities.owl.OWLClassExpressionToSPARQLConverter; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.OWLObjectDuplicator; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.XSDVocabulary; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Marker; import org.slf4j.helpers.BasicMarkerFactory; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; /** * A reasoner implementation that provides inference services by the execution * of SPARQL queries on * <ul> * <li> local files (usually in forms of JENA API models)</li> * <li> remote SPARQL endpoints </li> * </ul> * <p> * Compared to other reasoner implementations, it doesn't do any pre-computation * by default because it might be too expensive on very large knowledge bases. * </p> * @author Lorenz Buehmann * */ @ComponentAnn(name = "SPARQL Reasoner", shortName = "spr", version = 0.1) public class SPARQLReasoner extends AbstractReasonerComponent implements SchemaReasoner, IndividualReasoner { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SPARQLReasoner.class); private final static Marker sparql_debug = new BasicMarkerFactory().getMarker("SD"); public enum PopularityType { CLASS, OBJECT_PROPERTY, DATA_PROPERTY } private static final ParameterizedSparqlString CLASS_POPULARITY_QUERY = new ParameterizedSparqlString( "SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s a ?entity .}"); private static final ParameterizedSparqlString PROPERTY_POPULARITY_QUERY = new ParameterizedSparqlString( "SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s ?entity ?o .}"); private static final ParameterizedSparqlString INDIVIDUAL_POPULARITY_QUERY = new ParameterizedSparqlString( "SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?entity ?p ?o .}"); @ConfigOption(description = "Use alternative relaxed Sparql-queries for Classes and Individuals", defaultValue = "false") private boolean laxMode = false; @ConfigOption(description = "Whether to use the generic facet generation code, which requires downloading all instances and is thus not recommended", defaultValue = "false") private boolean useGenericSplitsCode = false; @ConfigOption(description = "Whether to use SPARQL1.1 Value Lists", defaultValue = "false") private boolean useValueLists = false; private QueryExecutionFactory qef; private SparqlEndpointKS ks; private ClassHierarchy hierarchy; private Map<OWLEntity, Integer> entityPopularityMap = new HashMap<>(); private Map<OWLClass, Integer> classPopularityMap = new HashMap<>(); private boolean batchedMode = true; private Set<PopularityType> precomputedPopularityTypes = new HashSet<>(); private boolean prepared = false; private OWLClassExpressionToSPARQLConverter converter = new OWLClassExpressionToSPARQLConverter(); private OWLDataFactory df = new OWLDataFactoryImpl(); private OWLObjectDuplicator duplicator = new OWLObjectDuplicator(df); /** * Default constructor for usage of config files + Spring API. */ public SPARQLReasoner() { setPrecomputeClassHierarchy(false); setPrecomputeObjectPropertyHierarchy(false); setPrecomputeDataPropertyHierarchy(false); } public SPARQLReasoner(SparqlEndpointKS ks) { super(ks); this.qef = ks.getQueryExecutionFactory(); } public SPARQLReasoner(SparqlEndpoint endpoint) { this(new QueryExecutionFactoryHttp(endpoint.getURL().toString(), endpoint.getDefaultGraphURIs())); } public SPARQLReasoner(Model model) { this(new QueryExecutionFactoryModel(model)); } public SPARQLReasoner(QueryExecutionFactory qef) { this(); this.qef = qef; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.Component#init() */ @Override public void init() throws ComponentInitException { classPopularityMap = new HashMap<>(); // this is only done if the reasoner is setup via config file if (qef == null) { if (ks == null) { KnowledgeSource abstract_ks = sources.iterator().next(); if (SparqlEndpointKS.class.isAssignableFrom(abstract_ks.getClass())) { ks = (SparqlEndpointKS) abstract_ks; } else { OWLFile owl_file = (OWLFile) abstract_ks; Model model = RDFDataMgr.loadModel(owl_file.getURL().getFile()); logger.debug(sparql_debug, "file reasoning: " + ((owl_file.getReasoning() == null || owl_file.getReasoning().getReasonerFactory() == null) ? "(none)" : owl_file.getReasoning().getReasonerFactory().getURI())); ks = new LocalModelBasedSparqlEndpointKS(model, owl_file.getReasoning()); } if (sources.size() > 1) { throw new ComponentInitException("SPARQLReasoner only supports a single knowledge source"); } } if (ks.isRemote()) { qef = ks.getQueryExecutionFactory(); qef = new QueryExecutionFactoryDelay(qef, 50); // qef = new QueryExecutionFactoryCacheEx(qef, cache); qef = new QueryExecutionFactoryPaginated(qef, 10000); } else { qef = new QueryExecutionFactoryModel(((LocalModelBasedSparqlEndpointKS) ks).getModel()); } } } public QueryExecutionFactory getQueryExecutionFactory() { return qef; } public void precomputePopularities(PopularityType... popularityTypes) { for (PopularityType popularityType : popularityTypes) { switch (popularityType) { case CLASS: precomputeClassPopularity(); break; case OBJECT_PROPERTY: precomputeObjectPropertyPopularity(); break; case DATA_PROPERTY: precomputeDataPropertyPopularity(); break; default: break; } } } public void precomputePropertyDomains() {"precomputing property domains..."); String query = SPARQLQueryUtils.PREFIXES + " select * where {?p rdfs:domain ?dom {?p a owl:ObjectProperty} UNION {?p a owl:DatatypeProperty}}"; try (QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(query)) { ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; OWLObjectProperty p = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI())); OWLClass dom = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("dom").getURI())); propertyDomains.put(p, dom); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to compute property domains.", e); }"finished precomputing property domains."); } public void precomputeObjectPropertyRanges() {"precomputing object property ranges..."); String query = SPARQLQueryUtils.PREFIXES + " select * where {?p rdfs:range ?ran; a owl:ObjectProperty }"; try (QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(query)) { ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; OWLObjectProperty p = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI())); OWLClass dom = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ran").getURI())); objectPropertyRanges.put(p, dom); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to compute property domains.", e); }"finished precomputing property domains."); } public void precomputePopularity() { precomputeClassPopularity(); precomputeDataPropertyPopularity(); precomputeObjectPropertyPopularity(); } public boolean isPrecomputed(PopularityType popularityType) { return precomputedPopularityTypes.contains(popularityType); } public void precomputeClassPopularity() { if (isPrecomputed(PopularityType.CLASS)) { return; }"Precomputing class popularity ..."); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (batchedMode) { String query = "PREFIX owl:<> SELECT ?type (COUNT(?s) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s a ?type . ?type a owl:Class .} GROUP BY ?type"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; if (qs.get("type").isURIResource()) { OWLClass cls = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("type").getURI())); int cnt = qs.getLiteral("cnt").getInt(); classPopularityMap.put(cls, cnt); } } } else { Set<OWLClass> classes = getOWLClasses(); String queryTemplate = "SELECT (COUNT(?s) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s a <%s>}"; for (OWLClass cls : classes) { ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(String.format(queryTemplate, cls.toStringID())); int cnt ="cnt").getInt(); classPopularityMap.put(cls, cnt); } } precomputedPopularityTypes.add(PopularityType.CLASS); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"... done in " + (end - start) + "ms."); } public void precomputeObjectPropertyPopularity() { if (isPrecomputed(PopularityType.OBJECT_PROPERTY)) { return; }"Precomputing object property popularity ..."); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (batchedMode) { String query = "PREFIX owl: <> SELECT ?p (COUNT(*) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s ?p ?o . ?p a owl:ObjectProperty .} GROUP BY ?p"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; if (qs.get("p").isURIResource()) { OWLObjectProperty property = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI())); int cnt = qs.getLiteral("cnt").getInt(); entityPopularityMap.put(property, cnt); } } } else { Set<OWLObjectProperty> properties = getOWLObjectProperties(); String queryTemplate = "SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s <%s> ?o}"; for (OWLObjectProperty property : properties) { ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(String.format(queryTemplate, property.toStringID())); int cnt ="cnt").getInt(); entityPopularityMap.put(property, cnt); } } precomputedPopularityTypes.add(PopularityType.OBJECT_PROPERTY); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"... done in " + (end - start) + "ms."); } public void precomputeDataPropertyPopularity() { if (isPrecomputed(PopularityType.DATA_PROPERTY)) { return; }"Precomputing data property popularity ..."); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (batchedMode) { String query = "PREFIX owl: <> SELECT ?p (COUNT(*) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s ?p ?o . ?p a owl:DatatypeProperty .