Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project. * * Copyright 2007 IBM Corporation * * See the accompanying LICENSE file for applicable license. */ package org.dita.dost.writer; import org.dita.dost.exception.DITAOTException; import org.dita.dost.exception.DITAOTXMLErrorHandler; import org.dita.dost.util.Job.FileInfo; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import*; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Stack; import static; import static; import static org.dita.dost.module.GenMapAndTopicListModule.ELEMENT_STUB; import static org.dita.dost.reader.ChunkMapReader.*; import static org.dita.dost.util.Constants.*; import static org.dita.dost.util.StringUtils.split; import static org.dita.dost.util.URLUtils.*; import static org.dita.dost.util.XMLUtils.*; /** * Split topic into multiple files for {@code by-topic} chunking. * Not reusable and not thread-safe. */ public final class SeparateChunkTopicParser extends AbstractChunkTopicParser { private final XMLReader reader; // stub is used as the anchor to mark where to insert generated child // topicref inside current topicref private Element stub; // siblingStub is similar to stub. The only different is it is used to // insert generated topicref sibling to current topicref private Element siblingStub; private final Deque<URI> outputFileNameStack = new ArrayDeque<>(); private Element topicDoc = null; final Deque<Writer> outputStack = new ArrayDeque<>(); final Deque<Element> stubStack = new ArrayDeque<>(); /** * Constructor. */ public SeparateChunkTopicParser() { super(); try { reader = getXMLReader(); reader.setContentHandler(this); reader.setFeature(FEATURE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, true); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize XML parser: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void write(final URI currentFile) throws DITAOTException { this.currentFile = currentFile; final URI hrefValue = toURI(getValue(rootTopicref, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_HREF)); final URI copytoValue = toURI(getValue(rootTopicref, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COPY_TO)); final String scopeValue = getCascadeValue(rootTopicref, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_SCOPE); // Chimera path, has fragment URI parseFilePath; final Collection<String> chunkValue = split(getValue(rootTopicref, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHUNK)); final String processRoleValue = getCascadeValue(rootTopicref, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_PROCESSING_ROLE); boolean dotchunk = false; if (copytoValue != null) { if (hrefValue != null && hrefValue.getFragment() != null) { parseFilePath = setFragment(copytoValue, hrefValue.getFragment()); } else { parseFilePath = copytoValue; } } else { parseFilePath = hrefValue; } try { // if the path to target file make sense currentParsingFile = currentFile.resolve(parseFilePath); URI outputFileName; /* * FIXME: we have code flaws here, references in ditamap need to * be updated to new created file. */ String id = null; String firstTopicID = null; if (parseFilePath.getFragment() != null) { id = parseFilePath.getFragment(); if (chunkValue.contains(CHUNK_SELECT_BRANCH)) { outputFileName = resolve(currentFile, id + FILE_EXTENSION_DITA); targetTopicId = id; startFromFirstTopic = false; selectMethod = CHUNK_SELECT_BRANCH; } else if (chunkValue.contains(CHUNK_SELECT_DOCUMENT)) { firstTopicID = getFirstTopicId(currentFile.resolve(parseFilePath).getPath()); topicDoc = getTopicDoc(currentFile.resolve(parseFilePath)); if (firstTopicID != null) { outputFileName = resolve(currentFile, firstTopicID + FILE_EXTENSION_DITA); targetTopicId = firstTopicID; } else { outputFileName = resolve(currentParsingFile, null); dotchunk = true; targetTopicId = null; } selectMethod = CHUNK_SELECT_DOCUMENT; } else { outputFileName = resolve(currentFile, id + FILE_EXTENSION_DITA); targetTopicId = id; startFromFirstTopic = false; selectMethod = CHUNK_SELECT_TOPIC; } } else { firstTopicID = getFirstTopicId(currentFile.resolve(parseFilePath).getPath()); topicDoc = getTopicDoc(currentFile.resolve(parseFilePath)); if (firstTopicID != null) { outputFileName = resolve(currentFile, firstTopicID + FILE_EXTENSION_DITA); targetTopicId = firstTopicID; } else { outputFileName = resolve(currentParsingFile, null); dotchunk = true; targetTopicId = null; } selectMethod = CHUNK_SELECT_DOCUMENT; } if (copytoValue != null) { // use @copy-to value as the new file name outputFileName = resolve(currentFile, copytoValue.toString()); } if (new File(outputFileName).exists()) { final URI t = outputFileName; outputFileName = resolve(currentFile, generateFilename()); conflictTable.put(outputFileName, t); dotchunk = false; } output = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFileName)), UTF8); outputFile = outputFileName; if (!dotchunk) { final FileInfo fi = generateFileInfo(outputFile); job.add(fi); changeTable.put(currentFile.resolve(parseFilePath), setFragment(outputFileName, id)); // new generated file changeTable.put(outputFileName, outputFileName); } // change the href value final URI newHref = setFragment( getRelativePath(currentFile.resolve(FILE_NAME_STUB_DITAMAP), outputFileName), firstTopicID != null ? firstTopicID : id); rootTopicref.