Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project. * * Copyright 2004, 2005 IBM Corporation * * See the accompanying LICENSE file for applicable license. */ package org.dita.dost.reader; import; import; import org.dita.dost.exception.DITAOTXMLErrorHandler; import org.dita.dost.log.DITAOTLogger; import org.dita.dost.log.MessageUtils; import org.dita.dost.module.GenMapAndTopicListModule.TempFileNameScheme; import org.dita.dost.util.Configuration; import org.dita.dost.util.FilterUtils.Action; import org.dita.dost.util.FilterUtils.FilterKey; import org.dita.dost.util.FilterUtils.Flag; import org.dita.dost.util.FilterUtils.Flag.FlagImage; import org.dita.dost.util.Job; import org.dita.dost.util.URLUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import; import static javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX; import static javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI; import static org.dita.dost.util.Constants.*; import static org.dita.dost.util.FilterUtils.DEFAULT; import static org.dita.dost.util.URLUtils.getRelativePath; import static org.dita.dost.util.XMLUtils.*; /** * DitaValReader reads and parses the information from ditaval file which * contains the information of filtering and flagging. * * @author Zhang, Yuan Peng */ public final class DitaValReader implements AbstractReader { private static final QName REV = QName.valueOf(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REV); private Set<QName> filterAttributes; private Set<QName> flagAttributes; protected DITAOTLogger logger; protected Job job; private final Map<FilterKey, Action> filterMap; private String foregroundConflictColor; private String backgroundConflictColor; private TempFileNameScheme tempFileNameScheme; private final DocumentBuilder builder; /** List of absolute flagging image paths. */ private final List<URI> imageList; private URI ditaVal = null; private Map<QName, Map<String, Set<Element>>> bindingMap; /** List of relative flagging image paths. */ private final List<URI> relFlagImageList; /** * Default constructor of DitaValReader class. */ public DitaValReader() { super(); filterMap = new HashMap<>(); imageList = new ArrayList<>(256); relFlagImageList = new ArrayList<>(256); try { final DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); builderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (final ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } filterAttributes = Stream .of(Configuration.configuration.getOrDefault("filter-attributes", "").trim().split("\\s*,\\s*")) .map(QName::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toSet()); flagAttributes = Stream .of(Configuration.configuration.getOrDefault("flag-attributes", "").trim().split("\\s*,\\s*")) .map(QName::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } @VisibleForTesting DitaValReader(Set<QName> filterAttributes, Set<QName> flagAttributes) { this(); this.filterAttributes = Sets.union(this.filterAttributes, filterAttributes); this.flagAttributes = Sets.union(this.flagAttributes, flagAttributes); } @Override public void setLogger(final DITAOTLogger logger) { this.logger = logger; } @Override public void setJob(final Job job) { this.job = job; // XXX: This is a hack to disable temp filename generation, because in gen-list the base input dir is unknown. if (job.getInputDir() != null) { tempFileNameScheme = job.getTempFileNameScheme(); } } /** * Set the map of subject scheme definitions. The contents of the map is in pseudo-code * {@code Map<AttName, Map<ElemName, Set<Element>>>}. For default element mapping, the value is {@code *}. */ public void setSubjectScheme(final Map<QName, Map<String, Set<Element>>> bindingMap) { this.bindingMap = bindingMap; } /** Use {@link #read(URI)} instead. */ @Deprecated @Override public void read(final File input) { assert input.isAbsolute(); read(input.toURI()); } public void read(final URI input) { assert input.isAbsolute(); ditaVal = input; final Document doc; builder.setErrorHandler(new DITAOTXMLErrorHandler(ditaVal.toString(), logger)); try { doc = builder.parse(input.toString()); } catch (SAXException | IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to read DITAVAL file: " + e.getMessage(), e); return; } readDocument(doc); if (bindingMap != null && !bindingMap.isEmpty()) { final Map<FilterKey, Action> buf = new HashMap<>(filterMap); for (final Map.Entry<FilterKey, Action> e : buf.entrySet()) { refineAction(e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } } } private void readDocument(final Document doc) { final Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); final List<Element> props = toList(root.getElementsByTagName(ELEMENT_NAME_PROP)); for (final Element prop : props) { readProp(prop); } final List<Element> revprops = toList(root.getElementsByTagName(ELEMENT_NAME_REVPROP)); for (final Element revprop : revprops) { readProp(revprop); } final List<Element> styleConflicts = toList(root.getElementsByTagName("style-conflict")); for (final Element styleConflict : styleConflicts) { readStyleConflict(styleConflict); } } public void readProp(final Element elem) { final String attAction = elem.getAttribute(ELEMENT_NAME_ACTION); Action action; switch (attAction) { case "include": action = Action.INCLUDE; break; case "exclude": action = Action.EXCLUDE; break; case "passthrough": action = Action.PASSTHROUGH; break; case "flag": action = readFlag(elem); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ077F", attAction).toString()); } if (action != null) { final QName attName; if (elem.getTagName().equals(ELEMENT_NAME_REVPROP)) { attName = REV; } else { final String attValue = getValue(elem, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ATT); if (attValue != null) { if (attValue.contains(":")) { final String[] parts = attValue.split(":"); final String uri; if (parts[0].equals(XML_NS_PREFIX)) { uri = XML_NS_URI; } else { uri = elem.lookupNamespaceURI(parts[0]); } attName = new QName(uri, parts[1], parts[0]); } else { attName = QName.valueOf(attValue); } } else { attName = null; } if (attName != null && attName.equals(REV) && !filterAttributes.isEmpty() && !filterAttributes.contains(REV)) { logger.warn(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ074W").toString()); return; } } final String attValue = getValue(elem, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_VAL); final FilterKey key = attName != null ? new FilterKey(attName, attValue) : DEFAULT; insertAction(action, key); } } private Flag readFlag(Element elem) { final String style = getValue(elem, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_STYLE); return new Flag(elem.getLocalName(), getValue(elem, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLOR), getValue(elem, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_BACKCOLOR), style != null ? style.trim().split("\\s+") : null, getValue(elem, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHANGEBAR), readFlagImage(elem, "startflag"), readFlagImage(elem, "endflag")); } private FlagImage readFlagImage(final Element elem, final String name) { final NodeList children = elem.getElementsByTagName(name); if (children.getLength() != 0) { final Element img = (Element) children.item(0); URI absolute = null; if (!img.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IMAGEREF).isEmpty()) { absolute = URLUtils.toURI(img.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IMAGEREF)); URI relative; if (absolute.isAbsolute()) { relative = getRelativePath(ditaVal, absolute); } else if (!img.getAttributeNS(DITA_OT_NAMESPACE, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IMAGEREF_URI).isEmpty()) { absolute = URI.create(img.getAttributeNS(DITA_OT_NAMESPACE, ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IMAGEREF_URI)); relative = absolute; } else { relative = absolute; absolute = ditaVal.resolve(absolute); } imageList.add(absolute); relFlagImageList.add(relative); if (tempFileNameScheme != null && job.getFileInfo(absolute) == null) { final URI dstTemp = tempFileNameScheme.generateTempFileName(absolute); final Job.FileInfo.Builder fi = new Job.FileInfo.Builder().src(absolute).uri(dstTemp) .format("flag"); job.add(; } } String altText = null; final NodeList alts = img.getElementsByTagName("alt-text"); if (alts.getLength() != 0) { altText = getText(alts.item(0)); } if (absolute != null || altText != null) { return new FlagImage(absolute, altText); } } return null; } private void readStyleConflict(final Element elem) { foregroundConflictColor = getValue(elem, "foreground-conflict-color"); backgroundConflictColor = getValue(elem, "background-conflict-color"); } /** * Refine action key with information from subject schemes. */ private void refineAction(final Action action, final FilterKey key) { if (key.value != null && bindingMap != null && !bindingMap.isEmpty()) { final Map<String, Set<Element>> schemeMap = bindingMap.get(key.attribute); if (schemeMap != null && !schemeMap.isEmpty()) { for (final Set<Element> submap : schemeMap.values()) { for (final Element e : submap) { final Element subRoot = searchForKey(e, key.value); if (subRoot != null) { insertAction(subRoot, key.attribute, action); } } } } } } /** * Insert subject scheme based action into filetermap if key not present in the map * * @param subTree subject scheme definition element * @param attName attribute name * @param action action to insert */ private void insertAction(final Element subTree, final QName attName, final Action action) { if (subTree == null || action == null) { return; } final LinkedList<Element> queue = new LinkedList<>(); // Skip the sub-tree root because it has been added already. NodeList children = subTree.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { if (children.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { queue.offer((Element) children.item(i)); } } while (!queue.isEmpty()) { final Element node = queue.poll(); children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { if (children.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { queue.offer((Element) children.item(i)); } } if (SUBJECTSCHEME_SUBJECTDEF.matches(node)) { final String key = node.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_KEYS); if (key != null && !key.trim().isEmpty()) { final FilterKey k = new FilterKey(attName, key); if (!filterMap.containsKey(k)) { filterMap.put(k, action); } } } } } /** * Search subject scheme elements for a given key * @param root subject scheme element tree to search through * @param keyValue key to locate * @return element that matches the key, otherwise {@code null} */ private Element searchForKey(final Element root, final String keyValue) { if (root == null || keyValue == null) { return null; } final LinkedList<Element> queue = new LinkedList<>(); queue.add(root); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { final Element node = queue.removeFirst(); final NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { if (children.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { queue.add((Element) children.item(i)); } } if (SUBJECTSCHEME_SUBJECTDEF.matches(node)) { final String key = node.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_KEYS); if (keyValue.equals(key)) { return node; } } } return null; } /** * Insert action into filetermap if key not present in the map */ private void insertAction(final Action action, final FilterKey key) { if (filterMap.get(key) == null) { filterMap.put(key, action); } else { logger.warn(MessageUtils.getMessage("DOTJ007W", key.toString()).toString()); } } /** * Return the image list. * @return image list */ public List<URI> getImageList() { return imageList; } /** * Return the filter map. * @return filter map */ public Map<FilterKey, Action> getFilterMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(filterMap); } /** * reset filter map. */ public void filterReset() { filterMap.clear(); } /** * get image list relative to the .ditaval file. * @return image list */ public List<URI> getRelFlagImageList() { return relFlagImageList; } public String getForegroundConflictColor() { return foregroundConflictColor; } public String getBackgroundConflictColor() { return backgroundConflictColor; } }