} GROUP BY ?p"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; if (qs.get("p").isURIResource()) { OWLDataProperty property = df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI())); int cnt = qs.getLiteral("cnt").getInt(); entityPopularityMap.put(property, cnt); } } } else { Set<OWLDataProperty> properties = getOWLDataProperties(); String queryTemplate = "SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s <%s> ?o}"; for (OWLDataProperty property : properties) { ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(String.format(queryTemplate, property.toStringID())); int cnt ="cnt").getInt(); entityPopularityMap.put(property, cnt); } } precomputedPopularityTypes.add(PopularityType.DATA_PROPERTY); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"... done in " + (end - start) + "ms."); } public int getSubjectCountForProperty(OWLProperty p, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnits) { int cnt = -1; String query = String.format("SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s <%s> ?o.}", p.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query, timeout, timeoutUnits); if (rs.hasNext()) { cnt ="cnt").getInt(); } return cnt; } public int getSubjectCountForProperty(OWLProperty p) { int cnt = -1; String query = String.format("SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?s) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s <%s> ?o.}", p.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); if (rs.hasNext()) { cnt ="cnt").getInt(); } return cnt; } public int getObjectCountForProperty(OWLObjectProperty p, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnits) { int cnt = -1; String query = String.format("SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?o) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s <%s> ?o.}", p.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query, timeout, timeoutUnits); if (rs.hasNext()) { cnt ="cnt").getInt(); } return cnt; } public int getObjectCountForProperty(OWLObjectProperty p) { int cnt = -1; String query = String.format("SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?o) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s <%s> ?o.}", p.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); if (rs.hasNext()) { cnt ="cnt").getInt(); } return cnt; } /** * Computes the popularity of the given entity. * @param entity the entity * @param <T> the OWL entity type * @return the popularity */ public <T extends OWLEntity> int getPopularity(T entity) { // check if we have the value cached Integer popularity = entityPopularityMap.get(entity); // compute the value if not cached if (popularity == null) { ParameterizedSparqlString queryTemplate; if (entity.isOWLClass()) { queryTemplate = CLASS_POPULARITY_QUERY; } else if (entity.isOWLObjectProperty() || entity.isOWLDataProperty()) { queryTemplate = PROPERTY_POPULARITY_QUERY; } else if (entity.isOWLNamedIndividual()) { queryTemplate = INDIVIDUAL_POPULARITY_QUERY; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Popularity computation not supported for entity type " + entity.getEntityType().getName()); } queryTemplate.setIri("entity", entity.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(queryTemplate.toString()); popularity ="cnt").getInt(); // put to cache entityPopularityMap.put(entity, popularity); } return popularity; } public int getPopularityOf(OWLClassExpression description) { if (classPopularityMap != null && classPopularityMap.containsKey(description)) { return classPopularityMap.get(description); } else { String query = converter.asCountQuery(description).toString(); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); int cnt ="cnt").getInt(); return cnt; } } @Override public ClassHierarchy prepareSubsumptionHierarchy() { if (precomputeClassHierarchy) { if (!prepared) { hierarchy = prepareSubsumptionHierarchyFast(); prepared = true; } } else { hierarchy = new LazyClassHierarchy(this); } return hierarchy; } public boolean isFunctional(OWLObjectProperty property) { String query = "ASK {<" + property.toStringID() + "> a <" + OWL.FunctionalProperty.getURI() + ">}"; return executeAskQuery(query); } public boolean isInverseFunctional(OWLObjectProperty property) { String query = "ASK {<" + property.toStringID() + "> a <" + OWL.InverseFunctionalProperty.getURI() + ">}"; return executeAskQuery(query); } public boolean isAsymmetric(OWLObjectProperty property) { String query = "ASK {<" + property.toStringID() + "> a <" + OWL2.AsymmetricProperty.getURI() + ">}"; return executeAskQuery(query); } public boolean isSymmetric(OWLObjectProperty property) { String query = "ASK {<" + property.toStringID() + "> a <" + OWL2.SymmetricProperty.getURI() + ">}"; return executeAskQuery(query); } public boolean isIrreflexive(OWLObjectProperty property) { String query = "ASK {<" + property.toStringID() + "> a <" + OWL2.IrreflexiveProperty.getURI() + ">}"; return executeAskQuery(query); } public boolean isReflexive(OWLObjectProperty property) { String query = "ASK {<" + property.toStringID() + "> a <" + OWL2.ReflexiveProperty.getURI() + ">}"; return executeAskQuery(query); } public boolean isTransitive(OWLObjectProperty property) { String query = "ASK {<" + property.toStringID() + "> a <" + OWL2.TransitiveProperty.getURI() + ">}"; return executeAskQuery(query); } public boolean isFunctional(OWLDataProperty property) { String query = "ASK {<" + property.toStringID() + "> a <" + OWL.FunctionalProperty.getURI() + ">}"; return executeAskQuery(query); } /** * Pre-computes the class hierarchy. Instead of executing queries for each class, * we query by the predicate rdfs:subClassOf. * @return the class hierarchy */ public final ClassHierarchy prepareSubsumptionHierarchyFast() {"Preparing class subsumption hierarchy ..."); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); TreeMap<OWLClassExpression, SortedSet<OWLClassExpression>> subsumptionHierarchyUp = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<OWLClassExpression, SortedSet<OWLClassExpression>> subsumptionHierarchyDown = new TreeMap<>(); String query = "SELECT * WHERE {" + "?sub a <> . " // + "?sup a <> . " + "?sub (<>|<>) ?sup ." + "FILTER(?sub != ?sup)" + "}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; if (qs.get("sub").isURIResource() && qs.get("sup").isURIResource()) { OWLClass sub = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.get("sub").asResource().getURI())); OWLClass sup = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.get("sup").asResource().getURI())); //add subclasses SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> subClasses = subsumptionHierarchyDown.get(sup); if (subClasses == null) { subClasses = new TreeSet<>(); subsumptionHierarchyDown.put(sup, subClasses); } subClasses.add(sub); //add superclasses SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> superClasses = subsumptionHierarchyUp.get(sub); if (superClasses == null) { superClasses = new TreeSet<>(); subsumptionHierarchyUp.put(sub, superClasses); } superClasses.add(sup); } }"... done in {}ms", (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); hierarchy = new ClassHierarchy(subsumptionHierarchyUp, subsumptionHierarchyDown); return hierarchy; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#prepareObjectPropertyHierarchy() */ @Override public ObjectPropertyHierarchy prepareObjectPropertyHierarchy() throws ReasoningMethodUnsupportedException { // if(precomputeObjectPropertyHierarchy) {"Preparing object property subsumption hierarchy ..."); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); TreeMap<OWLObjectProperty, SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty>> subsumptionHierarchyUp = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<OWLObjectProperty, SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty>> subsumptionHierarchyDown = new TreeMap<>(); String query = "SELECT * WHERE {" + "?sub a <> . " + "FILTER NOT EXISTS{?sub a <>}" // TODO remove workaround + "FILTER(?sub != <> && ?sub != <>)" + "OPTIONAL {" + "?sub <> ?sup ." + "?sup a <> . " + "FILTER(?sup != ?sub && ?sup != <>)" + "}" + "}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; if (qs.get("sub").isURIResource()) { IRI iri = IRI.create(qs.get("sub").asResource().getURI()); if (!iri.isReservedVocabulary()) { OWLObjectProperty sub = df.getOWLObjectProperty(iri); // add sub properties entry if (!subsumptionHierarchyDown.containsKey(sub)) { subsumptionHierarchyDown.put(sub, new TreeSet<>()); } // add super properties entry if (!subsumptionHierarchyUp.containsKey(sub)) { subsumptionHierarchyUp.put(sub, new TreeSet<>()); } // if there is a super property if (qs.get("sup") != null && qs.get("sup").isURIResource()) { OWLObjectProperty sup = df .getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.get("sup").asResource().getURI())); // add sub properties entry if (!subsumptionHierarchyDown.containsKey(sup)) { subsumptionHierarchyDown.put(sup, new TreeSet<>()); } // add super properties entry if (!subsumptionHierarchyUp.containsKey(sup)) { subsumptionHierarchyUp.put(sup, new TreeSet<>()); } // add super properties entry SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> superClasses = subsumptionHierarchyUp.get(sub); if (superClasses == null) { superClasses = new TreeSet<>(); subsumptionHierarchyUp.put(sub, superClasses); } superClasses.add(sup); // add sub properties entry SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> subProperties = subsumptionHierarchyDown.get(sup); if (subProperties == null) { subProperties = new TreeSet<>(); subsumptionHierarchyDown.put(sup, subProperties); } subProperties.add(sub); } } } }"... done in {}ms", (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); roleHierarchy = new ObjectPropertyHierarchy(subsumptionHierarchyUp, subsumptionHierarchyDown); // } return