Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of the DITA Open Toolkit project.
 * Copyright 2016 Jarno Elovirta
 *  See the accompanying LICENSE file for applicable license.

package org.dita.dost;

import nu.validator.htmlparser.dom.HtmlDocumentBuilder;
import org.dita.dost.util.FileUtils;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
import static;
import static org.dita.dost.TestUtils.assertXMLEqual;
import static org.dita.dost.util.Constants.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;

public class AbstractIntegrationTest {

     * Message codes where duplicates are ignored in message count.
    private static final String[] ignoreDuplicates = new String[] { "DOTJ037W" };

    private String name;
    private Transtype transtype;
    private String[] targets;
    private Path input;
    private Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
    private List<TestListener.Message> log;
    private File actDir;
    private int warnCount = 0;
    private int errorCount = 0;

    public static AbstractIntegrationTest builder() {
        return new AbstractIntegrationTest();

    public AbstractIntegrationTest name(String name) { = name;
        return this;

    public AbstractIntegrationTest transtype(Transtype transtype) {
        this.transtype = getTranstype(transtype);
        return this;

    Transtype getTranstype(Transtype transtype) {
        return transtype;

    public AbstractIntegrationTest targets(String... targets) {
        this.targets = targets;
        return this;

    public AbstractIntegrationTest input(Path input) {
        this.input = input;
        return this;

    public AbstractIntegrationTest put(String key, Object value) {
        this.args.put(key, value);
        return this;

    public AbstractIntegrationTest warnCount(int warnCount) {
        this.warnCount = warnCount;
        return this;

    public AbstractIntegrationTest errorCount(int errorCount) {
        this.errorCount = errorCount;
        return this;

    enum Transtype {
        PREPROCESS("xhtml", true, "build-init", "preprocess"), XHTML("xhtml", false, "dita2xhtml"), HTML5("html5",
                false, "dita2html5"), PDF("pdf", false, "dita2pdf2"), ECLIPSEHELP("eclipsehelp", false,
                        "dita2eclipsehelp"), HTMLHELP("htmlhelp", false, "dita2htmlhelp"), PREPROCESS2("xhtml",
                                true, "build-init", "preprocess2"), XHTML_WITH_PREPROCESS2("xhtml", false,
                                        "dita2xhtml.init", "build-init", "preprocess2", "xhtml.topics",

        final String name;
        final boolean compareTemp;
        final String[] targets;

        Transtype(String name, boolean compareTemp, String... targets) {
   = name;
            this.compareTemp = compareTemp;
            this.targets = targets;

        public String toString() {

    protected static final Map<String, Pattern> htmlIdPattern = new HashMap<>();
    protected static final Map<String, Pattern> ditaIdPattern = new HashMap<>();
    private static final String TEMP_DIR = "temp_dir";
    private static final String BASEDIR = "basedir";
    private static final String DITA_DIR = "dita_dir";
    private static final String LOG_LEVEL = "log_level";
    private static final String TEST = "test";
    private static final String SRC_DIR = "src";
    private static final String EXP_DIR = "exp";
    private static final Collection<String> canCompare = Arrays.asList("html5", "xhtml", "eclipsehelp", "htmlhelp",
            "preprocess", "pdf");
    private static final File ditaDir = new File(
            System.getProperty(DITA_DIR) != null ? System.getProperty(DITA_DIR) : "src" + File.separator + "main");
    private static final File baseDir = new File(
            System.getProperty(BASEDIR) != null ? System.getProperty(BASEDIR) : "src" + File.separator + "test");
    private static final File baseTempDir = new File(
            System.getProperty(TEMP_DIR) != null ? System.getProperty(TEMP_DIR)
                    : "build" + File.separator + "tmp" + File.separator + "integrationTest");
    static final File resourceDir = new File(baseDir, "resources");
    private static DocumentBuilder db;
    private static HtmlDocumentBuilder htmlb;
    private static int level;

