Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Dmitry Ovchinnikov. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.dimitrovchi.conf.service; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import org.springframework.core.env.Environment; /** * * @author Dmitry Ovchinnikov */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class ServiceParameterUtils { static AnnotationParameters annotationParameters() { final Class<?>[] stack = ClassResolver.CLASS_RESOLVER.getClassContext(); final Class<?> caller = stack[3]; final List<Class<? extends Annotation>> interfaces = new ArrayList<>(); Class<?> topCaller = null; for (int i = 3; i < stack.length && caller.isAssignableFrom(stack[i]); i++) { final Class<?> c = stack[i]; topCaller = stack[i]; if (c.getTypeParameters().length != 0) { final TypeVariable<? extends Class<?>> var = c.getTypeParameters()[0]; final List<Class<? extends Annotation>> bounds = new ArrayList<>(var.getBounds().length); for (final Type type : var.getBounds()) { if (type instanceof Class<?> && ((Class<?>) type).isAnnotation()) { bounds.add((Class) type); } } if (bounds.size() > interfaces.size()) { interfaces.clear(); interfaces.addAll(bounds); } } } final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, List<Annotation>> annotationMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); for (int i = 3; i < stack.length && caller.isAssignableFrom(stack[i]); i++) { final Class<?> c = stack[i]; for (final Class<? extends Annotation> itf : interfaces) { final Annotation annotation = c.getAnnotation(itf); if (annotation != null) { List<Annotation> annotationList = annotationMap.get(itf); if (annotationList == null) { annotationMap.put(itf, annotationList = new ArrayList<>()); } annotationList.add(0, annotation); } } } return new AnnotationParameters(topCaller, interfaces, annotationMap); } @SuppressWarnings({ "element-type-mismatch" }) public static <P> P mergeAnnotationParameters() { final AnnotationParameters aParameters = annotationParameters(); return (P) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), aParameters.annotations.toArray(new Class[aParameters.annotations.size()]), new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if ("toString".equals(method.getName())) { return reflectToString(aParameters.topCaller.getSimpleName(), proxy); } final Class<?> annotationClass = method.getDeclaringClass(); final List<Annotation> annotations = aParameters.annotationMap.containsKey(annotationClass) ? aParameters.annotationMap.get(annotationClass) : Collections.<Annotation>emptyList(); for (final Annotation annotation : annotations) { final Object value = method.invoke(annotation, args); if (!Objects.deepEquals(method.getDefaultValue(), value)) { return value; } } return method.getDefaultValue(); } }); } public static <P> P parameters(final String prefix, final Environment environment) { final AnnotationParameters aParameters = annotationParameters(); return (P) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), aParameters.annotations.toArray(new Class[aParameters.annotations.size()]), new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if ("toString".equals(method.getName())) { return reflectToString(prefix, proxy); } return environment.getProperty(prefix + "." + method.getName(), (Class) method.getReturnType(), method.getDefaultValue()); } }); } public static String reflectToString(String name, Object proxy) { final Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (final Method method : proxy.getClass().getMethods()) { if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class || method.getDeclaringClass() == Proxy.class) { continue; } switch (method.getName()) { case "toString": case "hashCode": case "annotationType": continue; } if (method.getParameterCount() == 0) { try { map.put(method.getName(), method.invoke(proxy)); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException x) { throw new IllegalStateException(x); } } } return name + map; } static class AnnotationParameters { final Class<?> topCaller; final List<Class<? extends Annotation>> annotations; final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, List<Annotation>> annotationMap; AnnotationParameters(Class<?> topCaller, List<Class<? extends Annotation>> annotations, Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, List<Annotation>> annotationMap) { this.topCaller = topCaller; this.annotations = annotations; this.annotationMap = annotationMap; } } static final class ClassResolver extends SecurityManager { @Override protected Class[] getClassContext() { return super.getClassContext(); } static final ClassResolver CLASS_RESOLVER = new ClassResolver(); } }