roleHierarchy; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#prepareObjectPropertyHierarchy() */ @Override public DatatypePropertyHierarchy prepareDatatypePropertyHierarchy() throws ReasoningMethodUnsupportedException {"Preparing data property subsumption hierarchy ..."); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); TreeMap<OWLDataProperty, SortedSet<OWLDataProperty>> subsumptionHierarchyUp = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<OWLDataProperty, SortedSet<OWLDataProperty>> subsumptionHierarchyDown = new TreeMap<>(); String query = "SELECT * WHERE {" + "?sub a <> . " + "OPTIONAL {" + "?sub <> ?sup ." + "?sup a <> . " + "FILTER(?sup != ?sub && ?sup != <> )" + "}" + "FILTER(?sub != <> && ?sub != <>)" + "}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; if (qs.get("sub").isURIResource()) { OWLDataProperty sub = df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(qs.get("sub").asResource().getURI())); // add sub properties entry if (!subsumptionHierarchyDown.containsKey(sub)) { subsumptionHierarchyDown.put(sub, new TreeSet<>()); } // add super properties entry if (!subsumptionHierarchyUp.containsKey(sub)) { subsumptionHierarchyUp.put(sub, new TreeSet<>()); } // if there is a super property if (qs.get("sup") != null && qs.get("sup").isURIResource()) { OWLDataProperty sup = df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(qs.get("sup").asResource().getURI())); // add sub properties entry if (!subsumptionHierarchyDown.containsKey(sup)) { subsumptionHierarchyDown.put(sup, new TreeSet<>()); } // add super properties entry if (!subsumptionHierarchyUp.containsKey(sup)) { subsumptionHierarchyUp.put(sup, new TreeSet<>()); } // add super properties entry SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> superClasses = subsumptionHierarchyUp.get(sub); if (superClasses == null) { superClasses = new TreeSet<>(); subsumptionHierarchyUp.put(sub, superClasses); } superClasses.add(sup); // add sub properties entry SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> subProperties = subsumptionHierarchyDown.get(sup); if (subProperties == null) { subProperties = new TreeSet<>(); subsumptionHierarchyDown.put(sup, subProperties); } subProperties.add(sub); } } }"... done in {}ms", (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); datatypePropertyHierarchy = new DatatypePropertyHierarchy(subsumptionHierarchyUp, subsumptionHierarchyDown); return datatypePropertyHierarchy; } public Model loadSchema() { return loadSchema(null); } public Model loadSchema(String namespace) { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); //load class hierarchy String query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o} WHERE " + "{?s <> ?o." + (namespace != null ? "FILTER(REGEX(STR(?s), '^" + namespace + "'))}" : ""); model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o} WHERE {?s <> ?o}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o} WHERE {?s <> ?o}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); //load domain axioms query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <> } " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o.?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>} " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); //load range axioms query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>} " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>} " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); //load property hierarchy query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>} " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>} " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>} " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>} " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>} " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>} " + "WHERE {?s <> ?o. ?s a <>}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); //load inverse relation query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o} WHERE {?s <> ?o}"; model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); //load property characteristics Set<Resource> propertyCharacteristics = new HashSet<>(); // propertyCharacteristics.add(OWL.FunctionalProperty); propertyCharacteristics.add(OWL.InverseFunctionalProperty); propertyCharacteristics.add(OWL.SymmetricProperty); propertyCharacteristics.add(OWL.TransitiveProperty); propertyCharacteristics.add(OWL2.ReflexiveProperty); propertyCharacteristics.add(OWL2.IrreflexiveProperty); propertyCharacteristics.add(OWL2.AsymmetricProperty); for (Resource propChar : propertyCharacteristics) { query = "CONSTRUCT {?s a <%s>. ?s a <>} WHERE {?s a <%s>.}" .replaceAll("%s", propChar.getURI()); model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); } //for functional properties we have to distinguish between data and object properties, //i.e. we have to keep the property type information, otherwise conversion to OWLAPI ontology makes something curious query = "CONSTRUCT {?s a <%s>. ?s a <>} WHERE {?s a <%s>.?s a <>}" .replaceAll("%s", OWL.FunctionalProperty.getURI()); model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); query = "CONSTRUCT {?s a <%s>. ?s a <>} WHERE {?s a <%s>.?s a <>}" .replaceAll("%s", OWL.FunctionalProperty.getURI()); model.add(loadIncrementally(query)); return model; } /** * Gets all logical axioms according to entities of type owl:Class, owl:ObjectProperty and owl:DatatypeProperty. * @return the OWL schema as Jena model */ public Model loadOWLSchema() { Model schema = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); String prefixes = "PREFIX owl:<> " + "PREFIX rdfs:<> "; // axioms related to owl:Class entities String query = prefixes + "CONSTRUCT {" + "?s a owl:Class." + "?s rdfs:subClassOf ?sup." + "?s owl:equivalentClass ?equiv." + "?s owl:disjointWith ?disj." + "} WHERE {" + "?s a owl:Class. " + "OPTIONAL{?s rdfs:subClassOf ?sup.} " + "OPTIONAL{?s owl:equivalentClass ?equiv.} " + "OPTIONAL{?s owl:disjointWith ?disj.}" + "}"; schema.add(loadIncrementally(query)); // axioms related to owl:ObjectProperty entities query = prefixes + "CONSTRUCT {" + "?s a owl:ObjectProperty." + "?s a ?type." + "?s rdfs:domain ?domain." + "?s rdfs:range ?range." + "} WHERE {" + "?s a owl:ObjectProperty." + "?s a ?type. " + "OPTIONAL{?s rdfs:domain ?domain.} " + "OPTIONAL{?s rdfs:range ?range.}" + "}"; schema.add(loadIncrementally(query)); // axioms related to owl:DatatypeProperty entities query = prefixes + "CONSTRUCT {" + "?s a owl:DatatypeProperty." + "?s a ?type." + "?s rdfs:domain ?domain." + "?s rdfs:range ?range." + "} WHERE {" + "?s a owl:DatatypeProperty." + "?s a ?type. " + "OPTIONAL{?s rdfs:domain ?domain.} " + "OPTIONAL{?s rdfs:range ?range.}" + "}"; schema.add(loadIncrementally(query)); return schema; } private Model loadIncrementally(String query) { QueryExecutionFactory old = qef; qef = new QueryExecutionFactoryPaginated(qef, 10000); QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(query); Model model = qe.execConstruct(); qe.close(); qef = old; return model; } @Override public Set<OWLClass> getTypesImpl(OWLIndividual individual) { String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_INSTANCE_TYPES_QUERY, individual.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); SortedSet<OWLClass> types = asOWLEntities(EntityType.CLASS, rs, "var1"); return types; } public Set<OWLClass> getTypes(OWLIndividual individual, String namespace) { return getTypes(individual); } public Set<OWLClass> getMostSpecificTypes(OWLIndividual individual) { Set<OWLClass> types = new HashSet<>(); String query = String.format("SELECT ?type WHERE {<%s> a ?type ." + "FILTER NOT EXISTS{<%s> a ?moreSpecificType ." + "?moreSpecificType <> ?type ." + "FILTER((?type != ?moreSpecificType) && (?moreSpecificType!= <>))}}", individual.toStringID(), individual.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; IRI iri = IRI.create(qs.getResource("type").getURI()); if (!iri.isReservedVocabulary()) { types.add(df.getOWLClass(iri)); } } return types; } /** * Returns the entity type of the given resource IRI, i.e. whether the resource * is a owl:Class, owl:ObjectProperty,owl:DatatypeProperty or owl:NamedIndividual. * @param iri the IRI of the entity * @return the entity type */ public EntityType<? extends OWLEntity> getOWLEntityType(String iri) { ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString("SELECT ?type WHERE {?s a ?type .