    static {
        final String SAXON_ID = "d\\d+e\\d+";
        htmlIdPattern.put("id", Pattern.compile("(.*__)" + SAXON_ID + "|" + SAXON_ID + "(.*)"));
        htmlIdPattern.put("href", Pattern.compile("#.+?/" + SAXON_ID + "|#(.+?__)?" + SAXON_ID + "(.*)"));
        htmlIdPattern.put("headers", Pattern.compile(SAXON_ID + "(.*)"));

        ditaIdPattern.put("id", htmlIdPattern.get("id"));
        ditaIdPattern.put("href", Pattern.compile("#.+?/" + SAXON_ID + "|#(.+?__)?" + SAXON_ID + "(.*)"));

    public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
        final DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        htmlb = new HtmlDocumentBuilder();
        final String l = System.getProperty(LOG_LEVEL);
        level = l != null ? Integer.parseInt(l) : -2;

    private static boolean isWindows() {
        final String osName = System.getProperty("");
        return osName.startsWith("Windows");

    public void cleanUp() {
        // remove temp & output

    protected File test() throws Throwable {
        final File actDir = run();
        return actDir;

    protected File run() throws Throwable {
        final File testDir = Paths.get("src", "test", "resources", name).toFile();
        final File srcDir = new File(testDir, SRC_DIR);
        final File outDir = new File(baseTempDir, testDir.getName() + File.separator + "out");
        final File tempDir = new File(baseTempDir, testDir.getName() + File.separator + "temp");

        final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder();
        args.forEach((k, v) -> {
            if (v instanceof Path) {
                builder.put(k, new File(srcDir, v.toString()).getAbsolutePath());
            } else if (v instanceof String) {
                builder.put(k, v.toString());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        builder.put("args.input", new File(srcDir, input.toFile().toString()).getAbsolutePath());
        final Map<String, String> params =;

        try {
            this.log = runOt(testDir, transtype, tempDir, outDir, params, targets);
            assertEquals("Warn message count does not match expected", warnCount,
                    countMessages(log, Project.MSG_WARN));
            assertEquals("Error message count does not match expected", errorCount,
                    countMessages(log, Project.MSG_ERR));

            this.actDir = transtype.compareTemp ? tempDir : outDir;
        } catch (final RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (final Throwable e) {
            if (log != null && level >= 0) {
            throw new Throwable("Case " + testDir.getName() + " failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return new File(actDir,;

    protected AbstractIntegrationTest compare() throws Throwable {
        final File exp = Paths.get("src", "test", "resources", name, EXP_DIR, transtype.toString()).toFile();
        final File act = actDir.toPath().resolve(transtype.toString()).toFile();

        compare(exp, act);
        return this;

    protected void test(final String name) throws Throwable {
        final File testDir = Paths.get("src", "test", "resources", name).toFile();

        final File expDir = new File(testDir, EXP_DIR);
        final File actDir = new File(baseTempDir, testDir.getName() + File.separator + "testresult");
        List<TestListener.Message> log = null;
        try {
            log = run(testDir, expDir.list(), actDir);
            compare(expDir, actDir);
        } catch (final RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (final Throwable e) {
            if (log != null && level >= 0) {
            throw new Throwable("Case " + testDir.getName() + " failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    private void outputLog(List<TestListener.Message> log) {
        System.err.println("Log start");
        for (final TestListener.Message m : log) {
            if (m.level <= level) {
                switch (m.level) {
                case -1:
                case Project.MSG_ERR:
                    System.err.print("ERROR: ");
                case Project.MSG_WARN:
                    System.err.print("WARN:  ");
                case Project.MSG_INFO:
                    System.err.print("INFO:  ");
                case Project.MSG_VERBOSE:
                    System.err.print("VERBO: ");
                case Project.MSG_DEBUG:
                    System.err.print("DEBUG: ");
        System.err.println("Log end");

    private int countMessages(final List<TestListener.Message> messages, final int level) {
        int count = 0;
        final Set<String> duplicates = new HashSet<>();
        messages: for (final TestListener.Message m : messages) {
            if (m.level == level) {
                for (final String code : ignoreDuplicates) {
                    if (m.message.contains(code)) {
                        if (duplicates.contains(code)) {
                            continue messages;
                        } else {
        return count;

