Java tutorial
/** * diqube: Distributed Query Base. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Bastian Gloeckle * * This file is part of diqube. * * diqube is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.diqube.server.querymaster.query; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.diqube.diql.ParseException; import org.diqube.execution.ExecutablePlan; import org.diqube.execution.ExecutablePlanStep; import org.diqube.execution.ExecutionPercentage; import org.diqube.execution.RemotesTriggeredListener; import org.diqube.execution.consumers.AbstractThreadedColumnValueConsumer; import org.diqube.execution.consumers.AbstractThreadedOrderedRowIdConsumer; import org.diqube.execution.consumers.AbstractThreadedOverwritingRowIdConsumer; import org.diqube.execution.steps.ExecuteRemotePlanOnShardsStep; import org.diqube.executionenv.ExecutionEnvironment; import org.diqube.plan.ExecutionPlanBuilder; import org.diqube.plan.ExecutionPlanBuilderFactory; import org.diqube.plan.exception.ValidationException; import org.diqube.queries.QueryRegistry; import org.diqube.queries.QueryRegistry.QueryPercentHandler; import org.diqube.queries.QueryUuid.QueryUuidThreadState; import org.diqube.remote.query.thrift.RResultTable; import org.diqube.server.querymaster.query.validate.MasterExecutionRequestValidator; import org.diqube.threads.ExecutorManager; import org.diqube.thrift.base.thrift.RValue; import org.diqube.thrift.base.util.RValueUtil; import org.diqube.util.Triple; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * Fully executes a diql query and provides a callback that has a {@link RResultTable} on a query master. * * <p> * One instance of this class can be used only for executing one single query. * * @author Bastian Gloeckle */ class MasterQueryExecutor { /** Milliseconds that need to be between sending out intermediary updates */ private static final int MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_INTERMEDIARY_UPDATES_MS = 300; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MasterQueryExecutor.class); private MasterQueryExecutor.QueryExecutorCallback callback; private ExecutionPlanBuilderFactory executionPlanBuildeFactory; private volatile Map<Long, Map<String, Object>> valuesByRow = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private List<Long> orderedRowIds; private Object orderedSync = new Object(); /** Row IDs reported by a HAVING clause. These rowIDs restrict the rowIds reported by other consumers! */ private Long[] havingRowIds; private Object havingRowIdsSync = new Object(); private Object waiter = new Object(); private AtomicBoolean valuesDone = new AtomicBoolean(false); private AtomicBoolean orderedDone = new AtomicBoolean(false); private AtomicBoolean havingDone = new AtomicBoolean(false); private AtomicInteger updatesWaiting = new AtomicInteger(0); private boolean isOrdered; private List<String> selectedColumns; private boolean createIntermediaryUpdates; private RResultTable lastIntermediaryResultSent = null; private long lastIntermediaryResultSentNanoTime = Long.MIN_VALUE; private ExecutorManager executorManager; private boolean isHaving; private QueryRegistry queryRegistry; private AtomicInteger numberOfRemotesTriggered = new AtomicInteger(100); private AtomicInteger percentDoneRemotesSum = new AtomicInteger(0); private ExecutionPercentage masterExecutionPercentage; private QueryPercentHandler remotePercentHandler = new QueryPercentHandler() { @Override public void newRemoteCompletionPercentDelta(short percentDeltaOfSingleRemote) { percentDoneRemotesSum.addAndGet(percentDeltaOfSingleRemote); } }; private List<String> selectionRequests; private MasterExecutionRequestValidator masterExecutionRequestValidator; public MasterQueryExecutor(ExecutorManager executorManager, ExecutionPlanBuilderFactory executionPlanBuildeFactory, QueryRegistry queryRegistry, MasterExecutionRequestValidator masterExecutionRequestValidator, MasterQueryExecutor.QueryExecutorCallback callback, boolean createIntermediaryUpdates) { this.executorManager = executorManager; this.executionPlanBuildeFactory = executionPlanBuildeFactory; this.queryRegistry = queryRegistry; this.masterExecutionRequestValidator = masterExecutionRequestValidator; this.callback = callback; this.createIntermediaryUpdates = createIntermediaryUpdates; } /** * Prepares executing the given query. * * <p> * The returned {@link Runnable} will, when called, execute the query, block the current thread until the execution is * done and will call the callback accordingly. * * @return A triple consisting of the Runnable mentioned above, the {@link ExecutablePlan} that will be executed on * query master and the {@link ExecuteRemotePlanOnShardsStep} if there is one available in the created plan * (otherwise <code>null</code>). Note that the {@link Runnable} needs to be called in a