}"); query.setIri("s", iri); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query.toString()); Set<EntityType<? extends OWLEntity>> entityTypes = new HashSet<>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; String uri = qs.getResource("type").getURI(); for (EntityType<? extends OWLEntity> entityType : EntityType.values()) { if (entityType.getIRI().toString().equals(uri)) { entityTypes.add(entityType); break; } } } if (entityTypes.size() == 1) { return entityTypes.iterator().next(); } return null; } public Set<OWLClass> getTypes(String namespace) { return getTypes(namespace, false); } public Set<OWLClass> getTypes(String namespace, boolean omitEmptyTypes) { Set<OWLClass> types = new TreeSet<>(); String query = "SELECT DISTINCT ?cls WHERE {[] a ?cls ." + (omitEmptyTypes ? "[] a ?cls ." : "") + (namespace != null ? ("FILTER(REGEX(?cls,'^" + namespace + "'))") : "") + "}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; types.add(df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("cls").getURI()))); } return types; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.BaseReasoner#getNamedClasses() */ @Override public SortedSet<OWLClass> getClasses() { return getOWLClasses(); } public SortedSet<OWLClass> getOWLClasses() { return getOWLClasses(null); } public SortedSet<OWLClass> getOWLClasses(String namespace) { ResultSet rs; if (!laxMode) { rs = executeSelectQuery(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_CLASSES_QUERY); } else { rs = executeSelectQuery(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_CLASSES_QUERY_ALT); } SortedSet<OWLClass> classes = asOWLEntities(EntityType.CLASS, rs, "var1"); return classes; } public Set<OWLClass> getNonEmptyOWLClasses() { String query = "SELECT DISTINCT ?var1 WHERE {?var1 a <>. FILTER EXISTS{[] a ?var1}}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); SortedSet<OWLClass> classes = asOWLEntities(EntityType.CLASS, rs, "var1"); return classes; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.BaseReasoner#getIndividuals() */ @Override public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getIndividuals() { return getOWLIndividuals(); } public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getOWLIndividuals() { ResultSet rs; if (!laxMode) { rs = executeSelectQuery(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_INDIVIDUALS_QUERY); } else { rs = executeSelectQuery(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_INDIVIDUALS_QUERY_ALT); } SortedSet<OWLIndividual> individuals = new TreeSet<>(); individuals.addAll(asOWLEntities(EntityType.NAMED_INDIVIDUAL, rs, "var1")); return individuals; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.BaseReasoner#getObjectProperties() */ @Override public Set<OWLObjectProperty> getObjectPropertiesImpl() { return getOWLObjectProperties(); } public SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> getOWLObjectProperties() { return getOWLObjectProperties(null); } public SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> getOWLObjectProperties(String namespace) { ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_OBJECT_PROPERTIES_QUERY); SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> properties = asOWLEntities(EntityType.OBJECT_PROPERTY, rs, "var1"); return properties; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getDatatypePropertiesImpl() */ @Override protected Set<OWLDataProperty> getDatatypePropertiesImpl() throws ReasoningMethodUnsupportedException { return getOWLDataProperties(); } public SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> getOWLDataProperties() { return getOWLDataProperties(null); } public SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> getOWLDataProperties(String namespace) { ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_DATA_PROPERTIES_QUERY); SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> properties = asOWLEntities(EntityType.DATA_PROPERTY, rs, "var1"); return properties; } public Set<OWLDataProperty> getDataPropertiesByRange(XSDVocabulary xsdType) { return getDataPropertiesByRange(xsdType.getIRI()); } public Set<OWLDataProperty> getDataPropertiesByRange(Set<OWLDatatype> dts) { Set<OWLDataProperty> r = new TreeSet<>(); for (OWLDatatype dt : dts) { r.addAll(getDataPropertiesByRange(dt.getIRI())); } return r; } public Set<OWLDataProperty> getDataPropertiesByRange(IRI iri) { String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_DATA_PROPERTIES_BY_RANGE_QUERY, iri.toString()); logger.debug(sparql_debug, "get properties by range query: " + query); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> properties = asOWLEntities(EntityType.DATA_PROPERTY, rs, "var1"); return properties; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getIntDatatypePropertiesImpl() */ @Override protected Set<OWLDataProperty> getIntDatatypePropertiesImpl() throws ReasoningMethodUnsupportedException { return getDataPropertiesByRange(OWLAPIUtils.intDatatypes); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getDoubleDatatypePropertiesImpl() */ @Override protected Set<OWLDataProperty> getDoubleDatatypePropertiesImpl() throws ReasoningMethodUnsupportedException { return getDataPropertiesByRange(OWLAPIUtils.floatDatatypes); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getBooleanDatatypePropertiesImpl() */ @Override protected Set<OWLDataProperty> getBooleanDatatypePropertiesImpl() throws ReasoningMethodUnsupportedException { return getDataPropertiesByRange(OWLAPIUtils.fixedDatatypes); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getStringDatatypePropertiesImpl() */ @Override protected Set<OWLDataProperty> getStringDatatypePropertiesImpl() throws ReasoningMethodUnsupportedException { return getDataPropertiesByRange(XSDVocabulary.STRING); } public Set<OWLProperty> getProperties(boolean inferType, String namespace) { Set<OWLProperty> properties = new HashSet<>(); String query = "SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?type WHERE {?s ?p ?o." + (namespace != null ? ("FILTER(REGEX(?p,'^" + namespace + "'))") : "") + "OPTIONAL{?p a ?type.}}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); Multimap<String, String> uri2Types = HashMultimap.create(); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; String uri = qs.getResource("p").getURI(); String type = ""; if (qs.getResource("type") != null) { type = qs.getResource("type").getURI(); } uri2Types.put(uri, type); } for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : uri2Types.asMap().entrySet()) { String uri = entry.getKey(); Collection<String> types = entry.getValue(); if (types.contains(OWL.ObjectProperty.getURI()) && !types.contains(OWL.DatatypeProperty.getURI())) { properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(uri))); } else if (!types.contains(OWL.ObjectProperty.getURI()) && types.contains(OWL.DatatypeProperty.getURI())) { properties.add(df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(uri))); } else if (inferType) { //infer the type by values query = "SELECT ?o WHERE {?s <" + uri + "> ?o. } LIMIT 100"; rs = executeSelectQuery(query); boolean op = true; boolean dp = true; RDFNode node; while (rs.hasNext()) { node ="o"); op = node.isResource(); dp = node.isLiteral(); } if (op && !dp) { properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(uri))); } else if (!op && dp) { properties.add(df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(uri))); } else { //not possible to decide } } } return properties; } public Set<OWLProperty> getProperties(boolean inferType) { Set<OWLProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = "SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?type WHERE {?s ?p ?o. OPTIONAL{?p a ?type.}}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); Multimap<String, String> uri2Types = HashMultimap.create(); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; String uri = qs.getResource("p").getURI(); String type = ""; if (qs.getResource("type") != null) { type = qs.getResource("type").getURI(); } uri2Types.put(uri, type); } for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : uri2Types.asMap().entrySet()) { String uri = entry.getKey(); Collection<String> types = entry.getValue(); if (types.contains(OWL.ObjectProperty.getURI()) && !types.contains(OWL.DatatypeProperty.getURI())) { properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(uri))); } else if (!types.contains(OWL.ObjectProperty.getURI()) && types.contains(OWL.DatatypeProperty.getURI())) { properties.add(df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(uri))); } else if (inferType) { //infer the type by values query = "SELECT ?o WHERE {?s <" + uri + "> ?o. } LIMIT 100"; rs = executeSelectQuery(query); boolean op = true; boolean dp = true; RDFNode node; while (rs.hasNext()) { node ="o"); op = node.isResource(); dp = node.isLiteral(); } if (op && !dp) { properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(uri))); } else if (!op && dp) { properties.add(df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(uri))); } else { //not possible to decide } } } return properties; } /** * Returns a set of sibling classes, i.e. classes that are on the same level * in the class hierarchy. * @param cls the OWL class * @return the sibling classes */ public Set<OWLClass> getSiblingClasses(OWLClass cls) { String query = SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_SIBLING_CLASSES_QUERY.replace("%s", cls.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); Set<OWLClass> siblings = asOWLEntities(EntityType.CLASS, rs, "var1"); return siblings; } @Override public boolean hasTypeImpl(OWLClassExpression description, OWLIndividual individual) { if (description.isOWLThing()) { // owl:Thing -> TRUE return true; } else if (description.isOWLNothing()) { // owl:Nothing -> FALSE return false; } else if (!description.isAnonymous()) { // atomic classes String query = String.format("ASK {<%s> a <%s>}", individual.toStringID(), description.asOWLClass().toStringID()); boolean result = executeAskQuery(query); return result; } else { // complex class expressions //TODO use ASK queries SortedSet<OWLIndividual> individuals = getIndividuals(description, Collections.singleton(individual)); return individuals.contains(individual); // String queryBody = converter.convert("?ind", description); // queryBody = queryBody.replace("?ind", "<" + individual.toStringID() + ">"); // String query = "ASK {" + queryBody + "}"; // // FIXME universal and cardinality restrictions do not work with ASK queries } } @Override public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> hasTypeImpl(OWLClassExpression description, Set<OWLIndividual> individuals) { SortedSet<OWLIndividual> allIndividuals = getIndividuals(description, individuals); //allIndividuals.retainAll(individuals); return allIndividuals; } @Override public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getIndividualsImpl(OWLClassExpression description) { return getIndividuals(description, 0); } public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getIndividuals(OWLClassExpression description, int limit, Set<OWLIndividual> indValues) { // we need to copy it to get something like A AND B from A AND A AND B description = duplicator.duplicateObject(description); SortedSet<OWLIndividual> individuals = new TreeSet<>(); String query; if (indValues != null) { String tp = converter.convert("?ind", description); query = "SELECT DISTINCT ?ind WHERE { \n" + "VALUES ?ind { \n"; for (OWLIndividual x : indValues) { query += "<" + x.toStringID() + "> "; } query += "}. \n " + tp + "\n}"; //query = converter.asQuery("?ind", description).toString(); //System.exit(1); // XXX } else { query = converter.asQuery("?ind", description, false).toString();//System.out.println(query); } if (limit != 0) { query += " LIMIT " + limit; } // query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.PREFIXES + " SELECT ?ind WHERE {?ind rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* <%s> .