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_HREF, newHref.toString()); include = false; addStubElements(); // Place siblingStub if (rootTopicref.getNextSibling() != null) { rootTopicref.getParentNode().insertBefore(siblingStub, rootTopicref.getNextSibling()); } else { rootTopicref.getParentNode().appendChild(siblingStub); } reader.setErrorHandler(new DITAOTXMLErrorHandler(currentParsingFile.getPath(), logger));"Processing " + currentParsingFile); reader.parse(currentParsingFile.toString()); output.flush(); removeStubElements(); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { try { if (output != null) { output.close(); output = null; if (dotchunk) { final File dst = new File(currentParsingFile); final File src = new File(outputFile); logger.debug("Delete " + currentParsingFile); deleteQuietly(dst); logger.debug("Move " + outputFile + " to " + currentParsingFile); moveFile(src, dst); final FileInfo fi = job.getFileInfo(outputFile); if (fi != null) { job.remove(fi); } } } } catch (final Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } private void addStubElements() { stub = rootTopicref.getOwnerDocument().createElement(ELEMENT_STUB); siblingStub = rootTopicref.getOwnerDocument().createElement(ELEMENT_STUB); if (rootTopicref.hasChildNodes()) { final NodeList list = rootTopicref.getElementsByTagName(MAP_TOPICMETA.localName); if (list.getLength() > 0) { final Node node = list.item(0); final Node nextSibling = node.getNextSibling(); // no sibling so node is the last child if (nextSibling == null) { node.getParentNode().appendChild(stub); } else { // has sibling node node.getParentNode().insertBefore(stub, nextSibling); } } else { // no topicmeta tag. rootTopicref.insertBefore(stub, rootTopicref.getFirstChild()); } } else { rootTopicref.appendChild(stub); } } private void removeStubElements() { stub.getParentNode().removeChild(stub); siblingStub.getParentNode().removeChild(siblingStub); } /** * get the document node of a topic file. * * @param absolutePathToFile topic file * @return element. */ private Element getTopicDoc(final URI absolutePathToFile) { final DocumentBuilder builder = getDocumentBuilder(); try { final Document doc = builder.parse(absolutePathToFile.toString()); return doc.getDocumentElement(); } catch (final SAXException | IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to parse " + absolutePathToFile + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } private URI resolve(final URI base, final String file) { assert base.isAbsolute(); assert base.toString().startsWith(job.tempDirURI.toString()); final FileInfo srcFi = job.getFileInfo(base); final URI dst; if (file != null) { dst = srcFi.result.resolve(file); } else { dst = setPath(srcFi.result, srcFi.result.getPath() + FILE_EXTENSION_CHUNK); } final URI tmp = tempFileNameScheme.generateTempFileName(dst); if (job.getFileInfo(tmp) == null) { job.add(new FileInfo.Builder(srcFi).result(dst).uri(tmp).build()); } return job.tempDirURI.resolve(tmp); } // SAX methods @Override public void startElement(final String uri, final String localName, final String qName, final Attributes atts) throws SAXException { final String cls = atts.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CLASS); final String id = atts.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID); if (skip && skipLevel > 0) { skipLevel++; } try { if (TOPIC_TOPIC.matches(cls)) { topicSpecSet.add(qName); if (include && !CHUNK_SELECT_TOPIC.equals(selectMethod)) { // chunk="by-topic" and next topic element found outputStack.push(output); outputFileNameStack.push(outputFile); outputFile = generateOutputFilename(id); output = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFile)), UTF8); // final FileInfo fi = generateFileInfo(outputFile); // job.add(fi); changeTable.put(outputFile, outputFile); if (id != null) { changeTable.put(setFragment(currentParsingFile, id), setFragment(outputFile, id)); } else { changeTable.put(currentParsingFile, outputFile); } // write xml header and workdir PI to the new generated file writeStartDocument(output); if (!OS_NAME.toLowerCase().contains(OS_NAME_WINDOWS)) { writeProcessingInstruction(output, PI_WORKDIR_TARGET, new File(currentFile).getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); } else { writeProcessingInstruction(output, PI_WORKDIR_TARGET, UNIX_SEPARATOR + currentFile.resolve(".")); } writeProcessingInstruction(output, PI_WORKDIR_TARGET_URI, currentFile.resolve(".").toString()); // create a new child element in separate case topicref is equals to parameter // element in separateChunk(Element element) final Element newTopicref = rootTopicref.getOwnerDocument() .createElement(MAP_TOPICREF.localName); newTopicref.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CLASS, MAP_TOPICREF.toString()); newTopicref.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_XTRF, ATTR_XTRF_VALUE_GENERATED); newTopicref.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_HREF, getRelativePath(currentFile.resolve(FILE_NAME_STUB_DITAMAP), outputFile).toString()); final Element topic = searchForNode(topicDoc, id, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID, TOPIC_TOPIC); final Element topicmeta = createTopicMeta(topic); newTopicref.appendChild(topicmeta); if (stub != null) { if (includelevel == 0 && siblingStub != null) { // if it is the following sibling topic to the first topic in ditabase // The first topic will not enter the logic at here because when meeting // with first topic in ditabase, the include value is false siblingStub.getParentNode().insertBefore(newTopicref, siblingStub); } else { stub.getParentNode().insertBefore(newTopicref, stub); } stubStack.push(stub); stub = (Element) stub.cloneNode(false); newTopicref.appendChild(stub); } } processSelect(id); } if (include) { includelevel++; final Attributes resAtts = processAttributes(atts); writeStartElement(output, qName, resAtts); } } catch (final IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void endElement(final String uri, final String localName, final String qName) throws SAXException { if (skip && skipLevel > 0) { skipLevel--; } else if (skip) { include = true; skip = false; skipLevel = 0; } if (include) { includelevel--; // prevent adding </dita> into output if (includelevel >= 0) { writeEndElement(output, qName); } if (includelevel == 0 && !CHUNK_SELECT_DOCUMENT.equals(selectMethod)) { include = false; } if (topicSpecSet.contains(qName) && !outputStack.isEmpty()) { // if it is end of topic and separate is true try { output.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } output = outputStack.pop(); outputFile = outputFileNameStack.pop(); stub.getParentNode().removeChild(stub); stub = stubStack.pop(); } } } }