thread that has * correct {@link QueryUuidThreadState} set (e.g. using an Executor from * {@link ExecutorManager#newQueryFixedThreadPoolWithTimeout(int, String, UUID, UUID)}). * @throws ParseException * in case the query cannot be parsed. * @throws ValidationException * in case the query cannot be validated. */ public Triple<Runnable, ExecutablePlan, ExecuteRemotePlanOnShardsStep> prepareExecution(UUID queryUuid, UUID executionUuid, String diql) throws ParseException, ValidationException { ExecutionPlanBuilder planBuilder = executionPlanBuildeFactory.createExecutionPlanBuilder(); planBuilder.fromDiql(diql); planBuilder.withFinalColumnValueConsumer(new AbstractThreadedColumnValueConsumer(null) { @Override protected void allSourcesAreDone() { valuesDone.set(true); scheduleUpdate(); } @Override protected void doConsume(String colName, Map<Long, Object> values) { for (Entry<Long, Object> valueEntry : values.entrySet()) { if (!valuesByRow.containsKey(valueEntry.getKey())) { synchronized (valuesByRow) { if (!valuesByRow.containsKey(valueEntry.getKey())) { valuesByRow.put(valueEntry.getKey(), new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); } } } valuesByRow.get(valueEntry.getKey()).put(colName, valueEntry.getValue()); } scheduleUpdate(); } }); planBuilder.withFinalOrderedRowIdConsumer(new AbstractThreadedOrderedRowIdConsumer(null) { @Override protected void allSourcesAreDone() { orderedDone.set(true); scheduleUpdate(); } @Override protected void doConsumeOrderedRowIds(List<Long> rowIds) { synchronized (orderedSync) { orderedRowIds = rowIds; } scheduleUpdate(); } }); planBuilder.withHavingResultConsumer(new AbstractThreadedOverwritingRowIdConsumer(null) { @Override protected void allSourcesAreDone() { havingDone.set(true); scheduleUpdate(); } @Override protected void doConsume(ExecutionEnvironment env, Long[] rowIds) { synchronized (havingRowIdsSync) { havingRowIds = rowIds; } scheduleUpdate(); } }); planBuilder.withRemotesTriggeredListener(new RemotesTriggeredListener() { @Override public void numberOfRemotesTriggered(AtomicInteger numberOfRemotes) { numberOfRemotesTriggered = numberOfRemotes; } }); // additionally validate query according to our validator in diqube-server. planBuilder.withAdditionalRequestValidator(masterExecutionRequestValidator); ExecutablePlan plan =; selectedColumns = plan.getInfo().getSelectedColumnNames(); selectionRequests = plan.getInfo().getSelectionRequests(); isOrdered = plan.getInfo().isOrdered(); isHaving = plan.getInfo().isHaving(); if (!isOrdered) orderedDone.set(true); if (!isHaving) havingDone.set(true); masterExecutionPercentage = new ExecutionPercentage(plan); masterExecutionPercentage.attach(); Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { queryRegistry.getOrCreateCurrentStatsManager() .setNumberOfThreads(plan.preferredExecutorServiceSize()); queryRegistry.addRemotePercentHandler(queryUuid, remotePercentHandler); Executor executor = executorManager.newQueryFixedThreadPoolWithTimeout( plan.preferredExecutorServiceSize(), "query-master-worker-" + queryUuid + "-%d", // queryUuid, executionUuid); Future<Void> planFuture = plan.executeAsynchronously(executor); processUntilPlanIsExecuted(queryUuid, planFuture); } }; Optional<ExecutablePlanStep> executeRemoteStep = plan.getSteps().stream() .filter(s -> s instanceof ExecuteRemotePlanOnShardsStep).findFirst(); return new Triple<>(r, plan, executeRemoteStep.isPresent() ? ((ExecuteRemotePlanOnShardsStep) executeRemoteStep.get()) : null); } /** * Keeps waiting for updates, potentially generates partial udpates of results and will work until all data has been * provided by the source steps and the final data update has been sent to the callback. */ private void processUntilPlanIsExecuted(UUID queryUuid, Future<Void> planFuture) { while (true) { boolean thereAreUpdates = false; try { synchronized (waiter) { // check for 0 and then wait to not block unneccesarily, see #scheduleUpdate. if (updatesWaiting.get() == 0) waiter.wait(1000); // Check if there are updates and re-set counter to 0. // This is not 100% thread safe, but should be good enough - some updates might arrive after we set the // flag and we would include those updates in the resultTable, although the counter is still increased // - in that case we might ending up sending the same values twice. But that is better than loosing // updates when setting the counter to 0 after creating the resultTable. // On the other hand, it is safe to set the counter to 0 here, as we guarantee that we'll work on all the // updates that are available right now. If we'd set the counter to 0 later on, on the other hand, we // might loose updates - we're safe to not loose any updates if we do this re-setting inside the sync block. thereAreUpdates = updatesWaiting.getAndSet(0) != 0; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // we were interrupted, let's quietly shut down this thread. logger.trace("Interrupted while waiting for plan to be executed", e); return; } if (valuesDone.get() && orderedDone.get() && havingDone.get()) { // we need to wait until "planFuture" is done, too. We though do not have a "notify" on that object, we // therefore try to poll it quickly (should not take too long, as valuesDone == true already). while (true) { try { planFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (planFuture.isDone()) { queryRegistry.removeRemotePercentHandler(queryUuid, remotePercentHandler); callback.finalResultTableAvailable(createRResultTableFromCurrentValues()); return; } } catch (TimeoutException e) { // swallow, retry. } catch (InterruptedException e) { queryRegistry.removeRemotePercentHandler(queryUuid, remotePercentHandler); logger.trace("Interrupted while waiting for plan to be executed", e); return; } catch (RuntimeException | ExecutionException e) { queryRegistry.removeRemotePercentHandler(queryUuid, remotePercentHandler); callback.exception(e); return; } } } if (createIntermediaryUpdates && thereAreUpdates) { if (System.nanoTime() >= lastIntermediaryResultSentNanoTime + (MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_INTERMEDIARY_UPDATES_MS * 1_000_000)) { RResultTable table = createRResultTableFromCurrentValues(); if (table != null) { if (lastIntermediaryResultSent == null || !table.equals(lastIntermediaryResultSent)) { short percentDone = (short) ((percentDoneRemotesSum.get() + masterExecutionPercentage.calculatePercentDone()) / (numberOfRemotesTriggered.get() + 1)); callback.intermediaryResultTableAvailable(table, percentDone); lastIntermediaryResultSent = table; lastIntermediaryResultSentNanoTime = System.nanoTime(); } } } } } } /** * Call this method when output data from the executing steps has been updated and it should be processed further (= * send out updates to the callback). */ private void scheduleUpdate() { synchronized (waiter) { updatesWaiting.incrementAndGet(); // first increment to not wait unnecesarily in #processUntilPlanIsExecuted. waiter.notifyAll(); } } /** * @return A {@link RResultTable} instance of the data that is currently available in {@link #valuesByRow} etc. */ private RResultTable createRResultTableFromCurrentValues() { List<Long> rowIds = null; synchronized (orderedSync) { if (isOrdered && orderedRowIds != null) rowIds = new ArrayList<Long>(orderedRowIds); } RResultTable res = new RResultTable(); res.setColumnNames(selectedColumns); res.setColumnRequests(selectionRequests); if ((rowIds == null || rowIds.isEmpty()) && isOrdered) // return empty table. This could be the case if the result table is actually empty. return res; if (rowIds == null || rowIds.isEmpty()) rowIds = new ArrayList<>(valuesByRow.keySet()); // TODO lines will jump? if (rowIds.isEmpty()) // Could happen if not ordered, no row Ids. Return empty table. return res; if (isHaving) { // if we have a rowId list from the HAVING execution, remove the row IDs that are not contained in that list! Long[] activeHavingRowIds; synchronized (havingRowIdsSync) { activeHavingRowIds = havingRowIds; } logger.trace("Current HAVING result: {} rows", (activeHavingRowIds != null) ? activeHavingRowIds.length : 0); if (activeHavingRowIds == null || activeHavingRowIds.length == 0) // return empty table. This could be the case if the result table is actually empty. return res; Set<Long> havingRowIds = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(activeHavingRowIds)); logger.trace("Current HAVING rows (limit): {}", Iterables.limit(havingRowIds, 100)); for (Iterator<Long> rowIdIt = rowIds.iterator(); rowIdIt.hasNext();) { Long rowId =; if (!havingRowIds.contains(rowId)) rowIdIt.remove(); } } List<List<RValue>> rows = new ArrayList<>(); for (Long rowId : rowIds) { if (!valuesByRow.containsKey(rowId)) continue; List<RValue> row = new ArrayList<>(); for (String colName : selectedColumns) row.add(RValueUtil.createRValue(valuesByRow.get(rowId).get(colName))); // fill any cells where we do not have data with an empty string. for (int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) if (row.get(i) == null) row.set(i, RValueUtil.createRValue("")); rows.add(row); } res.setRows(rows); return res; } public static interface QueryExecutorCallback { /** * An intermediary version of the result table is available. * * @param resultTable * may be <code>null</code>. * @param percentDone * approximatin of how much of the executable plan has already been executed to produce this result. */ public void intermediaryResultTableAvailable(RResultTable resultTable, short percentDone); /** * The final version of the result table is available. */ public void finalResultTableAvailable(RResultTable resultTable); /** * An exception occured. * * @param message */ public void exception(Throwable t); } }