}", description.asOWLClass().toStringID()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Thread.dumpStack(); logger.debug(sparql_debug, "get individuals query: " + query); } ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; if (qs.get("ind").isURIResource()) { individuals.add(df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ind").getURI()))); } } logger.debug(sparql_debug, "get individuals result: " + individuals); return individuals; } public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getIndividuals(OWLClassExpression description, int limit) { return getIndividuals(description, limit, null); } public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getIndividuals(OWLClassExpression description, Set<OWLIndividual> indValues) { return getIndividuals(description, 0, indValues); } public int getIndividualsCount(OWLClassExpression description, int limit, Set<OWLIndividual> indValues) { description = duplicator.duplicateObject(description); String query; if (indValues != null) { String tp = converter.convert("?ind", description); query = "SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?ind) as ?cnt) WHERE { \n" + "VALUES ?ind { \n"; for (OWLIndividual x : indValues) { query += "<" + x.toStringID() + "> "; } query += "}. \n " + tp + "\n}"; } else { query = converter.asQuery("?ind", description, true).toString(); System.err.println(query); System.exit(1); } if (limit != 0) { query += " LIMIT " + limit; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(sparql_debug, "get individuals query: " + query); } ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; if (qs.get("cnt").isLiteral()) { int ret = qs.get("cnt").asLiteral().getInt(); logger.debug(sparql_debug, "result: " + ret); return ret; } } throw new Error("no result"); } public int getIndividualsCount(OWLClassExpression description, int limit) { return getIndividualsCount(description, limit, null); } public int getIndividualsCount(OWLClassExpression description, Set<OWLIndividual> indValues) { return getIndividualsCount(description, 0, indValues); } /** * @param wantedClass the class to which the individuals must belong to * @param excludeClass the class to which the individuals must not belong to * @param limit the max. number of individuals * @return get individuals of class wantedClass excluding all individuals of type excludeClass */ public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getIndividualsExcluding(OWLClassExpression wantedClass, OWLClassExpression excludeClass, int limit) { if (wantedClass.isAnonymous()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only named classes are supported."); } SortedSet<OWLIndividual> individuals = new TreeSet<>(); String query = "SELECT DISTINCT ?ind WHERE {" + "?ind a <" + ((OWLClass) wantedClass).toStringID() + "> . " + "FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?ind a <" + ((OWLClass) excludeClass).toStringID() + "> } }"; if (limit != 0) { query += " LIMIT " + limit; } ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; if (qs.get("ind").isURIResource()) { individuals.add(df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ind").getURI()))); } } return individuals; } // /** // * @param cls // * @param limit // * @return Random Individuals not including any of the input class individuals // * @author sherif // */ // public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getRandomIndividuals(OWLClass cls, int limit) { // SortedSet<OWLIndividual> individuals = new TreeSet<OWLIndividual>(); // String query = // " SELECT DISTINCT ?ind WHERE {"+ // "?ind ?p ?o ."+ // "FILTER(NOT EXISTS { ?ind a <" + cls.toStringID() + "> } ) }"; // if(limit != 0) { // query += " LIMIT " + limit; // } // ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); // QuerySolution qs; // while(rs.hasNext()){ // qs =; // if(qs.get("ind").isURIResource()){ // individuals.add(df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ind").getURI()))); // } // } // return individuals; // } // /** // * @param cls // * @param limit // * @return Random Individuals not including any of the input classes individuals // * @author sherif // */ // public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getRandomIndividuals(Set<OWLClass> cls, int limit) { // SortedSet<OWLIndividual> individuals = new TreeSet<OWLIndividual>(); // // String filterStr=""; // for(OWLClass nc : cls){ // filterStr = filterStr.concat("FILTER(NOT EXISTS { ?ind a <").concat(nc.toStringID()).concat("> } ) "); // } // // String query = // " SELECT DISTINCT ?ind WHERE {"+ // "?ind a ?o .?o <> <>"+ // filterStr+ " }"; // if(limit != 0) { // query += " LIMIT " + limit; // } // // System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "+query); // ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); // QuerySolution qs; // while(rs.hasNext()){ // qs =; // if(qs.get("ind").isURIResource()){ // individuals.add(df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ind").getURI()))); // } // } // return individuals; // } // /** // * @param cls // * @param limit // * @return Super class of the input class Individuals not including any of the input class individuals // * @author sherif // */ // public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getSuperClassIndividuals(OWLClass cls, int limit) { // SortedSet<OWLIndividual> individuals = new TreeSet<OWLIndividual>(); // Set<OWLClassExpression> superClasses = getSuperClasses(cls); // // for(OWLClassExpression sup : superClasses){ // if(!sup.isAnonymous()) { // String query = "SELECT DISTINCT ?ind WHERE { " // + "?ind a <" + sup.asOWLClass().toStringID() + "> . " // + "FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?ind a <" + cls.toStringID() + "> } }"; // if(limit != 0) { // query += " LIMIT " + limit/superClasses.size(); // } // // System.out.println("---------------------------------------------- "+query); // // ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); // QuerySolution qs; // while(rs.hasNext()){ // qs =; // if(qs.get("ind").isURIResource()){ // individuals.add(df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ind").getURI()))); // } // } // System.out.println(individuals.size()); // System.out.println(individuals); // } // } // // return individuals; // } @Override public SortedSetTuple<OWLIndividual> doubleRetrievalImpl(OWLClassExpression description) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Set<OWLIndividual> getRelatedIndividualsImpl(OWLIndividual individual, OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { Set<OWLIndividual> individuals = new HashSet<>(); String query = String.format("SELECT ?ind WHERE {<%s> <%s> ?ind, FILTER(isIRI(?ind))}", individual.toStringID(), objectProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; individuals.add(df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ind").getURI()))); } return individuals; } @Override public Set<OWLLiteral> getRelatedValuesImpl(OWLIndividual individual, OWLDataProperty datatypeProperty) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Map<OWLObjectProperty, Set<OWLIndividual>> getObjectPropertyRelationshipsImpl(OWLIndividual individual) { Map<OWLObjectProperty, Set<OWLIndividual>> prop2individuals = new HashMap<>(); String query = String.format( "SELECT ?prop ?ind WHERE {" + "<%s> ?prop ?ind." + " FILTER(isIRI(?ind) && ?prop != <%s> && ?prop != <%s>)}", individual.toStringID(), RDF.type.getURI(), OWL.sameAs.getURI()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; Set<OWLIndividual> individuals; OWLObjectProperty property; OWLIndividual ind; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; ind = df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ind").getURI())); property = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("prop").getURI())); individuals = prop2individuals.get(property); if (individuals == null) { individuals = new HashSet<>(); prop2individuals.put(property, individuals); } individuals.add(ind); } return prop2individuals; } @Override public Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<OWLIndividual>> getPropertyMembersImpl(OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<OWLIndividual>> subject2objects = new HashMap<>(); String query = String.format("SELECT ?s ?o WHERE {" + "?s <%s> ?o." + " FILTER(isIRI(?o))}", objectProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; OWLIndividual sub; OWLIndividual