     * Run test conversion
     * @param d          test source directory
     * @param transtypes list of transtypes to test
     * @return list of log messages
     * @throws Exception if conversion failed
    private List<TestListener.Message> run(final File d, final String[] transtypes, final File resDir)
            throws Exception {
        if (transtypes.length == 0) {
            return emptyList();

        final File tempDir = new File(baseTempDir, d.getName() + File.separator + "temp");

        final TestListener listener = new TestListener(System.out, System.err);
        final PrintStream savedErr = System.err;
        final PrintStream savedOut = System.out;
        try {
            final File buildFile = new File(d, "build.xml");
            final Project project = new Project();
            System.setOut(new PrintStream(new DemuxOutputStream(project, false)));
            System.setErr(new PrintStream(new DemuxOutputStream(project, true)));
            for (final String transtype : transtypes) {
                if (canCompare.contains(transtype)) {
                    project.setUserProperty("run." + transtype, "true");
                    if (transtype.equals("pdf") || transtype.equals("pdf2")) {
                        project.setUserProperty("pdf.formatter", "fop");
                        project.setUserProperty("fop.formatter.output-format", "text/plain");
            project.setUserProperty("generate-debug-attributes", "false");
            project.setUserProperty("preprocess.copy-generated-files.skip", "true");
            project.setUserProperty("ant.file", buildFile.getAbsolutePath());
            project.setUserProperty("ant.file.type", "file");
            project.setUserProperty("dita.dir", ditaDir.getAbsolutePath());
            project.setUserProperty("result.dir", resDir.getAbsolutePath());
            project.setUserProperty("temp.dir", tempDir.getAbsolutePath());
            ProjectHelper.configureProject(project, buildFile);
            final Vector<String> targets = new Vector<>();

            assertEquals("Warn message count does not match expected", getMessageCount(project, "warn"),
                    countMessages(listener.messages, Project.MSG_WARN));
            assertEquals("Error message count does not match expected", getMessageCount(project, "error"),
                    countMessages(listener.messages, Project.MSG_ERR));
        } finally {
            return listener.messages;

     * Run test conversion
     * @param srcDir    test source directory
     * @param transtype transtype to test
     * @return list of log messages
     * @throws Exception if conversion failed
    private List<TestListener.Message> runOt(final File srcDir, final Transtype transtype, final File tempBaseDir,
            final File resBaseDir, final Map<String, String> args, final String[] targets) throws Exception {
        final File tempDir = new File(tempBaseDir, transtype.toString());
        final File resDir = new File(resBaseDir, transtype.toString());

        final TestListener listener = new TestListener(System.out, System.err);
        final PrintStream savedErr = System.err;
        final PrintStream savedOut = System.out;
        try {
            final File buildFile = new File(ditaDir, "build.xml");
            final Project project = new Project();
            System.setOut(new PrintStream(new DemuxOutputStream(project, false)));
            System.setErr(new PrintStream(new DemuxOutputStream(project, true)));
            if (transtype.equals("pdf") || transtype.equals("pdf2")) {
                project.setUserProperty("pdf.formatter", "fop");
                project.setUserProperty("fop.formatter.output-format", "text/plain");
            project.setUserProperty("generate-debug-attributes", "false");
            project.setUserProperty("preprocess.copy-generated-files.skip", "true");
            project.setUserProperty("ant.file", buildFile.getAbsolutePath());
            project.setUserProperty("ant.file.type", "file");
            project.setUserProperty("dita.dir", ditaDir.getAbsolutePath());
            project.setUserProperty("output.dir", resDir.getAbsolutePath());
            project.setUserProperty("dita.temp.dir", tempDir.getAbsolutePath());
            project.setUserProperty("clean.temp", "no");
            args.entrySet().forEach(e -> project.setUserProperty(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));