obj; SortedSet<OWLIndividual> objects; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; if (qs.getResource("s") == null || qs.getResource("s").getURI() == null) { logger.warn(sparql_debug, "The ?s is empty {} {}", query, qs); continue; } sub = df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("s").getURI())); obj = df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("o").getURI())); objects = subject2objects.get(sub); if (objects == null) { objects = new TreeSet<>(); subject2objects.put(sub, objects); } objects.add(obj); } return subject2objects; } @Override public Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<OWLLiteral>> getDatatypeMembersImpl(OWLDataProperty dataProperty) { Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<OWLLiteral>> subject2objects = new HashMap<>(); String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_PROPERTY_RELATIONSHIPS_QUERY, dataProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; OWLIndividual sub = df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("var1").getURI())); OWLLiteral obj = OwlApiJenaUtils.getOWLLiteral(qs.getLiteral("var2")); SortedSet<OWLLiteral> objects = subject2objects.get(sub); if (objects == null) { objects = new TreeSet<>(); subject2objects.put(sub, objects); } objects.add(obj); } return subject2objects; } private String datatypeSparqlFilter(Iterable<OWLDatatype> dts) { return Joiner.on(" || ").join(, false) .map(input -> "DATATYPE(?o) = <" + input.toStringID() + ">").collect(Collectors.toList())); } @Override public Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<Double>> getDoubleDatatypeMembersImpl(OWLDataProperty datatypeProperty) { Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<Double>> subject2objects = new HashMap<>(); String query = "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE {" + String.format("?s <%s> ?o.", datatypeProperty.toStringID()) + " FILTER(" + datatypeSparqlFilter(OWLAPIUtils.floatDatatypes) + ")}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; OWLIndividual sub; Double obj; SortedSet<Double> objects; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; sub = df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("s").getURI())); Literal val = qs.getLiteral("o").asLiteral(); if ("NAN".equals(val.getLexicalForm())) { // DBPedia bug obj = Double.NaN; } else { obj = val.getDouble(); } //obj = qs.getLiteral("o").getDouble(); objects = subject2objects.get(sub); if (objects == null) { objects = new TreeSet<>(); subject2objects.put(sub, objects); } objects.add(obj); } return subject2objects; } @Override public Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<Integer>> getIntDatatypeMembersImpl(OWLDataProperty datatypeProperty) { Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<Integer>> subject2objects = new HashMap<>(); String query = "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE {" + String.format("?s <%s> ?o.", datatypeProperty.toStringID()) + " FILTER(" + datatypeSparqlFilter(OWLAPIUtils.intDatatypes) + ")}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; OWLIndividual sub; Integer obj; SortedSet<Integer> objects; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; sub = df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("s").getURI())); obj = qs.getLiteral("o").getInt(); objects = subject2objects.get(sub); if (objects == null) { objects = new TreeSet<>(); subject2objects.put(sub, objects); } objects.add(obj); } return subject2objects; } @Override public Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<Boolean>> getBooleanDatatypeMembersImpl(OWLDataProperty datatypeProperty) { Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<Boolean>> subject2objects = new HashMap<>(); String query = "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE {" + String.format("?s <%s> ?o.", datatypeProperty.toStringID()) + " FILTER(" + datatypeSparqlFilter(OWLAPIUtils.fixedDatatypes) + ")}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; OWLIndividual sub; Boolean obj; SortedSet<Boolean> objects; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; sub = df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("s").getURI())); obj = qs.getLiteral("o").getBoolean(); objects = subject2objects.get(sub); if (objects == null) { objects = new TreeSet<>(); subject2objects.put(sub, objects); } objects.add(obj); } return subject2objects; } @Override public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getTrueDatatypeMembersImpl(OWLDataProperty datatypeProperty) { SortedSet<OWLIndividual> members = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format( "SELECT ?ind WHERE {" + "?ind <%s> ?o." + " FILTER(isLiteral(?o) && DATATYPE(?o) = <%s> && ?o = %s)}", datatypeProperty.toStringID(), XSD.BOOLEAN.toStringID(), "\"true\"^^<" + XSD.BOOLEAN.toStringID() + ">"); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; members.add(df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ind").getURI()))); } return members; } @Override public SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getFalseDatatypeMembersImpl(OWLDataProperty datatypeProperty) { SortedSet<OWLIndividual> members = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format( "SELECT ?ind WHERE {" + "?ind <%s> ?o." + " FILTER(isLiteral(?o) && DATATYPE(?o) = <%s> && ?o = %s)}", datatypeProperty.toStringID(), XSD.BOOLEAN.toStringID(), "\"false\"^^<" + XSD.BOOLEAN.toStringID() + ">"); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; members.add(df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ind").getURI()))); } return members; } @Override public Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<String>> getStringDatatypeMembersImpl(OWLDataProperty datatypeProperty) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Set<OWLClass> getInconsistentClassesImpl() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private OWLClassExpression computeDomain(OWLProperty property) { String query = String.format("SELECT ?domain WHERE {" + "<%s> <%s> ?domain. FILTER(isIRI(?domain))" + "}", property.toStringID(), RDFS.domain.getURI()); try (QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(query)) { ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> domains = new TreeSet<>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; domains.add(df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("domain").getURI()))); } domains.remove(df.getOWLThing()); if (domains.size() == 1) { return domains.first(); } else if (domains.size() > 1) { return df.getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(domains); } return df.getOWLThing(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to compute the domain for " + property + ".", e); } return null; } @Override public OWLClassExpression getDomainImpl(OWLObjectProperty property) { return propertyDomains.computeIfAbsent(property, k -> computeDomain(property)); } public Set<OWLObjectProperty> getObjectPropertiesWithDomain(OWLClass domain) { Set<OWLObjectProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = "SELECT ?p WHERE {?p <> <" + domain.toStringID() + ">.}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI()))); } return properties; } public Set<OWLObjectProperty> getObjectProperties(OWLClass cls) { Set<OWLObjectProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = "SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE {?s a <" + cls.toStringID() + ">. ?s ?p ?o}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI()))); } return properties; } public SortedSet<OWLClass> getDomains(OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { String query = String.format("SELECT ?domain WHERE {" + "<%s> <%s> ?domain. FILTER(isIRI(?domain))" + "}", objectProperty.toStringID(), RDFS.domain.getURI()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; SortedSet<OWLClass> domains = new TreeSet<>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; domains.add(df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("domain").getURI()))); } return domains; } @Override public OWLClassExpression getDomainImpl(OWLDataProperty property) { return propertyDomains.computeIfAbsent(property, k -> computeDomain(property)); } @Override public OWLClassExpression getRangeImpl(OWLObjectProperty property) { return objectPropertyRanges.computeIfAbsent(property, k -> { String query = String.format("SELECT ?range WHERE {" + "<%s> <%s> ?range. FILTER(isIRI(?range))" + "}", property.toStringID(), RDFS.range.getURI()); try (QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(query)) { ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> ranges = new TreeSet<>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; ranges.add(df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("range").getURI()))); } ranges.remove(df.getOWLThing()); if (ranges.size() == 1) { return ranges.first(); } else if (ranges.size() > 1) { return df.getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(ranges); } return df.getOWLThing(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to compute range for " + property, e); } return null; }); } public SortedSet<OWLClass> getRanges(OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { String query = String.format("SELECT ?range WHERE {" + "<%s> <%s> ?range. FILTER(isIRI(?range))" + "}", objectProperty.toStringID(), RDFS.range.getURI()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; SortedSet<OWLClass> ranges = new TreeSet<>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; ranges.add(df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("range").getURI()))); } return ranges; } public boolean isObjectProperty(String propertyURI) { String query = String.format("ASK {<%s> a <%s>}", propertyURI, OWL.ObjectProperty.getURI()); boolean isObjectProperty = executeAskQuery(query); return isObjectProperty; } public boolean isObjectProperty(String propertyURI, boolean analyzeData) { String query = String.format("ASK {<%s> a <%s>}", propertyURI, OWL.ObjectProperty.getURI()); boolean isObjectProperty = executeAskQuery(query); if (!isObjectProperty && analyzeData) { query = String.format("ASK {?s <%s> ?o.FILTER(isURI(?o))}", propertyURI); isObjectProperty = executeAskQuery(query); } return isObjectProperty; } public boolean isDataProperty(String propertyURI) { if (propertyURI.equals("")) return true; String query = String.format("ASK {<%s> a <%s>}", propertyURI, OWL.DatatypeProperty.getURI()); boolean isDataProperty = executeAskQuery(query); return isDataProperty; } public boolean isDataProperty(String propertyURI, boolean analyzeData) { if (propertyURI.equals("")) return true; String query = String.format("ASK {<%s> a <%s>}", propertyURI, OWL.DatatypeProperty.getURI()); boolean isDataProperty = executeAskQuery(query); if (!isDataProperty && analyzeData) { query = String.format("ASK {?s <%s> ?o.FILTER(isLITERAL(?o))}", propertyURI); isDataProperty = executeAskQuery(query); } return isDataProperty; } public int getIndividualsCount(OWLClass cls) { String query = String.format("SELECT (COUNT(?s) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s a <%s>.}", cls.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); int cnt =; return cnt; } public int getPropertyCount(OWLObjectProperty property) { String query = String.format("SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?cnt) WHERE {?s <%s> ?o.}", property.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); int cnt =; return cnt; } public SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> getInverseObjectProperties(OWLObjectProperty property) { SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> inverseObjectProperties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = "SELECT ?p WHERE {" + "{<%p> <%ax> ?p.} UNION {?p <%ax> <%p>}}" .replace("%p", property.toStringID()).replace("%ax", OWL.inverseOf.getURI()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; inverseObjectProperties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI()))); } return inverseObjectProperties; } @Override public OWLDataRange getRangeImpl(OWLDataProperty datatypeProperty) { String query = String.format("SELECT ?range WHERE {" + "<%s> <%s> ?range. FILTER(isIRI(?range))" + "}", datatypeProperty.toStringID(), RDFS.range.getURI()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; OWLDataRange range = null; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; range = df.getOWLDatatype(IRI.create(qs.getResource("range").getURI())); } return range; } @Override public boolean isSuperClassOfImpl(OWLClassExpression superClass, OWLClassExpression subClass) { if (subClass.isAnonymous() || superClass.isAnonymous()) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only named classes are supported."); return false; } String query = String.format("ASK {<%s> <%s> <%s>.}", ((OWLClass) subClass).toStringID(), RDFS.subClassOf.getURI(), ((OWLClass) superClass).toStringID()); boolean superClassOf = executeAskQuery(query); return superClassOf; } @Override public boolean isEquivalentClassImpl(OWLClassExpression class1, OWLClassExpression class2) { if (class1.isAnonymous() || class2.isAnonymous()) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only named classes are supported."); return false; } String query = String.format("ASK {<%s> <%s> <%s>.}", ((OWLClass) class1).toStringID(), OWL.equivalentClass.getURI(), ((OWLClass) class2).toStringID()); boolean equivalentClass = executeAskQuery(query); return equivalentClass; } @Override public Set<OWLClassExpression> getAssertedDefinitions(OWLClass cls) { // currently we are not able to do this because of the blank node style representation of complex class expressions in RDF return Collections.emptySet(); // Set<OWLClassExpression> definitions = new HashSet<OWLClassExpression>(); // String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_EQUIVALENT_CLASSES_QUERY, cls.toStringID(), cls.toStringID()); // // ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); // QuerySolution qs; // while(rs.hasNext()){ // qs =; //// definitions.add(df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("class").getURI()))); // } // return definitions; } @Override public Set<OWLClassExpression> isSuperClassOfImpl(Set<OWLClassExpression> superClasses, OWLClassExpression subClasses) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> getMostGeneralClasses() { return hierarchy.getMostGeneralClasses(); } public SortedSet<OWLClass> getMostSpecificClasses() { SortedSet<OWLClass> classes = new TreeSet<>(); String query = "SELECT ?cls WHERE {?cls a <>. " + "FILTER NOT EXISTS{?sub <> ?cls. FILTER(?sub != <>)}}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; classes.add(df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("cls").getURI()))); } return classes; } @Override public SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> getSuperClassesImpl(OWLClassExpression description) { String query; if (description.isAnonymous()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only named classes are supported."); } else if (description.isOWLThing()) { return Sets.newTreeSet(); } else if (description.isOWLNothing()) { query = SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_LEAF_CLASSES_OWL; } else { query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_DIRECT_SUPERCLASS_OF_QUERY, description.asOWLClass().toStringID()); } ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); SortedSet<OWLClass> superClasses = asOWLEntities(EntityType.CLASS, rs, "var1"); superClasses.remove(description); // System.out.println("Sup(" + description + "):" + superClasses); return new TreeSet<OWLClassExpression>(superClasses); } public SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> getSuperClasses(OWLClassExpression description, boolean direct) { if (description.isAnonymous()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only named classes are supported."); } SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> superClasses = new TreeSet<>(); String query; if (direct) { query = String.format( "SELECT ?sup {<%s> <> ?sup. FILTER(isIRI(?sup))}", description.asOWLClass().toStringID()); } else { query = String.format( "SELECT ?sup {<%s> <>* ?sup. FILTER(isIRI(?sup))}", description.asOWLClass().toStringID()); } ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; superClasses.add(df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("sup").getURI()))); } superClasses.remove(description); System.out.println("Sup(" + description + "):" + superClasses); return superClasses; } @Override public SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> getSubClassesImpl(OWLClassExpression description) { return getSubClasses(description, true); } public SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> getSubClasses(OWLClassExpression description, boolean direct) { if (description.isAnonymous()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only named classes are supported."); } SortedSet<OWLClassExpression> subClasses = new TreeSet<>(); String query; if (description.isOWLThing()) { query = SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_TOP_LEVEL_OWL_CLASSES; } else { query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_SUBCLASS_OF_QUERY, description.asOWLClass().toStringID()); if (direct) { } else { } } ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); subClasses.addAll(asOWLEntities(EntityType.CLASS, rs, "var1")); subClasses.remove(description); subClasses.remove(df.getOWLNothing()); // System.out.println("Sub(" + description + "):" + subClasses); return new TreeSet<>(subClasses); } public boolean isSuperClassOf(OWLClass sup, OWLClass sub, boolean direct) { String query = direct ? SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_SUPERCLASS_OF_QUERY : SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_SUPERCLASS_OF_QUERY_RDFS; query = String.format(query, sub.