            ProjectHelper.configureProject(project, buildFile);
            final Vector<String> ts = new Vector<>();
            if (targets != null) {
            } else {

            return listener.messages;
        } finally {

    private int getMessageCount(final Project project, final String type) {
        int errorCount = 0;
        if (isWindows() && project.getProperty("exp.message-count." + type + ".windows") != null) {
            errorCount = Integer.parseInt(project.getProperty("exp.message-count." + type + ".windows"));
        } else if (project.getProperty("exp.message-count." + type) != null) {
            errorCount = Integer.parseInt(project.getProperty("exp.message-count." + type));
        return errorCount;

    private void compare(final File expDir, final File actDir) throws Throwable {
        final Collection<String> files = getFiles(expDir, actDir);
        for (final String name : files) {
            final File exp = new File(expDir, name);
            final File act = new File(actDir, name);
            if (exp.isDirectory()) {
                compare(exp, act);
            } else {
                final String ext = FileUtils.getExtension(name);
                try {
                    if (ext == null) {
                    } else if (ext.equals("html") || ext.equals("htm") || ext.equals("xhtml")
                            || ext.equals("hhk")) {
                        assertXMLEqual(parseHtml(exp), parseHtml(act));
                    } else if (ext.equals("xml") || ext.equals("dita") || ext.equals("ditamap")) {
                        assertXMLEqual(parseXml(exp), parseXml(act));
                    } else if (ext.equals("txt")) {
                        assertArrayEquals(readTextFile(exp), readTextFile(act));
                } catch (final RuntimeException ex) {
                    throw ex;
                } catch (final Throwable ex) {
                    throw new Throwable("Failed comparing " + exp.getAbsolutePath() + " and "
                            + act.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);

    final Set<String> compareable = ImmutableSet.of("html", "htm", "xhtml", "hhk", "xml", "dita", "ditamap", "txt");
    final Set<String> ignorable = ImmutableSet.of("schemekeydef.xml", "keydef.xml", "subrelation.xml", ".job.xml");

    private Collection<String> getFiles(File expDir, File actDir) {
        final FileFilter filter = f -> f.isDirectory()
                || (compareable.contains(FileUtils.getExtension(f.getName())) && !ignorable.contains(f.getName()));
        final Set<String> buf = new HashSet<>();
        final File[] exp = expDir.listFiles(filter);
        if (exp != null) {
        final File[] act = actDir.listFiles(filter);
        if (act != null) {
        return buf;

     * Read text file into a string.
     * @param f file to read
     * @return file contents
     * @throws IOException if reading file failed
    private String[] readTextFile(final File f) throws IOException {
        final List<String> buf = new ArrayList<>();
        try (final BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f), "UTF-8"))) {
            String l;
            while ((l = r.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            throw new IOException("Unable to read " + f.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + e.getMessage());
        return buf.toArray(new String[buf.size()]);

    private Document parseHtml(final File f) throws SAXException, IOException {
        Document d = htmlb.parse(f);
        d = removeCopyright(d);
        return rewriteIds(d, htmlIdPattern);

    private Document parseXml(final File f) throws SAXException, IOException {
        final Document d = db.parse(f);
        final NodeList elems = d.getElementsByTagName("*");
        for (int i = 0; i < elems.getLength(); i++) {
            final Element e = (Element) elems.item(i);
            // remove debug attributes
            // remove DITA version and domains attributes
            // remove workdir processing instructions
        // rewrite IDs
        return rewriteIds(d, ditaIdPattern);

    private void removeWorkdirProcessingInstruction(final Element e) {
        Node n = e.getFirstChild();
        while (n != null) {
            final Node next = n.getNextSibling();
            if (n.getNodeType() == Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE && (n.getNodeName().equals(PI_WORKDIR_TARGET)
                    || n.getNodeName().equals(PI_WORKDIR_TARGET_URI))) {
            n = next;

    private Document removeCopyright(final Document doc) {
        final NodeList ns = doc.getElementsByTagName("meta");
        for (int i = 0; i < ns.getLength(); i++) {
            final Element e = (Element) ns.item(i);
            final String name = e.getAttribute("name");
            if (name.equals("copyright") || name.equals("DC.rights.owner")) {
        return doc;