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); SortedSet<OWLClass> superClasses = asOWLEntities(EntityType.CLASS, rs, "var1"); return superClasses.contains(sup); } @Override public SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> getSuperPropertiesImpl(OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_SUPERPROPERTY_OF_QUERY, objectProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("var1").getURI()))); } properties.remove(objectProperty); properties.remove(df.getOWLTopObjectProperty()); return properties; } @Override public SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> getSubPropertiesImpl(OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_SUBPROPERTY_OF_QUERY, objectProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("var1").getURI()))); } properties.remove(objectProperty); properties.remove(df.getOWLBottomObjectProperty()); return properties; } public SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> getEquivalentProperties(OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_EQUIVALENT_PROPERTIES_QUERY, objectProperty.toStringID(), objectProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("var1").getURI()))); } return properties; } public SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> getDisjointProperties(OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { SortedSet<OWLObjectProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_DISJOINT_PROPERTIES_QUERY, objectProperty.toStringID(), objectProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; properties.add(df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("var1").getURI()))); } return properties; } public SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> getEquivalentProperties(OWLDataProperty objectProperty) { SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> superProperties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_EQUIVALENT_PROPERTIES_QUERY, objectProperty.toStringID(), objectProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; superProperties.add(df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("var1").getURI()))); } return superProperties; } @Override public SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> getSuperPropertiesImpl(OWLDataProperty dataProperty) { SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_SUPERPROPERTY_OF_QUERY, dataProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; properties.add(df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("var1").getURI()))); } properties.remove(dataProperty); properties.remove(df.getOWLTopDataProperty()); return properties; } @Override public SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> getSubPropertiesImpl(OWLDataProperty dataProperty) { SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_SUPERPROPERTY_OF_QUERY, dataProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; properties.add(df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("var1").getURI()))); } properties.remove(dataProperty); properties.remove(df.getOWLBottomDataProperty()); return properties; } public SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> getDisjointProperties(OWLDataProperty dataProperty) { SortedSet<OWLDataProperty> properties = new TreeSet<>(); String query = String.format(SPARQLQueryUtils.SELECT_DISJOINT_PROPERTIES_QUERY, dataProperty.toStringID(), dataProperty.toStringID()); ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); QuerySolution qs; while (rs.hasNext()) { qs =; properties.add(df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("var1").getURI()))); } properties.remove(dataProperty); return properties; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getObjectPropertyDomains() */ @Override public Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClassExpression> getObjectPropertyDomains() { Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClassExpression> result = new HashMap<>(); String query = SPARQLQueryUtils.PREFIXES + "SELECT ?p ?dom WHERE {?p a owl:ObjectProperty . OPTIONAL{?p rdfs:domain ?dom .}}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; OWLObjectProperty op = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI())); // default domain is owl:Thing OWLClassExpression domain = df.getOWLThing(); if (qs.get("dom") != null) { if (qs.get("dom").isURIResource()) { domain = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("dom").getURI())); } else { logger.warn("Can not resolve complex domain for object property " + op); } } result.put(op, domain); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getObjectPropertyRanges() */ @Override public Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClassExpression> getObjectPropertyRanges() { Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClassExpression> result = new HashMap<>(); String query = SPARQLQueryUtils.PREFIXES + "SELECT ?p ?ran WHERE {?p a owl:ObjectProperty . OPTIONAL{?p rdfs:range ?ran .}}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; OWLObjectProperty op = df.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI())); // default range is owl:Thing OWLClassExpression range = df.getOWLThing(); if (qs.get("ran") != null) { if (qs.get("ran").isURIResource()) { range = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("ran").getURI())); } else { logger.warn("Can not resolve complex range for object property " + op); } } result.put(op, range); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getDataPropertyDomains() */ @Override public Map<OWLDataProperty, OWLClassExpression> getDataPropertyDomains() { Map<OWLDataProperty, OWLClassExpression> result = new HashMap<>(); String query = SPARQLQueryUtils.PREFIXES + "SELECT ?p ?dom WHERE {?p a owl:DatatypeProperty . OPTIONAL{?p rdfs:domain ?dom .}}"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; OWLDataProperty dp = df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(qs.getResource("p").getURI())); // default domain is owl:Thing OWLClassExpression domain = df.getOWLThing(); if (qs.get("dom") != null) { if (qs.get("dom").isURIResource()) { domain = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(qs.getResource("dom").getURI())); } else { logger.warn("Can not resolve complex domain for data property " + dp); } } result.put(dp, domain); } return result; } /** * Convert a SPARQL resultset into OWL entities based on the given entity type. * @param entityType the entity type * @param rs the Jena resultset * @param var the var name in the resultset * @return a set of entities of the given entity type */ private <E extends OWLEntity> SortedSet<E> asOWLEntities(EntityType<E> entityType, ResultSet rs, String var) { Collection<IRI> entityIRIs = new HashSet<>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; Resource resource = qs.getResource(var); if (resource.isURIResource()) { entityIRIs.add(IRI.create(resource.getURI())); } } return asOWLEntities(entityType, entityIRIs); } /** * Convert a collection of IRIs into OWL entities based on the given entity type. * @param entityType the entity type * @param entityIRIs the entity IRIs * @return a set of entities of the given entity type */ private <E extends OWLEntity> SortedSet<E> asOWLEntities(EntityType<E> entityType, Collection<IRI> entityIRIs) { SortedSet<E> entities = new TreeSet<>(); for (IRI iri : entityIRIs) { if (!iri.isReservedVocabulary()) { entities.add(df.getOWLEntity(entityType, iri)); } } // remove top and bottom entities entities.remove(df.getOWLThing()); entities.remove(df.getOWLNothing()); entities.remove(df.getOWLTopObjectProperty()); entities.remove(df.getOWLBottomObjectProperty()); entities.remove(df.getOWLTopDataProperty()); entities.remove(df.getOWLBottomDataProperty()); return entities; } protected ResultSet executeSelectQuery(String queryString, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnits) { logger.trace("Sending query \n {}", queryString);//System.out.println(queryString); try (QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(queryString)) { qe.setTimeout(timeout, timeoutUnits); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); return ResultSetFactory.copyResults(rs); } catch (QueryExceptionHTTP e) { throw new QueryExceptionHTTP("Error sending query \"" + queryString + "\" to endpoint " + qef.getId(), e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error sending query \"" + queryString + "\" to endpoint " + qef.getId(), e); } } protected ResultSet executeSelectQuery(String queryString) { return executeSelectQuery(queryString, -1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } protected boolean executeAskQuery(String queryString) { logger.trace("Sending query \n {}", queryString); QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(queryString); boolean ret = qe.execAsk(); qe.close(); return ret; } /** * @return TRUE if the class hierarchy was computed before, otherwise FALSE */ public boolean isPrepared() { return hierarchy != null; } public boolean supportsSPARQL1_1() { try { String query = "SELECT ?s WHERE {?s a <> . FILTER NOT EXISTS {?s a <>}} LIMIT 1"; ResultSet rs = executeSelectQuery(query); return true; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Endpoint does not support SPARQL 1.1, e.g. FILTER NOT EXISTS", e); } return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.BaseReasoner#getBaseURI() */ @Override public String getBaseURI() { return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.BaseReasoner#getPrefixes() */ @Override public Map<String, String> getPrefixes() { return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#remainsSatisfiableImpl(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom) */ @Override protected boolean remainsSatisfiableImpl(OWLAxiom axiom) throws ReasoningMethodUnsupportedException { return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getReasonerType() */ @Override public ReasonerType getReasonerType() { return ReasonerType.SPARQL_NATIVE; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#releaseKB() */ @Override public void releaseKB() { } public boolean isLaxMode() { return laxMode; } public void setLaxMode(boolean laxMode) { this.laxMode = laxMode; } public boolean isUseGenericSplitsCode() { return useGenericSplitsCode; } public void setUseGenericSplitsCode(boolean useGenericSplitsCode) { this.useGenericSplitsCode = useGenericSplitsCode; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#getDatatype(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataProperty) */ @Override public OWLDatatype getDatatype(OWLDataProperty dp) { OWLDataRange range = getRangeImpl(dp); if (range != null && range.isDatatype()) { return range.asOWLDatatype(); } return XSD.STRING; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent#setSynchronized() */ @Override @NoConfigOption public void setSynchronized() { throw new NotImplementedException("Method setSynchronized() not implemented yet!"); } public boolean isUseValueLists() { return useValueLists; } public void setUseValueLists(boolean useValueLists) { this.useValueLists = useValueLists; } }