    private Document rewriteIds(final Document doc, final Map<String, Pattern> patterns) {
        final Map<String, String> idMap = new HashMap<>();
        AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
        final NodeList ns = doc.getElementsByTagName("*");
        for (int i = 0; i < ns.getLength(); i++) {
            final Element e = (Element) ns.item(i);
            for (Map.Entry<String, Pattern> p : patterns.entrySet()) {
                final Attr id = e.getAttributeNode(p.getKey());
                if (id != null) {
                    if (p.getKey().equals("headers")) {// split value
                        final List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
                        for (final String v : id.getValue().trim().split("\\s+")) {
                            rewriteId(v, idMap, counter, p.getValue());
                            res.add(idMap.getOrDefault(v, v));
                        id.setNodeValue(" ")));

                    } else {
                        final String v = id.getValue();
                        rewriteId(v, idMap, counter, p.getValue());
                        if (idMap.containsKey(v)) {
        return doc;

     * @param id      old ID value
     * @param idMap   ID map
     * @param counter counter
     * @param pattern pattern to test
    private void rewriteId(final String id, final Map<String, String> idMap, final AtomicInteger counter,
            final Pattern pattern) {
        final Matcher m = pattern.matcher(id);
        if (m.matches()) {
            if (!idMap.containsKey(id)) {
                final int i = counter.addAndGet(1);
                idMap.put(id, "gen-id-" + Integer.toString(i));

    static class TestListener implements BuildListener {

        private final Pattern fatalPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\w+F\\]\\[FATAL\\]");
        private final Pattern errorPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\w+E\\]\\[ERROR\\]");
        private final Pattern warnPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\w+W\\]\\[WARN\\]");
        private final Pattern infoPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\w+I\\]\\[INFO\\]");
        private final Pattern debugPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\w+D\\]\\[DEBUG\\]");

        public final List<TestListener.Message> messages = new ArrayList<>();
        final PrintStream out;
        final PrintStream err;

        public TestListener(final PrintStream out, final PrintStream err) {
            this.out = out;
            this.err = err;

        public void buildStarted(BuildEvent event) {
            messages.add(new TestListener.Message(-1, "build started: " + event.getMessage()));

        public void buildFinished(BuildEvent event) {
            messages.add(new TestListener.Message(-1, "build finished: " + event.getMessage()));

        public void targetStarted(BuildEvent event) {
            messages.add(new TestListener.Message(-1, event.getTarget().getName() + ":"));

        public void targetFinished(BuildEvent event) {
            messages.add(new TestListener.Message(-1, "target finished: " + event.getTarget().getName()));

        public void taskStarted(BuildEvent event) {
                    new TestListener.Message(Project.MSG_DEBUG, "task started: " + event.getTask().getTaskName()));

        public void taskFinished(BuildEvent event) {
                    new TestListener.Message(Project.MSG_DEBUG, "task finished: " + event.getTask().getTaskName()));

        public void messageLogged(BuildEvent event) {
            final String message = event.getMessage();
            int level;
            if (fatalPattern.matcher(message).find()) {
                level = Project.MSG_ERR;
            } else if (errorPattern.matcher(message).find()) {
                level = Project.MSG_ERR;
            } else if (warnPattern.matcher(message).find()) {
                level = Project.MSG_WARN;
            } else if (infoPattern.matcher(message).find()) {
                level = Project.MSG_INFO;
            } else if (debugPattern.matcher(message).find()) {
                level = Project.MSG_DEBUG;
            } else {
                level = event.getPriority();

            switch (level) {
            case Project.MSG_DEBUG:
            case Project.MSG_VERBOSE:
            case Project.MSG_INFO:
                // out.println(event.getMessage());

            messages.add(new TestListener.Message(level, message));

        static class Message {

            public final int level;
            public final String message;

            public Message(final int level, final String message) {
                this.level = level;
                this.message = message;

